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Innovation Research Green Paradigm Design Excellency
Florence Italy the 21.12.2020

Generators of Sustainable Blue & Green Development on the Post Covid Era
; ; ;
Historical events have dramatically changed our world since January 2020, uncovering pervasive inequalities,
high concentration of wealth and power, and a broken political and democratic systems thus setting up the
need for an urgent reprogramming of our professional and institutional strategies, as well as to reset and better
re-plan our immediate a medium-term objectives and providing us the opportunity to choose with whom and
on what terms we want to live in the coming Post Covid era.

The ultimate questions and where the greatest frictions within the existing system are now centered in major
global issues such as what planet we want, on what terms we want it to develop, and how we plan our
conceptual and implementing actions?

A Strategic Foundation Manifesto on who we are, what we can do, and how we are structure to achieve these
goals triggering a Quantum Leap towards a Healthy & Fair future in symbiosis with the ecosystem through
industry 4.0 hybrid innovation of robotic prefabrication construction technology and Smart Mobility.
1. A Paradigm Quantum Shift
2. The Three Assets for development
3. The Black Swan of January 2020 : “The Great Reset”
4. The winter Solstice of the 21 December 2020
5. Key strategic concepts network
6. Intercontinental Partnerships & Senior Advisors
7. Solar Health Farm EcoVillages/ SolarHealth Resort/BioCenter Incubators/Eco+Hospitals
8. Financial Leap towards the future we want
9. Engagements mandatory procedures

1. Paradigm quantum shift

As history has shown a paradigm quantum shift is
generated through real, socially visible projects
objectively applied on the territory, its cities, and
(emblematic) buildings and media-active actions
including through Social Networks,. Where the
"Green Deal & Blue Digital” revolution
“ produces growth as a paradigm quantum shift
through the action of innovation Eco_Technology
& Circular Economy, applied in real space in
symbiosis with natural systems.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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Center Georges Pompidou 1977, in the Beaubourg area of the 4th arrondissement of Paris, near Les Halles, Rue Montorgueil and
the Marais.

It was designed in the style of high-tech architecture by Richard Rogers' architectural team, Renzo Piano, along with
Gianfranco Franchini. Paradoxically, at the time of its inauguration it was the product of innumerable criticisms by
conservative historicists who repeated the phenomenon that occurred with the Eiffel Tower, since today, the Georges
Pompidou Center is one more symbol of the city. The museum was conceived as a large empty container, moldable according
to the needs of each event, and surrounded by a technological envelope made up of the technical systems that serve this large
space: the glass skin with its vigorous metallic supporting structures, the conduits and air conditioning equipment and
escalators that connect the various levels of the building.

JJean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center 1991-1998

During the negotiations for the independence of the French territory of New Caledonia and at his request, the government of
the metropolis chaired by François Mitterrand undertook to build in Nouméa a center for the promotion of the Canaanite
culture and dedicated to the memory of the political leader Jean Marie Tjibaou, assassinated in 1989. In this work the
architect Renzo Piano combined the cultures of the Pacific and modernity. The year that the work on this complex was
completed, 1998, the architect received the prestigious Pritzker Prize, considered the Nobel Prize for Architecture, at the
White House from the president of the United States, Bill Clinton.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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As Prof. Dr. Mazzucato says (RETHINKING CAPITALISM: Economics and policy for sustainable and inclusive
growth 2020)… ..The transition to a green production model implies a substantial structural change:
transformation of industries, technologies, processes and infrastructure, as well as a transition in the patterns
of consumption, leisure and work ”which is associated with the philosophical _ Platonic & Socratic concept
of“ beauty (from the Greek "kalos" and "agathos," which corresponds to "beautiful and good" (Prof. Arch
Renzo Piano TED Conferences 2018)

Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli 1480 Uffizi Gallery - Florence

Michelangelo's David 1504 - Galleria of the Academy Florence

2. The Three Assets for development

In short, their societal impact in local communities, focus on three axes:

The first derives from the Greek meaning of "Beauty", which means not only an "Aesthetic" concept but is directly
related to an "Ethical" principle of "Good", which is the door to the contemporary trend of "Ecological /
Environmental Revolution."
The Second, attention to the protection of the environment, energy-saving, and the comprehensive use of natural
resources through the promotion, transfer, commercialization, adaptation, and dissemination of new eco-technologies
and ecological innovations on construction and human mobility.
The Third, in the medium term, in accordance with the local government's roadmap and based on international joint
venture capital frameworks; we will support inclusive Urban-Rural economic growth1

