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Egoist – Noun - EE’- go-ist = ego + -ist - Meaning "selfish person" .

Latin ego "I"

Egotist – EE’ - has a root word of “ego” plus the suffix -ist. A selfish person & boastful

Altruist – AL’- troo-ist – Noun - unselfishness, devotion to the welfare of others. ism + autrui
(Old French altrui) "of or to others," from Latin alteri, dative of alter "other"

Biologist: N - biology + IST (bie ol’ o jist) n. - One versed in biology, the science of living things

Bigamist:N- gamy + IST (big’ a mist) n. - One married to two wives at the same time

Violinist: violin + IST (vie o lin’ list) n. - One who is an artist with the violin
Legalist: legal IST (lee’ ga list) n. One who is expert in law and legal procedures

Monarchist: monarch IST (mon’ ar kist) n. - One who believes in monarchy as a government

Naturalist: natural IST (nach’ u ra list)n. - One who is expert in nature studies

Pianist: pian IST (pee an’ ist) m. - One who is an artist at the piano

Racist: ras IST (ray’ sist) n. - Race + ist - One who has racial prejudices - नस्लवादी

Terrorist: terror IST (ter’ or ist) n. - One who uses fear as a weapon of power

Antagonist: Greek - antagonize, which means to contend against + Ist – person . Your
antagonist is an opponent in a competition or battle. प्रति द्वं द्वी

Protagonist - नायक - Greek protagonistes "actor who plays the chief or first part," from
protos "first" + Ist – person. A protagonist is the main character in a play, novel, or real
event such as a battle or struggle.

Sophistry - NOUN - Sophistry is the clever use of arguments that seem correct but are in fact
unsound and misleading, used with the intent to deceive people. कु ति कक

Sophist: N - A sophist uses clever reasoning techniques to make their arguments seem
plausible(reasonable or probable) or to trick others into thinking their arguments are sound or
reasonable. मि थ्य ा हे तुवादी
Optimist - Latin optimus ("best") + Ist = An optimist constantly looks at the bright side of
problems or difficult situations.
Anarchist - an- "without" + arkhos "leader” an advocate of anarchism अराजतिकावादी

Atheist – N – a (meaning without) and theos (meaning god) + Ist = related to or characterized
by or given to atheism
Chauvinist – N -a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind
अ धर ाष्टर् ीवादी "exaggerated,exaggerated, blind nationalism - न े प मि यन ि ी के
स मनक मनक ि स च मवन I
Columnist - N -a person who writes a newspaper or magazine column.
Narcissist - someone in love with themselves. ग्रीक पौराति क कथाओं में एक खूबसूरिर युवा
(ओ वड) जो वस ं ति ति#ु में अपने स्वयं के प्रति बंब के साथ प्यार में ति र ति य ाI

Pacifist – N - opposed to war शां ति वादी pacifism (n.) pacific + ism (DOCTRINE, SYSTEM,
MANNER) - policy or doctrine of rejecting war and violence in solving disputes.
Philologist – Phil + ology + ist = Noun = the branch of knowledge that deals with the
structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages. भाषाशास्त्री
Seismologist – N - Greek seismos "exaggerated,a shaking, an earthquake + Ology + Ist =
One who studies earthquakes and the mechanical characteristics.

Hedonist – Greek - hedone "pleasure, delight, with –ist . Noun - someone motivated by
desires for sensual pleasures आनंदजीवी

Sexist - discriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of men's attitude toward women)
Therapist - a person skilled in a particular type of therapy ल ं ति भेद रखने वाला

Introvert – IN’- tr - NOUN - a shy, reticent person. "Inward - Within" (intro-) + vertere "to
Extrovert – EKS’ – Noun - the German word ‘Extravert’, with the prefix ‘extra’ meaning
‘outside’, and the Latin root ‘vertere’ which means ‘to turn’.

Ambivert – AM’- Noun - from ambi - "Both / about / around" + -vert (as in earlier introvert),
which is ultimately from Latin vertere "to turn,"

Misanthrope – MIZ’- Noun - Greek misanthrōpos "hating mankind," from misein "to
hate" (see miso-) + anthrōpos "man"
Misogynist – mi –SOJ – Noun - the Greek roots misein (“to hate”) and gynē (“woman”).

Misogamist – mi-SOG- Noun – miso + gamy - a hatred of marriage.

Misandrist - Noun - "hatred of males," - from miso- "hatred" + andros "of man,
male," genitive of anēr "man".

Ascetic - SET’- Adj./ Noun - the desert to live solitary lives of meditation, self-denial, and

Bigamy – N - bi- "double" (bi) + Greek - gamos "marrying"

Monogamy – N -

Egomaniac ( N ) - from ego + mania - egomania (n.) - a person who's

obsessively self-absorbed.
Misanthropist -

Misogynist -

Polygynist -

Polygamist - ( has more than one wife or husband at the same time )

Polyandrist - ( a woman with two or more husbands / married to two or more people at the
same time )

Monogamist -

Gynecologist - A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in female reproductive health

Philanthropist -

Anthropologist –

Cosmetologist (n.) - expert in cosmetics,". The profession, from cosmetology + -ist.

