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The Bobath Concept

in Adult Neurology
Bente E. Bassøe Gjelsvik
Advanced Bobath Instructor IBITA
Bergen, Norway

241 Illustrations

Stuttgart · New York
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Important note: Medicine is an ever-changing science
Gjelsvik, Bente E. Bassøe. undergoing continual development. Research and
The Bobath concept in adult neurology / clinical experience are continually expanding our
Bente E. Bassøe Gjelsvik. knowledge, in particular our knowledge of proper
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Structure of the Book V


About the Author x enabling the reader to form hypotheses

through clinical reasoning in treatment situa-
tions based on a conceptual understanding
I trained as a physiotherapist at the School of of the interaction between humans and the
Physiotherapy, Royal Victoria Infirmary, New- environment, and between the CNS, the mus-
castle-upon-Tyne, England, in 1978. For a short culoskeletal systems, movement, and function.
time I worked in a newly opened hospital in Clinical reasoning cannot be learned through
Newcastle, before I moved back to Norway with reading a book: it is developed through continu-
my husband. Since July 1978 I have worked in ous critical evaluation of one’s own practice, by
Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen; for pursuing answers through experimenting and
the first 7 years in medical wards, from 1985 to by improving one’s evidence-based knowledge. I
1996 in the Neurology Department, and since hope that this book may help the reader in this
then in the Department of Physical Medicine process.
and Rehabilitation. I have been involved in differ- The book is written for physiotherapists and
ent projects, one of which was the development occupational therapists, students, and qualified
of a rehabilitation network in Norway. This led professionals. It is mainly aimed at the clinician
to the opening of what is now the Department working with neurologically impaired indivi-
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in 1996. duals.
I have taken part in many research projects
and I have co-authored several articles.
I trained as a Bobath Instructor with the Brit-
ish Bobath Tutor Association (BBTA). I was ap- Structure of the Book
proved by the International Bobath Instructors
Training Association (IBITA) as a Bobath Instruc-
tor in 1991, and as an Advanced Bobath Instruc- The book is meant to be read in the way it is
tor in 2004. I am a specialist in neurorehabilita- structured. The chapters build on each other,
tion and have been a member of the Norwegian and the reader may miss important information
Physiotherapist Association since 1995. I have and discussions if it is primarily used as a refer-
extensive teaching experience and have taught ence book. I do hope, however, that it will be use-
courses in many countries in Europe. Currently, ful as a reference once read through.
I am the Chairperson of IBITA. Chapter 1, Applied Neurophysiology, is divided
into three parts:
x 1.1 Systems Control: This deals with some
systems and structures concerned with
Aims of This Book movement and sensorimotor integration. This
part takes a brief look at the structure and
function of parts of the CNS, and describes the
To improve the therapist’s competency in the interaction between CNS function, muscle
treatment of individuals with neurologic condi- function, function, and movement. Conse-
tions by: quences of CNS lesions and clinical reflections
x building bridges between: are discussed throughout.
– the structure and function of the central x 1.2 Plasticity: This part outlines changes in the
nervous system (CNS), the neuromuscu- CNS as a result of nature and nurture and
loskeletal systems, and the ability for as a consequence of CNS lesions. These
change (plasticity); changes form the basis for learning and are
– postural control and movement; and the therefore important to understand. Implica-
– treatment of neurologic conditions. tions for therapy are discussed.
VI Preface

x 1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after Chapter 2, Physiotherapy, discusses normal

CNS Lesions: This part attempts to put the balance and movement, and deviations from nor-
consequences of CNS lesions and plasticity mal movement as well as choices therapists may
into a clinical context. This part discusses and have for interventions.
formulates hypotheses about the cause and Chapter 3, Assessment, looks at the Interna-
effect of lesions and the sensorimotor prob- tional Classification of Functioning, Disability,
lems that patients experience. Clinical symp- and Health as a basis for assessment. Some out-
toms such as spasticity and associated reac- come measures are also briefly described.
tions are discussed. Chapter 4, Case Histories, presents the case
studies of two individuals, Sissel and Lisa.
I have used the pronoun “he” for the patient
and “she” for the therapist except where photos
show differently, although in real life the situa-
tion is often reversed.
Foreword VII


At this time we know more about the central Bobath Concept and its current interpretation of
nervous system than ever before, but to bring movement control. The basis of the text is to
about the reality of a functional recovery after a understand the structure and function of the or-
lesion is still a very serious clinical challenge to ganism, which is expressed through an under-
both patients and therapists. In this book Bente standing of posture and movement control. It is
Gjelsvik, an acknowledged Bobath Instructor a clinically oriented text concluding with two
and Clinical Specialist in Neurology, brings all detailed case histories that will be of significant
her skills to explain a concept which has evolved interest to all professions involved in the man-
over decades to address the complexities of agement of neurologic disability.
neuro-disability. She adopts a problem-solving
approach consistent with the definition of the Mary Lynch-Ellerington
VIII Acknowledgments


The first book that I published with Thieme was My husband Olav Gjelsvik is a close and criti-
in German: Form und Funktion. It is thanks to cal colleague. He is a physiotherapist and Bobath
my German editor, Eva Maria Grnewald, that Instructor and has given me valuable support, en-
her colleague Angelika-M. Findgott at Thieme couragement, and input throughout this process.
Publishers, the English branch of Thieme Verlag, My great friend and mentor Mary Lynch-Eller-
became interested in publishing an English edi- ington is a Senior Bobath Instructor and the
tion—the book you are holding in your hands professional leader of BBTA. She has, over many
now. My thanks go to both my editors. years, given me the basis for my conceptual
This English edition is based on the German understanding of the Bobath Concept. She is an
one, but it has been revised and updated. A sec- extremely generous person, sharing her insight
ond German version with the same updates and and knowledge with colleagues and course parti-
revisions has already been published. I have cipants all over the world.
done the revision and translation (from Nor- Last but not least, a special thank you to the
wegian) into English myself, with great help patients and colleagues who were willing to be
from my English colleagues at the British Bobath included in this book.
Tutors Association (BBTA): Lynne Fletcher, Janice
Champion, and Linzi Smith. Bente E Bassøe Gjelsvik
Contents IX


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Active Movement; Learned Nonuse;

The Bobaths: A Historical Overview . . 1 Neglect; Passive Movement . . . . . . . . . 125
The International Bobath Instructors Control of Associated Reactions . . . . . . 127
Training Association—IBITA . . . . . . . . . 1 Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
IBITA’s Theoretical Assumptions Carry-over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
and Clinical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 132
Strength Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
1 Applied Neurophysiology . . . . . . 5 Treadmill Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Multidisciplinary Teamwork . . . . . . . . 135
Structures Concerned with Movement Assistive Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
and Sensorimotor Integration . . . . . . 6 Medical Intervention for the Treatment
The Neuromuscular System . . . . . . . . . 6 of Spasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
The Somatosensory System, Vision,
and Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
The Brain and Spinal Cord . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.1 The International Classification of
1.2 Plasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Functioning, Disability, and Health . . 145
Neuroplasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment . . . . . . . . . 147
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
after CNS Lesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Functional Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Upper Motor Neuron Lesions . . . . . . . . 58 Body Functions and Structures . . . . . . 151
The Complex Problem of the Upper Sensation, Perception, and
Motoneuron Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Learned Nonuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
2 Physiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Clinical Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2.1 Balance and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . 68 The Aim of Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Human Movement Control . . . . . . . . . 68 3.3 Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Body Structure and Function Measures 163
Deviations from Normal Movement Activity Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
and Balance Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Self-Report Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Objective Goal Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Assessment Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Postural Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Evaluation and Documentation . . . . . . 166
Analysis of Basic Postures Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
and Postural Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Key Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4 Case Histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Selective Movement and Functional 4.1 Case History: Sissel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Past Medical History, Social History,
The Relationship between Automatic Activities, and Participation . . . . . . . . . 169
and Voluntary Movement . . . . . . . . . . 112 History of Present Illness . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Clinical Reasoning and Hypothesis . . . 175
X Contents

Physiotherapy and Clinical Reasoning . 176 Lisa’s Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

Physiotherapy: Assessment and Treat- Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
ment as a Continuous Process . . . . . . . 177 Clinical Reasoning and Hypotheses . . . 201
Evaluation at Discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Physiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
4.2 Case History: Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Social History, Activity, and Follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Medical History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Previous Training Experience and
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Current Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
The International Bobath Instructors Training Association—IBITA 1


The Bobaths: A Historical Overview carry their children as living human beings and
not lifeless dolls. She strongly advocated the
importance of a multidiciplinary approach, espe-
The following paragraphs are extracts from The cially between physiotherapists, occupational
Bobaths. A Biography of Berta and Karel Bobath by therapists, and speech therapists. The physio-
Jay Schleichkorn, PhD, PT (1992). therapist Jenny Bryce, later to become the leader
Karel Bobath and Berta Ottilie Busse were of the Centre for a long period, said that “the as-
born in Berlin, Karel in 1906, Berta in 1907. He pect which most impressed me was Berta’s deep
studied medicine and qualified as doctor in understanding of normal movement, and she ap-
1932. She graduated as gymnastic teacher from plied that understanding in the treatment of both
the Anna Herrmann school were she learned children and adults.” [p. 35] In 1990 she said that
about normal movements and different relaxa- “The lasting fascination of the concept is that it is
tion methods. Berta and Karel left for London constantly under discussion and never in danger
before the 2nd World War. of standing still…” [p. 36].
The development of the Bobath Concept for Karel sought to explain the neurophysiological
adults started 1943 when Berta was asked to background for Berta’s observations and treat-
treat Simon Elwes, a 43-year-old portrait painter ment. About the Bobath Concept, they both stated
who had suffered a stroke. “When I arrived I in 1990: “It was based purely on empirical lines by
found him in bed, his arm and hand extremely Mrs. Bobath’s observation of children and adults
stiff in flexion, his hand swollen, a bad shoulder- with neurological lesions and their response to
hand syndrome, and his leg covered up …” [p. 20] treatment… The concept is hypothetical in nature,
“Instead of doing what I had been taught—exer- although to some extent it has been confirmed and
cises, I observed the patient. Slowly, by trial and strengthened by recent research which we hope
error, by observation and deduction, I began re- will continue in the future.” [p. ix].
lating things he was doing in response to what I From 1958 Berta and Karel Bobath travel-
was doing. It worked better than anything be- led widely over large parts of the USA, Sour-
fore.” [s. xi] … “I realised for the first time that Afrika, Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and
the patient’s pulling into flexion produced his Latin-America to teach, lecture, and demonstrate
spasticity, and that spasticity was not an unalter- treatment. Berta Bobath was given an M. B.E.
able state which could only be treated by stretch- (Member of the Order of British Empire) in
ing spastic muscles.” [p. 20] Simon Elwes recov- 1978, and received many international honorary
ered well and started painting again. Berta trea- awards. Together, they have produced more
ted Simon Elwes for 18 months, and discovered than 70 publications and many unpublished
that this form of treatment only was a beginning. congress articles from 1948 till 1990.
It took many years to develop the treatment from They both died on the 20th of January 1991.
this simple way of reducing spasticity to the
problem of making the patient active and partici-
pating without returning to a spastic state.
Berta graduated as a physiotherapist in 1950
The International
from The Chartered Society for Physiotherapists. Bobath Instructors Training
Karel and Berta’s first Center opened in 1951, Association—IBITA
and in 1957 “The Western Cerebral Palsy Centre”
was established. Both children and adults with
different neurological disorders were treated There have been large and significant develop-
there, with the main emphasis on children with ments in the Bobath Concept since Berta and Kar-
cerebral palsy. Berta Bobath educated the parents el’s time. Technological developments have revo-
in handling of their children through daily activ- lutionized assessment and examination proce-
ities like bathing, dressing, and how they should dures, although there are still many aspects of
2 Introduction

the function, communication, and plasticity of x To develop an evidence base for the theoreti-
the central nervous system (CNS) that remain un- cal assumptions of the Bobath Concept
known. The problems of patients whom profes- The following vision and mission statements are
sionals meet today are partly different from the from IBITA’s bylaws:
problems patients formerly had: many patients
survive due to improved acute care, they are Vision
treated in specialized units, and they are dis- Throughout the world, adults with neurological
charged earlier from hospitals and rehabilitation dysfunction will be assured of the services of an
units. They are exposed to different demands interdisciplinary team trained in neurological re-
and to many different treatment concepts or regi- habilitation, originating in the Bobath concept
mens. There is a continuous development of the- and developed in accordance with current
ory and clinical practice, and the demand for evi- knowledge.
dence-based practice is increasing. Theoretical
assumptions change as new knowledge becomes Mission
available, demonstrating that the profession is in 1. Members of IBITA plan, organise and run
a dynamic state of development. Emerson Pugh courses worldwide to train physical, occupa-
stated in 1977 that “If the brain were so simple tional and speech therapists, medical doctors
that we could understand it, we would be so sim- and registered nurses in the assessment and
ple that we could not.” Medical “truths” have a treatment of adults with lesions of the central
short life. As clinicians we need to be humble, nervous system.
accept that science changes, and develop our 2. Members of IBITA ensure that their teaching
knowledge. At the same time, we have to be care- and clinical practice is founded upon and re-
ful not to throw away clinical knowledge based flects current understanding of motor control,
on reasoning and experience, even if the inter- neural and muscle plasticity, motor learning
ventions have not yet been proved. Many of our and biomechanics, integrated within the
interventions are not documented or researched. Bobath concept.
Changes witnessed by the therapist and experi- 3. Members of IBITA recognise the importance of
enced by the patient together in clinical practice evidence-based practice and evaluate the re-
may not show on the clinical scales that are used search literature critically in order to imple-
today due to the insensitivity of many of the out- ment such practice.
come measures that exist. Qualitative methods 4. Members of IBITA strive constantly to improve
are still lacking in clinical practice and research their own standards of clinical expertise and
(Bhakta et al. 1996, Sampaio et al. 1997, Gelber to impart their knowledge and skills.
and Jozefczyk 1999, Mant 1999, Lagalla et al. 5. Members of IBITA play an active role in the
2000, Malterud 2001a, b). training of new instructors.
The International Bobath Instructors Training 6. Members of IBITA are aware of the need for re-
Association (IBITA) was founded in 1984 and is search into the theoretical assumptions and
a worldwide organization of qualified IBITA clinical outcomes of treatment, and undertake
instructors. Today there are approximately 250 to publish their findings.
members of IBITA. 7. Members of IBITA accept their role in educa-
IBITA’s roles are: tion and empowerment of the patient, family
x To develop and document guidelines and rules and other caregivers.
and regulations for international courses in 8. Members of IBITA promote at all times the vi-
the treatment of adults with neurologic con- sion, mission and objectives of IBITA, in their
ditions clinical and teaching practice as well as in
x To develop standards for evaluation of inter- interaction with other professionals, with
national courses national and international organisations and
x To develop competency standards for in- with the public.
structors and course participants
x To develop guidelines for the training and
qualification of instructors
IBITA’s Theoretical Assumptions and Clinical Practice 3

IBITA’s Theoretical Assumptions

and Clinical Practice

IBITA is continuously discussing its theoretical

assumptions in the light of new knowledge, and
seeks to bridge the gap between theory and clin-
ical practice. Therefore, theoretical assumptions
and statements regarding clinical practice are
regularly reviewed and revised. The reader is
recommended to read the current document on
IBITA’s website (
IBITA’s Theoretical Assumptions and Clinical Practice 5

1 Applied 1.1 Systems Control: Systems and

Structures Concerned with
Neurophysiology Movement and Sensorimotor
Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Plasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.3 Consequences of and Reorgani-
zation after CNS Lesions . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Knowledge of the functions of the central ner- – Systems within the spinal cord and brain:
vous system (CNS) has historically been drawn Systems important for movement and analysis
from experimental studies on animals. In recent of movement in a clinical situation
years, developments in movement science have x Plasticity: How the brain is structurally and
led to studies being undertaken mostly on nor- functionally modified by the information it
mal, healthy people. More recently, advances receives
in noninvasive neuroimaging techniques have x Lesions and reorganization: Consequences of
made it possible not only to study local changes damage to the CNS
in the brain function of people with CNS lesions The chapter includes a simplified presentation of
but also to follow changes in the CNS over time. the aspects of CNS function that are particularly
Techniques such as functional magnetic reso- relevant in the production and development of
nance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomo- sensorimotor function. The reader is advised to
graphy (PET), transcranial magnetic stimulation review other relevant publications for revision
(TMS), electroencephalography (EEG), and mag- and more in-depth information (e. g., Brodal’s
net encephalography (MEG) show changes in The Central Nervous System and Kandel et al.’s
the structure of the brain and how these correlate Principles of Neural Science). The integrated
with changes in the patient’s physical function- model of human movement, in which all sys-
ing post-lesion (Academy of Medical Sciences tems—sensory, motor, perceptual, and cogni-
2004, Ward and Cohen 2004). tive—have important roles in making movement
Knowledge about neurophysiology, normal efficient and in the context of the individual
movement, and deviations from normal move- will be discussed. No system works in isolation;
ment forms the basis for clinical reasoning. This all systems—network with other systems, they
chapter therefore aims to discuss movement receive, integrate, and pass on information, and
and the post-lesion alterations in movement they affect and are affected by other systems.
and covers: “Movement is the output of a hybrid functional
x Systems control: Systems and structures system interlinked to its environment in which
concerned with movement and sensorimotor sensory, cognitive and motor processes interact”
integration (Mulder et al. 1996). Motor behavior is the result
– The neuromuscular system: The muscular of integration between the individual, the task,
system, plasticity, communication with the and the environment in which action is being
spinal cord performed. Different systems have different
– The somatosensory system, vision, and roles in different contexts to make behavior ap-
balance: The connection between somato- propriate to the moment.
sensory system, vision, and movement in Localizing CNS function is a complex task and
relation to stereognostic sense and balance has undergone huge advancements from the
6 1 Applied Neurophysiology

science of phrenology, in which “bumps” on a Structure and Function of Skeletal

person’s skull were thought to represent a spe- Muscle
cially developed brain area, to imaging tech-
Skeletal muscle contains contractile and noncon-
niques that permit us to see the human brain in
tractile elements and specialized sense organs or
action. Different regions of the brain are specia-
receptors. The contractile elements are the extra-
lized for different functions and yet the organiza-
fusal muscle fibers and ends of the muscle spin-
tion of the CNS is known as parallel distributed
dles. The noncontractile elements are the connec-
processing. Many sensory, motor, and cognitive
tive tissue and sense organs (the Golgi tendon
functions are served by more than one pathway.
organ and muscle spindles). Muscle tone is re-
To some degree, this helps regions or pathways
lated to the state of muscle fibers, the activity
to partially compensate for each other if damage
of the sense organs, viscosity, and the state of
occurs (Kandel et al. 2000).
the fibrous tissue.

Skeletal Muscle Fibers

These are divided into three main groups and
1.1 Systems Control: Systems
several subgroups. The three main groups are:
and Structures Concerned x Type 1, also called ST (slow twitch; Brodal
with Movement and 2001) or SO (slow oxidative; Kidd et al. 1992,
Sensorimotor Integration Rothwell 1994). This fiber type is often
described as red due to its high content of
myoglobin. Type 1 fibers have a high level of
The Neuromuscular System endurance, are precise in their action, and
produce a moderate amount of power. The
The structure and function of the muscular and action of these fibers is often referred to as
nervous systems have to be discussed together. tonicity due to the ability of the fibers to
CNS and motor activity influence each other. maintain dynamic contraction over time; they
Movement is the end result of the action of ske- are mostly found in the areas of the body
letal muscles as a result of CNS processing. Pro- where maintenance of activity against gravity
cessing within the CNS is a result of information is the main function. They have a stabilizing
sent to the system about the desire or require- function through their precise grading of
ment to act, based on a need to interact with activity. Tonic activity is dynamic, and the
the environment. The individual, the functional word tonicity refers to something that is
task, and the environment in which movement “characterized by tension or contraction,
is being performed require appropriate process- esp. muscular tension” (Taber’s Cyclopedic
ing and function within the CNS and muscular Medical Dictionary 1997). The motor units
systems. The muscular system and the CNS ex- containing type 1 fibers are characterized as S
change information and demands continuously. (slow to fatigue; Rothwell 1994).
The muscular system is specialized in its struc-
ture and function to meet the needs of a variety
of movements in different settings to perform a
multitude of tasks. The neuromuscular system
has an adaptive capacity. Changes in the informa-
tion sent by the CNS to the muscular system may
alter the structure and function of the muscula-
ture, and vice versa (altered use of the muscles
due to CNS lesions may result in changes in the
structure and function of the CNS).
Thus, on the basis of the interdependence
between these systems, this chapter is called
“The Neuromuscular System.”
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 7

Examples Muscle fibers are able to alter their fiber type to

The soleus muscle is continuously active during some degree in relation to use (Brodal 1998). At
standing and walking. Therefore it needs to have high birth most muscles are composed of slow (type
endurance and consists of tonic/type 1 motor units. 1) muscles and only as the body matures does
The soleus muscle is characterized as a postural the final proportion of slow and fast muscles
muscle. emerge (Langton 1998). Athletes have different
The small muscles of the hand, the interossei, and the distributions of muscle fiber types depending
lumbricals also mostly have type 1 fibers (Rothwell on their preferred sport. Long-distance run-
1994). The small muscles of the hand stabilize the ners, cyclists, and cross-country skiers have a
palm and the metacarpophalangeal joints and pro- larger percentage of type 1 red fibers, whereas
vide the hand with a postural background for indivi- weight-lifters, short-distance runners—sports
dual finger movement and precise fine motor con- that require rapid production of force—have a lar-
trol. ger percentage of white type 2 fibers. Partly, this
The small muscles of the foot have a stabilizing is probably due to the individual genetic profiles
function for maintenance of equilibrium of the body. but muscle plasticity forms a major basis for the
The small muscles of the back are important for pos- physiologic adaptation to our external environ-
tural control of the trunk and therefore core stability. ment.
Examples of muscle plasticity are adapting to
x Type 2 fibers are also called FT (fast twitch) exercise, effects of a microgravity environment,
because they have a faster contraction speed aging, and different pathophysiologic conditions.
than type 1 fibers. These muscle fiber types Muscle plasticity can be both beneficial and
are described as white and have a low oxida- maladaptive. Muscle cells display a tremendous
tive capacity with little endurance but in- ability to adapt to new levels of gene expression
creased tempo and force production. They are in response to a wide range of environmental
phasic by nature, and their main function is demands and clinical conditions (Sieck 2001).
production of movement. The motor units are Gene expression is the process by which a gene’s
classified as FF (fast, fatigable). Type 2 fibers information is converted into the structures and
are further subdivided into: functions of a cell (Wikipedia 2006). Alteration
– Type 2A or FOG (fast oxidative glycolytic; of muscle fiber types is a result of changed gene
Rothwell 1994). The motor units are clas- expression. This may be termed use-dependent
sified as FR (fatigue resistant) because they plastic adaptation.
have more endurance Trials using electrostimulation have demon-
strated that muscle fibers may change if the
Example information to the muscle fibers and functional
The gastrocnemius muscle has an important role demand are altered (Kidd 1986, Langton 1998).
in force production during locomotion, running,
jumping, moving on uneven ground, and climbing Muscles are able to alter their fiber type to
steps, which require both endurance and force. some degree in relation to use.
The muscle therefore has a larger proportion of
FOG muscle fibers.
Contraction of skeletal muscle is caused by gra-
dual overlap of actin and myosin filaments
– Type 2B are the truly white fibers (Brodal within the muscle cell or fiber. A muscle fiber is
2001). The motor units are classified as FG composed of many areas of overlapping myosin
(fast glycolytic; Rothwell 1994) and have low and actin called sarcomeres. The numbers of
endurance and produce a lot of force sarcomeres determine the length of a muscle
fiber: the more sarcomeres, the longer the mus-
Example cle. Normally, in the human body the number
The tibialis anterior muscle works intermittently of sarcomeres, and therefore the length of the
during locomotion and in standing. Its use there- muscle, is optimal for the function of the muscle.
fore is mainly aimed at phasic activity and low de- The force of contraction is therefore at its best
mands of endurance. within the range of movement where it is most
8 1 Applied Neurophysiology

needed. The sarcomeres are able to produce very may be fewer than 10 muscle fibers within a
little force if the fiber is overstretched or kept in a unit, such as the external eye muscles, or more
much-shortened position. The length of the mus- than 1000, as in the large muscles of the back.
cle fibers is affected by the way the muscle is The number and size of the motor units vary.
being used. If a muscle is kept in a much-short- Smaller units are found in muscles that perform
ened position over time, this may lead to an ana- precise movements with moderate strength.
tomic shortening due to loss of sarcomeres. Sahr- Mostly the smaller units contain type 1 muscle
mann (1992) states that a shortened muscle is fibers, whereas the larger units have type 2
more easily recruited than its antagonists which representation. The deltoid muscle contains
are in a lengthened position, and that as a result approximately 1000 motor units, 60 % of which
of this, the shortened muscle is stronger. She calls have type 1 fibers. The first dorsal interosseus
this biased recruitment. muscle has approximately 120 units, of which
If a muscle is kept stretched over time, it may approximately 57 % contain type 1 fibers, but in-
start “growing,” that is, the number of sarco- dividual differences exist (Rothwell 1994). Motor
meres may increase. This may cause the muscle activity of a muscle is recruited sequentially
to be too long to be able to produce the appropri- through the Henneman recruitment principle
ate amount of force needed for an activity. Sahr- (Henneman and Mendell 1981), whereby small,
mann (1992) calls this stretch weakness. slow motor units (containing type 1 muscle
fibers) are activated before the larger and faster
The length of a muscle is important for move- motor units containing phasic muscle fibers.
ment and function. The recruitment principle has been called the
size principle of recruitment by Brodal (2001)
and recruitment order by Rothwell (1994).
A motor unit comprises of an anterior horn cell The force of contraction may be graded in two
(a-motor) with its axon and the muscle fibers ways (Brodal 2001):
it innervates (Fig. 1.1). All muscle fibers in a 1. The number of motor units that are recruited.
motor unit are of the same type, and within If the number increases, so does the force pro-
any muscle there are many other motor units duction
with different fiber type representation. All con- 2. An increase in the impulse frequency of the
tact between the CNS and the muscle is through motoneuron, which also leads to increased
the peripheral nervous system. Brodal (2001) force production
states that motor units vary in size depending
on the size and function of the muscle; there

Fig. 1.1 A motor unit is comprised

of a number of muscle fibers
with the same muscle fiber type,
the a-motoneuron that innervates
it, and the axonal branches of the
a-motoneuron to the individual
muscle fibers. Muscle fibers belong-
ing to different motor units
are dispersed within the muscle.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 9

Functional Relevance
Compartmentalization describes the ability of
Small motor units that demonstrate the greatest
a muscle that crosses more than one joint
ability for endurance (“tonic activity,” sustained
to perform different functions simultaneously.
activity) occur in maximum numbers in muscles
whose the main function is postural activity,
i. e., sustained activity against gravity. Several
authors have described postural activity as the Muscle Balance
basis for function of the extremities (Dietz Muscle balance is the result of cooperation
1992, Massion 1992, 1994, Shumway-Cook and within and between many muscles or muscle
Woollacott 2006). groups surrounding a joint: agonists, antagonists,
and synergists. In humans with an intact CNS and
Motor units in a muscle are recruited sequen- musculoskeletal system the grading of activity in
tially, whereby the smaller motor units are the different muscle groups is finely tuned and
activated before the larger motor units. adapted to the relevant function and situation.
Postural stability is the basis for selective Maintenance of muscle balance depends on
movement control and function. neurologic, muscular, and biomechanical factors
(Sahrmann 1992, 2002, see also Stokes 1998):
x Muscular factors—such as the length–tension
Most muscles have a mixture of different motor
relationship of the muscle and its ability to
units. The musculature is therefore able to func-
produce force appropriately
tion in relation to different activities: a muscle x Neurologic factors—the sequence of recruit-
may have a stabilizing function in cooperation
ment of motor units within the muscle and
with some muscles or more of a mobility func-
the sequence of activation of different muscles
tion when working with others. Motor units are
or muscle groups
recruited sequentially to enable the musculature x Biomechanical factors—alignment, structure,
to grade its activity in relation to strength, syner-
and function of the joints
gistic musculature, and required function (Mas-
sion 1992). Muscles can vary their activity and
function as agonists, antagonists, or synergists Muscle Imbalance
depending on how they are being used.
Muscle imbalance may result if any of the above-
Most muscles have internal selectivity based
mentioned factors are disturbed, for instance
on the distribution of motor units and muscle
neurologic problems leading to malalignment.
fiber type and size. Motor units may be activated
differentially; some may work eccentrically at
the same time as others are working concentri-
Muscle balance depends on muscular, neuro-
logic, and biomechanical factors. Alterations in
cally to varying degrees. Anatomically defined
recruitment and the distribution of motor
muscles that cross two joints or more may excen-
activity affect alignment. Altered alignment
trically lengthen over one joint while shortening
affects muscle function.
over the other. This ability is called compartmen-
talization (van Ingen Schenau et al. 1990).
Zackowski et al. (2004) describe impaired joint
Example individuation as the inability to fix joints that
The quadriceps muscle continuously varies its activ-
should have been fixed during movement of an-
ity during locomotion; in stance phase, the proxi-
other joint, and explain this phenomenon as im-
mal part has to contract eccentrically to allow for
pairment in motor control. These authors refer
hip extension, whereas at the same time the distal
to other studies providing further evidence for
part has to work concentrically to stabilize the knee
reduced capacity of an impaired limb to generate
for weightbearing. During the initial swing, the ac-
certain muscle co-activation patterns. This may
tivity of the quadriceps is reversed; the proximal
be due to abnormal spatial tuning (distribution)
part undergoes more concentric contraction to as-
of muscle activity.
sist in swinging the leg forward whereas the distal
part works more eccentrically to allow knee flexion.
10 1 Applied Neurophysiology

Noncontractile Elements the muscle. Muscle fibers are innervated by

a-motoneurons. In a relaxed muscle there is
The connective tissue unites, supports, and holds
hardly any detectable activity in the muscle spin-
the structures of the body together. Fibrous tis-
dles, and the probability of impulse activity in
sue is elastic and supports muscles and joints as
the g-motoneurons is therefore small. The im-
well as allowing movement. With increasing
pulse frequency from the Ia afferent fibers in-
age, the fibrous tissue loses its strength and elas-
creases strongly with isometric contraction of
ticity. If fibrous tissue is kept shortened, contrac-
the muscle. This is caused by an increase of g-
tures may result (Tyldesley and Grieve 1996).
activity as the a-motoneurons stimulate the ex-
trafusal muscle fibers to contract. This is called
Sense Organs in Muscle a-g co-activation. The sensitivity of the muscle
spindle seems to increase when the muscle
Muscle Spindles
works actively. If a muscle actively contracts
Muscle spindles are specialized receptor organs
and shortens, the impulse frequency of the Ia
found in between and in parallel with muscle
fibers is maintained at a high level, which indi-
fibers in skeletal muscles. The muscle fibers of
cates that the g-motoneurons also have to in-
a muscle spindle are called intrafusal fibers. The
crease their activity (Brodal 2001). The function
muscle spindles inform the CNS of the length of
of the g-motoneuron is to maintain the sensitiv-
the muscle, length changes, and the speed of
ity of the muscle spindle during muscular activity
change via primary (Ia) and secondary (II) affer-
(Kandel et al. 2000). This system seems to be im-
ent nerve fibers (Fig. 1.2). The muscle spindle is
portant for the maintenance of tonic contrac-
innervated by a g-motoneuron, which can cause
tions, e. g., keeping the knee stable during loading
contraction and so alter the length of the spindle.
of the leg in stance phase. The musculature de-
Therefore it can modify the sensitivity of the
pends on a harmonious interplay between affer-
spindle during alterations in length or stretch of
ent information from the spindles and efferent


Thin nerve fibers

with fine branches Connective tissue
capsule of the
muscle spindle

muscle fiber

nerve Extrafusal
muscle fiber

Muscle fascia

Fig. 1.2 The muscle spindle and

the Golgi tendon organ. The muscle
Golgi tendon spindles are situated in between
organ and in parallel with the extrafusal
(skeletal) muscle fibers and are
attached to the tendon through
connective tissue.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 11

motoneuron activity. Through this, the muscle is (2006) define postural tone as activity in muscles
always ready for alterations in activity. that counteract the force of gravity in the upright
The muscle spindles inform the CNS continu- position. They state that “muscles throughout the
ously of the state of the muscle (Dietz 1992). body, not only those of the trunk, are tonically
The CNS therefore knows, all the time, about active to maintain the body in a narrowly con-
the movement that is about to happen, is hap- fined vertical position during quiet stance.”
pening, or has happened, and compares these. If They use the term ideal alignment to describe
the movement was not performed as anticipated, the increase of muscle work needed when the
the CNS may correct the activity. In this way, the body moves outside a narrowly confined vertical
CNS may modulate and control motor activity ac- position, i. e., even small ranges of movement
curately and increase the reaction to unexpected increase the demands on muscular activity. To
disturbances, for instance in balance (Brodal maintain normal function, tone needs to be high
2001). enough to allow the body to be dynamically active
The number of muscle spindles in different in relation to gravity. Postural tone is influenced
muscles vary, with greater numbers present by information from somatosensory receptors
where the need for precise grading of activity is (skin receptors in the soles of the feet and neck
necessary e. g., in the small muscles of the hand receptors among others) and visual and vestibu-
or the deep postural muscles of the back. lar input. Other factors that influence tone are
pain, fear, and input from other areas of the
Golgi Tendon Organs brain and spinal cord.
Golgi tendon organs are specialized receptors
that inform the CNS about tension changes Tone is related to the state of the muscle
within the muscle (Brodal 2001). They are inner- fibers, the activity within the sense organs,
vated by a sensory nerve fiber, the branches of muscle viscosity, and connective tissue. The
which encircle the connective tissue fibers in most important cause of alteration of tone is
the organ. The connective tissue fibers are at- muscular contraction.
tached to muscle fibers at one end and to the
tendon proper at the other end (see Fig. 1.2).
These muscle fibers belong to many different Information to the spinal cord comes from all so-
motor units. The tendon organ is therefore able matosensory receptors in the body, for instance
to detect tension changes and the distribution skin, joints, connective tissue, muscles, tendons
of activity in different motor units within the as well as from other sensory systems (vision,
muscle at the same time. hearing, equilibrium) and other motor systems
within the CNS. On any one motoneuron there
may be as many as 50 000 synapses from sense
Muscle Tone organs and receptors, and from all levels and
Tone is related to the state of the muscle fibers, pathways within the brain and spinal cord
the activity within the sense organs, muscle visc- (Fig. 1.3). Information is modulated continuously,
osity, and connective tissue. Muscle tone is an ex- and may result in motor activity. Muscle length,
pression of the stiffness of the tissue. The rela- tension, and activity will in most situations be
tionship between muscle length and tension is appropriate for the function or activity to be per-
called stiffness (Brodal 2001). The control of this formed because of this integration of information
relationship is called stiffness control. (Brodal 2001).
Muscle tone is usually the term used to de-
scribe the tension in relaxed muscle, and is also Clinical Relevance
called resting tone. Brodal (2001) states that the Many people who have suffered a CNS lesion
most important factor in changing the level of have a reduction in balance, selective control of
tone is muscular contraction. The viscoelastic movement and strength. The lesion itself, how
properties of the muscle fibers, connective tissue the person is being positioned (how he sits,
in the muscle and the muscle tendon add to this lies), demands for independence, stimulation,
to a lesser degree (see Simons and Mense 1998 training, and the person’s ability to activate and
for discussion). Shumway-Cook and Woollacott control his own body, will influence the neuro-
12 1 Applied Neurophysiology


The numerous synaptic boutons (buttons)

of the presynaptic neurons lie against the
motoneuron and its dendrites.

Myelin sheath Node of Ranvier Axon

Dendrite Dendrites

Fig. 1.3 The synaptic connections to the motoneuron. There may be as many as 50 000 synapses on one

muscular adaptations that occur over time. The and complicate and limit the patient’s choice
neuromuscular system adapts to the new situa- of movement in both the short and the long
tion and how the body is being used. This may term
lead to: x Alignment problems as a result of tonal
x Changes in the length–tension relationship, factors, use, changes in contractile and
alteration of tone noncontractile tissue will affect muscle
x Altered recruitment pattern of motor units, function
which may disrupt the ability to stabilize the x Altered somatosensory information or
body/body part as a background for movement perception may affect the patient’s ability
x Muscle imbalance (reduced interplay between to move
different muscle groups) Hypotonia and hypertonia are terms used to de-
x Muscle fiber type changes and the level and scribe tonic changes within muscle. Brodal
constitution of connective/fibrous tissue; in- (2001) describes hypotonia as reduced tone in
creased or decreased length of muscles; the the musculature. In a clinical situation, this is
muscle may be too stiff or stretched and can- perceived as reduced ability to activate muscles
not be activated efficiently and functionally appropriately and as a lower muscular tension
x Changes in the way the patient moves and or stiffness than expected in the same situation
uses his body; the need for new movement when compared with people without a CNS le-
strategies to achieve goals. When the patient sion. Hypertonia is described as a continuous in-
lacks the ability to initiate the appropriate crease in tension or stiffness even if the person
activity for a required function he find other attempts to relax (Brodal 2001). Clinically this
ways—compensatory strategies. Patients use is perceived as an inability to grade and modulate
the movement strategies available to them to tone, or as a higher muscular tension or stiffness
be functional here and now. Inappropriate than expected in the same situation when com-
activity may strengthen the above factors pared with people without a CNS lesion.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 13

In the early stages of an acute brain lesion, pa-

tients may display a more generalized paresis,
and in the setting of acute traumatic brain injury
patients may have severe hypertonia throughout
the body (opisthotone). Lesions of certain parts of
the brain stem may give a clinical picture of se-
vere low tone/paralysis, often bilaterally. How-
ever, the therapist rarely encounters patients
who are either totally hypo- or hypertonic. In
most patients, there is a mixture of muscles and
muscle groups presenting with high and low
tone and some areas with more normalized activ-
ity. Increased tone causes more stiffness of mus-
cle, less pliability and flexibility, whereas low
tone may result in instability, when the precise
grading of activity is inappropriate.
The musculature seems to lose its variability
and flexibility in CNS lesions. Altered distribution
of motor unit activity and changes in alignment
may affect muscle function negatively—the mus-
cles have new working conditions. The patient
therefore may be unable to align and recruit the
neuromuscular activity necessary to reach the
desired goal efficiently. Efficient in this context
means that the patient does not need to use
more force or exertion than would be normal
for a person without a CNS lesion.
The latissimus dorsi is anatomically described
as one muscle, but comprises many segments Fig. 1.4 Activation of the latissimus dorsi.
working together to create function. When all of
the latissimus contracts, it brings about extension
of the spine, increased lumbar lordosis combined
with internal rotation, adduction, and extension Muscle fiber changes have been shown in CNS
of the arm. During normal conditions, the latissi- lesions (Ada and Canning 1990). Inactivity due to
mus is able to activate differentially by increasing immobilization, denervation, or reduced activa-
lumbar extension at the same time as the arms tion makes the musculature prone to atrophy.
are stretched above the head, as a jumper is Muscle fiber type changes may also be present:
pulled over the neck and head while undressing Hufschmidt and Mauritz (1985) state that a
(Fig. 1.4), i. e., it contracts concentrically distally tonic transformation of muscle fibers may be
and eccentrically in relation to arm function one reason for the increased resistance to stretch
proximally—both at the same time. In my clinical experienced in spastic muscles. Phasic muscle fi-
experience with CNS lesions, it seems as if the bers may be transformed to undergo more tonic
ability of the muscle to perform differential ac- activity.
tions is disturbed. The patient’s ability to com- In many neurologic conditions it seems as if
partmentalize muscle activity may be reduced, the patient’s postural control is mostly affected.
and the muscles seem to contract in their total Clinical experience suggests that the patient
range of movement when activated. In the case uses the strategies available to him to maintain
of the latissimus dorsi, the arm tends to rotate in- balance, for instance by fixing with the arms, in-
ternally, adduct and extend together with lumbar creasing arm support, or flexing and adducting
extension when activated. If this total pattern of the hips. When the arms are used for balance,
movement is learned, the patient’s functional they are being recruited to support the body
ability and independence will be reduced. and are not free for functional use. Normally,
14 1 Applied Neurophysiology

phasic activity dominates in arms due to the need usually shortening proximally. Both lose their
for rapid movement in a variety of different con- ability to be activated functionally (Ada and
texts. When the arm muscles are recruited to Canning 1990).
maintain stability, the functional demands on Inactivity causes the amount of fibrous tissue
arm musculature change, and a gradual transfor- within the muscle to increase and the muscle be-
mation of muscle fiber type may ensue, contri- comes stiffer (Goldspink and Williams 1990). The
buting to the increased stiffness of arm muscula- opposing muscle groups, joint capsule, and liga-
ture experienced by some patients. ments may become stretched and the stiffness
Muscle length changes occur in pathologic decreases in the stretched muscle. There may
conditions of the CNS (Goldspink and Williams be, as a result, an imbalance in the supporting
1990). When patients are kept sitting for many tissues and therefore loss of stability. This may
hours each day, the hip flexors are kept in a negatively affect the patient’s ability to move.
shortened position. The muscle fibers shorten
and adapt to the position in which they are
being held. This may lead to a reduction of sarco- The Somatosensory System,
meres so the muscle becomes anatomically Vision, and Balance
shortened. When the patient attempts to stand
up or is being transferred through standing by
The Somatosensory System
helpers, the shortened muscles experience
stretch. The muscle spindles and Golgi tendon or- The term somatosensory is related to sensory ex-
gans inform the spinal cord of the stretch and periences within the body (soma). In this chapter
tension, the a-motoneurons are activated to con- the discussion will be limited to sensory informa-
tract the hip flexors to take the tension off the tion from the skin, joints, and muscles.
spindles, and the hip flexors contract too early Somatosensory information is received and
due to predisposed recruitment. So the patient carried through the peripheral nervous system;
either lifts the leg off the floor and is thereby from receptors in the body to the spinal cord.
destabilized, or is pulled down in the hips and Somatosensory information is to some degree
pelvis and is not able to reach a standing posi- modulated and integrated in the spinal cord.
tion. Information is transmitted through ascending
Conversely, the patient’s hip extensors are in a fibers that synapse with interneurons and moto-
lengthened position while sitting. As the patients neurons at spinal level as they ascend to the
may sit for many hours each day, the hip exten- brain. Somatosensory information is transmitted
sors are passively stretched and are stimulated via the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord
to “grow” in length. As a result, the number of and two ascending pathways: the anterolateral
sarcomeres may increase, which leads to the system and the dorsal column medial lemniscus
muscle being unable to produce an appropriate pathway (Fig. 1.5) (Kandel et al. 2000).
amount of force to allow the patient to stand x The anterolateral pathway comprises of the
up, maintain standing, or stabilize the hip during spinothalamic tract and the spinoreticular
the stance phase of walking. This is due to over- tract, which transmit information related to
stretch weakness. As a result, the patient may pain and pain/temperature, respectively. In-
have to use his arms for support during transfers, formation ascends contralaterally in the spinal
in standing, and walking. The use of arm support cord to the thalamus.
increases the patient’s flexor activity (pressing x The dorsal columns and the medial lemniscus
down) through the arms and trunk—the patient pathway: the gracile fascicle and cuneate fas-
therefore attempts to maintain standing through cicle and the spinocerebellar tract. The fasci-
flexor activity and negate extension. culi cuneatus and gracilis pass on information
If a patient’s arm is kept positioned on a table from receptors in the skin and joints in the
in front of him or in his lap for long periods every upper and lower part of the body, respectively,
day, there is a danger of the biceps shortening which travel ipsilaterally to the cuneate and
distally. Proximally the length changes will de- gracile nuclei in the brain stem. Here, they
pend on the position of the shoulder. Triceps cross over to form the medial lemniscus. As
will experience prolonged stretch distally and the fibers ascend further, they gradually move
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 15

Somatic sensory cortex

limb Tru
Cerebral cortex

Fo nd a
rea rea

capsule Dorsal anterior
insular cortex


Midbrain Ventral posterior lateral

and medial nuclei

Spinomesencephalic tract

Principal trigeminal nucleus

Medial lemniscus

Spinoreticular tract

Dorsal column Gracile nucleus

lemniscal tract
Cuneate nucleus
Medulla Spinal nucleus and
tract of trigeminal nerve
Dorsal root Seonsory decussation
ganglia cells
Gracile fascicle
Spinal cord
Cuneate fascicle

Fig. 1.5 The figure illustrates the dorsal column med- reticular and the spinothalamic tracts cross over as
ial lemniscus system—the sensory nerve entering the they enter the spinal cord to form the anterolateral
spinal cord, and the ipsilateral pathway to the nuclei system. From the brain stem these two systems ascend
cuneate and gracilis in the brain stem. Here the nerves together to the thalamus and to the cortex. (Redrawn
cross over to form the medial lemniscus. The spino- with permission from Kandel et al., 2000, p. 447.)

more laterally and join fibers of the spino- in making the cortex aware of sensation. The tha-
thalamic tract in the thalamus. lamus has connections to the basal ganglia, the
Somatosensory impulses are modulated in the cortex, the red nucleus, and cerebellum. As a re-
thalamus, which also receives information from sult of this network, it is able to process different
the basal ganglia, cerebellum, the eye, and audi- types of information and has a close relationship
tory nuclei. Therefore it has an important role to motor and sensory areas of the brain and to
16 1 Applied Neurophysiology

the basal ganglia. Thus it has a role in interpret- mossy fibers (see Cerebellum, page 34). They
ing the world. The somatosensory impulses send proprioceptive information to the cerebellum
leave the thalamus and travel to somatosensory from the legs—from joints and the activity within
areas of the cortex via the internal capsule. muscle, and from the muscle spindles and tendon
Direct pathways originate in the interneurons organs, i. e., information about movement and
within the spinal cord. Two such important path- about descending commands reaching the inter-
ways are the ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar neurons.
tracts, which terminate in the spinocerebellum as






Ind dle fing er
ex fing er
Mi ing ing

Th finge er

um r



Ne ead
Fo elid ll
Ey ba
ye ce
d e Fa
an Lips

Upper arm


nit To Fo LegHip
Elbo r arm



H ris
als es ot

Litt and t

Rin le fi
Mi g fin nger
In dle ger
Th dex fing

Eye umb finge er

Nos r
Face e
Lower lip
Teeth, gums, and jaw
Fig. 1.6 The sensory and motor
homunculi show the somatotopic
organization of sensory and motor
representation within the cortex.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 17

Direct pathways synapse in different precere- An inability to place the heel on the floor as the
bellar nuclei in the reticular formation of the first component of stance or to lift the heel off
brain stem. These inputs inform the cerebellum the floor as a signal for the termination of stance
about different versions of the changes in activity disrupts the ability to achieve a stable stance
in the body and its environment, and permit phase of locomotion as a prerequisite for an effi-
comparison of signals. Studies in cats walking cient swing phase.
on a treadmill have shown that these pathways
are modulated rhythmically and in phase with
Sensorimotor Integration
the step cycle. The ventral tract carries internally
generated information about central locomotor More than half of the human cortex contains as-
rhythm and the rhythmic discharge of somato- sociation areas that coordinate events arising in
sensory receptors. The dorsal tract carries infor- the motor and sensory parts of the CNS. These
mation about ongoing movement only (Kandel areas are involved in planning, thinking, feeling,
et al. 2000). perception, speech, learning, memory, emotions,
and motor skills. Large parts of descending
Clinical Relevance commands modulate sensory information in the
Data indicate that loading (heel-strike) and un- spinal cord and brain stem. Sensory information
loading (heel-off) in locomotion provide the modulates motor activity at all levels within the
CNS information from spatial and temporal para- CNS. The primary sensory cortex (SI) has cortical
meters, proprioceptive information, pressure re- representations of the different body parts, called
ceptors, and recruitment patterns of the lower cortical maps, and is the first level where humans
limbs (Trew and Everett 1998). Weightbearing perceive sensory information. This has been re-
regulates the step cycle by influencing stance presented as the sensory and motor homunculi
duration, and sensitivity to loading has been ob- (Fig. 1.6). SI, SII, and the posterior parietal cortex
served in humans. The degree of leg extensor ac- (Fig. 1.7) all receive information from the thala-
tivation is highly correlated with the percentage mus. The sensory areas send information to
of body loading and has been found to be func- both motor and association areas of the cortex,
tionally phase dependent (Mudge and Rochester which is important for the ability to recognize
2001). Data demonstrate that the level of loading and localize sensory stimuli.
through the limbs during cyclic activity can pro- Precise motor activity depends on close inte-
vide important information that facilitates the gration with the sensory systems. Most move-
generation of steplike efferent patterns by the ments require a constant flow of information
human lumbosacral spinal cord, by providing
cues that modulate the activity of the motoneur-
ons innervating the lower limb muscles. Limb un- Posterior
loading has been shown to be an important signal Central sulcus S-I parietal cortex
for the termination of stance and the initiation of
swing in cat locomotion (Harkema et al. 1997).

Heel-strike is important for initiation of stance

and therefore locomotion.
Heel-off is an important signal for the termi- S-II
nation of stance, and therefore for swing

Patients with CNS lesions often have reduced

control and mobility of the ankle and foot; at Lateral sulcus
times hypertonicity or stiffness of the calf mus-
Fig. 1.7 The three major divisions of the somatosen-
cles prevents heel-strike, and the patient may
sory areas of the cortex: primary sensory cortex S-I,
show inactive dorsiflexion, or activates patterns
secondary somatosensory cortex S-II, and the posterior
of inversion and plantarflexion during walking. parietal cortex.
18 1 Applied Neurophysiology

from receptors in the skin, joints, and muscles of people. Vision is important for appropriate pla-
to evaluate if the movement is proceeding as cing of our feet if the terrain is unknown, uneven,
planned. Information from the ocular and the or complex, or when balancing on a narrow beam
vestibular systems can be of vital importance or near the edge of a cliff, but it does not dictate
for motor performance. Sensory information en- the detailed placing of the foot during normal
ables the CNS to update and correct the outgoing walking. The dependence on visual informa-
commands to the musculature—either during on- tion reduces as the environment becomes more
going movement or the next time it is being per- known.
formed (Brodal 2001). Activity in ascending fibers If vision fails, as when moving through a dark
may simultaneously affect the activity in the room, then proprioceptive and vestibular inputs
descending fibers, and vice versa. Somatosensory become more important for movement. On the
and visual information is crucial for exploration other hand, vision may compensate if informa-
of the environment. Human interaction with the tion from other systems fails, and may become
environment forms the basis for muscular activ- the main contributor in balance control. The in-
ity, movement, and balance. Motor activity is
context based.

Frontal eye fields

Vision Motor
Visual information travels from the eyes to the 4
8 6 ??
visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain 5
for awareness of visual input. Visual impulses 7
are also transmitted to the nucleus superior colli-
culus in the brain stem, both directly from the 46 312
optic nerve and indirectly through the visual cor- 10 39
tex. Human beings are therefore able to automa- 45
43 19
tically turn their head toward something in the 11 42 22 18 17
environment and the control eye movements. 37
Visual information is also transmitted to the Broca's 38 21
cerebellum and has a role in coordination. Audition
20 Vision
Vision is essential for mobility, the ability to Wernicke's
read, visual orientation, and activities of daily liv- Cognition
ing (ADLs) (Kerty 2005). Visual information is im- Visual-temporal
6 32
portant for anticipatory adjustments to move- 8 4 1
ment, in feedforward motor control and eye– 9 5
24 7
hand contact for precise manipulation of objects. 31
23 19
The use of a knife and fork for eating or the abil- 32
10 33 26
ity to thread a fine needle depends on sensory 29 18
27 35 30
and visual information that enables us to get 11 12 17
food on the fork or the thread into the eye of 34
19 18
the needle. If vision fails, other somatosensory in- 38
puts compensate. People without eyesight or re- 36
duced eyesight develop an increased sensitivity 20
to specific receptors in the skin to be able to con-
trol movement with good precision.
As we move about we receive visual informa- Fig. 1.8 Areas for vision, motor activity, speech, hear-
tion, both about the environment and the relative ing, cognition, somatosensation, and emotion within
the brain. Many of these areas receive or integrate in-
position and movement of the body within the
formation from the visual system. The numbers refer
environment. The eyes scan the environment in to Brodmann areas, which are histologically defined
the direction of movement: the height of the regions. (Reprinted with permission from Professor
steps on a staircase, the position of furniture or Mark W. Dubin, MCD Biology, University of Colorado
any obstacles, and the position and movement at Boulder.)
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 19

teraction of the different systems involved in integration of other signals, spatial information,
movement and balance are adaptable to new body position, and movement occurs within the
conditions by weighing the relative importance same network. This is connected to other cortical
of the different afferent systems in relation to networks, for instance motor networks, and ves-
what is needed (Brodal 2001, Wade and Jones tibular information probably contributes to our
1997). conscious awareness of body position and move-
Visual problems are present in as many as 40 % ment in relation to the environment (Brodal
of people who have had a stroke and in 50 % after 2004). There is a continuous demand for adapta-
traumatic brain injury (Kerty 2005). Visual dis- tion to the environment, and therefore for varia-
turbances following a stroke are a result of the tion in stability, balance, and movement. We
integrative nature of the brain and the fact that move in relation to our base of support, and in
visual function involves considerable areas of standing or walking, our feet must adjust to the
the brain (Fig. 1.8). floor, the grass, stones, or sand.
The one-sided visual defect often seen in Several studies demonstrate a close relation-
stroke (hemianopia) is cause by a lesion to the ship between anticipatory adjustments (feedfor-
optic nerve tract from the optic chiasma to the ward), associated adjustments (ongoing adjust-
occipital cortex. A stroke may also affect associa- ments), and adaptations (feedback) in normal
tion areas in the lower temporal region (recogni- postural control (Horak et al. 1997, Wade and
tion of objects or shapes) or the posterior parietal Jones 1997). “The classic concepts that the move-
cortex (spatial awareness) (Riise et al. 2005). ment originates and commences in MI [primary
Visual defects may therefore be a contributor to motor cortex] and that the PT [pyramidal tract]
a patient’s balance and functional problems. represents the highest level of motor control are
now thought to be incorrect. The modulation of
Ascending and descending systems are closely PT neuron firing is determined largely by the 3
linked both anatomically and functionally. It is major types of information that MI receives and
therefore inappropriate to discuss these sepa- processes: internal feedback and external sensory
rately. Motor activity is the result of a complex feedback ” (Davidoff 1990, p. 334).
interaction between sensory, motor, and cog- x Anticipatory adjustment of muscles (feedfor-
nitive systems. ward) is an integral part of every movement,
and is called central motor programming.
x Anticipatory adjustment depends on internal
Balance feedback about the position of different body
parts to each other, their activity and align-
The terms balance and postural control are often ment, the relationship between the body and
used interchangeably (Chapter 2 discusses these the environment, and the function to allow for
terms in greater depth). Reduced postural control error correction before errors occur. Anticipa-
is recognized as a major factor contributing to tory adjustment of alignment and muscular
mobility problems in stroke patients. It is caused activity are therefore dependent on somato-
by dysfunction in the complex interaction of sensory feedback.
motor, sensory, and cognitive processes (de Haart x As movement is being initiated, the CNS
et al. 2004). Balance is affected by afferent vis- receives continuous impulses from receptor
ual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information. organs (eyes, muscle spindles, tendon organs,
Which system is weighted most depends on the joint receptors, pressure receptors, skin
need of the moment, and the relationship be- receptors) and can correct movement as re-
tween the individual, the environment, and the quired. This is a feedback function, external
function to be performed. Our CNS needs to be sensory feedback, whereby planned and
aware of where the body is, where the different performed movement may be compared and
body parts are in relation to each other and the differences corrected. This is especially
environment, and the activity within the differ- important for precise, small movements and
ent regions of the body to be able to respond ap- postural stability.
propriately. Vestibular information seems to be Information used for postural control is essential
dealt with in a distributed cortical network. The for our experience and image of own body.
20 1 Applied Neurophysiology

Humans have an internal picture—body image The most important component of the human
or body schema—of how our body looks based ability to stay upright is continuous information
on information from proprioceptors, vision, and about the effect of gravity through specific recep-
equilibrium organs. Body schema is described as tors, for instance proprioceptive receptors regis-
an internal postural picture informing about the tering weightbearing, the distribution of pres-
position of the different body segments in rela- sure, and the line of gravity in relation to the
tion to each other and their relationship to the feet. Dietz (1992) stated that postural activity de-
environment. Body schema provides a basis for pends on the activity in specific receptors in-
exploration of the environment for perceptual forming the CNS of deviations in the center of
analysis and motor performance. Body schema gravity from a certain neutral position. This is
information needs to be continuously distributed what Shumway-Cook and Woollacott (2006) call
to networks that plan movement to update the ideal alignment. Pressure receptors are dis-
movements and make them appropriate to the tributed throughout the body, in joints and the
moment. Networks that deal with different as- spinal column as well as the soles of the feet (Pe-
pects of bodily perception and movement are clo- tersen et al. 1995, Brodal 2001). Studies indicate
sely linked. Most cortical areas activated by the that there are specialized gravity-dependent re-
vestibular apparatus also receive information ceptors in our internal organs also (Karnath et
from proprioceptors and probably contribute to al. 2000). Activity in postural muscles, such as
the integration of these two sensory modalities the soleus (lower leg), also seems to be important
(Brodal 2004). in this respect. If specific receptors are to inform
the CNS of displacement, they have to be fired by
Anticipatory adjustments of muscle activity activation and variation in the sensory impulses
(feedforward) are dependent on both external through movement, alteration of pressure areas,
and internal feedback. That is, information changes to the stiffness–tension relationship
about the internal relationship between body within muscle, and alteration of joint alignment.
parts, the relationship between the body and Mobility of joints and soft tissue is important to
the environment and from specific receptors fire the sensory receptors and therefore for bal-
from the eyes, muscle spindles, golgi tendon ance. Mobility combined with good alignment
organs, and receptors in the skin is necessary and appropriate neuromuscular activation gives
for feedforward and therefore for balance. the patient the ability to respond to displace-

Through feedforward the CNS may set an appro-

Information (feedback) about muscle activity,
priate level of motor activity as a preparation for
movement, alignment, and weight distribution
movement. Wade and Jones (1997) describe an-
is important for balance, postural adaptation,
ticipatory and associated adjustments together
and function.
as postural adjustments closely connected with
Mobility is a prerequisite for the firing of spe-
the performance of voluntary activity. There is a
cific receptors in relation to displacements and
belief that these types of adjustments reduce
variations in sensory input, and therefore for
the postural displacements associated with a dis-
placement of the centre of gravity caused by vo-
luntary movement, as well as affecting voluntary
movement directly. Massion (1992) states that We need information from the somatosensory
motor activity may be recruited sequentially system about the position of our body in the en-
(after each other) or in parallel (simultaneously): vironment to plan and perform functional move-
x Either first the anticipatory activity, until the ment. An updated body schema is a prerequisite
postural adaptations eliminate the displace- for appropriate and efficient feedforward. When
ments caused by movement and thereby sta- standing on a stable base of support, somatosen-
bilize the body, and then movement of arms or sory information is especially important to gen-
legs in standing erate automatic postural adjustments and pro-
x Or simultaneous (parallel) activation of stabi- vides the most important, although not the
lity and movement only, input to postural control (Nashner 1982).
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 21

Dietz (1992) states that all motor activity in state of the body at all times. Examples include
standing or walking both starts and finishes information from muscle spindles and tendon
with postural adjustments. Mulder et al. (1996) organs.
says that the ability to react needs a higher Nociceptors sensitize, i. e., their sensitivity in-
level of sensorimotor (re)integration than antici- creases with continuous stimulation. A quietly
pation. dripping tap becomes an unbearable noise after
some time. If water drips on the head, the in-
An updated body schema is a prerequisite for dividual water droplets will feel like the blow
appropriate and efficient feedforward control. of a hammer after a relatively short time. Some
people react to wool directly on the skin with
irritation or a rash. Discomfort or pain may
Stereognostic Sense be amplified over time until it occupies all
Stereognosis is described as “The faculty of per- The adaptive ability of the CNS allows us to
ceiving and understanding the form and nature wear clothes without our brain becoming over-
of objects by the sense of touch,” that is, without bombarded with stimuli from all the specific re-
the use of vision (Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and ceptors. Adaptation protects the CNS and modu-
Allied Health Dictionary 1994). Stereognostic lates incoming information.
sense relates mainly to hand function. The stabi- Some different receptor types are listed below
lity, mobility, sensitivity, and adaptive ability of (from Kandel et al. 2000, Brodal 2001):
the hands are crucial for exploration of the envi- x Free nerve endings—high-threshold mechano-
ronment and object manipulation. Stereognostic receptors (nociceptors)
sense is a combination of: x Meissner corpuscles—fast-adapting, low-
x The ability to move threshold (light touch, e. g., fly crawling on the
x Somatosensory receptors informing the CNS of arm)
variations x Pacinian corpuscle—fast-adapting (vibration)
x The ability to recognize variations x Ruffini terminals—slow-adapting (friction,
(for manipulatory purposes) stretch of skin)
x Joint position sense (the net information from x Merkel disks—slow-adapting (continuous
joints, muscles, tendons, and skin) pressure, especially in distal areas of the ex-
x Perception tremities, lips, and the external genital organs)
Somatosensory information in the cortex is so-
Stereognostic sense is based on somatosensory matotopically arranged, representing different
information, movement, the ability to recog- areas of the body (see Fig. 1.6). For somatotopic
nize variations and perception. mapping of cortical function, it suffices to know
which neurons respond to a stimulus at a partic-
ular site on the body. Each part of the body is re-
There are several types of specialized receptor
presented in the brain in proportion to its relative
within the skin and epidermis, both free and en-
importance to sensory perception. The map re-
capsulated nerve endings that send different
presents the sensory innervation density of the
types of information to the CNS. Some of these
skin rather than its surface area. A sensory unit
receptors adapt quickly, others more slowly;
is a sensory nerve cell and all its branches, in
some have a low threshold for firing, and others
the body and the CNS, and a receptive field is de-
a high threshold. Fast-adapting means that the
fined as the area of the body from which the sen-
receptors quickly get used to the stimulus and
sory unit receives stimulation. Two-point discri-
stop firing even if the stimulus continues. This
mination is the result of two receptive fields
type of receptor informs the CNS of change, the
being stimulated at the same time; each point
start and finish of impulse firing, i. e., variations,
must stimulate a sensory unit to enable the CNS
and reacts to touch, pressure, and stretch. Other
to feel them both. The skin of the fingertips
types of receptor are slow-adapting and continue
is the most densely innervated area of the
to send information as long as stimuli are pres-
body with approximately 300 mechanoreceptive
ent. In this way, the CNS is updated about the
nerve endings/cm2; on the proximal phalanges
22 1 Applied Neurophysiology

quickly adapt and stop sending impulses. So

without moving the hand, the size, shape, tex-
ture, and temperature of an object cannot be
Actual stimulus
evaluated. Movement is necessary to activate
receptors and obtain information through varia-
tions, and therefore for sensation. Motor activity
and sensation are closely linked, and motor activ-
Peripheral sensory neurons
ity is a tool of sensation. Brodal (2001) states that
(sensory unit)
most movements need continuous information
from specific receptors within muscles, tendons,
Spinal sensory neurons (units) joints, and skin to know if the movement is pro-
gressing as planned.
The ability of the neuromuscular system to
Inhibitory regulate tension and length (stiffness control)
interneuron combined with information from joint and skin
receptors provides the CNS with precise informa-
Collaterals tion about the position of joints and therefore of
the position of body segments relative to each
Experienced other. If the joint mechanoreceptors are anesthe-
stimulus tized, the brain still receives precise information
about joint position through muscle activity—
Fig. 1.9 Lateral Inhibition increases the contrast of
muscle spindles and tendon organs—and skin
sensory impulses.
receptors (Brodal 2001). The Golgi tendon organ
is stimulated more through active contraction of
there are 120/cm2, and in the palm of the hand muscle than through passive movement.
50/cm2. This means that two-point discrimina- Brodal (2001) states that joint position sense
tion varies between the fingers and hand: it is is the conscious awareness of joint position, of
approximately 2 mm on the finger tips, 10 mm movements of joints, and of the direction and
in the palm of the hand, and 40 mm on the arm speed of movement (without visual information).
(Kandel et al. 2000). Joint position sense is the perceived result of sen-
Afferent information is modulated and loca- sory stimuli from proprioceptors and skin.
lized through lateral inhibition (Rothwell 1994,
Kandel et al. 2000, Brodal 2001), especially in re- Muscle activity is important for joint position
lation to the fast-adapting receptors. When skin sense.
is stimulated, information is sent to the CNS.
Where the stimulus is at its strongest, for in-
stance at the edges of a book being held in the The brain stem contains many specialized neuro-
hand, the stimulated receptor organs transmit nal groups (nuclei) that react to new sensory
impulses to the spinal cord, where they give off stimuli and increase the response of the moto-
collaterals that synapse with inhibitory inter- neurons to specific stimuli. These nuclei receive
neurons in the dorsal horn (Fig. 1.9). The inhibi- information from the spinal cord, i. e., from pe-
tory interneurons inhibit sensory impulses from ripheral receptors. Through their connection to
other sensory neurons arising from the periphery the cortex, the hypothalamus, limbic structures,
of the receptive field of the stimulated area. and hippocampus and other areas, they cause in-
Therefore the sensory units in the center of the creased activation, arousal, and awareness to the
stimulated area are stimulated the most. stimuli. Shumway-Cook and Woollacott (2006)
Thus the CNS is able to localize touch and is state that “Perception is essential to action, just
informed of changes (start/stop), edges, texture, as action is essential to perception.” Human
and shapes, i. e., variations. If a person places beings need to be able to receive and integrate
his hand on another person’s shoulder, he is information from stimuli, and recognize, com-
informed of the shape and temperature of the pare, and perceive stimuli to interpret what the
area. If the hand is not moved, the receptors information means.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 23

