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Name: Le Thuy Van Date: 7/10/2021 Length of Lesson: 45 Level: Int TP: 8

Lesson Main Aim: Students will be better able to use a lexical set of time periods in discussing cultural history.

Subsidiary Aim(s): To develop oral fluency in the context of cultural history.

Personal Aims:
- To design tasks that are the right level of challenge
- To provide better focused clarification
- To ensure delayed error correction

Context: Cultural history

How context will be set:

The context will have been set by the first teacher, but I will reinforce it by getting the students to talk about a famous person in the past.

Materials / Resources (ensure all paper materials include copyright references and page numbers):

- Speakout Intermediate Student’s Book (page 95) by Antonia Clare & JJ Wilson – published by Pearson Education
- Self-made materials: guided discovery, controlled practice

Overall tutor comments on lesson plan:

Language Analysis Sheet

How meaning will be initially conveyed
Language item & meaning Form Analysis of phonology
How meaning will be subsequently checked

1. decade initially conveyed: a definition in Test 1 noun /ˈdekeɪd/

a period of 10 years subsequently checked: through CCQs: - stress on the first syllable /de/
Is the period from the beginning of 2010 to - ending sound /d/
the end of 2019 a decade? (Yes)
Is the period from the beginning of 2005 to
the end of 2014 a decade? (Yes)

2. century initially conveyed: a definition in Test 1 noun /ˈsentʃəri/

a period of 100 years subsequently checked: through CCQs: - stress on the first syllable
Is the period from the beginning of 1900 to /sen/
the beginning of 1999 a century? (Yes) - /tʃ/ and /ə/ sound in the
Is the period from the beginning of 1850 to second syllable
the end of 1949 century? (Yes)

3. millennium initially conveyed: a definition in Test 1 noun /mɪˈleniəm/

a period of 1000 years subsequently checked: through CCQs: *plural: ‘millenniums’ or - stress on the second
Is the period from the beginning of 1000 to ‘millennia’ /mɪˈleniə/ syllable /len/
the end of 1999 a millennium? - first syllable /mi/ is
pronounced as /mə/
- last syllable /əm/

4. age/era initially conveyed: an example in Test 1: noun /eɪdʒ/

the time when something was the hip-hop age/era - ending sound /dʒ/
the most successful/popular subsequently checked: through CCQs: /ˈerə/
if the 1980s is the hip-hop age/era, is hip- - stress on the 1st syllable /e/
hop the most popular in the 1980s? (Yes) - /ə/ sound

initially conveyed: a definition in Test 1:

5. generation subsequently checked: through CCQs: noun /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/
all the people who were born Do you and your friends belong to the - primary stress on the 3rd
at about the same time same generation? (Yes) syllable /reɪ/
Do you and your parents belong to the - secondary stress on the 1st
same generation? (No) syllable /dʒe/
- consonant sounds /dʒ/, /ʃn/
initially conveyed: a definition in Test 1:
6. the 1990s subsequently checked: checked and noun /ðə ‘naɪntiːnˈnaɪntiːz/
short form: the 90s confirmed through guided discovery - stress on /naɪn/ in /’nainti:n/
the years from 1990 to 1999 and /’naɪntiːz/
- short form: /ðə ’naɪntiːz/
stress on /’naɪ/
- ending sound /z/
- consonant sound /ð/ in /ðə/
through a definition in Test 1
7. the noughties noun /ðə ˈnɔːtiz/
the years from 2000 to 2009 . - consonant sound /ð/ in /ðə/
- stress on /ˈnɔ/
- ending sound /z/

Anticipated problems with language: Solutions:

Meaning Meaning
● Ss may confuse the meaning of ‘era’ and ‘age’ that’s conveyed ● I will give contextual examples to clarify: the age/era of hip-hop
with other meanings of the words. music or the hip-hop music age/era.

