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Quick Revision
Carbohydrates may be detined as optically
) Aldose If aldehyde(-CHO)
active polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or group is present in
the compounds which produce such units monosaccharides then it is called as aldose.
on hydrolysis.
(i) Ketose If monosaccharides contain keto
2 Classification of Carbohydrates On the C=0group, then it is called ketose.
basis of their behaviour towards hydrolysis. 4. Glucose It occurs freely in nature as well as in the
Simple carbohydrates which cannot be combined form. It can be prepared as follows
hydrolysed further to simpler
carbohydrates are called
From sucrose,
monosaccharides, e.g. glucose, fructose, C,HO+H,O
CH,O, + CH,O,
Glucose Fructose
ribose, etc.
Carbohydrates which give 2-10 CH0), +nH,O 393 K, 2-3 atm n CH,,O
monosaccharide units on hydrolysis are Cellulose or starch
called oligosaccharides (e.g. maltose, 5. Structures of Glucose On the basis of
lactose) and that give a large following
number of monosaccharide units are called
evidences, the structure of glucose is assigmed
On prolonged heating with HI,
polysaccharides, e.g. starch, cellulose, etc., glucose gives
n-hexane which suggest that all the six carbon
on the basis of
reducing propery. atoms in glucose are linked linearly.
Carbohydrates in which ketonic or
aldehydic groups are free and are capable HOCH,(CHOH), CHO + HI
reducing Fehling's solution or Tollen's CH,(CH,), CH,
n -hexane
reagentare known as
reducing sugars, When oxidised with bromine water, glucose
eg all monosaccharides and disaccharides
gives gluconic acid and with HNO, it gives
except sucrose. saccharic acid.
Carbohydrates in which aldehydic or COOH CHO COOH
ketonic group are bonded and do not reduce
fehling's solution or Tollen's reagent are (CHOH) Br, waler(CHOH), HNO(CHOH),
5. On
non-reducing sugars, e.g sucrose.
the basis of number of carbon atoms COOH
and the CHOH CH,OH
functional group present in them, Gluconic acid Saccharic
monosa.ccharides are of following two types. acid
CBSENew Pattern Chemistry XIKILl (T(Term
Mutarotation is the spontaneous
Acetylation of glucose Glucose with acetic
specific rotation of an optically
chang in
anhydride gives glucose penta-acetate whicu compound towardsan equilibrium
confims the presence offive-OH groups. between anomers. value
Since, it exists as a stable compound, five
OH groups should be attached to 8. The six
membered cyclic struchure of
different carbon atoms. known as pyranose cture ( or
. gucy
(Acetic anhydride)
CHOH (Acetylation)CH-0-C-CH H
Glocose HO 3
Glucose penta-acetaie H OH
Stable compound OH
6. Open chain structure of D-glucose could not
9. The two monosaccharides are joined.
explain the following reactions. So, it was
proposed that, it form a cyclic hemiacetal
by-0linkage fomed by loss ofa e togeth
molecule. Such a linkage is known a
structure. These are summarised
as follows glycosidic linkage.
Despite having the aldehyde group, glucose
does not give Schiffs test and 2,4-DNP test. 10. Fructose It is an important ketohexose. lt is
I t does obtained alongwith glucose by the hydrolvsi
not form the hydrogen sulphite of disaccharide, sucrose.
addition product with NaHSO,.
The penta-acetate of glucose does not react Structure of Fructose It has molecular
with hydroxyl amine showing the absence of formula CH,,0,. It belongs to D-series
and s
free CHO group. a laevorotatory compound.
I t is found to exist in two different crystalline It also exists in two cyclic forms which are
forms which are & and B. obtained by the addition of -OH at C-5 to
a-form of glucose (m.p. 419 K) is obtained by
crystallisation from concentrated solution of theC-0group.
glucose at 303 K, while the B-form (mp.
The structure is as follows
423 K) is obtained by crystallisation from hot
and saturated aqueous solution at 371 K. CHOH
.The two cyclic forms exist in equilibrium
with open chain structure is as follows: HO- -H
- OH
D--fructose a-D-(--fructofuranose