That will be fostered through :
(i) job creation directly and indirect and other livelihood opportunities
(ii) expanded access to financing for affordable housing, new improved housing, associated infrastructure and social services
( improved local government capacity to implement integrated development strategies through endogenous and sustainable
development policies) ;
Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
w w w . a b i t a g r e e n . n e t

3. The Black Swan of January 2020 ...

"The Corona virus (COVID-19), defined a historical - Black Swan- ..." Unexpected and difficult to predict
event, was not within the range of normal expectations. However, it will result in a severe global economic
contraction in 2020”(Forbes Dr Benjamin C. Halliburton 2020)…, it accelerated an abrupt change in the
social, economic and environmental systems, since it is the result of the…” neoclassical theories and their
proposals for neoliberal economic policies in the crisis that has affected the capitalist economies "... of the
western from 2008 to the present (where resources are said to be infinite):
1.- Stagnant and unstable economic growth; 2.- Deterioration of the standard of living and growing Inequality, 3.-
Climate change and progressive degradation of the environment" (Prof. Dra. M. Mazzucato TED Conference
2020) …
“The Great Reset” (of capitalism).
COVID-19 lockdowns brought only intensifying anxiety
about the world’s social and economic prospects. The
World Economic Forum quotes “ there is good reason to
worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun,
and we could be facing the worst depression since the
1930s”. According to the Financial Times, global
government debt has already reached its highest level in
peacetime (

Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less
sustainable, less equal, and more fragile.
One certainty has appear on this Covid Pandemic we are living : The will to build a better society does
exist which can secure the Great Reset that we so badly need, demanding the private-sector engagement in
every step of the way acting jointly and swiftly with governmental policies to revamp all aspects of our
societies and economies, from education to social contracts, working conditions and climate change
positive policies.
The COVID-19 crisis is affecting every facet of people’s lives in every corner of the world. But tragedy
need not be its only legacy. On the contrary, the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of
opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more
prosperous future. The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented. But it is not some
impossible dream. In fact, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make
radical changes to our lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon
practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office.

(iii) and strengthen the environment conducive to the development of SMEs.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
w w w . a b i t a g r e e n . n e t

1.- eco agro urban leisure park Nanjing China; 2.- EcoVilla Guanaja Island Honduras ; 3. Cyclonic EcoVilla Bahamas; 4. Agritourism Gardens _ Solar Health Farm Video Oct 2020

The Great Reset agenda would have three main components.

The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve
coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the
conditions for a “stakeholder economy.” At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt,
governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action.

The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure

that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and
sustainability. The European Commission, for one,
has unveiled plans for a €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery
fund. Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from
private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old
system, we should use them to create a new one that is more
resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means,
for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating
incentives for industries to improve their track record on
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
w w w . a b i t a g r e e n . n e t

The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the
COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics,
therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and
deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector
4. The winter Solstice of the 21 December 2020
Jupiter _ Saturn planetary conjunction alignment as they've been since 1226, next one will be on 2080. Our
perception of Space & Time has mutated strongly having reached a dilution of its limits towards a fluid
interconnected time and space.

During these past 11 months, we have been strongly interconnected on 4 continents _

Europe _ South&Central America_The Caribbean_Africa and Asia since February
2020- all through the Covid world Pandemic, consolidating our Intercontinental
Network of joint interest and common objectives targeting the Sustainable
Developments Goals of the 2016 United Nations
United Nations / Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable
Development /
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015,
provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At
its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all
countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and
other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce
inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our
oceans and forests.

Italian Chinese consortium based in Florence_Hong Kong_Holland,20 years experience on International

Markets to Promote, Market & Contract Commodities (Mineral) from Africa & South America towards
China`s growing markets within Carbon Neutral strategies.

