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• I

Septe mber 5, 1917 to time of demob ilizati on.

Moy 191Q.
The company was organized on Sept. f>, 1917 an1I received its first men on Sept. 7th.

Th e original members of the company trn,ine1l at Camp Funston, Kansas during the
other or-
fall of 1917 and the winter of 1917-18. Most of these men were transferre d to
during ·the late winter andearly spring of 1918. The majority of the present
. ganization s
members of th e company were received, on May 20 and 21, 1918, just prior to entraining
for Camp Mills N. Y. 'l'heir training was received overseas.

Capt. W. N. Moore , Sept. 7, 1917 to May 6, 1918. Took overRegimentalPersonnalOffice
Capt. Fred F. Moore, llfay 6, 1918 to Sept. 12, l!:ll8. Wounded in action Sept. 12, 1918.
1st. Lt Samuel A Campbell, Sept.13, 1918 to Sept. 26, 1918. Killed in action Nov. 1, 1918.
1st. Lt. Eben D. Smith, Sept. 26, 1918 to Nov. 4, 1918. Killed in 11ction Nov. 4, 1918.
Capt. Ll()yd P . Page, Nov. 8, 1918 to Febr. 17, 1919. Returned to States. Sick.

- Capt. Fre:i F . l\Inore, Febr. 17, 191!} to time of demobilization.

Comprny "K" left Camp Mills via Hoboken for England on June 4, 1918, on the White
Star Liner, Baltic, arriving in the har bor of Liverpool, England , at 4: 30 PM, June 15th,
debarkied from the boat on June 16th. 'l'he company moved by train direct to Camp
there on
ley, Romsey, England, arriving there at midnight June 16th, and depa1 ting from
Hampton and embarked for La Havre, France, at 7: 30 PM,
June ~7th, marched to South
channel boat St. George. At 4: 30 AM, June 28th we arrived at La Havre and marched
on the
to the English rest camp at that place. We left tl1is camp on June 30th and traveled
Rouen, Versailles, Troyes, and Chaumont , - arriving
box cars to Liffol le Grand , by way of
there at 10: 30 PM .July 1st, marching direct from there to Ailianville, where we
at 2 AM, July 2nd. .

From July 2nd to August 5th, the Company was in training in Ailianville, France.


On August 5th, at 9 : 30 AM we left Ailianville in tracks, traveled by way of Neuf-
8th, we
cbateau and TuuJ, to LaneuviJie, France, August 6th, at 7 AM. At 7 PM, August
gauge railroad to Rehanne Woods, arriving there at 10 PM that night.
moved by narrow
PM, August 11th
This was· the reserve position of the front line. We remained here until 9
21st, at 9 : 30 PM we
when we moved to Mandares, then t!Je upport position. On August·
just ~outh of Seichepri-y , .gettiDg
left Manda.res, and took up our position in the front line,
in position
into position at 11 PM, August 21st, relieving Company G of this Regiment. While
was sent out on the nigl,t of, •August
here a patrol of fifteen men under Lieutenan t Campbell
25th, to tlie North-west of Seicheprey, in the direction of Marvozin, for the P\ltpolie ot gett-
ing pris,,ners. It was not successful. On the · night of August 29th a patrol of.. th\tty men,
uniler the control of Lieutenan t Melville, was sent out directly north ot Se:cbel)re- y to gain
contact with the enemy and capture prisoners. Contact gained but no prisoners. A day out-
post was maintained three-fourths kilometer North of Seicheprey. At 4AM, August 30th,
we were relieved by Company C and moved back into reserve at Rebanne Woods. On Sep-
tember 6th we again moved back to support po~ition at Mandares.


At 9 : 30 PM, on September 10th we left Manderes, at took ap a position in the front
line 700 yards North-west of Flirey, relieving Company F, of the 354 Infantry. We remained
here until 5 AM, September 12th.

At 5 AM on Sep tern ber 12th the Company went ove·r the top, Companies K and M
leading the Regiment. After reaching the tl1ird objective the 3rd Batallion took the lead.
The first three objectives were reached on scherluled time, and the Division objective on the
first hill North of Euvezin was reached at 11 : 30 AM. Here we started to dig in and re-
mained until 4 : 30 PM, when we received ordPrs to, and did proceed to a position one kilo-
meter North of Boullianville. Here the Company dug in for the.night under a light fire from
artillery. At 9 AM, on the morning of September 13th the company arlvanced in support
under a heavy artillery firn to a position North and E~st of Benney.