HO- -H
a-D-(+)-glucose B-D-(+)-glucose
7. When two cyclic forms of a carbohydrate H -OH
differ in configuration of hydroxyl groups at
C1, they are called anomers and
represented as a and B-form. CHOH
The cyclic structures of two anomers of (b) Globular proteins have spherical shape in
fructose are represented by Haworth which the chains of polypeptide coil around,
structures as shown below: e.g. insulin, albumins etc.
On the basis of structure and shape, proteins
HOH C CH,OH HOH,C OH can be studied on the following four different
H V4
3 / OH H OH
H V4 3/ CH,OH a Primary structure is the specific sequence in
which various amino acids are linked with
OH H OH H each other to form a polypeptide.
a-D--fructofuranose B-D--fructofuranose (b) Secondary structure is the conformation
which the polypeptide chains assume as a
11. The compounds containing both amino
result of hydrogen bonding between
(-NH,) and carboxyl (-cOOH) functional
groups in the same molecule are called amino
acids, eg. R-CH-NH,. and-NH-groups ofthe peptide
bond. They exist in two different
COOH structures which are as follows
Amino acids which are synthesised by the
(G) In a-helix, polypeptide chain forms all
body are called non-essential. On the other possible hydrogen bonds between -NH
hand, those which cannot be synthesised in
the human body and are supplied in the form group of each amino acid and C=O of
of diet because they are required for proper an adjacent turn leading to twisting of
health and growth are called essential amino
polypeptide chain intoa right handed helix.
(i) InB-structure or B-pleated sheet, all
.Amino acids in which carboxyl group in
peptide chains are stretched out to
aqueous solution loses a proton while, amino maximum extension and they laid side by
group accepts a proton results formation of side which are held together by
Zwitter ion. intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
HN-CH-COOH (c)Tertiary structure is the further folding of
the secondary structure of proteins.
d) Quaternary structure Some proteins are
Amino acid
R composed of two or more polypeptide chains
Zwitter ion called subunits. The spatial arrangement of
.In Zwitter ionic form, o.-amino acids show these subunits with respect to each other is
amphoteric behaviour, as they react with acids known as quaternary structure.
and bases both. 13. When there is a physical change (like change
12. The word protein is derived from Greek word, in temperature) or chemical change (like
proteios' meaning 'primary or of prime change in pH) in the native form of protein,
importance. Chemically, protiens are the the hydrogen bond gets disturbed. As a result,
polymers in which the monomeric units are the globules unfold and helices get uncoiled and
O-amino acids. protein loses its biological activity, known as
denaturation of protein.
They are connected to each other by
During denaturation 2° and 3° structures
-CO-NH bond which is called the destroyed but 1° structure remains intact,
peptide bond or peptide linkage.
On the basis of molecular shape, proteins are e.g. coagulation of egg white on boiling and
curdling of milk.
classified into following two types
(a Fibrous proteins have thread or fibre, like 14. Vitamins are organic compounds required in
structures in which polypeptide chains run the diet in small amounts to perform specific
parallel and held together by hydrogen and biological functions for normal maintenance of
growth and health.
disulphide bonds e.g. keratin, myosin etc.
CBSE New Pattern Chemistr
110 KIL (Termty
Nucleoside = sugar + base
These are classified as fat soluble (A, D, E
and K) and water Nucleotide phosphate + sugar

soluble (B and C).

Nucleotide nucleoside + +base
Deficiency diseases of vitamin A, B,, B, phosphate

Dand E may cause James Watson and Francis Crick

Convulsion, pernicious xerophthalmia, proposed a double stranded helical
anaemia, scurvy
rickets and infertility,
Because vitamin Band Care soluble in
of DNA.
The process by which a DNA mole
water, they are excreted readily in urine and produces two identical molecules of
hence, cannot be stored in the body. itself in
thenucleus ofthe cellis called replicatio
15. Nucleic acids are of
two types: RNA is compose of ribose sugar, adenin
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ibonucleic and guanine(purine base) uracil and
acid (RNA). cytosine (pyrimidine base) and phosphos
DNA is composed acid. There are three types of RiNA
of deoxyribose sugar
adenine and guanine (i.e. purine base) 6) Ribosomal RNA (-RNA)
thymine and cytosine (i.e. pyrimidine base (i) Messenger RNA (m-RNA)
phosphoric acid. Its structural unit is (ii) Transfer RNA (+RNA).
called nucleotide.

Objective Questions
Multiple Choice Questions 5. Which of the following reactions of
1. A carbohydrate which cannot glucose can be explained only by its
hydrolysed to simpler compounds is cyclic structure? (NCERTExemplar)
called (a) Glucose forms penta-acetate
(a) monosaccharide (b) disaccharide (b) Glucose reacts with hydroxylamine to form
(c) trisaccharide an oxime
(d) polysaccharide
(c) Pentaacetate of glucose does not react
2. Which one of the following pairs is the with hydroxyl amine
essential constituent of our food? (d) Glucose is oxidised by nitric acid to gluconic
(a) Nucleic acids and lipids acid
(b) Proteins and carbohydrates 6. At what temperature, the B-form
(c) Proteins and nucleic acids glucose is obtained by crystallisation
(d) Proteins and lipids from hot and saturated aqueous
3. Ripe grapes contain solution?
(a) glucose (b) fructose (a) 303 K (b)423 K
(c) sucrose (d) maltose (c)371 K (d) 419 K

4. Which of the following structures 7. Which of the following statements is

not true about
correctly represent the glucose? glucose?
CHO CHO CHO CHO (a) It is an aldohexose
(b)On heating with Hl it forms n-hexane
(a)(CHOH), (b)(HOH), (c}(HOH), (d) (CHOH) (c)It is present in furanose form
CH,OH CH,OH (d)It does not give 2, 4-DNP test
Biomolecules 111

the structure of D-(-)-fructose. 10. Consider the

8. Choosethe
following reaction,
(b) H o -



The given reaction confirms
CH20H (a) presence of primary alcoholic group
(b) five-OH groups attached to different
HO- C=0 carbon atoms
c ) H o -
(d) Ho (c) all six carbon atoms are linked in a
HO H H OH straight chain
H OH (d) the presence of a carbonyl group in
HO OHOH CHOH glucose
11. What is the product formed when
9. D-+)-glucose reacts with hydroxylamine D-glucose is treated with Br, water?
oxime.The structure of the
and yields an
Oxime would be CHO COOH
CH=NOH a) Ho- -H H
HO-C-H (b) HO


(c) HO H (d) H o - H

HO-C-H H-C-OH 12. Name the product which is formed

H-C-OH HO-C-H by the oxidation of glucose and

(c) (d) gluconic acid with nitric acid.
HO-C-H H-C-OH (a) Rhamnose
(b) Saccharic acid
(c) Citric acid
CHOH (d) Oxalic acid
112 CRSE New Pattern Chemistry Xin