5. Key strategic concepts network:

Circular Economy, Eco-Development, Mitigation of climate change, Symbiosis with Nature, Education by
paradigms and technological innovations, Training by Projects, Hybrid digital and face-to-face education
through intercontinental networks, Eco-sensitive advanced prefabrication, Industry 4.0, Advanced digital
communication through Satellite Teleport, Smart mobility and Drone Technology, Urban Framing &
Nutraceutics for food production, Block chain for development, Fintech (advanced digital processes in
financial transactions) and Prop Tech for new models of real estate development, SDG UN Sustainable
Development Goals
Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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6. Intercontinental Partnerships & Senior Advisors

Beijing & Hong Kong The Peoples Republic of China;

Singapore The Republic of Singapore; Cape Town the
Republic of South Africa; Maseru the Kingdom of
Lesotho; Lima the Republic of Peru; Amsterdam the
Republic of The Netherlands and Rome the Republic of
Italy , with documented experience : Commodities
Import& Export Management; Procurement &
Marketing in Asia , Africa & South America; Mining
Sourcing; Financial Assets Management Advisors on
EU & Singapore Banking facilities.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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7. Solar Health Farm Eco Villages - either Eco

Barrios or small Eco Cities, for urban, peri-urban
or rural systems as a socio-productive alternative
and a 'healthy living' that seek to block
emigration from the countryside to the city,
where eco-housing and productive systems and
agricultural tourism generate a sociocultural
change in the entropic environment

Solar Health Resort – are Eco Resorts as a socio-

productive and a `healthy living` alternative for high
socio-economic level population who looks to
alternative “green living” to urban metropolitan life ,
also as a second house retire , where VIP eco-
housing and productive systems with agricultural
tourism or “agri tourism” generate a socio-cultural
change in the entropic environment

_ Smart Rain Forest Eco Village in Peru , Belize and Guanaja Island in Honduras , as for
allows us to open up to
Post Covid strategies targeting the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, thus innovating the
Real Estate sector with advanced Industry 4.0 robotic prefabricated construction systems, under quality
production registered Italian patent brands produced for us in Asia

These Paradigmatic projects, can act as STAR GATES allowing an immediate Quantum Leap towards the
future, the Post COVID _ Blue (digital) & Green (ecological) Revolution : a global scale historical entropic
& societal process - on course.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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Bahamas Cyclonic Eco Housin Eco_Housing Africa Eco_School Africa

Eco Arcale_Research & Development Light Steel Frame Research Sustainable Urban District Waterloo _Belgium

BioCenter Lima Benchmark Research Eco Hospitals

Solar Health Resort Solar Health Farm Eco Village BioCenter Guanaja Honduras

BioCentre ILAF Ghana _ Eco Tech Park Campus Smart Eco Village Baraka DRC

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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8. Financial leap towards the future we want

To be able to implement this vision _projects worldwide and specially on growing economies (away from
depression and stagnating societies), our strategies have been integrated with the opportunity to use Real Estate
Properties to be registered in a Security House in order to emit an SKR or “Safe Keeping Receipt”, which can be
placed in a - Private Investment Program - receiving consistent cash flows on a 15 months period.

9. Engagements mandatory procedure

1. The signing of NCNDA (Non Circumvent Non Disclosure Agreement)

2. The signing of a LOI, with annexed KYC (Know Your Client documentation set)
3. The receiving of a procedure from the Program Master
4. The presentation of the certification related to the properties involved
• For the real estate properties : value in Euro, deed of ownership, sworn appraisal expressing the value of the
property, the same must be free from prejudices, mortgages, burdens of any kind, after signing the investment
contract, the property cannot sell the asset for a 15th months period.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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• For the mines: title of ownership and / or concession for at least 10 years, annual and ten-year extraction capacity
certified appraisal; after signing the investment contract, the property cannot sell the asset for 15th months period.
5. The negotiation based on a JV contract draft
6. The signing of the contract with annexed IMFPA (Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement)
7. Contract with MaiLab Biz _ University Enterprise Laboratory of the Florence University for the activation of applied
scientific cooperation triggering generative and emblematic projects on a global scale.

Dr. Arch. Fernando Recalde ( PhD)

CEO IGD Florence Italy
Superviser & General Coordination ®

Dr.Arch.Fernando Recalde L. ABITArGreen Business®EU Trade Mark

B.Arch, M.Sc, Ph.D, Post Ph.D CEO / General Manager of Italian Green Design,
Senior Research Scholar & Advisor / Maillab School of Architecture Headquarters Florence Italy
Eco Technologies & Sustainable Practices Tel: + 39 055 5048394
Med Green Organizing Committee & Chair Stud. Competition Mobil_WhatApp: + 39 333 3878 626
-- Skype: feridea_abita, WeChat: feridea_florence --
Università Degli Studi di Firenze_
Scuola di Architettura _ DIDA
Via Mattonaia 14, - 50121 Firenze ITALIA