There is a close connection between somato- stance at the level of the internal capsule. There-
sensory information, motor activity, and percep- fore, somatosensory information will be inte-
tion. All of these are important for stereognostic grated at many levels, even if the patient is un-
sense. able to feel and perceive it. Only through obser-
vation of the patient in functional activity will
Variation in somatosensory information in- the clinician be able to get a true picture of his
creases awareness of the stimulated body part. ability to receive and integrate sensory informa-
Some patients with neurologic deficits have
Clinical Relevance fixed stereotypical patterns of movement or
Somatosensory perception may change over may be unable to move a limb. Reduced move-
time. The somatotopic maps are not fixed but ment and mobility reduce the stimulation and
can be altered by experience. The proportion of firing of receptors, and the CNS receives less in-
neurons in the cortex devoted to a specific area formation about variations in sensory informa-
of the body will alter with use (Kandel et al. tion due to movement and the need for segmen-
2000). “If you don’t use it, you lose it” (Kidd et tal adjustments. A consequence may be that the
al. 1992). Studies on stroke patients have shown patient becomes more dependent on visual and
that sensory and motor stimulation significantly vestibular information to maintain balance. In
improves both somatosensory information pro- some patients the head and neck assume an
cessing and motor control (Sunderland et al. asymmetric position due to imbalance between
1992, Yekuitiel and Guttman 1993). Wade and muscle activity and stability. Visual input may
Jones (1997) state that being active in relation be distorted, and the firing of vestibular organs
to the environment improves perception. will be affected. This may cause further balance
The term learned nonuse refers to conditions in problems. Educating the patient about the posi-
which reduced motor control leads to inactivity, tion and control of head and neck posture is an
e. g., reduced control of the affected arm in hemi- important short-term goal in the rehabilitation
plegia may lead to compensatory strategies of postural control. Other patients seem to vi-
whereby a patient uses his “good” arm and not sually override proprioceptive and vestibular in-
the affected one. The affected arm is therefore formation and the patient loses or reduces his
not used, not stimulated and is inactivated. This ability to “listen” to his own body. The patient’s
predisposes to secondary muscular and soft response to the environment and to displace-
tissue changes (Ada and Canning 1990), which ments becomes more cognitive and less auto-
may be important if the patient has reduced matic. As a result, movement strategies change
awareness or neglects the affected side. and tempo will be reduced.
If the patient is not able to move, he receives Interesting and varied sensory information
little or no information from the receptors within through movement and stimulation may moti-
skin, muscle, and joints; the ability to recognize vate and focus patients toward the stimulated
changes in joint position may be reduced as a body part or limb. It becomes important for the
result. Through formal testing of joint position therapist to find which stimulus creates arousal
sense, only the patient’s perception and cognitive and motivation of the patient’s CNS.
awareness are tested and not his possible poten-
tial for integration of joint position information
through movement. Information from receptors The Brain and Spinal Cord
is transmitted from the receptor areas in the
body through to the spinal cord, modulated and The Spinal Cord
passed on for further processing in the brain
stem, the cerebellum, and the thalamus. Decre- The spinal cord receives information both from
ased sensory awareness will, for most patients higher centers and from the periphery. It has a
with CNS lesions, be linked either to dysfunction huge receptor area and both receives and modu-
in perceptual processing or to lesions in the as- lates information from the whole body except the
cending pathways within the brain itself, for in- head before the information is transmitted to
other systems or translated into muscle activity.
24 1 Applied Neurophysiology

It has a gate-control function whereby informa- functions such as breathing, chewing, and swal-
tion sent to the spinal cord is adapted to suit lowing and are located in the brain stem,
the needs of the organism and to protect the whereas those for locomotive functions are con-
brain from overstimulation (Davidoff 1990, Kan- tained in the spinal cord. The probability of
del et al. 2000). Because of its large receptor their existence in humans is high. Evidence is
area and gate-control function, the spinal cord in- emerging from research on patients with spinal
fluences activity in the higher centers. cord lesions and others. A baby’s early stepping-
reactions of rhythmical spinal activity may also
be an expression of pattern generation.
Central Pattern Generators
In relation to reaching and grasping, Paillard
“The existence of networks of nerve cells produc- (1990) states “Elaborate motor patterns are pro-
ing specific, rhythmic movements, without con- duced at the brainstem level by pre-wired circui-
scious effort and without the aid of peripheral, try. These circuits are triggered to operate at the
afferent feedback, is indisputable in a large num- required time and are automatically adjusted to
ber of vertebrates” (MacKay-Lyons 2002). Neural postural requirements and environmental con-
networks in the spinal cord, called central pattern straints through the servo-assistance of internal
generators (CPGs) are capable of producing rhyth- and external feedback loops at the spinal and
mical movements (Dietz 1992, Brodal 2001, midbrain level.” In humans, findings are consis-
MacKay-Lyons 2002). CPGs provide automatic, tent with separate CPGs controlling each limb
changing activity coordinating the two halves of (Dietz et al. 1994 in MacKay-Lyons 2002). These
the body and have been mostly studied in verte- are linked together through a complex interneur-
brates. CPGs have been demonstrated for vital onal network. The dorsal root fibers from periph-
eral receptors terminate on interneurons that
branch within the spinal cord. Interneurons that
spread their branches over several segments are
Lateral ventricle Cerebral hemisphere
called propriospinal fibers and are found through-
out the white matter of the spinal cord (Brodal
2001). The impulses from one dorsal root-fiber
may therefore spread over several segments
both up and down. Long propriospinal fibers
(from the cervical to the lumbar areas) are neces-
sary for coordination between the right and left
side of the body during walking, and rhythmical
interchange of activity between the two sides is
3rd Ventricle caused by cells with pacemaker properties. Pro-
priospinal fibers also have a role in the transmis-
Pons sion of descending motor commands (Rothwell
4th Ventricle Cerebellum 1994).
The CPGs are, in their original form, indepen-
Medulla oblongata
dent of somatosensory information. Studies in
Spinal cord humans and monkeys have shown that voluntary
Central canal motor tasks, such as reaching and grasping, and
more rhythmical movements, including swim-
ming and walking, can be performed following
deafferentation (Knapp et al. 1963, Rothwell et
al. 1982 and Marsden et al. 1984 in MacKay-
Lyons 2002). However, the interplay between
central and sensory influences is critical in the
Fig. 1.10 A longitudinal view of the brain and spinal production of adaptive behavior, i. e., for function.
cord. The spinal cord and brain stem contain specia- Somatosensory feedback is an integral part of the
lized groups of cells—neuronal pools called central pat- overall motor control system and is essential in
tern generators. modifying CPG-generated motor programs to fa-
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 25

cilitate constant adaptations to the environment sons: the lateral hypothalamus initiates gait in
(MacKay-Lyons 2002). The CPGs use afferent in- relation to hunger, thirst, or the need for the
formation from several sources in the visual, ves- bathroom, the zona incerta for tourist-type walk-
tibular, and somatosensory systems. Afferent in- ing, i. e., visually directed walking, and the peri-
formation is essential for adaptation of CPG activ- ventricular zone for anger and fear.
ity for locomotion to make walking appropriate The reticular formation and vestibular system
to the environment and to the reason for walking, in the brain stem are both involved in activating
i. e., to the external and internal environment the antigravity musculature. Further modifica-
(Pearson 1993): tion is through the cerebellum, which is thought
x Timing function: sensory feedback provides to coordinate the activity of the CPGs for the right
information ensuring that motor activity is and the left side of the body. The cerebellum is
adapted to the biomechanical state of the active in motor learning and error correction.
moving body parts for position, direction, and The cortex exerts little influence on simple unob-
strength structed walking, but has a role in visual scan-
x Facilitation of phase-changes in rhythmical ning, perception, navigation, and in modifying
movements to ensure that the next phase is the activity of the CPGs to make it appropriate
not initiated before the biomechanical state of to the moment: as walking becomes more com-
the body is ready plex, the cortex becomes more active.
Dietz and Duysens (2000) state that afferent in- When locomotion becomes complex, espe-
formation is necessary to strengthen CPG activity cially where footfall is narrowly specified and
of antigravity muscles. Information about un- the need for visual input increased, the cortex
loading, heel-strike, and weight transference are fires more rhythmically to guide the placing of
critical for the control of stepping (Maki and the foot. The CPGs cannot see the ground.
McIlroy 1997). Kavounoudias et al. (1998) re-
searched the role of cutaneous receptors in the Walking on a flat, even surface is probably
soles of the feet for balance. They anesthetized controlled by CPG in the spinal cord and brain
the feet and found that subjects were unable to stem and coordinated by the cerebellum, i. e.,
balance on one leg after the loss of foot sensitiv- it is mainly an automatic activity.
ity. A specific distribution of mechanoreceptors
in the feet codes the spatial origin, the amplitude
and the rate of changes in the amplitude of pres-
sure exerted on the skin. Therefore the CNS is Clinical Relevance
continuously receiving information regarding Pattern generation may have an important role
the spatial and sequential distribution of pres- in the early activation of postural activity and
sure from the soles of the feet. There is co-pro- coordination in the acute/subacute stage in
cessing of multiple tactile messages within the patients who have a CNS lesion. Facilitation of
foot and between the feet. stepping in a simple noncomplex environment
The higher centers involved in the initiation, does not require cognitive problem solving by
modulation, and control of locomotion are: the patient:
x The midbrain locomotor areas x A pattern-generated step is a result of selec-
x The vestibular system tive displacement and is different in its motor
x The reticular formation activity from a reactive step resulting from
x The cerebellum over-displacement.
x The cortex x Pattern generation may be facilitated auto-
From lampreys to primates, nuclei in the mesen- matically, even in patents with severe motor,
cephalon, referred to as the mesencephalic loco- sensory, or perceptual dysfunctions.
motor region (MLR) or the mid-brain locomotor x Pattern generation may enhance motor activ-
areas, initiate locomotion through activation of ity in the body as a whole by facilitating
the lower brain stem reticulospinal neurons the interplay and coordination between the
(MacKay-Lyons 2002). Three different zonal different segments and the two halves of
areas have been identified, which all have a role the body, thereby promoting balance control.
in the initiation of locomotion for different rea-
26 1 Applied Neurophysiology

x Early activation in the standing position and The Brain Stem

through stepping activates the CNS and
The Vestibular System and Balance
neuromuscular system and motivates the
The vestibular system consists of several (four on
each side) nuclei at the base of the brain stem
x There are CPGs for each side of the body. A
(Fig. 1.11). These receive information from:
good stance phase resulting from heel-strike
x The vestibular organs in the inner ear, signal-
facilitates the swinging phase on the same
ing the position of the head and changes in
side (release of kinetic energy).
movement, direction, and speed
x A good stance phase provides stability to the
x The spinal cord (proprioceptive information),
postural system, and therefore also frees the
reticular formation, the cerebellum and some
opposite leg for swing.
nuclei in the mesencephalon (mid-brain, part
x Pattern generation depends on appropriate
of the brain stem), but not from the cortex
afferent information to adapt the activity to
the environment.
x The eyes
x Tempo must be at an appropriate level for the
The vestibular system sends information to:
individual to facilitate phase changes.
x The spinal cord, especially to motoneurons
Individuals seem to have different inherent
x Brain stem nuclei for external eye muscles
x The cerebellum
x Early facilitation of stepping facilitates the
The main function of the vestibular system is the
patient’s awareness of the environment, and
control of balance in close cooperation with the
may improve perception.
proprioceptive and visual systems. The lateral
and medial vestibular nuclei control posture.
Descending Systems The lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiter’s nucleus) is
concerned with control of the position of the
Descending pathways from the brain stem and
head and body in relation to gravity. The lateral
higher centers have executive functions and a
vestibulospinal tract extends the total length of
role in modifying and modulating incoming in-
the spinal cord, and affects a- and g-motoneur-
formation. They regulate the transmission of
ons monosynaptically, and antigravity muscula-
sensory information from the spinal cord to the
ture (Markham 1987, Brodal 2001). Due to its
brain, and affect the excitability in spinal inter-
monosynaptic connection, it reacts quickly to re-
neurons at the same time as being responsible
store balance. The activity of the vestibular sys-
for motor activity (Rothwell 1994). They are de-
tem is greatest in standing and walking where
pendent on somatosensory information to be up
the demands on postural control are greatest.
to date on the state of the body at all times. De-
Any displacement of position or posture, weight
scending pathways may be grossly divided into
transference, or movements of the arm displaces
the lateral system and the medial system (Kandel
the center of gravity in relation to the feet and
et al. 2000).
the base of support. Irrespective of how small
The medial system provides the basic postural
the displacements are (breathing causes small,
control, based on which the cortical motor areas
almost invisible alterations in the intersegmental
can organize more complex and differentiated
alignment of the trunk, which are perceived as
movement. It includes the vestibulospinal tracts
small perturbations to the center of gravity),
(medial and lateral), the reticulospinal tracts (med-
muscle tone and activity will need to adapt to
ial and lateral) and the tectospinal tracts. These
maintain equilibrium.
pathways descend ipsilaterally in the anterior
The interplay between the body and the envi-
(ventral) part of the spinal cord and terminate
ronment is crucial in standing, balancing, and
predominantly on interneurons and long pro-
walking. Somatosensory and vestibular informa-
priospinal neurons in the spinal cord. Thus they
tion contribute to the perception of the body in
influence motoneurons that innervate proximal
space (Wade and Jones 1997).
and axial musculature. They also terminate di-
rectly on some motoneurons that innervate
axial muscles.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 27

Superior colliculus and oculomotor nucleus

Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Anterior lobe


vestibular nucleus Reticular
Lateral vestibular formation
nucleus (nucleus of Deiters)

8th Cranial nerve Vestibular

Medial vestibular nucleus

Descending vestibular nucleus

Fastigial nucleus

Vestibulospinal tract 8th Cranial nerve


Spinal cord

Fig. 1.11 The vestibular nuclei in the brain stem. The figure shows the most important afferent and efferent

ture. Vestibular system function is geared toward

The activity of the vestibular system is greatest
the here-and-now situation.
when postural control is required.
The lateral vestibulospinal tract affects the
same side of the body, i. e., it is ipsilateral to
The lateral vestibulospinal system supplies axial the trunk and extremities. It promotes extensor
muscles (the deep postural muscles of the trunk and inhibits flexor motoneuron activity ipsilater-
and neck) and proximal extremity muscles ally and facilitates flexor activity on the contral-
(Markham 1987). Nashner (1982) and Dietz ateral (opposite side) at the same moment in
(1992) state that the vestibular system affects time (Dietz 1992). This view is supported by
postural muscles directly and that its function Kidd and colleagues (1992), who state that the
is to maintain balance when the sensory environ- lateral vestibulospinal tract is active during ex-
ment is changing or moving, as during locomo- tension in standing and walking.
tion or when the support surface varies or The medial vestibular nucleus innervates moto-
moves (on an escalator or on a train or bus). neurons in the cervical and the upper thoracic
The lateral vestibulospinal tract sends collaterals segments through the medial vestibulospinal
to both cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal tract. This pathway is smaller than the lateral
cord. The same message is therefore conveyed to and synapses with motoneurons ipsilaterally. Its
both levels to allow coordination of the body and function is to stabilize the head in relation to
the extremities with the head and neck muscula- the body. The head is relatively free in standing
28 1 Applied Neurophysiology

and walking to allow visual scanning of the sur- A stroke results in motor deficits on the opposite
roundings. side of the lesion if the lesion is above the pyra-
mids in the brain stem. The vestibular system
Head control and postural control affect each in not under direct cortical control, and is there-
other reciprocally. fore not affected by stroke directly (lesions in
the vestibular nuclei are rare). Bringing the pa-
tient into a standing position to interact with
The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) compensates for gravity (placing or facilitating depending on the
head movements (Kandel et al. 2000). This reflex patient’s level of motor activity) could stimulate
keeps the eyes still while the head moves, which the vestibular system to facilitate activity on
allows for stabilization of images on the retina the patient’s affected side. Weight transference
during movement. As the head rotates, the eyes to the affected side through optimized/normal-
rotate in the opposite direction. The vestibular ized alignment would best facilitate activation
apparatus signals how fast the head rotates. of the vestibular system. In locomotion, the
This information is used by the oculomotor sys- time spent in stance phase is short, only 40 %
tem to stabilize the eyes to steady the visual of the gait cycle (Smidt 1990, Whittle 1996).
images on the retina. Visual processing is much Standing on one leg allows freedom of movement
slower and less efficient than vestibular process- of the other leg.
ing for image stabilization. This reflex needs to be
adapted through motor learning as body propor-
tions change as we grow. The Reticular Formation
The reticular formation (Fig. 1.12) is situated in
Clinical Relevance the brain stem and extends from the lower part
There are important functional consequences of the medulla oblongata to the upper part of
of the above discussion. Through its ipsilateral the mesencephalon (Brodal 1995). It has many
innervation of extensor musculature it may functions: it excites and inhibits activity, en-
seem as if the activity in the vestibular nuclei is hances flexion and extension, cooperates with
best facilitated when standing on one leg. Dietz
(1992) discusses this in relation to a “true” stand-
ing posture or position. Clinically, it is perceived To diencephalon
that the alignment of the body needs to be opti- and cerebrum
mized to facilitate balance. Bussel et al. (1996)
refer to studies on paraplegic patients that seem
to indicate that the flexor reflex may interfere
with CPG activity during attempts to step or nigra Mesencephalon
walk. Combining these different authors’ findings (dopamine)
with clinical experience, it may seem as if bal-
ance on one leg in standing is a prerequisite for nucleus of To cerebellum
free swing of the opposite leg. At the same reticular formation
time, if the swing is initiated actively too early (acetylcholine)
in swing, it may obstruct stability of the standing Locus ceruleus
leg. (norepinephrine)
Nuclei of
the raphe
The ability to dynamically balance on one (serotonin) Medulla
leg seems to be a prerequisite for a free
Active swing that is initiated too early may
interfere with the stability of the standing
To cerebellum

Fig. 1.12 The reticular formation in the brain stem

has some important specialized groups of cells.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 29

most systems within the CNS, and has a role in formation and seem to increase a person’s initia-
both proximal and distal movement. It activates tive and thereby muscle tone. Depression seems
both higher and lower levels and functions as to have the opposite effect and downregulates
an integration system. The reticular formation is tone.
highly organized and differentiated, consisting Posture, locomotion, and muscle tone is regu-
of distinct populations of neurons with specific lated through the medullary and pontine reticu-
functions (Kandel et al. 2000). lospinal tracts of the reticular formation, which
Some neurons from the reticular formation run separately in the spinal cord. These tracts
project to meet motoneurons of the spinal cord are both crossed and uncrossed, and give off sev-
and influence functions such as cardiovascular eral collaterals on many levels within the spinal
and respiratory control. Generally, the reticular cord. They therefore influence muscles in differ-
formation is broadly divided into a lateral and a ent parts of the body simultaneously (Brodal
medial part. The medial part is located in the 2001). The pontine (or medial) reticulospinal
pons and medulla and is mainly efferent—it tract arises from the upper pontine reticular for-
sends long projections to the thalamus and cor- mation. It facilitates spinal motoneurons that in-
tex, cerebellum, and the spinal cord. The lateral nervate axial musculature and extensors of the
part is smaller and receives many of the afferent legs to maintain postural support (Kandel et al.
connections to the reticular formation. Many sec- 2000). According to Brodal (2001), this tract is
ondary ascending fibers send off collaterals to the probably more oriented toward axial muscula-
reticular formation, therefore the reticular forma- ture due to its location in the spinal cord (more
tion receives information from: laterally in the anterior horn). Stimulation of
x Most receptors, also for pain and hearing the midbrain locomotor region produces step-
x Cerebellum ping movements or other stereotyped, patterned
x Cortex movements (Kandel et al. 2000). The medullary
x Basal ganglia (or lateral) reticulospinal tract descends to the
x Vestibular impulses spinal cord and affects extremity muscles.
x Limbic structures The reticular formation activates the body
Some of the main inputs to the reticular forma- generally and specifically. The function of the
tion are from the sensorimotor areas of the cere- reticular formation in motor activity is to main-
bral cortex. This input is bilateral, and therefore tain an upright position and orientate the body
activates the reticular formation bilaterally. In- and head toward something in the environment,
formation from the cortex through the corticoreti- especially new stimuli, and to regulate some
cular tract is important for the control of more coarser movements of the extremities (reaching,
automatic movements. It affects motoneurons making a fist). The medial part is both crossed
in the spinal cord both directly (monosynapti- and uncrossed and thereby supplies motoneu-
cally) and indirectly via interneurons. The corti- rons on both sides, but mostly the same side, of
coreticular tract ends in the same regions of the the body.
reticular formation as the tract sending fibers to The vestibulospinal and the ipsilateral reticu-
the spinal cord. This represents another pathway lospinal pathways work together through inter-
from the motor cortex to the spinal cord. neurons and long propriospinal neurons to pro-
Reticulospinal fibers synapse indirectly via duce selective activation of many muscles at
interneurons or directly on motoneurons (both the same time, including the neck and axial
a- and g-motoneurons) and send collaterals to muscles. The rubrospinal and the crossed
many levels within the spinal cord. In this way, reticulospinal pathways innervate motoneurons
reticulospinal pathways may affect many parts directly or indirectly through interneurons or
of the body at the same time, both inhibitory short propriospinal neurons to distal muscula-
and excitatory. The sensitivity of the muscle ture (Rothwell 1994). They probably also have a
spindle may be regulated from the reticular for- postural role with regard to the extremities, for
mation and muscle tone from the cortex, cerebel- instance providing the postural background for
lum, and other higher centers via the reticular individual finger movements. Generally speaking,
formation. Psychological processes such as moti- man can dig a ditch with the reticulospinal sys-
vation and happiness may affect the reticular tem, but not play the piano.
30 1 Applied Neurophysiology

The bilateral and unilateral innervations to the

Central sulcus
musculature enable the body to stabilize contra-
laterally for arm reach or swing phase. The pon-
tine reticular formation stabilizes the contralat-
eral half of the body for the ipsilateral medullary
component to initiate reaching an arm forward to
grasp an object.
Internal capsule
Superior colliculus
Stability and balance are prerequisites for

Red nucleus Vestibular

The reticular formation in the pons contains the
Pontine reticular formation
nucleus ceruleus, which projects to every major Tectospinal
Medullary reticular formation tract
region of the brain and spinal cord, and maintains
Corticospinal tract
alertness to novel stimuli. It therefore has an im-
Reticulospinal tract
portant role in arousal as well as sensory percep-
tion and muscle tone. The raphe nuclei are lo- Vestibulospinal tract
cated along the midline of the brain stem and
Fig. 1.13 Descending pathways to the spinal cord:
project mainly to the forebrain where they help
the corticospinal tract and some pathways from the
regulate sleep-wakefulness, affective behavior,
brain stem. Many of the pathways from the brain
temperature, and other functions. They also pro- stem receive fibers from the cortex.
ject to the spinal cord where they participate in
the regulation of tone in motor systems and
pain perception.
The midbrain contains neurons that are criti- If the fibers innervating the excitatory area of the
cal for the state of cortical arousal. These neurons reticular formation are lesioned, there may be a
project to the cerebral cortex, where they en- loss of excitation to the spinal cord and the pa-
hance cortical responses to incoming sensory tient may experience hypotonia. If, however, the
stimuli. The ascending fibers of the reticular for- fibers synapsing in the inhibitory part are le-
mation form a network—the ascending reticular sioned, there will be a loss of inhibitory influ-
activating system (ARAS). This system influences ences to the spinal cord. The patient may develop
wakefulness and the overall degree of arousal a problem of severe hypertonia.
and consciousness.
There is a close connection between the re- Clinical Relevance
gions that influence the spinal cord and the Both the reticular and the vestibular systems in-
thalamus. Activity in the reticular formation is nervate body musculature on the same and the
necessary for conscious perception and the spe- opposite side of the body (ipsi- and contralater-
cific reaction to sensory information. The reticu- ally). A lesion affecting motor pathways on one
lar formation receives input from the cortex via side of the brain may result in reduced motor
the corticoreticular pathways. The corticoreticular control on both sides, but predominantly on
fibers transmit information to both the excitatory the contralateral side, and at the same time as
and inhibitory areas of the reticular formation motor function may be spared bilaterally. There-
and synapse in these areas before information is fore the term hemiplegia is misleading in a func-
passed on to the spinal cord, i. e., forming the tional context. Brain stem lesions may result in
cortico-reticulospinal system (Fig. 1.13). The cor- reduced balance and mobility problems as well
tico-reticulospinal system is also called the extra- as dysphagia and/or dysarthria because the
pyramidal system. nuclei of the cranial nerves are located in this
region. Muscle tone may be increased or severely
Standing promotes awareness and arousal. decreased depending on which part—the inhibi-
tory or the excitatory part—of the reticular for-
mation is lesioned.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 31

The cortico-reticulospinal system has an im-

portant role in proximal stability and in the reg-
ulation of postural tone. Lesions to the cortico-re-
ticulospinal system seems to lead to decreased
postural control, loss of selectivity of postural
control even though the visual, vestibular, and
somatosensory systems are still intact and not
affected directly.
The lateral pathways are the rubrospinal tract,
the corticospinal tract, and the corticobulbar tract.
The Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex contains probably as many as Mesencephalon
10–20 billion neurons. The different areas have
network contacts with each other and with
other parts of the CNS. Many of these networks
are overlapping (Brodal 2004), i. e., they share Cranial nerve
motor nuclei
some of the same structures and functions. Pyramid
There are individual differences in the size of dif- Medulla
oblongata Decussation
ferent parts of the cortex (Brodal 2001). Approxi-
of pyramids
mately two-thirds of the cells are pyramidal cells.
Lateral corticospinal
These function as the projection neurons of the tract
brain because they send their axons to other
parts of the cortex and the CNS. There are also
large numbers of interneurons that transmit Motoneurons
and exchange information. Movement depends
on information from many areas of the CNS, Fig. 1.14 The corticobulbar and corticospinal path-
areas that receive, integrate, modulate, and trans- ways.
mit impulses, areas that assist in the planning of
movement, and areas linked to motivation. So- posterior parietal cortex (Davidoff 1990, Brodal
matosensory integration is discussed above. The 2001). It is assumed that the pyramidal fibers
following sections will take a closer look at the arising in SI are as important for the signaling
role of the cortex in movement production. of impulses in sensory pathways as for the
initiation of motor activity.
Fibers also descend to innervate cranial nerve
The Pyramidal Tract
nuclei, the red nucleus, nuclei in the pons and the
(Corticospinal Tract)
reticular formation, sensory nuclei and others in
The pyramidal tract is a name given collectively the brain stem (Brodal 2001). This pathway is
to all fibers leaving the cerebral cortex that des- called the corticobulbar tract.
cend through the internal capsule and innervate The axons from the primary motor cortex (MI)
interneurons and motoneurons in the spinal terminate in areas of the spinal cord where there
cord without synaptic interruption along the are large numbers of interneurons (lamina VII–
way. Most of these fibers cross in the lower IX). The axons branch profusely and form synap-
part of the medulla oblongata (Fig. 1.14). The pyr- ses with other pyramidal cells within the cortex
amidal tract is also called the corticospinal tract as well as excitatory and inhibitory interneurons
(Brodal 2001). It comprises of approximately 1 in the spinal cord. Corticospinal axons supply
million fibers. More than half arise in the primary most of the gray matter in the spinal cord, i. e.,
motor cortex (MI), the supplementary motor cor- they synapse with most motoneurons, both a-
tex (SMA) and the premotor areas (PMA), the rest motor to striped muscle fibers and g-motor sup-
arise in areas behind the central sulcus: the so- plying the intrafusal fibers (the muscle spindles).
matosensory areas (SI and SII) and part of the When a- and g-motoneurons are facilitated at
32 1 Applied Neurophysiology

the same time, a-g co-activation, the tension in tions as a gate: it grades or filters incoming infor-
the spindles changes so that they are sensitive mation, allows relevant and useful information to
to alterations in muscle length, speed, and ten- get through and inhibits disturbing or unneces-
sion across the whole range of muscle lengths. sary information. The CNS is therefore able to
Irrespective of the muscle contraction, eccentric decide and choose what information it needs in
lengthening or concentric shortening, the CNS different situations.
will be updated on the state of the neuromuscu-
lar system and able to change activation rapidly if The cortex is able to weight the relative
needed. importance of different sensory modalities
The corticospinal system supplies mainly dis- via the corticospinal system.
tal musculature, partly monosynaptically and
fast, partly via interneurons, and has its most im-
portant role in the control and fractionation of The Cortico-rubrospinal System and
movement. The cortex therefore is involved in the Red Nucleus
voluntary movement (least automatic), i. e.,
hand and individual finger function, and the The red nucleus (Fig. 1.15) is found in the mesen-
movement of the toes. Some fibers innervate cephalon of the brain stem and consists of two
proximal, axial, abdominal, and thoracic muscu- parts: a small, caudal magnocellular part and a
lature. Muscles involved in facial expression, eat-
ing, speech, and movements of the mouth are
supplied through the same system. Thalamus Corticorubral tract
Globus pallidus
The corticospinal system innervates most mo-
toneurons. Most movements may be volunta-
rily controlled to some degree. If needed,
cognitive strategies may override more auto- Red nucleus
matic movements. nucleus Substantia nigra

The corticospinal system mainly supplies distal

Distal motor control, i. e., dexterity of finger
movements and movements of the toes, is an
example of voluntary (least automatic) activity.

The fibers from the somatosensory areas of the Reticular formation

cortex mostly terminate in the posterior horn of Pons
the spinal cord (laminae I–VI) where they sy-
napse with interneurons receiving input from so- Reticular formation
matosensory receptors. Here, the corticospinal
projections are involved in the regulation of af-
Medulla oblongata
ferent information from peripheral receptors to
the spinal cord. This system influences the signal
transmission from afferent somatosensory termi-
nals in the muscle spindles, tendon organs, and
certain skin receptors transmitting pressure and
Spinal cord
touch. Through presynaptic inhibition, the corti-
cospinal system may modulate or even inhibit
excitatory impulses transmitted from peripheral
receptors that otherwise would influence the
CNS. In this way, the corticospinal system func- Fig. 1.15 The main connections of the red nucleus.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 33

larger parvocellular part (Brodal 2001). It is smal- al stimuli (weight-bearing, stretch, touch, pres-
ler in humans than in animals, but its specific sure) especially distally in the hands and feet.
function in humans is not well known. It has Hypersensitivity is often seen in patients with
been mostly studied in cats. In humans and stroke, MS, or head injury (traumatic, severe
apes, the magnocellular part is very small. The stroke or hemorrhage or due to other conditions
parvocellular part receives most of its inputs causing anoxia). Hypersensitivity causes a heigh-
from the cerebellum, especially the dentate nu- tened response to stimuli. The patient may find
cleus. Many fibers from the red nucleus termi- the hand grasps objects but cannot let go, that
nate in the inferior olive, which in turn sends the foot pushes off the floor or withdraws. The
its fibers to the opposite side of the cerebellum. interplay between distal and proximal body seg-
Efferents from the relevant areas of the cerebel- ments is thereby interfered with and balance will
lum influence the motor cortex through the tha- be reduced. The cortex has an important role in
lamus (Brodal 2001). It is therefore probable that deciding the relative importance of different pe-
the red nucleus has a role in motor learning and ripheral stimuli through the corticospinal system.
that it plays a more important part in influencing Clinical experience demonstrates that the pa-
motor activity through integration and interplay tients may be able to use cognitive strategies to
with the cerebellum and cortex than influencing a certain degree—selective, focused attention—to
motoneurons directly. control their own response to hypersensitivity
The magnocellular part runs in the rubrospinal (e. g., clonus), if the corticospinal system is not
tract to the spinal cord, where it mingles with too severely damaged. A prerequisite seems to
corticospinal fibers. The pathway crosses just be that they experience more normalized move-
below the red nucleus. The red nucleus receives ment through active and graded weightbearing
collaterals from the corticospinal system and in an optimized alignment at the same time. In
thereby it receives input from the cortex and a the cat, the cortico-rubrospinal pathway is im-
connection between the motor cortex, the red portant for voluntary control of the distal body
nucleus, and the spinal cord is established: the parts. The role of the cortico-rubrospinal system
cortico-rubrospinal pathway (Davidoff 1990). in humans is more uncertain because the magno-
x The cortico-rubrospinal system acts on the cellular part is very small. Some authors state
spinal cord in a similar way to the corticosp- however, that it may have a similar function in
inal system. These two pathways may facili- humans.
tate each other’s function (Rothwell 1994, The descending systems described in this
Davidoff 1990) chapter have both specialized and parallel func-
x Functionally, the rubrospinal system is facili- tions. Lesions of the CNS rarely affect one system
tatory to flexion and inhibitory to extension or pathway alone. What we see are the effects
during swing phase of locomotion (Kidd et al. of the lesion on the patient as a whole. Fibers
1992) from the descending pathways from the cortex
x Rothwell (1994) states that the rubrospinal pass through the internal capsule with many
system is facilitatory to flexion and inhibitory others. A lesion in the internal capsule causes
to extension in the cervical and lumbar areas sensorimotor problems mostly on the opposite
of the spine and in the distal extremity mus- side of the body. Pathways from the cortex des-
culature cend both ipsilaterally and contralaterally and
x Brodal (1995) states that the red nucleus will therefore result in some sensorimotor prob-
probably influences motor activity first and lems, also on the same side. Several studies
foremost through its interplay with the cere- have reported neurologic deficits on the so-called
bellum more than directly affecting moto- unaffected side in stroke patients (Thilmann et al.
neurons in the spinal cord 1990, Marque et al. 1997) and even loss of
strength (Patten et al. 2004). Therefore, the pa-
Clinical Relevance tient’s total balance and sensorimotor abilities
Damage to the corticospinal system mainly af- will be affected to some degree. Deviations in
fects distal dexterity. Lesions may cause loss of, motor control and balance mainly in one half of
or disturbed, gating control for incoming infor- the body always affect the patient’s functional
mation, and thereby hypersensitivity to peripher- ability as a whole. Most stroke patients initially
34 1 Applied Neurophysiology

have problems with standing on either leg. It is The cerebellar cortex is outermost
better to classify the two body halves as least Cerebral cortex
affected and most affected than to describe the
patient as having a hemiplegia.
Cortical lesions may result in more focal Cerebro-
(local) problems, for instance affecting arm and/
The eyes and Vestibulo- Cerebellum
or hand movements or dexterity. Damage to the vestibular nuclei cerebellum
dominant hemisphere, most often the left, may Spinocerebellum
result in speech and communication problems.

Spinal cord
Functionally, the descending systems are
broadly divided into lateral and medial systems. Fig. 1.16 The functional divisions of the cerebellum:
The main function of the medial pathway is the vestibulocerebellum, the cerebrocerebellum, and
maintenance of postural control, stability, and the spinocerebellum. These areas receive and pass on
balance (most automatic). The main role of the information to the vestibular nuclei, the cerebral
lateral pathway is related to voluntary activity cortex, and the spinal cord, respectively.
(least automatic).

Perception and Cognition The Vestibulocerebellum

The vestibulocerebellum (the flocculonodular
Different types of cognitive and perceptual pro- lobe) is phylogenetically the oldest part of the
cesses involve different regions and different cerebellum and works closely with the vestibular
combinations of regions within the brain. Lesions nuclei. Its main task is maintenance of balance,
to either hemisphere and/or subcortical struc- head control, and coordination of eye and head
tures may have perceptual and cognitive conse- movements.
quences. More often, perceptual problems such
as neglect, inattention, spatial problems, aprax- The Spinocerebellum
ias, etc. are associated with lesions affecting the The spinocerebellum (Fig. 1.17) receives informa-
nondominant hemisphere. Damage to the domi- tion mainly from the spinal cord. The spinocere-
nant hemisphere may cause decreased ability to bellar tracts (see The Somatosensory System)
remember, problem solve, and communicate. transmit impulses mainly from the spinal cord.
Perceptual and cognitive dysfunctions have a They cross twice, and therefore influence the
profound effect on motor behavior. The reader same side of the body, and transmit information
is advised to study these in more detail, e. g., from specific receptors in the skin, muscles, and
Kandel (2000), Shumway-Cook and Woollacott joints. The spinocerebellum receives and trans-
(2006), Mulder (1991, 1996), and other relevant mits information about:
publications. x The level of activity of the interneurons
(especially inhibitory interneurons)
The Cerebellum x Factors influencing the motoneurons at all
The cerebellum is a complex structure containing x Movements resulting from the activity in the
more neurons alone than the whole brain put motoneurons
together (Rothwell 1994, Brodal 2001). It has an x The level of activity of descending pathways
important coordinating role in motor function The spinocerebellum is therefore kept up to date
based on the large amount of somatosensory on the real-time activity in the body and com-
information it receives—it has 40 times more pares intended and performed movements and
input than output. The cerebellum consists of corrects errors if needed. The spinocerebellum
three functionally different parts that receive also receives input from nuclei in the mesence-
and pass information on to other parts of the phalon through the inferior olive, thereby forming
CNS (Brodal 2001). The cerebellar cortex is outer- an indirect spinocerebellar tract, the spino-olivo-
most (Fig. 1.16). cerebellar tract.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 35




Cerebellar nuclei
Reticular Vestibular nuclei

Pontine nuclei
Reticulo- and Spinocerebellar
tracts Cerebellar
vestibulospinal tracts Pontocerebellar tract

Fig. 1.17 The most important connections of the Fig. 1.18 The main connections of the cerebrocere-
spinocerebellum. bellum (pontocerebellum).

Function: The spinocerebellum has an essential bellum receives information from other peripher-
role in relation to dynamic postural control be- al and central influences (neck receptors, the red
cause this area receives and integrates somato- nucleus, the reticular formation, the level of ac-
sensory information from the whole body. Infor- tivity in the interneurons from sources other
mation is passed on to the spinal cord via the red than the spinocerebellar tracts).
nucleus and the reticular formation (Horak and
Diener 1994). The Cerebellar Nuclei
There are four nuclei situated deep in the cere-
The Cerebrocerebellum bellum: the fastigial nucleus, the dentate nu-
The cerebrocerebellum (pontocerebellum) (Fig. cleus, and the globose and emboliform nuclei
1.18) has a contralateral influence on the motor (called the anterior and posterior interposed nu-
systems. It receives most fibers from the cerebral clei in animals). The fastigial nucleus has a role
cortex, a corticopontine tract. In the pons, the in- in posture, automatic movements, and locomo-
formation from the cerebral cortex is integrated tion. The dentate nucleus is involved in voluntary
and modulated before crossing over and entering (least automatic) movement, as well as locomo-
the cerebellum. The cerebrocerebellum receives tion and initiation and termination of movement.
information about which movements are planned The globose and emboliform nuclei compare the
and about which commands are sent from the central motor command with the actual move-
cerebral cortex. Probably, there is a comparison ment.
between the intent to move and the actual move-
ment at the same time as the cerebellum influ- The Cerebellar Cortex
ences the activity of the motor cortex. Recent In the cerebellar cortex are four types of inhibi-
imaging data indicate that the cerebrocerebellum tory neurons: the stellate, basket, Purkinje and
is intimately involved in planning and mental re- Golgi cells, and one type of excitatory neuron,
hearsal of complex motor actions, and in the con- the granule cell. The outermost layer of the cere-
scious assessment of movement errors. The cere- bellum, the cerebellar cortex, is organized into
36 1 Applied Neurophysiology

three layers (Fig. 1.19). Afferent information to spinocerebellum. They form excitatory sy-
the cerebellum is via two main types of fibers, napses with the dendrites of the granule cells
the climbing and the mossy fibers. These form ex- in the granular layer. The granule cells form
citatory synapses with cerebellar neurons, but the parallel fibers with their axons, which sy-
terminate differently in the cerebellar cortex: napse with the dendrites of the Purkinje cells
x The climbing fibers originate in the inferior in the molecular layer.
olive, which conveys input from the spinal The Purkinje cell is a specialized inhibitory
cord and the nuclei in the mesencephalon; neuron in the cerebellar cortex. It is the only
this is somatosensory, visual, and cerebral cell that sends its axon out of the cerebellar
cortical information (Kandel et al. 2000). cortex. There are about 30 million Purkinje cells
The climbing fibers synapse with the Purkinje in the human cerebellar cortex (Guyton 1976).
cells by twisting round the Purkinje cell and Each Purkinje cell receives 150–200 synapses
thereby forming many synapses with each from one climbing fiber and approximately
cell. Each Purkinje cell receives input from 80 000–200 000 synapses from many parallel
only one climbing fiber, and each climbing fibers (granule cells) (Rothwell 1994). Enormous
fiber may contact between 1 and 10 Purkinje amounts of information therefore converge and
cells. are modulated and integrated before the Purkinje
x The mossy fibers originate in nuclei of the cell transmits the “result” of this communication
spinal cord and brain stem, and carry infor- to the deep cerebellar neurons. Information is
mation from the periphery as well as from the modulated many times before it reaches its
cerebral cortex to the vestibulo-, cerebro- and final target, the motoneurons of the spinal cord.

Basket cell Stellate cell

layer Cerebellar cortex
Purkinje cell

Granule cell

Golgi cell

Mossy fiber cell rosette

Purkinje cell

Climbing fiber
nuclei Efferent cerebellar fiber

Cellular organization

Fig. 1.19 The basic cerebellar circuit.

1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 37

The Purkinje cells send their axons to the deep Clinical Hypothesis
cerebellar nuclei as well as directly to the vestib- The Purkinje cells of the cerebellum have a un-
ular nuclei in the brain stem. The deep nuclei ique role in the control of movement and motor
transmit information to the motor cortex and learning. Through their inhibitory activity they
the reticular formation. stop unwanted activity coming through. The Pur-
kinje cells says “no” to unwanted movements
The Inferior Olive and “not-no” to wanted movement (neurophy-
The inferior olive is a nucleus in the medulla ob- siologist Nigel Lawes, personal communication
longata in the brain stem. It receives input from 1995). The hypothesis of how the cerebellum
the spinal cord and the superior colliculus sculpts and shapes movement is especially inter-
(which in turn receive information from the re- esting and relevant (Thach et al. 1992). The
tina and visual cortex and somatosensory infor- climbing fibers from the inferior olive transmit
mation from the primary sensory cortex SI). The information from the spinal cord, nuclei in the
largest part of the inferior olive is the principal mesencephalon, visual, and cerebral cortices.
nucleus, which sends its fibers to the cerebellar They seem to have a role in error-correction
cortex via the climbing fibers, which cross over and motor learning. The mossy fibers are as-
to the cerebellar nuclei and the opposite cerebel- sumed to be involved in precise, graded move-
lar hemisphere. The principal nucleus receives ment. When people attempt to do something
most of its inputs from nuclei in the mesence- complicated, new, or strenuous, muscle activa-
phalon (mostly the parvocellular part of the red tion radiates to muscles not primarily involved
nucleus) (Brodal 2001). The inferior olive has an in the movement. For example, when a child
important effect on the cerebellum and motor first learns to use a pair of scissors, often his
control. Damage to the inferior olive leads to mouth opens and closes in rhythm with the
severe disinhibition of the Purkinje cells. As a movements of the hand. In adults, in the process
result, the inhibitory influences of the Purkinje of acquiring a new skill or performing something
cells on the cerebellar nuclei increase causing complex, more muscles are activated than is
cessation of the cerebellum’s influence on other needed for the skill itself. When doing strenuous
parts of the CNS. tasks such as sitting up from supine even the toes
The climbing fibers ability to error-signal may extend to help the activity although they are not
have an important role in motor learning and cer- primarily involved in the activity. The associated
tain forms of associative learning (conditioned muscle activation is normal, and it is often
blinking of the eye). The neurons in the inferior termed associated movement. However, as the
olive are rhythmically active (pacemaker func- skill is perfected and becomes more automatic,
tion), and may therefore have a role in the ability these movements are gradually filtered away
of the cerebellum to rhythmically activate ago- and they disappear. They will appear again dur-
nists and antagonists surrounding a joint in the ing skill acquisition or the performance of
correct sequence of recruitment at the right time. heavy tasks.

The Role of the Cerebellum in Motor Control, The cerebellum seems to have a role in the
Motor Learning, and Cognition refinement and sculpturing of movement by
The climbing fibers from the inferior olive can in- filtering unwanted muscle activation.
duce selective long-term depression in the synap-
tic effect of the parallel fibers that are active con-
currently. Long-term depression (LDP) is defined Brodal (2004) describes the storage of informa-
as reduced synaptic efficiency that may last min- tion necessary to perform certain activities,
utes to hours (Brodal 2001). This long-term effect such as standing up from sitting, walking down
of the climbing fiber on the transmission of sig- stairs, or reaching out as internal models in the
nals from the mossy fiber, the granule cell and brain. This can be viewed together with the the-
parallel fiber through to the Purkinje cell may ory of motor program storage (Lalonde and Botez
be important in motor learning (Kandel et al. 1990) or prototypes (Mulder 1991) (Fig. 1.20).
2000). The (internal) knowledge of which components
of movement are necessary for a certain activity
38 1 Applied Neurophysiology

Information deemed relevant to the movement

Information Filter/cerebellum Prototype
is allowed through while irrelevant activity is
stopped. What is allowed through represents a
prototype that is adaptable to functional needs
to make the movement appropriate to the here
and now situation. The cerebellum seems to
have a role in allowing relevant and relative ac-
tivity through the filter by saying “not no.” In
this way, the cerebellum also has a role in the
control of selective movement.

Summary of the Many Possible Functions of

the Cerebellum
x Balance during stance and gait, regulation of
Fig. 1.20 The cerebellum as an information filter. eye movements
x Fast acting in relation to equilibrium, postural
mechanisms, and locomotion. The speed of
is called prototypical representation by Mulder signal transmission from the cerebellum is
(1991). Experience through position changes less than 100 ms. Therefore, this activity is
and variety of movement are prerequisites for classed as more automatic. Regarding a motor
the development of prototypes. Varied repetition response to sensory information, more that
is essential for all learning. When we stand up or 100 ms in the transmission of signals allows
sit down we do so to and from many different time for cognitive modulation
support bases: chairs, plinths, beds, stone walls, Spinocerebellum:
or fences; from different heights, textures, sizes, x Regulation of body and limb movements
and postural alignments (postural sets), and x Feedforward control mechanisms in the regu-
with goals that involve different tempo, timing, lation of movement
and direction. Through varied repetition we x Modulation of the descending motor systems
learn which components are essential to evolve in the brain stem and cerebral cortex, espe-
the wanted activity and are therefore essential cially in relation to movements of the face,
for the function. Other, irrelevant, components mouth and neck, and proximal parts of the
are gradually filtered away for the sake of effi- limbs, and to postural control and balance
ciency and ease of movement. There is evidence during voluntary activity
to support the hypothesis that heel contact is x Accuracy of reaching through the timing of the
an essential component for various functions, components of movement and the control of
for instance in sitting to standing—heel-down to direction and extent of movement
stand up (Shepherd and Koh 1996, Khemlani et x Comparison between somatosensory infor-
al. 1998, Chen et al. 1998)—and that heel-strike mation and motor commands
to load and heel-off to off-load is essential x Comparison between motor commands and
for stance and swing initiation in locomotion actual movements through information from
(Harkema et al. 1997, Trew and Everett 1998). interneurons in the spinal cord. The cerebel-
lum evaluates whether the planned move-
The prototype of movements and activities ment gave the intended result
seem to be learned through varied repetition. x Error correction
x Rhythm control—coordination of the CPGs in
the spinal cord for locomotion
Large amounts of information converge on the Cerebrocerebellum:
Purkinje cells. The information is integrated and x Coordination of the timing of the various
modulated before it is transferred to motor activ- components of voluntary movements
ity. This filter is an illustration of the continuous (e. g., prehension grip)
bombardment of information on the cerebellum.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 39

x Modulation of activity in the motor cortex Lesions to the cerebellum may lead to hypo-
improves accuracy and thereby shapes move- tonia, balance problems, ataxia (meaning loss of
ment order), dysmetria (meaning abnormal measure,
x Motor learning and cognition: characterized by impaired reaching, timing er-
– new motor skills, thereby involved in rors, and problems of direction and extent of
selective movement movement), terminal tremor (irregular oscillation
– adaptation and modulation of movement movements round a target), visual problems, and
by improving the performance of skills incoordination. These primary deficits often lead
through repetition (trial and error) to secondary problems as the somatosensory, vi-
– acquisition and processing of sensory in- sual, or vestibular information is disturbed when
formation for tasks requiring complex spa- the performance of movement is altered by
tial and temporal evaluation, which are pathology. The cerebellum receives misinforma-
essential for programming complex motor tion and the primary deficits are enhanced.
actions and sequences of movement Lesions to the vestibulocerebellum cause
– simpler motor responses such as the vesti- problems in the control of eye movements during
bulo-ocular reflex (Brodal 2001) rotation of the head (the vestibular-ocular re-
– adaptation of conditioned reflexes flex), and in the control of limb movements dur-
– mental rehearsal of movement and motor ing stance and gait as well as severe balance
learning through the premotor-cerebello- problems. If the patient lies down, he can move
rubrocerebellar loop his limbs accurately.
– planning and programming of hand move-
ments—eye–hand control
The Basal Ganglia
x Storage of basic prototypes for movements
and activities The basal ganglia consist of the caudate nucleus,
the putamen and the globus pallidus (Fig. 1.21).
Clinical Relevance Many authors also include the substantia nigra
Some patients with neurological deficits (e. g., and the subthalamic nucleus in a functional con-
stroke, MS, or head injury) seem to have a re-
duced ability to both initiate necessary activity
and to correct the movement if it is not appropri-
ate. These patients do not seem to recruit the Cortex
prototype as a basis for varied activity. There
may be a spread of activity to muscles that nor-
mally would not be primarily involved, which
sometimes starts even before the wanted activ-
ity. These “extra” movements may not be filtered Caudate nucleus
away as the activity is practiced, but sometimes
increase and get stronger both in range of motion
and force production, often involving a whole
limb. These unwanted and inefficient movement
patterns may be established—learned—if they
are practiced. If the cerebellum learns these
movements as part of an activity, it would seem
possible that a new prototype is established, a
coarser, less refined and less controlled form. Putamen Substantia nigra
The patient’s CNS might include them as a part
of the prototype in day-to-day activity. This Globus pallidus
would lead to increased stress and effort, disturb
Corticobulbar and
the patient’s motor performance and—most im-
corticospinal tract
portant—negate the development of postural sta-
Fig. 1.21 The basal ganglia, an overview.
40 1 Applied Neurophysiology

contribute to musculoskeletal, oculomotor, cog-

Called the lentiform nucleus nitive, and emotional (limbic) functions.
Globus pallidus
The musculoskeletal circuit begins and ends
Caudate nucleus Putamen
(pallidum) in the precentral motor areas (Fig. 1.23). The pre-
central motor fields (the premotor, the supple-
Called the (neo-)striatum
mentary motor, and the motor cortices) and the
Called the corpus striatum postcentral somatosensory send their informa-
tion to the putamen. The putamen is an impor-
Fig. 1.22 An overview of the different nuclei, both tant site for integration of movement and
individually and grouped together. sensory feedback information related to move-
ment. It sends its information back through the
two output nuclei via the thalamus to the supple-
mentary motor area, the premotor cortex and
text (Brodal 2001). The different nuclei are often to the precentral motor areas. Several authors
grouped in pairs and are then named together have presented aspects of the basal ganglia’s
(see Fig. 1.22). role in motor control (Rothwell 1994, Kandel et
Afferent connections to the basal ganglia: al. 2001):
x The striatum is the main receiving nucleus— x Disinhibition of some motor areas at the same
from almost all parts of the cortex, from the time as facilitation of others, thereby “allow-
thalamus, and nuclei in the mesencephalon ing” movement to happen
x The caudate nucleus—from the association x Many aspects related to movement:
areas (higher mental functions) – scaling the amplitude and velocity of
x The putamen—from the somatosensory cortex movement
(SI) and the primary motor cortex (MI) – focusing the neural activity
Efferent connections from the basal ganglia: – identification of the position of the move-
x From the striatum to the globus pallidus and ment goal (feedforward)
substantia nigra, which are the two output – identification of variables related to direc-
nuclei of the basal ganglia tion during the performance of movement
x The globus pallidus and substantia nigra in- – decision making: variables related to mus-
hibit their target nuclei in the thalamus and cle activation necessary to move an extre-
brain stem nuclei through a direct and an mity
indirect pathway – performance of sequences of movement
x Activation of the direct pathway facilitates – tonic control and CPG initiation due to the
movement links between the basal ganglia and the
x Activation of the indirect pathway inhibits spinal cord
movement Movement is defined by the cerebral cortex,
The basal ganglia are the principal subcortical refined by the cerebellum and contextualized
components of several parallel circuits or net- by the basal ganglia.
works connecting the thalamus to the cerebral
cortex. Brodal (2001) states that the basal ganglia Clinical Relevance
first and foremost affect motor activity through Lesions to the basal ganglia produce three dis-
connections with motor areas in the cerebral cor- tinct types of motor disturbance: tremor and in-
tex and the brain stem and only to a small degree voluntary movements, changes in postural and
through their own descending fibers. According muscle tone, poverty and slowness of movement
to Kandel et al. (2000) the nuclei of the basal without paralysis. Lesions do not cause paresis or
ganglia receive their primary input from the cer- paralysis, but affect motor performance for in-
ebral cortex and send their output to the brain stance by tempo reduction. The basal ganglia
stem via the thalamus, back to the prefrontal, send information to the thalamus via the internal
premotor, and motor cortices. The basal ganglia capsule. This connection may be disrupted
are also associated with complex cognitive and through a stroke affecting the internal capsule,
behavioral functions: through their interaction and some stroke patients seem to develop par-
with the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia also kinsonian symptoms.
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 41

Premotor cortex

Motor cortex


Ventrolateral nucleus
of the thalamus
ganglia Putamen
Midbrain Red nucleus

Pontine nuclei
Pyramidal tract

Medial corticospinal tract Lateral corticospinal tract

Spinal cord


Fig. 1.23 Voluntary movement and the basal ganglia. (Redrawn with permission from Kandel et al., p. 347.)

The basal ganglia have an extensive network tude and velocity of voluntary movement), rigidity
communication with different areas of the cortex, (increased resistance to passive movement), or
and are probably involved in motor planning. tremor; dyskinesia, or dystonia (involuntary move-
Clinically, it is necessary to use more cognitive ment), and hypotonia (reduced muscle tone).
strategies in the treatment of patients with par- Parkinson disease is characterized by akinesia
kinsonian features compared with patients who or bradykinesia, rigidity, and resting tremor.
have lesions to other parts of the CNS. Lesions to The rigidity is probably caused by a-motoneuron
the basal ganglia may lead to an increase of muscle excitability (Brodal 2001). Rothwell (1994) de-
tone (rigidity) and affect locomotion through its scribes the consequences of loss of spontaneous
connections with the reticular formation in the movements as reduced balance, reduced antici-
brain stem. Lesions to the basal ganglia may give patory postural control, reduced righting reac-
a variety of symptoms: akinesia (impaired initia- tions, reduced ability to step, and produce pro-
tion of movement), bradykinesia (reduced ampli- tective arm reactions. Both feedforward and feed-
42 1 Applied Neurophysiology

back mechanisms seem to be affected. The basal x Generalized dystonia that affects the whole
ganglia receive extensive information from corti- body, e. g., Huntington disease
cal areas. Lesions to the basal ganglia may cause One cause of dystonia may be repetitive strain in-
loss of more automatic motor skills thereby jury. Movements that are performed repetitively
causing the patient to compensate with cortical may cause changes in the structure and function
mechanisms. This may be one reason for the of the CNS (form–function). If a person pursues a
tempo reduction that patients with Parkinson profession or hobby requiring intensive repeti-
disease experience. tion a movement of the hand, e. g., secretaries,
Jobst et al. (1997) hypothesize that the move- musicians, he may develop occupational hand
ment problems that patients with Parkinson cramp (Byl et al. 1997), which is viewed as a
disease present with may in part be due to type of focal dystonia of the hand. Dystonia
decreased proprioception. They refer to animal may also develop secondary to a stroke or head
studies that show that the putamen responds to injury. Approximately half of the generalized
somatosensory stimuli and to passive movement, dystonias are assumed to be secondary. For the
especially rotational movements. Rotation gives focal dystonias, it is only possible to diagnose a
more proprioceptive feedback than, for instance, cause in approximately 10 % of those affected
palpation of muscle or tendon tapping. They say (Gjerstad et al. 1991). If the disorder starts in
that perhaps the basal ganglia can influence childhood, it may be possible to find a cause in
movement by modulating sensory information 40 %; in 30 % if developing during youth; and
or function as a “sensory gate.” Jobst et al. 13 % in adult (Marsden and Quinn 1990, Borg-
(1997) conclude by stating that the sensory as- mann 1997).
pects of kinesia are defective in patients with
Parkinson disease because all the patients only
Inhibition—Regulation of Central
had problems when they had to rely on their pro-
Nervous Activity
prioceptive/kinesthetic sense alone. They say that
the role of the basal ganglia is probably sensory The CNS regulates and modifies impulse trans-
modulation and integration of sensory input to mission through inhibition. Special neurotrans-
motor tasks. This would lead to deficiency in mitters in the CNS are responsible for the inhibi-
the individual’s ability to: tion of impulses. GABA (g-amino butyric acid) is
x Judge the position of the extremities in space, the most common one. There are many forms of
especially during movement inhibition. The following seems to be especially
x Control sequence and timing due to reduced important for movement:
or defective feedback from the movements of x Presynaptic inhibition
the extremities x Postsynaptic inhibition
Jobst et al. (1997) suggest that physiotherapy x Recurrent inhibition
should focus on improving the patient’s kines- x Lateral inhibition (see Stereognostic Sense
thetic sense as well as other interventions or- earlier in this chapter)
iented toward the improvement of the patient’s One motoneuron may have 50 000 synapses. It is
motor function. the sum of inputs to the motoneuron that decides
Dystonia is a condition characterized by re- the output. The nerve cells may receive many in-
peated muscular contractions that cause uncon- hibitory inputs and still reach threshold for firing.
trolled, slow, writhing, repetitive movements as
in Huntington chorea, or abnormal stereotyped Presynaptic Inhibition
positions such as spastic torticollis. Dystonia is Presynaptic inhibition is important for precise,
often related to the basal ganglia (putamen and focused, and graded muscular activity. Presynap-
globus pallidus; Rothwell 1994). Dystonia may tic inhibition is transmitted through axoaxonic
present itself as: synapses. (When an axon synapses with the sy-
x Focal dystonia that is localized to one body naptic terminal bouton of another axon, an ax-
part, e. g., torticollis oaxonic synapse is formed.) The release of excita-
x Segmental or multifocal dystonia that affects tory neurotransmitter substances from the presy-
more body parts naptic bouton is inhibited by presynaptic inhibi-
tion, and the impulse stops (see Fig. 1.24). This
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 43

effect occurs in the presynaptic cell. The post- Presynaptic inhibition is important for move-
synaptic cell is unchanged (Fig 1.25). ment. It aids the recruitment of muscles with ap-
Impulse transmission may be inhibited propriate timing in the right sequence and it is a
through presynaptic inhibition, and the excita- very specific mechanism that is precisely modu-
tory effect on the postsynaptic cell moderated. lated to different types of movement: (Rothwell
In this way, somatosensory information may be 1994).
modified and modulated, irrelevant information x Presynaptic inhibition modulates the activity
stopped and the contrast between sensory infor- between different muscles over different
mation and awareness increased (Rothwell 1994, joints in an extremity, for instance between
Brodal 2001). In the clinical situation, somatosen- gastrocnemius and soleus in standing
sory information may modify the activity of the and walking, and assists in the appropriate
CNS through presynaptic inhibition (Musa 1986, sequence and timing of muscles.
Kidd et al. 1992). x There is reciprocal inhibition between flexors
and extensors normally (one inhibits the
Changes in afferent information may modify other), for instance the tibialis anterior and
the activity of the CNS. soleus in the leg. Reciprocal inhibition means
that a muscle is inhibited by activity in its
antagonist. In some pathological conditions
this mechanism does not work: there is no
reciprocal inhibition from tibialis anterior on
the soleus, while there is a strong reverse ef-
fect. That is, increased pathological activation
Axoaxonic synapse of the soleus may inhibit tibialis anterior
without the activity in the tibialis anterior
being primarily affected by pathology.
Presynaptic inhibition may regulate the recruit-
ment and modulation of motor units through
spatial and temporal distribution (Fig. 1.26). There
is a considerable axonal branching in the CNS,
and thereby one axon may spread and supply
many other neurons many times. Temporal sum-
mation of action potentials means that many ac-
tion potentials travelling at a fast frequency in
an axon build upon each other (Brodal 2001)
and thereby increase the strength and duration
of information. The repetition of impulses is
regulated through presynaptic inhibition, and
Axodendritic synapse
the repetition stopped if needed. Thereby, the
Fig. 1.24 Presynaptic inhibition


Postsynaptic cell

Fig. 1.25 Presynaptic inhibition.

The inhibitory interneuron synapses
Presynaptic bouton
on the presynaptic bouton of an
axon, which in turn synapses with
the postsynaptic cell.
44 1 Applied Neurophysiology

postsynaptic depolarization. Release of inhibitory

Afferent axon ending neurotransmitters from the presynaptic cell
Opens cause hyperpolarization of the post-synaptic cell
CI channels membrane. More facilitatory/excitatory impulses
Controls will therefore be necessary to depolarize the
postsynaptic cell, i. e., the threshold for depolari-
Diazepam Closes Ca2+ channels
zation has been increased.
Controls repetition

Recurrent Inhibition
The Renshaw cell is an inhibitory interneuron
(Rothwell 1994) that receives many collaterals
from a-motoneurons locally, and is under su-
praspinal control by the corticospinal system.
The collaterals from the a-motoneurons synapse
GABAa: spatial distribution
with Renshaw cells (Fig. 1.27), which synapses
GABAb: temporal distribution back on to the same motoneuron as well as
other motoneurons supplying motor units in the
same muscles and muscles with similar func-
tions. The Renshaw cell distributes inhibition to
Fig. 1.26 Spatial and temporal distribution through its:
presynaptic inhibition. Presynaptic inhibition may be x Own agonist a-motoneuron
activated or not at places where the axon branches x Synergic motoneurons
(GABAa) to select the spread of impulses (spatial distri- x Own agonist g-motoneuron
bution). The repetition of impulses (temporal distri- x Synergic g-motoneurons
bution) is regulated through presynaptic inhibition
x Other Renshaw cells and Ia inhibitory inter-
(GABAb) and repetition stopped if needed, i. e., the
strength of impulse transmission is modulated. (CI = neurons (from the muscle spindle)
calcium.) At the same time, the antagonists are disinhib-
ited, i. e., they are facilitated. The precise func-
tional role of this system is still unclear, but
duration of the action potentials is controlled some of the effects of Renshaw cell activation
through temporal distribution. are:
Spatial summation means that information
from many different sources converge on one
neuron (Brodal 2001).
Antagonist α-motoneuron
Axonal branching from any one axon cause
impulses to be spread over a large number of
neurons, as well as repeatedly to one neuron (di-
vergence). This leads to a spatial distribution of
impulses. Presynaptic inhibition can be turned
on or off where branching occurs (see Fig. 1.24, Inhibitory Agonist α-motoneuron
interneuron (Ia)
GABAa) to focus the distribution. The action po-
tentials are therefore transmitted to where they
are needed. In this way, the number of motor
units required for an activity may be regulated.
The CNS has the ability to modify or control the
Renshaw cell
direction and spread of impulses normally, to
hinder a too diffuse activation of motor unit

Postsynaptic Inhibition Agonist γ-motoneuron

Postsynaptic inhibition is when one neuron in-
hibits another by increasing the threshold for Fig. 1.27 The Renshaw cell loop
1.1 Systems Control: Systems and Structures Concerned with Movement 45

x Reduced firing frequency of the a-motoneuron When patients attempt to be functionally in-
x The motoneuron is less sensitive to excitatory dependent in a phase where the CNS is vulner-
stimuli thereby increasing the contrast in able and denervated, they may experience activa-
motoneuron pools. This is best compared with tion of muscles that normally would not be in-
lateral inhibition in the somatosensory system volved in the actual activity. Attempts at balan-
(see Stereognostic Sense) cing in standing, transferring, or walking may
Brodal (2001) states that the Renshaw cell may lead to shortening of the patient’s affected side,
contribute to the rhythm in the CPGs by shorten- flexion of the arm or fingers, retraction of the pel-
ing the impulse trains from active motoneurons vis or push through the foot. Clinically, if the pa-
and at the same time increase the excitability tient learns to control his movements more selec-
of the antagonistic motoneurons. In this way, tively, these pathological mass patterns may be
the rhythmic change may be facilitated. There disrupted. Improved selective control is a sign
seems to be reduced recurrent inhibition in distal that the patient is learning to control the distri-
body segments where the movements are faster bution and spread of impulses, as well as focus-
and more voluntary, whereas in the proximal ing his activity.
areas, recurrent inhibition seems to be important
for slow or tonic muscle contraction. Improved selective control seems to stop in-
appropriate spread of activity to other muscles.
Lateral Inhibition Pathologic mass patterns may therefore be
Lateral inhibition is discussed under Somatosen- disrupted by the improvement of selective
sory System, Stereognostic Sense. control of movement.