18. A tripeptide is composed equ

13. The
spatial arrangement of different
OH groups in the molecules is
L-tyrosine, lycine
molecule of each). How many
L-valilyNine of(one
CHO COOH of tripeptides can be obtainedmbe
COOH (a) 3
(b) 4
H -OH (c) 6
is the corre
CH-OH 19. Which
peptide bond? representatic of
Choose the correct option with names for
1, I1 and IIL
(a) (b)-
(a) 1-Gluconic
acid Il-Glucose,
Ill-Saccharic acid OH
(b)1Saccharic acid, Il>Glucose,
Ill-Gluconic acid (c) H-C-N- (d)-CN
(c)1Glucose, I1-Gluconic acid,
IllSaccharic acid
(d)1-Glucose, l1- Saccharic acid,
Ill-Gluconic acid 20. Which one of the followin is the core
representation of tripeptide, i.e.
14. Name the
reagent and condition required alanine-glycine- alanine)?
for carrying out the
following reaction.
(a) HaN
(a) HF, A (b) HCI, A (c) HBr, A (d) HI, A (b) HaN N COOH
15. What is obtained from the
water) decomposition of inulin? CH3
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose
(c) Glucose and fructose (d) Lactose
16. Pair of compounds, which give positive
test with Tollen's reagent is (d) HaN
(a) glucose and sucrose
(b) fructose and glucose CH3 CHs
(c) glucose and fructose
(d) All of the above 21. In the given reaction,
17. How many number of water molecules
are removed from the n number of CH
amino acids during the formation of
peptide bond?
(a) (n-) (b)n (c) (n/2) (d) (n+1) CH
Biomolecules 113

Name the dipeptide which is formed in 29. In the given reaction,

the above reaction.
(a) Alanglycine (b) Glycylalanine H,NCH,COOH+H,N-CH-COOH
(c) Alaninglycine (d) Glycinalanine
22. The simplest amino acid is H,NCH,CONH-CH-cOOH
(a) glycine (b) alanine
(c)valine (d)leucine
23. When proteins are hydrolysed by Name the dipeptide which is formed in
boiling with strong acids or alkalis, they the above reaction.
are converted into (a) Alanglycine (b) Glycylalanine
(a) amides (b imines (c) Alaninglycine (d) Glycinalanine
(c) amino acids (d) amines 30. Helical structure of protein is stabilised
24. Haemoglobin is a/an by
(a) carbohydrate (b) vitamin (a)ionic bond (b)covalent bond
(c) globular protein (d) enzyme (c)H-bonding (d) van der Waals' forces

25. When the polypeptide chains run 31. The structure of protein which refers to
parallel are held together by hydrogen the shape in which a long polypeptide
and disulphide bonds, then fibre like chain can exist is ..
structure is formed. Such proteins are (a) primary structure
generally insoluble in water." (b secondary structure
(c) tertiary structure
Name the type of protein which satisfy (d) quaternary structure
the above information.
32. Each polypeptide in a protein has amino
(a) Fibrous protein (b) Globular protein
acids linked with each other in a specific
(c) Primary protein (d) Tertiary protein
sequence. This sequence of amino acids
26. Which of the following is/are is said to be ....
example(s) of denaturation of protein? (a) primary structure of proteins
a) Coagulation of egg white (b) secondary structure of proteins
(b) Clotting of blood (c) tertiary structure of proteins
(c) Curdling of milk (d) quateranary structure of proteins
(d) Both (a) and (c)
33. Which structure(s) of proteins remain
27. Select non-essential amino acid. intact during denaturation process?
(a) Tryptophan (b) Phenylalanine (a) Both secondary and tertiary structures
c)Lysine (d) None of these (b) Primary structure only
(c) Secondary structure only
28. Proteins are found to have two different
(d) Tertiary structure only
types of secondary structures viz
a-helix and P-pleated sheet structure. 34. Which of the following acids is a vitamin?
a-helix structure of protein is stabilised (NCERT Exemplar)
(a) Aspartic and (b) Ascorbic acid
by (NCERT Exemplar)
(c) Adipic acid (d) Saccharic acid
a) peptide bonds
(b)van der Waals forces 35. Water soluble vitamin is .
(c) hydrogen bonds (a) vitamin C (b)vitaminD
(d) dipole-dipole interactions (c)vitaminE (d) vitamin K
114 CBSE New Pattern Chemistry XII
36. Which of the IdentifyI and II in the above structure
following B group
vitamins can be stored in our and mark the correct option.
(a) Vitamin B, (b)Vitamin B,
(c)Vitamin B (d) Vitamin B (a) Nucleoside; Nucleotide
(b) Nucleotide: Nucleosite
37. Which of the
caused by the
following disease is (c) Nucleoside; Nucleotide
deficiency of vitamin E? (d) Nucleotide; Nucleoside
(a) Beri-beri (b) Rickets
(c) Scurvy 41. The bases present in RNA are
(d) Muscular weakness
(a) adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
38. Match the vitamins
with the deficiency disease,
in Column (b)guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil
they cause, (c) cytosine, thymine, adenine, uracil
given in Column II. (d) adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
Column I Column II 42. DNA and RNA contain four bases
(Vitamins (Diseases) each. Which of the following bases in
A. Vitamin A 1. Pernicious anaemia not present in RNA?
B. Vitamin B, 2. (a) Adenine (b)Uracil
Xerophthalmia (c) Thymine (d) Cytosine
C. Vitamin B 3. Beri-beri
D. Vitamin C 43. Which of the following is a type of RNA?
4. Bleeding gums
(a) m-RNA (b) t-RNA
Codes (c)r-RNA (d) All of these
(a) 1 2 34 44. Which of the following is/are the
(b) 2 3 14 application(s) of the DNA
(c) 3 241 fingerprinting?
(d) 4 2 31 (a) in forensic laboratories for the identification
of criminals
39. Which of the following bases is not (b) to identify racial groups to rewrite
present in DNA? biological evolution
(a) Adenine (c) to determine paternity of an individual
(c)Cytosine (d) Uracil (d) All of the above