Cosmetology (n.) - Greek kosmetos "well-ordered," from kosmein "to arrange, adorn,"
from kosmos "order; ornament" (cosmos) + -ology. सौंदर्य प्रसाधन प्रसाधन

Biology – N - is a word part that means life, so 'bio'logy is the study of life.

Zoology – N - Latin zoologia, from Greek zoion - "animal" - "to live" + logia
"study" (logy).
Ambivert - /ˈambɪvəːt/ ( Ambi – Both )

Ambidextrous ( Dexter – Latin – Right hand ) - able to use the right and left hands equally

Egocentric – Adj. self-centred. The egocentric man never remembered his wife's birthday but
got angry when she forgot his.

Egomaniac – N - self-centred - he is an egomaniac"

Dipsomania – Dipso : Alcoholic drinks + Mania means Obsession = An uncontrollable

craving for alcoholic drink

Altruistic – Adj. (Latin - alter – other ) looks towards benefit of others

Altercation n – KAY – violent verbal dispute with others

Alter Ego – AWL - very close friend / yo my alter ego

Gamy Marriage Monogamy – N Mono means One Practice of keeping one life partner
Monogamous –
Bigamy Bi means Two Practice of keeping two life partners .
Misogamist Misien means Hate One who hates marriages .
Philogamist Phil means Love A person who likes or admires women .

Endogamy Endo Marriage within a specific group as

means required by custom or law
Exogamy Exo Marriage outside of a specific
means group especially as required by
External custom or law
Hypo- "under,
Marriage in an equal or lower caste or
Hypogamy beneath" + Gamy
"marriage. social group

Hypergamy The Greek prefix The act or practice of a person marrying

hyper, “above,” and a spouse of higher caste or social status
gamos, “marriage. than themselves.

Serial monogamy

Divorce and remarriage can thus result in "serial monogamy", i.e. having multiple marriages but only one legal
spouse at a time. The "ex-wife", the "ex-husband's"...

Demo phobia - fear of people or fear of crowds

Sitophobia : meaning fear of food
Theophobia – Thei is God/Religion, so a person who fears religion has theophobia.
Hydrophobia : hʌɪdrə(ʊ)ˈfəʊbɪə/ noun - fear of water
Gamophobia : The Fear of Commitment and Marriage
Latrophobia : fear of doctors
Androphobia - Andro means boys/male so androphobia means the one who don’t like boys.

Anthropophobia - anthro means human being so anthropophobia mean fear of human being
or the one who don’t like the company of human being or in simple word aloof (living alone)

Logophobia : fear of words, study

Kleptophobia : (also known as cleptophobia) involves the fear of theft.

Aviophobia - Fear of flying is called aviophobia or aerophobia.

Photophobia literally means "fear of light."

Siderodromophobia : the fear of trains,

Bibliophobia is an unusual phobia of books.

Caligynephobia – fear of women,

Kelophobia – fear of beauty

Cacophobia – The Fear of Ugliness
Hypnophobia /hɪpnə(ʊ)ˈfəʊbɪə/ - noun - extreme or irrational fear of falling asleep.

Melophobia means : "fear of music;"

Chromophobia : (from the Greek word chroma, meaning "color", and phobos, "fear"), also
known as chromatophobia, is the fear of colors.

Entomophobia : is an extreme fear of insects.

Gynephobia : fear of women.

Pedophobia : fear of babies and children.

“Pyrophobia” : is the term for a fear of fire

Dipsophobia - Fear of alcoholic drinks

Ophidiophobia : is a kind of phobia where you have an extreme fear of snakes

lalophobia (uncountable) : An irrational fear of speaking

Zoophobia is an intense, uncontrollable fear of animals.

Matricide - /ˈmatrɪsʌɪd,ˈmeɪtrɪsʌɪd/ - Noun -the killing of one's mother.

Mariticide - marit means husband so maritcide mean The murder of a husband by his wife.

Suicide – Sui means oneself + cide – killing

Patricide /ˈpatrɪsʌɪd/ - Noun - the killing of one's father. - a person who kills their father. -
plural noun: patricides

Sororicide /səˈrɒrɪsʌɪd/ - Noun - the killing of one's sister.- a person who kills their sister. -
plural noun: sororicides
Fratricide /ˈfratrɪsʌɪd/ noun - the killing of one's brother or sister.

Parricide – killing of …parents

Uxoricide – killing of …wife

Infanticide – killing of infant

Filicide - /ˈfɪlɪsʌɪd/ - Noun - the killing of one's son or daughter.

Regicide is the killing of a king (or queen)

apicide: killing of bees

Avicide – killing of birds

Herpeticide – killing of snake

Genocide – killing of a large number of people

Canicide – killing of dog

Obstetrician – doctor expert in medicine, obstetrics is the specialty that focuses on pregnancy and
childbirth the Modern Latin obstetricus, "pertaining to a midwife," Which has the root
word obstetrix, "midwife," or literally "one who stands opposite."

Ician ( expert )

Pediatrician : a doctor who specializes in the care of babies and children

The root of pediatrics is the Greek word for "child," paidos + Iateria ( Medical healing ) + Ician
( expert )
Physician ( French – Fisique – medicine ) expert in medicine but they are not surgeon



Paidos = Child

Pedagogy (Peda meaning child , agogos - leader. ) - the profession and science of teaching to
The act of teaching. The pedagogy adopted by teachers shapes
their actions, judgments, and other teaching strategies.

