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1. Kertas ini mengandungi 2 bahagian: Bahagian A dan B

2. Bahagian A mengandungi:
a. 15 soalan objektif
3. Bahagian B mengandungi:
a. 3 soalan kefahaman
b. 2 soalan struktur
c. 2 soalan ekspresi sosial
4. Jawab semua soalan.

Pastikan anda melengkapkan maklumat di bawah:

Nama: ______________________________________________________________

Tarikh: _____________________________________________________________

Prepared by,

Stella Stephen Galaut
Subject Teacher
Section A
30 Marks
Vocabulary (Question 1 – 5)
Arahan: Baca soalan dan perhatikan gambar dengan teliti. Bulatkan satu sahaja
jawapan sama ada A, B, C atau D.

A. Korea
1. John is a Briton. He is from B. Brazil
____________. C. the UK
D. the US
A. chess
2. Pablo always play
B. softball
___________ with his
C. football
D. snake and ladder
A. Art
3. My favourite school subject B. English
is ______________. C. Mathematics
D. Social Studies

A. 1st January
4. Christmas Day is celebrated
B. 16th February
on the ______________
C. 4th November
D. 25th December

A. fruits
5. I love to eat __________ for B. burger
breakfast. C. sandwich
D. fried chicken

Grammar (Question 6 – 8)
Arahan: Baca Soalan dengan teliti dan bulatkan jawapan sama ada A, B, C atau D.
6. Simple Present Tense: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Amanda ___________ to school every day.
A. go
B. goes
C. gone
D. going

7. Have you got ___________ milk?

A. any
B. little
C. some
D. much

8. Present Continuous Tense: Amanda ________________ a book.

A. read
B. reads
C. is reading
D. are reading

Spelling (Question 9 – 15)

Arahan: Perhatikan gambar yang diberi dan bulatkan ejaan yang betul sama ada A, B,
C atau D.
9. These are ______________.
A. nife
B. knife
C. knifes
D. knives

10. ____________ can be found in pyramids.

A. mami
B. mummy
C. mummies
D. mummied

11. Choose the correct positive statement.

A. Ozza isn’t playing at the field.
B. Ellyn is dreaming to be an artiist.
C. Jhoell and Hrayliana aren’t studying.
D. Rick and Frank aren’t looking at the toys.

12. Choose the correct negative statement.

A. Aryan is baking a cake.
B. Ebyanna and Fara are bestfriends.
C. Lucilla and Sherrylyn aren’t in the room.
D. Zandra is looking after her sick cat, Momo.

13. We have our recess at ___________ in the morning.

A. 10.05
B. 10.10
C. 10.15
D. 10.20
14. Choose the best adjectives.
The dolphin is _______________________
A. big and scary
B. small and long
C. boring and noisy
D. Intelligent and interesting

15. I like to eat a ________________ of chocolate.

A. a bar of
B. a box of
C. a packet of
D. a bouquet of

Structure (Question 16 – 18)

Arahan: Baca dialog dan kemudian jawab soalan yang diberikan.
16. Who opened the tomb?
___________________ and ___________________ opened the tomb.

17. How old was Tutankhamun when he died?


18. What was inside the tomb?


Structure (Question 19– 20)

Arahan: Jawab soalan berikut berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan.
19. Rick, what is the time now?

20. What is Frank doing? (putting – bottles – recycling


Social expression (Question 21 – 22)

Arahan: Isikan tempat kosong sesuai dengan soalan atau jawapan yang diberi.

Where are you

21. going?


Yes, I would like to have

pasta and grilled salmon.

5. Kertas ini mengandungi 3 bahagian: Bahagian A, B dan C.

6. Bahagian A mengandungi:
a. Soalan perpindahan maklumat.
7. Bahagian B mengandungi:
a. Isi tempat kosong.
8. Bahagian C mengandungi soalan menyusun ayat menjadi sebuah cerita.
9. Jawab semua soalan.

Pastikan anda melengkapkan maklumat di bawah:

Nama: ______________________________________________________________

Tarikh: _____________________________________________________________

Prepared by,

Stella Stephen Galaut
Subject Teacher
PAPER 2 (Kertas 2)

(10 marks)

Section A
Information Transfer (10 marks)

Arahan: Baca petikan dan masukkan maklumat dalam jadual yang diberi.

Today is 16th November 2021. My family and I are going for a trip to Kundasang.
We are going by car. There are five of us. My parents, my sister, my brother and I.
We are leaving at seven o’clock in the morning. We will arrive at 10.00 a.m. to
Kundasang. It’s going to be a fun and enjoyable trip.

My Trip
Trip to
Going by
I leave at
I arrive at

Section B

15 marks

Complete Information

Arahan: Lengkapkan maklumat berikut:

My Favourite Animal
What do they look like?
Where do they live?
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________

What do they eat? Why do you like them?

________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________

Interesting facts

Section C

15 marks

Arrange Sentences

Arahan: Susun ayat berikut menjadi sebuah cerita.

The Emperor’s Nightingale

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