40. Consider the following structures: 45. Which of the following combination is
correct between nucleic acid and its
HO-HC Base respective sugar base?
(a) DNA B-D-3-deoxyribose
H 2H
H 3 (b) DNA p-D-1-deoxyribose
(c) RNA >B-D-ribose
(d) RNA-B-D-3-deoxyribose

OP-0-H2C Base
Assertion-Reasoning Mcos
KH Direction In the following
(Q.No. 46-55) a statement of Assertion
H followed by a statement of Reason is given
OHOH Choose the correct answer ouf of the
following choices.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct
statements and Reason is the correct acid to the C-O of an adjacent turn
explanation of the Assertion.
of the helix.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct
statements, but Reason is not the correct 52. Assertion In presence of enzyme,
explanation of the Assertion. substrate molecule can be attacked by
(c) Assertion is correct, but Reason is the reagent effectively.
incorrect statement. Reason Active sites of enzymes hold the
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct substrate molecule in a suitable position.
53. Assertion Vitamin D can be stored in
46. Assertion Tollen's reagent, Benedict's our body.
solution and Fehling's solution are
Reason Vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin.
reducing agents.
54. Assertion Vitamins B and C must be
Reason Mild oxidising agents like
chlorine or bromine water convert supplied regularly in the diet.
gucose into gluconic acid. Reason Vitamins B and C are soluble in
water which are readily excreted
47. Assertion D-(+}glucose is
dextrorotatory in nature. through urine and cannot be stored
except vitamin B,,) in our body.
Reason D' represents its dextrorotatory
55. Assertion DNA has a double helix
48. Assertion Glucose and fructose are
Reason The two strands in a DNA
reducing sugars. molecule are exactly similar.
Reason Glucose and fructose contain a
free aldehydic and ketonic group adjacent Case Based MCOs
to a CHOH group respectively. 56. Read passage given and answer the
following questions :
49. Assertion Deoxyribose, CH 0, is a
A carbohydrate is a biomolecule of
carbohydrate. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They
Reason Carbohydrates are hydrates of perform numerous rolesi living
carbon so compounds which follow organism. Glucose is the simpler form of
C, (H,0), formula are carbohydrates. carbohydrate, with molecular formula
CH,0It is the most abundant
50. Assertion All naturally ocurring monosaccharide. It is mainly made by
-amino acids except glycine are plants and most algae during
optically active. photosynthesis from water and carbon
Reason Most naturally occurring amino dioxide, using energy from sunlight. In
energy metabolism, it is the most
acids have L-configuration.
important source of energy in all
51. Assertion o-helix structure of proteins organisms.
is in the shape of right handed screw. Glucose for metabolism is stored as a
Reason There is hydrogen bond polymer, in plants, mainly as starch and
amylopectin and in animals as glycogen.
between the NH group of each amino
116 CBSENewPattern Chemistry XIL CTermy
monomers from which proteins
Glucose circulates in the blood of animals constructed.
as blood sugar. Glucose, as intravenous
STugar solution, is on the World Health A general structural formula of an
Organisation's List of Essential acid is shown in figure below. d-amino
Medicines, the safest and most effective
medicines needed in a health system.
The following questions (i-iv) are multiple R CHCOH RCHCO
choice questions. Choose the most
appropriate answer: NH, NH;
) Open structure of glucose contains (a) Unionised form (b) Internal salt (Zwitteri

Secondary alcoholic groups. form

Although, figure (a) is a common way of
(a) four (b) five writing structural formulas for amino acids
(c) three (d) two itis
not accurate because it shows an acid
i) a-D-(+)-glucose and B-D-(+)-glucose are (-COOH) and a base-NH,) within the
(a) anomers same molecule. These acidic and basic gro
(b) epimers react with each other to form a dipolarionor
(c) enantiomers internal salt(figure (b).
(d) geometrical isomers
The internal salt of an amino acid is given the
Or special name Zwitter ion . Note that a Zwitter
The a-D-glucose and ion has no net charge, it contains one positive
B-D-glucose differ
from each other due to difference in charge and one negative charge.
carbon atom with respect to its Because they exist as Zwitter ions, amino acids
(a) conformation have many of the properties associated with
(b) configuration salts. They are crystalline solids with high
(d) number of-OH groups melting points and are fairly soluble in water
(d) size of hemiacetal ring but insoluble in non-polar organic solvents
such as ether and hydrocarbon solvents.
i) Glucose molecule reacts with X number
of molecules of phenyl hydrazine to yield The following questions (i-iv) are
Osazone. The value of X is choice questions. Choose the most
(a) four (b) one answer
(c) two (d) three ) Which of the following amino acids is
iv On acetylation with acetic anhydride, not optically active?
gucose gives (a) Lysine (b) Tyrosine
(a) hexaacetate (b) penta-acetate (c) Glycine (d) Alanine
(c) tetraacetate (d) triaceatate
i) The pK,, and pK, of an amino acid are
57. Read the passage given below and 2.3 and 9.7 respectively. The isoelectric
answer the following questions: point of the amino acid is
An amino acid is a compound that (a) 6.0 (b)3.7
contains both carboxyl group and an (c)12.0 (d) 7.4
amino group. Although, many types of ii) Lysine is least soluble in water in the
amino acids are known, the o-amino
acids are the most significant in the pH range
(a) 3 to 4 (b)5 to 6
biological world because they are the
(c)6 to 7 (d) 8 to 9