Andragogy: NOUN - the method and practice of teaching adult learners; adult education.

Pedagogue - a teacher, especially a strict one (Peda (meaning child) and Agogue (meaning leader).

Pedal - a foot-operated brake, or clutch etc. control in a vehicle.

Pedestal – base of on which a statue is mounted ( Pedis = foot / base )

Pedestrian - a person walking on foot ( Pedis = foot / base )

Derma ( Greek ) = Skin


Derma ( Greek ) = Skin + ology ( study ) + ist = person

Meaning : medical specialty of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.


Hypo = beneath + derma = skin = beneath the skin.

Needle is used for stitching ( Clothe / leather / Skin etc )

A hypodermic needle, one of a category of medical tools which enter the skin, called sharps, is a very
thin, hollow tube with one sharp tip.

Do you the difference between Under / Below / Beneath / Underneath ?

Under is used when something is directly under another ( not touching generally ) ex - a dog is
under the car.

Below = at a lower level ( not under ) – in a sequence / average / one thing is at a much lower level
than another / His apartment is below … / Choose a range below (Rs/Sq Ft)

Underneath is often used to say that something is covered by another thing (on the lower side -
almost touching) a dog is underneath the blanket

Beneath has the same meanings as under or underneath, but immediate under & it's a formal,
literary word


Epi = outer , Derma = skin

The epidermis is the thin, outer layer of the skin that is visible to the eye and works to provide
protection for the body.The epidermis is a single layer of cells that covers the leaves, flowers, roots
and stems of plants.

Pachys, meaning "thick," and derma, meaning "skin.
A very large mammal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
Taxidermy /ˈtaksɪˌdəːmi/ - noun - The Greek words taxis and derma. Taxis means
"arrangement", and derma means "skin" (the dermis). The word taxidermy translates to
"arrangement of skin".

Meaning : the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike

Taxidermist = A taxidermist is a person whose job is to prepare the skins of dead animals and
birds and fill them with a special material to make them look as if they are alive

Dermatitis - itis (suffix) inflammation - Meaning : a general term for conditions that cause
inflammation of the skin.

Ophthalmologist - ɒfθalˈmɒlədʒɪstalˈmɒlədʒɪst (skip both the "ph" and the first "l" when they pronounce
it )
The Greek root word is ophthalmos, which means "eye."

Ology – study

Ist – person

Meaning : a specialist in the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of
disorders and diseases of the eye.


Opsis - view / eye and metron - something used to measure

Meaning : who provide primary vision care ranging from sight testing and correction to the
diagnosis, treatment, and management of vision changes.


Opsis - view / eye , ician = expert

Opticians are technicians who fit eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision-
correcting devices. Optometrists are eye doctors who examine, diagnose, and treat patients'

Oculist = Ophthalmologist

Oculus ( Latin – eye ), ist – person = Oculist = Ophthalmologist


Mono =


Oculus = Latin – eye

Meaning : a single eyeglass

Binoculars - Bi = two - Oculus = Latin – eye

Inoculate ( V ) In = into, Oculus = Latin – eye

Meaning : Vaccinate

Examples :

His dogs were inoculated against rabies.

She was inoculated with an anticold vaccine.

Your son must be inoculated against smallpox

Orthopedist : a physician who corrects congenital or functional abnormalities of the bones

The word orthopedic comes from the Greek orthos meaning "straight, correct" and paideia
meaning "rearing of children."
Cardiologist : cardio-, which comes from the Greek kardia, meaning "heart," and we get "someone
who studies the heart." Logy
Neurologist : A doctor who specializes in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves / The word neurologist
comes from neurology and its Greek roots: neuro-, "nerves," and -logia, "study."

Neurotic : Neurotic comes from neuro-, from a Greek word for "nerve." It can also describe someone
with neurotic behaviors, so you can think of a neurotic as someone who has a particularly bad case of

Psychiatrist: The noun psychiatrist has Greek roots in psykhe, meaning mind, and iatreia, meaning
healing, so the word psychiatrist is literally one who heals the mind.

Alma mater

1. "Alma," means, "kind and nourishing." "Mater," means, "Mother." Alma Mater means kind
and nourishing mother.

2. English dictionaries define Alma Mater as, "a school, college, or university at which one
has studied and, usually, from which one has graduated."

Maternity – The state of being or becoming a mother , motherhood

Matriarch ( Matr – mother , Arch – rule )

The mother ruler of a family

Monarch – state ruled by especially a king, queen, or emperor.

Patriarch - /ˈpeɪtrɪɑːk/ - Noun -the male head of a family or tribe.

Matricide ( cide – to kill )

The act of killing of one’s own mother

Matrimony – marriage

Matron : A woman who manages an institution ( hospital )

Metronymic /ˌmatrəˈnɪmɪk/ - Noun - a name (surname) derived from the name of a mother or
female ancestor.

