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Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of water to humans and they are able to reason how to conserve the precious water.
2. Understand the Earth’s water cycle process and its various stages.
3. Need of water conservation and Management of Water
Lesson Unit: 13 Total Time to Complete the Chapter (in Periods): 5
Topic &Sub
Period Topics to be Teaching/ Learning Stages Exercises & Activities
No. Covered

Pre learn-Engage Activity 1.1

Water I collect clippings from newspapers and magazines on the
1& 2 Check for student’s understanding about natural resources news items, articles and pictures related to water shortage. I
 Availability of and importance of water. paste them in my scrapbook/chart paper. I show and share
water the information with my teachers and friends.
Learn- Explain Activity1.2 Model to explain water cycle
 Sources of Materials- A clear plastic jar (label the jars so that they can
water Discuss the need of water using the video- observe and record what is happening),Cling film or sheets of clear plastic, Rubber band, Soil, Birdseed, Measuring cup,
 Forms of Explain the availably of water (Textbook Page 114) using Water
water the video-
v=w0Mh6X3ZYNY Procedure-
 Water Cycle Ask the students to form a scrapbook/chart paper using 1. Ensure that the plastic jar is clean and dry.
newspaper cutting about water by the end of the week. Ask 2. Add a layer of soil to the bottom of the jar.
the Students to collect the cutting and combine them The layer should be about 2 cm deep.
together (Activity 1.1). 3. Sprinkle about half a teaspoon of birdseed over the soil.
4. Cover the bird seed with another layer of soil that is also
Explain the various sources of water (Page no: 115 PPT: about 2 cm deep.
5). Show video- 5. Measure 60 ml of water using the measuring cup. Slowly
pour this over the soil. Make sure the water is poured evenly
over the soil’s surface.
6. Cover the top of the jar with cling film or plastic and
secure it with a rubber band.
7. Place the jars on a window sill or other place where they
can remain in direct sunlight.
Observe and Discuss-
1. How did the appearance of the jar and plastic cover
2. Did droplets appear on the inside or outside of the jar?
3. Where do you think the droplets came from?
4. What happened to the birdseed?
QimFDbgi4 5. What role did sunlight play in the change from liquid water
to water vapour?
Explain the various forms of water (Page no: 116 PPT: 6).
Explain using video-
Key Words
v=aPs6cpSaj6A. Discuss the water cycle(PPT 7,8).
Glaciers - a large mass of ice which moves slowly.
Ask the student to perform the activity 1.2 Water cycle- the cycle of processes by which water
circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and
Post learn-Explore land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, drainage in
streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by
Key word meanings should be noted down in students evaporation and transpiration.
notebooks. Discuss relevant textbook exercise questions. Evaporation-process of turning from liquid into vapour.
Condensation - water which collects as droplets on a cold
surface when humid air is in contact with it.
Precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or
condenses on the ground.
Accumulation -the process of water collecting in rivers,
lakes, streams, oceans and other bodies of water.
Transpiration - a process similar to sweating, plants lose
water which is absorbed into the atmosphere much like
3&4 Pre-learn-Engage Key Words
Groundwater Water table - the level below which the ground is saturated
Discuss about various sources of water and check the with water.
 Recharge of Students’ knowledge. Aquifer - a body of permeable rock which can contain or
transmit groundwater.
 Depletion of Learn- Explain
water Depletion - reduction in the number or quantity of
Explain the ground water (Page no: 116 PPT: 9, 10) using something.
Distribution of the video-
Water & Water v=oNWAerr_xEE Activity2.1
Scarcity Discuss about water table. Show videos explaining Given here is the rainfall map of India. It gives the
recharge of ground water due to rainfall average annual rainfall in different regions of our country. 1. We locate on the map the place we live in.
2. Are we blessed with sufficient rainfall?
Explain sources of the depletion of water (Page no: 117 3. We discus about the necessary steps to be taken to
PPT: 11). increase the rate of rain fall.
Explain the distribution sources of water (Page no: 118 Key Word
PPT: 12). Discuss activity 2.1
Scarcity - the state of being scarce or in short supply;
Explain the distribution of water in India and the annual
rainfall. Discuss about the monsoon in India using the map
given in the slide no – 13. Do the activity 2.3 in the class.

Explain the reasons of scarcity of water (Page no: 119

PPT: 14). Show video-

Post learn-Explore

Revisit the concept orally. Note down the keyword

meanings. Discuss relevant textbook exercises.
5 Water
Management – Pre-learn-Engage ACTIVITY 3.1
Rain Water Revise the concepts taught in previous class. Check for Let us discuss the ways in which we can conserve water
Harvesting Students’ knowledge in rain water harvesting. under the following headings:
1. Save a drop today. Keep drought away
Science Today Learn- Explain 2. Rain drops - life giving drops.
Discuss the importance of conserving water and water 3.
 Drinking management methods. Explain the rain water harvesting ________________________________________________
Ice Berg techniques and their advantage (Page no: 120 PPT: 15-
17). Explain Rain water harvesting using the video- ________
Water Do the
 Desalinati activity 3.1 in class.
on of Sea ACTIVITY 3.2
Water Discuss about-Drinking ice berg water, Desalination of sea I calculate the amount of water I use daily.
water (using the video- AMOUNT OF WATER
v=mZ7bgkFgqJQ) and Sweet water on earth (PPT – 19-23) USED IN LITRES
 Sweet
Water on
Ask the students to do the activity 3.2 on their own. Cooking
Post learn-Explore Washing
The Students’ should be able to understand the rainwater
harvesting and its significance. If possible, encourage the Water is a resource. Water is
Student to develop a water management in their essential for the hygienic wellbeing
home/school with some elders help. The Students’ should of all human beings. So, water must
be able to describe the latest technology in the water
be used optimally.

Discuss the textbook exercise questions.

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