Clinical Relevance
Selective control of movement depends on mus- Studies in stroke patients demonstrate that the
culature being recruited in the appropriate se- lesion not only affects the affected side, but that
quence at the appropriate time, and that the there is pathologic activity also in the so-called
duration and strength of muscular contraction unaffected side (Thilmann et al., 1990, Marque
(eccentric/concentric) is appropriate to the goal et al. 1997). This means that inappropriate activ-
activity. Patients with CNS lesions have reduced ity may spread to both halves of the body, lead-
control of movement for different reasons. ing to an increase of effort.
There may be impairment of temporal and spatial Renshaw cell control may be reduced in CNS
distribution of activity. As the patient starts ac- lesions. Disruption of this system may lead to
tivity, the recruitment of motor units and mus- clonus as the contrast within the motoneuron
cles in relation to grading of the duration, spread pools is reduced. The motor system may need
of involvement, and repetition is sometimes dis- more activation to depolarize the Renshaw cell
rupted. The reaction or response may therefore to modulate the motoneuron activity. The grad-
be greater than normal (see Cornall 1991 as an ing and duration of a tonic contraction becomes
example). less precise. Clonus is a sign of disturbed excit-
ability of the spinal interneurons (Brodal 2001).
Reduced recurrent inhibition may be a contribut-
ing factor to pathologically increased tone.

After a CNS lesion the motoneurons may be

hypersensitive to excitatory stimuli.
46 1 Applied Neurophysiology

Muscle fibers are able to alter their fiber type to An updated body schema is a prerequisite for
some degree in relation to use. See page 7. appropriate and efficient feedforward control.
The length of a muscle is important for movement See page 21.
and function. See page 8. Stereognostic sense is based on somatosensory
Motor units in a muscle is recruited in a sequence, information, movement, the ability to recognize
whereby the smaller motor units are activated be- contrasts and perception. See page 21.
fore larger motor units. See page 9. Muscle activity is important for joint position
Postural stability is a basis for selective movement sense. See page 22.
control and function. See page 9. Variation in somatosensory information arouses
Compartmentalization describes the ability of a awareness to the stimulated body part. See page
muscle that crosses more than one joint to 23.
perform different functions simultaneously. See Walking on a flat, even surface is probably con-
page 9. trolled by CPG in the spinal cord and brain stem
Muscle balance depends on muscular, neurologic, and coordinated by the cerebellum, i. e., it is
and biomechanical factors. Alterations in recruit- mainly an automatic activity. See page 25.
ment and the distribution of motor activity affect The activity of the vestibular system is greatest
alignment. Altered alignment affects muscle func- when postural control is needed. See page 27.
tion. See page 9. Head control and postural control affect each
Tone is related to both the state of the muscle fi- other reciprocally. See page 28.
bers, the activity within the sense organs, muscle The ability to dynamically balance on one leg
viscosity, and connective tissue. The most impor- seems to be a prerequisite for a free swing. See
tant cause of alteration of tone is muscular con- page 28.
traction. See page 11. Active swing that is initiated too early may inter-
Heel-strike is important for initiation of stance and fere with the stability of the standing leg. See
therefore locomotion. See page 17. page 28.
Heel-off is an important signal for the termination Stability and balance are prerequisites for move-
of stance, and therefore for swing phase. See page ment. See page 30.
17. Standing promotes awareness and arousal. See
Ascending and descending systems are closely page 30.
linked both anatomically and functionally. It is The corticospinal system innervates most moto-
therefore inappropriate to discuss these sepa- neurons. Most movements may be voluntarily
rately. Motor activity is the result of a complex in- controlled to some degree. If needed, cognitive
teraction between sensory, motor, and cognitive strategies may override more automatic move-
systems. See page 19. ments. See page 32.
Anticipatory adjustments of muscle activity (feed- The corticospinal system mainly supplies distal
forward) are dependent on both external and in- musculature. See page 32.
ternal feedback. That is, information about the in- Distal motor control, i. e., dexterity of finger
ternal relationship between body parts, the rela- movements and movements of the toes, are ex-
tionship between the body and the environment, amples of voluntary (least automatic) activity.
and from specific receptors from the eyes, muscle See page 32.
spindles, Golgi tendon organs, and receptors in The cortex is able to weight the relative impor-
the skin is necessary for feedforward and therefore tance of different sensory modalities via the corti-
for balance. See page 20. cospinal system. See page 32.
Information (feedback) about muscle activity, Functionally, the descending systems are broadly
movement, alignment, and weight distribution is divided into lateral and medial systems. The
important for balance, postural adaptation, and main function of the medial systems is mainte-
function. See page 20. nance of postural control, stability, and balance
Mobility is a prerequisite for the firing of specific (most automatic). The main role of the lateral sys-
receptors in relation to displacements and varia- tems is related to voluntary activity (least auto-
tion in sensory information due to movement, matic). See page 34.
and therefore for balance. See page 20.
1.2 Plasticity 47

world and their ability to modify their own activ-

The cerebellum seems to have a role in the refine- ity as a response to changes in the environment.
ment and sculpturing of movement by filtering
The neurophysiologist G. Kidd (Kidd et al.
unwanted muscle activation. See page 37.
1992) stated that “neuroplasticity is a concept
The prototype of movements and activities seem to
based on the ability of the central nervous system
be learned through varied repetition. See page 38.
to adapt, rebuild and reorganize itself in relation
Changes in afferent information may modify the
to its molecular form and function.” He intro-
activity of the CNS. See page 43.
duced the concept form–function to reinforce the
Improved selective control seems to stop inap-
interdependence between form (structure) and
propriate spread of activity to other muscles.
function. The interaction between form and func-
Pathological mass patterns may therefore be dis-
tion allows humans the opportunity to develop
rupted by the improvement of selective control
and meet functional needs. Plastic adaptation is
of movement. See page 45.
After a CNS lesion the motoneurons may be hyper- use-dependent and the result of our interaction
sensitive to excitatory stimuli. See page 45. with the environment. Motivation and attention
are necessary for learning. The role of the indivi-
dual related to society, family, to social relations,
possibilities, limitations, goals, demands, and
needs are all important for how an individual de-
1.2 Plasticity
velops and learns. How an individual uses his
body and mind shapes the CNS. Movement, activ-
In 2004, the Academy of Medical Science stated ities, strategies, and patterns of movement deter-
the importance of science for neurorehabilita- mine the connections in the CNS (Fig. 1.28).
tion: “The last two decades have seen unprece- Today, local brain function can be studied
dented advances in neuroscience that have trans- with noninvasive techniques such as functional
formed our understanding of the extent to which magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron
functional recovery is possible following neural emission tomography (PET), transcranial mag-
damage, how this recovery takes place and how netic stimulation (TMS), electroencephalography
it may be promoted.” (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and dif-
Hypotheses about the structure and function fusion tensor imaging (tractography) (Fig. 1.29).
of the brain, and its ability for restructuring and These techniques make it possible to show differ-
repair, were originally based on studies on star- ent aspects of brain activity as specific images of
fish and frogs. Just recently it was thought that the changes in the structure of the CNS can be
there was no possibility for repair or change obtained and these can be correlated with
within the CNS after it had suffered a lesion. Clini- changes in the patient’s functional ability after
cally, however, therapists found that many pa- a CNS lesion (Academy of Medical Sciences
tients improved and learned how to move again 2004, Ward and Cohen 2004). This kind of
either as they had done before or by using other research does have its limitations because the
strategies (Bobath 1990). Scientific research has patients need to keep their head still while
now shown that the structure of the brain
changes and adapts to how it is being used by
patients who have suffered a stroke (Ward and
Cohen 2004). Ward and Cohen demonstrate that
there is a connection between behavior and
brain structure after lesions to the CNS. The
human brain has a great ability to learn, and
learning leads to structural and functional Form–function
changes both in a healthy and in a lesioned CNS.
Stein et al. (1995) viewed neuroplasticity in
light of an organism’s ability for survival and its
ability to move around and interact with the
world. Neuroplasticity is based on the property
of nerve cells to store information about the Fig. 1.28 Form and function
48 1 Applied Neurophysiology

formance of the nervous system therefore de-

pends on an interaction between genetics and
environment, nature and nurture. The fact that
we have an ability to learn demonstrates that
the function of the nervous system at synaptic
level somehow can be altered by external influ-
ences” (author’s translation). Plasticity is present
on all levels of the CNS, in the peripheral nervous
a system, and in musculature (See The Neuromus-
cular System).
Plasticity is a prerequisite for learning, both in
the short term and in the long term (Brodal
2001). Plasticity implies that changes occur
within the structure of the CNS, for example
by the formation of new connections, and that
these may weaken or increase in strength
through use. Plastic adaptation occurs through
b life; on a local, cellular level this may cause sub-
stantial transformation of axons, dendrites, and
the internal environment, synapses, and trans-
mitters. Learning probably causes synaptic
changes in many parts of the CNS, with a distri-
bution that is specific to what is being learned
(Brodal 2001). A prerequisite for change of the
postsynaptic cell is that precise sensory informa-
tion and modulating transmitters (for example,
those transmitting information about motivation
and awareness) hit the synapse at the same mo-
ment in time. This explains why motivation is
important for structural changes to occur, i. e.,
for learning. Synaptic activity is based on several
factors, and sculpturing of synaptic connections
occurs throughout life (Benowitz and Routten-
berg 1997). Plasticity also implies that inap-
propriate connections are inactivated or remov-
ed. Cellular plasticity may eventually cause
system reorganization.
Functional plasticity refers to changes in the
d efficacy and strength of synaptic connections
caused by modulation and release of transmitters
Fig. 1.29a–d Examples of noninvasive imaging tech-
niques: (a) diffusion tensor imaging (tractography); (Agnati et al. 1992). These lead to:
(b) magnetoencephalography (MEG); (c) positron emis- x Changes in the size of the active zone of the
sion tomography (PET); (d) functional magnetic reso- synapse
nance imaging (fMRI). x Changes in the number of synaptic vesicles
(small sac containing transmitters in the ter-
minal boutons)
the image is being taken, but new methods are x Pre- and postsynaptic structural modifications
developing all the time. Brodal (2001) has described how experimental
Brodal (2001) states that “The nervous system data suggest that synaptic plasticity is the basis
is plastic (adaptable), i. e., it has the capacity to for learning and memory. Synaptic plasticity im-
alter its structure and function as a response to plies that the presynaptic action potential leads
changed demands. The development and the per- to an increased release of neurotransmitters,
1.2 Plasticity 49

and that the postsynaptic cell changes its re- nals in a sensory neuron must converge to pro-
sponse to the same amount of transmitter, or duce the large increase in neurotransmitter re-
both. Structural plasticity refers to changes in the lease that occurs with classical conditioning.
organization and number of synapses by axonal Two of these are caused by action potentials to
collateral sprouting, increase in the size of the activate chemical processes for the conditioned
dendritic tree, and the formation and production and unconditioned stimuli, the third is a retro-
of new synaptic connections. grade signal from the sensory neuron indicating
Kandel et al. (2000) state that behavior is that the postsynaptic cell has been adequately
shaped by learning, and that memory, which is activated by the unconditioned stimulus. These
the outcome of learning, has at least two forms: different forms of implicit memory interact and
x Implicit (nondeclarative) memory is the uncon- may strengthen each other for longer lasting
scious memory for perceptual and motor skill. enhancement.
x Explicit (declarative) memory is a memory for Squire et al. (1993) and Kandel et al. (2000)
people, places and objects that require con- stated that short-term memory is associated
scious recall. Explicit memory in mammals with plastic changes lasting from seconds to min-
involves long-term potentiation in the hippo- utes and caused by changes in the presynaptic
campus (for more detail, please see Kandel membrane. Long-term memory, however, may
et al. 2000). last for as long as many weeks and is caused
Implicit memory has many forms: habituation, by changes in the postsynaptic membrane. Both
sensitization, and classical conditioning. These these pre-and postsynaptic changes are called
have been mostly studied in vertebrates and in- “short-term potentiation” (STP). Changes lasting
vertebrates, but are much more complex in hu- long as months and years are associated with
mans. Habituation involves presynaptic depres- changes in the gene expression in the cell nucleus
sion of synaptic transmission and is related to and called “long-term potentiation” (LTP).
harmless stimuli. There is a decrease in synaptic
strength as a result of decrease in the number All forms of learning cause structural and
of transmitter vesicles released from presynaptic functional changes in the CNS.
terminals of sensory neurons. The plastic changes
in the functional strength of synaptic connections
constitute the cellular mechanisms mediating the
short-term memory for habituation. Learning can Neuroplasticity
lead to changes in the synaptic strength. There is
both a short-term and a long-term form, and the Neuroplasticity depends on gene expression, sy-
duration of the short-term memory storage is de- naptic activity, axonal transport, neurotrophic
termined by the duration of the synaptic change. factors, collateral sprouting, and probably more
Sensitization involves presynaptic enhancement factors. Motor learning is assumed to take place
of synaptic transmission and thereby of reflex on all levels of the CNS. The drive for change is
responses caused by the application of harmful caused by a need or desire to interact with the
stimuli. It is more complex than habituation be- environment in an appropriate manner.
cause stimuli to one pathway produce a change
in another pathway. Repetition of the stimulus Gene Expression
decides whether this is a short-term or a long-
term change. Classical conditioning is learning All cells of the body have a complete set of genes.
through the association of ideas—associative The different genes have different functions ex-
learning. Classical conditioning involves the pair- pressing skin, hair, nails, eyes, different types of
ing of two stimuli and is a means by which an an- muscle fibers, different types of nerve cells, and
imal learns to predict events in the environment so on. The fact that nails become nails is a result
(Kandel et al. 2000). This is dependent on activity of expression of the nail gene only—the other
in both the pre- and the postsynaptic cell and in- genes in the nail cells are silent. This is called
volves presynaptic facilitation of synaptic trans- gene expression (Martin and Magistretti 1998,
mission. The postsynaptic component is a retro- Brodal 2001).
grade signal from the sensory neuron. Three sig-
50 1 Applied Neurophysiology

The term genotype refers to the complete ge- (BDNF), and more are being discovered all the
netic constitution of an organism as decided by time (Olson 1996). The production of these pro-
the specific combination and localization of the teins is guided through gene expression; they
genes on the chromosomes. Organisms with the are present at all times in the nervous system,
same genetic make-up belong to the same geno- but levels are higher during development and
type. The human race, Homo sapiens, constitutes a when the need for regeneration and reorganiza-
genotype (Mosby-Yearbook 1994). As humans we tion is at its greatest.
have a common inheritance that allows us to bal-
ance and walk on two legs and at the same time Function
use our arms and hands for functional activities. Neurotrophic factors influence and guide (Stein
Humans are the only genotype to have developed et al. 1995):
these fundamental abilities, which are the basis x Collateral sprouting and regeneration
for the intellectual development of the human x Survival of damaged neurons
race (Eccles 1989). Each individual inherits a x Neuronal death (apoptosis)
unique combination of genes from their parents, x New terminals and growth cones of axons
and develops through the interaction of nature x Formation, maintenance, and transmission
and nurture to a unique phenotype. across new synapses
The phenotype is defined as the complete x Inhibition of the named processes
observable characteristics of an organism, and Neurotrophic factors are necessary for the pro-
includes anatomic, physiologic, biochemical, and cess of learning. Physiologic activity in the form
behavioral aspects, formed by the interaction of training, exercise, and daily activity stimulates
between the genetic make-up of the individual the release of neurotrophic substances; activity
and the environment (Mosby-Yearbook 1994). maintains the production and inactivity reduces
Each individual has an inherent ability to develop production (Agnati et al. 1992, Bailey and Kandel
and express genes in his own, unique way. There- 1993, Olson 1996). These factors stimulate meta-
fore, as individuals we move differently, behave bolism of nerve cells, nerve fiber growth, and
differently, and have different talents that we de- activity-driven changes in synaptic efficiency.
velop in our own way—each person is unique. We They depend on retrograde signals from the post-
do, however, have a common repertoire of move- synaptic to the presynaptic cell. Activity, the type
ment that is expressed individually. The ability to of activity performed—how our body moves and
learn is the basis for individual and specific char- is used—influence the CNS.
acteristics of physical and intellectual abilities.
Lasting plastic changes are a result of altered Activity and movement facilitate plastic
gene expression. changes in the CNS, both positively and nega-
Several scientists describe changes in the CNS tively.
as activity-dependent (Seil 1997, Martin and
Magistretti 1998, Kandel et al. 2000, Brodal
2001, Ward and Cohen 2004 and many more). Axonal Transport
Nerve fibers, or axons, contain axoplasm. The ax-
Environmental influences and stimuli direct
oplasm moves at various speeds in the axon by a
plasticity and thereby learning.
process called axoplasmic flow in two directions
and carries particles with it (Olson 1996, Beno-
witz and Routtenberg 1997):
Neurotrophic Factors x Anterograde axonal transport—from the cell
There are many proteins responsible for growth, body to the synapses
development, and programmed cell death (apop- x Retrograde axonal transport—from the synapse
tosis) in the CNS. Together these are called the and back to the cell body
neurotrophic factors. There are many different These axonal transport mechanisms represent
types of neurotrophic factors, for instance, nerve adaptations of mechanisms that facilitate the in-
growth factor (NGF), growth associated protein tracellular transport of organelles in all secretory
(GAP-43/B-50), brain-derived neurotrophic factor cells (Kandel et al. 2000). Particles are actively
1.2 Plasticity 51

transported in a start-and-stop (salutatory) fash- Collateral Sprouting

ion along linear tracks aligned with the main axis
Axons may sprout as buds on a tree (Fig. 1.30).
of the axon. Axonal transport is a type of infor-
This is called axonal or collateral sprouting and
mation transmission between neurons in addi-
is present in both the intact and lesioned nervous
tion to the action potentials (Kidd et al. 1992).
systems. In a CNS lesion if a nerve cell is da-
Retrograde transport is also used to deliver sig-
maged, its axon degenerates from distal to prox-
nals to the cell body (Kandel et al. 2000). Action
imal and leaves behind empty synaptic sites
potentials may influence the speed of transport
where they previously made contact. This hap-
of the particles that the CNS needs for develop-
pens on all levels in the nervous system. Unda-
ment, learning, and reorganization.
maged axons nearby are stimulated to sprout
through reactive synaptogenesis or reactive rein-
Motor activity may facilitate axonal transport.
nervation by neurotrophic substances that are re-
leased as a response to damage. Retrograde axo-
Axonal transport is responsible for moving pro- nal transport carries information about activated
teins and other particles to and from the cell growth factor receptors that may stimulate the
bodies to the synapses. Activated growth factor formation of a growth cone on the axon.
receptors are thought to be carried along the Growth-associated protein (GAP 43) is a protein
axon by retrograde transport to their site of ac- released by the nerve cells with empty synaptic
tion in the nucleus and, for instance, cytoskeletal sites. The ensuing branches, or the collaterals,
matrix is transported anterogradely. Synthesis is seek new contact sites to form new synapses
the production of complex substances from sim- where the old ones have been lost (Hallett
ple ones through chemical processes. Protein
synthesis in the CNS is essential for gene expres-
sion and learning. Axonal transport has an impor-
tant role in regeneration and reorganization of
the CNS and the neuromuscular system.
Through retrograde transport the cell bodies
are informed of activity at the synapses and the
postsynaptic cells and about its—the presynaptic
cell’s—effect. The presynaptic cell may then,
based on this form of feedback, alter its synaptic
effect if necessary (Brodal 2001). The effector
cells thereby have an important influence on
the neurons innervating them, and may inform
the CNS about what they want to know about
and what information they need. The state of
the muscles is therefore important for the func-
tion of the CNS, and the activity of motoneurons
is essential for the maintenance of the structure
of the motor end plate and the metabolism of
the muscle. The motor end plate, the density
and distribution of specific receptors within the
muscle, and the functional characteristics of the
muscle fiber types may be changed through di-
rect stimulation (Troenen and Edgar 1982).
Fig. 1.30a–e Simplified illustration of the process of
Muscular activity probably enhances the trans- formation of new synapses through collateral sprout-
port and production of neurotrophic substan- ing: (a) normal situation; (b) damage leads to degen-
ces. Stimulation may cause changes in the eration of axons from distal to proximal; (c) sprouting
from an interneuron; (d) sprouting from an afferent
metabolism, structure, and function of muscle.
(sensory) fiber; (e) sprouting from a descending fiber.
52 1 Applied Neurophysiology

1995, Lee and van Donkelaar 1995). The new con- The motor and sensory cortices are able to un-
nections will not restore the original pattern of dergo considerable reorgnization after damage or
innervation (Goldberger and Murrey 1988, Brodal other forms of peripheral or central influences
2001). They may use other neurotransmitters, causing changes in the neural patterns of activity
and may therefore not be able to reestablish (Stein et al. 1995, Nudo et al. 1996). Piano players
lost function completely. and Braille readers have larger representations in
The effect of collateral sprouting may not al- the motor areas of the cortex representing ma-
ways be positive; it may not lead to normaliza- nipulative skills (dexterity, fine motor activity)
tion of control of movement or other lost func- than the average population (see Fig. 1.6, p. 16).
tions. If the collateral sprouts arise from sensory People who have had an amputation have larger
neurons, the patient may become hypersensitive representation of the body parts proximal to the
to peripheral stimuli. Brodal (personal communi- amputation than the average population. Altered
cation 1998) says that not all collateral sprouting somatosensory perception may cause changes in
is a result of learning; experimentally, collateral the functional architecture in the brain. Activity
sprouts from nearby axons may form new sy- is needed to sculpture the connections that
napses due to the release of local trophic factors. form the neural representations (Bailey and Kan-
Whether they are retained depends on whether del 1993). Seil (1997) describes three main me-
they are being used, i. e., stimulated, if the organ- chanisms for the reorganization of the cortex:
ism experiences them as appropriate. If the pa- 1. Unmasking of exisiting, but functionally inac-
tient attempts to move appropriately, a second- tive pathways
ary change of the first random contacts may re- 2. Collateral sprouting and the formation of new
sult. These may become more permanent and synapses
contribute to more—or less—appropriate patterns 3. Redundancy: this hypothesis suggest that the
of movement. CNS has many parallel systems with similar
functions and that an alternative route may
Both appropriate and inappropriate movement take over the damaged functions
may be learned. After a CNS lesion, movement of a limb is asso-
ciated with a bilateral pattern of activation
within the brain. As a result, the patient activates
(Re)organization of Cortical Maps larger areas for simpler movements than pre-
viously: an ipsilateral displacement of activity
There has been extensive research on cortical and an additional contralateral activation result-
plasticity, and Nudo et al.’s (1996) study has re- ing in the recruitment of more motor areas. As
ceived intense attention. It shows that the movement improves, the activation becomes
elbow and shoulder areas of the motor cortex more focused (Cramer and Bastings 2000, Ward
learned to take over the control of hand move- and Cohen 2004). Areas close to the lesion may
ments after intensive training in monkeys who take over, and/ or areas in the opposite hemi-
had been inflicted with a “stroke” in the hand sphere may be strengthened and latent connec-
area of the motor cortex. Many later studies tions developed.
have shown that the cortex has a significant abil- Even areas far from the lesion may be affected
ity for functional and structural plasticity. The through diaschisis. Diaschisis is described as the
cortical areas associated with the sensorimotor process whereby disturbance or injury to one
function of the body parts that are most active part of the CNS may cause alteration in function
in the skills training have an increase in number of some distant part (Kwakkel et al. 2004a).
of connections and/or size because of new learn- Small et al. (2002) refer to neuroimaging studies
ing (Nudo 2003, Ward and Cohen 2004). Learning whose results support a role for the cerebellum
after a CNS lesion is probably not so different in mediating functional recovery from stroke.
from learning with an intact CNS (Brodal 2001). The data suggest that patients with good recov-
Through noninvasive imaging studies, we now ery have clear changes in the activation of the
know that the structure of the brain changes cerebellar hemisphere opposite the injured corti-
both after a lesion and as a result of training cospinal tract. The work suggests a possible link
(Ward and Cohen 2004). between cerebellar activation and behavioral re-
1.2 Plasticity 53

covery from hand weakness following stroke. The Formation of New Nerve Cells
underlying mechanism is not known, but it could
About 10–15 years ago, it was accepted that
be due to hemodynamic changes, such as diaschi-
there was no regeneration of nerve cells in the
sis, or to the postulated role of the cerebellum in
adult brain. Since then, new regenerated nerve
motor skill learning.
cells—stem cells—have been found in the hippo-
Studies on humans suggest that motor control
campus, which is the memory center of the
areas are modifiable as a result of central or pe-
brain (Eriksson et al. 1998, Kempermann et al.
ripheral pathology or motor skills training. Studies
1998, Sundar 1999). Neural progenitor stem
support that motor and movement experiences
cells give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and oligo-
post lesion have a major role in the following
dendrocytes, and have an inherent plasticity pro-
physiologic reorganization of the nearby, intact
viding self-renewal and differentiation. Indeed,
areas (Nudo et al. 1996). Nudo et al. (1996)
studies of animal models have shown that neural
state that if there is no rehabilitative training
stem cells can specifically replace populations of
after lesion, a further loss of area related to the
diseased or damaged cells, in some cases leading
functional representation of the affected body
to behavioral recovery (Hori et al. 2003). Solheim
part ensues, and they discuss whether this may
(2005) refers to scientific research where embry-
be connected with learned nonuse or disuse atro-
onal stem cells were injected into the spinal cord
phy (see Chapter 3, Physiotherapy). They claim
of a 37-year-old woman who had become para-
that rehabilitative training may prevent further
plegic almost 20 years ago. By 41 days after the
loss of representation in the nearby intact tissue,
injection, the woman had regained considerable
and that the intact tissue may be directed to take
sensory and motor functions, and noninvasive
over the damaged function. Sensory information
imaging techniques (MR and computed tomogra-
may alter the modification, distribution and
phy) demonstrated regeneration of the damaged
thereby the motor activity of the CNS (Umphred
area and parts of the cauda equina in the spinal
Recently the role of the glia in the CNS has
Motor training leads to reorganization of
been investigated. Nearly one half of the cells in
sensorimotor areas of the cortex.
a human brain are astrocytes. Astrocytes have
an intimate association with synapses through-
There are two main modulators for cortical func- out the adult CNS, where they help regulate
tion: sensorimotor learning and cortical lesion. ion and neurotransmitter concentrations. Recent
The two factors interact and cause remodeling studies, however, have found that astrocytes
of the structure and function of the brain, also exert powerful control over the number of
which are shaped by the sensorimotor experi- CNS synapses that form, are essential for postsy-
ences of the individual, in weeks and months naptic function, and are required for synaptic sta-
post lesion. Skills training is associated with an bility and maintenance. Moreover, recent studies
increased area of representation, increased sy- increasingly implicate astrocytes as participants
naptic density, increased number of synapses, in activity-dependent structural and functional
and increased thickness of the cortical motor synaptic changes throughout the nervous system
areas, probably due also to angiogenesis (more (Ullian et al. 2004). It has been proposed that as-
blood vessels, increased blood flow) (Nudo trocytes should not be viewed primarily as sup-
2003). The sensory and motor cortices have a sig- port cells, but rather as cells that actively control
nificant ability for reorganization throughout life, the structural and functional plasticity of sy-
both in an intact CNS and after damage (as long napses in developing and mature organisms.
as degenerative disease does not disrupt the abil- Dietrichs, cited by Sundar (1999) said that
ity to change). Therefore there are considerable stem cell research reinforces and supports the
possibilities for functional plasticity in the existence of brain plasticity and demonstrates
human adult neuromuscular system. the importance of focusing on neurorehabilita-
tion after lesions or disease to the CNS.
54 1 Applied Neurophysiology

Denervation Supersensitivity CNS is therefore driven to learn as quickly as pos-

sible to meet the impending functional needs.
Normally in the presynaptic cell and surrounding
Knowledge of plasticity gives the health pro-
glia, any surplus transmitter is absorbed after de-
fessionals caring for such people hope and at
polarization at a synapse. After a CNS lesion, pa-
the same time considerable responsibility. We in-
tients may experience hypersensitivity to stimuli
fluence the patient through mutual interaction
probably caused by denervation supersensitivity
and thereby have an important role in the reorga-
(Stephenson 1993). Denervation supersensitivity
nization of the patient’s CNS, and therefore the
is when the re-uptake of neurotransmitters fails
progress of their abilities. Learning may lead to
(Fig. 1.31): as a new wave of depolarization hit
positive or negative developments in both physi-
the synapse and causes depolarization, the effect
cal function and behavior. It may result in altered
on the postsynaptic cell is much stronger than in-
movements and function, which are compen-
tended due to the transmitter already present in
sated for by developing alternative motor strate-
the synaptic cleft. Over time, the number of re-
gies. How a patient uses his body, how he moves
ceptor areas on the postsynaptic cells, as well
or is moved by others will further influence the
as their sensitivity, increases. More transmitter
restructuring of the nervous and muscular sys-
substance is then let through by each impulse
tems. If the patient twists and turns on one leg
transmission (Stephenson 1993). These changes
as he transfers from a chair to the bathroom
may happen at all levels of the CNS.
while the arm flexes uncontrollably, this will be
what the CNS learns. If repeated time and time
Clinical Relevance again, learning is established through functional
and structural plastic changes in the CNS. Several
The learning ability of patients who have suffered
authors suggest a timeframe for the most acute
an acute CNS lesion is increased. Suddenly their
plastic changes after a CNS lesion (Nudo et al.
life changes dramatically, and even the simplest
1996, Seil 1997, and others). These studies were
of tasks such as sitting independently or more
done mainly on animals (cat, rat, monkey), but
complex activities such as managing the bath-
some were functional imaging studies (PET,
room themselves and dressing are difficult. The
fMRI and others) on humans after a lesion to
consequences are serious for the individual,
the nervous system. The following discussion re-
both physically and psychologically, and the
fers to these timeframes, which are broad with
ample room for individual interpretation depend-
ing on the patient, his premorbid status, general
condition, and type, location, and size of the lesion.
Acutely post lesion the CNS is in shock. The
spinal shock may last for 2–3 days and may be
Action caused by direct neuronal damage and increased
potential inhibitory activity to protect the CNS from
further damage. Changes in cortical and spinal
Glia function begin after a few hours as the:
Synaptic vesicle
x Level of neurotrophic substances increase
x Latent synapses and connections are activated
x Synaptic strength increases (LTP)
x Denervation supersensitivity develops
Initial restitution starts early, probably due to re-
gression of edema and degradation of necrotic
tissue. This may last for days and possibly
weeks, depending on the size of the lesion.
Receptors for There is a gradual transition from the acute to
Postsynaptic Receptors re-uptake (recycling) the subacute and later stages. The changes in ac-
membrane for transmitters of transmitters
tivity and function observed in the patient after
Fig. 1.31 Signal transmission at the synaptic cleft. 3–4 weeks may be due to neuroplastic changes
Note the area of re-uptake of surplus transmitter. in the form of:
1.2 Plasticity 55

x Synaptic changes author understands normally to imply that align-

x Reorganization of cortical maps ment and muscle activation patterns are appro-
– further unmasking priate for the activity to be performed.
– redundancy
– collateral sprouting (starts after a few days) Improvement in motor control requires that
x The formation of new connections also at the movements performed during training and
spinal level exercising are executed as normally as possible,
Clinical experience demonstrates that many pa- and that afferent information via skin, joints,
tients suffering from stroke, head injury, multiple and muscles is appropriate in temporal and
sclerosis (MS), etc. may be hypersensitive to spatial terms.
stimuli. Unexpected sounds, unrest, anxiety,
fear of falling, and sudden or insensitive handling
are examples of situations where the patient’s Early and probably intense rehabilitation are im-
tone may increase uncontrollably, and may con- portant for the patient’s functional improvement.
stitute toward the development of spasticity This is supported by studies on survival, psycho-
(Craik 1991, Stephenson 1993). The requirement social functioning, and the patient’s home situa-
for activity that surpasses their balance and tion (Aboderin and Venables 1996, Stroke Unit
motor abilities and leads to malalignment during Trialists’ Collaboration 1997). Some authors
the recruitment of muscular activity is a major claim that there is no use in continuing active re-
feature of this. “Functional recovery after CNS in- habilitation after 6 months (Aboderin and Ven-
jury may depend, in part, upon reorganization of ables 1996). Ashburn (1997) stated that these
undamaged neural pathways. Spinal cord circuits studies had limitations because of the use of in-
are capable of significant reorganization, in the sensitive outcome measures, which do not detect
form of both activity-dependent and injury- qualitative changes in the patient’s physical func-
induced plasticity.” (Muir and Steeves 1997, tion.
p. 72).
Neuroplasticity gives rise to possibilities
Inappropriate handling of patients with CNS throughout life.
damage may cause inappropriate plastic adap-
tation. Shortly after a CNS lesion many patients experi-
ence paresis or paralysis to varying degrees. The
Clinically, therapists encounter changes in the CNS quickly compensates for the loss of function
viscosity of muscle, contractures, altered align- by new strategies for goal achievement. If an ob-
ment and pattern of recruitment, edema, and ject cannot be reached by a patient’s arm most
reduced circulation and metabolism, which have affected after stroke, he quickly adapts to using
a negative effect on muscular activity. As well the less affected arm. The most affected arm
as the physical limitations to the repertoire of learns to be inactive, and the cortical areas repre-
movement, axonal transport may be reduced senting this arm shrink and are taken over by in-
through inactivity. Improvement of the above- tact areas. Learned nonuse presents a major lim-
mentioned factors should improve axonal trans- itation to the patient’s sensorimotor improve-
port and stimulate the production and transport ment. Liepert et al. (2000) and Taub et al.
of neurotrophic substances for the restitution (1999) have described changes in the brain after
and reorganization of the neuromuscular system, an intensive form for therapy called constraint in-
and thereby promote the patient’s functional duced movement therapy. This is based on theories
recovery. Muir and Steeves (1997, p. 75) state of learned nonuse (learned inactivity). A certain
that “To train and modify spinal circuits for a par- level of intensity seems important to optimize
ticular motor task, it is important that the move- the potential for improved function (Feys et al.
ments performed during training are executed as 2004, Kwakkel et al. 2004b). If areas in the
normally as possible” and “In several studies, en- brain are not activated, transmitter production
hanced peripheral stimulation has been shown to is lowered. Through intensive stimulation and re-
improve limb action after spinal cord injury.” The quirement for use and activation, the brain is sti-
56 1 Applied Neurophysiology

mulated to produce more neurotransmitter in the Summary

activated brain areas. This increase may last for
approximately 36 hours. If not stimulated again All forms of learning cause structural and func-
within this timeframe, the production returns to tional changes in the CNS. See page 49.
its original low level (Lynch-Ellerington, personal Environmental influences and stimuli direct plasti-
communication, 2005). This implies that patients city and thereby learning. See page 50.
who are in a restitution phase or have a long- Activity and movement facilitate plastic changes
in the CNS, both positively and negatively. See
term condition need daily focused treatment to
page 50.
improve sensorimotor function.
Motor activity may facilitate axonal transport. See
page 51.
A certain intensity of treatment is necessary to Muscular activity enhances the transport and pro-
improve the patient’s sensorimotor function. duction of neurotrophic substances. Stimulation
may cause changes in the metabolism, structure,
There is general consensus that training and re- and function of muscle. See page 51.
habilitation need to start as early as possible Both appropriate and inappropriate movement
after a CNS lesion. Studies performed at St. may be learned. See page 52.
Motor training leads to reorganisation of sensori-
Olavs Hospital in Trondhjem, Norway, demon-
motor areas of the cortex. See page 53.
strate that mortality and the need for nursing
Inappropriate handling of patients with CNS da-
homes are halved and that the functional ability
mage may cause inappropriate plastic adaptation.
of patients improves following admittance to a
See page 55.
stroke unit compared with admittance to non-
Improvement in motor control requires that the
specialized wards (Indredavik et al. 1991). The
movements performed during training and exer-
report from the Academy of Medical Sciences
cising are executed as normally as possible, and
(2004) emphasizes the importance of early, cor-
that afferent information via skin, joints, and
rect, and appropriate rehabilitation. However,
muscles is appropriate in temporal and spatial
there is no widespread consensus on the inten-
terms. See page 55.
sity of stimulation and training during the first Neuroplasticity gives possibilities throughout life.
few days after lesions to the CNS. Turton and Po- See page 55.
meroy (2002) describe the biochemical cascades A certain intensity of treatment is necessary to
following brain infarction, especially in the pe- improve the patient’s sensorimotor function. See
numbral zone surrounding the infarct. This area page 56.
is very vulnerable, and if blood flow does not im-
prove or is reduced even more, further cell death
ensues (Fig. 1.32). As a result, the size of the in-
farct increases. The authors are of the opinion
1.3 Consequences of
that caution must be shown the first few days.
Activity causing increased blood flow and meta- and Reorganization after
bolism in areas of the brain not directly affected CNS Lesions
by the stroke may damage the penumbral zone
even more.
The consequences of a lesion to the CNS depend
Bishop stated in 1982 that the challenge for
on the interaction of many factors:
therapists in the future will be to learn how to x Diagnosis: a lesion, trauma, or a disease process
promote and use neuroplasticity in neuroreha- x Localization: one localized focus or many foci
bilitation. x Extent of the lesion(s)
x Speed of development: acute or gradual onset
How the condition develops in an individual is
related to the extent of plastic changes in his
CNS, the individual characteristics of the lesion,
and the patient himself: his premorbid physical
status and whether complications arise, social si-
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS Lesions 57

tuation and mental status (his resources and cop- these levels return to normal in 7 days. Severe
ing strategies), and his network of family, friends, hyper- or hypotension is associated with poor
and colleagues. prognosis.
The initial paralysis or paresis after a stroke Too high or too low blood pressure, hypo- or
is due to the acute onset of the lesion (shock), hyperglycemia, or increased temperature are fac-
neuron destruction and death, edema, decreased tors that may cause further destruction of the pe-
circulation, and possibly increased inhibitory numbra. Turton and Pomeroy (2002) found that
activity that protects the brain against further approximately 50 % of the stroke patients showed
damage (Fig. 1.32). As a result of the biochemical an increase in the infarction area 2 weeks post
sequence of events, changes in the circulatory stroke and 50 % had a reduction in the infarction
output and blood pressure occur in approxi- area. They advocate caution in stimuli or activity
mately 75 % of stroke patients. In most patients that may cause further cell death in the penum-

Stroke reduces blood supply to cell

Reduced O2 delivery

Lactic acid production

Failure of Na+-K+ pump Membrane

of destructive Water
Ca 2+

NO Na+
Damage to cell synthesis
structures and
membrane O2 radicals

Glutamate Ca 2+
release Na+

Neighboring cells

Fig. 1.32 The biochemical cascade. (Redrawn with kind permission from Turton A, Pomeroy V. When should
upper limb function be trained after stroke? Evidence for and against early intervention. NeuroRehabilitation
2002; 17: 215–224.)
58 1 Applied Neurophysiology

bra due to an increased blood supply in other, ac- The Negative Signs
tivated regions of the CNS. A gradual return of re-
x Weakness
flexes and motor activity is related to resolution
x Loss of dexterity
of edema and necrotic tissue as well as initial re-
x Fatigue
organization of the CNS (see Plasticity). In stroke
patients, Thilmann et al. (1990), Rothwell (1994)
and Marque et al. (1997) report pathologic signs
Weakness constitutes a major cause of the pa-
also on the least affected body half: weakness
tient’s physical disability. Stroke patients may
more proximally than distally, as well as altered
experience weakness not only on their affected
stretch reflexes.
side but also on their so-called “good side,” or
more correctly, their least affected side (Canning
Over-activity (intense, specific stimulation)
et al. 2004). The weakness is first and foremost
should be performed with great care the first
due to reduced or changed neural activation,
week post stroke. Clinical decisions should be
i. e., weakness in systems and pathways in the
based on the patient’s level of arousal, alert-
CNS. Secondarily, inactivity and reduced muscu-
ness, blood pressure, intracranial pressure, and
lar activation may cause atrophy and changes in
temperature. Later patients probably suffer
the muscle fiber population (Patten et al. 2004).
more from too little activity.
Toft (1995) states that reduced force production
is also caused by fewer normally functioning
In MS patients there is a combination of lesions motor units and the inability to activate as
in more than one part of the CNS as well as an in- many units as before.
flammatory disease process affecting the myelin Reduced neural excitation may cause muscular
sheaths and causing slowness in action potentials weakness. Muscular weakness may then cause
and some axonal degeneration. The lesions have further secondary weakness of neural transmis-
a predilection for the optic nerves, periventricu- sion. The main factor of weak neural transmission
lar white matter, cerebellum, and spinal cord may be weak or vague body schema (especially the
white matter (Myhr 2001). parietal cortex). This may affect the ability to cre-
Stroke, MS, and other causes of brain lesions, ate a postural image or body schema to move an
damage, or disease, are together classified as extremity, i. e., the anticipatory postural adjust-
upper motor neuron lesions. Upper motor neu- ments (APA; feedforward postural control) to acti-
rons, or Betz cells, are pyramidal neurons located vate the corticopontine pathways as a background
in the primary motor cortex. These neurons con- for extremity function.
nect the brain to the spinal cord (Wikipedia
2006). Loss of Dexterity
Dexterity is the ability to adapt to the needs of
the moment and depends on postural control
Upper Motor Neuron Lesions for background stability. Canning et al. (2004) de-
fine dexterity as the ability to solve any motor
Motor dysfunction after UMN lesions is classified task precisely, quickly, rationally, and deftly,
into positive and negative signs (Canning et al. where flexibility with respect to the changing en-
2004). The negative signs are the direct results vironment is an important feature, and the ability
of the lesion itself, and the positive sign relate to to coordinate muscle activity to meet environ-
secondary changes. This classification does not mental demands.
encompass cognitive or perceptual dysfunction
or psychologic reactions, although these may be Fatigue
major reasons for patient’s limitations toward Many patients report fatigue after a CNS lesion.
learning or regaining of independence. In MS, fatigue is one of the major symptoms
(Myhr 2001), and it is seen after other diseases
or infections in the body (Soderlund and Mal-
terud 2005). Many stroke patients suffer from fa-
tigue (Canning et al. 2004). Even in patients who
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS Lesions 59

recover well, noninvasive studies of brain func- Spasticity—Clinical Reflections

tion demonstrate considerable changes in activa- The interpretation of the term spasticity is wide,
tion (Ward and Cohen 2004, Cramer and Bastings from Lance’s (1980) definition of hyperreflexia
2000, Cramer et al. 1997). The altered pattern and velocity-dependent resistance to passive
of brain activation may constitute one reason stretch to complex problem consisting of both
for fatigue. Considerable energy and brain activa- neural and non-neural changes in tissues. Spasti-
tion is recruited just to move an index finger – city is described as a syndrome (Burke 1988,
even after good restitution (Cramer and Bastings Brown 1994), a condition (Toft 1995), as a result
2002). of development (Carr et al. 1995, Brodal 1998),
Toft (1995) states that reduced force produc- and is related to functional plasticity in the CNS
tion causes an increase in the effort required to (Burke 1988, Brown 1994, Brodal 1998). These
move. Therefore, weakness may be another rea- authors describe hyperreflexia as the first clinical
son for fatigue. Current evidence suggests that, sign and the main feature of spasticity.
generally after stroke, it is the negative impair- It has been difficult to compare studies of
ments that limit recovery of function, rather spasticity as the outcome measures in clinical
than the positive impairments (Canning et al. trials or tests have varied due to a lack of precise
2004). Clinical experience suggests that these definition of spasticity. Recently the Support
factors have also a major role in the recovery of Network for the Assembly and Database for Spas-
function in other diseases affecting the CNS. ticity Measurement—the EU-SPASM group was
established (Johnson 2005) and charged by the
The negative impairments—weakness, loss of European commission with the task of reviewing
dexterity, and fatigue—seem to be the major and evaluating methods for the measurement
factors that limit recovery of function in stroke of spasticity and building a framework of ex-
patients. pertise in Europe. This group has reviewed the
literature and highlighted different aspects of
the use of the term spasticity. The results of the
The Positive Signs group have been published in the journal Disabil-
ity and Rehabilitation in 2005 (Johnson 2005,
The positive signs following an upper motor neu- Pandyan et al. 2005, Platz et al. 2005, Wood et
ron lesion are (Pandyan et al. 2005, Canning et al. al. 2005, Voerman et al. 2005, Burridge et al.
2004): 2005).
x Increased tendon reflexes with radiation
x Mass reflex
Spasticity is defined by Pandyan et al. (2005)
x Clonus
as: “Disordered sensorimotor control, resulting
x Dyssynergic patterns of co-contraction during
from an upper motor neurone (UMN) lesion,
movement presenting as intermittent or sustained invo-
x Spasticity luntary activation of muscles.”
x Associated reactions and dyssynergic stereo- This definition includes changes in the struc-
typical spastic dystonias ture and function of the CNS and excludes both
x Flexor spasm the negative signs of an upper motor neuron
x Extensor spasm lesions and the biomechanical changes in soft
These symptoms are mainly related to the reor- tissues and joints.
ganization of the CNS, which implies that learn-
ing may have a major role in the development
and establishment of secondary changes (positive Disordered motor control may involve:
signs). In the clinical situation, the terms spasti- x Loss of modulation from higher centers cause
city and associated reactions are often used. reduced inhibition of a- motoneurons;
Spasticity is used in a variety of contexts with therefore they react with an abnormal firing
different meanings. The two terms are discussed frequency and duration to an excitatory
below. stimulus. The loss of descending fibers to the
spinal cord cause reduced activity in many
different types of inhibitory interneuron
60 1 Applied Neurophysiology

x Activity in other afferent pathways The Complex Problem of the Upper

(e. g., cutaneous, proprioceptive). Cutaneous Motoneuron Syndrome
pathways seem to have a role in spasticity
x Disordered feedforward modulation of reflex The complex problems that health professionals
activity experience in patients with upper motor neuron
x Nonclassical behavior of motoneurons/inter- lesions may therefore be a combination of nega-
neurons described as plateau potentials tive signs, spasticity as defined above, and other
(a stable membrane potential that is more factors. Pandyan et al. (2005) state: “There is in-
depolarized than the normal resting potential sufficient evidence in the literature to support
cause a cell to fire action potentials in the the hypothesis that the abnormal muscle activity
absence of continuous synaptic excitation); in spasticity results exclusively from stretch re-
the threshold for firing is maintained at flex hyperexcitability. It would appear that activ-
a lower level, which cause the neuron ity in other afferent pathways (e. g., cutaneous),
to depolarize even without continuous supraspinal control pathways (or systems) and
synaptic excitation even changes in the a-motor neurone may also
contribute to signs and symptoms associated
Activity in cutaneous and proprioceptive with spasticity and other features of the UMN
pathways seems to have an important role in syndrome.” The other features associated with
spasticity. the UMN syndrome may be:
x Components of inertia from extremity seg-
Examples of changes in the structure and func- x Changes in viscoelastic properties of soft tis-
tion of the CNS are: sues and joints
x Increased gain (amplification) in the stretch x Abnormal voluntary activation of muscle
reflex networks, i. e., for a given afferent input x Abnormal involuntary activation from phe-
(Ia and II) the response from the respective nomena other than the stretch reflex hyper-
a-motoneuron is greater (for revision, see excitability
The Neuromuscular System, Sense Organs in x The patient’s cognitive and/or perceptual
Muscle). This may be due to a number of abilities (the ability to understand instruction,
different mechanisms: etc.)
– increased excitability of motoneurons Clinically, altered sensory feedback and altered
– changes in the characteristics of the sensory perception also seem to have an impor-
a-motoneuron tant role. What therapists see in patients are
– reduced Ia presynaptic inhibition the consequences of the lesion for the patient as
– changes in inhibition from the efferent a whole. Therefore the patient’s resources and
pathway problems must be analyzed and interventions
– altered reciprocal inhibition planned on an individual basis.
– reduced recurrent inhibition Pandyan et al. (2005) and many other authors
– increased excitability in the flexor reflex (Burke 1988, Brown 1994, Brodal 2001, etc.) as-
pathways (withdrawal) sociate spasticity with lesions affecting cortico-
– altered force feedback (feedback about the reticulospinal pathways; lesions to the corticore-
actual force production in muscle) ticular pathways at the level of the cortex or in-
x Decreased threshold of the stretch receptors, ternal capsule, and the reticulospinal and vesti-
i. e., the stretch reflex is more easily elicited bulospinal tracts at the level of the spinal cord.
in people with spasticity. This may be caused The reticulospinal system plays an important
by increased receptor sensitivity and an in- part in the stability of proximal body segments;
creased drive to the muscle spindle efferents. therefore lesions that affect the cortico-reticu-
Current evidence suggests that spindle lospinal system are often associated with dys-
afferents activity is not necessarily abnormal function in postural control and balance, as well
in stroke patients (Pandyan et al. 2005) as spasticity. Studies on the corticospinal system
suggest that lesions probably do not cause spasti-
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS Lesions 61

city, but produce a loss of distal dexterity (Brodal observed in the arm or leg, but is also often pres-
2001). Indirectly, the functions of the cerebellum ent in the trunk, and seems like a compensatory
and the basal ganglia may be disturbed causing involuntary motor response when the task is
clumsiness. too difficult or associated with effort (too much
effort for the needs of the actual situation), or
Lesions to the cortico-reticular, reticulospinal in situations where the patient feels insecure,
and vestibulospinal pathways are associated unstable, or unhappy—often connected with the
with spasticity. fear of falling or the feeling of having too little
control to cope. As time goes on, this involuntary
recruitment of muscle activity may increase, it
Associated Reactions— presents itself in more situations, is more easily
Clinical Reflections triggered, and may develop into—for the indivi-
dual patient—a stereotypical involuntary pattern
The term associated reactions is both understood of activity. The patterns are characterized by
and used differently by different clinicians. This little variety, and may be activated progressively
section presents clinically relevant reflections more easily in more situations to different de-
about spasticity and associated reactions and grees. In the literature they are often described
the formation of some hypotheses of possible as:
causal relations, factors that initiate these re- x Abnormal synergic muscle activity (Carr and
sponses, and consequences for the patient’s Shepherd 1983)
motor control. x Abnormal movement or mobility (Shumway-
The term associated movement refers to nat- Cook and Woollacott 1995)
ural activity that either requires considerable ef- x Abnormal movement synergies (Tyldesley and
fort or is complex or new and is a normal feature Grieve 1996)
of movement. Associated movements have many x Spastic patterns of movement (Stokes 1998)
features in common with associated reactions, x Associated reactions (Bobath 1990, Dvir and
but some aspects are different. As a new skill is Panturin 1993, Edwards 1996, Stephenson
being learned, associated movements gradually et al. 1998, Pandyan et al. 2005)
disappear. This is not the case with associated The author perceives these motor disorders to
reactions. Associated reactions are characterized refer to the same aspect of motor activity, and
by an activation of motor units or muscles not the following text uses the term associated reac-
normally involved in the performed movement, tions. Previously, from a hierarchical model of
and they get stronger through practice of the the CNS, associated reactions were thought to
movement. They may also be called dyssynergic be the release of primitive reflexes due to a CNS
patterns of movement. The following general dis- lesion (Bobath 1978). Research related to the
cussion is related to the development of motor structure and function of the CNS, plasticity and
disorders post stroke. Many patients with differ- different aspects of movement science has
ent CNS lesions experience similar symptoms ir- shown that the CNS is not governed by reflexes
respective of the exact diagnosis, e. g., cerebral as such in context-based movement and is not
infarctions, intracerebral hemorrhage, subdural hierarchically organized, but it is a multidirec-
hemorrhage, head injury, MS, incomplete spinal tional, integrated system that is developed
cord injury and other upper motor neuron le- through the interaction of the individual with
sions. his environment.
A few hours or days after a stroke the patient Associated reactions are related to CNS reor-
starts to show some initial motor activity, some ganization post lesion, and viewed as an activ-
controlled and often some uncontrolled move- ity-dependent process of learning as the patient
ment in the most affected parts of the body attempts to interact with the environment with-
(the so-called hemiplegic side). Uncontrolled out the necessary prerequisites for motor control,
activity is usually first observed in situations i. e., as a result of altered behavior. If motor con-
that require motor control that the patient has trol is reduced generally or locally, balance is af-
not yet developed, i. e., balance. The uncontrolled, fected. Several studies support the view that a
or involuntary motor activity is usually first certain level of postural control is necessary for
62 1 Applied Neurophysiology

independent movement, transfers and ADL (Mas- length–tension relationship, and as a result an
sion et al. 1996, Shumway-Cook and Woollacott increase in tension in the activated muscle/the
2007, Ching-Lin et al. 2002, Verheyden et al. activated motor units.
2004). The ability to move to and from different x Changed reciprocal Ia inhibition may cause
positions (transfers and locomotion) and stabilize tonic activity in a muscle to inhibit its an-
for extremity function is reduced. tagonist and increase response to muscle
Spasticity and associated reactions are linked stretch.
to lesions of the cortico-reticulospinal and vestib- x Altered recurrent inhibition may render the
ular systems, which have an important role in motoneurons hypersensitive to stimuli and
postural control. Therefore one might assume lead to repeated reflexive muscle contractions
that a patient’s postural control will be reduced (clonus).
to some degree in an upper motor neuron lesion x Deviation from the Henneman recruitment
if they present with positive features. The patient principle may cause increasing divergence in
therefore has to compensate for both reduced the recruitment of motor units (disturbed
postural control and motor function. The (re)or- temporal and spatial recruitment) leading to
ganization of the CNS is activity dependent, i. e., both a stronger activation and increased
dependent on how the body is being used number of motor units recruited in the activ-
(form–function). On the other hand, motor con- ity. The motor response is therefore more
trol is dependent on the structure and function widespread and stronger.
of the CNS and the integrated systems control, x Reduced or altered sensation and perception
as well as biomechanical factors (form–function). of cutaneous and proprioceptive input may
Probably there is no one cause of the develop- affect the patient’s motor output.
ment of associated reactions. It is multifactorial x Altered neurophysiologic state cause altered
and the exact mechanism varies between indivi- behavior as a response to environmental de-
duals. Possible mechanisms are: mands. Altered muscle activation and function
x An upper motor neuron lesion causes a loss of change postural alignment. Together these
descending commands to the spinal cord. factors alter the input to the CNS, which
Axons from damaged and dead neurons de- secondarily alters the recruitment of motor
generate from their distal end and leave be- activity.
hind empty synapses at many levels in the x How the individual perceives his abilities and
spinal cord and brain; inhibitory mechanisms problems and interacts with the environment
are disrupted. affects his motor behavior.
x Neurotrophic substances stimulate collateral
sprouting. Plasticity, which in most cases is viewed as
x Reduced or altered modulation of somatosen- entirely positive because it causes learning,
sory input and denervation supersensitivity may be a negative contributor to the develop-
render the spinal cord more hypersensitive to ment of associated reactions.
peripheral stimuli.
x Networks in the spinal cord may be affected
by spasticity caused by altered presynaptic Craik (1991) describes the following characteris-
inhibition, reciprocal Ia inhibition, recurrent tics of normal motor behavior:
inhibition and other factors (see Spasticity) x Appropriate sequence of recruitment and
due to altered supraspinal influences and tension development in muscles
plasticity. x Adequate range of joint motion
x Changes in presynaptic inhibition may cause x Adequate development of torque
increased spread (spatial distribution) and x Efficiency
repetition (temporal distribution) of action x Precision
potentials causing more motor units and x Success
muscles to be recruited than normal for the The ability to adapt to different situations, tasks,
intended activity. and environments is crucial to the individual’s
x The Golgi tendon organ may lose its inhibitory appropriate interaction with the environment. If
effect on the motoneuron causing an altered the above characteristics describe basic proper-
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS Lesions 63

ties of normal motor activity, then clearly, asso- x Triggering mechanisms: are they elicited and
ciated reactions are viewed as pathologic. Asso- what are they elicited by?
ciated reactions are characterized by: x As a reaction to destabilizing forces to the
x Gradual increase in stereotypical patterning center of gravity (interaction with gravity,
x Altered sequence of recruitment postural control, speech, or breathing), i. e.,
x Increased tone reduced ability to adapt
x Inadequate ranges of joint motion x In anticipation to move (feedforward—loss
x Altered production of torque of anticipatory contrast) or in an attempt
x Reduced precision to voluntarily move without the inherent
x Reduced efficiency prerequisites to do so (compensatory)
x Increased effort x How early they are elicited—sometimes the
The patient may still be able to attain his goal thought of moving (feedforward) is enough,
through other strategies available to him. or whether they develop during ongoing
Associated reactions are a sign of deviant x How long the reaction lasts
motor behavior as well as a positive sign of x How widespread the reaction is—how many
reinnervation and reorganization of the CNS. joints, muscles, body segments are involved
The patient may, however, still achieve his goal x How strong the reaction is, i. e., force produc-
through alternative or compensatory motor tion
strategies. x How quickly the pattern develops or subsides
(how long it lasts)
x How large is the excursion of movement
Associated reactions have been described as flex- Clinically, associated reactions may be broadly
ion or extension patterns, which might lead the graded into mild, moderate, and severe.
reader to understand associated reactions as
stereotypical patterning for a population of pa- Mild Associated Reactions
tients with upper motor neuron lesions. Clini- x The patient may have some volitional control
cally, associated reactions have individual ex- over the associated reactions.
pressions, but may have some common features: x The associated reactions only present in
x Triggering factors—antigravity activity, stressful situations physically or emotionally.
weightbearing, balance and transfers, fear of x The associated reactions may be localized and
falling, requirement of selective control, only involve an increased muscle activity over
coughing, sneezing, emotional factors one joint (e. g., wrist flexors).
x The strength of the triggering factor—how x The associated reactions are transient and
much effort the patient has to put in demonstrate small ranges of movement.
x Motivation and understanding—perceptual
and cognitive factors Moderate Associated Reactions
x General condition (fatigue, nourishment, x The patient may have some volitional control
infections) over the associated reactions.
There is no general consensus as to what degree x They are often elicited at the thought of ac-
it is possible to grade associated reactions or tivity (feedforward), and may increase during
how useful this may be (see Stephenson et al. ongoing activity.
1998 for discussion, Dvir and Panturin 1993). x They may affect more than one body segment.
In my clinical experience, grading of asso-
ciated reactions may give information of the Severe Associated Reactions
development of associated reactions and motor x The patient rarely has voluntary control in the
control over time. Important factors are: presence of severe associated reactions (in the
x The patient’s own control over the associated same body segment).
reactions. Although they are defined as in- x Associated reactions may be present even if
voluntary there may still be some degree of the patient is inactive.
volitional control. x Many body segments may be involved.
64 1 Applied Neurophysiology

tomic attachments allow for an optimal explora-

Clinical experience suggests that repetition of
tion of rotation. Postural control, balance, trans-
associated reactions cause a faster, stronger,
fers, locomotion, and the use of the extremities
and more uncontrolled response over time, and
demand interaction between body segments,
may become established as a part of the
and rotation is an essential component of this.
patient’s movement repertoire.
Coordination of different body segments allows
crossing midline while moving, balancing, and
The cause of this motor disorder is neurophysio- interacting with gravity. Changes in the working
logic: all the mechanisms ascribed to spasticity relations of the musculature due to changes in
caused by a lesion to the higher centers. Asso- structure and function cause altered alignment,
ciated reactions are what the clinician observe which negatively affects the ability of the mus-
or perceive as involuntary, disorganized activity, cles to work efficiently.
an expression of the activity in the CNS and the
interaction with external and internal demands. Changes in muscle and muscle fiber composi-
Associated reactions may lead to secondary tion associated with spasticity are a result of
changes in the muscles, connective tissue, skin, neural and behavioral factors, i. e., plasticity
and alignment, i. e., non-neural changes. and learning.