Which of the following is a heterocyclic Reason is given. Choose the correct

v) amino acid ? choices:
answer out of the following correct
(b) Phenylalanine Reason both are
(a) Tryptophan (a) Assertion and
statements and Reason is
(c)Glycine (d) Alanine
Or explanation for Assertion.
(b) Assertion and Reason both are
O-amino acids have statements but Reason is not correct
explanation for Assertion.
(a) L-configuration
(b)L-D-configuration Reason is
(d)R-configuration (c) Assertion is correct statement but
incorrect statement.

58, Read the passage given below and (d) Assertion is incorrect statement but
answer the following questions Reason is correct statement.

One of the most important classes of ) Assertion Acetic acid is not a

biomolecules is carbohydrates. These carbohydrate.

include sugars, starch, glycogen, cellulose Reason Acetic acid fits into general
etc. These are formed by plants under a formula of carbohydrate, i.e. C, (H,0),
process called photosynthesis and make
(ii Assertion Glucose and fructose can be
up about 70% of plant material. distinguished by Tollen's reagent.
Carbohydrates provide us food, clothing
and shelter in the form of starch, cotton Reason Glucose contains an aldehyde
and wood respectively. contains keto
group while fructose

Earlier carbohydrates were called as

hydrates of carbon C, (H,O),. But this Assertion Carbohydrates were earlier
definition is not applicable in all cases. ii)
called as hydrates of carbon.
Carbohydrates are also called
saccharides. These can be Reason Carbohydrates can be
monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and
polysaccharides. Carbohyderates can also (iv) Assertion Glucose pentaacetate does not
be classified as sugar and non-sugar. All
form oxime.
the monosaccharides and
oligosaccharides are sugar Reason Glucose pentaacetate does not

The polysaccharides are non-sugar. All have a free -OH group at C, so it

cannot be converted to the open chain
those carbohydrates which reduce
Tollen's reagent or Fehling solution are form to give CHO group.
called reducing carbohydrates, while Or
others which do not reduce these reagents
Assertion Glucose does not form the
are called non-reducing carbohydrates.
All monosaccharides are reducing. All hydrogen bisulphite addition product.
polysaccharides are non-reducing. Reason Glucose is not so reactive to
All carbohydrates can be hydrolysed form the product with NaHSO,
except monosaccharides
Monosaccharides containing an aldehyde
59. Read the passage given below and
answer the following questions:
are called aldoses and those containing
ketone are called ketoses. All amino acids have the same basic
In these questions (i-iv) a statement of structure, which is shown in following
Assertion followed by a statement of figure.
118 CBSE New Pattern Chemistry XII (
depending on whether they are a
O-carbon are adults or
R-group children.
-carboxyl Some amino acids that are normallv
non-essential, may need to be obtan
d-amine- from the diet in certain cases.
who do not synthesise
sufficient amou
At the 'center' of each amino acid is
of arginine, cystejne, glutamine proline
a selenocysteine, serine and tyrosine, d
carbon called the o-carbon and attached
to it are four
toillness, for example, may need dietary
groups a hydrogen, an supplements containing these arminry
-carboxyl group, an o-amine group and acids.
an Rgroup, sometimes referred to as a
side chain. The o-carbon, carboxyl and In these questions (i-iv), a statement of
amino groups are common to all amino Assertion followed by a statement of
acids, the Reason is given. Cho0se the correct
Rgroup is the only unique answer out of the following choices.
feature in each amino acid.
(a) Assertion and Reason both are correct
A minor exception to this structure is
statements and Reason is correct
that of proline, in which the end of the
explanation for Assertion.
Rgroup is attached to the o-amine.) With
(b) Assertion and Reason both are correct
theexception of glycine, which has statements but Reason is not correct
Rgroup consisting of hydrogen atom,
explanation for Assertion.
all of the amino acids in proteins have for (c) Assertion is correct statement but Reason
different groups attached to them and is incorrect statement.
Consequently can exist in two mirror (d) Assertion is incorrect statement but
image forms, L and D. With only very Reason is correct statement
minor exceptions, every amino acid
found in cells and in proteins is in the () Assertion All naturally occurring
O-amino acids except glycine are
L-configuration. optically active.
There are 22 amino acids that are found
in proteins and of these, only 20 are Reason Most naturally occurring amin0
specified by the universal genetic code. acids have L-configuration.
The others, selenocysteine and i) Assertion d-amino acids exist as internal
pyrrolysine use tRNAs that are able to salt in solutions as these have amino and
base pair with stop codons in the mRNA carboxylic groups in near vicinity.
during translation. When this happens,
these unusual amino acids can be Reason H ions given by carboxyl
incorporated into proteins. group COOH) is captured by amino