Patronymic - a name (surname ) derived from the name of a father or male ancestor

Hypo - "under, beneath" Marriage customs in which the partners

Hypo Less Hypogamy
+ -gamy "marriage." are of different social statuses

Opsigamy Greek opse "marriage late in life,"


Demophilia Philia means Love The study of races as to birth,

marriages, mortality,
health etc.

Demophobia Phobia means Fear

Demagogue Agogus means To



Democracy Cracy means Rule Rule of the people.

Cardiogram : cardiogram. Root Word: cardi/o : heart

Cardiograph : an application / machine which measures your heart rate.

Osteopathy: From the Greek words “osteo-” meaning bone, and -pathy” meaning disease,
this is a therapy अस्थथरिरो वज्ञानी

Neuron - /ˈnjʊərɒn/ - a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell

Neuralgia : ˌnjʊəˈraldʒə - नसों का ददक from Greek neuron "nerve" ( neuro-) + -algia "pain."

Neurosis /ˌnjʊəˈrəʊsɪs/ - from a Greek word for "nerve." It can also describe someone with
neurotic behaviors, एक क ायकपरक मान सक वकार है जसमें व्यस्ति दु खी रतिहा है कन्तु इसमें
कोई भ्रमासस्ति (delusions) अथवा वभ्रांति (hallucinations) का अभाव तिहोा है जससे व्यस्ति का
व्यवहार सामा जक रूप से अस्वीक ायक नहीं तिहोा।

Neurotic /njʊəˈrɒtɪk/ - Noun a neurotic person. मनो वक्षेप संबन्धी ( Unnecessary stress )

Psychosis : The term psychosis is derived from the Greek psyche, meaning “soul,” “mind,” or
“breath.” मनस्ताप या मनो व क्षस्ति या साइको सस (Psychosis) मन की एक अपसामान्य दशा है
जसमें मन यह ति य नहीं कर तिपाा क क्या वास्त वक है और क्या अवास्त वक (आभासी)।

Orthodontist : ôrTHəˈdän(t)əst Greek word orthos for “straight, correct” and odon for "tooth."

Optometrist (vision + measure)


Thermometer ( therme – heat )

Sphygmomanometer : sfɪɡ-məʊməˈnɒmɪtə ( Sphygo – pulse ) an instrument for measuring

blood pressure and especially arterial blood pressure.

Chiropody /kɪˈrɒpədi/ the Greek root pod- (meaning "foot"). A chiropodist - originally a
hand and foot doctor
Chiropractor : ˈkʌɪrə(ʊ)ˌpraktə/ : (ˌkaɪrəˈpræktɪk) / A doctor who uses a system of treating
bodily disorders by manipulation of the spine and other parts, based on the belief that the
cause is the abnormal functioning of a nerve. ( by pressing the body etc. )

Psychogenic: originating in the mind / mental or emotional conflict.(Psyche – mind + genesis

– origin)

Geriatrician – geros – old / tria – healing / cian – expert : dealing with the health and care of old
people जराति कत्सक

Gerontologist /ˌdʒer.ənˈtɑː.lə.dʒɪst/ Greek root, gerōn, or "old man." a person who studies
old age.

Orthodontist : comes from the Greek word orthos for “straight, correct” and odon for

Periodontist : comes from periodontal, From the Greek roots peri-, "around," and odontos,
"tooth." द ा ा @ ति ो ं के मसूढों और अन्य संरिरनाओं की ..treatment
Endodontic: “Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek for “tooth.”
Endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment,

Psychic /ˈsʌɪkɪk/ relating to the soul or mind. The Greek word – Psyche – mind मान सक

Psychopath मनोरिरोी he word comes from the Greek words for "mind - psykhe " and "suffering -

Psychosomatic /ˌsʌɪkə(ʊ)səˈmatɪk/ - adjective – Psyche – mind / soma – Body / of a physical

illness or other condition) caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict
or stress.
Psychoanalyst - / sʌɪkəʊˈanəlɪst / - मनो वश्लेषक Psyche – mind – (By Sigmund Freud )
Clinical Psychologist - is an integration of science, theory, and clinical knowledge - नैदा नक
मनो वज्ञानी

Cardiogram: cardiogram. Root Word: cardi/o : heart.

Cardiograph: an application / machine which measures your heart rate.

Osteopathy: From the Greek words “osteo-” meaning bone, and -pathy” meaning disease,
this is a therapy अस्थथरिरो वज्ञानी

Neuron - /ˈnjʊərɒn/ - a nerve cell, a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses

Neuralgia : ˌnjʊəˈraldʒə - नसों का ददक from Greek neuron "nerve" ( neuro-) + -algia "pain."

Neurosis /ˌnjʊəˈrəʊsɪs/ - from a Greek word for "nerve." It can also describe someone with
neurotic behaviors, एक क ायकपरक मान सक वकार है जसमें व्यस्ति दु खी रतिहा है कन्तु इसमें
कोई भ्रमासस्ति (delusions) अथवा वभ्रांति (hallucinations) का अभाव तिहोा है जससे व्यस्ति का
व्यवहार सामा जक रूप से अस्वीक ायक नहीं तिहोा।

Neurotic /njʊəˈrɒtɪk/ - Noun a neurotic person. मनो वक्षेप संबन्धी ( Unnecessary stress )

Psychosis : The term psychosis is derived from the Greek psyche, meaning “soul,” “mind,” or
“breath.” मनस्ताप या मनो व क्षस्ति या साइको सस (Psychosis) मन की एक अपसामान्य दशा है
जसमें मन यह ति य नहीं कर तिपाा क क्या वास्त वक है और क्या अवास्त वक (आभासी)।

Psychogenic: originating in the mind / mental or emotional conflict.(Psyche – mind + genesis

– origin)

Dentist (n.): from Latin dens (dent- "tooth") + ist.