Professional association in the field of Advanced Eco Technologies and Digital innovations for
the build environment, developed within Italian knowhow and green design architecture, urban
planning and industrial design, focusing on innovative architectural design products within the
new environmental paradigm:

Composed of professional Italian architects and University Professors in Eco_Architecture and

Sustainable Urban Planning, with over 30 years experience and based on strong international
scientific and academic bonds, has several signed ongoing agreements with EU and International
eco technology providers at global scale to produce our authorship registered EU Branded

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
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incubator lines supporting innovation in design at territorial, urban, architectural and design scale
on global markets .
Targets growing markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Under the official auspice of
MaiLab University Enterprise Laboratory of the University of Florence - School of Architecture
since 2019, developing emblematic projects worldwide triggering United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals, approved by the UN General Assembly 2015. SINCE 2014 promotes the
Quality Brand, “ABITAGREEN ®”: Sustainable Building & Green Living, as for
Brands registered by Dr Arch Fernando Recalde at the Italian Ministry of Economic
Development in June 2020.
Promote, organize and develop applied research & development on built systems and
architectural eco_technologies fields for the built & natural environmental transformations under
an official agreement wit Enterprise Laboratory MaiLab of te School of Architecture of the
University of Florence. Applied research & development through the collaboration with
Municipalities and Public Administrations & Private enterprises, both in the European Union
and foreign transitional & growing economies to improve urban environmental policies re
qualification, aiming to introduce new environmental parameters on building standards & urban

In particular:

- Integrate advanced technologies for energy saving into the design process;
- Develop evaluation tools for quality control of the built environment transformation
- Apply training tools & innovative teaching methodologies on professional training on Bio
ecological architecture fields and in the use of innovative technologies for the built
environment; furthermore research co-ordination & experimental activities among associated
enterprise and institutions on the above-mentioned fields;
- Develop researchers training through courses, conferences and workshops;
- Use the results of undertake activities through “discussion papers” and specific publications in
order to improve Bio ecological Architecture &Technological Innovation for the
Environment`s teaching;
- Improve human potential in education & cultural diversity (Partnership enhancing content
production achieving sustainable development on developing countries) using advanced
teaching methods and innovative ICT communication web tools.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
w w w . a b i t a g r e e n . n e t

The Aristotelian concept of the "Beautiful" corresponding to the "True" [edit | edit wikitext]
The beauty for Aristotle and Plato is the "True". In the modern age, Giambattista Vico affirms another criterion,
according to which the truth is the "fact" (verum - factum). By unifying these two criteria we derive the western
form of beauty, which is inevitably art. Beauty is in art and the possibility that beauty belongs to nature is
explicitly admitted by Kant in the Critique of Judgment where he defines natural beauty as "art beauty" and "art
beauty" as nature's beauty. . Essentially, in the philosophical culture of the West, beauty is defined as a function
of the judgment that expresses it, while "beauty in itself" is absolutely chimerical. The perception of the
"beauty" in menudo implies the interpretation of the alguna entity that is in equilibrium and harmony with
… Quality of what appears or is considered beautiful to the senses and to the soul. The connection between the
idea of beauty and that of good, suggested by the etymological root (the Latin bellus "beautiful" is a diminutive
of an ancient form of bonus "good"), refers to the conception of b. as order, harmony and proportion of the parts,
which found full expression in Greek philosophy….
FORBES COVID-19 is a Black Swan
Benjamin C. HalliburtonForbesBooks Author
AUTHOR POST| Paid Program
Benjamin C. Halliburton
Benjamin C. Halliburton is the CIO of Tradition Asset Management, LLC and author of Wiser Investing.
The Corona virus (COVID-19) is a “Black Swan” event. This unexpected and hard-to-predict event was not
within the range of normal expectations. Nonetheless, it will result in a severe economic contraction on a global
basis in 2020. While the magnitude of the human tragedy is still unknowable and outside the realm of our
expertise, the economic and financial impact is coming into view.
Mariana Mazzucato TED 22 june 2020/8/28
In the face of three simultaneous crises -- health, the economy and climate -- do we have a chance to do
capitalism differently? Economist Mariana Mazzucato explains why we shouldn't try to go back to normal after
the pandemic but should instead rethink how governments work together with businesses to solve big problems.
Learn more about how governments can play a dynamic, proactive role in shaping markets and sparking
innovation -- instead of just responding to broken systems. (This virtual conversation, hosted by TED Global
curator Bruno Giussani, was recorded June 22, 2020.)
RETHINKING CAPITALISM: Economics and policy for sustainable and inclusive growth
Michael Jacobs and Mariana Mazzucato
1. Introduction
This book is framed in the crisis that has affected Western capitalist economies from 2008 to the present.
Specifically, the book identifies three central and interconnected problems that these economies are facing:
• Stagnant and unstable economic growth
• Declining living standards and growing inequality
• Climate change and progressive degradation of the environment
The authors argue that the main neoclassical theories and their economic policy proposals do not serve to solve
these problems and, in fact, they are at the base of their gestation and dissemination. As an alternative, they
propose a series of heterodox theories and policy recommendations in different areas (monetary policy, fiscal
policy, innovation systems,
corporate governance, etc.).
Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487
w w w . a b i t a g r e e n . n e t