From this point the Compan:v ~hifted 800 yards to the left and dng in about 400 yards
directly North of BenD(•y. On the morning of September H th we moved 2 ldlometers to
the North and East, and took up a position in the North edge of th e woods, arriving there
7 AM. At lo PM, September 15th we moved back to the trenches, previously vacated just
North of Benney, remaining the1 e until 9 P M, September 23rd, w11en we were relieved by
Company K, of the 353 rd Infantry, and moved back to a position East of BouUianville.
On September 26th and 28th, while at this point, we received 67 replacements. September ·
30th, at 9 AM, we moved to a ; position 2 kilometers South-west of Xammes, and rem11ined
-hete uutil October 3rd, then moved one kilometer North of XAmmes. On Oktober 4th we
agaiu moved to a positio11 two kilometers North-east of Xammes. During this move we were
subjected to an extremely heavy machine gun and shell fire.


At 4 A IH, 'October 8th we were relieved by an organization from the 37 th Division,
marched back to Benney, and took trnc~s back to Manderes, remaining there nntil ·1 PM,
October 9th,· and were convoyed by French Colonial t1 ucks to Reiscourt, arriving there at t
8·AM Oetober 10th. We remained l1ere in training until 7: 30 PM, October 13th.


• At 7 : 30 AM, October J 3th we moved on foot and took up a position in toe woods
-2'-ki_lometers South-west of Muntfaucon, on the old Hindenburg line. At l PM, October lAth
.'the 'Compliny ·rri,i'ved to position one kilometer West of Epionville, training 'there until 4 PM,
October 19th, ·when they mirched to a position about one-half kilometer ·South of Romange,
arriving there ~t 9 PM on October 21th. At 3 AM, we moved to Bois de Rllmange, remaining
there until 9 PM, October 24th, wheu we moved to a position near Gesnes, living there in
pup-' tents •until October .31st, when we move1l. to Bois de Bantheville, taking up our positions
for November 1st offensive.
. IHUVE _O F NOV~MBER l S'.1 •
: : . -. ':At .11-:A M, November 1st the Company moved out with the Division ·reserve, advanced
foqr :kilometeis and .took up -a position just Nor1h · of the narrow gauge railroad, .one~half
·South,, of ,Rem·onville. At 5 AM , N ovcrnlier t 11d we a.vanced in a, No.rth-easterly direction to
3Boi.&'. llernatricourt, arriving . there 1.1 AM, and remaiuing there until '5 AM, November 3rd,
:;wWn-gw:s: .again , advanced in the same direction. to a point , North-east of Bois de Barricourt.
:ffieoqvei passed through-the. 353 rd Infantry, .the 3rd Batallion leading' the. advance with
JIDf>~iiy .JK:gin :Support. Throughout the day we advanced North-east, the Company. ~alting in
..tht12N~rtiho~~~ oLBois 1le Tailly, at 3 PM, remaining ther_e until 4 AM, November 4th, when
. w.e-;agairi tatl•vanced,'. tO North-east .of -Beaufort, until held up ·by macl~ine gun and artili~ry.
-~istatree'·;was .faolien up and advanced continued at 5.PMr:to •tLe ·North. edge of woods,
~ne ad one-il alf kilom eters west of Luneville, e.mvm
g there at 11 AM. From this point
teconn oiterin g · patrol s were sent out to Lunev ille,
and in the direction of Cesse. About noon
November oth the Company shifted one kilometer
to the left into the edge of th e woods and
remain ed there until the evening .of November 6th,
when we then moved into Luzy arrivin g
-there at 10 PM. Company Headq uarter s temain ed
l1ere until the nigh~ of November 12th.
On November 1st a patrol , consisting of Lieut. Campb
ell and one man from each of
Compl\nies 11 K, L and M, was ·sent out to reconnoiter
the 353rd Infant ry position prepar a-
tory to relief. Lieut. Campbell and M Company man
were killed. Privat e Cbirstman, of
K Company, was missing.
Night of November 4th, in charge· of Sergan t Teply,
was sent out to reconntiiter
position and gain contac t with Germans in the vicinit
y of Luneville. Daylight patrol w11s
sent out November 5th for same purpqse. Night of
November 7th a patrol of twelvemen,
in chatgt\ of Lieut. Stanleton, was sent out to. reconn
oiter along- the Meuse River, and to find
out the conditil)n of the bridge crossing the river,
near Luzy. On the night a patrol _of
twelve men, undel' the control of Lieut. Beverage, was
sent out to swim the Meuse Ri ver
and bring back prisoners. A crossin g was not effecte
d, on account of the heavy enemy
machine gun fire.