Enzymes containing selenocysteine, for

) having lone pair of
example, include glutathione
i i Assertion Amino acids are insoluble in
peroxidases, tetraiodothyronine 5
deiodinases, thioredoxin reductases, benzene and ether.
formate dehydrogenases, glycine Reason Amino acids exists as Zwitter ions.
reductases and selenophosphate
synthetase. Essential amino acids vary (iv) Assertion Solubilities of protein (which
are made of o-amino acids) is minimum
considerable from one organism to
another and even differ in humans, at the isoelectric point.
iomolecules 119
Reason At isoelectric point protein Estimates of its molecular weight
molecules stop behaving as Zwitter ions.
currently center between 5x 10 and 10'
Or approximately 3x10 nucleotides).
Assertion o-amino acids exist as dipolar Surprisingly each of these
ions or Zwitter ions. measurements tend to suggest that the
Reason o-amino acids are the building DNA is relatively rigid, a puzzling
blocks of protein. finding in view of the large number of
60.Read the passage given below and single bonds (5 per nucleotide) in the
answer the
phosphate-sugar back-
following questions
The basic chemical formula of DNA is D.N.A.
now well established. As shown in
given below it consists of a very long BASE-SUGER PHOSPHATE
chain, the backbone of which is made up BASE SUGER PHOSPHATE
of alternate sugar and phosphate
joined together in regular 3' 5' phosphate
di-ester linkages. To each sugar is BASE SUGER (CBSE Question Bank)
attached a nitrogenous base, only four The
different kinds of which are commonly following questions (i-iv) are multiple
found in DNA. Two of these adenine andchoice questions. Choose
the most
appropriate answer:
guanine are purines, and the other two -

thymine and cytosine are pyrimidines. A ) Purines present in DNA are

fifth base, 5-methyl cytosine, occurs in (a) adenine and thymine
smaller amounts in certain organisms, (b) guanine and thymine
and a sixth, 5-hydroxy-methyl-cytosine, is (c) cytosine and thymine
found instead of cytosine in the T even (d) adenine and guanine
phages (Wyatt and Cohen, 1952).
(ii DNA molecule has.
It should be noted that the chain is
unbranched, a consequence of the regular
internucleotidelinkage and....
sequence of the different nucleotides.
internucleotide linkage. On the other
hand the sequence of the different (a)regular, regular (b)regular, irregular
nucleotides is, as far as can be (c)irregular, regular (d) irregular , irregular
ascertained, completely irregular. Thus, i i DNA has a ........ backbone.
DNA has some features which are regular, (a) phosphate -purine (b) pyrimidines- sugar
and some which are irregular. (c) phosphate- sugar (d) purine- pyrimidine
A similar conception of the DNA (iv) Out of the four different kinds off
molecule as: Aided by a Fellowship from
nitrogeneous bases which are
the National Foundation for Infantile
commonly found in DNA, ..... has
Paralysis. been replaced in some organisms.
Long thin fiber is obtained from
(a) adenine (b) guanine
physico-chemical analysis involving (c)cytosine (d) thymine
sedimentation, diffusion, light scattering,
and viscosity measurements. These Or A sequence of how many nucleotide in
techniques indicate that DNA is a very messenger RNA makes a codon for an
asymmetrical structure approximately amino acid?
20 A wide and many thousands of (a)3 (b)4
angstroms long. (c)1 (d) 2
120 CBSENew Pattern emistry XII (Terma

Multiple Choice Questions 8. (d)

7. (c) 9.
1. ( a ) 2 . (b) 3. (a) 4. () 5. (c) 6. (c) (a) 0.
17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (b)
11. 16. (b)

b) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (b)
25. (a) 26. (d)
27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (b) 20 (d)
(b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c)
(b) 38. (b) 39. () 30
31. (b) 32. () 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (d)37. 40. (
41. () 42. (c) 43. 44. (d) 45. (c)
Assertion-Reasoning MCOs 52. (a) 53. (a) 54. (a)
46. ( 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b) 51. ()
55. ()
Case Based MCOs
56. 57. (-C) (i)-(a), (ii)-(©), (iv)-(a) or (a)
(-(a), ()-(a) or (a), (iti-(d), (iv)-b)
58, 0-b), (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iv)-a) or (C) 59. (0-(b), i)-(a), (i)-b), (iv)-(©) or (a)
60. (0-d), )-(b), (i)-(c), (iv-(c) or (

1. Monosaccharide is the simplest 7. Glucose is a aldohexose having structural
which cannot be hydrolysed to simpler formula.
2. Among the given option proteins and H OH
carbohydrates are the essential constituent HO- OH
of our food.
3. Ripe grapes contain mainly glucose.

4. Correct structure of glucose is (CHOH),.
Glucose on heating with HI produces n hexane.
It is an aldohexose and is also known as
Glucose does not give 2, 4, DNP test due to is
existence as cyclic structure shown below
5. "Penta-acetate of glucose does not react with
hydroxylamine" showing absence of free CHO
This cannot be explained by open H- OH
structure of glucose H- OH
While all other properties are easily explained
by open structure of glucose
6. B-form of glucose (m.p. 423 K) is obtained by H- OH
saturated aqueous
crystallisation from hot and
solution at 371 K.
Biomolecules 121

It is present in pyranose form, as shown below: 12. Glucose and gluconic acid, both on oxidation
CHOH yields a dicarboxylic acid, saccharic acid. This
indicates the presence of primary alcohol (OH
HO group) in glucose.
Reaction involved is as follows:

OH (CHOH), Oxidation, (CHOH),Oxidation (CHOH),

Pyranose means pyran like structure. CH,OH COOH CH,OH
8. Structure of D-()- fructose. Glucose Saccharic acid Gluconic acid

CH-OH 13. The exact spatial arrangement of different

OH groups was given by Fischer.
HO- H Its configuration is correctly represented as

H -OH H- -OH H -OH
OH on the lowest asymmetric carbon is on H- -OH H- -OH H - OH

the right side, so it has D-configuration.