Orthodontist: [ɔːθalˈmɒlədʒɪstəˈdɒntɪst] Greek word orthos for “straight, correct” and odon for "tooth."

Optometrist (vision + measure)


Thermometer ( therme – heat )

Chiropody /kɪˈrɒpədi/ कर cheir ( hand ) + podos ( foot ) - वधा ति रिर the Greek root pod-
(meaning "foot"). A chiropodist .

Chiropodist : [kɪˈrɒpədɪst] cheir ( hand ) + podos ( foot ) + ist पादति कत्सक / कर

ति रति - वधा वैध a person who treats the feet and their ailments.

Chiropractor : ˈkʌɪrə(ʊ)ˌpraktə/ : (ˌkaɪrəˈpræktɪk) / comes from the Greek words “ praxis ”

meaning to practice and “ cheir “,means to treat using hands.. Doctors who do not use drugs
or chemicals.

Podiatrist [pəˈdʌɪətrɪst] NOUN - a person who treats the feet and their ailments; a

Sphygmomanometer: [ˌsfɪɡ-məʊməˈnɒmɪtə] Greek word ‘sphygmos’ meaning beating of the

heart or the pulse and MANOMETER mean the device used for measuring the pressure or
tension (an instrument for measuring blood pressure )

Barometer ( baro – pressure ) - instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure

Seismographs - an instruments used to record the motion of the ground during an

Dentist (n.) : from Latin dens (dent- "tooth") + ist.

Orthodontist : [ɔːθalˈmɒlədʒɪstəˈdɒntɪst] Greek word orthos for “straight, correct” and odon for "tooth."

Periodontist : comes from periodontal, From the Greek roots peri-,

"around," and odontos, "tooth." द ा ा @ ति ो ं क े मसूढों और अन्य
स ं रति न ाओ ं की ..treatment
Endodontic: “Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek
for “tooth.” endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment,

Psychic /ˈsʌɪkɪk/ relating to the soul or mind. The Greek word – Psyche – mind मान सक
Psychopath मनोरिरोीhe word comes from the Greek words for "mind - psykhe " and "suffering
- pathos."

Psychosomatic /ˌsʌɪkə(ʊ)səˈmatɪk/ - adjective – Psyche – mind / soma – Body / of a physical

illness or other condition) caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict
or stress.

Psychoanalyst - / sʌɪkəʊˈanəlɪst / - मन ो वश्ल े षक Psyche – mind – (By

Sigmund Freud )

Clinical Psychologist - is an integration of science, theory, and clinical

knowledge - न ै द ा नक मनो वज्ञानी

Metric system: decimal system of weight & measure ( Greek - metrikē - plural of metron by
which anything is measured )

Osteopath ( N) = osteon ( bones ) + Pathos ( suffering / disease ) - Greek osteon "bone" +

pathy "disorder, disease," from Greek - patheia, अस्थथति कत्सक

Osteopthy : Adj.
chirography (n.) "handwriting - the art of writing," chiro- "the
hand"+ graphy "writing." सुलेख

chiromancy (n.) "divination by the hand, palmistry," chiro- "the hand"+ + -

mantia "divination" (see -mancy) हस्तरे खा वद्या

Octopus = pous or podos = foot / octos = 8

Platypus [ˈplatɪpəs] NOUN = broad foot / a mammal of eastern Australia / plat- to spread +
pous - foot

Podium = podium (n.) Latin podium "raised platform," from

Greek podion "foot of a vase," diminutive (unusually small )
of pous (podos-N) "foot," Meaning "raised platform at the front of a hall
or stage"

Tripod = tri- "three" + pous (genitive ( origin from noun - podos) "foot"
Stadium = N - Greek stadion "a measure of length; a race-course, a
running track

Calli Beautiful Calligraphy Graphy means Writing The art of beautiful hand writing

Callipedia Paidos means Child The desire to bear a beautiful


Calliphony Phony means Sound Beautiful or elegant sound

Graphologist =[ɡraˈfɒlədʒi] NOUN - graphin ( write ) + logos ( study ) + ist - the study of
handwriting, for example as used to infer a person's character.

Calligraphy = NOUN - means beautiful writing. It is derived from a combination of Greek

Roots: ‘Calli’ meaning ‘beautiful’ and ‘grapho/graph/graphy’ meaning ‘to write to record’.
Handwriting or handwritten lettering.

What is the difference between calligraphy and chirographic and graphology?