Non-neural Changes Altered use may cause changes in connective tis-

sue, atrophy or hypertrophy of motor units, and
Many authors describe secondary muscular and
altered muscle fiber composition. The patient
connective tissue changes as part of a patient’s
therefore has a different anatomic configuration
motor disorder (Goldspink and Williams 1990,
to move with: If a muscle is kept in a shortened
Given et al. 1995, Voerman et al. 2005, Wood et
position over time, sarcomeres may be lost; con-
al. 2005). Some studies show that there may
versely a muscle kept in a lengthened position
be a gradual transition of muscle fibers after
may stretch with increase in its number of sarco-
an upper motor neuron lesion. Goldspink and
meres. Both these conditions affect the ability of
Williams (1990) and Hufschmidt and Mauritz
the muscles to be recruited and used appropri-
(1985) found that the type I fibers atrophy
quickly though immobilization or altered use
Some muscles with more postural functions,
due to changes in the activation pattern. They
e. g., the soleus, contain more connective tissue,
also demonstrated that muscles that were origin-
especially collagen. If kept immobilized and
ally more phasic partially transformed to muscu-
shortened, the concentration of connective tissue
lature with more tonic characteristics. Dietz et al.
may increase. Goldspink and Williams (1990)
(1997) state that spastic stroke patients demon-
refer to trials where changes occurred after only
strate increased muscle atrophy especially of
2 days of immobilization. These authors state
type II fibers. The researchers found an increased
that only half an hour of “stretching” every day
population of type I fibres in the gastrocnemius,
may be sufficient to stop loss of sarcomeres and
which normally contains more type IIa fibres.
increased connective tissue. Goldspink and Wil-
Different studies have shown different results,
liams (1990) suggest that intermittent stretching,
depending on the patients and muscles studied,
which aims at reproducing normal activity, is
but they all do demonstrate that changes in mus-
probably better than just stretching. Muscles
cle fibers occur as a response to an upper motor
that are kept in a stretched position do not de-
neuron lesion.
velop increased concentrations of collagen.
The unique way in which the skeleton and the
Yarkoni and Sahgal (1987) followed up pa-
musculature come together allows humans to ef-
tients with head injuries to assess factors contri-
fectively interact with the environment in a vari-
buting to the development of contractures. They
ety of ways. The several types of joint and grades
found that patients who were comatose for
of movements in different directions give an en-
more than 3 weeks had a significant increase in
ormous variety to movement. The structure of
contractures, probably due to the period of im-
the different muscles, their organization and ana-
mobilization. They also found that hemiplegic
1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS Lesions 65

patients have contractures on their less affected Summary

side. Hufschmidt and Mauritz (1985) state that
it takes a year to develop changes related to mus- Over-activity (intense, specific stimulation) should
cle fibers and connective tissue after clinical be performed with great care the first week post
manifestation of hyperreflexia. stroke. Clinical decisions should be based on the
When muscles change in structure and func- patient’s level of arousal, alertness, blood pres-
tion and connective tissue loses its supporting sure, intracranial pressure, and temperature.
Later patients probably suffer more from too little
function, changes in alignment ensue. Altered
activity. See page 58.
muscle structure and function combined with al-
The negative impairments—weakness, loss of dex-
tered alignment further lead to changes in the
terity, and fatigue—seem to be the major factors
use of muscles. There are fewer possibilities for
that limit recovery of function in stroke patients.
variations and combinations, and the muscles
See page 59.
adapt to their new area of use. This is in addition
Spasticity is defined by Pandyan et al. (2005) as:
to the direct affects and consequences of the
“Disordered sensorimotor control, resulting from
lesion itself.
an upper motor neurone (UMN) lesion, presenting
as intermittent or sustained involuntary activation
A poor physical outcome is related to second- of muscles.” See page 59.
ary musculoskeletal complications (Ada and This definition includes changes in the structure
Canning 1990). and function of the CNS and excludes both the ne-
gative signs of an upper motor neuron lesions and
the biomechanical changes in soft tissues and
It is therefore of utmost importance that the
joints. See page 59.
treating team analyzes which factors trigger the
Activity in cutaneous and proprioceptive pathways
individual’s associated reactions, his motor re-
seems to have an important role in spasticity. See
sources, and deviations. The combination of im-
page 60.
paired balance and motor control together with
Lesions to the cortico-reticular, reticulospinal, and
demands for independent function may predis-
vestibulospinal pathways are associated with
pose the patient to develop associated reactions
spasticity. See page 61.
and secondary non-neural complications (Ash- Plasticity, which in most cases is viewed as entirely
burn and Lynch 1988, Cornall 1991). positive because it is involved in learning, may be
a negative contributor to the development of as-
After injury it may be possible to direct or sociated reactions. See page 62.
reinforce synaptic plasticity by appropriate Associated reactions are a sign of deviant motor
manipulation of the system from the periphery behavior as well as a positive sign of reinnervation
to aid recovery of motor skills or cognitive and reorganization of the CNS. The patient may,
function (Stokes 1998, p.70). however, still achieve his goal through alternative
The CNS and neuromuscular system have a or compensatory motor strategies. See page 63.
capacity for reorganization throughout life. Clinical experience suggests that repetition of as-
sociated reactions cause a faster, stronger, and
more uncontrolled response over time, and may
Clinically, it is important to differentiate between
become established as a part of the patient’s
neural and non-neural components in this motor
movement repertoire. See page 64.
disorder. The interventions for gradual develop-
Changes in muscle and muscle fiber composition
ment of contractures differ from the treatment associated with spasticity are a result of neural
of the motor disorder as such, and may involve and behavioral factors, i. e., plasticity and learn-
splinting, surgery, more rigorous positioning ing. See page 64.
and a comprehensive management program. A poor physical outcome is related to secondary
musculoskeletal complications. See page 65.
66 1 Applied Neurophysiology

After injury it may be possible to direct or rein-

force synaptic plasticity by appropriate manipula-
tion of the system from the periphery to aid recov-
ery of motor skills or cognitive function. See page
The CNS and neuromuscular system have a capac-
ity for reorganization throughout life. See page
Introduction 67

2 Physiotherapy 2.1 Balance and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . 68

2.2 Intervention—Considerations
and Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.3 Other Interventions:
Some Key Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Introduction in this way? The aim of this chapter is to establish

an understanding of balance and movement, and
to highlight some of the reasoning and choices
Normal movement is complex. Many books have therapists make in the treatment of individuals
been written on the subject, and more recently with central nervous system (CNS) lesions.
there has been a lot of research in different We now know that the CNS undergoes
branches of movement science. Movement science changes depending on what input it receives
is the study of movement from different perspec- and the response to this input. There is a constant
tives: for instance physiotherapy, psychology, interaction between the individual and his envi-
pedagogy, physics, neurophysiology, biomecha- ronment that shapes the body and brain—plasti-
nics, and biologists studying human movement. city is the bridge between brain and behavior.
It provides the basic knowledge of movement im- As a consequence, human movement is adaptable
portant for all therapists. Most research on move- and humans have a capacity for learning, both
ment, however, is still in its early days in that most with a healthy CNS and after CNS lesions. Thera-
of it is conducted in research laboratories with pists form an important part of the patient’s
healthy, younger people, and therefore not always environment and training; treatment induces
directly applicable to patients in a clinical setting. changes in cortical activation patterns over time
There is no international consensus on how this (Nelles 2004). Therefore, theoretically, health
research could—or should—be applied clinically, professionals should be able to help the patient
and no consensus on intervention. shape and adapt, to learn what seems appro-
In this book, I aim to present physiotherapy priate and “unlearn” what seems inappropriate
from my own experience, knowledge base, and (associated reactions, inappropriate and ineffi-
point of view, and as an advanced course instruc- cient motor strategies). Our aim should be to
tor of the International Bobath Instructors Train- help the patient to develop and optimize their
ing Associaiton (IBITA). The word concept means potential. But “We are currently being forced
“something understood, an idea” (Taber’s Cyclope- into interventions to ‘get the patient out’ that
dic Medical Dictionary 1997) or it is “an element are supposedly cost effective. However, are we
used in the development of a theory” (Miller- training compensatory strategies that will pre-
Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, vent true recovery, thus lengthening the time
Nursing and Allied Health 1992). Here, concept is and increasing the level of care that the person
applied to the knowledge base that clinical reason- will need in the long run?” (Held 1987, p. 174).
ing is based on. A conceptual understanding is This statement seems as true today as when it
therefore not learning a method, but learning to was written 20 years ago.
analyze and understand connections in an indivi- Health professionals face this dilemma; often
dual’s movement problems—Why do they move we know what is possible but rarely have the re-
68 2 Physiotherapy

sources to see it through. We may limit the pa- ment, be more oriented toward and integrated
tient’s potential; perhaps we lack optimism and with the world around him, he will, in my under-
vision and do not believe that the patient can im- standing, have greater opportunities of partici-
prove? The goals are set at a level we can reach pating in a variety of social settings.
based on our resources (time, economy, compe- People are different: interests, wishes, goals,
tence) and beliefs, not necessarily at the patient’s needs, previous experiences, what we like, who
real potential for regaining function based on the we like … To be able to create a constructive pa-
localization and extent of the lesion, the patient’s tient–therapist relationship, the therapist has to
premorbid status, his general condition, and his adapt to many different individuals and meet
plastic ability—his capacity to learn. each one with a positive attitude, empathy, pro-
“First of all, we as therapists need to change fessionalism, and respect for the person’s integ-
our operating assumptions. We should expect rity. It is important to create a good learning
recovery and work for that by preventing rather environment to motivate and inspire the patient,
than encouraging compensation to occur. We and at the same time give realistic information
should carefully analyse each person’s problems, without taking hope away. Evidence supports
and we must intervene early” (Held 1987, p.173). the theory that the patient should be exposed
In rehabilitation, goals are often related to the to an enriched environment to develop his poten-
following. The patient should, as much as possi- tial for learning (Virji-Babul 1991). Motivation
ble be able to: and focused attention are important factors for
x Participate in his life, fulfil his roles learning (see Plasticity). Assessment and treat-
x Master activities ment build on:
– daily functions x Analysis of “normal” movement
– function in his own environment x Analysis of deviations from “normal” move-
x Control balance, movement, and function: ment
– improve postural control and selective x Clinical reasoning
movement x Appropriate treatment techniques to facilitate
– regain the ability to interact with the the patient’s regaining of motor control
environment The following sections will focus on:
– control the recruitment of tone. Learning x Balance and movement
through early and gradual interaction with x Conceptual understanding for treatment
gravity with good alignment to optimize rationale and choice of individually adapted
muscle activation and with support or treatment techniques
facilitation where and when it is needed x Other forms of treatment/interventions
– develop appropriate strategies and patterns
of movement
– develop appropriate strength to interact
with gravity 2.1 Balance and Movement
– maintain muscle length and range of
Physiotherapy-related goals are set by the patient Human Movement Control
and therapist together. The patient’s needs and
goals and therapy goals must be in harmony. The When we study humans in movement we are
therapist’s challenge is to increase the patient’s able to recognize whether they are sitting, stand-
competency, insight, and understanding for a pro- ing or walking, standing up or sitting down, or
cess leading to greater participation and indepen- turning around “normally,” because we all per-
dence, and this takes time. Treatment for many pa- form these activities in a basically similar way.
tients will first and foremost be aimed at improv- We recognize when people have good balance,
ing selective postural control and balance in func- and observing their movement strategies enables
tional situations to strengthen carry-over to daily us to recognize common features in the average
activities in the patient’s own environment. If the population, which define our genotype. There
patient’s postural control is regained to a level are many common aspects to how individuals
where he is able to take more part in his environ- problem-solve a movement task:
2.1 Balance and Movement 69

x Appropriate sequence of recruitment and x Balance

tension development of muscles x Postural control
x Necessary range of movement in different – postural activity, build, and posture—
single joints postural tone
x Necessary ranges of movement between the – the relationship to gravity and to the
extremities and the torso environment, the base of support
x Appropriate development of torque – coordination, reciprocal innervation
x Appropriate alignment, which is essential for – the relationship between body segments
the sequencing and selective activation of and their function (stability-movement)
muscles x Coordination of the individual components in
x Appropriate effort—no more than needed for sequence, time, and space, i. e., the recruit-
efficiency and successful goal achievement ment of movement patterns
x Rhythm, tempo, variation x The selective movement of single components
Basic components of movement that are coordi-
nated in time and space have to be activated for
us to interact with gravity and use our arms func- Balance
tionally at the same time. Our daily activities
demand both postural and movement control. Balance is the result of the interaction between
Which components are most important depends motor, sensory, and cognitive processes. Many
on the person, the goal, the environment, and the routine activities, for instance balance, walking,
actual situation. Each individual has his own, per- reaching for something, or dressing demand
sonal way of moving, the individual expression— none or very little effort or cognitive awareness.
the phenotype. We recognize a person by the Balance is the foundation for our daily activities.
way he moves. It may be enough to hear the It allows us to be stable and active in relation to
steps in the hall: rhythm, step, tempo, firmness, gravity and the base of support whilst at the same
light, hard or shuffling steps—all characteristics time using our arms—which are free—for func-
of the individual. The movement expressions tional activities. Balance is movement as well as
may even reflect the person’s state of mind: the a prerequisite for movement. Through movement
extended self-assured type or the flexed, modest we interact with the environment and learn to
insecure or anxious person are two extremes. perceive ourselves in relation to the world around
us. Balance is a holistic sensorimotor and percep-
Normal movement is varied, without inap- tual interplay between our surroundings and us,
propriate effort, efficient, effective, precise, and requires graded and coordinated neuromus-
and successful, developed through the inter- cular activity of the whole body at the same time.
action between the person, the task, and the Balance may be expressed as a reaction when
environment. displacement occurs suddenly and unexpectedly,
or a strategy when we right ourselves, transfer
weight, turn around, or step. Strategy refers to
The expression normal movement reflects both cognitive processing because it involves the orga-
the common features of humankind and the indi- nization and sequential planning of a goal-direc-
vidual expression. A person’s build and posture ted movement. Strategy should imply the exis-
inform the therapist of his movement experience tence of choice. That is, the goal should be attain-
and how he has used his body before. Through able via different ways (Windhurst et al. cited in
analysis of movement, the individual expression Massion 1992).
is evaluated, as well as how movement is per- x Strategy involves a level of processing, prob-
formed in relation to the goal activity, the envi- lem solving, and planning (feedforward).
ronment, and the ability to vary during different x Reaction defines the response of an organism,
activities in different situations. Analysis of or part of it, to a stimulus (Taber’s Cyclopedic
movement involves both observation and hand- Medical Dictionary 1997). Reactions are the
ling (hands-on) during activity, with special result of external influences (feedback).
focus on: x Balance contains both these elements: It is a
reaction to displacement at the same time that
70 2 Physiotherapy

movement is planned in relation to the task

and the environment.

Many studies have been carried out to explore
where muscular activity is recruited first in standing
and walking. Humans are normally able to use dif-
ferent strategies when displacement occurs. The
strategies depend on the situation; the sequence
of muscle activation varies in relation to needs
and possibilities. The response varies depending
on the feet; if they are free to move or kept station-
ary when displacement occurs, whether the base of
support is smaller or larger than the feet, how dis-
placement is given and if the study participants are
instructed to stay still or are allowed to move.
In a free-standing position on a stable base of sup-
port, research suggests that motor activity is first
recruited in relation to the base of support, i. e.,
the foot and ankle, lower leg, then more proxi-
mally, the arms coming last (Nashner 1982). Sev-
eral authors who call this the ankle strategy support
this concept. The ankle strategy opposes body sway
in standing, and is based on a distal-to-proximal
activation (Horak and Nashner 1986, Rosenbaum Fig. 2.1 Rotation between the body segments during
1991, Rothwell 1994, Shumway-Cook and Woolla- walking. The rotation occurs throughout the spinal col-
cott 2006). umn, but mostly in the mid-thoracic region. The pelvis
If the base of support is smaller than the feet, for and shoulder girdles rotate, and the extremities rotate
instance in standing on a narrow ledge, the dis- in relation to their proximal attachments and the base
placement is fast or large, or the base of support of support. The line of gravity seems to be falling
is pliable; the ankle strategy may not be sufficient between the model’s feet.
to maintain balance, and the hip strategy is used.
The hip strategy activates lower trunk-, pelvic-
and hip-related musculature first, i. e., a more cra- The trapezius muscle assists in stabilizing the
nial–caudal (proximal–distal) sequence of recruit- shoulder at the end of each arm swing forward.
ment. More recent research has found that in
many conditions, stepping occurs even if the line
of gravity is within the base of support, when bal- Normally, most people can adapt to the actual si-
ance is not threatened (Maki and McIlroy 1997, tuation. Balance provides the body harmony and
Shumway-Cook and Woollacott 2006). safety in relation to the environment, and is the
Prince et al. (1994) studied balance control in the foundation of our motor system. With reduced
upper body during locomotion. Their results indi- or no balance we have to use other strategies to
cate that hip extensors and the erector spinae mus- prevent falls. Patients with neurologic conditions
cles are activated immediately after heel-strike, have lost some of their movement repertoire and
which is the initiation of stance phase. Hip exten- are unable to adapt to the same degree as before.
sion stabilizes the pelvis shortly after heel-contact, Therefore they have fewer choices open to them
while the main role of the paraspinal muscles is to if balance is threatened.
oppose trunk flexion (Fig. 2.1). The balance of the In my understanding, balance is a holistic term
upper body in relation to the pelvis and hips encompassing:
shows a cranial–caudal activation to stabilize the x Postural control
head first, then segmentally to the pelvis. When x Righting
the arms swing during normal walking, the muscu- x Protective reactions
lature in the region of T2–T6 is especially active.
2.1 Balance and Movement 71

Postural control, righting, and protective reactions sides of the trunk is balanced simultaneously to
represent three lines of defence and are closely allow selective, segmental extension of the spinal
integrated in normal balance and movement. column and to free the arms for functional use.
Abdominal muscle activity is important as a
stabilizing factor for the segmental extension.
Postural Control
Postural control has individual expressions.
The consequence of this specific behavior (hu-
mans’ ability to stand and walk) is that the ner- The nervous system seems to weight the im-
vous system automatically has to balance the portance of somatosensory information for
body’s center of mass over the feet during all postural control more heavily than vision and
motor activities performed in a bipedal posture: vestibular inputs under normal conditions.
every movement necessarily begins and ends
with a postural adjustment (Dietz 1992).
Postural control develops through the interac- Equilibrium reactions are defined as automatic
tion of sensory, perceptual, cognitive, and motor reactions that serve to maintain and restore
systems as well as the musculoskeletal apparatus balance through all activities (Bobath 1990).
of the body. The desire to move combined with Edwards (1996) states that equilibrium reactions
information received and modulated from all re- are synonymous with postural adaptations pres-
ceptor organs and senses of the body forms the ent in all daily activity. She uses the term equili-
basis for execution of movement. Movement is brium control to describe the ongoing segmental
constantly adapting to variations in the environ- movements that compensate for displacement
ment, goals, and situations. Postural control is re- of the center of gravity caused by the actual
cognized as a key component in the acquisition of movement or activity (Edwards 1996, refers to
independence in activities of daily living (ADLs) Massion 1992).
and IADLs (instrumental ADLs, for instance the The author understands equilibrium reactions
ability to go shopping) (Hsieh 2002). and equilibrium control together as synonymous
Postural control depends on a complex inter- with postural control. The postural activity
action of afferent information and motor activity. seems to be a result of changes of tone—a func-
Humans use multiple sensory references, gravity tional adaptation, i. e., altered distribution of
(the vestibular system), contact with the environ- activity in different motor units for the mainte-
ment (somatosensory systems), and the relation- nance of stability, like ripples in water. We see
ship between the body and objects in the envi- the movement, but we don’t see the postural
ronment (vision), to maintain an appropriate re- control. We see the activity, but we don’t see
lationship between body segments for balance. the stability. Postural control is like the part of
It appears that under normal conditions, the the iceberg under the water, movements are
nervous system may weight the importance of like the small part above the water. We can see
somatosensory information for postural control postural responses only in the feet, especially
more heavily than vision and vestibular inputs when balancing on one leg.
(Shumway-Cook and Woollacott 2006). There is Skilled movement has both postural and vo-
a continuous adjustment of postural tone before, luntary components: the postural component es-
during, and after every movement. Anticipatory tablishes a stabilizing framework for the second
postural control is the pre-tuning of sensory component the primary movement. Postural con-
and motor systems in expectation of postural de- trol is central to all human activity and adjusts
mands based on experience and learning (Shum- continuously during activity. The aim is to main-
way-Cook and Woollacott 2006). Anticipatory tain equilibrium during functional activity. It
postural adjustments are active before move- gives us stability together with an orientation to
ment starts. Postural control in sitting and stand- the environment. Postural muscles of the trunk,
ing allows us to maintain activity against gravity. pelvis, and shoulder girdles contract before the
This provides us with a vertical orientation, an arm is lifted in sitting or standing in order to sta-
antigravity activity with alignment of body bilize the body by minimizing displacement of
parts as a reference frame for balance, move- the center of gravity (Morris et al. 1994). Trunk
ment, and orientation. Muscular activity on all control is only a small part of postural control;
72 2 Physiotherapy

when the hand is used the wrist and palm are 1999); dual tasks demonstrate the same relation-
positioned to stabilize for individual finger move- ship (Mulder et al. 1995). The combination of a
ments. Postural control allows us a dynamic cognitive task and a balance task result in a
adaptation of background activity and is a pre- poorer solution of the cognitive task if it contains
requisite for dynamic alteration of activity in spatial elements (Brodal 2004).
the extremities and therefore for selective move-
Postural Tone
Clinically, reduced postural control seems to
be one of the main problems for many patients In the following section the term “postural tone”
with CNS lesions. A loss of a stable reference or “tone” will be used instead of “muscle tone” to
frame as a basis for voluntary movement causes emphasize that the CNS activates many muscle
balance problems, reduced coordination and in- groups for the maintenance of postural activity.
teraction between muscle groups, as well as a re- Shumway-Cook and Woollacott (2007) describe
duced tempo and ability to react. Postural control postural tone as an increased level of activity in
counter-stabilizes movements of the extremities; antigravity muscles.
if the body is not kept stable as a person reaches The most important factor in altering the level
out in space, his body moves with the arm and he of tone is muscular contraction (Brodal 2001).
is destabilized. As a consequence, the person’s Tone gives an automatic background for activity
choice of how to solve different motor tasks be- and may vary from moment to moment. It
comes limited, which again may reduce his abil- needs to be high enough to withstand the effect
ity to be independent and master daily activities. of gravity and at the same time low enough to
Postural control and precise, goal-oriented move- allow dynamic adaptation through small move-
ment are not separate phenomena in the CNS; ments. Tone changes and adapts in relation to
they are coordinated together to allow successful movements and the activities we perform. Pos-
achievement of motor tasks in a context-based tural tone has a wide spectrum in normal move-
environment. ment: it is normally at its lowest in relaxed su-
pine, when the base of support is large and the
center of gravity low. It may change in a millise-
The Function of Postural Control
cond as when we jump out of bed to run to the
x Maintain the alignment of posture—different bathroom. In normal daily activity postural tone
alignments for postural variations in different is at its highest in toe-off in stance phase, just be-
situations fore weight transference to the opposite heel. Hu-
x Adopt a vertical relationship between body mans may grade activity in the postural system as
segments to oppose gravity needed and through experience and exercise. The
x Create the posture of being upright—where ballet dancer who dances on tiptoes or the tight-
grading of postural (muscle) tone is funda- rope walker are examples of postural activity on a
mental to this function much higher level than needed for ADLs.
x Control the position of the body in space for Tone is highest in those areas of the body
orientation and stability where the need for maintaining and sustaining
x Create a stable reference frame for the extre- activity against gravity is highest, and varies in
mities and the head relation to the base of support and the effect of
Postural control represents the most automatic gravity. There are individual differences in pos-
activity in human movement (Massion 1992 tural tone, some people have a naturally higher
and 1994, Mulder 1991 and Mulder et al. 1996), level of tone, and others are have lower tone. Psy-
although it is probably less automatic than pre- chologic factors may play a role; people who are
viously thought. To be able to maintain postural anxious often have a higher tone than those who
stability demands a certain level of attention, are laid-back.
and studies have demonstrated that attention de- Gravity acts on the body at all times, whether at
mands increase with increasing balance demands rest or during activity. The level of activity in dif-
(Hunter and Hoffman 2001). Simultaneous de- ferent muscles depends on the orientation of the
mands for cognition and balance increase the body and the extremities to gravity and base of
tendency to fall in elderly people (Brown et al. support, the relative relationship between body
2.1 Balance and Movement 73

segments, the activity to be performed, and the (MS), many patients suffer from severely low
environment and experience. postural tone (Fig. 2.2) and are unable to activate
All ADLs demand that we relate to and oppose or sustain activity against gravity and therefore
gravity, from turning over in bed, shifting our po- also have problems moving.
sition, turning over pages in a book, and reaching The base of support is the contact area between
out to turn off the light in bed, to initiating head the body and the environment: the feet in stand-
movement for sitting up, getting dressed, and ing; the thighs, buttocks, or back (if there is a
managing the bathroom, lifting a fork to eat, backrest on the chair) in sitting; and the contact
writing a letter, running after the bus, or walking area between the hand and an object. The quality
in the mountains. The musculoskeletal system is of the base, its size, material, softness, tempera-
constantly adapting to modify activity during ture, and the distance between the base of sup-
changing relationships. Outdoors, even the port to the center of gravity, are all factors of im-
weather and wind act on our bodies and demand portance in setting the level of postural tone and
postural adjustments. our motor response: we lie down to rest and sit,
Descriptions that may seem artificial in rela- stand, or walk when we want to be active.
tion to movement science on healthy people These factors are not all-important, however;
may seem logical in clinical situations. Against postural tone is not always low in supine. Most
gravity is a term used in the treatment of neuro- people will recognize the situation in the den-
logically damaged persons. Acutely after stroke, a tist’s chair: if you are uneasy or nervous, your
spinal cord injury, or relapse of multiple sclerosis postural tone is higher. In this situation, adapta-

Fig. 2.2a Fig. 2.2b

Fig. 2.2a, b The patient has had an acute stroke. b He compensates by increasing his flexor activity in
a It seems as if he is either falling or pushing himself the right side of head, neck, and trunk in an attempt
up with his right arm. He has very low postural tone to pull himself up. Notice his right foot in both a and
and balance. He is unable to stay upright and interact b, which seems to push against the floor and footrest.
with gravity. There is very little activity in his left side.
74 2 Physiotherapy

tion to the contact area is not appropriate, and The feet are our base of support, our founda-
you may have a feeling of being suspended in tion, in standing. They are sense organs that com-
the air above the chair through muscular tension municate the information they pick up about the
instead of resting in the chair. If a person sits un- base of support—unevenness, texture, hardness,
comfortably, too still, unable to adjust or change direction, incline, and the distribution of body
position, postural tone may increase. weight—to the CNS. The structure of the foot de-
Because recovery depends, to a large extent, termines which rotatory components are avail-
on the ability of the CNS to adapt to (peripheral) able in the foot and leg during walking and run-
changes, the study of recovery is largely the ning (Nawoczenski et al. 1998), i. e., patterns of
study of adaptation (Mulder et al. 1996). movement. Alignment and neuromuscular activ-
ity in the feet have a significant influence on
Recovery largely depends on the ability of the the alignment and neuromuscular activity in the
CNS to adapt to (peripheral) changes. rest of the body (Ljunggren 1984, Thornquist
1984). Eline Thornquist (1984) states that the
load and tension condition of the feet influence
The interaction with the environment demands a our way of moving and determine to a great ex-
constant adjustment of tone, alignment, balance, tent the movements available to us. She uses
and movement. This interaction depends largely the words interplay, balance, and interdepen-
on the ability to receive and perceive information dence to describe the relationship between our
from peripheral receptors and to adapt and ad- foundation, physical and psychologic factors,
just in response to this information. Our initial and the environment. Changes in alignment and
evaluation of conditions of the base of support neuromuscular activity proximally will influence
is based on tactile information from base of sup- the ability of the feet to function as balance
port (BOS): feet (soles), bottom, and hands. We organs.
evaluate the support conditions by tactile con- In the CNS there is widespread integration of
tact. Our next calculation is of inertia; a smaller somatosensory information and motor activity.
support means that inertia is more easily over- Afferent input via both the somatosensory sys-
come and more quickly evaluated and assessed. tems and vision informs us of where we are in re-
The larger the estimation of the tactile area, the lation to the environment and is therefore vital to
more difficult it is to overcome inertia. The rela- our ability to adapt to the surroundings and to a
tionship between the body and the base of sup- variable base of support. When we move through
port is the foundation for adjustment of tone to the environment, vision is important in setting
varying environments and activities. Tone needs the level of neuromuscular activity through
to be optimal for the actual activity, whether it feedforward planning (Wade and Jones 1997).
is to relax, to initiate movement, balance, or per- If we are able to see, we scan the environment
form functional activities. to pick up information about our surroundings,
and alter direction or speed if appropriate. Vision
In a functional context, the sensorimotor and does not direct the placement of the foot in detail
perceptual interaction between the body and under normal circumstances. If the terrain is un-
the base of support is more important for the even or difficult, vision becomes more involved
level of postural tone than the size of the base but has no role in the actual adaptation and ad-
of support. justment of the foot to the base. The feet respond
immediately to unevenness and changes. When
standing on a mobile base—in a bus, on a train
In standing and walking the feet need to be mobile
or boat, or on an unsteady rock—there is a flood
and continuously adaptable to the environment.
of information from the feet to the CNS about
The feet transmit information directly between
the properties of the surface and the line of grav-
the body and the environment and must adapt
ity in relation to the feet. Postural tone is auto-
and respond to the base of support and not react
matically adjusted to the situation and the goal.
to the base with inappropriate tension—pushing
This adaptation is in response to information
or clawing—for balance to be optimal.
received through the somatosensory systems,
i. e., feedback. Activity—the interaction with
2.1 Balance and Movement 75

gravity—demands continuous interplay between nents of movement. For instance, when changing
feedforward and feedback. a light bulb above your head, the whole body
When the hands are in contact with objects or needs to be stabilized and oriented toward the
directly with the environment (surfaces), either manipulation of the bulb into the socket while
to handle and manipulate objects or to seek sup- the hands, wrists, and forearms are the main
port or reference, they need to interact, adapt, components of the function of rotating the bulb
reach, and let go, and vary their activity in rela- into place. Inherent in the term postural control
tion to the task. Neuromuscular activity, sensory are its dynamic characteristics. The body is multi-
information and alignment distally (i. e., in hands segmental with lots of rotatory, translatory, and
and feet) influence the activity and alignment in multidirectional joint movements and muscles
more proximal areas and reversely. that need to be controlled. Bernstein called this
Reciprocal innervation is the coordination of the degrees of freedom problem (Bernstein 1967
muscle activity for efficient, harmonious, rhyth- in Shumway-Cook and Woollacott 2007).
mic, and smooth movement without involving Some activities may push stability to the limit
more effort than is appropriate for the actual ac- and beyond, and necessitate a change of base
tivity (Bobath 1990, Edwards 1996). All complex of support, e. g., taking a step. Some tasks will
movements are a result of finely graded interac- focus on attaining the goal rather than maintain-
tion between external forces (gravity, inertia, ing stability limits, e. g. the keeper who throws
and passive, biomechanical characteristics in himself to catch the ball, while the fall itself is
involved structures) and variations in the ten- as controlled as possible. Stability is a result of
sion—length relationships in the different motor forces being balanced in relation to each other
units in agonist, antagonist, and synergic muscle or equal to each other. In normal movement, sta-
groups. Reciprocal innervation tunes and bal- bility is always dynamic, i. e., movement also oc-
ances muscle action, and I understand this to be curs in stabilizing segments. Even as we stand
the same as that which Sahrmann (1992, 2002) still, there is a segmental adjustment through
calls muscle balance (see Chapter 1.1 The Neuro- the body. The ability to hold a position demands
muscular System). Reciprocal innervation is continuous adjustment of neuromuscular activ-
described as the harmonious interplay in and ity. Stability allows movement between body
between muscles, i. e., coordination between parts. To reach out for an object, the body must
eccentric and concentric muscle activity leading stabilize and stay, then gradually move with the
to selective control of movement. Reciprocal in- arm to reach further if necessary. As we reach,
nervation involves: the hand initiates the actual movement of the
x Differential activation of motor units in a arm while feedforward mechanisms (i. e., antici-
muscle patory postural adjustments) stabilize the body.
x Coordination of different muscles surrounding During forward locomotion, the neuromuscular
a joint—agonists, antagonists, and synergists— activation of the hip and pelvis has to maintain
i. e., eccentric and concentric interplay the stability of these segments at the same time
x Coordination of different body parts, right and as we are moving forward in space, and the hip
left, proximal and distal, through neuromus- joint rotates and changes from flexion to ex-
cular activity tension. As we reach swing phase, the activity
Neurophysiologically, the recruitment principle changes; tone is reduced to allow a free swing.
is an important element of reciprocal innerva- Stability areas vary, depending not only on the
tion; the motor units involved in an activity are function, but also on all phase changes of move-
sequentially recruited and modified through pre- ment, i. e., continuously. Therefore, mobility is es-
synaptic inhibition (see Chapter 1.1, The Neuro- sential for stability, as is stability for movement.
muscular System and The Spinal Cord and The trunk may stabilize for movements of the ex-
Brain). Reciprocal innervation is the foundation tremities, the extremities may stabilize for trunk
for stability, selectivity, and coordination in nor- movement, the upper trunk may stabilize for pel-
mal movement. vic mobility, pelvic area for trunk movements,
Postural stability is not related to the trunk the right side may stabilize for movements of
alone, even if the trunk is essential for postural the left half of the body, and so on. Even distally,
control. Postural control is a basis for all compo- the lower arm must be stabilized for movements
76 2 Physiotherapy

of the hand and the wrist for the movements of tex coordinate the different sensory modalities
the fingers. The same is true for the lower leg and give them meaning. Postural control there-
and foot. Stable areas of reference adapt and fore creates a reference frame for perception
may change through the evolution of movement. and action in relation to the world around us
(Brodal 2004).
Mobility is essential for stability, as is stability Body schema may be described as an internal
for movement. postural image that informs us of the position
of the body segments in relation to each other.
It therefore provides a foundation for the ex-
Selective movement is understood as the con- ploration of space—the environment—for percep-
trolled, specific, and coordinated movement of tual analysis and motor action. It is monitored by
one joint or body part in relation to other seg- multiple sensory inputs. We need detailed infor-
ments. Selective movement is the result of pre- mation from all our sensory receptors to create
cisely graded neuromuscular activity based on and continuously update a body schema in
reciprocal innervation. order to balance and move:
Stability and selectivity are both dependent on x Information from proprioceptors:
adequate ranges of motion, muscle length, align- – The muscle spindles—Ia afferent input is
ment, and the coordination of agonists, antago- necessary for the anatomic relationships of
nists, and synergists in concentric and eccentric the different body parts, i. e., activity.
work. Eccentric muscle activity is the result of Studies imply that information from the
active, neurophysiologic processes. Reciprocal hips and the trunk itself is important to
innervation leads to the ability to: trigger a person’s balance corrections.
x Automatically adapt muscle activity for Proprioceptive information from the lower
postural adjustments legs aids in the final adjustment and in-
x Stabilize for selective movement tramuscular coordination of postural pro-
x Grade the activation and interaction of grams and locomotion patterns (Allum and
agonists, synergists, and antagonists for Honegger 1998).
precision in timing and direction – The Golgi tendon organ measures the
Postural orientation involves: number of active motor units at a given
x The ability to maintain an appropriate time in each muscle used in postural con-
alignment between body segments trol (Massion and Woollacott 1996).
x The ability to maintain an appropriate – Joint receptors
relationship with the environment – Skin receptors
x The need to establish a vertical orientation x The ability to evaluate the base of support:
to oppose gravity – Low threshold mechanoreceptors (pressure
x Creating a reference frame for perception and receptors) in the soles of the feet
action – Plantar cutaneous information (Kavounou-
Dexterity, i. e., flexibility and skill in movement dias et al. 1998)
(not only distal, manipulatory skills; see Chapter x The probable presence of graviceptors in in-
1.3, Upper Motor Neuron Lesion) enables adapta- ternal organs:
tion to the here and now situation, and depends – Graviceptors are specialized sensory recep-
on postural control. Postural control is the basis tors detecting displacement of weight in
for all voluntary motor skills (Massion and Wool- relation to gravity, for instance the weight
lacott 1996). of shifting fluid in the intestines and kid-
Information that is needed to maintain pos- neys. Recent research has argued for a se-
tural control is crucial for conscious awareness parate pathway in humans for sensing body
of our own bodies, spatial orientation, and inter- orientation in relation to gravity (Karnath
nal models (Brodal 2004). Internal models are the et al. 2000a).
stored information needed for specific activities – There is preliminary evidence to suggest
such as walking down stairs or reaching for that somatic gravity receptors, originating
something in space (see Chapter 1.1, Cerebellum, in the trunk, exist in monkeys and humans
Clinical Hypotheses). Neural networks in the cor- (Di Fabio et al. 1997).
2.1 Balance and Movement 77

– The graviceptors may monitor the force and acted on. Postural control requires good
vector exerted at each joint to oppose alignment (biomechanics), appropriate muscle
gravity, and this information contributes to strength, and all the above-mentioned informa-
an internal representation of the vertical tion to be appropriate to the activity of the mo-
axis. ment.
x Information from the vestibular apparatus in Patterns of movement are sequences of selec-
the inner ear that senses the orientation, tive movements that vary from person to person,
movement, and acceleration of the head in the task at hand, and the situation (Figs. 2.3 and
space in relation to gravity 2.4). Movements are the output of a dynamic in-
x Vision detects movement and monitors the teraction between muscular forces and peripher-
displacement of the head and body in relation al field effects (e. g., gravity, friction, joint reac-
to the environment tive forces) and can be described in terms of
Information reaching the central networks for their pattern, displacement, or topology (Mulder
postural control must be modulated, evaluated, et al. in Harrison 1995). The motor system has

Fig. 2.3 Fig. 2.4

Figs. 2.3 and 2.4 Compare the patterns of movement in the foot. This could be caused either by stiffness of
in the two pictures. his calf muscles or weak dorsiflexors, or malalignment
In Figure 2.3, the patient’s center of gravity is to the of the whole leg negating the activation of dorsiflex-
right of his right leg, and he presses actively (down ion. Figure 2.4 shows a healthy young woman who is
on his walking stick). Therefore, the flexor activity in taking a step forward with her left leg. Notice the ex-
his right side is increased at the same time as he tension over the standing leg and the interplay be-
seems to lift his left side forward with his right. tween body segments. On the swinging side the pat-
There is decreased mobility and interplay between tern of movement changes from stance phase activity
body segments generally, but especially proximally. (more extensor/abductor/external rotation activity) to
The patterns of movement in his arms and legs are let go of the same activity through rotation to swing
stereotypical. Rotation in his left leg does not change the leg forward. The left dorsiflexion ensures clearance
to swing the leg forward. There is reduced dorsiflexion of the floor.
78 2 Physiotherapy

to contract the agonist with the right force at the The patterns interchange and vary in all our ac-
right time as well as time and organize the con- tivities: we position ourselves in more extension
traction patterns of the antagonists, synergists, if we need to reach out for something above
and postural muscles necessary for the agonist shoulder height, when performing activities that
in the actual function. The number of muscle fi- demand fine eye–hand coordination we often
bers and motor units recruited in a muscle varies chose to sit in a more flexed position—based on
depending on the function and other muscles eccentric trunk extensor activity. Normal pos-
that are recruited in relation to the task. The ana- tural tone and normal reciprocal innervation
tomic construction of the skeleton enhances co- allow individuals to choose their own back-
ordination and rotation between the different ground neuromuscular activity as is most appro-
body parts. The muscles cause rotation to varying priate for the situation. Normal postural control
degrees depending on the anatomic form and allows us to:
arrangement of the muscle fibers, their function, x Oppose gravity
and the organization of different parts of the x Move
muscle to each other (alignment) and their at- x Develop functional skills
tachments. Examples are the tendo-Achilles that
is rotated 90h before its attachment to the calca-
neus, and the pectoralis major that is rotated
180h before its attachment to the humerus. Righting refers to observable movement between
Rotation is an essential component of normal body segments in relation to each other and to
movement, and it gives enhanced proprioceptive the environment, and happens when the line of
feedback to the CNS compared with, for instance gravity moves toward the limit of the support
muscle palpation or tendon tapping. Humans surface. The movements that represent the abil-
move along three planes: sagittal, frontal, and ity for righting are part of our most automatic
transverse (or horizontal), and this is combined balance control as well as being voluntary. Activ-
through rotation. All weight transference and ities such as turning over in bed, changing direc-
movement demand rotational components. We tion in walking, sitting up, or standing from
vary between symmetry and asymmetry caused sitting are examples of righting. A person rights
by interplay between body segments through ro- himself in relation to the task, environment,
tation. Rotation is based on the ability to grade and the effect of gravity (Figs. 2.5–2.7). There is
and combine flexor and extensor components in a continuous adjustment of muscular activity to
infinite variations of movement patterns, and maintain equilibrium at the same time as right-
gives flexibility and resilience. Rotation, for in- ing occurs.
stance between the upper and lower arm and be- There are two main forms for righting:
tween the thigh and lower leg, in relation to their x Head righting—the head rights itself on the
proximal segments, and through trunk rotation trunk as a response to displacement and aims
cause a functional diversity that allows anything to maintain the vertical position of the head.
from fine motor activity and distal dexterity to x Trunk righting:
coarse grasping and locomotion. – When the trunk moves in relation to the
Basic patterns of movement are reach and base of support. All weight transference
grasp and stance and swing. These patterns vary and positional transfers require changes
infinitely depending on the task and the environ- and adjustments in activity between the
ment. Reach and stance are both patterns that are shoulder girdles, the thorax, and the pelvis.
mainly dominated by components of extension, – When we turn our head to look about or
outward rotation, and abduction. Grasp and change direction, the body follows and
swing have more flexor components to their pat- rights itself in relation to the movement of
terns, often with components of outward rotation the head.
and adduction. When the arm is by the side, the – When we sit up the head leads the se-
hand is brought to the mouth through flexion/ad- quence of movement. The abdominals sta-
duction/external rotation initially changing to bilize the thorax and allow the neck flexors
graded internal rotation of the shoulder, flexion to take the weight of the head. The trunk
of the elbow, and supination of the forearm. moves and follows the head until the
2.1 Balance and Movement 79

Fig. 2.5a Fig. 2.5b

Figs. 2.5a, b The two figures show the interplay between righting and postural control as the arms reach up.
Thoracic extension enhances the full range of movement at the shoulders and allows a further reach.

center of gravity is within the new base

of support in sitting. The first part of this
movement is trunk righting, as the new
base has been acquired head righting
Righting is an essential and basic component of
the ability to move from one position to another:
weight transference, transfers, changes in the di-
rection of movement, and for the development of
protective reactions and movement strategies.
Righting is therefore essential to all our func-
tional activities.

Protective Reactions and Strategies

If righting is inappropriate or inadequate to
maintain balance, a person takes a step or uses
his arms to protect himself from falling. When
we step to avoid falling, and if the displacement
is very sudden and the feet are free to move,
anticipatory postural adjustments may not al-
ways be present (Maki and McIlroy 1997). Steps
in this situation are more of a reaction, but ele-
Fig. 2.6 Postural control, righting, rotation, and ments of planning and strategy are present in
weight transference interacting in the function of
the background at most times: we place the
fetching a book. Thoracic extension, based on core
stability allows postural control and rotation. foot in the direction in which we are likely to re-
80 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.7a Fig. 2.7b

Figs. 2.7a, b If the trunk is flexed, the center of gravity falls to the back of the base of support. As the arms reach
above the head without the trunk righting itself, the reach is more limited.

gain balance. However, when we step to initiate Clinical Relevance

locomotion, we plan ahead and initiate feedfor-
It seems appropriate to distinguish between pos-
ward strategies. Stronger cognitive elements are
now present, and this is therefore not a protec- tural control and righting because they seem to
tive reaction. be functions of different systems, and may there-
fore guide particular therapeutic interventions.
The arms are recruited in a protective reaction
if stepping is not possible or inadequate. Often Postural control is not under direct cortical con-
some elements of planning will be present: we trol. There are indirect connections through the
place the arms where they may most appropri- reticular formation and the cerebellum. Postural
ately save us or lessen or grade the fall. control can therefore not be regained through
verbal instruction. Postural control requires seg-
mental displacement and interaction with grav-
Balance is expressed in both reactions and
ity. Therefore, the therapist should ensure that
strategies. Postural control, righting, and pro-
the patient has segmental mobility, for instance
tective reactions are elements of balance.
of the spinal column. Righting seems to be a re-
sult of activity in many interacting systems: cor-
The midline is a term that is frequently used clini- tical, cerebellar, vestibular, reticular, and spinal.
cally. It is a broad term that is difficult to define Therefore it can be influenced both through ver-
precisely. Midline refers to the interplay of body bal instruction and handling (hands-on). Postural
segments and alignment, and involves both phys- control and righting are the foundations for head
ical and perceptual factors, like body schema. We control.
explore and adapt to our environment, and action
requires perception, balance, and movement. We
have to perceive our body in space to adapt to
the environment. The term midline control refers
to both an ability and an experience of being
2.1 Balance and Movement 81

Deviations from Normal system to recover and behavioral substitution

Movement and Balance Control will occur.” This may be explained by reactive
synaptogenesis (the formation of new synapses
Patients with CNS lesions are heterogeneic and and collateral sprouting) forming abnormal con-
show individual characteristics; lesions in a simi- nections that compete with more appropri-
lar location and of a similar size in two patients ate connections. Compensation may therefore
will manifest differently. Patients have different limit the neural functions that are spared after
personalities, talents, and experiences that have lesions.
shaped their body and mind. Some patients Clinical experience supports the theory that
may present with other medical diagnoses as therapy may influence the restructuring pro-
well, such as diabetes and cardiac problems. cesses in the lesioned CNS (see Chapter 1.2 Plasti-
Some patients may be in poor general condition city, Reorganization of Cortical Maps and Neuro-
for different reasons. The aim of treatment is to trophic Factors). The CNS recovers very quickly
enhance the patient’s potential as much as possi- after the initial shock, and some functions may
ble, keeping this heterogeneity in mind. Many be spared: as edema and the penumbral zone
patients will not reach the same level of function shrinks and circulation improves, neurons start
as before the lesion and will have to compensate working again and some functions return; this
to be functional within their environment. is called spontaneous recovery. If the patient
Shumway-Cook and Woollacott (2006) define learned to use compensatory strategies during
compensation as behavioral substitution, that is, the acute phase, these may not be necessary
alternative behavioral strategies that are adopted any longer. But if the CNS experiences these
to complete a task. The two terms compensation strategies as appropriate in the acute phase,
and compensatory strategies are perceived to they may be established and difficult to change.
mean the same. The strategies will often have developed based
In the acute phase there is often seemingly se- on the need to balance; as balance and move-
vere paresis or paralysis after an upper motor ment control is reduced or absent to prevent
neuron lesion. The CNS is vulnerable in this falls or the feeling of insecurity, therefore they
phase (see Consequences and Reorganization often involve fixing with the arms, grasping,
after CNS Lesions); the concentration of neuro- and holding on, weight transference to the least
trophic substances increases and facilitates the affected side in stroke, fixing through flexion of
formation of new connections. We learn by trunk or flexion/adduction of hips, or pushing
doing, and the patient’s CNS quickly learns new off the floor.
strategies that may seem appropriate for the mo- This development may be illustrated as fol-
ment. What the patient is stimulated to do, or re- lows (Bryce 1989 in Edwards 1996, p.19;
quired to manage do to by people, himself or the Fig. 2.8). Reduced postural tone and loss of reci-
environment, drive the formation of new connec- procal innervation as the basis for coordination
tions. Many patients are required to master inde- as well as weakness influence the patient’s bal-
pendence in activities of daily living without hav- ance and quality of movement negatively; pos-
ing the postural or movement control needed to tural stability and orientation are reduced, and
do so. When the patient sits alone on the side therefore also the control of movement. The
of the bed in the first few days, he is driven to main aim of the CNS is to ensure the person’s
compensate if he lacks the postural control to safety, and therefore available alternative strate-
do so safely. gies are recruited and enhanced. The sequence of
If compensation leads to goal achievement, recruitment (Henneman’s recruitment principle)
the drive toward improvement may stop. The and the sensorimotor organization of activity
brain is oriented toward immediate success and are altered as a response to balance impairment.
rewards, not to the process involved in reaching The feedback to the CNS of the execution of
the goal. The compensatory strategies will be movement through peripheral receptors will be
learned as relevant and appropriate for this different due to the movement being different
stage. Held (1987) states that: “In other words, and to the altered integration and modulation
if compensation is allowed to occur, there is of sensorimotor activity: previous responses,
apparently no stimulus to the partially damaged feedback from a healthy system, and normal
82 2 Physiotherapy

CNS lesion Inappropriate compensatory strategies—

alternative behavioral strategies—may delay
or hinder the development of balance and
Abnormal postural tone selective motor control in patients with
Effort CNS lesions.
Abnormal quality of movement

Clinical examples
Abnormal sensory feedback Balance develops through interaction with gravity.
and feedforward We have to be exposed to gravity to develop pos-
tural control in standing, sitting, step standing,
Abnormal quality of movement Compensation and walking. sberg (1989) found that stroke
patients had improved orthostatic blood pressure,
improved ADLs, and had fewer severe functional
Abnormal postural tone impairments and limitations after being placed in
the standing position early and on a regular basis
Fig. 2.8 Development of an abnormal postural tone. (every day for 12–days after admission) compared
with patients in the control group. The differences
between the groups were significant, and no
other interventions could explain these differences.
movement repertoire. The basis for the execution At the same time, it is not proved that early stand-
(i. e., anticipatory postural adjustments) of the ing alone caused this, but sberg recommends
next movement and movements in the future early standing as a treatment intervention.
will therefore be altered. Jacobs et al. (1985) found that a group of trial par-
After a CNS lesion patients alter their strate- ticipants significantly improved their perception of
gies to compensate for loss of or reduced balance trunk orientation (trunk positional sense) in relaxed
control. Many patients develop cognitive and vi- standing compared to lying.
sual strategies that seem to override the integra- These studies support the importance of early
tion of information from somatosensory recep- standing both for functional improvement and the
tors—they do not listen to their bodies any patient’s perception of his body.
more. Movement becomes slow and patients
poke their head forward and look down to en-
Standing seems to improve both trunk posi-
hance visual information (this change in align-
tional sense and overall function.
ment of the head and neck will influence the ves-
tibular system). With this increased dependence
on cognitive strategies and vision, patients are in- Normally the hip and pelvis are stabilized in
creasingly prone to falls if they are distracted or stance phase for the swing of the opposite leg.
people catch their attention. Mulder et al. This stability is dynamic, the pelvis and hip move
(1996) propose three measures for the improve- in relation to each other, the trunk, and the base
ment of balance: reduced cognitive regulation, of support to allow the translation of the center
decreased dependency on vision, and increased of gravity in the direction of movement. Stability
sensorimotor adaptation. When we have the abil- is maintained over the standing leg throughout
ity to balance, we rarely think of it; if we don’t this movement. Neuromuscular stability is a pre-
have it, we think of it all the time. CNS lesions re- requisite for selective movement control.
sult in a move away from automatically regu- In clinical practice the therapist will meet pa-
lated background control of balance and postural tients who have reduced or altered recruitment
control to increased awareness and cognitive reg- of appropriate stability and movement. Many pa-
ulation of balance. Which balance strategy the tients have instability both truncally (core stabi-
patient adopts depend on his build, experience, lity) and over the pelvis and hips. Reduced stabi-
personality, and the consequences of the lesion. lity or increased trunk flexion seem to prevent
activation of hip extension, necessary for stabi-
2.1 Balance and Movement 83

lity. At the same time, reduced stability over the

pelvis and hip may influence trunk stability ne-
gatively. Weight transference in standing may in-
crease compression of the ankle and thereby de-
form the foot. As a result, alignment is changed
distally compromising the recruitment of neuro-
muscular activity proximally.
Patients compensate in different ways: shift-
ing their weight onto the least affected side or
body parts (Fig. 2.9), using the environment for
support, enhancing the support and protective
reaction of the arms, fixing within their own
body, recruiting activity more proximally—a
shift from ankle to hip strategy—there is an infi-
nite variety of possibilities. Many patients are
not able to step due to reduced stability of the
standing leg. They move their strategies more
proximally to their arms. Patients use arm sup-
port in different ways: fixing through adduction,
inward rotation of the shoulder, and through in-
creasing their flexion activity in the trunk, fixing
through increasing flexion/adduction, compres-
sion of the hip, etc. The muscular interplay and
muscle balance for selective stability necessary
for maintaining a free standing position, weight
transference, and walking are disturbed. Clini-
cally, it may be necessary for two or three thera- Fig. 2.9 The patient’s left shoulder girdle and pelvis is
pists to work together to facilitate trunk, pelvis, retracted, the left leg is pulled back with the pelvis and
and hip activity for stance phase to allow for therefore seemingly outward rotated and adducted.
swing phase. If appropriate and available, a The arm is pulled back with the shoulder girdle but is
observably inwardly rotated and adducted with flex-
treadmill with body weight support may be of
ion/pronation of the elbow and lower arm. The stability
some help to ease the facilitation and rhythmic
and movement control is reduced on both sides (see
interplay between stance and swing as well as also Fig. 2.3) but more on the left, most affected
finding the right speed to facilitate central pat- side. His body weight shifts toward the right in both
tern generation in the individual (see Chapter standing and walking.
1.1, The Spinal Cord, Central Pattern Generators).
Speed is very individual.
Sometimes an orthosis or splint may be appro- himself increases the flexor tendency and inhi-
priate to stabilize the ankle. Heel-strike and heel- bits rotation. Flexion causes a forward lean of
off seem to be important to signal phase changes the trunk and displacement of the center of grav-
to the patient’s CNS, therefore the heel should, if ity, and the patient develops a tendency to fall
possible, be free to receive and transmit somato- forward. Patients have a shuffling and tripping
sensory and weight information. Therefore, an gait with short steps and seem to be running
orthosis that stabilizes the ankle medially and after their own center of gravity. Some patients
laterally or taping may be of use in a period of develop compensatory strategies in an attempt
transition (Fig. 2.10). to bring the center of gravity back by pressing
In patients with Parkinson disease, one of the their feet into the floor through plantar flexion.
early symptoms is a flexed posture and lack of ro- Bridgewater and Sharpe (1998) refer to other
tation. One of the early motor symptoms is re- studies in which dorsiflexion was found to be re-
duced muscle function in the trunk (Bridgewater duced. Trunk flexion and rigidity combined with
and Sharpe 1998), which causes reduced postural pushing back from the feet cause the patients to
control. The patient’s reduced ability to right lose mobility and to seem stiffened in their
84 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.10c

Fig. 2.10a

Fig. 2.10d

Fig. 2.10b Fig. 2.10e

2.1 Balance and Movement 85

Fig. 2.10f

Figs. 2.10a–f This stroke patient has congenital hip Fig. 2.11 The patient shows reduced balance as a
dysplasia and 7 cm difference in leg length, the shorter result of an acute stroke. He has reduced tone on his
leg being his left. He has always walked on his toes on left side and lacks the interplay of movement between
his left side, and perceived no balance or movement body segments in all three planes.
problems and no restrictions in function or partici-
pation. Among other things, he and his wife used to
dance a great deal. He then suffered a stroke, resulting the patient will be able to receive and perceive
in left side affection and motor apraxia. He had a lot of somatosensory information and orientation of
instability on his left side, no hip, knee, or ankle stabi- his body in relation to space and the support sur-
lity or voluntary movement. To help increase the stabi- face. These interventions may improve the pa-
lity of the ankle, the ankle was taped to recruit more
tient’s ability to adjust his posture and thereby
proximal stability. Notice the difference in alignment
and therefore the ability to recruit more appropriate
neuromuscular stability in Figures 2.10a–f. Some stroke patients seem to develop a ten-
Note: Taping is not a long-term solution; it may cause dency to push away through their least affected
skin problems and is difficult for the patient and his extremities. This is a complex combination of
carers to put on. After some time this patient received symptoms, and mostly seen in patients with left
a sport bandage, which gave adequate stability distally. side affliction (right hemispheric stroke). Clini-
cally, the patients are often totally paralyzed on
their affected side for a relatively short time initi-
total expression of movement. Plantar flexion ally (Fig. 2.11). Many names have been given to
contractures may develop as a result. this syndrome; postural hemineglect (Schger
By improving mobility of the spinal column, and Kool 2001), the pusher syndrome (Davies
shoulder girdles, and neck and facilitating selec- 2001), contraversive pushing (Karnath et al.
tive extension, rotation is often spontaneously 2000a), etc. Vestibular information is probably
regained. The feet and muscles of the lower leg integrated in a widely distributed cortical net-
should be maintained at an appropriate length work (Brodal 2001). At least two centers in the
for mobility. Through improved distal mobility brain seem to be involved in the regulation of
86 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.12a Fig. 2.12b

Figs. 2.12a, b The patient pushes with his right arm b The therapist handles the patient to improve the
and leg. alignment of his pelvis to the base of support. The
a There is severe side flexion throughout the right side patient pushes less, but there is still observable mala-
and the pelvis is elevated on the right side. His interac- lignment of his upper trunk and head.
tion with the base of support and between body seg-
ments is disturbed. He is malaligned and out of midline.

vertical perception and summate to achieve pos- dominate and override positional information.
tural orientation of the vertical axis: The patient’s subjective vertical is 101–7h to the
x Subjective postural vertical (SPV) is a sensitive left, but they think that they are falling to the
direction-specific orientation for vestibular right (Fig. 2.12). There is increased flexor activity
function which receives input from sense throughout the right side of the trunk and neck
organs in the trunk—a truncal gravitation whilst pushing away from the right using the
dependent system right arm and leg, and little or no activity
x Visual subjective vertical (VSV) is a visually throughout the left side. This is not a primary per-
perceived sense of being vertical that depends ceptual dysfunction, but as the patients receive
on visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular inputs conflicting information from the PSV and VSV of
If perceptual systems are conflicting and mis- where they are in space, combined with flaccid
match, the patient may develop a “pusher syn- paralysis and no information from the paralyzed
drome” (Karnath et al. 2000a and b, 2001, Lss- side, they may develop perceptual problems.
lein and Kolster 2001, Schger and Kool 2001). Perceptual problems that are often observed
They fall to the left side (usually) and their eyes in patients with “pusher syndrome” are:
perceive the world on a slant to the right. The cor- x Visual neglect: Some patients do not seem to
tex listens to the system it trusts most. In some perceive visual information from the most
patients, therefore, the input from the eyes will affected side.
2.1 Balance and Movement 87

x Auditive neglect: Some patients do not seem ing to correct the patient’s alignment and
to perceive what they hear from the most relationship to the base of support. There may
affected side. be bilateral problems, and problems arise in all
x Neglect of the most affected side of the body: practical situations that require balance and
The patient has reduced perception of the transfers as well as positioning in a chair and in
most affected side and does not integrate in- bed.
formation from this side. But, as previously Treatment is goal-oriented toward regaining
stated, this syndrome often involves flaccid midline control. The following factors are impor-
paralysis initially, therefore there is very little tant to evaluate:
somatosensory information to receive or x The patient’s awareness of and activity in his
integrate. paretic side
x Spatial problems, both in relation to one’s own x Regaining interaction of movement between
body and to the relationship between the body segments in all three planes, especially
body and the environment trunk, shoulder girdles, and pelvis
x Reduced sensory perception, but the patient x Improvement and facilitation of distal
may have normal sensation if the two body sensorimotor integration
halves are tested separately. Often the thera- x Interaction between the right and left side to
pist finds that the patient has severely regain trunk and head righting and postural
affected bilateral simultaneous perception control
of sensation. In a treatment situation perceptions need to be
x Altered perception of the midline: The patient matched. Vertical orientation requires alignment
is afraid of falling to his least affected side. of the pelvis and intra-abdominal pressure.
x Other perceptual and cognitive problems Therefore vision may be taken away (the patient
Physical problems that could occur are: blinded or vision blocked to the right) combined
x Hemianopia: The patient has reduced visual with using a broad bandage or belt to assemble
field to the paretic side. the trunk and abdominal contents in the midline
x Initial paralysis, which seems to recover to increase abdominal pressure. Lying on the
quickly in many patients. They may have re- right side or with the right side supported in sit-
latively good selective movement in the most ting and standing may make the left side more
affected side, but cannot use it because of available for increasing the somatosensory infor-
severe midline disorientation. mation through the left side.
x Reduced postural control Some patients develop a hypersensitive foot
x Reduced weight transference, reduced inter- that pushes off the floor through plantarflexion
play between left and right, reduced righting and inversion (Figs. 2.13–2.14). They may experi-
of head and trunk ence a primary hypersensitivity toward stretch,
x Use of the least affected extremities to push touch, or weightbearing to the forefoot or this re-
with. If the patient has a right hemispheric action may develop as a response to gravity in
stroke, his head, neck, and trunk are sideflexed order to stiffen the leg to be able to stand on it
to the right, and the head often rotated to the to walk when the proximal areas are too weak
right. An increased use of protective reactions or unstable to carry weight selectively. The sever-
and strategies (the push from the right to ity of the reaction will vary in different patients
avoid the perceived falling to the right) seem and in different situations. Pressure, touch, or
to inhibit the interaction of right and left in all stretch to the foot in weightbearing cause plan-
three planes. tarflexion with a backward translation of the
If this syndrome is not treated successfully, pa- tibia in relation to the foot. The pattern causes
tients develop severe flexor/retractor activity plantar flexion with varying degrees of inversion,
throughout their most affected side and are to- a mechanical hyperextension of the knee as a re-
tally dependent on carers for all functions. They sult of the plantarflexion and is usually combined
demonstrate inappropriate use of their least with flexor components at the hip, i. e., varying
affected side, and their ability to vary patterns degrees of flexion/adduction/inward rotation.
of movement is reduced. Often, carers and thera- The mechanical hyperextension of the knee is a
pists experience lots of resistance when attempt- result of the knee being caught in the middle be-
88 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.13a Fig. 2.13b

Figs. 2.13a, b When this patient stands up from sit- is not adapting to the base of support, therefore
ting he uses a lot of effort. Note the facial expression weight transference to the left is not possible. He has
and the associated reactions in the arm. Compare to compensate by pushing up through his right side.
with Figure 2.9, where the associated reactions are This patient had two strokes approximately 30 years
less when the patient has been standing for a short ago. He manages most activities and is active in parti-
time. The transfer to standing demands interplay be- cipation. But it is costing him a lot of effort, and he
tween body segments and the base of support. The pa- becomes tired, more so as he is getting older.
tient has very little mobility generally, and his left foot

tween a plantarflexed foot and a flexed hip dur- foot from the floor. The pattern varies in se-
ing weightbearing. Quadriceps is rarely active in verity and rotational components, but usually
this reaction. The incoordination of foot, ankle, causes inversion of the foot and flexion of the
knee, and hip negatively affect balance and re- hip and knee.
duce interplay and variation of movement. x Withdrawal reaction may also be caused by
Flexor withdrawal may be caused either by stretch to the hip flexors, often initiated as a
a hypersensitive foot or sensitive (short) hip reaction when the patient starts to raise him-
flexors (flexor reflex afferents), therefore either self to standing from sitting. The stretch of the
from a distal or a proximal initiation: hip flexors causes hip and knee flexion com-
x Weight transference through the foot causes bined with dorsiflexion of the foot with vary-
stretch of the soft tissues within the foot. ing degrees of inversion or eversion depending
In some cases initial stretch in attempted on the neuromuscular rotational components
weightbearing produces withdrawal of the of the hip.
2.1 Balance and Movement 89

Fig. 2.14a Fig. 2.14b

x Both these reactions may retract the pelvis

and therefore seemingly abduct and out-
wardly rotate the flexed hip. The apparent
abduction is a result of the backward pull of
the pelvis in retraction taking the hip with it,
without the hip necessarily being truly ab-
ducted or externally rotated.
All of the above-mentioned deviations prevent
normal weight transference, balance, and trans-
fers. Treatment is targeted toward the impair-
ments: the hypersensitivity, the immobility of
the foot, and improving muscle length and flex-
ibility. Improving postural control, especially
the stability component in different situations,
involves bringing all the following into activity
through graded weightbearing and varied active
movement over the foot in different weightbear-
ing activities: sitting to standing over one or two
Fig. 2.14c feet, controlled standing to sitting, standing and
step standing, stepping in different directions,
Figs. 2.14a–c Reduced adaptability of the foot in
one-legged standing, stepping down from a
standing and walking. The left knee is hyperextended,
the hip flexed. Stability is reduced over his left side and height, sitting on one or two legs, stairs, etc.
effort increases as balance requirements increase dur- The restoration of dynamic interplay between
ing gait judging by the level of associated reactions the foot, knee, and hip is essential to the patient’s
(compared with Fig. 2.9). ability to balance and move.
90 2 Physiotherapy

2.2 Intervention—Considerations actual relationship with the environment. This

relationship continuously changes during activ-
and Choices
ity. Neuromuscular activity and biomechanical
factors influence and are affected by each other.
Changes in the relationship with the environ-
On the basis of continuous assessment and clini-
ment and alterations in the biomechanical rela-
cal reasoning the therapist chooses interventions
tionships through changes in rotational compo-
that seem appropriate to the individual patient.
nents or direction of joint movement require
The Bobath concept does not give a solution or
adaptation of the neuromuscular activity, even
method for treatment of patients.
if the goal of movement or task stays the same.
Neuromuscular activity depends on where the
The current definition of the Bobath Concept is:
person started the movement from, i. e., standing
It is a problem-solving approach to the assess-
up from sitting on a low, soft cushion or stepping
ment and treatment of individuals with distur-
down from a high seat. When a person flexes
bances of function, movement, and postural
his elbow in sitting or standing, the biceps is
control due to a lesion of the central nervous
the prime mover. The same movement per-
system (IBITA, Theoretical Assumptions 2007;
formed in supine, with the arm stretched up
in the air or the arm being held over shoulder
level in sitting or standing, requires more ec-
Treatment is tailored to the individual patient, centric control from the triceps as the prime
and is response-based. Therefore interventions mover and agonist.
depend on the individual patient, his sensorimo- The neuromuscular activity required to per-
tor dysfunctions, his perceptual and cognitive re- form pelvic tilt varies in different positions be-
sources and problems, the adaptive compensa- cause the biomechanical relations alter with
tory strategies developed, the environment, and the changing relationship of gravity to the base
the goal or task. All interventions, even if impair- of support. Therefore, the activity is different in
ment-oriented, need to integrate activities to sitting, in the transition from sitting to standing,
make treatment as functional as possible and in standing, through sitting to supine, and in
the carry-over effect as strong as possible. Moti- supine. Analysis of movement is the detailed anal-
vation is a crucial factor to learning. Treatment ysis of movement during every phase of an activity
incorporates: to form hypotheses for the patient’s recruitment
x Regaining movement control of neuromuscular activity in function. This analy-
x Motor learning sis is the foundation for clinical reasoning, to-
x Interdisciplinary approach to enhance learn- gether with an analysis of the patient’s perfor-
ing and carry over mance that includes an assessment and evalua-
x The use of compensatory strategies when tion of perceptual and cognitive function.
further motor learning does not seem possible
(may incorporate the use of aids and orthoses) Postural sets describe the interrelationship
x Management strategies to prevent or mini- between body segments at a given moment.
mize complications Movement may be described as a continuous
change of postural sets.

