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Lesson Plan

Class: IX

Subject: Economics

Chapter Name: Ls. No. 2 – People as a Resource


Time Allotted - This lesson will be completed in five class meetings.

Prerequisite Knowledge– Students know the meaning of resource and they also know that
human beings are the most important resource.

 To enable the students to understand the term ‘Human Capital Formation’.
 To explain the economic activities done by men and women
 Explain the quality of population in terms of education and health
 Explain the term unemployment and different types of unemployment

Teacher introduces the topic with the help a story of two friends Sakal and Vilas, living in the same
village. The two cases illustrate how people can try to become a more productive resource.

Procedure: Teacher explains investment in Human Capital in terms of education and health, vicious
circle and virtuous circle created in the society. Teacher explains the economic activities done by men
and women. Further students learn about quality of population in terms of education and health and
Different types of unemployment in India.

A. Story method: Teacher narrates the story of Sakal and Vilas and explains how people can try to
become a more productive resource.
B. Discussion: Teacher conducts group discussion on the topic ‘Education and Health is the most
important factor in human resource development.
C. Comparison & Explanation: Teacher explains Seasonal, disguised and educated
unemployment in comparative method.

Knowledge: Students acquire the knowledge of Human Capital Formation, economic activities and
types of unemployment.

Understanding: Students understand the role of education and health in human capital formation.
They also understand the steps taken by the government to provide education to all.
Teaching Aids:

 Tata edge educational tool

 Story


1. What is human capital?

2. Construction is an activity of which sector?
3. What is the full form of GDP?
4. What is Infant Mortality Rate?


 To complete the text book question and answers

Skills: Students develop skills like civic literacy, social responsibility and ethics

Value: Respect for basic rights, collective responsibility etc.

Subject Linkage: This lesson is linked with Geography and Science. Some terms like Economic
Activities- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary as well as Employment and unemployment, literacy rate are
explained in geography also. Terms like life expectancy, Infant mortality rate (IMR) is explained in
Science also.

Learning outcome: Students are able to explain the term Human capital, effects of unemployment
and also they are able to explain the role of education and health in human capital formation. Students
are able to differentiate between seasonal and disguised unemployment.


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