The difference is that Calligraphy is the art of having a beautiful handwriting, Chirographic is
study of how handwriting has developed and its various aspects while Graphology is the
science of deducing a person's character from his/her handwriting.
Cacography – N - Greek – kakos (bad) + graphein. Bad handwriting or spelling. It is derived
from a combination of Greek Roots: ‘Caco/kako’ meaning ‘bad, harsh or evil’ and
Grapho/graph/graphy meaning ‘to write to record’

Caco Bad Cacography Graphy Bad spelling or bad handwriting

Cacology Logy means To A bad choice of words

Cacodemon Demon A bad spirit

means Spirit

Cacoethos Ethos Uncontrollable urge or desire

means especially for something
Cacodemonomaniac Mania Harmful
Cacoepy Someone who is controlled by an evil

Cacoderma Derma Bad or mistaken pronunciation

means Skin

Caconym Nym means Skin Bad skin

Cacodontia Donto An erroneous name a misnomer

means teeth

Fear or bad/ contaminated

Cacohydrophobia Hydro water

means Lacking skill
Water Not Satisfied

Cardiograph [ˈkɑːdɪə(ʊ)ɡrɑːf] NOUN - an instrument for recording heart muscle activity =

kardia ( heart ) + graphen
Photography - Greek roots φωτός (phōtós), genitive of φῶς (phōs), "light" and γραφή
(graphé)) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", together meaning "drawing with

Senile [ˈsiːnʌɪl] – ADJECTIVE - (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of
old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. Latin senilis "of old age," from senex (genitive
senis) "old, old man," from PIE root sen- Old सति या जाना

Adolescent – Latin word “adolescere,” which meant “to grow up or to grow into maturity”

Convalescent – /kɒnvəˈlɛs(ə)nt/ - adjective - (of a person) recovering from an illness or

medical treatment. Latin valere "be strong,

Obsolescent – Adj. growing obsolete (old fashioned) अतिप्र तिल

Theology - Teho means god or religion so theology means study of religion

Anthropology - Anthrop means human being so anthropology means study of human being.

Morphology - Morph means structure so morphology means study of structures.

Anthology - संकलन Greek anthologia "collection of small poems etc. by several authors,"
literally "flower-gathering," from anthos "a flower" (see anther) + logia "collection,
collecting," from legein "gather".

Seniority - Latin senior "older" (from root sen - "old").

Senate – council of older (France, America – parliament)


Astronomers – N – an expert in or student of astronomy. which come

from the Greek astron which means STAR.

Geologist – Geo - earth + ist

Biologist = Bio + ology + ist

Botanist – botany + - ist - a biologist whose specialty is plants — the way they grow, the
differences between them etc.

Zoologist = zoological = animal - ology + ist

Entomologist - The Greek word entomon - "insect” + ology + ist

Philologist – If you study philology, you don't need anyone to tell you that the word philology
comes from the Greek philologia "love of learning." It's one of the words ending in - logy,
which means "study." भाषा वद I

Semanticist - French word has its origins in Greek: semantikos means "significant," and
comes from semainein "to show. अथक वद ्

What is semantics and its origin?

Semantics, also called semiotics, semology, or semasiology, the philosophical and scientific
study of meaning in natural and artificial languages.

Sociologist –

Botanist – botane ( plant ) + study

Now adding different words

Theist meaning the one who believes in god

Atheist meaning the one who don’t believe in god.

Monotheist mono+theist mono(only one) so monotheist means the one who believes
in one god.

Polytheist Ploy means many so polytheists means the one who believe in many gods.

Pantheist Pan mean all over so pantheist is one who believe in all gods across al religion.

The ROOT-WORDS - ASTER & ASTRO which come from the Greek astron which means STAR.
This is an important one in our times, as no one is more in the public eye than the

Astronomer – astron (star) nomos (arrangement). They observe astronomical objects such as
stars, planets, moons, comets and galaxies – in either observational (by analyzing the data)
or theoretical astronomy.
Astronomy – the science of the heavenly bodies," from Greek astrologia "astronomy,"
literally "a telling of the stars"

Astrologer – astron "star" (from ster - "star") + logia "treating of" (see - logy).

Astronaut – “astronaut” combines naus with the Greek word astro, or “star” giving it the
literal meaning “star-sailor”

Cosmonaut – Greek - kosmos ( univers ) + nautes ( sailor ) / (from root nau- "boat") =

The difference that exists between astronaut and cosmonaut is that astronaut is used by the
English speaking world led by USA while cosmonaut is used by Russia.

Nautical – from Greek nautikos "seafaring, naval," from nautes "sailor," from naus "ship"
(from root nau- "boat") जहाजी / Nautical miles (plural noun) a unit used in measuring
distances at sea, equal to 1,852 metres (approximately 2,025 yards).

Nausea – Naus (sea) / Sea sickness

Disaster – dis (against) + aster + astron (star). The word disaster is derived from
Middle French desastre and that from Old Italian disastro, which in turn comes from
the Greek pejorative prefix -, (dus-) "bad" + (aster), "star".

Autonomy - Noun – auto (self) + nomes (law arrangement) - the right or condition of self-
government स्वशासन

Autonomus – Adj. - having the freedom to govern itself or control its

own affairs.
Geologist – geo (earth) + logos (study)

Geography = geo (earth) + graphir (writing / mapping)

Geometry – geo (earth) + metron (measurement)

George = geo + ergon (work) farmer. The Greek word ge- that means ‘Earth’. For instance,
the word geology means study of physical / solid earth, where ‘logy’ is to study.

