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24305_Odd Semester 2021/2022

Week 0
▪ Classes are started and ended on time (Monday 08.00 – 09.40 WIB and Thursday
13.00 – 13.50 WIB).
▪ Students’ attendance aren’t recorded if they come more than 5 minutes after the
class is started.
▪ No make up quizzes, all assignment should be submitted before the deadline.
▪ Students should attend at least 80% of the total sessions to be able to participate in
the final test.
▪ All students should obey the dress code.
▪ Plagiarism/incorrect quotation = 0.
▪ Check the contract for full info.
1. Students will be able to describe about oil and gas logistics in general, to explain
the equipment and methods applied to ensure the energy fulfillment, and to
retell the concept of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) applied in
oil and gas logistics activities.

2. Students will be able to define the applied storage and distribution methods and
analyze the reasons why such methods were chosen.

3. Students will be able to measure the performance of oil and gas logistics
activities in a particular area, also to provide suggestions to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness.
1. Intro to oil and gas business, history of oil and gas, the Indonesia’s energy
2. Oil and Gas Value Chain, and the Health, Safety, Security and Environment of Oil
and Gas Distribution;
3. Natural Gas: Lifting, Processing, Storage and Distribution;
4. Oil: Lifting, Processing, Storage and Distribution;
5. Intro to Oil and Gas Distribution in Indonesia;
6. Massification (the distribution of oil and gas in bulk) and Atomization (the
distribution of retail oil and gas product);
7. The challenges of energy distribution throughout Indonesia;
8. Oil and Gas Depots, Intro to Retail Business;
9. Tank Trucks: Characteristics, Scheduling, Routing and the Considerations of
Owning or Renting the trucks;
10. Rail Tank Wagons: Pertamina and KAI cooperation, distribution areas covered by
RTW, and the operating expenses;
11. Intro to Liquid Logistics through Pipelines: Oil and Gas properties, factors to be
considered before constructing the pipelines, the infrastructures needed;
12. Oil and Gas Pipelines: construction and maintenance;
13. Comparison between distribution methods.
▪ Assignments 20%
Daily quizzes, HomeWorks, reports of group discussions
▪ Quiz 20%
Online quizzes, MC/TF/short essays and analysis of several short case studies
▪ UTS 20%
Online mid-term test, covers weeks 1-7
▪ UAS 20%
Online final test, covers weeks 9-15
▪ Final Project 20%
Analysis of a certain topic in the oil and gas storage and distribution activities
Thank you ☺

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