H- -OH H- -OH H- OH
9. Correct structure of oxime is option (d).
D-)-glucose contains aldehydic group which CHOH CH OH COOH
reacts with NH,OH to yield an oxime.
Glucose Gluconic acid Saccharic acid
Reaction is as follows
CHO CH-NOH 14. The reagent for the given reaction is HI.
On prolonged heating with HI, glucose forms
H-C-OH hexane, suggesting that all 6C-atoms are linked
in a straight chain.
H-C-OH n-hexane
CHOH Glucose

D-t-glucose Glycoxime 5. Fructose is made by aqueous decomposition of

the dilute hydrochloric acid and inulin.
10. In the given reaction, the molecule of hydrogen
cyanide reacts with glucose to give cyanohydrin.
This reaction confirms the presence of a
(CH,0,),+nH,0 A
C, H,0,
Inulin Fructose
carbonyl group (C=0) in glucose.
16. Because of presence of aldehyde group in the
1. The product formed when D-glucose react with glucose it reduces Tollen's reagent. Although
Br, water is gluconic acid. The reaction fructose contain ketonic group, but in the
involved is as follows presence of base this (fructose) again rearranges
CHO COOH into glucose, due to which this also reduces
Br, water Tollen's reagent.
CHOH) (CHOH) 17. (n-1) number of water molecules are removed
CHOH CH,OH from the n number of amino acids during the
D-glucose Gluconic acid
formation of peptide bond.
CBSE New Pattern Chemistry 1
122 XII (Term

Reaction is as follows Complete reaction is as follows:

H,N-CH-CONH-CH-CONH-CH-COOH Peptide linkage -
Glycylalanine (Gly-Ala)
18. The total numbers of 22. The simplest amino acid is glycine.
These tripeptides obtained are 6.
23. When proteins are hydrolysed by boilino
are as follows
Tyr-Gly-Val Gly-Tyr-Val strong acids or alkalis, they are converted with
amino acids. into
Val-Gly-Tyr Tyr-Val-Gly 24. Haemoglobin is a globular protein.
Gly-Val-Tyr Val-Tyr-Gly
19. Peptide bond or linkage is an amide formed 25. When the polypeptide chains run parallel and
are held together by hydrogen and
between-COOH group and -NH, group. disulphide
The correct bonds, then fibre-like structure is formed. These
representation of peptide bond is as are called fibrous proteins. Such
follows: proteins are
generally insoluble in water.
HaN-CHC-N-CH-COOH 26. Coagulation of egg white and curdling of
milk are examples of denaturation of protein.
During denaturation, secondary and tertiary
Peptide bond structures are destroyed but primary structure
remain intact. Clotting of blood is not a kind of
20. Option (d) is the correct representation of denaturation of protein.
tripeptide, i.e alanine-glycine-alanine.
27. Lysine, tryptophan and phenylalanine are
essential amino acids.
OH 28. Secondary structures of protein denotes the
shape in which a long polypeptide chain exists
CH3 Glycine O The secondary structure exist in two type of
Alanine structure o- helix andP pleated structure.
In o- helix structure, a polypeptide chain forms
HaN OH allpossible hydrogen bonds by twisting into a
right handed screw with- NH group of each
Alanine amino acid rest hydrogen bonded to C-0of
-2H20 adjacent amino acid, which form a helix.
29. When carboxyl group of glycine combines wiln

the amino group of alanine we get dipeptide,
glycylalanine. Complete reaction is as follows
21. When carboxyl group of glycine combines with CH3
the amino group of alanine we get dipeptide, -H0
Peptidelinkage CH
Glycylalanine (Gly-Ala)
Biomolecules 123

30.H-bonds stabilises the helical structure of protein. 39. DNA contains following four bases
31. The secondary (a) Adenine (A) (b) Thymine (T)
structunre of protein refers to the
shape in which a chain
long polypeptide can exist. c) Guanine (C) (d) Cytosine (C)
These structures arise due to the regular folding of It does not contain uracil.
the backbone of the polypeptide chain due to 40. Structure I is a nucleoside and II is a
A unit formed by the attachment of a base to
hydrogen bonding between -C and-NH
groups of the peptide bond. 1-position of sugar is known as nucleoside. In
nucleosides, the sugar carbons are numbered
32. In primary structure of proteins when each as 1', 2, 3 etc., in order to distinguish these
polypeptide in protein has amino acids linked
from the bases. When nucleoside is linked to
with each other in a specific sequence. This type
of structure is known as primary structure of phosphoric acid at 5-position of sugar moiety,
we get a nucleotide.
41. RNA is composed of four nitrogeneous
33. The loss in biological activity of proteins due to bases-Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C)
folding of globules and uncoiling of helix is called and Uracil (U).
denaturation of proteins. During denaturation,
primary structure remains intact but secondary 42. DNA contain four bases adenine, guanine,
and tertiary structure are destroyed. eg. The thymine and cytosine. While RNA contain
four bases adenine, uracil, guanine and
coagulation of egg white on boiling, curding of
milk caused by bacteria due to formation of lactic cytosine. Thus, RNA does not contain
acid. thymine.
Hence, statement (c) is the correct choice.
34. Ascorbic acid is the chemical name of vitamin C.
While others are not vitamins aspartic acid is an 43. RNA molecules are of three types and they
amino acid. Adipic acid is a dicarboxylic acid perform different functions. They are named as