Biology = bio + logos (study)

Biography = bios (life) + graphin (writing) - an account of someone's life written by

someone else.

Autobiography = autos + bios + graphin

Biopsy = bios + opsis (view) - The meaning of biopsy is the removal and
examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body.

Autopsy = auto + opsis (vision) - Greek autopsia "a seeing with one's own
eyes," from autos- "self" (see auto-) + opsis "a sight". a post-mortem
examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease.
Note : a autopsy is the analysis of a corpse, whereas a biopsy is the analysis of a
tissue sample taken from a live organism. a biopsy is a small part, taken from the
Botany = botanical - (n.) "the science of plants,

Zoo = zoological garden

Zodic - the positions of the sun, moon, stars, and planets are believed in astrology to
influence human behaviour etc. from Latin zodiacus "zodiac," from Greek zodiakos (kyklos)
"zodiac (circle),"

Scorpio (Latin) = scorpion - The word Scorpio comes from Latin scorpio, from
Greek skorpios, “which is probably ultimately connected with Hebrew ‘aqribh (or akrabh),

Leo : The Latin word is related to Greek leon, leontos, which appears in the name of the
Spartan king Leonidas, Lion’s son. The Greek word is somehow related to Coptic labai,
laboi, lioness.

Taurus : Latin taurus "bull, bullock, steer," - "bull"(source also of Greek tauros, Old Church
Slavonic turu "bull, steer.
Pisces : Latin pisces, plural of piscis "a fish" .

Entomology: en (in) + tome (cutting) – N - the branch of zoology concerned with the study of

Etymology - N - relating to the origin and historical development of words and their
meanings. Etymon means "origin of a word" in Latin, and comes from the

Philology – philion ( love ) + logos ( study ) - NOUN – भाषाशास्त्र

Lingua = lounge . Comes from the Italian word lingua, which means tongue.

Linguist (n) - a person skilled in foreign languages.

Linguistic = science of language.

Philanthrophy – Phil + anthroph

Philander – philein ( love ) + andor ( male ) extra marital affair

Philosophy = philoin ( love ) + Sophos ( wise )

Philharmonic = philein + harmony ( music ) – ADJECTIVE - devoted to music

Aptirodisiac – greek goddess. N - An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire,

sexual attraction, sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior.

Bibliophile - phelien + biblion ( book ) – love to collect books but do not study

Anglophile – anglus (English) + phalien . NOUN - a person who is fond of or greatly admires
England or Britain.

Noted businessman

Notorious – notus ( known ) notorious ADJECTIVE -famous or well known, typically for some
bad quality or deed. Notorious gambler. Notoriety – Noun

Summit – highest / ति ोटी – summus – highest

Consummate – (perfect) consummate artist

VERB - make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse. "they did
not consummate their marriage until months after it took place"

ADJECTIVE - showing great skill and flair (N - stylishness and originality).

Incorrigible – In (not) + Coroigo (correct). ADJECTIVE - (of a person or their behaviour) not
able to be changed or reformed.

Incorrigible criminal / optimist.

Incorrigibility ( n)

Inveterate = in (in) + vetus (old) – inveterate - ADJECTIVE – 1. Having a particular habit,

activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change. 2. (Of a feeling or
habit) long-established and unlikely to change.

Invertebrate - in (in) + vertebrate - An animal lacking a backbone.

Veteran = ( vetus – old ) an old hand ( experience ) .

Veteran teacher /actor.

Greek word etymon, meaning "literal meaning of a word”. Etymologically – Adj.

Insect = in (in) + sectus ( latin – cut )

Ec – greek – out / Ec – latin – ex

Tonsilectonmy : tonsil + ec ( out ) + tome ( cut )

Aapendectomy : append + ec + tome

Mastectomy : mastos ( breast ) + ect + tome. Surgical removal of the vermiform appendix.
[ append + ectomy ]. Vermiform (ˈvərməˌfôrm) describes something shaped like a worm
Prostatectomy : prost + ectomy . Surgical removal or resection of the prostate gland,
the prostate (= an organ near the penis that produces a liquid that carries sperm).

Eccentric : ec ( out ) + centre – ADJECTIVE - (of a person or their behaviour) unconventional

and slightly strange. The Medieval Latin word eccentricus, but it is ultimately derived from
a combination of the Greek words ex, meaning "out of," and kentron, meaning "center.".

Atom : a ( not ) + tom ( cut ). NOUN - the smallest particle of a chemical element that can

Anatomy : ana ( out ) + tome ( cut ). The branch of science concerned with the bodily
structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by
dissection and the separation of parts.

Dictiatomy : di ( two ) + tome ( cut ) from Latinized form of Greek dikhotomia "a cutting in
half,". Dichotomos : dichotomous thinkin

Epitome : epi ( on/ upon / into ) + tome (cut). The greek word comes from epitome,
meaning to cut short or abridge. A summary of a written work; an abstract. Synonyms of epitome
include personification, illustration etc.