Postural Sets
If serial photographs of a movement or activity
are taken, each photograph represents a postural
Berta Bobath described postural sets as “adapta-
set. Analysis of postural sets gives information
tions of posture” which “change with the in-
tended movement—in fact, they may precede it”
x The effect of gravity
(Bobath 1990, p. 68). Body segments have a bio-
x The relationship to the base of support
mechanical and a neuromuscular relationship,
x Alignment
both of which are the basis and consequence of
x Ppatterns of movement
the build of the individual, movement, and the
x Neuromuscular activity
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 91

There is a tendency to analyze basic postures, but

A selective movement in one postural set
humans move within and between postures.
requires a different neuromuscular activity in a
Basic postures are sitting, standing, step standing,
different postural set. As the biomechanical
and supine or prone, with symmetry or asymme-
alignment changes, so does the neuromuscular
try if including step standing and even weight
distribution. Postural sets are all different varia-
tions within a basic posture and the transitions
between postures.
There is an interrelationship between postural Analysis of Basic Postures and
control and postural sets. The analysis of postural Postural Sets
sets in a functional activity allows the clinician to
observe actual and gradual changes in alignment The postural sets chosen as intervention have to
and to form hypotheses regarding the neuromus- be adapted to the patient’s specific problems to
cular activation creating the movement. The cho- enhance success and motivation. Advantages
sen interventions may or may not support the and disadvantages, possibilities for variation,
hypotheses. If the patient’s motor control is not how easy or difficult it will be for the patient to
improving, either the interventions or the hy- move into and out of and between the postural
potheses may be wrong and must be reconsid- sets must be considered in the light of the pa-
ered. The clinician must continuously adapt the tient’s movement control at the time. Balance
interventions to the patient’s response and re- and movement result from the interaction of
quired movement. many muscle groups and their eccentric/con-
Postural sets are also used in treatment to centric work as agonists, antagonists, and syner-
adapt and adjust requirements to suit the pa- gists. It is not possible to analyze the activity in
tient’s ability. The choice of postural sets depend all muscles in all phases of different activities,
on the patient’s balance control and relationship and not possible to describe this variation in
to the base of support, and therefore the choice words. In the following sections, the main fea-
of goal activity or task. If the patient has low pos- tures or qualities of standing, sitting, supine,
tural control, or is flexed with asymmetry, mala- and side lying will be analyzed. Any other posi-
lignment, and deviant tone distribution, he will tion may be analyzed in the same way.
not be able to recruit a more appropriate activity
to interact or respond to the environment. Shum-
way-Cook and Woollacott (2007) describe ideal
alignment in relation to the standing position as The basic posture is characterized by extension:
follows: “muscles throughout the body, not just trunk, head and neck, and legs. This selective ex-
those of the trunk, are tonically active to main- tension is based on the interplay of trunk muscu-
tain the body in a narrowly confined vertical po- lature, core stability, and the balanced muscular
sition during quiet stance. Once the centre of activity of the legs. The postural tone is relatively
gravity moves outside the narrow range defined high if the person stands actively and the base
by the ideal alignment, more muscular effort is of support is relatively small. The shoulders are
required to recover a stable position. ” Optimal slightly protracted but relatively relaxed and
or ideal alignments in any postural set allow us the arms hang by the side (Fig. 2.15). The rotation
to use no more effort than necessary to maintain of the arms depends on the biomechanical align-
stability. Inappropriate alignment or malalign- ment and neuromuscular activation of the indivi-
ment may maintain an inappropriate neuromus- dual, especially of the trunk and shoulder girdles.
cular recruitment pattern and thereby prevent Increase of thoracic extension and of the shoulder
the patient adapting his response to the environ- girdles may give more outward rotation of the
ment. Sahrmann (1992) states that a normal neu- arm, whereas active protraction and flexion en-
romuscular interplay, muscle balance, or adap- hance inward rotation. Standing is generally fa-
tive muscular activity facilitates good alignment, cilitatory to the development of extension. The
and that good alignment facilitates normal, adap- patient is exposed to gravity, which enhances
tive neuromuscular activity. postural tone and postural control if alignment
is good.
92 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.15a Fig. 2.15b

Figs. 2.15a, b Basic standing posture.

Advantages There are good opportunities for therapeutic

There is wide variety standing postural sets, handling and correction of alignment, both dis-
changing foot position, using mobile or stabile tally and proximally, if the patient has a certain
supports behind, at the side, at the front to level of postural control, feels safe in this situa-
allow the patient to explore his motor control tion, and is willing to explore his possibilities. It
safely. All changes cause neuromuscular adapta- is important to give adequate and appropriate
tions. The placing of the arms influences tonic ac- support to knees for instance to allow the patient
tivity in the body: if the arms are placed above to experience and develop trunk control or pelvic
90h, trunk extension is facilitated to a larger de- movement with or without facilitation. The use
gree. The arms may be placed in different posi- of a plinth placed at different heights, at different
tions and at different heights (Figs. 2.16–2.19). positions in relation to the patient (at the side, at
An active arm facilitates postural activity, the back, diagonally, at the front) allows variation
while the use of arm support may alter or negate and active exploration between sitting and
postural control depending on how it is used standing (Fig. 2.20). The patient is facilitated to
(Jeka and Lackner 1994, Jeka 1997, Slijper and La- experience and explore variations in eccentric
tash 2000). Standing postural sets may vary from control and grade movement in different direc-
parallel to step standing and thereby enhance tions. Eccentric muscle activity seems to improve
weight transference and access alterations of strength and generalization (carry-over) to more
stance to swing in different directions. Changes varied muscle work and functional activities
of hip rotation require altered neuromuscular ac- (Patten et al. 2004). Strength training facilitates
tivity; physiologic outward rotation in the stand- significant synaptogenesis on the motor neurons
ing leg may facilitate abduction and extension in the spinal cord and does not seem to have a
and thereby stability. The “let go” or eccentric negative impact on spasticity (spasticity as de-
activation of hip extension/abduction/outward fined by Pandyan et al. 2005. See Chapter 1.3,
rotation facilitates initiation of the swing phase. Consequences of and Reorganization after CNS
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 93

Fig. 2.16a Fig. 2.16b

Figs. 2.16a, b Lateral weight transference with the arm abducted at shoulder level as the model rolls a ball. The
demands for extension and stability increase on the weightbearing side if the model does not press down on the ball.

Fig. 2.17a Fig. 2.17b

Figs. 2.17a, b The use of the wall may facilitate placing of the arms. The model has to stabilize both body and
arms to maintain his postural set and move at the same time. a More outward rotation of the arm and hand com-
bined with extension at the elbow and protraction of the shoulder facilitates abdominal activation as part of pos-
tural control. Improved postural control facilitates stability through the shoulder and arm. b Improved postural
control and stability of the left arm facilitates freedom of movement for functions in the right arm.
94 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.18a Fig. 2.18b

Fig. 2.18c

Figs. 2.18a–c The demands for postural stability and Fig. 2.19 Maintenance of postural control is neces-
orientation increase even more when the arms are sary for daily activities.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 95

Fig. 2.20a Fig. 2.20b

Figs. 2.20a–d As the model sits on a high plinth she and outward rotation of the weightbearing hip to lift
needs to stabilize and move over the standing leg. In the pelvis onto the plinth, as well as for righting
this situation there are specific needs for abduction body segments to each other.

Fig. 2.20c Fig. 2.20d

Fig. 2.20c Components of rotation may be varied to Fig. 2.20d A postural set of high sitting. This posture
alter the demands for postural control, balance and demands good pelvic mobility (i. e., movement of the
movement both in standing to sitting and sitting to pelvis in relation to the hips and the lumbar spine) as
standing. well as facilitating the transition from standing to sit-
ting and sitting to standing—stand down.
96 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.21a Dressing in a standing position is normal. Fig. 2.21b The model hangs her jumper on a hook
The model balances over her right leg at the same above shoulder level. She has to locate the hook and
time as putting her left leg into the trousers. This is a problem solve the activity, weight transfer, and at
complex perceptual, cognitive, and sensorimotor activ- the same time sustain her postural stability to free
ity demanding problem solving and a continuous adap- the arm to lift the jumper onto the hook.
tation to displacement over a small base of support.

Fig. 2.21c When the model puts on her jumper, the Fig. 2.21d As the jumper goes over the head, vision is
hand and arm actively lead the movement through ex- obscured, and the integration of somatosensory inputs
tension into the sleeve. is weighted more for postural control. The need for
sensorimotor adaptation to maintain postural control
increases. Righting occurs between body segments.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 97

Lesions). Patten et al. (2004) also state that skill pists or the help of an assistant to make the situa-
training combined with task-specific training im- tion facilitatory for the patient’s postural activa-
proves activity-dependent cortical reorganiza- tion. The use of a standing frame or similar device
tion. Therefore, treatment needs to be targeted, may be appropriate in some cases. Note that the
involves specific aspects of strength training (ec- patient needs to be placed completely upright in
centric), and is context-based as this combination a vertical alignment at 90h to facilitate postural
seems to improve the patient’s function. tone and activity over his base of support, the
Use of the standing postural set often mo- feet.
tivates the patient. The patient is oriented to
the relationship between body and space, which
improves perception. Standing also improves
orthostatic control of blood pressure, circulation, The basic sitting position is characterized by
lung function, and bowel and urinary functions trunk extension, core stability, and head and
(Fig. 2.21). neck alignment in extension and balanced to
abdominal activity. The hips are in a position of
Disadvantages flexion biomechanically, but stability in sitting
Some patients have very low postural tone and depends on the interplay of neuromuscular acti-
are unable to interact with gravity to right them- vation of extension/abduction/outward rotation
selves. If the patient supports himself, leans onto, balanced with flexion. The thighs rest on the
or presses down on an external support, he may plinth and are a reference for the trunk. Compo-
recruit inappropriate active flexion components, nents of hip rotation may vary, but the optimal
which further negates interaction with gravity neuromuscular activity as a foundation for stabi-
and the acquisition of postural control. Flexor lity favors outward rather than inward rotation
strategies may increase if he feels insecure. (Fig. 2.22).
Standing postural sets may require two thera-

Fig. 2.22a Fig. 2.22b

Figs 2.22a, b The basic upright sitting position.

98 2 Physiotherapy

The arms rest in adduction when they are not next movement is going, i. e., the direction of
active, and rotation depends on the neuromuscu- the evolving activity, and therefore which neuro-
lar and biomechanical relationship of the thorax, muscular activity is needed (Figs. 2.24–2.25).
head, neck, and shoulder girdles. Sitting is a func- The position, posture, and activity of the arms
tional position for many activities and allows the influence the neuromuscular activity in the
therapist good handling opportunities and varia- trunk. The use of arm support may reduce the
tion. patient’s postural control by reorientating the
references for equilibrium responses to the
Advantages support and the supporting arm instead of the
Sitting postural sets (Fig. 2.23) may be varied in- feet in standing and the buttocks and thighs in
finitely depending on the neuromuscular activity sitting—depending on how the arm support is
the therapist wants to facilitate: sitting straight, being used (Jeka and Lackner 1994,Jeka 1997;
diagonally, more or less rotated, leaning back- see Handling). Arms above 90h facilitate trunk ex-
ward or forward, sitting high or low, far into tension and postural activation. If the patient can
the seat or on the edge, different bases (bed, start to take over the weight of the arms, postural
plinth, a variety of chairs, stools), different tex- stability and strength are enhanced throughout
tures and hardness, or using the floor to sit on. the body and arms, which is needed, for example,
Sitting postural sets are varied in relation to the when placing plates in a high cupboard or hang-
task; where and in which direction the patient’s ing a coat on a hook (Fig. 2.26). Movement of the

Fig. 2.23a Increased adduction of the hips is a fre- Fig. 2.23b Variation with rotation alters the weight-
quent problem in recruitment of stability and move- bearing areas and therefore stability requirements.
ment of the hips and pelvis. Enhanced abduction/out-
ward rotation of the hips facilitated a more upright
posture and postural control, and thereby interplay be-
tween body segments. A bigger and more open base
allows for more movement of proximal segments.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 99

Fig. 2.24a Fig. 2.24b

Figs. 2.24a, b Selective movement of the pelvis in are resting on a table or a plinth, as shown in the
relation to the hips and lumbar spine requires righting picture, there is a need for more movement of the
of the trunk, head, and neck. Note the position of the shoulders as she moves the body away from the plinth.
head as the model flexes thoracically. When the arms

Fig. 2.25a Fig. 2.25b

Figs. 2.25a, b Forward-lean sitting is a good postural facilitate active sitting in the patient and not allow
set for freeing the head and neck, and facilitating inter- the patient to lower his tone and lean on the support
play between body segments for righting and postural as this might negate the aim of using this postural set.
activation. In a clinical situation it is important to
100 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.26 The model stabilizes through her left arm Fig. 2.27 Backward-lean sitting. Note the importance
and hand as she transfers weight and rotates to fetch of obtaining good alignment to the base of support.
a book on her left side with her right hand. The left Depending on the adaptability of the patient’s hip flex-
arm becomes part of her base of support and allows ors, the position will have to be adapted with more or
her to move further to the left, out of her original sta- less support at the back to allow eccentric lengthening
bility limits. She rights herself in relation to her arm of the lumbar extensors. Good contact between the
and trunk, stabilizes over her left side and has to lumbar area and the support facilitates activation of
move in relation to her left arm. The arm gives her dy- abdominals to adjust the position or sit up.
namic support; she has to move to and from the arm
and needs to have good mobility, stability, and coordi-
nation in the shoulder girdle and between the body
tion/facilitation of arm and hand function. Sitting
postural sets are used for:
x Mobilizing the pelvis in relation to the trunk
and the base of support
body in relation to stable arms or moving the x Facilitating segmental lumbar extension to
arms in relation to a stable trunk facilitates facilitate components of hip stability and
the interplay between stability and movement, abdominal activity, which helps to achieve
which are facilitatory for postural control. postural control and free arms
Sitting postural sets are easy to vary through x Variety and movement from sitting to supine
different phases of treatment: from a more mobi- or sitting to standing
lizing intervention to facilitation of activity to the x Stimulating and facilitating fine motor activity
patient moving himself without hands-on in the of the hand if postural activation is main-
same treatment. Sitting postural sets are adapted tained, or using the arm and hand to facilitate
to optimize the neuromuscular activity for the postural control
actual function the patient will perform; for in- x Backward-lean sitting to access a stiff or hy-
stance, using high sitting, which is more extensor persensitive foot or shortened hip flexors and
dominated and more facilitatory for postural con- adductors as preparation for improved stabi-
trol, to stand up from or early activation/stimula- lity in transfers and standing (Fig. 2.27)
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 101

Fig. 2.28a Fig. 2.28b

Fig. 2.28c Fig. 2.28d

102 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.28e Fig. 2.28f

Figs. 2.28a–g Undressing in a sitting position. Bal-

ance, movement, weight transfer, rotation, righting,
and postural control are all necessary elements for
dressing or undressing in a sitting position. Note the
extension of the arms as the jumper and T-shirt are
taken off (Figs. c, e, and f). The arms are free due to
the stable trunk and may therefore move easily in
Fig. 2.28g
and out of the garments.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 103

Disadvantages Supine
Because of the bigger base in sitting, patients
Supine postural sets are characterized by exten-
with low postural tone easily sink into flexion
sion if the person is able to eccentrically lengthen
and may start to fix in flexion because this may
his hips, lumbar spine, neck, and shoulder girdles.
be the only strategy available to them. Patients
The base of support is large and the center of
who are already fixing in flexion may be stimu-
gravity low, and if the person is able to relate
lated to do so even more: short muscles enhance
to the support and let go of muscular tension,
short muscles.
the postural tone will be low. There is a tendency
Use of supports influence the patient’s postural
toward anterior tilt of the pelvis which may be
tone, depending on how the support is used by the
due to the sustained tone in the hip flexors, but
patient and the therapist. A support such as a
if the person is able to eccentrically lengthen
table, plinth, stick, pillow, or a wall increase the
both hip flexors and lumbar extensors, he will
supporting base. If the patient leans on the sup-
have a better contact to the base of support and
port, the requirement for postural control is re-
a more appropriate alignment, both for rest and
duced. If the patient presses into the support, sup-
activity. With this alignment, the extremities
ports himself heavily or fixes to the base of sup-
will tend to be slightly abducted, outwardly ro-
port, flexor activity is increased. However, the pa-
tated, and extended. The forearms are often pro-
tient and therapist may use the support as a refer-
nated and the elbows slightly flexed, which is
ence for movement or to reduce the weight of
normal. We tend to relate to the environment
heavy arms and thereby facilitate postural control.
through the palms of our hands for orientation
The material that the support base is made
(Fig. 2.29).
from is important for the neuromuscular activity
that is promoted. A soft seat may stimulate more
flexor/adductor/inward rotator activity, espe-
Supine postural sets may be varied in different
cially over the hips, pelvis, and lower trunk,
ways: both legs may be flexed and the feet placed
than a firm support. A high support—a wall,
in different distances from the hips. The degree of
high stick, high table, high cupboard—facilitates
hip and knee flexion will determine how difficult
extensor activity more than a low support, de-
or easy it is to move the pelvis. If the feet are
pending on how it is being used.

Fig. 2.29 Supine postural set.

104 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.30a

Fig. 2.30b

Figs. 2.30a, b Crook lying and pelvic tilt to facilitate postural activation. Note the position of
the knees in relation to the feet in the two pictures, and consequent hip extension and abdominal
activation. a The knees move forward over the feet to facilitate selective pelvic tilt. b Selective
pelvic tilt involves stability of ankles and knees together with activation of proximal hamstrings,
gluteal muscles, and abdominal muscles.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 105

placed closely to the hips, weight transference Some patients have increased tone in supine.
onto the feet through pelvic tilt is facilitated They may have a reduced ability to adapt to the
due to biomechanical relationships (Fig. 2.30a). base of support and feel uncomfortable, insecure,
Hip extension and postural activation are en- or vulnerable. Others may have reduced segmen-
hanced if the knees move distally to be in line tal mobility and interaction between body seg-
with the feet (Fig. 2.30b). ments, and therefore reduced ability to actively
If the feet are placed further down and away move and transfer weight to change position.
from the hips, the biomechanical alignment Weight and friction make movement less accessi-
changes, and the recruitment of pelvic and pos- ble, also for therapeutic handling.
tural activity made more difficult. The upper
body may be supported with pillows to enhance
Side-Lying Postural Sets
eccentric lengthening of trunk extensors and
thereby facilitate abdominal activity. The inter- These are characterized by extension through the
play between abdominal and extensor neuro- weightbearing side and a more flexor bias on the
muscular activation is essential for selective pel- upper side (Fig. 2.31b). The stability requirements
vic (in relation to hips and lumbar spine) activity, are greatest on the weightbearing side because of
mobility, and stability. Supine postural sets may the interaction with the base of support.
be suitable for specific mobilization of muscles
that are short or inactive if the patient is able Advantages
to adjust to the position. Side-lying postural sets may be varied by changing
Different phases of the transfer from sitting to rotatory components within the trunk or extremi-
supine or supine to sitting are used clinically to ties or by using more or fewer pillows to influence
facilitate a graded coordination and interplay be- stability (Fig. 2.31). Side-lying postural sets allow
tween flexor, extensor, abductor, adductor, and for great mobility between proximal body seg-
rotatory components within and between body ments and facilitate placing of the upper arm or
segments for the control of stability and move- leg to enhance postural stability and strength.
ment. Side lying on the most affected side in stroke
may stimulate this through weightbearing and
Disadvantages tactile input, and facilitate postural activity in
Postural tone is basically low in supine. Therefore both central and proximal segments. Side lying
the initiation of activity to oppose gravity may be on the least affected side in stroke may improve
difficult. The large contact area means that there the stability of this side as a background for move-
are many frictional and inertial components to ment of the more affected limbs in space.
be overcome. Therefore, to be active in supine
and to transfer from supine to sitting requires a Disadvantages
reasonable postural activity or this activity to Side-lying postural sets may be very unstable as
be facilitated. The transfer from supine to sitting the base is long and narrow with a slightly higher
is complex and requires a certain level of postural center of gravity than supine. Therefore it may be a
control combined with graded alterations of difficult position to use in treatment. If the adapta-
flexor, extensor, abductor, adductor, and rotatory tion to the base of support is inadequate, for in-
components to be performed independently. At stance, if the patient has reduced ability to eccen-
the same time, the patient is often required to trically lengthen the supporting side, then the
perform this with no or little help or positional uppermost shoulder girdle will be very unstable.
adaptations even in the early stages after a CNS The stable position of the scapula depends on the
lesion, and this may drive the choice of compen- activation of intercostal muscles and the muscles
satory strategies for other functions also. Supine of the trunk. If these are stretched or inactive,
may therefore not be the first position of choice the scapula will glide upward on the trunk, with
in the treatment of the very low toned patient, inappropriate alignment for selective placing of
but may be used more appropriately for the arm. The stability of side lying may be enhanced
training of specific components of stability, by placing tightly-rolled towels closely into and
movement, and strength with a patient who has very slightly under the patient’s trunk posteriorly
more background activity.
106 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.31a

Fig. 2.31b

Figs. 2.31a–e Side lying with different supports.

2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 107

Fig. 2.31c

Fig. 2.31d
108 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.31e

and anteriorly as well as by using pillows to stabi- Key Areas

lize the upper leg in neutral (Fig. 2.31c).
During treatment, the therapist needs to be Movement causes continuous displacement of
specific, critical, selective, and needs to use pos- body segments in relation to each other, and
tural sets that are appropriate in relation to the also intra-segmental alignment and distribution
patient’s problem. Essential factors in the choice of tone through neuromuscular activity. This
of postural sets are: may be analyzed through observation and hand-
x How easy or difficult it is to vary the patient’s ling (Taylor et al. 1995). Bobath (1990), Bader-Jo-
posture for the appropriate recruitment of hansson (1991), Kidd et al. (1992), and Edwards
neuromuscular activity (1996) call some of the body segments key points
x How easy or difficult it is to vary postural sets (of control). This term is easy to misunderstand as
in the gradual transition from one position to it refers to segments, regions, or areas, and not to
another points. Key areas or functional units are more
x How much effort is required accurate names, also because these areas have
x What motor strategies are facilitated their own activity at the same time as they inter-
x Whether the patient loses or strengthens the act with the rest of the body. The key areas are:
control he regained in one position as he central, proximal, and distal.
moves into another
We move from one postural set to another con-
The Central Key Area
tinuously in our daily activities. We rarely stay
in one position to do anything. Therapy has to The central key area is the thorax with its joints
reflect this: facilitating the patient to regain con- and muscular attachments to head and neck,
trol of movement, not static activity. The func- the shoulder girdles, and the pelvis. Especially
tional importance of the treatment is essential important is the middle thoracic area and the
for learning. ribs with their costal attachments to the sternum
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 109

and the musculature in this area. The functions above and the hip joints below. The pelvis as a
of the central key area are first and foremost key area is, therefore, not the pelvis alone but
balance, postural control, and a stable reference the pelvis together with its proximal and more
for extremity function. Movement in three distal relationships. Functionally, the pelvis,
planes, frontal, transverse, and sagittal, allows with the lumbar spine and hip joints, is mainly
for weight transference, interplay between right responsible for translation of those forces
and left, and the ability to cross midline with that act down on to the base of support and
the extremities. up through the body, stability and mobility
Some therapists classify the head and neck (mobile stability), and weight transference.
as an extension of the central key area, or as a
proximal key area in itself. The function of the
Distal Key Areas
head and neck in movement (excluding com-
munication or eating) is many fold. Important The hands and feet are mobile and adaptable en-
aspects are orientation to the world around us, tities with lots of specific sensory receptors to
being a stable reference for the eyes, keeping allow interaction of the body with the environ-
the eyes horizontal to receive and therefore ment.
perceive information as accurately as possible, x Hands: The human hands are unique in their
and enhancing balance as far as possible. ability to oppose the thumb to the other fingers,
thereby allowing the whole range of move-
ment from finely-tuned and graded movement
Proximal Key Areas: Shoulder and
to strength and power grip. Many layers of
Pelvic Girdles
small muscles within the hand make it possi-
x The shoulder girdle: Caillet (1980) describes the ble to alter rotational components to change
shoulder girdle as consisting of seven compo- and adjust movement. Some areas are more
nents: the glenohumeral joint, the supra- stable, others more mobile, depending on the
humeral connection (the coracoacromial liga- function. The lumbrical grip is based on
ment; the coracoid process and the acromion extension of the wrist and is a foundation for
process together form the coracoacromial arch reach and grasp and thus for both pinch grip
which supports the head of the humerus and power grip. The function of the hands is to
above), the acromioclavicular joint, the ster- explore the environment to touch and feel and
noclavicular joint, sternocostal joints, costo- receive information, to underline expression
vertebral joints, and the scapulocostal attach- and meaning (gesticulation), to manipulate
ment. The shoulder girdle cannot be viewed objects and perform fine motor skills as well
separately from other body segments. as carrying, lifting, and moving things, and
Through its attachment to the spine and the being an extension of the body in pushing, for
pelvis via the trunk musculature, the shoulder instance, a wheel barrow. They have a role in
girdle influences and is influenced by align- balance, seeking environmental support when
ment and neuromuscular activity of the pelvic needed, together with the arms.
girdle, the trunk, head and neck, and extre- x The feet: The feet transmit forces between the
mities. The function of the shoulder girdle is environment and the body and between the
to be a mobile yet stable reference (mobile body and the environment. They are resilient
stability) for arm and hand function and at the and provide springiness when walking in hilly
same time a functional part of balance. environments or up the stairs, running, and
x The pelvic girdle: The pelvis moves both in re- when changing direction. They improve the
lation to the lumbar spine and therefore the reach of the arm by their power in tiptoeing.
trunk, and to the hips. The pelvis comprises The toes are important to turn around and
the two iliac bones and the sacrum, the mobile change direction. The function of the feet is to
areas being the sacroiliac joints and the seek information from and about the en-
symphysis pubis. These joints are immovable, vironment, to adapt to the support base to
although they do allow for small rotational balance and weight transfer.
components to transfer stresses and strains. Elbows and knees allow the change of patterns of
The pelvis moves between the lumbar spine movement through the change of rotation be-
110 2 Physiotherapy

tween the upper and lower limb segments in In a treatment situation the therapist has
conjunction with the proximal and distal key to assess which key area (or areas) is most
areas. The sum of individual components within dysfunctional, whether this has to be treated in
these areas enables vast variations to meet the isolation first, or whether the patient will regain
requirements of a diversity of tasks. The interplay more control if there is interplay between more
between the key areas allows balance, weight key areas in activity. This focus often varies dur-
transfer, and movement at the same time. No ing treatment. The choices must be directly re-
body segment functions in isolation. lated to the individual patient’s movement prob-
Many muscles and joints converge in the key lem and the functions that need to be regained
areas, for instance, in the hand alone there are first.
19 bones, combined with the wrist and lower
arm there are 29; 20 muscles are intrinsic to
the hand and approximately 19 are in the lower Selective Movement and
arm and act on the hand in some way, not count- Functional Activity
ing the upper arm. The central key area com-
prises the ribs, sternum, vertebrae, and deep A functional task may be divided into short-term
and superficial musculature. Specific receptors goals or components, which is composed of the
in muscles, tendons, joints, and skin pick up any motor activity needed to reach the goal (the pro-
change in activity and report to the CNS. This al- cess), movement strategies and patterns, selec-
lows for an infinite variety of movement, stabi- tive movement, and neuromuscular activity, and
lity, and adjustment. Clinical experience suggests must relate to the environment in which it is
that handling of one key area influences tone and being performed.
activity of other body segments and key areas in
two ways: (i) through skin, joint, and muscular Functional For example, dressing, personal
attachments directly and indirectly, and (ii) prob- goal care, fetching a book, making a
ably because handling influences many specific cup of coffee, going to the bath-
receptors and the transmission of information room, walking to answer the
to the CNS. All information from the periphery telephone, or opening the door.
converges in the spinal cord, and an abundance Extended goals are instrumental
of interneurons transmit this information over ADLs, such as shopping.
many levels within the spinal cord and therefore o
spread information over a relatively large area, as Motor For example, turning around,
well as to the brain. activity weight transference for trans-
fers, stepping, sitting down,
Many muscles and joints converge at the key lying down.
areas. Therefore the proprioceptive influence, o
as well as those from the skin, on the CNS is Patterns of Movement over more than one
substantial. movement segment or joint, the sequencing
Control of key areas and the interplay between of selective movements for in-
them seem especially important for balance, stance in righting, reaching and
selectivity of movement, adaptation to the grasping, and stance and swing.
environment and tasks, and therefore for o
function. Selective Isolated movement over one
control joint or key area based
on stability in other parts.
Treatment aimed at improving the muscular in-
terplay, alignment, and mobility in and between
key areas may improve coordination and the Neuromus- Depends on the postural set(s)
relationship between stability and movement. cular chosen for the task. Relates to the
As a result, the patient may experience improved activity recruitment of neuromuscular
balance and selectivity and generally more con- activity necessary to move to
trol over his body. reach the goal.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 111

Few studies have focused on the relationship Control of pelvic tilt in supine does not neces-
between body functions and structures, activity, sarily carry over automatically to the transfer
and participation (WHO 2006). Normann (2004) from sitting to standing or walking. If, based on
showed that even if the therapist spent most of clinical reasoning, it is necessary to work on pel-
the treatment time improving the patient’s control vic tilt in supine, for instance, to improve the
of neuromuscular recruitment in relevant activ- actual range of available movement, to enhance
ities, the treatment showed observable changes proprioceptive information for the awareness of
in activity and the patients spontaneously re- the body part and body image, then pelvic tilt
ported improvement in participation. Smedal et needs to be worked on and facilitated throughout
al. (2006) in her study of two multiple sclerosis the transfer from supine to sitting as well, mov-
patients, demonstrates that it is possible to regain ing through and controlling the different postural
activity through training that focuses on body alignments in this function to gain carry over into
function and structures, and that the effect lasts. sitting. The same applies from standing to sitting
and vice versa. The relationship between stability
Clinical example and movement changes through the transfer and
The movement of the pelvis (pelvic tilt) in lateral and needs to be facilitated, controlled, and regained
anteroposterior direction is essential to all weight throughout the movement. Carry-over to differ-
transference and transfers and is therefore integrated ent situations may be enhanced if the treatment
in all functional activities. Pelvic tilt requires different is varied, incorporating different alignments and
neuromuscular activity in different postural sets and rotational components and specific learning to
through movement from one position to another, control eccentric activity.
for instance in sitting down, in supine to change posi- The hip abductors are important for the sta-
tion in bed, moving from one chair to another, or to bility of the pelvis during locomotion (Whittle
wiping one’s bottom in the bathroom (Fig. 2.32). 1996, Shumway-Cook and Woollacott 2006).

Figs. 2.32a–c Different alignments of the pelvis in relation to gravity and the base of support
require different neuromuscular activation to move. a Pelvic tilt in supine.
112 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.32b Fig. 2.32c

b Pelvic tilt in the movement from sitting to standing. c Pelvic alignment in standing.

The hip abductors on the stance leg prevent a The Relationship between
contralateral drop of the pelvis during swing Automatic and Voluntary
phase of the opposite leg, i. e., a functional (or Movement
physiologic) lateral pelvic tilt. Many patients
have reduced recruitment of this activity during Information, perception, and cognition are all im-
stepping and are therefore unstable during trans- portant for action. Umphred (1991) states that
fers or walking. Hip abductors may be recruited motivation, challenge, and success are cognitive
and facilitated in different ways: stepping side- elements, even if we are not consciously aware
ways, sitting asymmetrically on a high support of such feelings during everyday movement. She
(Fig. 2.20), walking from step standing, improving also states that visual and vestibular systems
specific strength in side lying. Stepping down play an essential part in cognitive analysis and re-
from a high support requires recruitment of hip call of previous experiences, and that these lead to
abductors on the standing leg and may facilitate learning and semi-automated movement. Whiting
the first step to walk, if the alignment is appro- and Vereijken (1993) are of the opinion that the
priate. Locomotion is initiated from many differ- CNS is self-organizing and solves its motor tasks
ent postural sets, not just parallel standing or here and now as a response to environmental
step standing, and we walk forward, backward, requirements, without cognitive attention. Luria
sideways, and turn around. All these variations (1989) states that cognition is the same as think-
need to be incorporated in treatment. ing, and refers to several stages in this process:
x Confronting the task
x Assessing and evaluating the terms and com-
ponents of the problem
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 113

x Choosing a solution from many possible solu- The CNS has a capacity for dual or simulta-
tions neous activity, i. e., to do two or more things at
x Choosing an appropriate way to solve the the same time. Walking on a busy street, jumping
problem from one stone to another in the mountains, or
x Using the preferred choice shopping require that we can receive and process
x Operative stage (action) many different types of information at the same
x Comparison between the result and the origi- time as we move and act appropriately. We are
nal terms of the task aware of the goal, of people around us, the com-
The role of cognition in movement is undisputa- plex environment or things that happen around
ble, but on which level cognition is most involved us, as long as we are in balance. We are able to
will vary depending on the requirements of the perform two functions at the same time nor-
task. Luria and Umphred emphasize conscious mally; both walk and talk, shop and move around
thought in the planning of motor strategies to pick things down from shelves at the same
when attention to the movement is important, time as reading the shopping list, dress and
whereas Whiting believes that cognition is an undress while standing, shower and soap our
awareness of movement within our CNS without bodies, and do mathematical calculations while
reaching a conscious level. walking. Our attention is not focussed on walking
Motor learning seems to require the same CNS but on the simultaneous functions. This is called
processes irrespective of the CNS being healthy simultaneous activity or dual task (Mulder et al.
or damaged (see Chapter 1.2, Plasticity). The dif- 1996). Many routine and more automatic activ-
ference lies in the patient’s CNS ability to receive ities may, however, be brought to conscious
information, to process the information, and to awareness and controlled through focused atten-
recruit the appropriate activity. Brodal (2001) tion, concentration, and will power if the person
talks of least automatic or most automatic, which deems it necessary. The CNS problem-solves
seem to be more appropriate terms than volun- tasks in different ways depending on the situa-
tary or automatic; there are elements of cogni- tion.
tion in all activities. The differentiation between Following neurologic damage or, for instance,
conscious thought (least automatic) and aware- lower limb amputation, the ability for simul-
ness (more automatic) is clinically relevant, taneous activity diminishes. When balance is
even if both these aspects have elements of cog- threatened, the focus of our attention is pulled
nition. We are more conscious when we learn a away from the task to how balance can be pre-
new complex task that demands precision than served to avoid falls. Many patients use conscious
of the background activity of postural control effort in an attempt to preserve balance. If their
and balance that allows improving precision. attention is disturbed—a ringing phone, a kettle
When learning how to play tennis, we are con- boiling, other people moving in the vicinity,
sciously aware of the handgrip on the racket, they are in danger of falling and may hurt them-
the direction and rotational components of the selves.
strokes, and the visual feedback from the flight Postural control is one of the most automated
of the ball in time and space. Our conscious functions of a healthy CNS (Mulder 1991, Dietz
thought is not involved in all the background ac- 1992, Massion 1992, 1994, Mulder et al. 1996,
tivity of the body; the actual and immediate Horak et al. 1997, Shumway-Cook and Woolla-
adaptation and adjustments that need to be in cott 2007, Brodal 2004). Postural control is the
balance to perform the skilled movement at the foundation for selective activity of the extremi-
same time. We are more concerned with reaching ties, and postural stability is a prerequisite for
the goal than in the processes involved to be suc- movement control and the ability to vary move-
cessful. When basic skills are learned, we develop ment. Movement and postural control are closely
the memory to recall the experience, i. e., how the integrated. Movement of the extremities requires
movement feels. This feeling seems to be based adjustments of the postural mechanisms, both
on the comparison of expected performance (pre- before (anticipatory postural adjustments), dur-
vious experience) and actual performance, i. e., ing (ongoing), and in response to (feedback) the
perception, and seems to be closely linked to movement. Trunk adjustments are more auto-
the feeling of success. matic and are learned during childhood, as move-
114 2 Physiotherapy

ment and the position of the center of gravity In situations where there are increasing demands
have to be controlled simultaneously (Massion for adjustment, for instance when the base of
1994). The hands and feet interact more directly support changes or is moving, when objects are
with the environment, and are classified as least in the way, when the shirt buttons are small or
automatic elements of normal movement con- the button holes are too small, or when the
trol. The movements of individual fingers for pre- sock on the foot is twisted, our attention is in-
cision of movement is least automatic and mostly creasingly focussed on the task until the problem
voluntary, while the posturing of the hand and is solved. Once solved, the progression of the ac-
wrist along with the postural control of the arm tivity is more automatic again. Cognitive regula-
and body are mostly automatic and less volun- tion, visual information (eye–hand contact), and
tary. Movements range from least to most auto- sensorimotor adaptation are all important to
matic. skill acquisition, especially to hand function.
Examples of skills are writing, throwing and More and less automatic movements are closely
catching a ball, cycling, and driving a car. All integrated, and humans switch between these
these are based on an appropriate postural back- controls depending on how easy or difficult,
ground. Skills become more automatic as they known or new the task is.
are learned, and require progressively less atten-
tion. Many (over)learned routine-based basic Automatic and voluntary control of movement
tasks such as balancing, ADLs, walking, reaching, are closely integrated and form the basis for
need little or no conscious thought or attention. functional skills and balance.
The term overlearned was used by Mulder et al.
Walking has both cognitive and more automatic
elements. The initiation of gait, alteration of
Everyday activities such as balancing, walking,
tempo, speed, and direction, attention to obsta-
reaching, and eating are mostly automatic
functions that normally require little attention cles, people, and unevenness are the more cog-
and effort. nitive elements. The cognitive elements are not
focused on the actual motor strategies that
are used, but related to problem-solving the
(Over)learned activities and balance seem to initiation of gait, the goal, and the environment.
have a structural correlation (form–function; Walking is at its most automatic in unchallenging
see Chapter 1.2, Plasticity) in the CNS, developed environments if there is no need to change
through activity-dependent interaction with the (see Chapter 1.1, The Spinal Cord, Central Pattern
environment, i. e., experience. Structural is not Generators). After the initial step, the steps
the same as unchangeable or fixed. The CNS is follow more automatically as the line of gravity
not stereotyped or rigid. The ability to vary is falls in a controlled way outside the base of
great and depends on the situation in which the support and the individual steps to regain bal-
motor activity is being performed. Possibly, over- ance. The trunk moves forward and up, the legs
learned actions are structured like prototypical follow, i. e., a cranial to caudal recruitment of
representations (Mulder 1991; see Chapter 1.1, activity.
The Spinal Cord and Brain, The Cerebellum). Walking may be consciously controlled if we
New skills, from the first attempt (willed, atten- so wish. Please follow the instructions below
tion demanding) to initial control (semi-auto- closely before you read on:
mated) to acquired skill (automated) exist in a x Stand up
landscape between functional and structural x Place your feet parallel with each other
plasticity. x Flex the right hip and knee, lift the leg and
stretch out the leg
Everyday activities have a structural correlation x Place the heel down on the floor
in the CNS, based on experience. x Transfer weight on to the right leg and
The expression of activity varies depending on straighten the right knee
the individual, the goal, and the situation. x Flex the left hip and knee, lift the leg and
stretch out the leg
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 115

x Place the heel down on the floor in visual dependency; (c) an improvement in sen-
x Transfer weight on to the left leg and sorimotor adaptability.”
straighten the left knee People with reduced balance become more de-
x Flex the right hip and knee, and swing the pendent on vision and attention, even during
right leg through more automatic functions such as unchallenged
x Place the heel down on the floor walking. If visual information dominates, infor-
x Then please go back to your seat mation via other channels equally important
The question is, did you use the same movement for balance—somatosensory and vestibular sys-
strategies when walking under instruction as tems—is in danger of becoming neglected by
when you went back to your seat. Usually people the CNS. Vision is closely related to cognitive
experience a big difference. Experience suggests control through regulation and focusing of atten-
that other motor strategies are used during ver- tion (see Chapter 1.1, The Somatosensory System,
bal instruction than used during normal effort- Vision, and Balance, Vision and the exercise in-
less gait. The first step is mostly voluntary, and structions at the bottom of page 114). The pa-
attention is focused on the actual movement as tient’s CNS may stop listening to signals from
well as the goal. Detailed instruction either in- the body, tempo and balance reactions are re-
ternally generated or externally generated by a duced, and the sequence of recruitment of neuro-
therapist increases conscious attention toward muscular activity reorganizes.
controlling components of movement that are Clinically, the factors mentioned by Mulder
not voluntarily controlled or directed in a normal et al. (1996) may be used as treatment interven-
situation. When movement is instructed, the se- tions if the patient has some balance control but
quence of components seems to be reversed is too cognitively regulated:
(after the initial step); the leg moves in relation x Distract the patient by giving him a cognitive
to the body, and the line of gravity lies behind task, progressing to mental tasks containing
the moving leg (normally the body moves in rela- spatial elements, e. g., describing the interior
tion to a standing leg). The patterns of movement of his house or flat in detail
in the swinging leg are characterized by greater x “Blinding” the patient by asking him to close
degrees and earlier initiated flexion over the his eyes or use nonsee-through glasses and
swinging hip than during normal walking. In sense where he is to improve perception
this example, the trunk moves after the legs, x Improve the patent’s sensorimotor adaptation
i. e., a caudal to cranial recruitment. The recruit- by, for instance, specifically mobilizing the
ment sequence is reorganized and the flexor ac- structures of his feet, improving flexibility and
tivity increases, efficiency is reduced, it takes muscle length, improving alignment, and in-
more time, and the physical and cognitive effort troducing gradual weightbearing combined
increases. The use of verbal instruction to recruit with functional tasks working for dual task
the activity of individual muscles, muscle groups, interaction
or isolated components may override automati- During assessment, the therapist collects infor-
city and alter the recruitment sequence com- mation through observation and handling, and
pared to normal function. forms hypotheses about why the patient moves
Postural control is based on vestibular, soma- as he does. The reasoning process for the thera-
tosensory, and visual information. The weighting pist involves deciding which are the patient’s
of the relative importance of these sources of in- main problems; reduced stability or postural
formation depends on the actual situation. Pa- control, or more mobility problems. The focus
tients who have a CNS lesion often have reduced, may change as treatment progresses. If postural
inappropriate, or limited anticipatory postural control is most affected, it might seem logical to
adjustments (feedforward) (Baykousheva-Mateva facilitate regaining this through more automatic
and Mandaliev 1994, Dickstein et al. 2004). processes, i. e., not use specific verbal instructions
Mulder et al. (1996) studied improvement after to maintain balance. Appropriate interventions
CNS lesions and stated that: “From the work per- are specific choices of postural sets, nonverbal
formed in Nijmegen during the past 5 years, demands on the patient’s postural control by
three principles of recovery can be distilled: (a) introducing a dual task (throw a balloon, roll a
a decrease of cognitive regulation; (b) a decrease ball, move a glass of water), free arms, especially
116 2 Physiotherapy

facilitating or supporting the arms above Handling

shoulder level, in standing, standing to sitting,
and in sitting, at the same time as alignment Handling refers to the physical contact between
and muscle function are optimized (for individual patient and therapist in a treatment situation,
examples, see Chapter 4). and is not limited to the therapist’s use of
If the patient has some postural control and hands. Therapists have been interested in the
balance mechanism combined with normal cog- influence handling may have on the patient’s
nition and therefore the ability to problem development of independence in balance and
solve, but has problems in the recruitment and movement. Some professionals claim that hand-
initiation of selective movement, other interven- ling may hinder the patient’s own development
tions may be more appropriate, for instance, the of movement strategies because handling may
use of verbal instruction combined with facilita- act as an external support. It is claimed that an
tion of more optimal alignment during a relevant external support such as a brace, splint, or walk-
functional task. In some situations, the specific ing aids or another person, may stop the patient
focused attention toward detail, stimulation, in exploring his relationship with gravity. Ac-
and facilitation of muscles may improve the pa- cording to Gentile (1987) the therapist should
tient’s awareness and body image, and result in be an instructor and adapt the environment to
better control of movement as a preparation for the patient to allow him to explore (see Postural
task acquisition. Sets and The Relationship between Automatic
Many patients with CNS lesions have reduced and Voluntary Movement).
cognitive ability and/or perception. The interven- Clinical experience underlines the importance
tions have to be made appropriate to the pa- of appropriate handling. The important question
tient’s ability—to what he responds best. For in- is how and why handling is used in the process
stance, if a patient suffering from inattention or of the patient’s regaining and relearning of inde-
neglect makes eye contact with a body part that pendence. Jeka (1997) and Jeka and Lackner
is being moved, or stimulated, it implies that (1994) studied the effect of external supports
this intervention raises the patient’s awareness, on patients’ postural control. Jeka (1997) states
and the possibility for integration of information that it is difficult to draw clinical conclusions
from that body part is strengthened, improving from this research. However, it is interesting to
the patient’s body image. discuss these findings in relation to handling.
It is important for the clinician to determine The researchers found that when the trial partici-
what level of cognition should be focused on dur- pants had fingertip contact with the environ-
ing treatment of the individual patient. Verbal in- ment, their postural activity changed. In these
struction lifts the problem solving to a conscious trials two different ways of using fingertip con-
level, which is not always appropriate. How tact with a metal stick that stood firm, was exam-
much conscious thought should the patient put ined: (a) weightbearing or leaning on the stick
into movements and activities that in a healthy and (b) light fingertip touch. Weightbearing or
person would be more automatic? Should the leaning on the support reduced postural activity
therapist instruct or not? When should the thera- in the participants. Use of such an external sup-
pist use verbal commands? What about mental port causes sensorimotor reorganization of activ-
imagery and practice? These questions are rele- ity by, for instance, changing the sequence of
vant for the clinical reasoning process. muscle activation. If the participants only touch
lightly, they receive information through their
The clinical challenge is to decide whether fingertips and increase their postural activity.
balance can be regained through conscious Light fingertip touch gives additional information
voluntary planning, or be facilitated on a more to the CNS, more than vision alone. Touching the
automatic level in functional situations. Tone, environment may orient the body and improve
muscle dynamics, alignment, and sequence perception of the relationship between the body
of recruitment must be optimized in both and space. Postural activity was greatest when
scenarios. participants did not use any external support
(Jeka and Lackner 1994).
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 117

The influence of peripheral stimulation on The skin is our largest sensory organ. Skin,
movement has been studied both in animals musculature, tendons, and connective tissue have
and in people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) abundant specific receptors that continuously
(Muir and Steeves 1997). During training it inform the CNS of the state of the body. During
seemed to be important that movements were handling, either through the therapist’s hands or
performed as normally as possible to train and through other body parts (shoulder, knee, hip,
modify spinal circuits for specific motor tasks. etc.), a stream of information flows between the
This article demonstrated that increased periph- patient and the therapist. Physical contact through
eral stimulation through manual and electro- skin and musculature leads to intimate and
stimulation techniques improved movements of intense communication between the two, which
the extremities after SCI. Schultz (1997) referred should not be misinterpreted. The therapist both
to research demonstrating that the excitability in receives and gives information through handling.
the spinal reflex arc is reduced through massage When the patient moves or is facilitated to move,
in healthy and traumatic SCI (the article does the therapist receives information about the pa-
not specify if this refers to complete or incom- tient’s ability to respond, initiate, and move, and
plete SCI). As well as these neurophysiologic ef- how he moves, i. e., recruitment of activity both
fects, massage has a positive effect on muscles, locally and generally. If the therapist optimizes
tendons, and connective tissue. Leivseth, Tor- the patient’s alignment locally to enhance muscle
stensson and Reikers (1989) examined people function, for instance by aligning the patient’s
suffering from atrophy and loss of range of move- pelvis more appropriately to the base of support
ment due to osteoarthrosis. The patients received in sitting, the therapist can assess the patient’s
specific stretching of muscles without affecting response to handling in general.
the joints or ligaments during treatment. The Two of the therapist’s most important assess-
study found that specific stretching may cause ment tools are her eyes and her hands. The most
changes such as increased muscle fiber diameter, important part of handling is “listening” to the
fiber length, and improved range of movement. response. Figuratively, our hands may see around
Many other studies stress the importance of corners. Stereognostic sense means that we can
somatosensory information for standing control identify objects through touch alone by picking
(Mayer et al. 2004), locomotion, reach, and up information about texture, temperature, and
grasp (MacKay-Lyons 2002) and postural control firmness and comparing this with previous ex-
(Magnusson et al. 1994, Morningstar et al. 2005). perience to identify what it is (see Chapter 1.1,
MacKay-Lyons (2002) state that there are poten- The Somatosensory System, Vision, and Balance,
tially three different roles for afferent feedback Stereognostic Sense). Therefore, the hands have
and that all involve adapting movement to the the ability to both listen and see. Therapists
internal and external environments: (a) reinfor- need to improve and extend this skill for their
cing the activities of the central pattern generator interaction with patients. The therapist receives
(CPG), especially those involving load bearing information through her hands (and eyes) about:
muscles; (b) timing function, whereby the sen- x Local aspects:
sory feedback provides information to ensure – weight distribution
that the motor output is appropriate for the bio- – alignment
mechanical state of the moving body part in – muscle qualities, which may give rise to
terms of position, direction of movement, and hypotheses about tone, flexibility, elasti-
force; and (c) facilitating phase changes in rhyth- city, activity, and adaptability or become
mic movements to ensure that a certain phase of the foundation for ideas about activity
the movement is not initiated until the appropri- – quality of other soft tissues in the area
ate biomechanical state of the moving body part – skin quality and temperature
has been achieved. Handling provides somato- This information is received through the direct,
sensory information to the patient, and may local contact.
therefore enhance, facilitate, or hinder the pa- x General aspects:
tient’s development of postural and movement – tone distribution
control, depending on how it is used. – reciprocal innervation—interplay
– patterns of movement
118 2 Physiotherapy

The therapist’s hands form part of the patient’s stabilizing, and/or facilitatory. In treatment, hand-
base of support. If the patient is sitting, the thera- ling should never be static or stereotyped and it is
pist may adapt her hands to the patient’s muscu- not the same as massage or stretching, but may
lature in the pelvic area. By using her hands, the have elements of both. Occupational therapist
therapist may gently move the patient in differ- Christine Nelson says the following about Berta
ent directions, sideways, forward, and backward, Bobath, “I observed in her hands all the tissue mo-
and introduce rotatory components and assess bilizing skills that have now become specialties”
the patient’s righting ability in response to (cited in Schleichkorn 1992).
changes in the support base (the hands) and Handling may be corrective, supportive, infor-
movement of body segments in relation to each mative, leading, stimulating, or demand move-
other. The therapist observes, listens to the re- ment. The hands are the most mobile parts of
sponse, evaluates, and forms hypotheses about the body. The hand depends on inherent mobile
the characteristics of the key area and the inter- stability, and the stable reference areas for move-
play between key areas. ment vary depending on the task, for example,
Touch may be one of the strongest direct in- the neuromuscular activity in the thenar emi-
fluences on the patient, physically and psycholo- nence and the metacarpal of the thumb, over
gically/emotionally. The therapist therefore has the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints as in
to take great care in how she introduces handling the lumbrical grip, the hypothenar eminence
to the patient, and what information she gives to and the index finger for the precision of the
the patient. The patient has to accept handling thumb and index in a precision grip, or a combi-
for it to be effective. Through her hands and nation. The fingers are the mobile parts of the
body language the therapist must impart em- hand, the palm the more postural part. The pos-
pathy, respect, and care. The use of handling is tural activity and adjustment of the palm allows
based on clinical reasoning, problem analysis, for variations in the use of the fingers. The thera-
hypothesis formulation, goals, and which tools pist needs to explore and exploit these character-
to use to help the patient to achieve his goals. istics to invite the patient’s neuromuscular sys-
Many patients suffering from CNS lesions have tem to be more appropriately active. The hands
paresis, weakness, altered or reduced somatosen- must shape themselves to the contact area and
sory input and perception, reduced coordination, give comfortable, yet stimulating information.
and dexterity, and are unable themselves to re- Handling is achieved not only through the
cruit appropriate activity in good alignment for therapist’s hands. The therapist may use her
task achievement. Malalignment may be in rela- other body parts in contact with the patient to fa-
tion to the base of support, a body part in relation cilitate stability in one key area and movement in
to other body segments, within a body segment, another to promote the relationship between sta-
or between distal and proximal. If the patient is bility and movement, and postural control and
unable to create alignments that promote appro- movement. The hand may function as a dynamic
priate muscular activity or activate appropriate support and recruit stability in postural sets re-
muscular strength, handling may be used to facil- quiring postural activation. The hands should
itate this. Specific mobilization of muscle and mimic the function in the area to be facilitated;
other soft tissues combined with enhanced so- if the patient has reduced hip stability, handling
matosensory input in better alignment may im- should impart activity to the abductors and ex-
prove the performance of the motor task. Hand- tensors.
ling is used to give the patient information, per-
ception of movement, and movement experience, The therapist’s hands may touch, create fric-
aiming to mimic how the patient used to move tion, stretch, compress, and give information
before the lesion, and thereby reawaken memory about muscle length and tension, direction,
of experiences and the feeling of “how it felt.” speed, and range. They may produce traction,
Handling should cause a feeling of something re- compress or rotate, demand stability, and/or
cognizable by the patient and relate to familiar mobility depending on the problem and the
movements, activities, and functions. functional goal. Information is specific to the
Therapeutic handling is dynamic, specific, and desired activity.
varied; it may be mobilizing (musculature, joints),
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 119

The aim of using handling as a treatment tool is To Make Movement and Activity Possible
to recruit neuromuscular activity in a functional To achieve this, the neuromuscular activity and
context. Clinical experience supports the theory biomechanical relationships have to be as opti-
that postural activity and control as well as the mal for the actual movement as possible. In this
control of movement may be improved through process the therapist works to improve the pa-
handling. tient’s underlying impairments. This phase of
Some patients do not accept handling. Some- treatment prepares for facilitation, and contains
times, due to perceptual problems, they do not all previous elements mentioned earlier in this
understand the information given and cannot re- chapter: choice of postural sets, key areas, selec-
late to it, or they dislike the physical contact and tive components to functional activity, the rela-
may feel that it invades their personal space. tionship between automatic and voluntary activ-
Handling must then be on a minimal level and ity, and handling.
the patient clearly informed of why—for safety An individual with a CNS lesion may develop
reasons, for instance. If the tone increases or secondary muscular and biomechanical changes
there is tension as a response to what the thera- that hinder balance, the ability to transfer, loco-
pist would deem as appropriate and relevant motion, and functionally active and free arms.
handling, it works contrary to its aim. This is The musculature is plastic and adapts to how it
quite rare, but needs to be respected. If the thera- is being used (see Chapter 1.1, The Neuromuscu-
pist is professional, empathetic, explains every- lar System). Many factors influence muscle func-
thing, and is careful, most patients are receptive tion, e. g.:
to handling both as an assessment and a treat- x Tone
ment tool. x Positioning
x Information to the muscle from the CNS and
peripheral systems
Facilitation x Altered use or nonuse
Berta Bobath stated that facilitation means “mak- x Altered alignment
ing easy” but in treatment it also means “making x Circulation
possible” and, in fact, making it necessary for a x Connective tissue adaptation (contractures or
movement to happen (unpublished material increased compliance/hypermobility)
from 1988, cited in Schleichkorn 1992). “Shortened muscles are recruited more readily
than their elongated synergists and as a result
Facilitation means “making easy.” The aim of are stronger” (Sahrmann 1992). Shortened mus-
the therapist is to handle the patient in such a cles, either because of viscoelastic properties, in-
way that movement feels easier for the patient ertia, tonus, activation, positioning, contractures,
because the patient’s own activity is recruited. or reduced ability to eccentrically lengthen, seem
In this context, facilitation must not be inter- to be recruited first during activity. Handling
preted to mean passive movements or passive seeks to improve these factors.
techniques such as the use of tapping over Inhibition of spasticity/associated reactions/in-
muscle or stimulation using ice. creased tone are terms used by many physiothera-
pists. Inhibition refers to neurophysiologic pro-
cesses (see Chapter 1.1, Systems Control) and
Handling is founded on the following principles:
should not be used with regard to movement or
x Make possible (realignment, information) the control of movement. The aim of treatment
is to regain a more balanced interplay between
9 excitatory and inhibitory processes in the CNS
x Make necessary (demands) >= to improve coordination of muscle activation.
q Facilitation Inhibition is an active neurophysiologic process
x Let it happen (activity) that requires excitation to release inhibitory
neurotransmitters. A hypotonic muscle has de-
creased ability to eccentrically lengthen. Clinical
experience suggests that specific handling of
120 2 Physiotherapy

muscle may influence and enhance mobility, To Make Movement and Activity Necessary
flexibility, contraction, and eccentric activity of The treatment moves into the activity phase,
muscle function. Handling is not classic stretch- which implies that activity exercises are given
ing, whereby a muscle is stretched to its full to the patient: he may be placed in a postural
length, but a treatment aimed at the intrinsic set that necessitates control of the muscles that
function of the muscle itself combined with facil- have been mobilized and facilitates their activa-
itation of increased neural activation. Eccentric tion. The CNS is challenged into activity. The
control is an essential element of this, the patient therapist’s hands may facilitate key areas and sti-
actively giving length. This form of mobilization mulate activity to get a response. The situation is
is always combined with movement and is called structured to allow the patient to move and re-
specific mobilization of muscle. Treatment is com- spond without being afraid of falling. The aim is
bined with correction of alignment and leads to gradually withdraw as the patient starts to
into functional movement. take over, but the therapist may need to repeat
input to increase the response to an appropriate
Clinical example level for the activity by facilitating neurophysio-
Many patients suffering from neurologic dysfunc- logic processes of temporal and spatial summa-
tion spend a lot of time sitting. tion.
Sitting may cause the thighs to roll into adduction When movement is possible, the patient is
and inward rotation. There may be a danger of de- challenged to explore the possibilities during ac-
veloping shortening of adductors, inward rotators tivity, for instance by being displaced through
and flexors of the hips (Fig. 2.33). Recruitment of weight transference while standing to necessitate
abductors and extensors to stabilize the pelvis dur- the initiation of a step. The therapist uses her
ing transfers, for standing and walking, may there- hands to invite the patient’s muscles to be active
fore be limited. in stabilizing the hip to free the opposite leg for
During treatment it may be necessary to mobilize swing phase. Muscle function and alignment are
shortened structures to improve alignment and facilitated, as well as interplay between key
facilitate muscular activity for muscle balance and areas. Handling needs to be specific in placing,
stability. timing, and transmission of information, to en-
hance the patient’s own activation to make
movement easier. Therapeutic handling may in-
As the range of movement, alignment, and mus-
volve facilitation of components of stability, mo-
cle length improve, in the same treatment session,
bility, rotation through compression, traction,
the transition to the next phase is made.
touch, or stimulation to move. The therapist’s
two hands have to give different inputs.
Facilitation is the bridge between assisting
Pelvis and stimulating the patient to recruit activity
and his ability to take over and make the activity
Angle of the hip joint his own. Placing is a response to facilitation. It is
the ability to automatically adapt to imposed
movement and to support any movement by
Thighs one’s own activity. Placing may be stimulated
through compression, distraction, rotation,
movement, and touch, and it improves the pro-
prioceptive knowledge of the position of the
limb in the body schema. As a result the patient
may move more actively. If the therapist asks
the patient to hold a limb in space, she asks for
a response that is the result of cortical feedfor-
Fig. 2.33 Schematic drawing of the hip in sitting
ward, i. e., a voluntary movement. Placing is the
automatic and active control in any phase of
the movement (Bobath 1990).
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 121

Let It Happen
The aim of handling is to enable the patient to
This is when the therapist allows the patient to
be more active so that the therapist’s hands
respond to the challenge through his own activity
can be taken away.
by, for instance, taking a step. If the patient is un-
able to move his leg due to inactivity, another
therapist may assist or facilitate the distal activ- The therapist may use a number of different tools
ity. Important factors are rhythm, tempo, and to aid the patient toward regaining control.
sequence of activation. Among the different tools and environments
Facilitation has happened when the therapist Berta Bobath used to facilitate patients were
removes her hands or reduces input significantly large balls. These soon became known as the Bo-
(there may still be weakness in the relevant mus- bath balls. Berta Bobath did not like this, and said
cles). It is important to recognize the right mo- “Once a Japanese doctor asked for permission to
ment for taking off the hands. This is a very chal- use the ‘Bobath ball’ in a publication. It is a
lenging part of the treatment. The aim is hands- beach ball, not a Bobath ball. What makes it
off; to enable the patient to take over control. Bobath is what you do on it” (Schleichkorn
The patient has to be able to initiate movement 1992). Later she expressed concern as to how
without intervention to regain independence. By the ball was used. “She still, however, has very
using her hands to give intermittent information, valid concerns that people misuse and overuse
for instance intermittent light compression to the ball and associate it too closely with being
facilitate stability, the therapist may feel and her therapy, rather than just another tool to
observe when the patient is ready to take over. achieve specific aims” (Schleichkorn 1992).
There is continuous interplay between hands-on
and hands-off as long as it is needed. When the Clinical example: facilitating stepping
patient takes over control, the therapist removes During locomotion there is a constant change of ac-
her hands or the input that the hands have given. tivity during phase changes; the standing leg be-
The patient is encouraged to experiment with his comes the swinging leg, the swinging leg becomes
regained control; the therapist may give inter- the standing leg. The neuromuscular activity espe-
mittent stimulation as a reminder of where the cially related to the pelvis, hips, and legs continu-
patient is supposed to control, or to enhance ously changes from more stability during stance,
and strengthen the response. Too much hands- to letting this activity go to allow swinging of the
on or static use of hands may make the patient same leg (Fig. 2.34).

