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S trength
Brand Name: As NEO is part of SRCC which is most prestigious commerce college in India so
students are more inclined to participate in the event.

• First mover advantage: The economist society of SRCC was one of first organization to
conduct economics Olympiad in India so it have of good experience in conducting it plus it is quite well
known now among the students. There previous year NEO went well.

• Strong organizing committee: NEO is being organized by some of the elite students of India.
So, it is most likely that there will smoothness in the conduct of event without any intervention and
problem. They will also be capable to fetch good sponsor.

• Rapid Expansion: The number and diversification of student is increasing every year. Last year
6000+ student from 10+ countries participated in NEO which is great number considering NEO came
only four years back.


Only MCQ question NEO only focuses on economics MCQ as compared to International
Economics Olympiad which conduct business case study competition, financial literacy game along
with economics round. The assessment of IEO check students theoretical as well as application
knowledge of economics through full fledge case study.

• Non- Proctored exam: Last year preliminary round was non-proctored due to which some
student might have taken unfair advantage.

• Quite Dull events: NEO is only limited to economics exam. It does not carry out any other events
such out keynote speaker session, workshop, etc so the ambience feels quite dull.


Large number of student: The number of studying in class 11 and 12 in India is very large. So,
there is high potential there will be growth in number of participating event.

• Tie up with IEO: NEO can tie up with IEO to select student to represent India in international
economics olympiad. This agreement can highly boost number of student participating in NEO.
Together they can conduct various collaborative projects as well.

• Economics Olympiad Prep App: There is no such application to help student prepare for
economics Olympiad like other Olympiad so NEO can leverage out this opportunity.

• Board Exam: NEO can advertise itself as companion to prepare for economics paper of board
exam (Phase I). Student can seek it out as double opportunity.

Other Colleges: The eco society of other college or other organization might also conduct their own
economics Olympiad making the market saturated.

Board exam. The same opportunity can also act as threat. As Olympiad is close to board exam
date(phase I) parents might be quite skeptical about neo and may not allow student to participate in other
extra activity and focus solely on board exam.

Technical Difficulty: As the Olympiad is going to happen online various technical error may come in
the way.

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