Sociology – socius ( companion/ society ) + logos . The Greek suffix "-logy" which
means "study of," and the Latin stem "socio-" meaning member, friend.
Associate = social , socialize , society , sociable. from assimilated form of ad "to" (see ad-) +
sociare "unite with," from socius "companion, ally,"to follow."

Antisocial – anti ( against ) + Socius ( society ).

Asocial = A ( not ) + social / Self-centred . ADJECTIVE avoiding social interaction.


Genetics – root genesis (parent to offspring). NOUN - the study of heredity and the
variation of inherited characteristics.

Genealogy – genesis (birth) + logos = study . The study of families, family history, and the
tracing of their lineages.

Genealogist – NOUN - a person who traces or studies lines of family descent.

Genitial = the human or animal reproductive organs.

Genesis = bile first chapter

Congenital = con ( together / with ) + genesis - ADJECTIVE - (of a disease or physical

abnormality) present from birth.

Heredity – hereditas ( heirship ) - also called biological inheritance, is the passing on of traits
from parents to their offspring;

Heredity noun

Hereditary transmission of the physical and genetic qualities of parents to their offspring; the
biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants.

Inheritance noun

The passing of title to an estate upon death.

Inheritance noun

(countable) That which a person is entitled to inherit, by law or testament.

Heredity noun

the biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the

Chronic - Adj – chronous ( time / old ) (of an illness) persisting ( v- continue to exist ) for a
long time or constantly recurring. Often contrasted with acute ( Adj - Short Duration ) .

Chronicity – Noun

Anachronism = Ana ( not ) + chromos ( time / out of date ) / NOUN - a thing belonging or
appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is
conspicuously (ADVERB in a clearly visible way) old-fashioned.

Chronological – time / older – ADJECTIVE - (of a record of events) following the order in
which they occurred.

Chronology – time + study

Chronicle – time record

Chronometer = chronous ( time) + metron ( meaure ) – watch

Chronometry – measurement of time. NOUN - the science of accurate time measurement.

Synchronize – Syn. (together) + chromos (time) – VERB-cause to occur or operate at the

same time or rate.

Synchronization (n) -

Pathological = pathos (disease / suffering) – Adj. = Pathology

Pathology – n - pathos (disease / suffering)+ ology - Pathology is the study of the causes and
effects of disease or injury.

Sympathetic = sym (together) + pathos (feeling) – ADJECTIVE - feeling, showing, or

expressing sympathy.

Sympathy – NOUN - feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune

Sympathize – VERB - feel or express sympathy.

Antipathy = anti (against) + pathos (feeling) - NOUN - a deep-seated feeling of aversion

( NOUN - a strong dislike.

Apathy – no feeling (indifferent) – NOUN - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Empathy – In (in) + pathos (feeling) – NOUN - the ability to understand and share the
feelings of another.

Pathetic = pathos – ADJECTIVE - arousing pity, especially through sadness.

Pathetic story

Telepathy : tele (distance) + pathos (feeling) – NOUN - the supposed communication of

thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

Telephone : tele means far, distance, or from afar phon means sound

Telegraph = sound + graphic / write

Telescope = vision

Unconscionable = con (together) + scio (to know) – ADJECTIVE - not right or reasonable

Conscience = con + sciens + knowing . NOUN - a person's moral sense of right and wrong,
viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.

Conscious = con (together) + scio (know) – Adj - aware of and responding to one's


Omniscient – Adj. omnis ( all )+ sciens ( knowing ) – Adj - knowing everything.

Omniscience (n) prescient = Pre + knowing Psychic - the state of knowing everything.

Nescient = ne (not) sciens (knowing) – Adj - lacking knowledge; ignorant.

Cracy means govt /system

Democracy - demo+cracy means govt of people

Autocracy - auto+cracy means dictatorship/kingship (when one person rules the whole
government or system)

Theocracy - Theo+cracy means when government is of religious people like priest, bishops

Plutocracy - Pluto means wealthy so plutocracy means when government is controlled by

wealthy people like industrialist.

Oligocracy - Oligo means selected few so oligocracy means when selected few runs the

Mobocracy - Mob means crowd so mobocracy means when crowd takes over government or
in other words lawlessness.

Monarchy - monarc means top official like king so monarchy is the rule of king.

Anarchy - means lawlessness it’s just similar to mobocracy .

Gerontocracy - geron mean aged/ experienced so gerontocracy means when position are
determined by the experience or the age.

Meritocracy - merito means performance so meritocracy means when positon are decided by

Cleptocracy - clepto means thief so cleptocracy means when government is run by thieves.

Beaurocracy - beauro means top officials so beaurocracy means when government is run by
top officials.
Aristocracy - aristo means nobility so aristocracy means when government is run by noble

Bolvine = bovis + ine = cow + like

Leonine = Leo + ine = Lion like

Canine = canis + ine = Dog like

Feline = felis + ine = Cat like

Poreine – porcus + ine = Pig like /

pork Vulpine – Vulpus + ine = Fox like

Ursine – Ursus + ine = Bear like

Lupine = lupus + ine = Wolf like

Equine = Equine = Equus + ine = Horse like

Piscine = Piscis + ine = Fish like

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