In walking forward on even ground, initiation of

Treatment requires a continuous interplay be-
swing depends on several factors, for example:
tween working on impairments and facilitating
x Postural control, which depends largely on the
activity, making movement possible, demand-
stability of the contralateral leg
ing control, and encouraging action: Make
possible p make necessary p let it happen.
x Quality of stance prior to the swing on the
same side
x Speed, propulsion, direction of movement–
The three stages make possible p make necessary momentum
p let it happen are closely integrated in treat- x Ability to overcome inertia
ment. The therapist does not wait for—or ex- x Ability to eccentrically lengthen the extensors
pect—alignment and muscle function to have and other muscles involved in creating stance
normalized before the patient is required to acti- x Trunk stability to counteract the movement of
vate and control. As soon as the patient acquires the swinging leg
any level of control, the new possibilities have to x Selective movement, acceleration, and decel-
be used in a functional context to facilitate the eration
patient’s own experience through more appropri- Gravity and forward momentum assists the
ate recruitment of motor activity in function. swinging leg, and the main neuromuscular activ-
ity in the leg during this part of swing phase is
normally eccentric. The leg is not consciously
122 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.34a Fig. 2.34b

Figs. 2.34a–e a During facilitation of stepping the input to lift, to gain height, over the standing leg to fa-
therapist has to ensure that she is not in the model’s cilitate the movement of the hip in relation to the pel-
or patient’s way. The movements of the proximal and vis at the moment when weight transference is sup-
the central key areas are small and continuously chan- posed to happen. The therapist’s focus is on the stance
ging and adapting. leg to enhance stability and postural control to enable
b Facilitation of the hips and pelvis. The therapist’s the patient to free the swinging leg. The therapist’s
hands have to mimic the activity of the muscles that hands are constantly changing. The swinging leg may
normally stabilize the pelvis over the standing leg in be facilitated to eccentrically lengthen hip extensors.
this situation. In stance phase, the pelvis moves in At the same time, the patient’s center of gravity is
relation to the hip joint through extension of the hip. slightly displaced in the direction of movement to
The therapist facilitates stability through light com- necessitate the stepping through.
pression of the musculature together with a small

and actively lifted through concentric flexion ability to eccentrically lengthen in the last
when walking. The most cognitive part is the in- part of stance as a phase transition is about to
itial step and the intention of walking; the steps occur. The early swing would be initiated
that follow are more automatic. Bussel et al. more as a reflex reaction in this case
(1996) studied paraplegic patients attempting x Patients who have difficulties in walking often
to step and walk, and found that the flexor reflex seem to be more preoccupied with lifting the
seemingly inhibited central pattern generation. leg to initiate swing. This strategy increases
This fits well with clinical experience with the cognitive aspect of walking, as well as
patients with other CNS lesions (MS, stroke), reversing the recruitment order. Normally, the
where initiation of swing too early seems to de- CNS is more concerned with sustaining stance
stabilize the standing leg. This could be caused than with initiating swing. We have to have a
by several factors: leg to stand on to be able to walk
x As many patients with CNS lesions sit for Treatment will be very different in these two ex-
hours every day, their hip flexors may become amples. In the first scenario the therapist needs
short, hypersensitive to stretch, or lose the to mobilize the shortened (stiff and contracted)
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 123

Fig. 2.34c Fig. 2.34d

Figs. 2.34c–e
c, d Facilitation of stepping through the central key
area. The therapist facilitates extension on the weight-
bearing side at the same time as the thorax is stabi-
lized bilaterally to allow the freeing of the swinging
leg. The centre of gravity is displaced in the direction
of movement to facilitate pattern generation. The
facilitation needs to mimic the model’s internal rhythm
and tempo.
e Facilitating a change of direction via the pelvis and
hips. Extension through slight compression into the
musculature and a small input to lift and gain height
on the standing leg together with some rotation of
the swinging side of the pelvis facilitated a change of
direction of movement. As soon as the swinging leg
has passed the stance leg and is approaching heel-
strike, the therapist stops facilitating the stance leg
to allow the heel-strike, getting the foot to the floor.
The swinging leg is thereby ready to become a stand-
Fig. 2.34e
ing leg again.
124 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.35a Fig. 2.35b

Fig. 2.35a, b
a The patient is being helped to achieve postural acti- b The patient has regained some stability and selecti-
vation and to stay upright through the therapist’s vity of her right leg, but her postural tone and core sta-
handling of her central key area. She has at this mo- bility is reduced. The therapist brings both arms into
ment no stability or selectivity of her most affected outward rotation from the shoulders to free thoracic
side, and the assistant helps her stance phase first, extension in order to enhance coordination of the
then the transition to swing. The challenge is to coor- trunk. She is helped to right herself and to achieve pos-
dinate the timing of the three people for rhythmical tural activity through the central and proximal key
activation and phase transitions to facilitate central areas. Note the inappropriate gripping of both hands,
pattern generator activity. which may be a compensation for proximal instability
and reduced postural control.

tissues, to desensitize the flexors, and facilitate Experience suggests that it is possible to facil-
the patient’s control of eccentric activity, fol- itate stepping even in patients who have severe
lowed by relearning components of locomotion neurologic deficits and little or no volitional con-
and the locomotor patterning. In the second ex- trol of the most affected side, such as in the early
ample the patient has to unlearn lifting the leg stages after a stroke (Fig. 2.35). The facilitation of
too early; to learn to focus on acquiring a good early stepping is strongly indicated in neurologic
stance on both legs (one at a time) to prepare patients to maintain the memory of walking and
for swing, and to learn the distal activation of CPG activity, to facilitate postural control and the
the foot—toes-off to lifting the toes to evolve patterns of movement. The patient has to be fa-
swing—and then be facilitated through his indivi- cilitated through good alignment and with focus
dual rhythm to gain activation of the CPG. Tread- on stance initially. Bringing the patient early
mill training at a relatively fast speed may be into a stepping rhythm may facilitate a respon-
useful for this patient to take away his increased sive swinging of the opposite leg, which provides
cognitive regulation. the foundation for stronger perception and body
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 125

image of the most affected side and further voli- learn movements, but the ‘sensation’ of how the
tional control of the leg in different situations. movement felt.”
The prerequisites for this to happen seem to be: The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is still
x The patient requires help and facilitation to intact after a lesion to the brain or a spinal cord
remain upright to oppose gravity (make pos- injury. The CNS receives all somatosensory infor-
sible) mation, which is integrated to a certain degree in
x Mobile feet to allow weight transference onto the spinal cord. The CNS therefore still “feels” al-
and through the foot (make possible) though the patient may have severely reduced
x Optimization of alignment to enhance appro- perception of sensation. Sensory deficits may be
priate muscular activity (make possible) due to lesions to ascending systems, perceptual
x Facilitation of selective hip stability on the deficits, or learned nonuse.
stance leg immediately prior to destabilization
x Destabilization of the patient’s center of
Active Movement
gravity in the direction of movement (make
necessary p let it happen) Movement generates feedback from the body to
x Allowing stepping the CNS from specific receptors and vision as
x Facilitation of rhythmical interchange without well as information of the result. Active move-
cognitive override (let it happen), as close as ment causes a diversity of information within
possible to the patient’s own individual the CNS. The length–tension relationship changes,
rhythm. If the stepping is too slow or too fast, receptors in skin and soft tissues and joints are
the patient’s CPG activity may not be facili- stimulated to transmit information to the CNS
tated (see Chapter 1.1, The Somatosensory System, Vi-
Reduced interplay between the two halves of the sion, and Balance). This information gives us
body after a stroke generally has a strongly nega- something to feel and therefore perceive. Ex-
tive influence on postural control and also on the ploratory behavior, for instance using the hands
stance activity on the least affected side. The pa- to touch our close environment and our own
tient has problems in weight transferring, and bodies, facilitates the perception of the body in
stabilizing and balancing over the least affected relation to the environment and itself. Shum-
side, which seems to influence the acquisition way-Cook and Woollacott (2007) state that
of swing on the most affected side. If stance ac- “Perception is essential to action, just as action
tivity is reduced, the patient may have to weight- is essential to perception.” These authors define
bear on both sides, and the release of swing may perception as the integration of sensory impres-
not be possible. Patients need to work on stance sions into psychologically meaningful informa-
phase on both sides to regain postural control tion. If a patient is unable to move he receives lit-
and stability to acquire CPG activity indepen- tle or no information from his own body and is
dently. unable to explore his environment through his
own body, and perception may be disturbed as
a result. Improved movement may improve per-
Active Movement; Learned ception, and improved perception may have a
Nonuse; Neglect; Passive positive effect on movement control.
Movement Yekuitiel and Guttman (1993) describe a trial
in which stroke patients with reduced sensation
“Motor activity is the tool of sensation” (Brodal, of the affected hand received a systematic train-
personal communication, 1998). Two aspects ing program more than 2 years post stroke. The
seem especially important for motor control: patients were treated in their own homes—45
the memory of (i) how it felt to perform a specific minutes each session, three times a week for 6
movement or action and (ii) the result. “The task weeks. The patients had to identify touch to
is carried out and modified by adjustments, so their own arm, find their affected thumb, discri-
that the sensations from the evolving movement minate between different objects placed in their
match the memory of ‘how it felt’” (Brooks 1986). affected hand and draw with help from an assis-
Berta Bobath (1990) also said that, “The hemiple- tant (document assisted). Compared with a con-
gic patient, just like a normal person, does not trol group, they showed significant improvement
126 2 Physiotherapy

on all sensory tests. Some patients experienced affected side. Robertson et al. (1993) state that
functional improvement even if they were not the most important aspect of treatment of neglect
encouraged to use it more in daily activities. seem to be regaining of active movement in the
This study demonstrates the close relationship affected extremities in the field of neglect. Sev-
between experiencing sensory stimulation, per- eral studies of neglect, (Lin et al. 1996), sensation
ception of sensation and motor function. (Yekuitiel and Guttman 1993), and motor func-
tion (Sunderland et al.1992, Feys et al. 1998)
demonstrate that active movement improves
Learned Nonuse
neglect. Sensory stimulation and intensive treat-
Learned nonuse or disuse is associated with con- ment improve neglect, sensation, and motor
ditions where reduced motor control, for instance function. Increased motor activity and increased
of a hand, results in the patient not using his awareness are strengthened through positive
hand. Patients use what they are able to recruit, feedback. It seems as if activation of the left
therefore body parts that function may compen- arm in the left part of the room (in the field of
sate for loss of sensation or movement in non- neglect) changes lateral awareness and spatial
functioning body parts. Stroke patients quickly representation (Robertson et al. 1998).
learn to compensate by increasing the use of Experience supports this; unilateral focus
the less affected hand. If the affected hand is and stimulation of the left side in treatment of
not used, it will not be stimulated, little or no patients suffering from neglect enhance the
impulses are transmitted to the CNS, the arm is patient’s awareness and concentration of the
therefore not stimulated and is progressively neglect field, i. e., perception. Through specific
more passive. This development predisposes the mobilization and stimulation of muscles and
patient to secondary soft tissue changes and soft tissues, the correction of alignment, stimula-
learned nonuse because the arm does not experi- tion of the hand by contact with the patient’s face
ence stimuli (Ada and Canning 1990). Learned and body or objects that he finds interesting, as
nonuse may contribute to the changes in cortical well as facilitating the patient’s postural control
maps after a CNS lesion (see Chapter 1.2, Plasti- the patient’s concentration and perception of
city). Nudo et al. (1996) state that if rehabilitative the neglected side may be strengthened. Clini-
training is not present after a lesion, this may cally, intensive proprioceptive and tactile stimuli
cause progressive area loss in relation to the seem to have a positive effect.
functional representation of the affected body Progression during treatment is indicated by
part. “In addition to the primary motor deficit, increased interaction and interplay between
mechanisms of sensory inhibition are involved right and left. Bilateral simultaneous activity,
to varying degrees in the stroke patient’s non- such as carrying a tray or using one hand to sup-
use of the affected hand, whether this is due to port the activity of the other (e. g., opening a
central neglect or learned non-use“ (Yekuitiel water bottle, cutting a piece of bread, holding a
and Guttman 1993). bunch of grapes while picking one off to eat),
may be introduced once the patient is able to
Active movement provides a diversity of infor- shift his focus between left and right with little
mation to the CNS. prompting. If the patient “forgets” his left arm
Active movement is essential to perception. during bilateral activities, the focus has to go
back to the left again. The therapist must empha-
size that the patient keeps his focus in order to
Neglect promote bilateral simultaneous processing of
stimuli. Rhythmical interaction between right
Neglect is described as inattention to a body part and left may have a positive effect. Therefore, in
or space. Patients suffering from unilateral ne- some patients, the facilitation of locomotion
glect do not respond to incidents on the most af- may promote interaction between the two body
fected side. Neglect may be observed in patients halves and thereby perception.
with CNS lesions, and most frequently in those The therapist needs to continuously evaluate
with right hemispheric stroke. In the following the patient’s response and change strategy if
therefore, left will be used to describe the most awareness fails.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 127

Facilitation of active movement through Passive movement is important if the patient is

intense sensory stimuli seems to improve unable to initiate movement of his own.
neglect. The patient’s awareness increases Passive movement seeks to stimulate activity
during active movement. and requires the patient’s attention.
Handling through passive movement aims to
make the patient’s CNS listen to the input and
In a clinical situation it is not possible to test and respond as far as possible, and is therefore not
evaluate the degree and relative presence of really passive.
somatosensory and perceptual deficits if the
patient has severe motor problems as well. Only
through treatment that focuses on sensation Clinical example
(feeling contrasts in different objects), percep- A patient once said to me that movement is the ex-
tion, and the facilitation of movement and obser- pression of the soul. She had amyotrophic lateral
vation of the patient in different situations over sclerosis and was completely paralyzed. When a pa-
some time, is it possible to formulate a more tient is unable to move by himself, his perception of
accurate hypothesis. his own body changes and diminishes. Patients who
have a swollen, stiff, and inactive hand have a re-
duced feeling of contrasts in sensory input. The in-
Passive Movement formation they do receive about their hand is of an
If the patient is unable to initiate any activity, it inactive weight, sometimes combined with pain.
is important to give the patient the sensation Some feel numbness, whereas others are unable
and experience of movement through being to feel the hand at all even if the patient is able
moved to: to respond positively to classic sensory testing.
The therapist needs to re-create the feeling of mo-
x Avoid the development of nonuse
bility and movement, to move the hand as it would
x Create awareness to the body part—stimulat-
have been moved when active. Specific mobiliza-
ing a body part by moving it does cause some
tion of muscles and joints, tactile stimulation, shap-
transmission of impulses to the CNS
ing of the hand to one’s own body parts and differ-
x Give to the patient a feeling of movement and
ent objects may enhance the perception of the
hand as a part of the body. This way some of the
x Maintain motion, range, and circulation
prerequisites for more active movement are achiev-
The therapist aims to facilitate and stimulate ac-
ed (make possible).
tivity even if the body part has to be moved pas-
sively, by drawing the patient’s attention and
focus if this does not improve spontaneously dur-
ing treatment. The patient may be encouraged to Control of Associated Reactions
create a mental image of the movement, or how
the movement or activity was solved or used to Associated reactions and associated movements
feel. Mental imagery may strengthen or maintain were discussed in Chapter 1.3, Consequences of
connections in the CNS. If the patient is coma- and Reorganization after CNS Lesions. Associated
tose, verbal information may strengthen the reactions are well-known phenomena in CNS
input, although most information needs to be pathology. They are viewed as a result of an activ-
transmitted through the proprioceptive and tac- ity-dependent process of learning whereby the
tile systems. The PNS and the spinal cord are in- CNS makes new connections and strengthens or
tact in patients with CNS lesions. Handling aims weakens connections depending on their use.
to make the patient’s CNS listen and respond as The interplay between the individual and his en-
far as possible, and is therefore not really passive. vironment informs behavior and CNS processes
Passive movement is important also for circu- and function. Associated reactions may develop
lation, muscle length, and range of movement, as a response to impaired stability or movement
which may allow development of the patient’s or to hypersensitivity to stimuli. Over time,
own activity. there is often a causal combination. Assessment
and clinical reasoning allows the therapist to for-
128 2 Physiotherapy

mulate hypotheses both for the main problem The Role of the Patient
and the trigger for associated reactions. Therapy
The patient should:
aims to treat the patient’s main problem(s)—the
x Learn to control the triggering of associated
negative signs—and should not focus primarily
reactions by focused attention if possible, and
on the associated reactions. A one-sided interven-
stop them from happening. The patient needs
tion aimed toward the so-called positive signs
to be made aware that they are present and
will not improve the patient’s underlying move-
why. The patient’s own control over his asso-
ment problem, and therefore not facilitate his re-
ciated reactions is the first step in acquiring a
gaining of function. If the main problems are tar-
wider movement repertoire and more selec-
geted, and the patient improves his motor control,
tive movement control. The ability to adapt to
the associated reactions may gradually diminish
different contexts is enhanced
by themselves because they are no longer re-
x Learn to control the force, the timing, and the
quired. Sometimes, associated reactions may be
total involvement of the reaction
so disturbing or destabilizing that the main prob-
Some patients move relatively efficiently with
lem is not accessible, and they need to be treated
mild associated reactions. Clinically these reac-
more directly. In these situations the associated
tions seem totally automated and stable, and
reactions need to be changed or influenced to
may be an expression of an established and re-
change, to access the patient’s primary movement
latively appropriate behavior modification (sen-
problem of, for instance, instability.
sorimotor). They may be a nuisance to the patient,
or they may cosmetically embarrass him. If the
It is essential to analyze and treat the cause of
patient really wants to minimize them, he will
the associated reactions and not only attempt
have to be very motivated and focused, not only
to dampen down the reactions.
in treatment, but even more when he moves
about himself. During a learning phase he will
have to slow down and be more aware of how he
The Role of the Therapist moves, which requires a reduction in tempo and
The therapist should: efficiency. The therapist has to assess whether
x Form hypotheses of the causal relationship there is a potential for change and if this change
between the patient’s main problem (weak- would enhance the patient’s efficiency.
ness, instability, perception, and others) and
the presence of associated reactions through
observation and handling Feedback
x Choose a relevant and appropriate task for
goal achievement Feedback may give the patient information of and
x Recognize which movement components are about his movement, and may take many differ-
missing, then make it possible to achieve the ent forms:
goal through as optimal control as possible x Intrinsic feedback is the information the patient
(note the importance of input, alignment, and receives through his own systems as a result of
muscle function) moving, vision, and somatosensory impulses:
x Create an environment that is conducive to – Through the experience of movement and
the patient’s control level of control
x Make it possible for the patient to control his – Through one’s own feeling and observation
own associated reactions and deviant motor of the level of success—was the goal
behavior by finding the right level of challenge reached or not?
x Handle the patient to correct alignment and – Through handling from the therapist. This
facilitate muscle activity to make the control is both intrinsic and extrinsic, as handling
of movement possible and necessary in itself is imposing movement and infor-
x Inform the patient: increase his awareness mation to the patient from the outside at
and knowledge of himself in relation to pos- the same time as response and adaptation
sible causal relationships and the conse- to the handling transmits intrinsic feedback
quences of destabilizing associated reactions to the patient
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 129

x Extrinsic feedback is a supplement to the Extrinsic Feedback

intrinsic form. It is verbal and visual
The therapist frequently uses a combination of
(e. g., the expression and body language of
intrinsic and extrinsic feedback. The type of feed-
the therapist) and has different aims:
back depends on the patient’s problems, motiva-
– motivating and encouraging
tion, and cognitive ability. Knowledge of perfor-
– knowledge about the process of movement,
mance ([KP] Schmidt 1991) and knowledge of re-
i. e., about the performance itself (KP)
sults ([KR] Schmidt 1991, Shumway-Cook and
– knowledge about the result (KR) of the
Woollacott 2007) both require the patient to per-
ceive and integrate information and develop new
There is no consensus on type and timing of
strategies based on the feedback. Many patients
feedback, and several authors have debated this
do not have this ability because of perceptual or
(Gentile 1987, Schmidt 1991, Shumway-Cook
cognitive problems. These patients therefore can-
and Woollacott 2007). Most studies have been
not use KP or KR. Verbal feedback assumes that
performed on healthy individuals. It is therefore
the patient is able to perform the activity differ-
difficult to extrapolate the findings to clinical
ently through verbal information or commands.
settings and neurologic patients.
Many patients with a neurologic deficit do not
have sufficient or appropriate motor function to
Intrinsic Feedback alter or adjust their movement and are unable
to change strategies. Internal feedback provides
Individuals suffering from CNS lesions have dif-
the CNS with information that is different from
ferent physical and neuropsychologic deficits. Al-
before and therefore gives a different basis for
tered movement and perception of somatosen-
movement production compared with before.
sory information influence the patient’s intrinsic
Their ability to recruit movement is changed;
feedback. There may be deficits in ascending sys-
their ability to solve motor problems will be dif-
tems, altered muscle tone, altered sequence of re-
ficult if their previous movement experience is
cruitment and sensorimotor organization, altered
very different from their movement ability now
alignment, or perceptual problems. Perceptual
or if their body image or perception is altered.
and cognitive problems affect the patient’s plan-
Long or too detailed explanations are often con-
ning, feeling of movement, and movement ex-
fusing for patients and may hamper their feeling
perience. Their ability to integrate feedback and
of the activity.
use this constructively to find appropriate and
Through extrinsic feedback, movement plan-
optimal solutions for motor problems will there-
ning and production may be lifted to a level of
fore also be affected. In many cases the patient is
cognitive attention that should not normally be
able to evaluate himself how successful the
there for the activity. Motivating feedback
movement was, and may not need verbal reinfor-
through short words or sentences that are to
cement. The feeling that the patient gets when he
the point may be more appropriate: Yes, stop,
feels that “this was right,” or “this is what used to
no, good, excellent, or similar expressions, may
feel like,” may be stronger than any verbal infor-
be enough to strengthen the patient’s perception
or provide the feedback he needs. Positive feed-
Therapeutic handling provides the patient
back is motivating and must be objective and
with feedback through touch and facilitation to
honest. KP is provided about the actual perfor-
move. Specific mobilization of musculature and
mance, the process of movement. A patient
correction of alignment allows the patient a bet-
with sensory problems or perception may find
ter starting point for motor control. Through
KP useful if he is able to understand and integrate
therapeutic handling the patient receives nor-
the information and problem-solve from it. This
malized information of the interrelationship be-
requires that the patient has few or no cognitive
tween body segments and between the body
problems. KR is knowledge of the end result of
and the environment. This may provide the
the movement. Many patients are able to evalu-
patient with a better basis for successful goal
ate their own achievements; they observe or
achievement which both reminds him of what
feel the result of their own actions and do not
it used to feel like and uses memory to
need verbal reinforcement. Some neuropsycholo-
strengthen the patient’s own performance.
130 2 Physiotherapy

gic deficits may disrupt the patient’s ability to Example

analyze or understand the level of achievement; The patient may practice standing up repeatedly in
and such patients will need information about the same way from the same chair. Although a
the results. person never performs the same activity in exactly
the same way, there is very little variation in the
The feedback varies and depends on the combination of different movement components.
patient’s movement ability, his perceptual If the person has very little problem-solving capac-
or cognitive function and the type of goal ity, and therefore a reduced ability to carry over,
activity (more automatic or more voluntary). drill may be necessary. One patient suffered a se-
vere stroke, which caused complete expressive
and receptive problems, severe apraxia, memory
and problem-solving deficits, as well as severe
Carry-over motor problems. He was able to stand up from
sitting in his wheelchair and to walk with personal
Transfer of task and carry-over are terms for the assistance after several months of training. He
effect of training into practical situations and was not able to transfer this ability to standing up
tasks at home or on the ward. In the literature ef- from his bathroom at home, and had to be drilled
fective learning is related to context; that the ac- in his own bathroom to succeed. Too much varia-
tivity is goal-oriented and used in different situa- tion even within the same task may be too confus-
tions in the patient’s daily life. Schmidt (1992) ing for some patients. Generalization is not possible
discusses the importance of varied training; the through drilling. The patient improves his perfor-
ability to perform the same skill in different con- mance only in what he practices in, the context
texts or situations. Carry-over may be analyzed he practices in.
on different levels:
x Generalization: transfer of movement compo-
Varied repetition is when the movement, postural
nents to different movements and functional
set, and activity are varied for the neuromuscular
component trained.
x Performance: the ability to maintain improved
control from the beginning to the end of a
treatment session
Hip stability may be trained in supine, in different
x Learning or retention: the maintenance of im-
ways in supine using equipment and in different su-
proved control between treatment sessions
pine postural sets, through the activity of sitting to
x Transfer or carry-over: from treatment to ADLs
standing combining different alignments, different
at home or in the ward supports, and different heights, in standing, step
standing, single leg standing, in stepping down
Generalization from a high seat, in different transfers and ADLs,
and during personal care. The focus is on facilitat-
Movement is organized in relation to the indivi- ing hip stability, but the contexts are varied to cre-
dual, the task, and the environment (Shumway- ate a wide repertoire of movement experiences,
Cook and Woollacott 2007). Action is organized which may strengthen the patient’s ability to
in time and space to suit the task in the environ- carry over. Through variation, the prototype of
ment. Therefore, training needs to focus on varia- the activity or component may be learned, thereby
tion, i. e., varying the components of movement strengthening the transfer between tasks (see
in different contexts, environments, and require- Chapter 1.1, Cerebellum).
ment for control through the evolvement of
movement to ensure carry-over.
Training may be performed through drill or
varied repetition. Drill is when the same compo- Varied repetition in treatment allows the pa-
nent, movement, or activity is repeated many tient to develop a wide repertoire of movement
times in the same way. and movement experience, which he may use
in different functional contexts.
2.2 Intervention—Considerations and Choices 131

Performance: Transfer of Control Transfer or Carry Over from

from the Beginning to the End of a Treatment to ADLs at Home or
Treatment Session in the Ward
Treatment is goal-oriented toward improvement Berta Bobath said in 1988: “Our treatment does
of the patient’s control of movement. The therapist not consist of a number of exercises. We are pre-
evaluates her clinical reasoning and treatment in paring the child for daily life and this in func-
the same session. If the patient shows improve- tional situations. For instance, we treat him
ment in a component or activity level from the be- while he is being fed or when he feeds himself,
ginning to the end of the session, i. e., improve- while he dresses or undresses himself, or is
ment in performance, he has achieved this level being dressed or undressed. We treat the child
of carry-over. If carry-over has not occurred, the while he plays, while he stands or walks, and so
therapist has to reevaluate her clinical reasoning, on. This is necessary to obtain direct carryover
her hypotheses, and the intervention. of the treatment into daily life” (cited in
Schleichkorn 1992). The same principles apply
to adult rehabilitation.
Learning or Retention:
In our society it is a reality that most people
Maintaining Improved Control
suffering an acute CNS lesion are admitted
between Treatment Sessions
to hospital. Many will be transferred to rehabili-
If the patient’s movement control remains the tation wards or centers after a short time. This
same from one treatment session to the next, environment is dramatically different from the
he has not retained what he learned. The thera- home situation: lay-out, furniture, objects, size,
pist has to consider the following aspects: or people whom the patient may have to share
x Her clinical reasoning and choice of interven- rooms with. If variation and generalization is
tion attended to, it may be possible to achieve carry-
x Has the patient been allowed and encouraged over to the patient’s own home. It is a challenge
to practice enough? A certain level of repeti- to use the available facilities for the benefit of
tion is necessary the patient: training in a gym, on a ward, in the
x Whether the patient is being met with con- patient’s room on the ward, on the stairs, and
flicting demands: is he doing one thing in other environments inside and outside. Some
treatment while his daily life requires some- patients may be motivated by staying in an insti-
thing different? tution for some time, because they meet other
x Whether health professionals and carers are people in a similar situation to their own and
emphasizing conflicting components may motivate, advise, and help each other. Treat-
x Whether the patient is compliant, i. e., is he ment aims at improving the patient’s control of
able to understand and integrate information movement in functional activities: during dres-
and follow advice sing and undressing, during transfers, walking,
Bobath is reported to have stated: and using the arms, as well as directly improving
x If the patient is unchanged, change the treat- missing components. Variation is ensured dur-
ment. It has had no effect ing:
x If the patient is worse, change the treatment. x Use of different supports: chairs, plinths,
It may be inappropriate stools, mats, walls, objects, tables
x If the patient has improved, change the treat- x Exploration of movement through different
ment. The patient is no longer the same postural sets
The change needs to be appropriate and not just x Different activities and different environments
for change’s sake. inside and outside
As well as specific therapy, the training needs to
The patient should always feel that specific be made clear to helpers and carers with whom
treatment leads to functional improvement the patient interacts throughout the day. Multi-
within the same treatment session. The patient disciplinary communication and cooperation be-
should not feel that the training does not meet tween different health professionals is therefore
his needs. necessary.
132 2 Physiotherapy

It takes time to learn, to change synaptic con- An upper motor neuron lesion causes weak-
nections, to reorganize established and damaged ness (See Chapter 1.1, Consequences of and Reor-
systems, to learn new and to unlearn inappropri- ganization after CNS Lesions, Upper Motor Neu-
ate things. Clinically, significant changes may be rone Lesion, Weakness). Many people suffering
achieved in treatment (functional plasticity), but from a CNS lesion are elderly and may have ex-
these are not always transferred into the pa- perienced considerable weakness even before
tient’s daily activities (structural plasticity). If their lesion. Current evidence suggests that,
this happens repeatedly, the therapist has to ree- generally after stroke, the negative impairments,
valuate her analysis and approach. Treatment weakness, loss of dexterity, and fatigue limit re-
should have reached a certain level of intensity covery of function more than the positive impair-
and carried out for a certain time (12 weeks) be- ments (Canning et al. 2004). In their longitudinal
fore it is possible to state that treatment is not study of 22 patients suffering a first stroke, Can-
working. In the acute stage following a stroke, ning et al. found that strength and dexterity
new functions are learned very quickly, more so in total contributed significantly to function
than at later stages due to the increase in neuro- throughout, strength made a significant separate
trophic factors (see Chapter 1.2, Plasticity). If the contribution to function at all test times, and that
patient has learned strategies that might have the combined contribution of strength and dex-
seemed appropriate at the time, but not any terity was greater than either alone.
more, these may take time to unlearn to allow Historically, strength was not thought to be
the learning of new ones. Neurophysiologically, relevant in patients with upper motor neuron
learning and unlearning is the same process be- lesions. Bobath (1990) stated that “Weakness of
cause it involves synaptic changes—both are muscle may not be real, but relative to the oppo-
learning. An important factor is how much and sition of spastic antagonists.” She also stated that
how often the synapses are stimulated in one “Weakness of muscle may be due to sensory def-
specific direction. icit, either tactile or proprioceptive or both.” This
last statement still holds as one reason for weak-
Learning and carry-over takes time to be ness. Berta Bobath did not use resisted strength
established. training in her treatment, but she did increase
the strength of the patients, for instance, by
using their body weight in opposition to gravity,
stepping down, sitting down, and one-legged
2.3 Other Interventions: Research has demonstrated, however, that
Some Key Points weakness is a significant problem in CNS lesions,
and that it may be due to weakness of neural
transmission and a reduced ability to recruit the
Strength Training appropriate number of motor units for the actual
function. Therefore, the problem of weakness has
As we grow older, most of us experience loss of to be addressed in treatment.
strength. The quadriceps of a 70-year-old person Many patients may be able to recruit strong
has only 60 % of the strength of that of a person muscle activation in total patterns, but are un-
in his twenties. This is the same for men and able to recruit muscle activation selectively to
women (Macaluso and De Vito 2003). These enhance functional stability, for instance in mov-
authors describe the process of losing strength, ing from sitting to standing, in stance and for lo-
which is attributed to a quantitative loss of comotion. Strength training therefore needs to be
muscle mass (sarcopenia), a selective atrophy of selective and in functional patterns. Heel-strike is
type 2 fibers due to a progressive loss of motor recognized as being one of the most important
neurons in the spinal cord that cause an initial de- signals to the CNS to activate a selective stance
nervation of fast twitch fibers. These fibers are re- phase. Information about unloading, heel-strike,
innervated by type 1 motor units through collat- and weight transference are critical for the con-
eral sprouting. Strength training in elderly people trol of stepping (Maki and McIlroy 1997). Some
improves their muscle strength and function. important components of heel-strike are postural
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 133

control and core stability, selective activation lesion to these pathways causes weakness of
of the proximal hamstrings to bring the heel in CPG activity.
contact with the floor, selective extension of Vestibular augmentation seems to be mostly
the knee, eccentric lengthening of the distal lacking, therefore to strengthen the lower limb
hamstrings and of the posterior compartment of for stance and swing phase, the therapist needs
the lower limb, active dorsiflexion and extension to focus on strengthening from the foot upward
of the toes. As the body moves forward over the so that the exercise is based on the context of
ankle, which acts as a pivot, the muscular activa- the vestibular system (Mary Lynch-Ellerington,
tion patterns change, but knee and hip extension personal communication, 2005).
is maintained throughout stance to varying de-
grees and with different combinations of muscle
coordination. Strength training requires focused Treadmill Training
attention on the part of the patient and may
enhance his awareness and perception of the Treadmill training is used for many different neu-
part. rologic conditions and it is based on two basic
principles: (i) facilitating CPG activity and (ii)
Strength training needs to be selective and in repetition to consolidate new learning. Treadmill
functional patterns. training has been extensively researched, espe-
Strength training requires focused attention on cially in stroke and spinal cord injury as well as
the part of the patient and may enhance his in healthy subjects (Mudge and Rochester 2001,
awareness and perception of the part. Moseley et al. 2005), and the results regarding
its efficacy is debated. Some essential factors
need to be taken into consideration when a
Clinical examples therapist thinks that treadmill training may be
Clinically, some muscles seem specifically impor- indicated for an individual patient.
tant to strengthen: Aaslund (2006) in her study of 28 healthy
x Abduction of arm for deltoid to facilitate separa- people walking on the ground and on a treadmill
tion of trunk and arm: core stability and func-
with and without body weight support found
tionally free arm movement
that gait is significantly influenced when walking
x Triceps as a selective antagonist to biceps for
on a treadmill, when using a harness and
coordination of arm and hand function
when using approximately 30 % body weight
x Thumb abduction for wrist extension
x Toe extensors for heel-strike
x Treadmill alone:
x Ankle evertors for heel-strike
– Increased cadence
x Soleus and gastrocnemius for toe-off
– Increased forward tilt of the trunk
x Proximal hamstrings and distal quadriceps for
– Increased vertical acceleration
the different stages of stance phase
– Increased variability of anteroposterior
x Proximal hamstrings that stabilize for the selec-
tive extension of the knee in swing, as well as trunk acceleration
acting with the quadriceps to maintain and
x Treadmill with harness and body weight sup-
evolve extension through stance port
x Hip extensors, abductors, and external rotators – restricted the mean acceleration in all
for hip stability through stance directions
x Strength needs to be based on core stability. – increased variability in trunk acceleration
in anteroposterior and vertical directions
– caused stereotypical trunk acceleration in
In the lower limb, muscle weakness may be seen the mediolateral direction
as caused by the loss of excitation of the CPG Aaslund concluded that based on these results,
due to disruption of excitatory commands to task-specificity of treadmill therapy is question-
reticular pathways. About 18 million fibers run able.
from the brain to the reticular pathways, which Several studies suggest that to regain the
are the biggest pathways in the brain. These ability for independent walking, a patient needs
provide strength and control all CPG activity. A to be able to rise independently from sitting
134 2 Physiotherapy

(Lee et al. 1997, Chen et al. 1998, Cheng et al. There are strict inclusion criteria for this treat-
2004), and that getting the heel down to stand ment program. The patients must have (Kim et al.
up is an essential factor for this function. Heel- 2004):
strike is also important for facilitating the phase x A certain level of balance which is not
shifts during locomotion. dependent on their less affected arm
Clinically, treadmill training seems to be effec- x Display 20h active wrist extension and at
tive for some patients. If patients have used least 10h active extension at the metacar-
treadmill training in a sports studio before, they pophalangeal joints of two fingers and the
seem to adapt more easily after a CNS lesion. Pa- thumb
tients who already have an independent walking x No severe spasticity or pain
ability seem to have improved speed and rhythm x Good cognition
overground, but they need time to get used to the x A high level of motivation
treadmill before finding it of use. Some patients It is worth noting that these criteria make this pro-
who have problems with mild dyssynergic gram relevant to only 4–6 % of all stroke patients,
movement patterns seem to normalize their so 95 % will not benefit from this treatment.
movement patterns as speed increases to a level The program itself consists of inactivation of
probably more like their own internal speed the patient’s less affected hand by fitting a spe-
(CPG rhythm). However, some patients suffering cialized glove, which has a hard plastic plate ex-
from severe neglect and low tone do not seem tending beyond the palm. This prevents the pa-
to benefit from the use of body weight supported tient from using the hand in any manual dexter-
treadmill training; some seem to be facilitated ity tasks, but at the same time allows it to act as a
into inactivity and use the harness as a swing, support in two-hand activities. The patient has to
but respond more positively to facilitation of wear the glove at least 6 hours a day and up to
walking overground. Further research is need- 90 % of their wakening time, shorter if used
ed in treadmill training to clarify specific indi- early after stroke. It may be used also to promote
cations for individual patients related to their weight transference on to the most affected
problems. lower limb by the use of an inflatable splint or
back splint to the less affected leg. Caution
should be exercised if the constraints are used
Constrained-Induced Movement
in the early rehabilitation phase. Patients should
Therapy and Robot Training
not be enrolled on this program until at least
Constrained-induced movement therapy (CIMT 1–2 weeks post stroke due to the vulnerable pe-
or CIT) is an intensive treatment program aimed numbral zone surrounding the infarcted area
at overcoming learned nonuse in stroke patients. (see Chapter 1.2, Plasticity). Training consists of
This treatment approach was first introduced in a structured programme with coarse, fine
long-term stroke patients by Taub (Taub et al. motor, and general ADLs for 6–7 hours a day as
1999) following the research by Nudo et al. well as using it outside the treatment area. The
(1996). It is hypothesized that the neural me- patients are allowed 10 minutes off every hour,
chanisms underlying the adaptive changes seen as well as during hygiene activities (going to
in the patient’s cerebral cortex unmask existing the bathroom, showering).
but previously inactive connections: “The short This degree of intensity of training is in sharp
time course of 12 days makes the formation of contrast to the amount of therapy time given to
new anatomic connections by means of sprouting most patients in a hospital or rehabilitation set-
as a major mechanism unlikely because clear evi- ting. Comparing conventional therapy time of at
dence of axonal growth has not been found until the most 1–1.5 hours (physiotherapy and occu-
months after a lesion occurred. A more likely me- pational therapy together) a day (7.5 hours per
chanism is a reduction in activity of local inhibi- week) to CIT of at least 6 hours per day (30
tory interneurons, thus unmasking pre-existing hours per week) demonstrates the importance
excitatory connections. An alternate and possibly of the intensity of treatment to enhance the pa-
complementary mechanism would be the en- tient’s potential. In their meta-analysis of aug-
hancement of the synaptic strength of existing mented exercise time, Kwakkel et al. (2004)
synaptic connections” (Liepert et al. 2000). found that increased intensity in the form of
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 135

more treatment improved outcomes related to Example

ADLs and walking. The 24-hour concept is multidisciplinary teamwork
There is also increasing interest in robot train- put into practice and relates specifically to the
ing for both upper limb (Lum et al. 2002, Casadio carrying through of treatment principles in daily
et al. 2006) and gait (Bharadwaj et al. 2005) activities. The multidisciplinary team agrees on
which aims to promote motor performance and which movement components are most important
function through repetition, rhythm, and facili- to facilitate, repeat, and consolidate during differ-
tation of relevant muscles and to enhance or ent activities in the patient’s daily life. The 24-
maintain range of motion at relevant joints. hour concept strengthens the patient’s learning
This needs to be further investigated to define process because:
the potential role of robotics in neurorehabilita- x The activity is varied and repeated during the
tion. day and possibly the night (bathroom).
x Varied repetition
x The activity aims at a known performance for
Multidisciplinary Teamwork the patient.
x The activity is adapted to suit the needs of the
As long as the patient is an inpatient, he probably individual and of his movement problems.
x The effect of carry-over increases when treat-
needs some physical assistance to achieve ADLs.
ment interventions are transferred to the every-
All these activities are relatively complex physi-
day context.
cally, requiring balance, weight transference, al-
x Teamwork requires good multidisciplinary com-
terations in rotational components, alterations
munication, both formally and informally, a
of stability and movement components and
follow through, and loyalty toward the patient
areas of references, variations in movements
and goals, as well as a common basic under-
strategies, and problem solving. The most com-
standing and competency.
plex activity is supine to sitting at the same
time, as this transfer is the one transfer many
carers expect the patient to perform indepen- It is the responsibility of the involved profes-
dently early on. sionals to ensure the treatment is carried
If the patient is to regain control of movement, through. Often, this is made easier if they see
all personnel should have the same understand- the patient together in practical situations:
ing of the treatment plan. This is to ensure that nurse, occupational therapist, and physiothera-
the patient is not given conflicting messages. pist may see the patient together in the morning
The corner stones of teamwork are each profes- during personal care, during transfers in and out
sional’s general and specific knowledge, exper- of bed, during dressing or at meal times and
tise, and role. Multidisciplinary teamwork chal- agree on a strategy to help the patient improve
lenges all parties and is difficult to achieve. The and regain his independence if possible. The use
individual professionals need to understand and of photos from practical situations may aid this
respect each other, be loyal to the patient, to process. Cooperation between the patient, his
the goals and the interventions, strengthen each carers, and health professionals needs to be sti-
other’s role, and follow each profession’s inter- mulating for learning. Good multidisciplinary
ventions as closely as possible. At the same teamwork gives motivation and learning to the
time, the different professions have their specific whole team.
role that cannot be replaced by others. The
patient is exposed to the specific interventions
from different professionals, and receives the Assistive Devices
sum of the multidisciplinary teamwork. This
is the environment in which he learns anew. Many patients do not recover fully after a lesion
The rehabilitation process is discussed in to the CNS. The sensorimotor problems may
Chapter 3. vary from slightly reduced balance and dexterity
to severe loss of function causing a need for assis-
tance to all activities of daily life. It is therefore
136 2 Physiotherapy

not possible to put forward general guidelines on Positive and Negative Aspects of
the use of compensatory aids. Several aspects Different Aids within the Same Group
need to be evaluated:
x Wheelchairs
x Timing for giving an assistive device
x Walking aids
x Positive and negative aspects of different aids
x Orthotics
within the same group; i. e., walking aids and
x Other
x Wheelchairs
x Evaluating how the aid is used in relation to
Some patients may need a wheelchair tempora-
its effect on the patient’s function over time
rily or for different purposes such as transport
and adapting or changing the type of aid as
over longer distances or shopping trips, whereas
needed as the patient progresses
others may need a wheelchair for daily use.
There are some important aspects that need to
Timing be considered when fitting a wheelchair:
x Sitting posture and comfort. The patient needs
The therapist may need to decide on the use of
to be seated in proper alignment to enhance
aids. Important things to consider are whether
postural activity.
the aid:
x Use. The chair needs to be appropriate for the
x Reduces the patient’s effort at the same time
patient’s and the carer’s needs:
as allowing him to explore his environment
– Ease of transfers into and out of the
x Enhances or improves the patient’s motor
wheelchair for the patient and carers
problems over time
– Temporary, periodical or constant use
How the patient moves and the degree of asso-
– Active or supporting (comfort), or a com-
ciated reactions express his movement ability at
that time but do not necessarily reflect the extent
– Environment; inside, outside. Terrain?
of the lesion. The patient’s motor problems are a
– Manual or electric? Does the patient need
result of the lesion itself, cognitive, perceptual,
more that one type of chair, for instance an
and sensorimotor deficits, the immediate restitu-
active manual chair, a chair with standing
tion process, and use-dependent plastic changes
function, electric chair for inside or outside
in the CNS, together with muscular changes and
compensatory motor strategies. The aim is for
– Carer-driven or self-driven? Some patients
the patient to compensate as little as possible
are unable to drive their own wheelchair,
yet at the same time be able to be active and par-
either due to the extent of motor problems
ticipating. The patient’s movement abilities
or due to cognitive or perceptual dysfunc-
change with time, therefore any assistive device
tions. Generally, the neuropsychologic
needs to be adapted and altered in different
problems of severe neglect, inattention,
phases of recovery. In the early stages after
some apraxias, decreased problem-solving
stroke, in some patients suffering from MS,
abilities, uncritical behavior may prevent
head injury, or incomplete spinal cord injury,
the use of a self-maneuvered wheelchair.
the use of a wheelchair may be appropriate and
Clinically, however, some patients with
necessary to allow the patient to explore his en-
neglect or inattention learned to use the
vironment and be more independent. A walking
wheelchair independently. Sometimes, the
aid may be appropriate for some patients during
confrontation with the problem seems to
different stages and in different situations, but it
cause an intellectual compensation in
may be disadvantageous for other patients. The
otherwise cognitively able patients. There-
different types of assistive devices are discussed
fore, if appropriate, these patients should
in the next section.
be allowed to explore independent wheel-
chair maneuvering in controlled circum-
– Transportation generally (in and out of cars
and so on)
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 137

Manual Wheelchairs to gravity to enhance postural activity if it is used

If the patient is driving the wheelchair manually, as a reference more than a support. Many pa-
it needs to be as light as possible. Depending on tients receiving a walking aid early in their reha-
the patient’s need for stability and his balance bilitation as a compensation for balance prob-
ability, the position of the center/line of gravity lems, weightbear on the aid and so increase
in relation to the drive shaft is important. The flexor activity in their trunk, pelvis/hips, and
closer the center of gravity of the patient is to arms. Increased flexor activity may hamper de-
the drive shaft, the easier it is to maneuver the velopment of stability as a basis for balance.
wheelchair; however, it is more unstable. Therefore, treatment should aim at improving
Patients suffering from stroke may need to the patient’s postural control and movement
drive the wheelchair using the less affected arm and the patient should not be given a walking
and leg. Ashburn and Lynch (1988) and Cornall aid before this is explored.
(1991) have pointed out the disadvantages of Motivation is important to recovery. For some
asymmetric and static use of one side of the patients the ability to ambulate as soon as possi-
body, which may enhance the development of as- ble is a major driving force, even if the balance
sociated reactions and work against recovery and and movement prerequisites are not sufficiently
treatment. One-hand drive wheelchairs may developed to allow them to walk safely. The chal-
strengthen use-dependent plastic changes to- lenge is to inform, motivate, and, at the same
ward the patient’s less affected side and induce time, teach the patient to improve his postural
learned nonuse in the more affected body half. control and movement patterns, and teach him
Therefore, it is of primary importance to evaluate to use the walking aid as well as possible. The pa-
the patient’s use of a wheelchair and what it may tient needs to experience taking steps through
do to the patient in the longer term. Therapists therapeutic facilitation as early as possible. Step-
should experience themselves the effect of ping may enhance balance and rhythm through
manually driven wheelchair both inside, outside, CPG activation, not allowing the CNS to “forget”
and up an incline, using one-hand and leg, and walking by increasing cognitive control. Seeing
two arms. that the aim is to walk again may motivate the
patient. The timing of when the patient may
Power Chairs walk in the department with or without assis-
An electric wheelchair may be an appropriate tance or supervision is a decision that depends
tool in a rehabilitation phase or for permanent on the patient’s safety and motor control as
use for some patients. The patient is able to par- well as on the competency of the carers.
ticipate to a greater degree socially and in differ-
ent activities such as bringing himself to appoint- Bilateral Aids
ments or to the shop without undue effort or a Bilateral aids (sticks, crutches, rollator, Zimmer
feeling of being dependent on carers. frame, and high walking frame) may invite the
Walking aids may be sticks, crutches, rollators, patient to lean or pressure bear on the aid, espe-
high walking frames, or other devices. Any walk- cially if they are too low. A rollator, Zimmer
ing aid alters the person’s relationship with the frame, or high walking frame allow little varia-
base of support, increases the base and changes tion and flexibility because rotation is not
the line of gravity. The patient needs to learn needed. With severely disturbed stability, for in-
new postural and motor strategies if he has not stance in ataxia, a bilateral walking aid may be
used a walking aid before. The type, the height, appropriate.
and the way in which it is being used will influ-
ence the patient’s postural activity (see Postural One-Handed Aids
Sets). If a walking aid is chosen for the patient, One-handed aids (stick or crutch) displace the
the therapist needs to teach the patient how to patient’s line of gravity laterally toward the aid
use it appropriately. depending on how it is being used. If the patient
Treatment should focus on the patient regain- is able to use it more as a reference for balance
ing as much independent control as possible. The and movement than a support to weightbear
use of a walking aid may be appropriate to allow upon, the patient’s postural control may in
the patient to move around safely and be exposed some cases be facilitated (Jeka and Lackner
138 2 Physiotherapy

1994, Jeka 1997). A walking stick may hamper 1992). Their study included patients with neuro-
development of the patient’s balance control if pathies and amputations, but some of the results
he leans on it, and increase asymmetry. A high may extend to CNS disorders. Heel-strike is an
stick may be used to enhance extension and in- important phenomenon to transfers and walking.
terplay between body segments if it is used as a A shoe with a good heel support, a firm sole, and
balance aid without pressure. Sometimes it may firm heel may promote feedback about loading
be appropriate to use a stick outdoors, during and unloading of the heel.
shopping or in other circumstances when balance
is especially challenged, but the patient might Ankle/Foot Orthoses
not use it in his own home. Ankle/foot orthoses are used to stabilize this area
during transfers, in standing and walking, and to
facilitate the lift off of the foot during swing
phase. The cause of the instability must be as-
Studies by Mulder et al. (1996) and Geurts et al. sessed and treated. Orthoses that enclose the
(1992) demonstrate that orthopedic footwear ankle and lower leg may give distal support to
influences the size of the base of support and allow patients to explore their postural control.
sensory feedback. At the same time, external fixation may provoke
loss of range of movement, flexibility, and move-
Shoes ment. Pressure on muscles and joints may cause
Shoes that support the ankle reduce the proprio- a sensorimotor reorganization, which leads to
ceptive feedback from the ankle and lower leg, the development of new strategies for balance
influence postural control, and may reduce the and movement. Instability of the foot and ankle
degree of automatism in balance (Geurts et al. is rarely an isolated problem in CNS lesions, and

Fig. 2.36a Fig. 2.36b

Figs. 2.36a–d Two different orthoses.

a, b The model is wearing a splint of polypropylene. in Figure b she is more flexor dominant and her left hip
Notice the change of alignment in the two pictures; seems to be more inactive as compared with Figure a.
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 139

Fig. 2.36c Fig. 2.36d

c, d The model with a different type of splint, called for continuous use, but may allow facilitation of pos-
an air cast. This stabilizes the ankle mediolaterally tural activity in better alignment when standing early
without compromising dorsal and plantar flexion. It after a CNS lesion.
takes up a lot of room in the shoe and is not good

needs to be viewed together with alignment, tone materials with Velcro fastenings (mostly used in
distribution, recruitment pattern, and sequence orthopedics), ankle orthoses that support the
of muscle activation in the body as a whole. ankle medially/laterally (Figs. 2.36c and d) and
Most orthoses aim to maintain the ankle arrangements fastened to the patient’s shoe
slightly dorsiflexed. This may cause increased flex- (for instance Klenzak splint) with or without a
ion of the hip and knee and alter alignment T-strap. All of these influence alignment and
throughout (Fig. 2.36). Hip stability may be nega- support the ankle and foot to varying degrees.
tively influenced by this increased flexor activity, Only evaluation over time may determine if this
which affects the patient’s ability to transfer and influence is positive or negative.
walk. A general disadvantage of the use of splints It is important to decide whether a potential
is the immobilization of the foot, which loses its splint should be used all the time a patient is
adaptability, flexibility ,and varied feedback. The on his feet, or whether it should be used for spe-
ability to use the foot and ankle as a mobile and cific situations. The foot has an increased ten-
stable base for the body may be compromised. dency to twist in situations in which balance is
A lower limb support may be indicated in perceived to be threatened; outside, in a throng
some cases. There are several different types of people, uneven ground, traffic. If the splint is
available, and more are being developed. The pa- used only at certain times the adaptability of
tient needs to try different types and evaluate the foot and ankle may be maintained thereby al-
them over time. There are different plastic splints lowing the patient to experience weightbearing
for covering the posterior aspect of the lower leg through extension. The patient should stand
and the sole of the foot (Figs. 2.36a and b), toe-off and move in his bare feet regularly and receive
types of different materials, ankle supports of soft varied input.
140 2 Physiotherapy

Fig. 2.37a Fig. 2.37b

Figs. 2.37a–c Single-strap arm sling: a view of the

hand (a). The arm sling is rolled round the hand a
few times proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints
to maintain wrist extension. Figure b demonstrates the
way it is wound up the arm to maintain neutral rota-
tion of the arm and crossing the shoulder. It is impor-
tant to place the sling precisely as it crosses the
shoulder to influence the alignment of the shoulder
joint. If there is a tendency for anterior or inferior sub-
luxation, the strap should be placed to maintain the
head of the humerus within the glenoid fossa. The
sling crosses the shoulder at the back to the opposite
shoulder. Here it goes under the shoulder, wraps round
the thorax to give some postural facilitation, crosses
behind the affected shoulder diagonally across the
back and over the less affected shoulder. It fastens
on itself. At no time should the strap be tightened or
stretched as it is fitted to the patient as this may im-
pede circulation. If placed properly, patients may ex-
perience some improved postural stability and facilita-
tion of extension of the thorax as well as neutral to
external rotation of the arm. Figure c shows the sling
Fig. 2.37c
from the back.
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 141

Knee Orthoses benefit from using a shoulder orthosis. There

Some patients experience hyperextension of the are many different types, which need to be
knee which destabilizes them. During normal tried in conjunction with the patient and his
walking, the hip and knee move forward over carers to ensure proper use. None of these seem
the foot in stance phase. The knee is rarely fully to be very accurate in reducing subluxation, as
extended, but is at its peak of extension at mid- subluxation of the shoulder joint is caused by a
stance and just before toe-off. Reduced mobility combination of different factors: reduced pos-
of the foot and ankle in dorsiflexion prevents tural control, reduced stability of the shoulder
this forward movement of the lower leg and girdle complex, altered alignment of the scapula
brings the knee into hyperextension as the body to the thorax, as well as paresis. The orthosis
continues its forward direction. This may be may, however, protect against trauma due to an
caused by increased tone to the posterior crural arm falling heavily by the patient’s side and sig-
muscles, reduced eccentric control of gastrocne- nal to carers that handling of the shoulder and
mius, soleus, and the deep posterior muscles of arm must be performed with care.
the lower leg, the medial hamstrings group or
hip adductors as well as malalignment of the ro-
Other Aids
tational components between the different seg-
ments of the leg, pelvis, and trunk. If the hip Aids to help with daily activities at home or at
flexes in stance, hyperextension of the knee en- work need to be evaluated on an individual
sues. Mobility and stability of hip/pelvis and basis. A home visit or workplace visit together
ankle/foot as well as of the trunk are essential with the patient and his carers may expose prob-
for dynamic knee function. Reduced coordination lem areas where assistive devices may be of help;
of hip stabilizing activity and ankle/foot mobility specially fitted working chairs, kitchen appli-
catches the knee in the middle. Therefore, a splint ances, for example. The physiotherapist and oc-
to reduce hyperextension of the knee is rarely ne- cupational therapist may work well together to
cessary if the underlying cause is treated. ensure that the patient’s functional needs are
met as well as optimization of balance and move-
Shoulder Orthoses ment.
Shoulder subluxation is a frequent problem after
stroke, and may be a risk factor for the develop-
Evaluation and Adaptation
ment of pain and additional functional impair-
ment. The use of arm slings is controversial, but All aids should be evaluated regarding how they
has been shown to reduce subluxation in some are used and their effect on the patient’s function,
cases. There are many different types which postural control, and movement, positively and
influence alignment to varying degrees. Some of negatively. They will need to be modified as the
the disadvantages are that some of these main- patient’s condition changes over time; either im-
tain the arm in a fixed flexed pattern, hamper provement in function or some deterioration. The
movements at the shoulder, and patients need patient needs to be followed up for some time to
help with putting them on. Most slings give prox- assess, adapt, and evaluate the type of aid used
imal supports, and some patients feel that their and to determine whether he is benefiting from
balance improves during the use of an arm sling its use any more or if the type of aid needs to
and that the arm is supported in a position of be changed.
less pain. Yavuzer and Ergin (2002) studied the
effect of a single-strap sling on postural control
and gait parameters in 31 patients and found Medical Intervention for the
that this type of sling improved gait as measured Treatment of Spasticity
by three-dimensional gait analysis and video
recordings (Fig. 2.37). Medical treatment for spasticity seems to be in-
Patients who are unable to take care of their creasing, however, spasticity is rarely defined or
arm due to neglect, inattention, or cognitive def- discussed in this literature. Therefore it is uncer-
icits, and who have a severe subluxation of the tain what some authors mean and treat. Most
shoulder or are starting to experience pain may refer to functional and movement problems asso-
142 2 Physiotherapy

ciated with spasticity, and therefore seem to also brain stem infarct, and severe problems in trans-
include secondary soft tissue problems (see fers and gait. The authors followed the patient for
Chapter 1.3 Consequences of and Reorganization 6 weeks after treatment, and found that the pa-
after CNS Lesions). tient improved in both transfers and gait follow-
There are several forms of treatment for what ing this treatment combination. There was no
is termed spasticity, both surgical and medical. long-term follow-up.
In this section only two interventions will be Smedal et al. (2001) studied 10 patients with
discussed: different neurologic diagnoses and functional
x Botulinum toxin A problems that received a combination of botuli-
x Baclofen num toxin and physiotherapy. Nine patients ex-
perienced improvement of function and/or pain
relief. One patient had improved perception in
Botulinum Toxin A
his hand, and one patient needed only two injec-
This is a toxin derived from the bacteria Clostri- tions to stop a vicious cycle. The effect varied
dium botulinum. It is injected directly into muscu- from patient to patient. It seemed that patients
lature that is most affected, and it binds to the with some preserved motor control in the af-
presynaptic terminal at the motor end plate. fected limbs could use it to learn more appropri-
The exact mechanism of denervation is discussed, ate movement strategies. The authors recom-
but is associated with inhibiting the release of mend that doctors and physiotherapists work to-
acetyl choline and thereby muscle activation of gether to identify muscle groups that need to be
the motor units affected by the toxin (Gjerstad targeted for injection and evaluate consequences
et al. 1991). With repeated injections the patient of the treatment, and that injections with botuli-
may experience a reduction in effect due to a num toxin should be combined with physio-
production of antibodies (Bakheit et al. 2004). therapy.
Botulinum toxin thereby acts as a neuromuscular The effect of botulinum toxin is to lower mus-
blockage. The effect starts between 24 and 72 cle tone and recruitment in the injected muscles
hours post injection and causes a functional de- and may lead to changes in function. If botulinum
nervation of the affected muscle fibers. Kerty toxin is injected into muscles that the patient
and Stien (1997) state that probable denervation uses for transfers or maintenance of some form
stimulate axonal branching from undamaged of stability, a reduction in activation may cause
nerve fibers so that the effect of the injection is deterioration in function. Specific analysis of
reversed within 34 months, and injections need movement is therefore required to determine
to be repeated in most cases. Spasticity may where botulinum toxin should or could be in-
then return. jected (Albany 1995). Before injection, electro-
Botulinum toxin is used for focal dystonias, for myographic analysis of muscle activation of rele-
instance torticollis (Gjerstad et al. 1991, Borg- vant muscles is recommended.
mann 1997), and spasticity (Childers et al. 1996, Albany (1995) states that the aim of phy-
Cromwell and Paquette 1996, Kerty and Stien siotherapy is to facilitate more normal patterns
1997, O’Brian 1997, Smedal et al. 2001, Bakheit of movement to:
et al. 2004). Improvement in function is most x Facilitate activity in antagonistic and syner-
likely if the patient has (O’Brian 1997): gistic muscle groups
x Some agonistic/antagonistic muscle function x Improve muscle length and flexibility
x Acute or subacute spasticity x Facilitate and maintain optimal alignment
x Easily identifiable areas of focal spasticity that when the patient is positioned in different
hamper the patient’s function positions
x Specific short-term and long-term goals for x Stimulate proprioception
treatment x Improve balance and stability
Cromwell and Paquette (1996) describe a case Botulinum toxin seems to have a positive effect
history detailing the effect of botulinum toxin on pain in some patients. Clinical experience sup-
combined with intensive physiotherapy and oc- ports that clinical problems associated with spas-
cupational therapy in a 2-week period after injec- ticity may be reduced circulation, fixation of the
tion. The patient had tetraplegia after suffering a involved extremity in a posture that may reduce
2.3 Other Interventions: Some Key Points 143

personal hygiene and cause sores, and compres- Other Forms of Medication
sion of joints and soft tissues as well as other
Baclofen (Lioresal), Valium and other drugs may
problems that may be associated with pain. An
be given to the patient in the form of pills to re-
improvement in any of these factors may influ-
duce the level of involuntary muscle activity in
ence the patient’s pain positively. A long-term
some patients (Cromwell and Paquette 1996).
negative effect of botulinum toxin alone on in-
These exert a general effect on the CNS and
jected muscles has not been documented.
may cause tiredness, cognitive changes, and gen-
eral muscle weakness of the extremities. Crom-
Baclofen well and Paquette do not mention any effect on
postural muscles, but it is hypothesized that it
Baclofen may be infused into the spinal cord
may be similar. Berg-Johnsen et al. (1998) also
through an implanted spinal catheter connected
describes problems of nausea, dizziness, sleep-
to a programmable infusion pump which sup-
lessness, confusion, and gastrointestinal dysfunc-
plies the spinal cord with baclofen continuously.
tion. These authors therefore recommend botuli-
Baclofen binds to inhibitory interneurons in the
num toxin (Cromwell and Paquette 1996) and in-
posterior horn of the spinal cord (GABAb-recep-
trathecal infusion of baclofen (Berg-Johnsen et al.
tors) and causes a presynaptic inhibitory effect
1998) as alternatives in the treatment of spasti-
(Berg-Johnsen et al. 1998). Baclofen has a general
city associated problems. Clinically, it may seem
effect on tone and may reduce problems with
as if anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and
tone in different CNS disorders. It is most widely
anti-depressive types of medication influence
used in spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and
the patient negatively in some cases.
cerebral palsy.
Berg-Johnsen et al. (1998) refer to a study on a
group of patients suffering from multiple sclero- Summary
sis, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy who ex- Normal movement is varied, without inappropri-
perienced severe problems with activity. They ate effort, efficient, effective, precise, and success-
received intrathecal infusion with baclofen, and ful, developed through the interaction between
60–70 % of the patients improved their ability to the person, the task, and the environment. See
transfer and their independence. Some of the pa- page 69.
tients experienced a reduction in strength and The nervous system seems to weight the impor-
deterioration of gait. Intrathecal infusion with tance of somatosensory information for postural
baclofen seem to have a positive effect on pain control more heavily than vision and vestibular
in some patients, however, there may be compli- inputs under normal conditions. See page 71.
cations such as infections, catheters problems, Recovery largely depends on the ability of the CNS
overdose, and pump failure. to adapt to (peripheral) changes. See page 74.
In a functional context, the sensorimotor and
Discussion perceptual interaction between the body and the
Intrathecal infusion with baclofen provides a base of support is more important for the level
generalized reduction in tone distally and par- of postural tone than the size of the base of sup-
tially proximal to the area of infusion. All muscles port. See page 74.
affected will have a reduction in tone, including Mobility is essential for stability, as is stability for
the musculature that the patient may need to movement. See page 76.
use to be functionally active within their limits. Balance is expressed in both reactions and strate-
Some patients therefore experience reduced gies. Postural control, righting. and protective re-
function as a result of treatment. Hypothetically, actions are elements of balance. See page 80.
facilitation to more optimal movement strategies Inappropriate compensatory strategies—alternative
may be influenced negatively if plasticity is af- behavioral strategies—may delay or hinder the
fected through medically induced presynaptic development of balance and selective motor con-
inhibition at spinal level. These factors need to trol in patients with CNS lesions. See page 82.
be considered along with the need for pain relief, Standing seems to improve both trunk positional
hygiene, and other factors important to the pa- sense and overall function. See page 82.
tient and his carers.
144 2 Physiotherapy

The Bobath concept is a problem-solving ap- In this context, facilitation must not be interpreted
proach to the assessment and treatment of indivi- to mean passive movements or passive techniques
duals with disturbances of function, movement, such as the use of tapping over muscle or stimu-
and postural control due to a lesion of the central lation using ice. See page 119.
nervous system. See page 90. Treatment requires a continuous interplay be-
Postural sets describe the interrelationship between tween working on impairments and facilitating
body segments at a given moment. See page 90. activity, making movement possible, demanding
Movement may be described as continuous control, and encouraging action: Make possible p
change of postural sets. See page 90. make necessaryp let it happen. See page 121.
A selective movement in one postural set requires The aim of handling is to enable the patient to be
a different neuromuscular activity in a different more active so that the hands can be taken away.
postural set. As the biomechanical alignment See page 121.
changes, so does the neuromuscular activity. See Active movement provides a diversity of informa-
page 91. tion to the CNS. See page 126.
Many muscles and joints converge at the key Active movement is essential to perception. See
areas. Therefore the proprioceptive influence, as page 126.
well as those from the skin, on the CNS is substan- Facilitation of active movement through intense
tial. See page 110. sensory stimuli seems to improve neglect. The pa-
Control of key areas and the interplay between tient’s awareness increases during active move-
them seem especially important for balance, selec- ment. See page 127.
tivity of movement, adaptation to the environment Passive movement is important if the patient is
and tasks, and therefore for function. See page 110. unable to initiate movement of his own. See
Everyday activities such as balancing, walking, page 127.
reaching, and eating are mostly automatic func- Passive movement seeks to stimulate activity and
tions that normally require little attention and requires the patient’s attention. See page 127.
effort. See page 114. Handling through passive movement aims to
Everyday activities have a structural correlation in make the patient’s CNS listen to the input and re-
the CNS, based on experience. See page 114. spond as far as possible, and is therefore not really
The expression of activity varies depending on the passive. See page 127.
individual, the goal, and the situation. See page It is essential to analyze and treat the cause of the
114. associated reactions and not only attempt to
Automatic and voluntary controls of movement dampen down the reactions. See page 128.
are closely integrated and form the basis for func- The feedback varies and depends on the patient’s
tional skills and balance. See page 114. movement ability, his perceptual or cognitive
The clinical challenge is to decide whether balance function and the type of goal activity (more auto-
can be regained through conscious voluntary plan- matic or more voluntary). See page 130.
ning, or be facilitated on a more automatic level in Varied repetition in treatment allows the patient
functional situations. Tone, muscle dynamics, to develop a wide repertoire of movement and
alignment, and sequence of recruitment must be movement experience that he may use in different
optimized in both scenarios. See page 116. functional contexts. See page 130.
The therapist’s hands may touch, create friction, The patient should always feel that specific treat-
stretch, compress, approximate, and give infor- ment leads to functional improvement within the
mation about muscle length and tension, direc- same treatment session. The patient should not
tion, speed, and range, They may produce trac- feel that the training does not meet his needs.
tion, compress or rotate, demand stability and/ See page 131.
or mobility depending on the problem and the Learning and carry-over take time to be estab-
functional goal. Information is specific to the lished. See page 132.
desired activity. See page 118. Strength training needs to be selective and in
Facilitation means “making easy.” The aim of functional patterns. See page 133.
the therapist is to handle the patient in such a Strength training requires focused attention on the
way that movement feels easier for the patient part of the patient and may enhance his awareness
because the patient’s own activity is recruited. and perception of the part. See page 133.
3.1 The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health 145

3 Assessment 3.1 The International Classification of

Functioning, Disability, and Health 145
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment . . . . . . . 147
3.3 Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

In different phases and stages of a patient’s reha- 3.1 The International

bilitation, healthcare professionals may take on
different roles according to the patient’s needs
Classification of Functioning,
at that moment: fellow human being, supervisor, Disability, and Health
guide, informant, professional, helper, or carer.
These roles depend on where the patient is in
his rehabilitation process and his current needs. The ICF is a tool used to classify different aspects
Healthcare professionals diagnose, treat and in- and factors which influence a person’s life and
form, adapt, plan, and structure the rehabilitation describe how people live with their health condi-
together with the patient, taking into perspective tion. ICF is a classification of health and health-
the patient’s potential and limitations as a per- related domains that describe body functions
son, as a whole. and structures, activities, and participation. The
Multidisciplinary teamwork brings together domains are classified from the body, the indivi-
each profession’s general and specific competen- dual, and societal perspectives. As an individual’s
cies and role, and the patient has his own compe- functioning and disability occurs in a particular
tencies. Together, these give insight into the chal- context, the ICF also includes a list of environ-
lenges in the rehabilitation process of the indivi- mental factors.
dual patient. Possibly, the healthcare profes- The ICF is useful to understand and measure
sionals’ most important task is to find possibili- health outcomes. It can be used in clinical settings,
ties and potential—the positive building blocks health services, or surveys at the individual or
within the patient and in his network of population level. Thus it complements the Interna-
carers—that may enhance his progress. The pa- tional Statistical Classification of Diseases and
tient’s needs are central to the choice of interven- Related Health Problems, 10th edition (ICD-10) and
tions. This chapter discusses looks beyond mortality and disease. By using the
x The International Classification of Functioning, ICF, there is also the hope that healthcare pro-
Disability, and Health (ICF) fessionals will communicate in the same language.
x Physiotherapy assessment The last version of the ICF was published in
x Outcome measures 2001, and it moved away from being a “conse-
quences of disease” classification (1980 version)
to become a “components of health” classifi-
cation (WHO 2001, Introduction p. 4). The ICF is
divided into different sections for body functions,
body structures, activities and participation, and
environmental factors (ICF 2006, online version)
(Table 3.1).
146 3 Assessment

x Body function is a classification of the physio- x Personal factors are the particular background
logic and psychologic systems of the body of an individual’s life and living, and com-
x Body structure classifies anatomic parts of the prises features of the individual that are not
body: organs, extremities, and their compo- part of a health condition or health states,
nents which may be age, sex, experiences, personal
x Impairments are problems of body functions beliefs, religion, lifestyle, etc.
and structures The interaction between these factors is illustrat-
x Activities and participation covers all activities ed in Figure 3.1 (from ICIDH-2 1999). The interac-
performed by individuals tion among these factors is dynamic: interven-
x Limitations are problems the individual may
experience in the performance of activities
x Participation classifies the involvement in life
Health condition
situations by the individual in relation (disorder or disease)
to health, body functions and structures,
activities, and relations Body functions Activity Participation
x Restrictions are problems that an individual and structure
may encounter in the way or level of partici-
pation in life situations
x Environmental factors make up the physical,
social, and attitudinal environment in which Environmental factors Personal factors
people live and conduct their life
As well as these sections, the ICF involves another Fig. 3.1 The interrelationship between the different
area that is not classified: factors of the ICF (adapted from: ICF, WHO 2006).