The central assumption of the book questions the neoclassical approach to the economic efficiency of markets in
free and competitive environments (where the State plays a residual role that is restricted to intervention when
market failure occurs) versus the heterodox approach, which sets the idea of the markets as social and political
constructions (in which the
State plays a central role as the leader of this construction). This reinterpretation of the relationship between
markets and States will have, as its ultimate consequence, the necessity for a higher and deeper degree of public
The theoretical foundations of the book are based on a kind of combination of Schumpeterian evolutionary
economic thought and post-Keynesian proposals on fiscal boost. One of the main ideas underlying the whole text
is linked to endogenous growth theory, that is, technological innovation and organizational knowledge as the basis
of the progress of capitalist economies.
On this basis, Schumpeterian theories of the firm are included, particularly the ones that discuss he process of
generation of these innovations, and the theories of Keynes’ business cycles and the importance of fiscal
multipliers (i.e. investment and public expenditure) as automatic stabilizers during recessive periods and as
guiders during expansive ones.
From these foundations, the book develops in a series of articles that address the different public policies that
should be reoriented in the search for a sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and the central role that the
State must play in each of these policies.
For the sake of clarity, this review is divided into three parts, which do not follow the chapter structure of the
book, but rather the transversal structure of each chapter. First, the main neoclassical theories and their neoliberal
economic policy proposals are grouped. Second, the problems derived from or not solved by the neoliberal
proposals are presented. Third, the theories and alternative proposals of economic policy from the heterodox
approach are exposed. Finally, a compendium of the main virtues presented by the book and its contributions to
the reflection of the institutional political economy is made and some of the gaps and limitations are identified.

Green growth as a techno-economic paradigm shift.

The transition to a green production model involves a substantial structural change: industries, technologies,
processes and infrastructure transformation, as well as transition in patterns of consumption, leisure and work. To
achieve these strategic goals, it is necessary to develop regulations, incentive systems and a strong industrial
policy that is supported by public investment. In short, the authors understand that developed economies have
been operating for too long
according to neoclassical premises, which have their practical translation into neoliberal policies. This approach
has stagnated economies, fostered inequality and empowered wealthy businesses and classes, thus prioritizing
short-term benefits instead of sustainable and inclusive long-term growth.
Renzo Piano TED 2018 | April 2018
beauty is not a frivolous idea. It's the opposite. In my native language, that is Italian, "beautiful" is "bello." In
Spanish, "beauty" is "belleza." In Greek, "beautiful" is "kalos." When you add "agathos," that means "beautiful
and good." In no one of those languages, "beautiful" just means "beautiful." It also means "good."
13:34 / Real beauty is when the invisible joins the visible, coming on surface. And this doesn't apply only to art
or nature. This applies to science, human curiosity, solidarity -- that's the reason why you may say, "This is a
beautiful person," "That's a beautiful mind." This, this is the beauty that can change people into better people,
by switching a special light in their eyes. And making buildings for this beauty makes cities better places to live.
And better cities make better citizens.
14:25 / Well, this beauty -- this universal beauty, I should say -- is one of the few things that can change the
world. Believe me, this beauty will save the world. One person at a time, but it will do it.

Via del Gelsomino N°3, 50125 Florence Italy Tel.+390552335630 Mobil +39 3333878626 VAT 06593550483 FISCAL CODE 94254400487

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