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SESSION 2022-23


Teacher’s name: Ms. Vibha Lawania CLASS VIII Subject: Science

Chapter: 1 No. of periods: 7 Date : 05.04.22

Topic: Production & management of crops

Platform : Classroom

Duration : 40 minutes
Pre- requisite knowledge
Students will be asked to answer the following Questions:
 What do you mean by the term Agriculture and what are its branches?
 What is the difference between crops and plants?
 What are the different types of soil?
 Explain the importance of rhizobium bacteria for increasing soil fertility?

Learning objectives –

 Students will be able to understand: 

• Preparation of the soil for a suitable crop
∙ Crops & their types according to seasonal changes.
• Importance of irrigation and about the sources of irrigation. 
• The effective use of weedicide, pesticides and insecticides. 
• Crops improvement, crop rotation and organic farming. 
• Safe Storage of grains. 
• Type of food products obtained from animals


The following life skills can be inculcated through the teaching of this chapter in the class:

. • Students will be able to understand about crops with varying seasons.

• They will be able to understand about the various practices a farmer does in his field.
• They will get awareness about the types of nutrients (either manure or fertilizer) required for the
• About the weedicides to remove weeds from the crops
• They will learn about the effective use of weedicide, pesticides and insecticides.
• Skills of Crops improvement, crops rotation and organic farming.
• Skills of Safe Storage of grains.
• Type of food products obtains from animals.

1.1 Two broad cropping patterns can be identified. These are:

(i) KharifCrops : The crops which are sown in the rainy season are called kharif crops.
The rainy season in India is generally from June to September. Paddy, maize, soyabean,
groundnut, cotton, etc., are kharif crops.
(ii) (ii) Rabi Crops : The crops grown in the winter season are called rabi crops. Their time
period is generally from October to March. Examples of rabi crops are wheat, gram,
pea, mustard and linseed.
Besides these, pulses and vegetables are grown during summer at many places.

1.2 Basic Practices of Crop Production - These activities are listed below.

(i) Preparation of soil-The process of loosening and turning of the soil is called tilling or
ploughing. This is done by using a plough.

(ii) Sowing -Sowing is the most important part of crop production. Before sowing, good quality
seeds are selected. Good quality seeds are clean and healthy seeds of a good variety.

(iii) Adding manure and fertilisers - The substances which are added to the soil in the form of
nutrients for the healthy growth of plants are called manure and fertilisers.

(iv) Irrigation - Sources of irrigation : The sources of irrigation are— wells, tubewells,
ponds, lakes, rivers, dams and canals.
2 methods of irrigation are
1. Drip Irrigation
2. Sprinkler system

(v) Protecting from weeds -In a field many other undesirable plants may grow naturally along
with the crop. These undesirable plants are called weeds.
The removal of weeds is called weeding.

(vi)Harvesting - The cutting of crop after it is mature is called harvesting.Itis either done manually
by sickle or by a machine called harvester.

(vii) Storage - Dried neem leaves are used for storing food grains at home. For storing large
quantities of grains in big godowns, specific chemical treatments are required to protect them from
pests and microorganisms.

1.3 Food from Animals

Animals reared at home or in farms, have to be provided with proper food, shelter and care. When
this is done on a large scale, it is called animal husbandry.

(i) Take a beaker and fill half of it with water. Put a handful of wheat seeds and stir well.
Wait for some time.
Are there seeds which float on water? Would those be lighter or heavier than those
which sink? Why would they be lighter? Damaged seeds become hollow and are thus
lighter. Therefore, they float on water.
This is a good method for separating good, healthy seeds from the damaged ones.

Resources: PPT, You tube video , chalk & board

Day 1:
Topic Explanation Outcome
Agriculture What is agriculture? ACTIVITY
Various branches of agriculture
Crop plants Types of crops by giving examples Understanding
Types of nutrients also need to be explained steps of
Steps involved Explain by drawing a flowchart agriculture
in crop Teacher will explain all agricultural practices with the help of
production pictures. Picture
activity: Show the
pictures of
flowchart & few
questions related
to it.

Day 2:

Topic Explanation Outcome

Steps involved Explain all the steps by giving examples, drawing various Students will
in agriculture agricultural tools. recognize various
tools used in
Levelling Also talk about advantages of leveling. agriculture by
Manures Discuss the types of manures pictures.
Reading and discussion of the content/ concepts mentioned will
be done in the class.


Make compost at
home using
domestic waste
& use it in your
own pots.

Observe the
difference in
plants after
using compost.

Day 3:

Fertilisers Define fertilizers, discuss its advantages & disadvantages Students will now
be able to explain
Sub topic: Explain various methods of sowing by showing pictures or Sowing, Use of
1.Disadvantage drawing diagrams. Manures And
s of fertlisers Fertilizers, Their
2. Advantages
of manures
over fertilizers

3. Sowing


Day 4:
Explanation can be done by following ways: Students can
Irrigation, Its *What is required for proper growth and development of flowers, now make out
Sources, fruits and seeds of plants? the better way of
Traditional And *Why the water is essential for germination of seeds? *In the irrigation.
Modern summer season the frequency of watering the crops is higher, why it
Methods Of is so? HOME TASK
Irrigation *Sources of irrigation
(Sprinkler And *Traditional methods of irrigation by using moat, chain pump, dhekli, Make model of
Drip) irrigation rahat. drip irrigation and
techniques. *Modern methods of irrigation sprinkler and drip irrigation. sprinkler.

Crop Explain about weeding, Pest control, biological control.


Students can
now give
examples of
Ask them about
a weed which
they eat in
Day 5: Paste pictures of
Harvesting Explain about types of harvesting – threshing & winnowing threshing and
winnowing in
scrap book.
Storage & *How can wekeep grains for longer time? Pictures/charts
distribution *Freshly harvested seeds are dried related to the
*About silos and granaries topics should be
*Natural ways to store food grains
shown to the
Day 6:
Methods of
increasing crop Methods to be discussed are: crop rotation, mixed cropping, field Students can
production fallow and HYVs now define:
Methods of hybridization Emasculation
Green revolution Hybrid crops
Day 7:

Animal Explain terms like: Pisciculture, apiculture, milch animals, ACTIVITY

husbandry livestock animals.
List out names of
some foods &
their sources in a
table format.
Write down the
names of
animals that
help us with
these foods.
Beyond Visit a cow farm or a goat farm. Observe what products we
classroom get from their milk & how are they taken care of?


1. If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.

2.  Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.


Students will be assessed on the basis of

 Classroom activity
 MCQs and very short answer questions
 Class tests
 Worksheets
 Constant evaluation in class by asking random questions

LEARNING OUTCOME – Students will be able to explain

• Crops and their types according to seasonal changes.

• Sequence wise agricultural practices.

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