Table 3.1 ICF sections

Body functions Activities and participation

1. Mental functions 1. Learning and applying knowledge
2. Sensory functions and pain 2. General tasks and demands
3. Voice and speech functions 3. Communication
4. Functions of the cardiovascular, hematologic, 4. Mobility
immunologic, and respiratory systems 5. Self-care
5. Functions of the digestive, metabolic, 6. Domestic life
and endocrine systems 7. Interpersonal interactions and relationships
6. Genitourinary and reproductive functions 8. Major life areas
7. Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related 9. Community, social, and civic life
8. Functions of the skin and related structures

Body structures Environmental factors

1. Structures of the nervous system 1. Products and technology
2. The eye, ear, and related structures 2. Natural environment and man-made
3. Structures involved in voice and speech changes to environment
4. Structures of the cardiovascular, immunologic, 3. Support and relationships
and respiratory systems 4. Attitudes
5. Structures related to the digestive, metabolic, 5. Services, systems, and policies
and endocrine systems
6. Structures related to the genitourinary and
reproductive systems
7. Structures related to movement
8. Skin and related structures
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 147

tions at one level have the potential to modify formation which allows the therapist to formu-
other related elements. ICF may be used to en- late hypotheses as to cause and effect of the pa-
sure that all aspects of a person’s situation have tient’s problems, and evaluating which systems
been evaluated as a basis for his rehabilitation within the central nervous system (CNS) seem
process. to be functional or dysfunctional and then using
this as a foundation for treatment interventions.
Knowledge of components of movement which
are important for balance and extremity function
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment is a basis for both assessment and treatment. The
goal of assessment and treatment is to define the
patient’s potential and how he can reach optimal
All aspects of motor, sensory, cognitive, and per- function within the limits of available resources.
ceptual functions are important for action as
illustrated by a model first presented by Shum- Evaluating the patient’s potential is an impor-
way-Cook and Woollacott (2001) (Fig. 3.2). The tant goal of assessment
physiotherapist has a specific and important
role in the regaining, learning, and maintenance
of physical function. Neuropsychologic dysfunction and sensory loss
The aim of assessment is to understand the have in many cases been used to decide on the
patient’s situation. The therapist has to come to patient’s rehabilitation potential in the acute
know who he is, how he lives, his networks and phase after a stroke. These early symptoms are
family relations, work situation, and his re- not a sign of the patient’s real prognosis: percep-
sources, and at the same time analyze his move- tion and cognitive dysfunctions in most cases do
ment function. Assessment is therefore both re- improve, as the patient is more oriented to his
source and problem orientated. The aim of phy- environment. Thus focus on sensory, perceptual,
siotherapy is the improvement of physical func- and cognitive problems alone may lead to a
tion to the patient’s full potential to enable him more negative view of the patient’s potential.
to participate as actively as possible in his life Things take time; the patient must be allowed
again. The assessment should indicate what func- time for reflection before reaching conclusions
tions have been spared in relation to the regain- about the prognosis and thereby the level of re-
ing and learning of activities, postural control habilitation effort the patient needs/is offered.
and movement, which functions have been da- The role of the physiotherapist is to assess what
maged or are dysfunctional, and the conse- activities the patient is able to do, how he solves
quences for the patient. Assessment leads to in- his movement tasks and reaches his goals, and
why he moves as he does. This assessment
forms the basis for physiotherapy interventions.
Occupational therapist Christine Nilson said
the following about Berta Bobath in 1991: “She
encouraged my creativity and taught me to see
each patient as an individual. She offered prob-
Individual lem-solving skills that led so logically to treat-
ment intervention” (Schleichkorn 1992, p. 98).
Observational analysis of movement during ac-
Movement tivity is the most important tool of the assess-
ment, and leads on to appropriate handling of
Task Environment the patient followed by clinical reasoning and
treatment interventions.
Handling is both an assessment tool and an
intervention, and leads to a response from the
patient. During handling the aim is to influence
Fig. 3.2 Illustration of how movement is influenced
by factors within the individual himself, his environ- the patient’s ability to move and his response to
ment, and the goal of his actions. being moved. His response is important to deter-
148 3 Assessment

mine the level of his response and his ability to x Hobbies and leisure activities
learn, and evaluation of the response is therefore x Work situation
important for the assessment. In this way, assess- – Profession, type of position/work, tasks
ment and treatment are interlinked processes – Unemployed or pensioner? Reasons
and cannot be separated. During assessment,
the therapist collects information and starts a
Medical History
process of clinical reasoning to form hypotheses
about why the patient moves as he does—hypoth- x Previous level of function
eses about the patient’s main problem regarding – Physically: vision, hearing, problem areas,
activity and function. Treatment interventions use of aids or assistive devises (walking
are started, the results continuously evaluated, aids, wheelchair, orthopedic shoes, ortho-
and hypotheses are discarded if treatment does tics, and similar), level of activity
not improve the patient’s motor control, and – Mental function
new hypotheses are formulated as the treatment – Other diseases
progresses. In general, the assessment follows the – Medication
following process: x Previous treatments
x History – Physiotherapy. For what reason? Effect of
x Functional activity treatment?
x Body functions and structures – Other
x Clinical reasoning x Previous contact with the health service
x Outcome measures x Present illness or disorder
x Evaluation and documentation x Results from medical examinations and tests,
e. g., computed tomography (CT) scans,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays,
History neurophysiologic tests
x Any contraindications or any aspects of treat-
This part of the assessment aims at getting to ment that may need special attention
know the patient and view him as a whole in x Factors that may exacerbate or improve the
the knowledge that rehabilitation is a process patient’s motor control and why—as the
that often takes many years. The patient is as- patient sees it. The patient is often able to
sessed in relation to the ICF dimensions—partici- verbalize or express his experience of how
pation, activity, and body functions and struc- different things may influence each other, i. e.,
tures—both as he previously functioned and stress and tone
how he presently functions. The therapist has in x The patient’s perception of his own situation:
mind the patient’s likely potential, resources, frustrations, hopes, needs, goals
and possible problem areas. It is of essential im- If the patient is unable to communicate, this
portance to form a relationship founded on re- information needs to be collected from his carers,
spect and trust, and gain information on social who are often able to give good information and
aspects, his roles, medical history, present situa- insight.
tion, needs, and wishes. In a team setting, the dif- A person who suffers from acute illness or
ferent members of the team can decide whether trauma undergoes catastrophic changes in his
they wish to interview the patient and his carer life, which may last for a short or long time or
together or separately. Preferably, they should may even be permanent. The therapist needs to
decide on dividing the interview in a way that find out where he is in his own rehabilitation
the patient does not have to tell the same story process: Is he in shock or have he and his carers
again and again to the whole team. started a process of reorientation. Time and infor-
mation is of the essence and may be the most im-
portant intervention besides specific treatment
Social Aspects
and empathy. It does take time to realize and un-
x Marital status, family, and close social network derstand what has happened, and it is not possi-
x Social roles, his needs and wishes ble to get an overview of the extent or conse-
x Housing quences of the lesion for the patient at once.
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 149

Functional Activity Functional Activity:

What? How? Why?
This part of the assessment builds on interview,
Berta Bobath said, “See what you see, and not
observational analysis, and handling together.
what you think you see” (cited in Schleichkorn
The aim is to clarify what the patient is able to
1992, p.48). Observation of the patient’s activity
do, his degree of independence, and his ability
starts when the therapist sees the patient for
to cooperate and interact.
the first time, and before any form of interven-
During the interview the patient is asked what
tion, such as transferring to a plinth, and before
activities of daily living (ADLs), personal hygiene,
he is asked to change his clothing if appropriate.
instrumental ADLs (IADL, e. g., going to the
The patients’ movement repertoire is analyzed
shops), and leisure activities he is able to do
through functional activity (Table 3.2). If he has
which are relevant to the situation now. His abil-
the ability to stand or walk, transfer, and dress
ity for activities informs the therapist of:
and undress in sitting and standing, these func-
x General condition and general level and ability
tions are analyzed first, as appropriate. The
of movement
patient is met at the level he functions; if he is
x Communication function
unable to do any of the above-mentioned activ-
x Functional activity:
ities, his ability to accept the base of support, to
– Quantity: What the patient is able to do
maintain a position and move within it, his abil-
– Quality: How the patient moves
ity to be placed are assessed. A general observa-
– Clinical reasoning process: Why does he
tion informs the therapist of:
move in this way
x Feeling of security
x Use of aids
x Effort
If the patient is in an acute phase after a CNS le-
x Time, efficiency, appropriateness
sion, both his level of activity and his movement
x Posture
control will alter quickly due to spontaneous
x Balance (postural control, righting, and
recovery and increased learning potential. The
therapist needs to evaluate the patient’s condi-
x Patterns of movement, sequence of activation
tion and abilities continuously to adapt and
and alignment
change her interventions appropriately to en-
x Selective function of the extremities. Ability to
hance the patient’s recovery.
vary and change
x Tone
General Condition x Compensatory strategies
Observation of the patient’s general condition
x Associated reactions
provides the initial impression of the patient’s
x Sensation
status and how he feels:
x Perception: attention to and experience of
x General condition and respiration
one’s own body in relation to the environment
x Stamina
x Cognition: attentiveness, understanding,
x Comfort and feeling of security
focus, problem-solving abilities, memory,
x Effort
concentration, and insight
x Ability to relax
x What functional activities is the patient able to
x General autonomic function (see p. 156)
perform? Is he sitting passively in a chair or
lying in a bed without the ability to move?
How does he respond when facilitated or
During the interview and observation of the pa-
helped? Can he transfer, stand, or walk and
tient’s general condition the therapist forms an
how safe is he in those situations?
impression of the patient’s verbal and symbolic
The analysis is both resource and problem or-
understanding. Does he understand words?
iented. It is supposed to give answers to what
Does he understand nonverbal instructions
the patient can realistically perform indepen-
given through the use of gestures?
dently, when he needs support, and how he
solves his tasks through movement. It is impor-
tant to discuss with the multidisciplinary team
150 3 Assessment

Table 3.2 ICF sections

x Interaction with The patient’s ability to interact with the environment:

the environment – The patient moves in relation to the environment.
– The environment, people, and objects move in relation to the patient,
gives information on the patient’s perceptual and dual task capacity and how
automatic his balance is.

x Transfers For example in a wheelchair or walking depending on his functional level,

weight transference in different postural sets of sitting and standing, in the
transfers standing-sitting/chair-bed or other chair/in and out of bed, i. e., his
ability to control and vary movement. The key words are postural stability
and orientation, eccentric and concentric control.
What is he able to do by himself, what does he need help for, and why?
The transfers from sitting to supine and vice versa are possibly the most
complex and demanding tasks a person performs in his daily life.
This transfer requires that we are able to eccentrically grade the movement
from sitting to supine through a continuous changing relationship with the
base of support, rotational components to align the body to the new base,
eccentric work combined with aspects of specific concentric activity to lower
the body down. Sitting up from supine requires a selective, graded, varied
recruitment of motor activity through rotation to align the body in sitting on
the edge of the bed. Both these transfers need the combination of flexion,
extension, and rotational components, and a controlled recruitment of motor
units for selective eccentric/concentric activation based on postural control
from one position to another. The relationships with gravity and the base of
support are very different in the postural sets of sitting and supine, and
therefore require different muscle activation to achieve and maintain.
There is a conflict between the complexity of this task and the expectation
from health personnel that the patient should be able to achieve this function
as soon as possible for the sake of independence.
For most patients, the transfer from sitting to standing, standing and walking
is easier than getting in and out of bed.
x Dressing and Dressing and undressing require both postural control and righting to enable
undressing the patient to weight transfer in sitting or standing and free their arms for
function (see Chapter 2, Figs. 2.40–2.43 and 2.54–2.60). For most patients
dressing and undressing will also require learning, as many must find new
strategies or even wear different clothes to master this task.

x Personal hygiene Is the patient able to manage visits to the bathroom by himself? Is he conti-
nent, does he participate in washing himself in the morning? Is he used to
taking a shower or bath, and can he manage this? Is he able to get out of bed,
to sit, or stand for any of these functions? If not, what help does he need?

x Eating/drinking Does the patient eat or drink by himself? Does he spill food/drink, why?
Sensation in his face may be poor, his motor control around his mouth may be
decreased, or there may be perceptual/cognitive dysfunctions. If the patient
coughs when he drinks or eats, he may have dysphagia. This is often a problem
that is overlooked if the problems are small, but may cause complications for
nutrition or for the patient’s lung function and be an important social factor.
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 151

Table 3.2 Continued

x Perception How does the patient interact with his own body and with the environment? Is
and cognition he able to avoid obstacles; is he attentive to people, furniture, objects? Is he
(see also Body able to vary his movement repertoire in relation to the room and what is in it?
Function If in a wheelchair, how does he relate to it? Can he maneuver it himself, how?
and Structures) How does he problem solve footplates, brakes, and table.
If he is able to dress and undress or participate in this activity, is he able to
cross his body to undress sleeves, does he find his arms and legs? How does he
solve the task? Is he focused, attentive—to what degree? Does he finish what
he has started? If the patient has suffered a stroke, how does he take care of his
affected arm during these tasks?
If the patient has problems understanding or responding, either to verbal in-
formation or problem solving a “new” situation, he may have cognitive defi-
cits. The therapist needs to find out if he has organic deficits (vision or hearing)
or cognitive problems. His ability to problem solve may be assessed in all
practical situations: use of wheelchair or walking aids, during transfers or any
other relevant activity.
If the patient seems to have perceptual or cognitive deficits, a multidisciplin-
ary assessment is of special importance. Nurses, assistants, carers may inform
the team about how the patient problem solves and masters different situa-
tions through the day, and about his concentration, attention, moods, insight,
self interest and interest in his environment. Neuropsychologists and occu-
pational therapists may assess the patient more specifically, and give advice on
how the patient should be helped in daily activities to enhance his perception
and cognition. The patient’s perceptual and cognitive function should be as-
sessed and reevaluated over time for appropriate treatment and to evaluate
the consequences for the patient’s function and life.

and the patient’s carers to form as full a picture Observation

as possible, as well as observing the patient
when he is not aware of being observed. This informs on overall functions, both visible
and invisible aspects; spatial relationships, per-
ception of one’s own body and its relationship
Use of Aids
with the environment, other perceptual and
Does the patient need aids: a wheelchair, walking
problem-solving abilities, concentration, atten-
aids, other technical or orthopedic aids? Why?
tion, motivation, mood, and orientation as well
Information from other health professionals
as sensation and movement ability. Therapists
working with the patient gives a more complete
tend to assess the patient in different positions,
picture of the patient’s strengths and weaknesses.
and because we move between different postures
and positions normally, the patient is assessed
in relation to dynamic activity. Assessment in
Body Functions and Structures
supine may give additional information about
This part of the assessment involves observation, tone, alignment, and range of movement, if
handling, and analysis. Important factors are: appropriate. If the patient experiences increased
x Quality of movement, movement patterns, problems with hypertonia during the night or in
stability, and mobility the morning before or as he is getting out of
x Sensation, perception, and learned nonuse bed, his sleeping patterns and positions need to
x Pain be assessed specifically.
x Autonomic function
152 3 Assessment

Handling the influence of gravity. Component analysis is

the analysis of neuromuscular activity.
During handling the therapist assesses how
Knowledge of normal movement and prere-
movement is performed—initiation, recruitment,
quisites for balance and movement in normal si-
sequence, alignment—and gains information
tuations allows the analysis of deviations from
about muscle activity, stability, and movement
normal movement. The patient’s way of moving
within and between key areas. The therapists
is analyzed in relation to hypotheses of how he
then forms hypotheses about which key areas
moved before the CNS lesion.
seem to be most affected or fixed. Through an in-
vitation to move through handling and facilita-
tion, quality of movement and muscle activity Quality of Movement
as well as range of movement is assessed further.
The therapist needs to have a picture in mind of
Assessment is not passive; it is the patient’s abil-
how the patient might have previously moved,
ity to recruit activity and move which is impor-
and view the deviations in this light. It is compli-
tant. Through correction of components that
cated to analyze simultaneously both how the
seem deviant or malaligned, the therapist again
patient is moving and the underlying neuromus-
invites the patient to move through handling.
cular connections and the consequences this may
Has anything changed, positively or negatively?
have for the patient’s function. It may be easier to
In this way, the therapist gets an impression of
divide this part into phases: What neuromuscular
tone distribution, stability, postural control and
activity does the patient recruit to maintain a
balance, tempo and selectivity, and the ability
posture or to move (Fig. 3.3)?
to vary and adapt.
The following qualities are evaluated in rele-
vant postural sets and activities:
Analysis x Midline orientation: Does the patient move in
all planes and seem to have a perceptual re-
Movement is analyzed through muscle activity,
lationship to his own body and the environ-
interplay, alignment, patterns of movement,
which may have consequences for the patient’s x Ability to move to and from the physical base
ability to regain and learn movement. Observa-
of support is evaluated through observation
tion and handling is not performed satisfactorily
and handling. Is the patient able to adapt his
without the patient being adequately undressed,
tone and neuromuscular activity to be where
preferably wearing short trousers (with a bra or
he is, to maintain the postural set, and move
sun-top for women). If the patient is unwilling
through weight transference and righting to
to undress to this level, even if other people are
another postural set? For example, if the pa-
not around and after being given information
tient is sitting, the therapist may place her
on the importance of being undressed to allow
hands over his greater trochanters, sense the
the therapist to analyze his movement properly,
hips, the position of the pelvis, his ischial tu-
his wishes must be respected.
berosities, and the muscle activity in the area.
Assessment of body functions and structures
The patient is facilitated to move in different
require the therapist to have a good knowledge
directions and the therapist observes senses
of normal movement and to be competent to
and analyzes the adaptive movements of the
analyze interplay of movement specifically. This
related key areas during weight transference
part of the assessment is qualitative and resource
in different directions. The therapist observes
and problem-oriented. The therapist needs to
and handles the feet and the hands to assess
gain insight into how the patient moves, what
their adaptive abilities: to weight transfer on
he is able to perform, and how movement is
to the feet or the shaping of the hand to dif-
being performed. This requires an analysis of
ferent objects; reach, grasp, and let go.
body functions and structures in the activity di- x Interplay and interrelationship between dif-
mension (ICF). Handling allows the formation of
ferent key areas: The key areas are assessed
hypotheses of which neuromuscular interplay
both individually and to see how they adapt to
brings the patient to where he is. The muscula-
each other through movement. Neuromuscu-
ture changes alignment and moves joints under
lar activity is analyzed in the specific postural
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 153

sets the patient adopts and moves within, i. e.,

The trunk the patient’s relationship to gravity and the
base of support.
– The interplay between the trunk, head and
neck, the pelvic girdle, and the shoulder
Base of support girdles gives information on the patient’s
postural control, especially core stability
and his righting ability.
– Is the patient able to maintain postural
Shoulder girdle Shoulder girdle stability as he moves his extremities
(or they are moved for him), or is the
Trunk patient displaced or dependent on fixation
through the arms/legs to maintain balance?
– The interplay between the hands/feet and
the proximal key areas informs of postural
control, selectivity, patterns of movement,
and the ability to vary in relation to the
goal (task).
Shoulder girdle – Is the patient able to support himself using
arms and legs and move his trunk in rela-
tion to his extremities?
x Patterns of movement, sequence of activation,
Arm Pelvis Arm
and biomechanical factors: Joint position and
range, rotatory components, alignment inform
of which neuromuscular activity the patient
has used to get where he is and is currently
using. Does the patient recruit anticipatory
Leg Leg postural activity to maintain stability for
movement? Does this background activity
Fig. 3.3a–c vary with different tasks? Is selectivity pres-
a Observation and analysis of the patient’s line of grav- ent in all parts or are some movement com-
ity in relation to the base of support. Where does it fall, ponents missing or inadequate?
and which neuromuscular activity must the patient x Selective control of movement: The individual
recruit to be where he is and to move from there?
The trunk, head, and neck are central to balance and movement and neuromuscular activity within
require coordinated movement in three planes. Analy- the key areas. Is there freedom of movement
sis of this relationship gives information on: and activity in all planes? Selectivity is con-
– Holistic function and balance trolled activity of one body part based on
– Midline: symmetry/asymmetry stability in another. Does the trunk rotate too
– Weight distribution: active/passive (weight) early or too little during arm movement; is the
b Analysis of the connection and interplay between the head free to scan the environment? Is the
central and proximal key areas
scapulae free and stable or does it glide too
– Interplay
– Selectivity early when the other shoulder girdle is moved
– Variation and change during tasks?
– Mutual influence x Muscle quality: flexibility, length, and elasti-
c Analysis of patterns of movement within the extremi- city. Does the musculature exhibit qualities
ties and the distal–proximal relationships needed for interplay of eccentric and con-
– Adaptation to the environment centric activity? Is compartmentalization
– Patterns
maintained (see Chapter 1.1 Systems Control,
– Selectivity
The Neuromuscular System).
– Mutual influence
154 3 Assessment

x Tone: Sensation, Perception, and

– Normal, adaptable tone that varies in rela- Learned Nonuse
tion to different postural sets and activity
– Hypotonia: tone that is less than that Observational analysis gives the therapist an im-
which would seem appropriate or expected pression of whether information in integrated in
for the activity. Is there an increased sense the patient’s CNS or not, and if this information
of weight (limpness or flaccidity, inactivity, is being used in relation to the patient’s ability
weakness) during movement or when to move. Sensory testing may be performed to as-
moving and handling the patient? sess the patient’s conscious awareness of sensory
– Hypertonia: more tone than would seem impulses, which is important especially for
appropriate or expected for the activity. Is stereognosis and dexterity of the hand (see
there resistance or increased assistance to Chapter 1.1 Systems Control, Stereognostic
movement in one direction? Where? Sense). Testing shows how sensory information
Which qualities does this express? is transmitted and processed within the CNS.
– The presence of associated reactions: when Poor sensation may be due to lesions of the as-
are they expressed? In which situations cending systems directly or due to sensory per-
(see Chapter 1.3, p. 61)? Is it possible to ception, i. e., association areas. If sensory percep-
facilitate the patient’s postural control and tion is affected, the CNS does not interpret the in-
movement so that the associated reactions formation that it receives, which is a problem
are diminished? with sensory integration and not reception.
– Spasticity (see Chapter 1.3, p. 59) or sec- Therefore, results from sensory testing should
ondary problems of soft tissue changes? not be used to decide on a patient’s rehabilitation
x Compensatory strategies. Which strategies potential. If appropriate, sensory testing should
does the patient employ to solve motor tasks? be performed both before and after a period of
Appropriate or inappropriate? Is it possible to intensified sensory stimulation to the most af-
facilitate the patient to make such strategies fected body part. Sensory stimulation aims at im-
to a certain degree superfluous? proving both transmission and the patient’s focus
x Does the patient respond to facilitation? Is it toward the body part that is being treated. An
possible to facilitate the patient to take over improved focus often implies that the patient’s
and make the movements his own (placing)? CNS starts to interpret and integrate sensory in-
If not, why not? Is there resistance to move- formation. The therapist should attempt to dis-
ment, where? Is there islittle or no muscular criminate whether the sensory problems are or-
activation, is the stimulation strong enough? ganic (sensory pathways) or perceptual, as this
What are the consequences? If the patient is important for therapeutic intervention.
does respond, where is the initiation, how is
the pattern?
The patient’s response to being handled gives im-
Lesions of the Ascending Systems
portant information about how the patient may It is necessary to have a good sensory perception
be facilitated, if he tolerates the closeness of the for discriminative tasks, such as threading a nee-
therapist and if he interprets the information dle. In this case sensory testing may be appropri-
and demands that she transmits through hand- ate. Discrimination requires localization of sen-
ling. This requires that the therapist is precise sory inputs.
in her handling and facilitation.
Starting Position
In sitting, the patient should place—or get help in
placing—both his hands behind his body with the
palms up. In this way he is not able to see what
the tester is doing, and tonic influences are
often neutralized as the arms are in flexion, ad-
duction, and internal rotation with flexion at
the wrists. First the therapist needs to gain a gen-
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 155

eral impression of whether there are differences x Only the patient’s conscious awareness is
in superficial sensation between the hands, tested, not how the CNS receives, interprets
using her own hand to touch. and integrates the information that it actually
receives (see Chapter 1.1 Systems Control,
Finger Discrimination The Somatosensory System), therefore firm
Finger gnosis is tested by the therapist touching conclusions should not be drawn from these
one finger at a time and asking the patient to results if they are deviant
name the finger. Recognition of the individual Conscious awareness of sensory information is
fingers is important for discrimination, and in- more important for hand function than for walk-
forms the therapist if the fingers have maintained ing. In people with CNS lesions there is no pri-
their cortical representation. mary damage to ascending systems at the level
x If the patient is aphasic, he may move the of the spinal cord. Sensory impulses are received
same finger on the opposite hand to indicate and integrated to some degree in the spinal cord,
which one he thinks it is. and transmitted to the cerebellum and other
x If recognition is weak, but mostly correct, higher centers. This information may therefore
there is some connection to the cortex. be used for pattern generation and inter-limb co-
x If there is no recognition, the patient has finger ordination through the cerebellum. The patient’s
agnosia: the cortical representation of the in- fine tuning of balance will be impaired to some
dividual fingers is not aroused. degree if sensory information from the soles
x The patient may have receptive problems and of the feet is diminished (Kavounoudias et al.
not understand these instructions, in which 1998, Meyer et al. 2004).
case testing like this is inappropriate.
Sensory stimulation may improve this to some Perceptual Function
level, but the patient’s prognosis for discrimina- Patients with CNS disorders may exhibit percep-
tive hand and finger function is poor. tual dysfunctions that cause decreased attention
or neglect toward the most affected side. Neglect
Localization of Touch is obvious in patients who do not turn to the af-
Two-point discrimination is performed to test the fected side, do not take care of, or dress their
ability to precisely locate stimuli. The therapist most affected extremities, walk or wheel into ob-
uses two equal and sharp objects (needles or si- jects, people, door frames, furniture on the most
milar) and starts by testing the patient’s index affected side.
finger, because this finger is most densely packed Some patients do not integrate information
with sensory receptors. The therapist pricks the from the most affected side when they receive in-
patient simultaneously with the two objects. formation from their less affected side at the
The therapist needs to test for different distances same time. The therapist may suspect this form
between the two points at different locations on of inattention if the patient has some movement
the finger to find where the patient is able to dis- in their most affected arm, but do not attempt to
criminate the two points. The smallest distance use it. This may be assessed through simultaneous
for two-point localization is measured for future bilateral touch. The prerequisite for performing
reference. this test is that the patient does have sensation
when the most affected side is tested alone.
Joint Position Sense
The therapist moved the joints of the index finger Simultaneous Integration
or the thumb and asks whether the patient can The test is performed in the same testing position
describe the position or copy with the other as above if possible. The therapist stands behind
hand. If he is not able to do so, the therapist the patient and touches one arm at a time, asking
may test his wrist and gradually more proximal the patient to say which arm/hand is touched
joints of the arm. It should be noted that this (right or left). At intervals she touches both
form of testing is very limited: arms or hands at the same place at the same
x Joint position sense depends more on input time. If the patient still only says the less affected
from active muscles and compression/stretch side, this implies that information from the most
of skin than joint receptors alone affected side is suppressed, i. e., not integrated.
156 3 Assessment

This means that when the patient is in situations Autonomic Function

that require integration of stimuli from both
A CNS lesion may cause altered autonomic func-
sides at the same time—in traffic, among people,
tion both locally and more generally. Local
in many daily situations—he may be in danger of
changes are present in many patients with CNS
causing damage to himself.
dysfunction, and may be caused by dysfunctions
in central regulation or as a result of inactivity
Learned Nonuse
and immobility. It often manifests itself as a
Patients may exhibit sensory problems as a result
more distal problem, in the hands or feet.
of inactivity or nonuse. Usually this applies more
x Altered circulation: the skin color is more
to the distal body parts, hands, and feet, more
bluish, reddish, or pale.
than the rest. Learned nonuse may be overcome
x Changes in temperature follow changes in
by stimulating, mobilizing, and facilitating the
circulation: the extremity is cold to touch.
patient’s activity. If the patient expresses that
If the patient has an infection such as vascu-
he can feel his hand or foot better after treat-
litis the area will be warmer and
ment, this implies that there is a degree of
learned nonuse (see Chapter 2, Physiotherapy).
x Swelling is observed and palpated, and is fairly
common in the hand or foot of a patient who
has had stroke or has MS. If chronic, it may
cause further circulatory-, movement- or pain-
related problems. If there is a generalized
Pain may limit the patient’s recovery and learn-
stiffness and/or swelling in a patient’s leg and/
ing processes and lead to depression, loss of mo-
or thigh combined with pain or tenderness, or
tivation, and social isolation. The patient may ex-
the pain increases when the foot is dorsiflexed
perience pain when the arm is being moved for
and the big toe extended (Homans sign), the
instance during dressing and washing and this
patient has to be examined for possible deep
may lead to withdrawal from daily activities
vein thrombosis.
and treatment and deterioration of functional
Skin Quality
There may be changes in the skin due to inactiv-
Possible Causes ity, immobilization, and decreased circulation.
Inactivity may lead to thick and hard skin, and
x Increased tone: malalignment and possible
may cause further immobility of the affected
fixation of joints in unnatural postures, static
area. A hand that is not used becomes drier
activation of muscles and decreased circula-
with increased skin thickness because the dead
tion, or sudden pulls (cramps, spasms)
skin does not rub off during use.
x Trauma: due to poor handling, falls, or
instability of joints
General Symptoms
x Altered sensory awareness/perception
These are more common in spinal cord injury
x Other causes (e. g., disuse over time, swelling,
(SCI), especially complete SCIs. The symptoms
inflammation, degenerative conditions)
may vary in intensity and character:
The physiotherapist must assess the cause of
x Sweating above trauma level
pain; where the pain is, which situation exacer-
x Increased heart rate
bates or improves it, and when the patient ex-
x Headaches
periences pain (day, night, during activity, at
x Increased blood pressure
rest), and thereby get an impression of the causal
x Reddened skin
factors and severity. History and movement anal-
ysis (observation and handling) as well as infor-
mation from other examinations (X-rays, ultra- Clinical Relevance
sound, other) and from carers as well as using a
Stroke patients frequently suffer from shoulder
visual analogue scale (VAS) may be useful. Pain
or wrist pain, or a combination. In a systematic
is always a priority of treatment.
review by Geurts et al. (2000), both shoulder–
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 157

hand syndrome (SHS) and post-stroke hand edema ticity, range of movement, changes in non-
are described. Geurts et al. concluded that: contractile tissues, and the ability to vary
x The shoulder is involved in only half of the eccentric and concentric activity.
cases with painful swelling of the wrist and x Changes in reciprocal innervation may disrupt
hand, suggesting a wrist-hand syndrome. the muscular interplay between agonists, an-
x Hand edema is not lymphedema. tagonists, and synergists, alter the recruitment
x SHS usually coincides with increased arterial sequence of motor units, and the interplay
blood flow. between stability and mobility in movement.
x Trauma causes aseptic joint inflammation in x Changes in patterns of movement and their
SHS. ability to vary according to the goal disrupts
x No specific treatment has proved advanta- the sequence of muscular activation and
geous over any other physical methods for causes altered alignment and thereby altered
reducing hand edema. working relationships for muscles.
x Oral corticosteroids are the most effective Problems with body structures and functions
treatment for SHS. cause reduced balance and movement, and will
In the author’s experience, careful but persistent influence the patient’s ability to transfer and to
mobilization combined with correction of align- perform daily activities (Fig. 3.4). Therefore, the
ment and sensory stimulation may improve this therapist’s specific knowledge of movement and
problem. analysis are important tools in assessment and
treatment, and for the process of reasoning to im-
WHAT? HOW? WHY? prove the patient’s ability to act and interact.
These are the three most important questions Clinical reasoning is based on the therapist’s
in the ongoing assessment of the patient. general and specific knowledge and experience,
both professional and personal. The therapist
needs to evaluate all findings from interview, ob-
servation, and handling to gain a picture of the
Clinical Reasoning individual patient. Clinical reasoning is a process
of problem solving whereby the therapist formu-
History, observation, and handling form the foun- lates a main problem(s) or hypotheses based on the
dation for the process of clinical reasoning as collected data, causal relationships, and what the
well as the therapist’s special and general compe- patient expresses as problems. This leads to goal
tency and information from others. Activity and formulation, interventions, and evaluation of in-
participation are assessed in combination with terventions (Fig. 3.5). Clinical reasoning requires
the patient’s problem-solving ability and motor an ability to analyze the interaction between
behavior in relation to the tasks and environ- the various ICF dimensions.
ment: The therapist needs to:
x Resources and restrictions in participation x Understand the patient’s needs and expecta-
x Resources and limitations of activity tions
x Deviations or loss of functions and structures x Gain an impression of the patient’s resources
of the body as a direct result of neurologic and limitations in all three dimensions
lesions or consequent to the lesions. Quickly x Formulate hypotheses about the factors that
learned compensatory strategies may be dif- seem to be most important and limiting for
ficult to separate from the direct results. the patient’s level of activity, his movement
Compensatory strategies may lead to further ability, and the way he moves
deviations. In this context, deviations from x Choose goals, both short and long term, pre-
body functions and structures relate to those ferably in cooperation with the patient
problems that change the patient’s prerequi- x Choose treatment interventions: tools
sites for normal movement control. x Evaluate treatment interventions and develop
x Changes in tone will influence the patient’s further hypotheses. Is the hypothesis appro-
ability to remain upright, interact with grav- priate? Judged on the results here and now
ity, and may cause malalignment, alterations and over a longer period of time
in muscle length, muscle flexibility and elas-
158 3 Assessment

Neurologic lesion:

Alterations in tone
Body structures Altered reciprocal innervation
and functions Altered patterns of movement

Reduced balance
Reduced selectivity of movement

Reduced ability to transfer

Restrictions to daily activities
Restrictions to instrumental activities
(e.g., shopping, cooking)

Limited spontaneity
Limited choices


Limited participation compared with before

Fig. 3.4 Consequences of a lesion to
the CNS.

The competency of the therapist; The Aim of Assessment

knowledge and experience generally and specifically
The aim of assessment is two-fold:
History x To create a hypothesis about the patient’s
Activity x To create hypotheses of why the patient moves
as he does
Body structures/functions What is the patient able to do? Which resources
does he have? If function fails or if there is lack
Analysis of movement of function, the question arises: Why or Why not?
x Is it due to balance or movement problems?
Hypotheses of
x Is it due to somatosensory and/or perceptual
causal relationships dysfunction?
x Are there cognitive problems?
Treatment interventions
Causes Based on Balance or
Movement Problems
Evaluate interventions
through continuous x Which neuromuscular activity is recruited and
evaluation of the is not recruited in different situations?
and treatment
patient’s response x Is activity missing or not changing, which
should change between different activities
Appropriate hypothesis x Is tone low because the patient fixes using
compensatory strategies somewhere else and
thereby does not allow efficient recruitment of
not appropriate
muscle activity?

Fig. 3.5 Assessment and clinical reasoning.

3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 159

x Are there primary sensorimotor problems or a varying degrees. The cortical systems are the
combination of these and inappropriate com- most voluntary activated (least automatic) sys-
pensatory strategies? tems in human movement control. Enhanced de-
x Does the patient display reduced postural mands for selective focus combined with volun-
control and balance? tary activation may be appropriate when selec-
Generally the somatosensory, vestibular, and tive movement is primarily affected.
visual systems have important roles in postural
control and orientation. Examples
Are there dysfunctions in any of these sys- Some patients have a problem with hyperextension
tems, direct or indirect? In stroke, the vestibular of their most affected knee during loading of their
nuclei are seldom affected directly, infarction or leg. This may be caused by several factors:
bleeding are rare are this low level in the brain- 1. Incoordination between agonists and antagonists
stem; also the vestibular nuclei are not under around the knee or reduced interplay between the
direct cortical control. If the patient’s ability to hip/pelvis and the ankle/foot as a direct result of
move is reduced, this may lead to altered soma- the lesion (body structure and function)
tosensory information to the vestibular system, 2. Over-reaction due to hypersensitivity to sensory/
and the vestibular nuclei may become dysfunc- proprioceptive input (stretch or cutaneous hyper-
tional. Visual problems are frequent in many sensitivity) as the foot meets the floor to weight-
different neurologic conditions, e. g., nystagmus, bear (body structure and function) (see Figs. 2.10,
hemianopia, and other visual field deficits, visual 2.11a, 2.13–2.14)
neglect or inattention. All these will influence the 3. As a consequence of the patient “stiffening” his
patient’s postural control. knee to be able to stand and walk (activity dimen-
x Does the patient display reduced postural tone sion), i. e., a compensatory strategy
or areas of associated reactions that cause
reduced postural control and balance? If so, The neuromuscular activity in the hip region
the cortico-reticulospinal and the cortico- should vary in different phases of stance and
rubrospinal systems may be dysfunctional. swing. Does the patient’s neuromuscular activity
These systems are partly responsible for vary as it should? Is extensor activity recruited
postural tone and proximal stability. appropriately at heel-strike and through stance?
Clinical experience suggest that balance dysfunc- Is there eccentric lengthening of hip flexors and
tions may be caused by changes in tone (more or adductors to allow stability?
less than normal), reduced or altered movement x If hip extension is not recruited appropriately,
control and interplay between segments and/or the therapist needs to facilitate this activity.
perceptual dysfunction. Balance is one of the Lennon (2001) demonstrated through two
more automatic functions in human movement. case histories that recovery of more normal
If balance is reduced, the therapist needs to movement patterns for walking and functional
choose interventions (functions, activities, pos- ability can be achieved through physiotherapy
tural sets, handling, etc.) which enhance balance post-stroke. Hesse et al. (1998) demonstrated
and movement on a more automatic level. a more balanced walking pattern with facili-
x Does the patient have any selective control in tation according to the Bobath Concept during
his arms or legs? therapeutic intervention. Facilitation en-
Selective control is understood as controlled and hances a more optimal recruitment (body
coordinated movement of one body part or one structure and function) during functional
joint based on postural stability. Is there any activity (activity dimension).
sign of movement in the fingers or toes? If not, x If the flexor musculature does not eccentri-
why not? Could it be that the postural compo- cally lengthen to allow for hip extension, the
nents are not activated, thereby not allowing sta- therapist needs to mobilize and facilitate the
bility and selective interplay between key areas? eccentric control (body structure and func-
Is there true paresis and therefore severely re- tion) and place demands on the hip extensors
duced neural activation due to the lesion itself? (make necessary—let it happen) during activ-
With true paresis especially distally, the corti- ity (see Chapter 2, Physiotherapy, Handling)
cospinal system would be partly damaged to
160 3 Assessment

The activity around the shoulder girdle is an Two aspects seem especially important when
important component in all transfers (activity assessing and treating patients displaying asso-
dimension). The neuromuscular activity in the ciated reactions:
interplay between the shoulder girdle, the arm, 1. Analyze and formulate hypotheses as to the
and trunk should vary depending on the activity reason why:
to be performed (body structure and function). – Do the associated reactions seem to be a
If the shoulder girdle is fixed in, for instance, ele- response to balance demands? The reason
vation, the trunk on the same side is kept elon- may then be reduced stability and equili-
gated and cannot shorten for stability or weight brium (postural) control. (Reduced inter-
transference. The therapist needs to hypothesize play between stability and mobility be-
why the shoulder girdle is kept elevated: tween key areas; reduced stability more
x Is there reduced stability in the thorax or specifically related to the hip/pelvic area or
between the thorax and the scapula? Why? the trunk; reduced stability and equili-
x Is the instability due to reduced intercostal brium control distally and therefore ineffi-
activity (body structure and function)? cient ankle strategy).
x Is tone too low/too high, and causing mala- – Do the associated reactions seem to be
lignments and poor coordination (body struc- related to movement of the extremities?
ture and function)? What is the quality of the patient’s move-
x Is distal activity reduced (body structure and ment ability, sequence of recruitment,
function) and causing the patient to attempt selectivity, variation? Is tempo, initiation,
moving the arm from the shoulder to be active or strength reduced?
and task oriented (activity dimension)? – Do the associated reactions increase with
Hypotheses on cause and effect leads to goals for effort? Why does the patient increase his
treatment and possible interventions. The treat- effort in situations that normally are not
ment will differ depending on which hypothesis strenuous?
is most probable, and the continuous evaluation 2. Does the patient display any control over
related to this. his associated reactions? Is he aware of them
x In which way does the patient compensate? and does he himself hypothesize on why
Why? they happen?
x What components of movement is he missing Many patients have good body awareness and
that drive him to compensate in the way he may sense and verbalize causal relationships.
does? These hypotheses are frequently correct, and
x Does he seem afraid or insecure? The patient the therapist needs to explore this in assessment
needs to feel safe to explore his own move- and treatment.
ment abilities with less compensatory strate-
Causes Based on Somatosensory or
The patient’s compensatory strategies change
Perceptual Dysfunctions
according to the different activities he attempts
to perform, while the main problem will be a Sensory information reaches the spinal cord and
dysfunctional component (or more than one) is modified and integrated to a certain degree al-
throughout. If the patient moves more appropri- ready at this level. In stroke, there is small prob-
ately with less compensation after intervention, ability of a patient experiencing sensory deficits
the hypothesis is strengthened. at this level. The spinal cord “senses,” even if
x Where and why are there associated reac- the patient cognitively does not. Sensory loss in
tions? stroke is caused by lesions to the ascending path-
In which situations do they occur? As the patient ways or structures (e. g., internal capsule, thala-
is attempting to balance or move his arms or mus, or cortex). Decreased sensation may be
legs? How is the patient’s postural control? caused by learned nonuse or lesions to the per-
How much effort does he use just to stay where ceptual systems causing inattention or neglect
he is? to the more affected side. In multiple sclerosis,
information may be disrupted at spinal cord
level as well as in other areas of the CNS.
3.2 Physiotherapy Assessment 161

It may be difficult to differentiate between Clinical Example 1

sensory loss and reduced sensory perception. The patient, Sissel, is asked to remove the foot-
Treatment aimed at drawing the patient’s atten- plates of the wheelchair (Fig. 3.6).
tion and ability to feel through improved mobi- Observation
lity may reveal some answers; if the patient’s x Sissel looks to her right (more affected side),
sensation of the body part improves during treat- weight transfers to her right and reaches down
ment, it is possible that the problem is due more to find the release mechanism to the foot
to a reduced sensory perception than true sen- plate. She takes hold of it and adjusts her grip.
sory loss. Learned nonuse may be improved She lifts her right leg off the foot plate, taking
through specific therapy as well as activating a little help from her left arm. She then removes
the extremity in all functional contexts. Percep- the right foot plate.
tual dysfunction is seen in most daily life activ- Clinical Reasoning
ities; the patient may display reduced attention x Cognitive function: Sissel remembers the in-
in relation to his own body and to his environ- struction. She is attentive to her right, realizes
ment. It is important to develop a good working where the release mechanism for the foot
relationship with other health professionals to plate is, integrates the information, and problem
assess these dysfunctions and make a plan for in- solves how to remove the foot plate. She is
terdisciplinary intervention. The patient’s atten- focused and concentrated on the task. In this
tion must be stimulated and demanded in all way, Sissel demonstrates that she understands,
remembers, and solves the task. Her cognitive
ability is good in this context.
Balance and movement require the ability to
x Perceptual function: She displays that she no
perceive where the different body parts are in re-
perceptual dysfunction through her attention
lation to each other and the environment. If the
to her more affected side. She receives, per-
patient has perceptual dysfunction, this may in-
ceives, and integrates information from her
fluence his perception of midline, and thereby in-
more affected body part adequately for this
terplay and balance. Treatment aimed at orient-
ing the patient to his own body improves the x Sensation: Probably her sensation is good, be-
interplay and coordination between body seg-
cause she is able to adjust her grip on the
ments, which may lead the patient to be more
release mechanism even if she does not lean
oriented to his own body in the environment. over far enough to make direct eye-contact
with it.
Causes Based on Cognitive Deficits x Balance: Sissel’s balance may be reduced be-
cause she uses her left arm to seek support on
Does the patient understand what he is doing or her right thigh and does not rotate her body
is being asked to do? What about his hearing? far enough to gain eye-contact with the release
Is he aphasic? Is he depressed or uncritical? mechanism.
Does he display insight and can his problem
solve new situations? Is he concentrated and
focused? Which consequences may this have
for his functional ability?
Answers to all these questions are primarily
hypotheses as they guide treatment and the
choice of interventions related to the patient’s
movement problem.

Choice of treatment follows a process of clinical

reasoning. Observation and movement analysis
in activities form the basis for hypotheses of
which systems seem to be more affected and
which ones seem more intact.
162 3 Assessment

Fig. 3.6a Fig. 3.6b

Fig. 3.6a, b Clinical example 1.

Fig. 3.7a Fig. 3.7b

Fig. 3.7a, b Clinical example 2.

3.3 Outcome Measures 163

Clinical Example 2 3.3 Outcome Measures

Sissel reaches for a tissue (Fig. 3.7).
x Sissel does not right herself spontaneously as There is an increasing focus on the use of formal,
she reaches for a tissue. Her posture is flexed, validated, and reliable outcome measures to
both trunk and head/neck, and it seems as if document change in neurologic rehabilitation.
her trunk is pulled down with the movement Most of these measures assess the patient’s activ-
of her arm. Sissel demonstrates that she is able ity, and few focuses on the assessment of impair-
to right herself through facilitation to her pelvic ments and how these may affect the patient’s
area. function. Most rehabilitation centers and hospi-
Clinical Reasoning tals have chosen some outcome measures that
x Why does she not right herself as she reaches they prefer in their working context. This book
forward (activity dimension)? The anticipatory will not describe outcome measures in detail;
interplay between trunk stability and arm func- only a few specific ones are mentioned.
tion seems to be reduced (body structure and
x She is dominated by flexion. Are the pectoral Body Structure and Function
muscles recruited too much and too early in Measures
this movement? Do compensatory strategies
prevent her from recruiting more appropriate x The Trunk Impairment Scale ([TIS] Verheyden
et al. 2004, 2005). This scale aims at measuring
x The therapist needs to sense and understand the
quantity and quality of trunk stability and
difference in quality of movement and evaluate
movement in sitting. It has been validated for
why these differences occur to form hypotheses
stroke patients (Verheyden et al. 2004). It
about causal relationships. Clinical reasoning
evaluates the patient in three main domains:
follows through into treatment, which is con-
(1) static sitting balance with three items; (2)
tinuously evaluated by the therapist.
dynamic sitting balance with 10 items; and (3)
x The therapist needs to assess physical and neu-
coordination with four items. A total score of
ropsychologic problems and decide on how
23 indicates normal trunk control. Verheyden
these affect each other. Frequently there are
combinations of dysfunctions. The therapist et al. (2005) refer to studies that state that
needs to analyze and interpret the data to in- stroke patients have impaired trunk muscle
form or request supplementary examinations activity and demonstrate the correlation be-
and treatment by the doctor, occupational tween paretic trunk muscles and limitations in
therapist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist, everyday activities. Studies indicate that pos-
or others as needed. tural control is a significant predictor of motor
and functional recovery after stroke (Hsieh
2002). Trunk function—or core stability—is an
Assessment and treatment are integrated in a essential part of postural control. TIS discri-
continuous process. minates between stroke patients and healthy
individuals. Verheyden et al. (2005) found a
sub-maximal score in 45 % of healthy subjects
(mostly elderly men, mean age 69 years)
suggesting that the lower score on this scale
still indicates a trunk function within normal
limits and a full participation in daily life.
x The Rivermead Visual Gait Assessment
([RVGA] Lord et al. 1998). This test consists of
two observations of the arms at swing and
stance phases of gait, and 18 observations of
the trunk and lower limb: 11 observations
during stance phase and seven during swing
phase of gait. A four-point scale is used to
164 3 Assessment

quantify the degree of abnormality for each of ferent items are measured on a four-point
the component items. A global score is calcu- scale (0–3). Nearly 40 % of the assessed stroke
lated by summing the total numbers of scores, patients in Benaim et al.’s study scored 36/36
range from 0 (normal gait) to 59 (grossly ab- on day 90 post stroke. It is therefore recom-
normal gait). RVGA can be applicable to mea- mended that more difficult items are added
sure change over time for patients with neu- after this date.
rologic disease, and is sensitive to gait im- x Berg Balance Scale ([BBS] Berg et al. 1992,
pairment (Lord et al. 1998). There is indication Finch 2002) consists of 14 standardized sub-
of reasonable reliability and validity (Lord et tests scored on five-point scales (0–4), with
al. 1998). Our clinical experience suggests that maximum (best) score of 56 (Berg et al. 1992).
the therapist needs time to learn this test, and Reliability and validity have been demon-
that it is valuable to test inter-tester reliability strated in elderly people (Berg et al. 1989,
between colleagues to ensure that they agree 1992, 1995), and scores below 45 may indi-
on how to evaluate the different items for cate increased risk of falling for elderly people
scoring. In a test situation, the patient needs (Thorban and Newton 1996).
to be able to walk for 10 minutes, but may x Single Leg Stance ([SLS] Bergland 1999a)
take shorter breaks. measures the patient’s ability to stand on one
x GAITRite is a 5-m-long mat connected to a leg without falling. It is measured in seconds.
portable software tool for automated mea- Normal values have not been decided, but the
surement of different gait parameters that are test seems to be relevant to demonstrate
registered when people walk on the mat, e. g., problems in activities where one-legged
maximum gait velocity, step-length, single and stance is necessary (stairs, turning around in
double stance phases. It is recommended that standing). Many different ways of doing this
the person walk at many different speeds test are described in the literature—it is not
(as slow as possible, a little faster, normal standardized (with or without shoes, eyes
preferred speed, faster than normal, and as fast open or closed). Therefore, it is necessary to
as possible) to gain a reliable picture of the standardize it for the individual or the clinical
patient’s walking ability and to compare with setting in which it is being used.
changes over time. By interpolation, a point x Functional Reach ([FR] Bergland 1999b). This
estimate can be calculated for each of the is a balance test which seems to have strong
variables at a normalized speed representative correlation to ADLs. The person stands and
for that subject. Thus comparisons between reaches one arm forward at 90h forward flex-
test occasions can be done without the con- ion at the shoulder without changing his base
founding effect of walking speed (Moe-Nilssen of support. A mark is set on the wall at the tip
1998) Results from the GAITRite have shown of the patient’s finger. He then reaches for-
strong test retest reliability and concurrent ward without falling. A new mark is placed
validity for healthy adults (Bilney et al. 2003). and the difference between the two marks is
measured in inches. The test should be re-
peated three times, and the median measure
Activity Measures calculated. The measured distance demon-
strates a relative risk of falling.
x The Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Pa- – Not willing to try: 28 times greater risk of
tients ([PASS] Benaim et al. 1999). PASS has falling
been validated for stroke patients. It consists – 1–6 inches: four times greater risk of falling
of two main domains: (1) maintaining a pos- – 6–10 inches: two times greater risk of falling
ture in sitting without support, sitting with – i10 inches: The probability of falling is very
support, standing without support, standing low
on paretic leg, and standing on nonparetic leg; x Timed Up and Go ([TUG] Podsiadlo and Ri-
and (2) changing posture through seven chardson 1991, Finch 2002) Time is measured
transfers including turning over in supine, as the patient stands up from a standard arm
supine to sitting, transfer between sitting, and chair, walks a distance of 3 m, turns, walks
standing and mobility in standing. These dif- back to the chair and sits down again. Patients
3.3 Outcome Measures 165

who perform the test in less than 20 seconds Objective Goal Setting
are supposed to be independently mobile. The
test has been found to be reliable and valid x Objective activity goals that are specific,
and responsive to change over time in elderly measurable, achievable, realistic, and time
people. framed may be used in the clinical setting
x Six-minute walking test ([6MWT] Enright ([SMART] Monaghan et al. 2005). SMART is a
2003) The test measures the distance covered valuable multidisciplinary tool that involves
when subjects are instructed to walk as the patient and his carer actively. Used in a
quickly as they can for 6 minutes (Lord and physiotherapy setting, the therapist chooses
Menz 2002). The patients should walk alone, a short term goal together with the patient,
not with other patients. While speaking to the following assessment and clinical reasoning.
patient, standardized phrases should be used This goal should be task related and relevant
to avoid the effect of encouragement and en- to the patient’s problems, resources and
thusiasm which can make a difference of up to needs, and achievable in a few days. The
30 % in the 6MWT (Enright 2003). In older therapist decides the prerequisites for the goal
people, the 6MWT appears to provide a mea- achievement: quality, environmental factors,
sure of overall mobility and physical func- relevance for daily activities, what kind of
tioning rather than a specific measure of car- assistance, if needed. Preferably the patient
diovascular fitness (Lord and Menz 2002). The should achieve the goal independently, but
6MWT is believed to better reflect ADL per- this may not always be possible.
formance than other walk tests of shorter
duration (Solway et al. 2001). The minimum
clinically important difference (MCID) before Assessment Diagram
compared with after for 6MWT was defined by
Lacasse et al. (1996) to be 50 m and by Guyatt In the clinical reasoning process, it might be
et al. (1987) as 30 m. helpful to draw a body diagram to illustrate the
interaction between body segments, the distribu-
tion of tone, selectivity, and specific problems
Self-Report Measures (pain, altered sensation, edema, muscular short-
ening). The diagram can help give a quick over-
x Borg’s Rating Scale of Perceived Exertion view of the sensorimotor problems and assist
([RPE] Borg 1970, Finch 2002). Patients are the clinical reasoning process.
asked to estimate the experience of exertion The diagram would not inform of causal rela-
on a 15-point graded scale from 6 (no exer- tionships or about the patient’s total situation,
tion) to 20 (maximal exertion) after exertion but sum up the findings of the assessment. It
(e. g., 6MWT). According to Borg’s range prin- might be useful to make two or three illustra-
ciple, a judgment of 50 % of maximal exertion tions: from the back, the front, and the side
would have the same perceptual meaning for (Fig. 3.8). Associated reactions may be marked
two people, even if it represented different down on the diagram on the patient’s more af-
absolute exercise intensity for each person fected side in stroke. The symbols may demon-
(Buckworth and Dishman 2001). The scale strate degree of compensatory increased activity
values correlate well with exercise variables or fixation. The patient compensates in areas of
such as heart rate, ventilation, %VO2 max and the body that he can voluntary control, therefore
workload (ACRM 1988). these may be have to be used bilaterally. It may
x The Visual Analogue Scale ([VAS] Kaasa and be appropriate to illustrate the difference be-
Lode 2002) may be used to measure, e. g., the tween voluntary activation and pathology with
patient’s experienced gait problem or experi- different colors.
enced ADL problems as well as experienced There may be a gradual transition between
pain. The patients are asked to estimate their associated reactions and compensatory evoked
perceived amount of problem on a scale from strategies, and therefore difficult to decide
0 to 100 mm, where 0 is no problem and 100 which is which. The number of “+” indicates the
is the worst imaginable problem. degree of increased tone in affected body parts:
166 3 Assessment

Fig. 3.8 Example of a drawing which can be The diagram gives a visual impression of the
illustrated with symbols as follows: patient’s sensorimotor problems, and does not
reflect one position or situation. Free text may
increased tone/associated reactions be added to highlight the patient’s:
low tone x Main problem (primary neurologic problem/
negative signs)
asymmetry, rotational relations x Compensatory strategies (secondary feature)
pain x Associated reactions/spasticity (secondary
features/positive signs)
shortening, contractures
x Clinical reasoning
altered sensation

edema, swelling
Evaluation and Documentation
Grading of tone:
The number of “+” indicates The assessment must be documented and serves
the degree of increased tone. many purposes: to document the assessment and
treatment given, for communication between
professionals, to evaluate own practice, and in-
formation to the patient. Documentation needs
to include:
x Assessment
x Clinical reasoning
x Goal setting
– the patient’s own goals (short term and
long term)
– multidisciplinary goals (short term and
long term)
– physiotherapy-specific goals
x Outcome measures, which should encompass
measures in the different domains of the ICF
(body structure and function and activity).
It may not be possible to set more than very
general goals for participation if the patient is
x + Mild increased activity, therefore variable in in the hospital or rehabilitation unit.
their expression depending on the activity x Treatment intervention, both physiotherapy
requirements—what the patient attempts or is specific and multidisciplinary
asked to perform. At rest they are not present. x Progression of treatment
x ++ Moderate increased activity. Quickly ap- x Evaluation, including test results of the chosen
parent when balance or movement is re- outcome measures
quired, beyond the patient’s control. Begin- x Recommended further treatment or controls
ning stereotypical patterning in associated
reactions. The compensatory strategies vary
with the activity to be performed. Conclusion
x +++ Strong increased activity. The associated
reactions and/or compensatory strategies are The physiotherapist is the one professional in
fairly stereotyped even if the patient is not the multidisciplinary team who knows most
very active. about movement, and therefore is able to analyze
The number of “Q” indicates the degree of re- specific movement in activities. Therefore phy-
duced tone in affected body parts: siotherapists have a special responsibility to
x Q Mild reduced tonus or stability focus not only on the patient’s activity perfor-
x QQ Moderate paresis mance, but also on how the patient performs
x QQQ Paralysis, i. e., no tone or activity these activities, and why in this way. The hypo-
3.3 Outcome Measures 167

theses formed as a result of the of the assessment Summary

process are based on clinical reasoning, and view
the patient in all ICF domains, although phy- Evaluating the patient’s potential is an important
siotherapy specifically aims at improving the goal of assessment. See page 147.
patient’s control of function, postural control, W H A T ? H O W ? W H Y ? These are the three
and movement. Clinical reasoning is the link be- most important questions in the ongoing assess-
tween assessment, goal setting, and interventions ment of the patient. See page 157.
Choice of treatment follows a process of clinical
and is a continuous process.
reasoning. Observation and movement analysis
in activities form the basis for hypotheses of
which systems seem to be more affected and
which ones seem more intact. See page 161.
Assessment and treatment are integrated in a
continuous process. See page 163.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 169

4 Case Histories 4.1 Case History: Sissel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

4.2 Case History: Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

This chapter presents the case histories of two was fit, healthy, and active. She lived alone in a
women, Sissel and Lisa, who represent different basement flat prior to her illness. She was self-
diagnostic and age groups. Sissel and Lisa are sufficient and did not need assistance from the
pseudonyms, but both women gave consent for local community services.
their pictures to be published in this book. They Sissel’s flat is all on one level, but she has to
were treated by colleagues under supervision of climb a flight of concrete steps to access her
the author, later referred to as “I.” The case stud- flat. Her children are grown up, and a daughter
ies focus on specific issues related to assessment lives in the same neighborhood. Sissel is socially
and treatment guided by clinical reasoning. The active, has friends, and is a member of a club
histories aim to tell two stories with the use of for the elderly. Most of her friends, however, do
text and pictures and will not make sense unless not dare to visit her at her home because of the
they are read as a whole. The case studies do not steep flight of stairs. Instead, she is a regular visi-
a follow a specific treatment method, but illus- tor in their homes. Her hobbies are knitting and
trate the use of techniques based on conceptual crocheting—she can knit socks with proper
thinking and clinical reasoning according to the heels and crochet the most delicate tablecloths.
Bobath concept.
In this chapter we follow Sissel over a period of
3 months. First we meet her in a stroke unit in History of Present Illness
a hospital, then in a short-term rehabilitation pro-
gram in a nursing home before she is discharged One day Sissel was found in her home in a chair
and goes home. Chapter 4.2 follows Lisa over unable to move or make herself understood. She
two treatment sessions during a 3-week treat- was taken to the local emergency department
ment period in a hospital rehabilitation unit. and immediately admitted to the stroke unit.
She cannot recall anything about the first few
days in hospital. On admission she was aphasic
and there was no hyperreflexia and no voluntary
4.1 Case History: Sissel activity on the right side except for slight move-
ment in the fingers. A computed tomography
scan showed infarction in the frontal lobe on
Past Medical History, the left side.
Social History, Activities, Sissel was referred for physiotherapy, occupa-
and Participation tional therapy, and speech therapy. Sissel’s aim
was to return home, preferably to a flat without
Sissel is an 81-year-old widow. Before she was stairs, and regain her independence. She also
admitted to hospital with an acute stroke she wished to be able to continue with her hobbies.
170 4 Case Histories

able to right herself. She showed some activity

in her right arm; she could move it forward and
had some selective finger movements, although
none was useful functionally.

Language and Cognitive Function

Sissel could say “yes” and show, by facial expres-
sion, whether she meant “yes” or “no.” She had a
good understanding of words, but could not find
the right ones to use. There did not seem to be
any cognitive or perceptual deficits.

Body Functions and Structures

Observation and handling (Figs. 4.2–4.11).

Fig. 4.1 Sissel 3 weeks after admission to the hospital.

Physiotherapy was started 5 days after she was

For ethical reasons, I did not want Sissel to
feature in the book until she was medically
stable, which was 3 weeks after she was ad-
mitted (Fig. 4.1). She understood that this would
involve being photographed during therapy for
future publication in a book. She was very posi-


Functional Activity
Fig. 4.2 Sissel seated in a wheelchair. Her posture is
Sissel was seated in a wheelchair and was not slightly flexed and displays some overactivity or fixa-
able to move about herself. She was nursed and tion in her left side, especially in her hand and foot.
needed help in transfers and dressing. She was Her right arm rests in inward rotation, adduction, and
flexion on a cushion in her lap. She does not move it
able to feed herself when food was provided
actively in this position. The hand is swollen, and the
and she was continent, but she needed assistance
wrist alignment is not clearly defined. On examination
in the bathroom. the hand is subluxed in a palmar direction in relation to
She could sit unsupported on a plinth but the radius and ulna. Both legs seem slightly internally
could not move actively in sitting, nor was she rotated.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 171

Fig. 4.3 The footrests are being

removed. Sissel is not able to
transfer weight to the left leg when
the right leg is lifted. She presses
her left arm down on the armrest
and clenches her fist. The right leg
feels heavy and inactive except for
some hold in inward rotation and
adduction at the hip. She is not able
to take part in the movement.

Fig. 4.4 Sissel cannot move forward in the chair. The Fig. 4.5 Sissel cannot stand up unaided. There is a de-
physiotherapist facilitates her moving forward by a finite push down from her left leg, which forces the
rhythmical weight transfer from hip to hip. There pelvis backward and stops her from being able to
is no spontaneous righting over the pelvis or in the bring her center of mass over her feet. She therefore
trunk, and she stays flexed in the head, neck, and needs facilitation and handling for her upper trunk to
trunk. She does not respond easily to facilitation and move forward, achieve a slight anterior pelvic tilt,
is difficult to move; there is a distinct resistance and thereby some thoracolumbar extension. At this
against weight transfer to the left when her right pelvis moment she grabs hold of her right hand with the
and hip is being moved forward in the chair. When the left, probably to include the right arm and shoulder gir-
left hip is moved forward she seems to fall to the right. dle in the movement. This further increases the trunk
The alignment around the hips and pelvis is then ad- flexion. Sissel is given some input and support to her
justed to prepare for more activity during the next right hip and knee because there is no spontaneous re-
phase of the movement. cruitment of motor activity in the leg. This preparation
allows Sissel to be helped to a standing position.
172 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.6a Fig. 4.6b

Fig. 4.6a–c There is no activity in Sissel’s right hip

and knee in standing, and she needs full support. She
pushes with her left leg. She holds on to the therapist
with her left shoulder and arm. After a short time in
standing she gradually adjusts and becomes more ac-
tive in extension. The tendency to push with her left
leg decreases and she is able to right her trunk more.
Weight transference to the left was not possible at
Fig. 4.6c
this time.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 173

Fig. 4.7 Sitting on a plinth. Sissel holds the position

through flexor activity of her head and neck, left
trunk sideflexion, and flexion of the arms and hips.
Hip adductor and inward rotator activity is more easily
observed in this position. Sissel needs help to take off
her jacket. She is not able to free her arms and falls
backward and to the right when she attempts the
activity by herself.

