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Classified Past Exams

*Radiation and X-ray Machine*

1. Give an account on filtration of the x-ray beam.(2)

2. Give an account on collimation of x-ray.
3. What are the component parts of the x-ray tube.
4. Give an account on types of x-ray produced in the x-ray tube.
5. Define under-collimation and its effects.
6. Give an account on x-ray beam total filtration.


1. Mention the technical errors that may occur on the exposure of periapical radiograph.
2. Give an account on black artifacts on final image (at least 4 errors)
3. Give an account on radiographic errors due to improper cone manipulations.
4. Give an account on errors due to improper film placement.
5. Give an account on exposure of the film from the back-side.


1. List the function of different components of developer and fixer solution.

2. Enumerate the components of developer solution and the function of each one.
3. Enumerate the disadvantages of the automatic processor.
4. Give an account on latent image and the effect of processing solution on it.
5. Give an account on normal processing steps of an unexposed film leads to a nlak
6. Define safe light and its requirements.
7. Give reason using high or low kVp produces an image with poor contrast


1. Compare between radiographic image density and contrast & factor that affect them.
2. Give an account on visual characteristics of the radiographic image.
3. How can target film distance , object film distance and alignment of x-ray beam
affects the diagnostic quality of radiographic images.
4. Discuss in details factors that affect visual characteristics of dental image.

1. Give an account on principles, advantages and disadvantages of paralleling

2. Discuss in details the different types of film holders used in periapical paralleling
3. Define vertical angle and horizontal angle.
4. Define the bisecting-angle technique.
5. Give reason using film holders in the intra-oral paralleling technique.
6. Give reason occlusal radiographs are not indicated in examination of caries or during
endodontic treatment .
7. Give reason bite wing radiograph is the best in examination of interproximal caries
and early periodontitis.
8. Give an account on types of occlusal techniques and its general indications.


1. Compare and contrast between stochastic and non-stochastic effects of radiation.

2. Discuss the measures that should be followed to protect the patient during exposure.
3. Give an account on long term effect of radiation.
4. Give an account on genetic effect on x-radiation.
5. Give an account on measures used to fulfill the ALARA principle during intra0ral
techniques(mention 4 measures).
6. Give an account on using long source-film distance and collimator are factors in
minimizing radiation doses to patients
7. Give an account on means of radiation protection to operator.
8. Define MPD.
9. Define direct effect of ionizing radiation.
*Film Composition*

1. Give an account on composition and function of each component of intra oral film
2. Give an account on Composition if intensifying screens.(2)
3. Give an account on Composition and function of the dental x-ray film.
4. Give an account on types of intensifying screens.
5. Give an account on extra oral film cassettes.
6. Define emulsion layer on dental X-ray films.
7. Give reason all extra-oral films are essentially screen type.
8. Give an account on principles of using intensifying screens


1. What are the results of patient positioning errors during panoramic examination.


1. Give an account on normal anatomical landmarks that seen on intraoral maxillary

periapical radiography.
2. Give an account on normal anatomical landmarks that seen on intraoral mandibular
premolar-molar area.
3. Enumrate radiolucent landmarks that appear on periapical radiograph related to the

*Digital Radiography*

1. Identify advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography.

2. Give an account on Digital subtraction radiography.

*Object localization*
1. Give an account on difficulties encountered during radiography of endodontic cas
and their solutions. (2only)

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