At 9 o-clock, the morning of November 11 tlt, the Compa
ny moved to Poilly Farm.
It remained in this vicini1y doing alvage work until Novem
ber 11th, then marched to Tailly,
and again did salvage and road work; until November
24th, when it started on its march
to Germany. The following stnps were made: Stenay
, November 24th; Sapogne, Nov. 25th
to Nov. 30th ; Le Tour, Belgium , Nov. 30 th; AubangP,
December 1st; R"denburg, Dec. 2nd ;
Gondorf, Luxemburg, Dec. 3rd to Dec. 6th. We crossed
the Saar River and entered Ger-
many at 11 : 30 AM, stopping in Welschbillig, tbenig
ht of Dec. 6th ; Niederk?-il, Dec. 7th ;
· Minderlittgen, Dec. 8th. Here we re-equipped the compa
ny, and drilled until Dec. 15th. The
march then cont inued to Rohl, Dec. 15th, and to Schwe
ich Dec. 19th. Dec. 20th we passed
thru Trier, and arrived at Saarburg, at 6 PM, where
we remained until Dec. 26th1 then
moved to }.ittel , and did border guard until Januar 22nd,
when we again returned to Saar-
burg. From t~at time until the present we have been in
Saarburg doin~ range work and drillin~.


Moore, Fred F. Captain Stewart , Minne so ta. Clines, Frank J. Mechanic St. Louis Mo.
Clouser, Harden 0. Private Virgil, So Dak,
Richardson , John E. t tc Lieut. Fayetteville,Arkansas. Coffmil.nn, Charlie Corporal Mt Ida, Ark.
Simpson, Joseph H. 1 tc Lieut. Da!las, Texas. Crowlie, Philipp L. 1 Pierre, So Dak.
Curtis, Harold R. Pri~ ate Oriski, North Dak.
Ileverage, .Colum- 2n<l Lieut. Regular Army, U.S.A. Tlavis, Joseph L. Steel City, Nebr.
bus A. Donnelly, Thomas L. Me~banic .Slater, Mo
:\Iore, Pietce J. 2n<l Lieut. Sparta:uburg, Suth Douglas, C. A. Private Alliance, Nebr.
Carolin a. Doltglas , C D.
Carey, L ogan W. 2n<l Lieut. Louisville, Kentucky. Dunker, Walter A. Gib'b_on, Neb~.
Mc Elroy, Hubert E . 2nd Lieut. Goldwater, Mississippi Eisel, John G. Toledo, Ohio.
Fargo, Gale•B. Hot Springs, So Dak.
Anders on, Walter S. Private Versailles, Ke~tuCk)·. Farrell, James D. Peno, So Dak.
Babcock, Charl es B, Hint on, Louisia na. Einspahr, Frank C, Holstein, Nebr.
Baker, Ansel W . Camhridgc, Nebr. Fehringer, Bernard Bugier Humphrey, Nebr.
I Bassett , Robert K •
Bell, George T.
Mullen, Nebr.
Mt Olive, North Car.
Frazier, George 1. Private North Platte, Nebr.
I\ ' Bergero n, Oliver J .
Block, Henry J .
Morgan City , La.
(}urlcy, Nebr.
Frey, Jacob F .
Gaston, John A.
Gustke, Arthur P.
Aberdeen, Idaho.
Brnford, Ill.
Granada, Colo.
Bolescbka, Geo rge Stauton, Nebr.
Boss, John H. " l
Corpora Columb us, Neb r. Griffith, Thom J, Co;poral Pilot, Ark.
· Bremer s, Howard Pri vitte Gra11d Island, Nebr. Grisham , Roscoe W. Grand Island, Nebr.
Brown, Fred F. Grant, Nebr. Gillespie, Jams M. Private " Melder, La.
Rrown, Harry G. Go r'1~oral Tyrou, Nebr. Guillot, John W. Simmsport, La.
Il ahler, Frank Co~k Sidney, Nebr.
Brown, ,vil!iam C. ,, Waynes burg, Ki:-
Bud,,in , Alexan der:M. Private Mahanoy City, Pa. Hames, Grover B. Corporal Ratcliff, Ark.
Glenwood , Ark. Hanlon, Thomas A. Private Athel, So Dale
Bnrl~e, Charlie J . Coqio ral Grand Island, Nebr.
Burns, Hawly J. Sergean t Elmira , New Yorl< . Harl Wm. D.