Fig. 4.8 Sissel is rotated forward and flexed on her

left side (observe the clavicle which is more prominent
on the left side). Her left arm and leg are active and fix
on to her left thigh and push into the floor, respec-
tively. The internal rotation in the right hip is more
clearly visible: notice the alignment of the thigh/knee
in relation to the floor.
174 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.9 Sissel seen from the right side: the tendency
to fall to the right and backward is apparent in this fig-
ure. Her left foot pushes against the floor and brings
her even further back. She attempts to compensate
through forward rotation and flexion of her left side to-
gether with protraction of her right shoulder girdle and
poking her head forward. Sissel’s right arm is actively
internally rotating, adducting, and displays increased
flexor activity of her shoulder girdle, elbow, wrist,
and hand. The right hand seems to press into her

Fig. 4.10 Sissel reaches for her handkerchief with her

right hand. She opens her hand and moves her arm for-
ward. Her forward reach is limited by extensor activa-
tion at the shoulder joint (possibly the action of prox-
imal triceps, teres major, latissimus dorsi) combined
with increased recruitment into elevation, protraction,
flexion, and internal rotation of the right shoulder gir-
dle. She does not right herself prior to the movement
of the arm—she does not seem to recruit anticipatory
postural adjustments. Without this adjustment, she
would fall forward if she reached further, which may
explain the extensor activation in her right shoulder.
Even if Sissel moves her arm forward to some degree,
her left trunk and shoulder girdle are still rotated for-
ward in relation to the right side, fixing her position.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 175

Fig. 4.11a–c Diagrammatic representation of the moderate paresis of extensors and abductors. Her left
assessment. The right side (R) is her most affected side displays a level of increased activity in general; a
side, the left side (L) her less affected side. As the illus- mild to moderate pressure from the shoulder in de-
tration shows, on both sides the tonic relationships pression (arrow) at the same time as she pulls her
and movement strategies are different from what weight on to her left side resulting in what would
would be expected in a healthy person of the same look like an elevated shoulder. The arrow above her
age and sex. left pelvis illustrates elevation of the pelvis, demon-
(a) Sissel seen from her right side; “Q” demonstrates strating an active shortening of her left side.
reduced extensor activity and “+” increased flexor ac- (c) Sissel seen from behind. The illustration shows the
tivity in her head and neck and upper trunk. She has rotatory components of her shoulder girdles, her active
mild to moderate paresis of her hip and right leg. left side, and the paresis on her right side as well as in-
(b) Sissel seen from the front. There is increased activ- creased activation of both hip adductors and medial
ity on her right side in adduction, internal rotation and hamstrings.
flexion of both shoulder and hip combined with mild to

Clinical Reasoning and Hypothesis She can perceive that she will fall and at-
tempts to regain her balance. This suggests
that her basic balance mechanism which is
Systems Control
based on visual, vestibular, and somatosen-
1. Sissel displays some voluntary activity in the sory information, is intact. However, the spe-
fingers of her right hand and arm. This indi- cific receptors in her skin, muscles, tendons,
cates that the corticospinal system is partly and joints are not being optimally stimulated
intact, and the potential for further recovery due to low tone and reduced motor control
of selectivity of her right arm and leg should on her right side. This will influence the
be good. function of the vestibular system indirectly,
2. Sissel’s balance is severely affected, but she and may contribute to Sissel’s balance prob-
seems to have intact sensation and vision. lem.
176 4 Case Histories

3. The musculature of her right side is generally on to the therapist, pull herself up through flexor
hypotonic, mostly in her trunk, pelvis, and activity, and push with her left leg in an attempt
right leg. Her proximal stability is therefore to recruit antigravity activity. To stop herself from
reduced. This indicates a lesion affecting her falling in sitting, Sissel increases the muscular
cortico-reticulospinal and cortico-rubrospinal activation throughout her left side to compensate
pathways. for the instability of her right side (Fig. 4.7–4.10).
4. The timing of recruitment for postural control She displays shortening though flexion on her
seems to be disturbed: she does not recruit left side and elongation of her right side, which
anticipatory postural adjustments as a back- makes it more difficult for Sissel to activate her
ground for voluntary activation of her arm; right side (biomechanical disadvantage).
she does not right herself for forward reach. Lack of anticipatory postural adjustments and
5. The problems in points 2–4 severely affect sustained flexor activity between the central and
her postural control, especially her postural the proximal body segments in all planes result
stability as a foundation for recruiting activity in a decreased ability to reach forward for the
in relation to opposing gravity, for weight handkerchief (Fig. 4.11).
transference and selective function. The inter-
play between body segments is severely
reduced, and therefore also her balance and
ability to transfer and move actively and inde- Sissel’s main problem is reduced postural control
pendently. through inappropriately timed activation of pos-
6. Sissel does not seem to have perceptual or tural activity, decreased proximal stability, de-
cognitive dysfunction apart from aphasia; creased tone and reduced activation of her right
she is attentive to herself and her environ- side. She therefore increases her activation of
ment, and is motivated for training. her less affected left side to oppose her tendency
to fall: she flexes her trunk and sideflexes to the
left, fixes with her left arm and pushes with her
Compensatory Strategies
left leg.
When Sissel is assisted to lift her right foot off the This increases the imbalance between her
footrest, she tries to help (Fig. 4.3); she presses right and left side and causes malalignment in
her left arm down on the armrest of her wheel- all three planes. As a result, the chances of re-
chair, possibly in an attempt to recruit her left cruiting activity on her right is increasingly dis-
side for contralateral stability in order to free turbed and causes a further loss of postural con-
her right leg for movement. This strategy is inap- trol. This causes reduced postural control and
propriate as the fixation through her left side trunk interplay. Therefore, the postural back-
limits weight transference to the left. She is ground for stability, weight transference, balance,
therefore unable to move her right leg freely. and movement is reduced.
Sissel has reduced activation and stability in
her right hip and pelvic area. As she attempts to
move forward in the chair and transfer her Physiotherapy and Clinical
weight to the right to move her left pelvis for- Reasoning
ward, she almost falls to the right and backward.
She compensates by pulling herself further to the On the basis of the above hypothesis, it should
left through increasing flexion of her trunk and not be necessary to specifically train selective
left arm (Fig. 4.4). motor control of the extremities. Postural control
As Sissel stands up, she does not initiate right- is the basis for voluntary activity and improved
ing activity between the body segments (Fig. 4.5). postural control in Sissel’s case should allow re-
She keeps her hands together, pulls herself up covery of the selectivity Sissel already displays
using the therapist and thereby increases her (active movement of her right hand and fingers).
flexor activity generally. Her balance is threatened However, it is necessary to maintain muscle
as the interplay between the proximal and central length, alignment and range of movement in
body segments is reduced together with an inac- both shoulders and hips. As Sissel compensates
tive right leg. Sissel’s strategy is therefore to fix by activating flexors in these areas, her pectora-
4.1 Case History: Sissel 177

lis, hip flexors, and adductors are kept in an x Weight transference in all planes in sitting,
active, shortened position. If the assumption standing, and standing to sitting
that the cortico-reticulospinal and cortico-ru- x Explore the recovery of arm function based on
brospinal systems are the ones most affected, improved postural control
she may be in danger of developing spasticity
and secondary non-neural problems. The short-
ened muscles will be exposed to these changes Physiotherapy: Assessment and
the most. If flexors shorten and lose their ec- Treatment as a Continuous Process
centric ability, other muscle groups (e. g., the ex-
tensors) will be biomechanically disadvantaged. Sissel received physiotherapy daily, and pictures
As a result, stability, interplay, and weight trans- are taken at intervals of 4–7 days. Therefore,
ference are further compromised. the pictures only give an overview of the phy-
siotherapy Sissel is receiving. Unfortunately
the photographs were not standardized, which
Aims of Therapy
makes comparison between pictures difficult.
Main Aims
x Participation: Sissel is to return to her own flat
First Photo Session (Figs. 4.12–4.17)
or a flat with adaptations. An application for a
council flat has been made. However, Sissel’s shoulder girdles are still active
x Participation and activity: Sissel shall recover in flexion and therefore need to be brought
independence; possibly with some help for down and back to facilitate stability of the scapu-
shopping. lae against the thorax and thereby the interplay
between the posterior and anterior trunk muscu-
Activity and Body Functions and Structures: lature for postural activity. By doing this, the in-
Improved Balance terplay between trunk and arm function is facili-
x Activity: independent walking ability tated.
x Activity: independently perform activities of In this situation, antigravity activity with an
daily living (ADLs) emphasis on extension and weight transference
through rotation is enhanced. This should facili-
Short-term Goals tate contralateral stability on the left side for
x Improved postural control (body functions activity in the right leg in preparation for step-
and structures) ping.
x Selective and functional extremities (body
functions and structures) Weight transference is different from weight
Body Functions and Structures—Activity Weight transference is a dynamic activity
x Improve alignment in and between body seg- whereby the center of gravity is moved to the
ments, especially head, neck, and trunk (make weightbearing side through stability and inter-
possible, see Chapter 2): play. Weight shift is a more passive shift of
– improve the relationship and adaptation to weight without moving the center of gravity. It
the base of support may cause strain on joints due to low muscle ac-
– improve thoracic extension and extension, tivation. Weight shift does not activate postural
abduction, and outward rotation in stability, and therefore Sissel would be unable
shoulder girdles and hips to take over movement control.
x Facilitate the interplay between body seg- Walking is an activity, which in its simplest
ments based on improved extensor/rotatory form seems to be driven from the pattern gener-
control ators at spinal cord level. Independent walking
x Facilitate weight transference and stability requires postural control, stability, and interac-
over left side to free the right side for balance, tion between body segments. Control of exten-
movement, and transfers sion and rotation are core elements of this inter-
178 4 Case Histories

action. If pattern generation can be facilitated, it her trunk to enhance postural stability (rotation
may improve Sissel’s control of balance and and alignment of the trunk in relation to the
movement. The prerequisites for this to happen lower extremities) and her leg for heel-strike,
are optimal alignment, facilitation of the se- hip extension, and phase shifts from stance to
quence of recruitment of muscle activity, heel- swing. The timing of facilitation between the
strike, and hip extension. Sissel therefore needs two facilitating people is a challenge.
to be facilitated simultaneously in two areas:

Fig. 4.12a Fig. 4.12b

Fig. 4.12a, b The alignment of the hips in relation to There are some compensatory activities of the arms
the pelvis is corrected by giving eccentric length to into adduction, flexion, and internal rotation of
the internal rotators and adductors. Sissel is helped shoulders and arms. This limits her ability to recruit
to right her trunk through the therapist’s handling of trunk righting. Therefore, another postural set is
the pelvis in sitting. Sissel’s hands are in her lap. chosen to develop her extensor activity.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 179

Fig. 4.13a Fig. 4.13b

Fig. 4.13a, b Standing is a postural set that may en-

hance postural tone, extension, and postural control,
if the alignment allows. Sissel is helped to stand
through handling of the pelvis and hips combined
with knee support. The shoulder girdles and the
arms, the lower arm, and the hand are mobilized and
facilitated to allow extension. The alignment improves,
and Sissel is able to stabilize her arms on a high sup-
port behind. The arms are placed in external rotation
to enhance extension of the arms and upper trunk.

Fig. 4.14 Sissel attempts to lift her right leg forward

by herself. The weight transference to the left is not
good enough. There is too much flexion on her left
side, which negates the trunk interplay and contralat-
eral stability required for freeing her right leg through
Fig. 4.14
selective movement.
180 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.15 The alignment is corrected: more extension

in her trunk and over the left side to facilitate weight
transference through rotation. Sissel still has some
flexion in her left side; note the flexion of her left
arm in a compensatory attempt to fix. Sissel is not
able to recruit appropriate amounts of extension over
her right hip and knee, and requires some support.

Fig. 4.16a, b Her right leg is facilitated in swing to

stance. Sissel’s trunk, pelvis, and hip are brought
over her right leg. The hip/pelvis is stabilized and the
knee supported without hyper-extension. After a few
steps Sissel stands better and more actively, and the
Fig. 4.15
activation of her right leg is stronger.

Fig. 4.16a Fig. 4.16b

4.1 Case History: Sissel 181

Fig. 4.17a Fig. 4.17b

Fig. 4.17a–c Sissel sitting after treatment. She rights

herself more easily and demonstrates less flexor ten-
dency. The alignment of her legs to the bases of sup-
port (plinth/pillow in chair and floor/ foot rests) show
less adductor and internal rotator components (com-
pare with Figs. 4.7–4.9), which provide an improved
basis for core stability and righting. Sissel has been
provided with a table on her wheelchair instead of pil-
lows in her lap. This may help her develop her selectiv-
ity and function of her arms and hands based on im-
Fig. 4.17c
proved righting.
182 4 Case Histories

Second Photo Session, 4 Days Later

(Figs. 4.18–4.24)

Fig. 4.18 Sissel sits asymmetrically and rotated in her

chair. Her left pelvis/hip area seem to be rotated back
and tilted down, with flexion, internal rotation and ad-
duction, of her left hip. Her left shoulder seems to be
elevated and rotated forward. Sissel’s right pelvic
area seems elevated and her right shoulder depressed.
The right hip seems to be more internally rotated than
her left. Sissel’s right arm is in a position of depression,
internal rotation, and flexion. The general impression is
that Sissel has enhanced flexor and internal rotator ac-
tivity in her right side. Therefore, she may find it diffi-
cult to initiate and recruit trunk interplay, and activate
her legs to come forward and stand up.
Sissel’s position and neuromuscular activity need to be
corrected to improved alignment to facilitate standing
up: her pelvic alignment is corrected to gain an even
weight distribution and adaptation to the base of sup-
port. The flexor, adductor, and internal rotator com-
ponents of Sissel’s hips are mobilized to enable her
to recruit extensor activity and stability when rising.
Selective trunk extension is facilitated to enhance in-
teraction within her trunk based on improved stability
of pelvis and hips.

Fig. 4.19 Sissel needs less facilitation than before.

She still recruits flexor activity of her upper trunk,
especially through her arms, head, and neck. She
needs some support to her right knee. In standing,
she is more stable and the therapist can take her
hands off as Sissel takes over her own control. Sissel’s
hip extension is much improved.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 183

Fig. 4.20 Sissel is more stable in sitting due to im-

proved activation of extension and abduction of pelvis
and hips. She adapts more appropriately to the base of
support, and is able to move without losing her bal-
ance. Sissel is therefore able to use and develop the se-
lective control of her arms and hands and undress her
upper body unaided; compare with Figures 4.7 and 4.8
and note the alignment of the thighs on the plinth. Her
hand function is very much improved, as is her postural
control over wrist and hand to allow selectivity of the

Fig. 4.21 Compare with Figures 4.7 and 4.8. Sissel’s

trunk, pelvis, and lower extremities are more optimally
aligned, enabling her to recruit a neuromuscular activ-
ity that gives her stability.
However, her right shoulder is flexed, internally ro-
tated, abducted, and elevated, probably due to activa-
tion of the pectoralis major and upper trapezius. Note
how her top is pulled in under her right arm and the
backward rotation of her right ribs.
During therapy, the eccentric length of the muscula-
ture of her right arm needs to be maintained to enable
stability and selective movement for function. In-
creased activation of trapezius, pectoralis and biceps
destabilize the scapula against the thorax, and Sissel
will not be able to free her arm for a variety of move-
ment. Short pectoralis and trapezius negate full tho-
racic extension and a free arm, which will have conse-
quences for stability and movement. (There are no
pictures of this intervention.)
184 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.22b

Fig. 4.22c
Fig. 4.22a

Fig. 4.22a–d Postural control in standing depends

on, among other components, the adaptation of the
feet to the base of support. The feet need to be both
mobile and stable to vary their activation appropriately
in relation to changes in the projection of the center of
Sissel’s right foot is swollen and inverted more than
the left. Her lower leg seems to be outwardly rotated,
her heel is drawn medially and her right big toe is more
adducted than the left. The foot is stiffer and less mo-
bile than needed to provide a dynamic foundation for
balance in standing and walking. The musculature of Fig. 4.22d
the lower leg and foot needs to be handled to improve
alignment and adaptation. The forefoot is stabilized at
the same time as the soleus and gastrocnemius are
mobilized and facilitated to give eccentric length.
The heel is moved in different directions in relation
to the forefoot.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 185

Fig. 4.23a Fig. 4.23b

Fig. 4.23a, b Improved adaptation of the foot to the Sissel transfers weight in all directions. The weight
floor enhances mobility and stability of hips and pelvis transference and interplay between key areas are not
and Sissel is helped to stand. She needs less support to optimal; there is too much flexion of Sissel’s upper
hip and knee. The plinth is raised to hip level, and trunk and left side. The alignment of the right leg to
Sissel stands with her back to it. This gives Sissel a her pelvis is improved, which enhances the activation
more secure feeling, which allows her to explore, ex- of her left quadriceps.
periment, and “play” with her own movement control.
186 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.24a Fig. 4.24b

Fig. 4.24a–c Facilitation of steps between two peo-

ple. The therapist on Sissel’s left side facilitates exten-
sion for stance phase, especially hip extension. Sissel
compensates using her left arm in flexion, although
less than before. It is easier to facilitate more thoracic
extension and extension at the pelvis and hip, which
therefore frees the right leg for swing. The therapist
on Sissel’s right gives length to her pectoralis major
to facilitate trunk extension at the same time as she
provides stability to Sissel’s thorax through the back
of her hand and facilitates the foot forward on the
floor (a).
In stance over the right side, the therapist facilitates
extension of the hip and pelvis (b). Sissel’s foot adapts
well to the floor, and the alignment is appropriate. She
therefore automatically recruits knee extension and
stabilize(s) herself during the swing phase of the left
leg. The compensation of her left arm and hand re-
duces as Sissel gains rhythmical steps and she is able
to look up (c). As the stepping progresses, Sissel starts
to initiate dorsiflexion and toe extension in the swing
phase on her right side. Alignment is optimized
through the movement, and the timing of input from
Fig. 4.24c
the therapists needs to be precise.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 187

Third Photo Session, 4 Days Later,

Approximately 1 Month Post-stroke
(Figs. 4.25–4.33)
Fig. 2.25a–c Sissel sits more actively and symmetri-
cally in her chair. She removes the table from her
chair and brings it toward her right side to enhance ec-
centric control of pectoralis, biceps, and trapezius and
activates extension of her thorax, shoulder girdle, and
arm at the same time. Her thighs fall into internal rota-
tion due to the softness of the seating cushion more
than being drawn together by active adductors and
internal rotators; Sissel stabilizes her right leg as she
moves forward to remove the foot rest (b).
Sissel is not completely stable over her right side. As
she leans forward to remove the foot rest she stabilizes
her right hip initially. As she leans further forward, she
feels the need to compensate using her left arm on her
right thigh, and the flexor, internal rotator, adductor
activity increases to some degree. She would benefit
from facilitation to her hip and thigh to ensure the
maintenance of hip stability as the movement pro-
gresses forward. Sissel problem-solves how to remove
the wheelchair table, finds the release mechanism for
the foot plates, adjusts her grip, swings it to one side
and removes it. Through this, Sissel demonstrates
the ability for awareness, concentration and problem
solving, and somatosensory perception and integra-
Fig. 4.25a

Fig. 4.25b Fig. 4.25c

188 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.26b

Fig. 4.26a, b Sissel is now able to undress the top half

of her body independently and unsupported on a
plinth. She maintains her balance as she pulls the jum-
per over her head, indicating that her balance is be-
coming more automatic. This activity requires stability
and interplay. She sits slightly rotated but demon-
strates increasing trunk control. The selectivity of fin-
ger movements is gradually improving.

Fig. 4.26a

Fig. 4.27 There is increased flexor tendency through

her left side, which negates lateral pelvic tilt and
makes weight transference to the left problematic.
Weight transference in sitting requires eccentric
lengthening of the adductor and internal rotators
in the hip opposite the weightbearing side normally.
Sissel’s right hip is pulled into internal rotation and
adduction due to reduced selectivity and stability.
The flexor tendency is therefore maintained. By placing
Sissel’s left arm in abduction on a high plinth, trunk
extension and weight transference to the left are
4.1 Case History: Sissel 189

Fig. 4.28 Fig. 4.29

Fig. 4.28 Sissel’s right leg is crossed over the left.

This facilitates weight transference to the left and Sis-
sel has to stabilize her right leg at the same time. Both
arms and hands move across the plinth. This rotation
improves the interplay and activity of the trunk and
pelvis, and Sissel transfers her weight further over
her left pelvis and hip as a preparation for dynamic sit-

Fig. 4.29 Sissel lifts her left arm up into the air. The
weight transference and extension through her left
side is facilitated, which cause reciprocal activation of
her right side. The right arm is incorporated to demand
more stabilizing action as she uses it as a reference for
movement and not support.

Fig. 4.30 Sissel is facilitated through her trunk over

her left side into standing to progress trunk extensor
activation on the left. She recruits enough stability in
her right hip, knee, and foot to allow this activity.
She no longer needs support of her right knee. The
left arm is moved into abduction to enhance trunk ex-
tension. She displays some flexor activity of her left
shoulder girdle and tends to fix in this area. However,
Fig. 4.30
she does not press down on the plinth.
190 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.31 Fig. 4.32

Fig. 4.31 Sissel maintains her weight transference to

the left and waves with both arms. This demonstrates
improved trunk interplay and postural control.

Fig. 4.32 Sissel’s right arm is placed on the plinth to

her right. This frees trunk movement through both
arms being in abduction without downward pressure.
She is therefore able to maintain her stability over
her left side as swing phase is initiated through ec-
centric activity of extensors, abductors, and external
rotators in the right hip and pelvic area.

Fig. 4.33 Sissel has problems in the next stage of

swing phase because the selectivity of hip flexion is re-
duced. To ensure that she does not lose her stability
through compensation, her right foot is facilitated
Fig. 4.33
4.1 Case History: Sissel 191

Fourth Photo Session, 1 Week Later

and the Last Treatment Session
before Sissel is Discharged
(Figs. 4.34–4.41)

Fig. 4.34 Sissel sits more symmetrically and seems to

adapt appropriately to the base of support—the plinth.
The right side of her thorax is slightly rotated back-
ward, her left shoulder girdle is rotated forward with
a slightly flexed trunk, although less than before. Com-
pare with Figures 4.8 and 4.9.

Fig. 4.35 Sissel’s right shoulder is treated to gain

more eccentric lengthening in the pectoralis major,
trapezius, and biceps before the arms are placed be-
hind Sissel on the plinth (compare with Fig. 4.13b).
In this way, the arms are placed in a natural position
and situation, and trunk extension is facilitated while
Sissel’s right foot is prepared for better interaction
with the floor.
192 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.36 Fig. 4.37

Fig. 4.36 Sissel has reduced dynamic control over her

left hip and pelvis due to her compensatory flexor stra-
tegies. These strategies prevent her from regaining op-
timal stability over her left side during transfers and
walking. A stable left side would free her right side
for movement. Sissel is helped to stand on one leg
(left) to enhance dynamic activation of trunk, hip,
and pelvis on her left side.

Fig. 4.37 Sissel lifts her left arm up and out and
moves the therapist’s left leg with her right foot at
the same time. She then has to stabilize over her left
hip as she moves the right leg without fixing through
her arms. This is very demanding, and she develops
an associated reaction in flexion of her right elbow.

Fig. 4.38 Sissel is asked to maintain the stability of

her left hip as she lowers her right foot in a controlled
manner down to the floor. The associated reactions
ease off because she is able to recruit dynamic activity
Fig. 4.38
in optimal alignment in her left side.
4.1 Case History: Sissel 193

Fig. 4.39 Fig. 4.40

Fig. 4.39 Facilitation of stepping. Sissel is now able to

take more steps together for walking. She is facilitated
through external rotation of both shoulders and slight
timed compression of her rib cage. She controls the
rest herself; stability, weight transference, and move-
ment of the legs in stance and swing. She no longer
needs help to swing the right leg forward into heel
strike, unless the tempo is too low to facilitate her pat-
tern generators.

Fig. 4.40 Sissel stands on her own. She is still unable

to walk unaided, but she has the potential for indepen-
dent walking within a relatively short time span.

Fig. 4.41 Sissel is happy with her treatment and looks

forward to continuing training closer to home; she will
Fig. 4.41
attend the local rehabilitation unit.
194 4 Case Histories

Evaluation at Discharge this happens, then Sissel will not need a walking
aid in the near future either.
Sissel developed a deep vein thrombosis of her Sissel has started knitting using rather large
right lower leg the day before her planned dis- diameter knitting needles and coarse thread. Her
charge. She therefore stayed a few more days in finger and hand dexterity is slightly reduced. Sis-
the department. There were no restrictions for sel’s aphasia is much reduced; she has only slight
physiotherapy, and Sissel started using a com- problems in finding the correct words sometimes.
pression stocking. She is discharged to a local rehabilitation unit.
With good communication of Sissel’s needs to
the local physiotherapist, she continues the inter-
Functional Activity ventions that have been started in the hospital.
Sissel is independent in all ADLs. She uses a man- The local council is looking for a more appropri-
ual wheelchair for transport, transfers herself, ate flat for Sissel without steep, concrete stairs.
and manages the bathroom herself. She walks Sissel stays at the unit for approximately 2
with slight support and is safe in this situation. months, before she moves in with her daughter
A walking aid has been discussed, and deemed while waiting for her new flat.
as not relevant at this time; Sissel’s postural con- Approximately a year after Sissel had her
trol is still not optimal, and a walking aid might stroke, she is living in her own new flat. Her
increase her flexor tendency and fixation strate- goals have been attained. It was a privilege to
gies and thereby negate interplay between body be involved in Sissel’s training and to include
segments. This interplay needs to be strength- her case study in this book.
ened to allow Sissel to develop good balance. If Thank you, Sissel.

Fig. 4.42 Fig. 4.43

Figs. 4.42 and 4.43 We visited Sissel several times in cheting the most beautiful and fine tablecloths again.
the rehabilitation unit and in her daughter’s flat. Our Although she walks without walking aids, she feels that
last visit was 6 months after Sissel had had her stroke. her balance is not as good as before. She therefore uses
She is now totally independent, and she has started cro- her wheelchair for longer distances outside the home.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 195

4.2 Case History: Lisa

Social History, Activity, and


Lisa is a 32-year-old woman with cerebral palsy

(Fig. 4.44). She is a qualified social worker and
works part-time from her own office at home.
She is unmarried, and lives in the garden flat of
her parents’ house. The flat has been adapted
for wheelchair use. Lisa has a large social net-
work and is active in organisational work. She
is a member of the public transport services for
wheelchair users, but the capacity of these
services does not allow her to be independent.
Her parents assist her when required, providing
transport for example. She has her own car,
which her parents drive. Lisa has a home help
twice a week, and a community nurse once a
day for personal assistance. She prepares her
own food on most days.
Until 7 years ago, Lisa could walk short dis-
tances using two elbow crutches. Now Lisa can
walk a few steps with a rollator, but is function-
ally wheelchair dependent in daily life. Generally,
Lisa is independent in most activities. Fig. 4.44 Lisa

Medical History Previous Training Experience and

As Lisa has cerebral palsy, she spent a lot of her
time in contact with the health services until x Lisa has been to a training center in the
the age of 16. She has had several operations: Norwegian mountains at Beitosølen a few
lengthening the Achilles tendon at the age of times; the last time was in 1992. She did
4–5, and finally arthrodesis of both ankles. All swimming training and riding, and enjoyed
in all, she has been through eight operations this very much.
between the age of 4 and 16. She has contrac- x Riding from the age of 8 to 16
tures of her hips, knees, and ankles as well as de- x Treatment by a chiropractor for her back pain:
formed feet. She probably has growth retardation stretching of her back and hips. Short-lasting
of the lower half of her body. effect
Lisa has a lot of pain in her lower back. She has x Physiotherapy: training and ultrasound for her
had chronic tendonitis and pain in both shoulders shoulder pain. Short-lasting effect
since 1992. Lisa has visual coordination prob- x Acupuncture. Short-lasting effect
196 4 Case Histories

Current Problems Assessment

Lisa feels that she is gradually deteriorating; she

Functional Activity
feels weaker, her balance and coordination are
reduced, and she does not trust her legs anymore. Lisa is independent in most daily activities except
She has therefore applied for a period of inpatient for putting on socks and shoes. She prefers to
training. dress and undress sitting in a chair, because her
balance is threatened if she sits freely on the
bed or plinth. During undressing, Lisa displays
Lisa’s Goals some involuntary movement, generalized re-
duced coordination, intention tremor, and re-
Lisa wishes to regain her previous level of func- duced dexterity and distal movement control.
tion and control of movement. She has great ex-
pectations and is very motivated. She is admitted
Body Functions and Structures
for 3 weeks’ training and receives physiotherapy
daily for 5 days a week. She was asked if she Observation and handling (Figs. 4.45–4.53).
would like her case study to be included in this
book and she gave written consent. The following
photographs were taken during a few of Lisa’s
treatment sessions.

Fig. 4.45a Fig. 4.45b

Fig. 4.45a, b Lisa has well-developed musculature in from the backrest of her wheelchair. In this way, her
her upper body. She has a functional strategy for tak- pelvis is lifted off the seat and she is able to take off
ing off her trousers in sitting: she pushes away through her trousers.
her feet, tilts her pelvis, and pushes into and away
4.2 Case History: Lisa 197

Fig. 4.46 Lisa has moderate involuntary movements,

and dressing in free sitting is therefore complicated.
She has reduced ability to adapt to the base of sup-
port. Even on sitting on the corner of the plinth to in-
crease the size and width of the support surface, she is
not able to recruit enough stability to undress her
upper body. Sudden involuntary movements destabi-
lize her and seem to increase the tone in her extremi-
ties. There may be some degree of spasticity present,
as well as severe non-neural changes.

Fig. 4.47a, b Lisa attempts to use her crutches for the

first time in a very long time. She shifts forward in her
chair. She is very asymmetric: her head is drawn to-
ward the right side, her right side flexes and rotates
forward while her left side retracts. She seems to pull
herself forward over her right side by her right arm
and push away through her left arm. Lisa’s knees
press together and her hips adduct as she draws her-
self into standing. The movement of her pelvis is re-
stricted due to severe hip adductor and flexor activity.
She has very limited ability to grade knee movement,
and therefore stiffens her legs to ensure that they
will carry her weight. Lisa is unable to get to standing
unaided, and the physiotherapist helps her bring her
Fig. 4.46
weight over her feet and to balance.

Fig. 4.47a Fig. 4.47b

198 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.48a Fig. 4.48b

Fig. 4.48a–c Lisa’s knees are pressed hard against

each other causing a white pressure mark on the inside
of her right knee. Lisa manages only two steps. She has
all her weight on her arms, and her legs do not carry
her. The pressure of her arms on her crutches activates
her latissimus dorsi and thereby increases her lumbar
lordosis. Her pelvis tilts anteriorly, and increases
the flexor, adductor and inward rotator activity of her
hips, left more than right. She rotates her pelvis back
during swing phase on the same side. This backward
rotation causes increased activation of adductor activ-
ity of the swinging leg, which she uses to bring the leg
past the standing leg. She has no stability over her hips
and pelvis. The activity in her neck and back muscles is
strong. She looks down to see where she places her
feet and keeps an eye on the near environment. She
is not able to follow what goes on in the rest of the
Fig. 4.48c
4.2 Case History: Lisa 199

Fig. 4.49 Lisa’s lower legs seem outwardly rotated in

relation to her thighs and her feet outwardly rotated in
relation to her lower legs.

Fig. 4.50 Lisa sits asymmetrically with sideflexion on

her right and the pelvis tilted down on her left. The
left side of her pelvis seem rotated backward, and
the left hip more adducted, internally rotated, and
flexed as compared with her right hip. Both arms are
heavy as the therapist helps to move them upward.
200 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.51 Lisa’s pelvis is tilted anteriorly. Her back is

straight and there is significant activity in her neck
and throat musculature. She moves her head very

Fig. 4.52 Lisa’s right shoulder is depressed. She is

sideflexed on her right compared to her left side. The
middle part of her trunk seems to be rotated back
on her right while her right pelvis is rotated forward.
The left side of her pelvis, trunk, and shoulder are
rotated backward.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 201

Foot deformation

4.53a–c Diagrammatic illustration of the assessment. the text, as well as increased tone and contractures of
(a) Lisa has increased activation of her back extensors, hip adduction and inward rotation, with reduced acti-
possibly as a compensation for flexor contractures (I) vation of quadriceps.
and increased tone of hip flexors. There is significantly (c) Lisa seen from behind. Her head is pulled to the
reduced activation of the gluteal and quadriceps mus- right, and the right side flexed. The right scapula is ro-
culature, and contractures of her knees, ankles, and feet. tated down, and the left lower trunk rotated back.
(b) Lisa has pain (z) in both shoulders, her right There is increased lumbar lordosis, and Lisa reports
shoulder is depressed and her head side flexed to her pain in this area. The pelvic musculature is inactive
right. She is rotated back (?) on the left side of her and atrophied. Both knees are contracted and there
lower trunk. The legs show rotation as described in is increased activation of the adductor musculature.

Clinical Reasoning and Hypotheses depends on visual more than somatosensory in-
puts. She seems unable to anticipate the displa-
cements and adjust her postural control in pre-
Systems Control paration for the activity. She has reduced control
Lisa seems dependent on visual input to maintain and activity of the muscles surrounding her pel-
some balance, both in sitting and standing/step- vis, hips, thighs, and legs. This musculature is
ping. When Lisa takes off her T-shirt in sitting, relatively inflexible and less sensitive and adap-
she almost falls. The imbalance occurs as she table to changes. Even if her superficial sensation
pulls her T-shirt over her head, thereby obliterat- is good, there will be reduced information from
ing visual information. As visual references are muscle and tendon organs due to muscular in-
lost she loses her orientation to her environment. activity. She may therefore have reduced ability
The observation of imbalance during unsup- to perceive small changes and displacements
ported undressing combined with her fixed and to adjust her activity in relation to the base
head position (probably to stabilize vision) of support, and to the ongoing demands for stabi-
leads to the hypothesis that her balance largely lity.
202 4 Case Histories

Lisa’s central nervous system (CNS) weights Clinical Reasoning Related to

the information through her visual systems Development Over Time:
more than somatosensory information, thereby A Reduction in Functional Ability
shifting to a more cognitive control of balance. (Figs. 4.54 and 4.55)
This causes reduction of anticipatory postural
Lisa was previously able to move better than she
adjustments. She has reduced distal dexterity;
does today. She does not have a progressive dis-
the corticospinal system may be affected.
order, although her physical ability is progres-
Lisa has significantly reduced stability and
sively worsening. Through life we adapt to what
movement control of her pelvis, hips, and legs,
we do and what we do not do, physically and
also some trunk involvement. She displays sud-
mentally. Lisa’s shoulder problems may be her
den involuntary movements and reduced coordi-
main problem. The pain in her shoulders causes
nation. Possibly, these involuntary movements
her to sit more and use a rollator instead of
are reinforced by the reduction of stability and
crutches. The use of a rollator and increased
balance. Balance and movement is the result of
time spent in sitting may contribute to increased
interaction of many systems in relation to the
compensatory flexion through her arms and her
goal (task) and the environment. Lisa was born
pelvis and hips, and increasingly deactivate the
with cerebral palsy and her CNS has therefore de-
control of her legs that she did have at one
veloped differently from a person with an unda-
time. This may have resulted in a vicious circle
maged CNS. Through plasticity, she has devel-
of events. Lisa has good abdominal musculature
oped sensorimotor control based on her available
and control, but as her pelvis is tilted anteriorly
resources and the interaction with the environ-
it prevents her from using these in an interplay
ment—to enable her to function to the best
with trunk extensors for core stability.
level possible. The sensorimotor (dys)functions
Improvement in hip and pelvic movement
she displays are a result of this interaction
based on more eccentric length in her adductor,
(form–function). It is therefore not possible to
flexor, and inward rotator musculature will im-
state specifically which systems are more or
prove the range of movement at the hips, may im-
less affected than others.
prove the flexibility of the musculature and soft
Lisa’s pelvis and legs seem growth retarded.
tissues and thereby enable Lisa to gain a better in-
She has never walked to any degree, and has re-
terplay between body segments and between the
duced muscular activity and control. There are
body and the environment/ base of support.
obvious non-neural changes in relation to mus-
Improved length and flexibility of the hips may
culature and connective tissues with muscular
enable Lisa to improve her control of extensors
atrophy, contractures, malalignments, and re-
and abductors and thereby balance. She may
duced recruitment. She may have some spasticity
then experience a reduction in low back pain
in her legs (hyperreflexia). Recruitment of the
because of improved alignment and muscular sup-
muscular activity necessary to sit, rise to stand-
port. Improved stability and balance might im-
ing, stand, and walk is reduced (extensors and
prove her shoulder pain because she would not
abductors among others).
need to support herself as heavily during transfers.

Compensatory Strategies
Main Subjective Problems
Lisa compensates for reduced walking ability and
Lisa’s subjective main problems (with a reference
the pain in her shoulders and back by using a
to her previous functional ability):
wheelchair (activity dimension). She compen-
x Progressively reduced balance
sates for reduced balance and stability by using
x Reduced ability to walk
her arms and upper body in all transfers. Reduced
x Pain in lower back and both shoulders
activity and control of her legs increases the
adductor, flexor and inward rotator activity in
both hips to ‘stiffen’ the legs during transfer to Goals
and from the wheelchair (body structures and
x Improved balance during functional activity
x Ease of pain in back and shoulders
4.2 Case History: Lisa 203

Shoulder pain

weightbearing Off-loading; more sitting
through arms

Further increased
reduction of balance

Increased flexion

More increased inactivity

Increased instability

Fig. 4.54 Hypothesis of cause and effect in the activity dimension.

Inappropriate interaction
between stability and movement

Deviant neuromuscular

Reduced balance
and movement control


Compensation in flexion


Increasingly stereotypical patterning

Fig. 4.55 Hypothesis of causal relationships in body structures and functions.

204 4 Case Histories

Intervention Physiotherapy (Figs. 4.56–4.80)

x Improve muscle length and flexibility,
Lisa transfers to a plinth. She is positioned on the
especially the adductors, flexors, and internal
corner of the plinth with one leg at either side of
rotators of the hips
the corner. This postural set is chosen because
x Facilitate an improved recruitment of appro-
the plinth allows a wider base of support and a
priate musculature and alignment in the lower
feeling of more security, at the same time as
body during sitting, transfers, in standing, and
the position of Lisa’s legs facilitates abduction
without forcing her legs apart. A firmer base of
x Facilitate the interplay between the central
support may also enable her to activate better.
and proximal key areas
x Facilitate adaptation to the base of support

Fig. 4.56 Lisa’s pelvis is tilted ante-

riorly due to short hip flexors and
a relatively fixed lumbar lordosis,
therefore she needs to have her
upper body supported. The position
is adapted by use of a firm wedged
support and pillows. A position of
flat supine would force the range of
both her hips and lumbar spine and
might increase tone and pain.

Fig. 4.57 Lisa’s back is straightened

by flexing both hips and tilting
her pelvis more posteriorly. Her seat
is lifted toward the corner of the
plinth to eccentrically lengthen her
back extensors and provide a better
opportunity for mobilizing her hip
4.2 Case History: Lisa 205

Fig. 4.58 Lisa’s legs are moved

carefully from her hips to start
freeing her movement. One leg is
moved at a time to maintain the
proximal stability of her trunk and
pelvis as much as possible.

Fig. 4.59 Lisa’s hip and pelvis, con-

tralateral to the leg that is moved,
are stabilized manually. The thera-
pist facilitates the pelvis into a more
posterior alignment on her right.
The facilitation to recruit stabilizing
activity is intermittent (not fixed
or stereotyped), milliseconds prior to
the initiation of movement in her left

Fig. 4.60 The flexor muscles in

Lisa’s left hip, especially the rectus
femoris, are lengthened caudally at
the same time as the pelvis is stabi-
lized posteriorly. Possibly Lisa’s
iliopsoas are short, and these may
only be influenced indirectly. The
adductors and inward rotators are
mobilized and facilitated to lengthen
206 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.62a, b Lisa is facilitated to recruit stability n

around her pelvis and trunk through demands for ac-
tive and free arms. Compare with Figures 4.46, 4.50,
and 4.62. Nearly 3 weeks of physiotherapy where im-
proved alignment and muscle length, facilitation to ac-
tive control and interplay between the body segments
trunk, pelvis, hips/thighs, and arms have enabled im-
proved balance when sitting. Lisa wears socks when
her feet are not treated directly because she gets
cold easily.

Fig. 4.61 Lisa is helped to sit by the therapist stabiliz-

ing Lisa’s pelvis in a posterior position at the same time
as she moves her upper body forward through abdom-
inal activity.
The rectus femoris is mobilized and moved laterally
over the hip at the same time as the therapist uses
her hands in contact with Lisa’s trochanters to facili-
tate hip abduction and hip extension. Alignment is cor-
rected in this way to make it possible to activate the
stabilizing musculature surrounding Lisa’s hips.
The anterior superior iliac spine is moved backward to
allow length to the rectus femoris as the therapist
gives length and stabilizes Lisa’s thighs with her fore-
arms. This activates Lisa’s abdominal muscles. Lisa Fig. 4.63a, b When Lisa transfers into standing she n
tries to grade the movement of the pelvis back actively usually recruits her adductors and medial hamstrings.
through eccentric activation of the hip flexors and the The therapist facilitates improved alignment of her
stabilizing activity of the abdominals. In the adapted hips and activation of abductors, extensors, and exter-
supine/half-sitting Lisa’s pelvis is stabilized in as nal rotators. The range of movement and activity
much posterior tilt as possible to gain eccentric length- round her hips is still too limited for optimal interplay
ening of lumbar extensors and hip flexors. This facilita- round Lisa’s pelvis and hips, therefore Lisa needs to
tion to improve stability continues as Lisa initiates the compensate and does this by fixing her head and
movement back into sitting. She is encouraged to neck. Lisa gets some support of her knees to reduce
reach for the therapist’s shoulders to enhance the her effort. If Lisa uses too much effort, she loses selec-
activation of her abdominals. tivity and increases her tone. She needs primarily se-
The interchange between eccentric and concentric lectivity, reciprocal innervation, and then more
work around the pelvis, hips, and trunk at the same strength. Through working in standing and in the
time as the alignment improves and the musculature transfer from and to standing with improved align-
gains more length, facilitates the interplay between ment, Lisa’s activation and control of antigravity activ-
these body segments. The aim is to improve align- ity is facilitated.
ment, stability, and balance.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 207

Fig. 4.62a Fig. 4.62b

Fig. 4.63a Fig. 4.63b

208 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.64a Fig. 4.64b

Fig. 4.64c Fig. 4.64d

4.2 Case History: Lisa 209

Fig. 4.64e Fig. 4.64f

Fig. 4.64a–f Lisa dressing in free sitting. Her feet

are in contact with the floor throughout the activity.
Compare with Figures 4.45 and 4.46.
210 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.65a Fig. 4.65b

Fig. 4.65a, b Lisa has never been able to dress whilst She obtains the necessary help and support to enable
standing, but it is important to develop her motor con- her to perform the activity as optimally as possible.
trol by demanding activation. Through dressing in a (b) Lisa starts experimenting with her new control
standing position, Lisa uses and develops further the and lets go of her arm support. She still needs support
interplay between body segments and her balance. of both knees, but they are much more stable.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 211

Fig. 4.66a, b Lisa’s quadriceps

are stiff and shortened in all their
length. The distal elements toward
the knees are mobilized and freed.
Through improved muscular flexibil-
ity, Lisa’s pelvis may be tilted further
back. The pelvis is stabilized in this
position to enable Lisa to recruit
more abdominal flexion to sit up.
The therapist gradually lets go of the
pelvis as Lisa moves further forward.
This position is not good for Lisa: she
lies too flat and uses too much effort
to sit up and her tone increases and
her legs extend.

Fig. 4.66a

Fig. 4.66b

Fig. 4.67 Lisa receives some assis-

tance from the therapist in moving
her shoulders forward at the same
time as the lower parts of the ab-
dominals are facilitated to form a
more stable background for the
concentric activation in the upper
part of the abdominal musculature.
212 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.68 Fig. 4.69

Fig. 4.68 The form of activation demonstrated in the

last few photographs influences the hip flexors, adduc-
tors, and internal rotators to gradually lengthen. Lisa’s
thighs seem to rest better on the plinth, which may en-
hance adaptation to the base of support and thereby
both anticipatory and ongoing adjustments of postural

Fig. 4.69 Lisa lifts both arms and maintains her


Fig. 4.70 Compare with Figure 4.52. As these photo-

graphs were taken with Lisa sitting on the side of the
plinth, they are not standardized. They do, however,
demonstrate the importance of adapting the postural
sets to the patient’s main problems. The choice of
the corner of the plinth as a seat, combined with mo-
bilizing the hips and facilitating the interaction of sta-
bility and movement enables Lisa to recruit improved
postural control. Lisa’s symmetry is improved through
treatment, even if the therapist has not worked on
Lisa’s trunk directly, which demonstrates Lisa’s poten-
Fig. 4.70
tial for further improvement.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 213

Fig. 4.71a Fig. 4.71b

Fig. 4.71a, b Lisa sits with more stability and her

alignment is improved. Compare with Figure 4.50.
Lisa is able to transfer weight and reach to the side due
to improved stability in her pelvis, hips, trunk, and
arms. She may influence the flexion of her right trunk
herself by being more active.

Fig. 4.72 Lisa is helped to stand. Her hip extensors,

abductors, and lateral rotators are activated at the
same time as the hip flexors are eccentrically length-
Fig. 4.72
ened. Compare with Figure 4.63.
214 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.73 Fig. 4.74

Fig. 4.73 Lisa’s stability, movement, and range have

improved. She does not need to compensate as
much through arm support and flexion of the upper
trunk and head. She stands up more easily with better
alignment (see Fig. 4.63).

Fig. 4.74 Note the thighs and knees: they are not
pressed together and knee extension is more active.
She still needs some support of both knees to facilitate
the truncal interplay.

Fig. 4.75 Lisa stands with less effort and more up-
Fig. 4.75
right. The hands are more relaxed.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 215

Fig. 4.76 Fig. 4.77

Fig. 4.76 Hip extension is facilitated as Lisa experi-

ments, challenges, and “plays” with her postural con-
trol. She lifts both hands into the air.

Fig. 4.77 Lisa practices knee flexion and extension to

enhance her dynamic activity and strength of hips and

Fig. 4.78 Lisa has a tendency for trunk flexion and

falling back as she sits down due to reduced coordi-
nation of pelvis and trunk. She fixes and locks her
trunk through agonist/antagonist co-contraction. Lisa
is helped to eccentrically lengthen her back extensors
by the therapist stabilizing her upper trunk toward
slight flexion to free the movement of the pelvis and
improve the interaction and grade the activity down
Fig. 4.78
with gravity.
216 4 Case Histories

Fig. 4.70a Fig. 4.79b

Fig. 4.79a–c Compare with Figures 4.47 and 4.49.

This is only the second time in 7 years that Lisa has at-
tempted walking with crutches. It still requires a lot of
effort! Lisa takes a few steps as the therapist facilitates
trunk interplay. The legs are freer and the thighs
and knees not pressed as tightly together (no white
marks). Lisa is able to walk several steps. Improved
Fig. 4.79c
stability demands less effort and better endurance.
4.2 Case History: Lisa 217


x Lisa has significantly less pain in her shoulders

and lower back; both intensity and frequency
are reduced.
x She sits more relaxed and secure, her thighs
rest better on the base of support, her arms
are freer, and she turns her head more easily.
x She has improved coordination and stability of
her trunk and pelvis. She dresses more easily
and seems less dependent on vision.
x She transfers from sitting to standing more
efficiently when she has slight support to both
knees and hands. She is able to stand with
knees more separated and her patellae point-
ing more forward. Her hips are more ex-
tended. The flexion is most observable in her
knees. She is able to stand for short periods
with only slight knee support.
x She has not regained her walking function of
7 years ago.
x She feels generally better. She is more stable
in sitting, feels safer and uses less effort in
dressing. If destabilized, she recovers her bal-
ance quicker. She is able to dress in free sitting
and fetch objects down from shelves and ca-
Fig. 4.80 Two happy people after 3 weeks of training. binets. She feels that she has better endurance
and that she performs activities more easily.
She also says that she recognizes her body and
feels better in herself.


x Lisa will be followed up by a therapist who

has attended Bobath courses and who has
experience in working with adults with neu-
rologic disorders and children with cerebral
x Riding was not possible, as no qualified
hippotherapists were available at this time.
Lisa was placed on a waiting list.
x Lisa was offered a further training period in
the department some months later in order to
build on the current improvement.
The author would like to thank Lisa for her posi-
tive attitude, motivation, and good cooperation.
Thank you Lisa.
Chapter 1 Applied Neurophysiology 219


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Index 231

Page references in italics

Index refer to illustrations only.

A – walking aids 136–137, 150

– wheelchairs 135–136
active movement 124–125 associated reactions 60–63, 64, 118, 126, 164
– facilitation 126 – assessment 153, 159
activities of daily living (ADLs) 70, 71–72 – control of 126–127
– assessment 148 – grading of 62–63
– transfer of treatment to 130–131 – inhibition 118
– see also assistive devices – mechanisms 61–62
activity measures 163–164 astrocytes 52–53
adaptation 73 ataxia 38
– see also plasticity autonomic function changes 155
agnosis, finger 154 axonal transport 50
air cast 138
akinesia 40, 41
alignment, ideal 10, 19, 90
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 126 baclofen 142
ankle balance 18–20, 68–69, 81
– orthoses 137–138, 138 – ankle strategy 69
– taping 82, 83–84 – deviations from normal balance control 80–88
anterograde axonal transport 50 – hip strategy 69
anterolateral system 13 – improvement 81
anticipatory adjustment of muscles – problems 38, 114, 158
(feedforward) 18, 19, 73 – assessment 157–159
arm sling 139, 140 – protective reactions and strategies 78–79
ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) 29 – vestibular system and 25–27
assessment 146–162 – see also postural control
– aim of 157–160 basal ganglia 38–41, 39, 40
– assessment diagram 164–165, 174, 200 base of support 72, 73
– balance or movement-based problems 157–159 – evaluation 75
– body functions and structures 150–153, 156 basic postures 90
– case histories 169–174, 195–200 – sitting 94, 96–97, 96
– clinical reasoning 156–157, 174–176, 200–201 – standing 90, 91
– cognitive deficits 160, 169 – see also postural sets
– documentation 165 basket cells 35
– functional activity 148–150, 169 Berg Balance Scale (BBS) 163
– history 147 Bobath balls 120
– learned nonuse 155 Bobath, Berta 1
– pain 155–156 Bobath Concept 1, 89
– perception 154–155 Bobath, Karel 1
– sensation 153–154 body schema 19, 75
– somatosensory/perceptual dysfunctions 159–160 body structure and function measures 162–163
assistive devices 134–140 botulinum toxin A 141–142
– adaptation 140 bradykinesia 40–41
– evaluation 140 brain stem 21, 25–27
– orthoses 137–140 brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 49
– timing 135 Busse, Berta 1
232 Index

carry-over 129–131 degrees of freedom problem 74
– generalization 129 deltoid muscle 7
– learning or retention 130 denervation supersensitivity 53
– performance 130 dentate nucleus 34–35
– transfer from treatment to activities descending pathways 25, 29
of daily living 130–131 dexterity 75
caudate nucleus 38 – loss of 57–58
central key area 107–108 diaschisis 52
central motor programming 18 distal key areas 108–109
central pattern generators (CPGs) 23–25 disuse atrophy 52
cerebellar circuit 35 – see also learned nonuse
cerebellar cortex 35–36 documentation 165
cerebellar nuclei 35 dorsal column medial lemniscus system 13, 14
cerebellum 33–38, 33 dressing 95
– functions 36–38 – assessment 149
cerebral cortex 30 drill 129
– plasticity 51–52 dual task 112
– somatosensory areas 16, 16 dyskinesia 41
– somatotopic organization 15, 20 dysmetria 38
cerebral palsy case history 194–216 dystonia 41
cerebrocerebellum 35, 35, 38
circulatory changes 155
classical conditioning 48
climbing fibers 35, 36 eating/drinking assessment 149
clinical reasoning 156–157 elbow 108–109
– assessment diagram 164–165, 174, 200 emboliform nucleus 35
– case histories 174–176, 200–201 equilibrium reactions/control 70
cognition 33, 111–112 exploratory behavior 124
– assessment 22, 150, 160 eyesight see vision
– case history 169
– reduced 115, 160
– walking control 113–114
collateral sprouting 50–51, 50 facilitation 118–124
communication assessment 148 – active movement 126
compartmentalization 8, 12 – assessment 153
compensatory strategies 80–84, 164–165 – stepping 120–124, 121–122, 123
– assessment 153, 159 fastigial nucleus 34
– case histories 175, 201 fatigue 58
constraint induced movement therapy feedback 19, 24, 73, 81, 127–129
(CIMT) 55, 133–134 – external sensory 18, 128–129
contractures 64 – handling and 127, 128
contraversive pushing 84 – internal 18, 127, 128
– see also pusher syndrome feedforward (anticipatory adjustment
cortex see cerebellar cortex; cerebral cortex of muscles) 18, 19, 73
cortico-rubrospinal system 31–33 finger discrimination 154
corticobulbar tract 30, 30 foot 73, 108
corticopontine tract 34 – heel-off 16, 37, 82
corticoreticular tract 28, 29 – heel-strike 16, 24, 37, 82, 131–132
– lesions 60 – hypersensitivity 86–88
corticospinal tract 29, 30–31, 30 – orthoses 137–138
crutches 136 – reduced adaptability 88
form–function concept 46
functional activity
– assessment 148–150, 169, 195
– case histories 169, 193, 195
Functional Reach (FR) 163
Index 233

GAITRite 163 ideal alignment 10, 19, 90
gastrocnemius muscle 6 impaired joint individuation 8
gene expression, plasticity and 48–49 incoordination 38
genotype 49 inferior olive 34, 36
glia 52 inhibition 41–44, 118
globose nucleus 35 – lateral 21, 21
globus pallidus 38 – postsynaptic 43
gnosis, finger 154 – presynaptic 42–43, 42, 43, 61
goals – recurrent 43–44, 61
– objective goal setting 164 instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) 70
– of physiotherapy 67, 146 – assessment 148
Golgi cells 35 International Bobath Instructors Training
Golgi tendon organ 9, 10, 61, 75 Association (IBITA) 1–2
granule cell 35 – mission 2
grasp 77 International Classification of Functioning,
graviceptors 75 Disability, and Health (ICF) 144–146
gravity 19, 71–72, 81 – sections 145, 149–150
– line of 152 interosseous muscles 6, 7
growth associated protein (GAP) 49, 51
H joint position sense 21
habituation 48 – assessment 154
handling 115–118
– active movement 124–125
– appropriate 115
– assessment 146–147, 151 key areas 107–111
– facilitation 118–124 – assessment 151–152
– feedback and 127, 128 – central 107–108
– learned nonuse 125 – distal 108–109
– neglect 125–126 – proximal 108
– passive movement 126 knee 108–109
hands 108 – hyperextension 86, 140, 158
– cramp, occupational 41 – orthoses 140
hands-off stage 120 knowledge of performance (KP) 128
head 26–27, 108 knowledge of results (KR) 128–129
heel-off 16, 37, 82
heel-strike 16, 24, 37, 82, 131–132
hemianopia 18, 86
hemiplegia 29, 33 lateral inhibition 21, 21
Hennemans recruitment principle 7, 81 latissimus dorsi muscle 12, 12
hip learned nonuse 22, 52, 55, 125, 159
– abductors 110–111 – assessment 155, 160
– extension 158 learning 47, 52, 53–55, 66–67, 80
– stability training 129 – motor learning 36, 38, 112–113
hippocampus 52 – retention 130
history taking 147 long-term depression (LTD) 36
– case histories 168–169, 194 long-term potentiation (LTP) 48
Huntington chorea 41 lumbricals 6
hyperextension, knee 86, 140, 158 lying see side-lying postural sets; supine
hypersensitivity 32, 54, 86–88
hypertonia 11–12, 153
hypotonia 11, 38, 41, 118–119, 153
234 Index

medical history 147 neck 108
medical treatment, spasticity 140–142 negative signs 57–58
Meissner corpuscles 20 neglect 125–126
memory 48 nerve cell regeneration 52–53
– explicit (declarative) 48 nerve growth factor (NGF) 49
– implicit (nondeclarative) 48 neuromuscular system 5–13
Merkel disks 20 neuroplasticity see plasticity
mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) 24 neurotrophic factors 49
midline 79 non-neural changes 63–64
– control 79 noninvasive imaging techniques 46, 47
– orientation 151
mossy fibers 35, 36
motivation 67, 136
motor cortex 18 objective goal setting 164
motor program storage 37 observation 148, 150
motor skills training 52 – see also assessment
motor units 7–8, 7 occupational hand cramp 41
– recruitment 7–8, 81 opisthotone 12
movement 66, 67–68, 73–77 orthoses 137–140, 137
– active 124–125 – ankle/foot 137–138, 138
– assessment 148, 150–153, 157–159 – knee 140
– control 67–68 – shoes 137
– automatic and voluntary 111–115 – shoulder 140
– selective 44, 152, 158 outcome measures 162–165
– deviations from normal movement 80–88 – activity measures 163–164
– dyssynergic patterns 60 – assessment diagram 164–165, 174, 200
– facilitation 118–124 – body structure and function measures 162–163
– functional activity 109–111 – self-report measures 164
– passive 126 over-activity 57
– patterns of 76–77, 76, 152 overlearning 113
– changes in 156 overstretch weakness 7, 13
– peripheral stimulation influence 116
– quality of 151–153
– righting 77–78, 78–79, 80
– vision role 17–18 Pacinian corpuscle 20
– see also postural control; stepping; pain 155
walking – autonomic function 155
multidisciplinary teamwork 134, 144 – clinical relevance 155–156
muscle see skeletal muscle – possible causes 155
muscle balance 8 paralysis 55, 56, 80, 86, 126
muscle fibers 5–8 paresis 55, 56, 80
– contraction 6–8 Parkinson disease 41, 84
– intrafusal 9 passive movement 126
– pathological changes 12–13, 63–64 patterns of movement 76–77, 76
– type 1 (ST) 5–6 pelvic girdle 108
– type 2 (FT) 6 pelvic tilt 103, 110, 110, 111
– type 2B (FG) 6 perception 33, 124
– use-dependent plastic adaptation 6 – assessment 22, 150, 154–155, 159–160
– see also skeletal muscle – reduced 86, 115
muscle imbalance 8 personal hygiene assessment 149
muscle spindles 9–10, 9, 75 phenotype 49
muscle tone 10–13 physiotherapy
– assessment 153 – assessment 146–162
– changes in 156 – case histories 175–193, 203–215
– stiffness 10 – goals 67, 146
– see also postural control; skeletal muscle placing 119
Index 235

plasticity 46–55 recurrent inhibition 43–44, 61

– associated reactions and 62 red nucleus 31–33, 31
– clinical relevance 53–55 regeneration, nerve cells 52–53
– collateral sprouting 50–51, 50 rehabilitation 54–55, 67, 144
– cortical maps 51–52, 80 Renshaw cell 43–44, 43
– functional 47–48 repetitive strain injury 41
– gene expression and 48–49 resting tone 10
– muscle fibers 6 retention 130
– nerve cell regeneration 52–53 reticular formation 27–30, 27
– neurotrophic factors 49 reticulospinal tracts 25, 28
– structural 48 – lesions 60
plateau potentials 59 retrograde axonal transport 50, 51
pontocerebellum 34, 34 righting 77–78, 78–79, 80
positive signs 58–59 – head 77
post-stroke hand edema 156 – postural control and 78–79
postsynaptic inhibition 43 – trunk 77
Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients rigidity 41
(PASS) 163 Rivermead Visual Gait Assessment (RVGA) 162–163
postural control 18–20, 70–71, 80, 112–115 robot training 134
– assessment 158 rotation 69, 77
– dynamic characteristics 74 rubrospinal tracts 28, 32
– function 71 Ruffini terminals 20
– righting and 78–79
– stability 74–75
– tone 10, 71–77, 158
– see also balance sarcomeres 6–7
postural hemineglect 84 selective control 44, 152, 158
postural sets 89–107 self-report measures 164
– side-lying 104–107, 105–107 sensation assessment 153–154, 159–160
– sitting 96–102, 97–99 sensory cortex 16, 16
– standing 90–96, 92–93 sensory unit 20
– supine 102–104, 102–103 shoes 137
postures see basic postures; postural sets short-term potentiation (STP) 48
presynaptic inhibition 42–43, 42, 43, 61 shoulder
principal nucleus 36 – orthoses 140
proprioceptors 9–10, 75 – subluxation 140
propriospinal fibers 23 shoulder girdle 108
protective reactions and strategies 78–79 – assessment 159
prototypical representation 37 shoulder–hand syndrome 155–156
proximal key areas 108 side-lying postural sets 104–107, 105–107
Purkinje cells 35, 36, 37 simultaneous activity 112
pusher syndrome 84, 85–86, 85 simultaneous bilateral touch 154
putamen 38, 39 simultaneous integration 154–155
pyramidal tract 18, 30–31 Single Leg Stance (SLS) 163
sitting 94, 96–97, 96, 119
– postural sets 97–102, 97–99
Q six-minute walking test (6MWT) 164
quadriceps muscle 8 skeletal muscle 5–10
– assessment 152
– biased recruitment 7
R – compartmentalization 8, 12
Rating Scale of Perceived Exertion (RPE) 164 – contraction 6–8, 71
reach 77 – motor unit 7–8
receptive field 20 – muscle tone 10–13
reciprocal innervation 74, 75 – noncontractile elements 9
– changes 156 – pathological changes 12–13, 63–64, 118
recovery 73 – sense organs in 9–10
– spontaneous 80 – shortened 118
236 Index

– specific mobilization of 119 synaptic connections 10, 11

– stretch weakness 7, 13 – axoaxonic 42, 42
– see also muscle fibers; muscle tone; – formation 50
specific muscles
skills 113
– motor skills training 52
skin quality 155 taping 82, 83–84
sling, arm 139, 140 tectospinal tracts 25
SMART goals 164 temporal distribution 43
social aspects 147 temporal summation 43
soleus muscle 6 terminal tremor 38
somatosensory system 13–16 thalamus 14–15
– assessment of dysfunctions 159–160 therapeutic handling see handling
– handling and 116 tibialis anterior muscle 6
– sensorimotor integration 16–17 Timed Up and Go (TUG) 163–164
spastic torticollis 41 touch 115–117
spasticity 58–59, 60, 140–141 – localization assessment 154
– definition 58–59 training 54–55
– inhibition 118 – constraint induced movement therapy
– medical treatment 140–142 (CIMT) 55, 133–134
– adverse effects 142 – hip stability 129
– baclofen 142 – motor skills 52
– botulinum toxin A 141–142 – strength 131–132
spatial distribution 43 – treadmill 132–133
spatial summation 43 transfer see weight transferance
specific mobilization of muscle 119 transfer of task 129
spinal cord 22–23 treadmill training 123, 132–133
– symptoms of injury 155 – with harness and support 132
spino-olivo-cerebellar tract 34 tremor 40, 41
spinocerebellar tracts 13, 15, 33 – terminal 38
spinocerebellum 33–34, 34, 37–38 Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) 162
spinoreticular tract 13 24-hour concept 134
spinothalamic tract 13 two-point discrimination 154
splints 138, 138
stability 74–75, 82
– hip stability training 129
stance 77 undressing 100–101
standing 19–20, 69, 73, 81, 90, 91 – assessment 149
– generalization 129 upper motoneuron syndrome 59–60
– postural sets 90–96, 92–93 upper motor neurons 57
– therapeutic significance 81–82 – lesions 57–59, 131
– see also balance; postural control – negative signs 57–58
stellate cells 35 – positive signs 58–59
– facilitation of 24–25, 120–124, 121–122, 123
– see also movement; walking
stereognostic sense 20–22, 116 valium 142
strength training 131–132 varied repetition 129
stretch weakness 7, 13 vestibular nucleus
stretching 64 – lateral 25–26
subjective postural vertical (SPV) 84, 85 – medial 26–27
supine vestibular system 25–27, 75
– hip stability training 129 vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) 27
– pelvic tilt 103, 110, 110 vestibulocerebellum 33, 37
– postural sets 102–104, 102–103 vestibulospinal tracts 25, 26, 28
Support Network for the Assembly and Database – lesions 60
for Spasticity Measurement (EU-SPASM) 58 vision 17–18, 17, 73, 76, 114
swelling 155 – problems 158
Index 237

Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) 164 weakness 57, 131

visual problems 38 – overstretch 7, 13
visual subjective vertical (VSV) 84, 85 – strength training 131–132
weight transferance 149
– abnormalities 87–88
W – assessment 149–151
walking 69, 69, 113–114, 120–121 – see also movement; walking
– pattern generation 24 wheelchairs 135–136
– step cycle 16 – manual 136
– see also balance; movement; – power 136
postural control; stepping wrist-hand syndrome 156
walking aids 136–137
– assessment 150
– bilateral 136
– one-handed 136–137 Zimmer frame 136

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