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________ is a believe that certain bodily symptoms may have harmful consequences and are more
prone to developing panic attacks and perhaps panic disorder.

__________ techniques have been added to the behavioral techniques, generating a form of cognitive-
behavioral therapy

_______ is a persistent and disproportionate fear of some specific object or situation that presents
little or no actual danger and yet leads to a great deal of avoidance of these feared situations.

_____ are recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced, at some time
during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety
or distress.

Traditionally, _______ was thought of as one particular symptom of OCD, but this categorization began
to be seriously questioned.

people who have _____ disorder, have living spaces that are extremely cluttered and disorganized to
the point of interfering with normal activities that would otherwise occur in those spaces, such as
cleaning, cooking, and walking through the house.

People who have perceptions of ________ over either their environments or their own emotions (or
both) seem more vulnerable to developing anxiety disorders

Which is one of the oldest systems of LTM according to Tulving?

A pattern of memory loss affecting elements of long-term memory, while short-term memory remains

H.M’s case showed that short term memory and memory for ________ is intact

loss of memory for events before the onset of amnesia is known as _______.

__________ syndrome leads to brain damage which is related to vitamin B1 deficiency.

What did William James call Long term memory as?

In order to test verbal learning who studied several lists of CVC trigrams

The memory that involves conscious recollection of memories such as events, facts, people and

Endel Tulving proposed which model of LTM

____ is our ability to monitor and inspect the content of our memory
events and personal info – episodic

facts, grammar, places, people - semantic

events and facts – declarative

______ is a type of illusion of autobiographical memory; it might be described as the ‘knowledge that a
situation could not have been experienced, combined with the feeling that it has’

Research has shown that imagining false events increases the likelihood that they will be ‘recalled’, an
effect referred to as _____

An experimental demonstration of such ‘false memories’ was provided by _____

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