Hargiss , Louis H. La Junta; Colo .
Cagley, Clare P rivate Clarind a, Iowa.
H;~rr, Christian D. E ureka, So Dak.
Carlson , Joel M. ,, Sheldon, Nebr.
Harvey, John W. Elston, Mont.
Carpen ter; Elijah Sergean t Decatu r, Nebr. Hackleburg, Ala.
Carr, John R. Private Centerville, SoutbD al,. Heffner, Henry D.
Helzer, Harry Hastings, Nebr .
Case, Thoma s H . ,, Sutherl and , Nebr. Steel City, Nebr.
Herman , Neb r . Henderson, Byron G. 1
Chambe rlain,Ch al'les Sergean t Cor poral Blair, Nebr .
Private Marksville, La. Holten, Ora V.
Chauffpied, Eloi Hake, Bepjamin R . rrivate Wichita, 1Can~as .
Chesse r, Luther Wakefi eld, Ky. Ola, La.
Randol ph, Nebr. Hendrix , Irve . Corpora l
Christe nsen, Marius Hodgso n, Arthur ,l. Private l,aroar, Co\ o.
Cbylewski, Joseph Chicago, Ill. ~ orth "l'h\\te, 1fo\n .
Fairbu rn, So Dale Hunt, Arthnr W •
Clason, Earl
Cook Lyons, Ne!Jr.
Private Oovington, Ky. Pearson , Gilbert E .
Hil1.feld, Joe W. Sergean t Kennar d , Nebr.
Madison, So Oak. Peterso n, Leonard E.
Hof, Ed. W. Corpora l Miller, Nebr.
Hasting s, Nebr. Phillips, James W.
Hoft'm&nn, Eugene J . Private Edgemo nt, So Dair.
" Keavy, Ky. Porter, Hatry
Nettleton, Mo.
Powell, Otis
Morgan Purdy, John H. Oklahoma. City, Olcla
1-listacopoulos,M isho New York, N. Y. Pine RidgP., La.
Jaco, Joseph D.
" t
Sergean Kenesaw, Nebr. Raborn, Layton
" North l'lattc, Nebr.
ChappeU, Nebr. Razes, George R.
Jacobson, Homer C. Private
,, Freema n, So Dak. Richardson, Elvin E. ,, Kimball, Nebr.
Janke, Leonard Ritter, J.oe Huron, So Dak.
Jaknbiak, Frank N, St. Louis, Mo.
Wood River, Nebr.
Jerman, Joe A.. Uook" West Point, Nebr. Roche, Joseph F.
Maxwell, Nebr.
Private Gladstone, Nebr. Roten, Roy E.
Johnson, Carl E. Rice, James V. Rocky Ford, Colo.
Jones, Jese 0. ,, Lewis Center, Ohio. " l
Corpora Cavour, So Oak.
Alexander, So Dak. Rudy, Wm. E.
Jonss, Reg J. Private Lonisv'llle, Ky.
Kahle, Henry " Oibben, Minn. Ryan, Harry
Toronto, So Da:Jc.
Greenville, So Car. Quickstad, AugustN .
K&loveduai , James
,, Mr Penson, Ala. Siebold, Wm. W. " North Platte, Nebr.
Keith, Frawley " l
Corpora Fort Morgan, Colo .·
I! J{ent, Robert L. Sergeant Columbus, Nebr.
Tulsa, Okla.
Sunderland, John
Sacco, Mario U. Private Centerville, La.
Killinswortb, Cyrus Private Thatche r, Colo.
Wecota, So Dak. Salas, Filibert o
Kimball , Roy K West Point, Texas.
Drawsey, Oregon. Sawyer, .John D.
King, Frank J . Highmore, So Dak.
Vananda, Mont, Schirrmacher, Wm.
Koenig, lfarl
Le.rob, Berkley B. West Tulsa, Okla. A.
Seagle, David Z. Lincolnton, North Cnr.
Lanier, Sam H. She.wneetown, Ill. White, So Dak.
Latinek, Walter Toledo, Ohio. Sira, George
Scott, Ohio.
Laur, Thomas ,, Sheller, lll. Smith, Chas L.
Corporal North Platte, Nebr.
Lee, Lawrence Corporal Russellville, Ark. Smith, D. D.
Smith, Raymond Laurel, Nebr.
Liun, Cale F. Private Paxton, Nebr. " t West Point, Nebr.
Poole, Nebr Solfermoser, Wm. Sergean
Luce, Ray Cook Lyons, Nebr.
Lutz, Protus E . Henry, North Car. Sorensen, Carl
Stafford, Ezra Private Anacoco, La.
Magee, Wm. T. Fairbury, Nebr.
Lexington, Nebr.
May, Carrol B. New Plymouth, Idaho. Stevens, Arthur E. II .

