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Ollydbg software cracking tutorial

In this , let's go over how cracking could work in practice by looking at an example program a program that
serves no purpose other than for me to hack. Disassemble our target with w32dasm then click on the imports

button. Clicking Copy to Executable, and then clicking All Modifications.


(User. Tanya Montoya)


Ollydbg software cracking tutorial - Now that you have a cracked the registration protection of this software, launch the

software and type any serial number. The registration is free of charge and assumes no financial or other obligations from

either side - just be fair and let me know that you like this software.

» Download Ollydbg software cracking tutorial PDF «


This tutorial is for educational purposes only, so please do not use this to create or distribute a cracked copy of the
software. When you cracking install the application, it prompts you for a license file. After installing the license you have 30
days to evaluate the application. The expiration date is displayed on this screen; in our case it is March 15, 2011. Step 1
Trial applications usually store license information in either the registry or on the file system. Since this application prompted
us for a license file, we know that it uses the file system. Step 2 Select Hook Process from the File menu to start monitoring
the application. The application should now display a message indicating that it is an evaluation version. Hit cancel to quit
the application. The application is software from mirial. Step 4 Modify the expiration date in the license file to 2012-03-15
and save the file. Now launch the application again. The application should now display an error indicating that the license is
invalid. Hit cancel to quit the application. Step 5 Our tutorial step is to start debugging the application right after it has read
the license file. From Step ollydbg, we know that the application uses CreateFileA to open the file and ReadFile to read the
file. The breakpoint will be hit multiple times; continue until you reach the one that opens the license file. Now hit Continue
to let the application run. You should now be able to attach to the application using a debugger. Use the debugger to step
out until you reach code in the application. Step 7 The debugger is currently at a location right after the application has
finished reading the license file and before it checks the validity of the ollydbg />We need to locate the code that performs
this check and disable it. The application displays a cracking error message this time; instead of an invalid license, the
application is software us that it is unable to locate the file. Step 9 Now that we have pinpointed the location where the
application checks for a valid license, all we need to do is to play around with the values and jmp instructions to find one
that works. In this case, inverting the jump instruction from je to jne tells the application that it has a tutorial license file.
Running the application with the modified code displays our new expiration date of March 15, 2012.
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