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1- Tetracyclines are prescribed safely to pregnant females (×)

Because they can pass placental barrier and cause teratogenisity to the
fetus (loss of calcium and bone deformities)
2- Acidification of urine increase Aspirin excretion (×)

Because aspirin is weak acid drug and if it present in acidic medium it will be
unionized and can absorbed easily, so to increase aspirin excretion the urine
must be alkalization
3- The bound fraction of a drug to plasma proteins is the active component (×)

Because the bound fraction is not free so it cannot be absorbed, filtered,

metabolized, excreted so it will be not active (DEPOT FORM ) while the free
fraction is the active
4- In case of morphine toxicity stomach wash should be done (√)

Because morphine is excreted in the stomach

5- Medications administrated by inhalation route are absorbed ×)
slowly (

Any medications taken be inhalation route are absorbed rapidly due to:
wide surface area , thin porous membrane of the alveoli , high vascularity
6- Tetracyclines might produce a teratogenic effect when given to pregnant
females (√)
Because they can pass placental barrier

7- Aspirin is better absorbed in alkaline medium (×)

Because aspirin is weak acid when it present in alkaline medium it will be
ionized , nonlipid soluble so it will not be absorbed while in acidic medium it
will be nonionized , lipid soluble so it can be absorbed
8-Aspirin is beneficial in management of toothache (√)

Because it more effective on the superficial pain witho ut tolerance nor

9- The harmful effect of meloxicam ( the selective COX-II Inhibitors ) on the
gastric mucosa is greater than produced by aspirin (×)
Because it has mild effect on the gastric mucosa than aspirin as aspirin
increase gastric HCL and increase release of salicylic acid and lead to pain,
ulcer and bleeding.

10- Protamine sulphate antagonizes the toxicity of heparin (√)

Because Heparin is acidic electronegative while Protamine sulphate is basic
electropositive so it will make chemical neutralization if it added to heparin
and stop it's action

11- Aspirin is safe asthmatic patient (×)

Because Aspirin cause bronchial asthma
12-The lower the therapeutic index the safer is the drug (×)

Because the Higher therapeutic index means that decrease in the lethal
dose and increase of the effective dose so the higher the therapeutic index
the safer is the drug
13-IV injection of the drugs is the highly safe method of the drug
administration (×)

Because it's the most dangerous as it may cause: anaphylactic shock,

thrombophlebtis , sever pain and inflammation , cardic problems and AIDS

14-plasma protein binding is a site for drug interaction (√)

As aspirin is highly affinity to the plasma protein and can displace oral anti
coagulant and oral hypoglycemia
15- the bioavailability of a drug is almost 100% after it's oral administration

Because the drug will partially metabolized by the first pass effect
16-the skin could be responsible for the drug excretion (√)

As rifampicin is excreted through the skin and make red disc oloration
17- Adrenaline has local haemostatic effect (√)

Because it cause Vasoconstriction when used S.C

18- Water and lipid solubility of the drug affect it's absorption (√)

Because the drug must be water and lipid soluble to be absorbed

If the drug is non water soluble (Barium chloride ) it will not be absorbed
19- Drugs which produce gastric irritation are adminisred before meals (×)

It should taken after meals to decrease the irritation

20- Folic acid is used alone to treat pernicious anemia

In spite it treats pernicious anemia but it lead to nervous lesion because

folic acid diverts vitB12 from nervous system to bone marrow
21-vitamn c is useful in treatment of iron deficiency anemia ((√)

Because vitC increase absorption of iron

22-Adrenaline is kept in dark ampoules ((√)

Because it oxidized into adrenochrome which is toxic when it exposed to

light or air
23-Tobacoo smoking inhibits the metabolism of drugs given in the same
time (×)

Because tobacco is one from the hepatic enzyme inducers so it accelerate

the metabolism of the drug
24- Hepatic metabolism of the drugs is inhibited in extreme age ((√)

As in child the liver in not developed while in old ages liver is exhausted
25- The dose of paracetamol can be multiplied safely (×)

Because by increasing the dose, it will cause depletion of Glutathione SH

which will accumulate NABQ which is toxic and lead to nephrotoxicty and
26 - Atropine is contraindicated in old males with enlarged prostate ((√)

Because atropine lead to retention of urine and lead to benign prostatic


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