Strickland, Gipson Corporal Atkins, Ark.

Mayeux, Wilfred i\larksville, La.
Stroud, Hilden Wbeeting, Ark.
Mc Allister, Joe Summerport, La. "
Sunde, Wm. H. Private Roslin, So Dak.
Mc Cance, Roy C. Cozad, Nebr.
Springfield, l11. Sutton, Pink East Lumberton,
Melton, Miles E. North Car.
)fing, Rasmus Egan, So Dak.
Franklin, Mo. Swinyer, Wm. M. Kearney, Nebr.
Merrill, Joe H. Blissoville, Ill.
Mihm, Jerry Omaha, Nebr. Szpotauski, W. V.
Louisville, Ky. Teply, Fred Sergeant Clarkston, Nebr.
Miller, Chas W. Grand Island, Nebr.
Molloy, Louis W. Madison; So Dak. Theodoropulis, D. Private
Sergeant West Point, Nebr.
i Monson, Carl A.
Morgan; Joqn
M~gartegui, Loren-
Kennard, Nebr.
Blaze, My.
Elko, Nevada.
Thietje, Fred P.
Y,Thompson. Ray'moud
: . L.
Turner, Mark E.
Private Kearney, Nebr.
Brewster, Nebr.
Minner, Carl P. Corporal Kearney, Nebr. Vernon, Chas E. Sergeant Unadilla, Nebr. .
Mc Nichol, Uhas L .. Sergeant Youngstown, Ohio. Vowels, Leslie W. Private Lo~svil le, Ky.
Mc Kelvey, Jos. L. Private La Junta, Colo. Wagelie, Everett Corpo~ I Newman Grove, Nebr.
f Naugle, Wm. J.
Neale, Claude M.
Nichelsen, John E.
Louisville, Ky.
Willow, Ky.
Calloway, Nebr.
West, Floyd W.
Westmeier, Frank
Wiley, Benj. H.
Private White Lake, So Dak.
Louisville, Ky.
Danville, Ill.
Nielsen, Niel C. Sergeant Craig, Nebr. Wells, Robert L. Chamberlain, So Dak.

i C?r~ora l Rosebud, Ark.

Norquist, Ernest H. Corporal White, So Dak. William s, Sid W.
Obarr, .James A. Private Afton, Okla. Whightsel, Fred W. New ton, Ill.
Obago, Joseph Greenwood, So Dak. Willman, -Gussie J. Sergeant St., Mo.
Oxford, Wm: Grand Isla.nd, Nebr. Wolz, Gus A. Private St. Louis, Mo.
l Blair, Nebr. Yelm, Geo E. Corporal · Genoa, Nebr:·
Peters, .CarJ. H.
Phillips, Chas T. Cozad, Nebr. Zeiler, John P. Private Hasting s, Nebr.
R Prieb,· Wm. E.
Paulsen ; Albert C.
Webster, So Dak.
Grand Island, Nebr.
Zimmerman, Martin Sergeant Duncan, Nebr.

.J. Li_nl~, 'frl er.

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