Form Form
● Ss may not recognize ‘millennia’ as a plural form of ● I will clarify through guided discovery and send Ss a written
‘millennium’. record.
● Ss may drop ‘the’ in ‘the 1990s’, ‘the 1980s’,... when they use ● I will mark the form in all of the handouts and correct Ss in the
them. controlled and freer practice.
● Ss may not know how to use era/age correctly in a sentence ● I will give examples in Test 1 and guided discovery

Pronunciation Pronunciation
● Ss may pronounce ‘decade’ and ‘era’ differently such as /dɪ ● I will confirm that the words have more than one received
ˈkeɪd/ or /ɪrə/. pronunciation and theirs are accepted too.
● Ss may drop ending sounds in ‘decade’, ‘age’, ‘1990s’, ● I will focus on these in my drilling process.
● Ss may struggle pronouncing difficult consonant sounds such ● I will focus on these in my drilling process.
as /tʃ/ in ‘century’ and ‘age’, /dʒ/ and /ʃ/ in ‘generation’.
● Ss may stress on ‘teen’ /tiːn/ in ‘1990s’ /‘naɪntiːnˈnaɪntiːz/. ● I will pronounce the word, elicit the stress and drill.
Anticipated problems with receptive skills: Solutions:

● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●

Anticipated problems with tasks and learners: Solutions:

● Ss may struggle with the forms in Test 2 gap filling (controlled ● I will make the 1st few questions easier to give Ss some clues.
● Ss may have problems accessing file materials in chat-box. ● I will use links instead.

Timing &
Stage name Procedure
Stage Aim Interaction Tutor’s Comments

5 mins

Lead-in To create a link with TS T shows a photo of Marlon Brando whose

the content of the name has been mentioned in the 1st
previous lesson. lesson’s reading text. T asks questions to
To reinforce the reinforce the context and introduce TL.
context. - Do you remember this guy? What’s his
To generate student name?
interest / enthusiasm - Is he famous nowadays?
for the lesson topic. - Was he famous in the past?
- Do you know any words that refer to a
time in the past?
- Today we’re going to learn some
vocabulary that we can use to talk about
the past.
8 mins

To check what TS T sends a multiple-choice task on Google

Test 1 students already sheet.
To focus on the SS Ss work collaboratively in pairs to complete
meaning of target the task.
language, *T monitors BORs and Google sheets to
see if any item is problematic in terms of
M/P, and assist Ss if needed.

TS T instructs each pair to cross-check

another pair’s work. (can be skipped if
every pair’s got the same answers)

SS Ss cross-check other pair’s work in pairs

*T monitors to see which items remain
(can be skipped if every pair’s got the
same answers)

TS OCFB: T confirms correct answers on

OWB and elicit if Ss got any questions
wrong. (can be skipped if every pair’s
got correct answers)

12 mins

Teach To focus on the TS T instructs Ss and sends group list and

meaning, form and links to guided discovery in chat box
pronunciation of the
target language. SS Ss work in groups, share screens and
complete the guided discovery together.
*T monitors to identify problem areas to
focus on in the Clarification stage and
assist Ss if needed.

T instructs each pair to cross-check

another pair’s work.
TS (can be skipped if every pair’s got the
same answers)
Ss cross-check other pair’s work in pairs
*T monitors to see which items remain
SS problematic.
(can be skipped if every pair’s got the
same answers)

OCFB: T confirms correct answers on

OWB and elicit if Ss got any questions
TS wrong. (can be skipped if every pair’s
got correct answers)

T goes through problematic items to clarify

TS *The focus will likely be on P because M &
F have been largely covered in Test 1 and
Guided Discovery.

For each word/phrase:

1. model to elicit stress.
2. model x 2 (Ss listen)
3. model (count to 3, Ss repeat chorally)
4. model (Ss repeat individually)

T sends a written record to Ss.

10 mins

Test 2 - To practice using the TS T sends a gap-filling task on Google sheet.

Controlled phrases in a
Practice controlled way. Ss work collaboratively in pairs to complete
To test the form of SS the task.
the target language. *T monitors BORs and Google sheets to
To set students up for see if any item is problematic in terms of
freer practice. form and gives suggestions if needed.

T instructs each pair to cross-check

TS another pair’s work. (can be skipped if
every pair’s got the same answers)

Ss cross-check other pair’s work in pairs

SS *T monitors to see which items remain
(can be skipped if every pair’s got the
same answers)

OCFB: T confirms correct answers on

TS OWB and elicit if Ss got any questions
wrong. (can be skipped if every pair’s
got correct answers)

8 mins
Freer Oral To practice using the TS T asks Ss to think of a person who’s
Practice phrases in a freer S famous among their parents’ generation
way. that their parents like.
To practice speaking (name/occupation/their era/why their
using the target parents like that person/what they think
phrases about that person)

SS In BORs of 2, Ss share with their partners.

*T monitors to collect errors for DEC.

TS Delayed error correction.

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