messenger RNA (m-RNA), ribosomal RNA

having 8 carbon chain. Saccharic acid is a r-RNA) and transfer RNA (+RNA).
dicarboxylic acid obtained by oxidation of glucose
4 . DNA fingerprinting is used for the following :
using HNO.
(a In forensic laboratories for the
35. Vitamin Cis water soluble, while vitamin A,D,E
identification of criminals.
and K are fat soluble.
(b To determine the paternity of an
36. Vitamin B, can be stored in our body belongs to individual.
B group vitamins, because it is not water soluble.
(c) To identify racial groups to rewrite their
37. Muscular weakness is caused by the deficiency of biological evolution.
vitamin E. To remove deficiency, vegetable oil like It is also used to identify the dead bodies in
wheat germ oil, sunflower oil etc., should be
any accident by comparing the DNA's of
included in the diet. parents or children.
38. A (2); B(3); C(1); D (4) 45. Option (c) is the correct combination. In DNA
Column II molecule, the sugarmoiety
Column B-D-2-deoxyribose whereas in RNA molecule,
(Vitamins) (Diseases) it is B-D-ribose.
A. Vitamin A Xerophthalmia 46. Benedict's solution, Tollen's reagent, Fehling's
Night blindness solution etc., are mild oxidising agents. They
oxidise the aldoses and ketoses to the
B. Vitamin B Beri-beri
corresponding acids and get themselves
C. Vitamin B Pernicious anaemia reduced.

D. Vitamin C Bleeding gums Thus, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is a

CBSE New Pattern emistry XII

Therefore, both Assertion and Reason
47. Assertion is correct but
Reason is incorrect. correct and Reason is the correct
D+glucose is dextrorotatory becauseit rotates
the plane polarised light to right.
52. Assertion and Reason both are correet
Kplanation o
Here, D represents relative configuration of and Reason is the correct explanation of
glucose with respect to glyceraldehyde. Assertion.
Reducing sugars contain a free aldehydic or In presence of enzyme, substrate moleenl
ecule can
ketonic group adjacent to a CHOH group and be attacked by a reagent effective beca
active sites of enzymes hold the rate
reduce Tollen's reagent, Schiff's reagent or molecule in a suitable position.
Benedict's solution. So, enzyme catalysed reactions are
Thus, both Assertion and Reason are correct and stereospecific reactions.
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. 53. Assertion and Reason both are correct and
43. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
Reason is the correct explanation of Asserti
Deoxyribose C,H,,O, is a carbohydrate because ertion.
Vitamin D can be stored in our body because
it follow C,(H,O), formula and exist vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin.
polyhydroxy carbonyl compound whose cyclic 54. Vitamin B and C are soluble in water so thev
structure is as shown below:
are grouped together.
HOCH OH Water soluble vitamins must be supplied
regularly in diet because they are readily
excreted through urine and cannot be stored
HH H/H except vitamin B,,) in our body.
Therefore, both Assertion and Reason are
correct and Reason is the correct explanation of
B-o-2 deoxyribose 55. The two strands in a DNA molecule are not
Correct Reason is all the compounds which fit exactly similar but are complimentary.
into this formula may not be classified as Hence, Assertion is correct but Reason is
carbohydrates. e.g. acetic acid. Similarly, all the incorrect.
carbohydrates do not fit into this formula.
56. () Open structure of glucose contains four
50. Assertion and Reason both are correct and secondary alcoholic gToups.
Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
All naturally occurring o-amino except glycine
are optically active. Glycine is optically inactive
because glycine does not have all four different
substituent as shown below: H-C H
51. In o-helix structure, a polypeptide chain forms Open structure of glucose
all possible hydrogen bonds by twisting into right
i Those diastereomers which differ only
handed screw (helix) with theNH group of in configuration at C-1 are known as
amino acid residue hydrogen bonded to the
each anomers.
C=O of an adjacent turn of the
Biomolecules 125

H-C-OH HO-H 57. () Glycine has structure

H-0-C C-NH, does not contain any
H-C-OH asymmetric carbon and hence optically
i) Isoelectric point = 2.3+9.7 = 6.0
a-D-(+-glucose ii) An amino acid has its lowest solubility on its
isoelectric point and the isoelectric point is
the pH at which the amino acid no
Or oD-glucose and -D-glucose differ from each (pH =6-7).
other due to difference in carbon atom with
(iv) Tryptophan is a heterocyclic amino acid.
respect to its conformation.

-H,O (CHOH)3 Or
(CHOH)3 C-amino acids have L-configuration.
CH,OH Glucose phenyl hydrazone COOH

NHCH5 (L-amino acid)
CH,NH C-0-
(CHOH)3 58. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but
Reason is not the correct explanation of
CH,OH (CHOH)3 Assertion.
Imino ketone
CH,OH Because acetic acid (CH,COOH) fits into
Hydrogen bonded the general formula C, (H,O), but is not
CH-NH intermediate
classified as a
-NH, i Glucose and fructose cannot be
(CHOH)3 C=N NHCHs distinguished by Tollen's reagent. But
glucose definitely contains an aldehyde
CH,OH (CHOH) group while fructose contains a keto group.
Hence, Assertion and Reason both are
CHOH correct and Reason is correct
Glycosazone explanation
(yellow crystalline solid) for Assertion.

(CH,CO),0 ii) Carbohydrate were earlier called as hydrates

(iv) CH,O ZnCl of carbon due to their general formulas,
OHC-(CHOCOCH,),-CH,OCOCH, Also, all carbohydrates except
Glucose pentaacetate
monosaccharides undergo hydrolysis.
126 CBSE New Pattern~ ChemistryXq
medium and migrate towards cathode
Hence, both Assertion and Reason are the influence of an electric field. In al
corect but Reason is not correct
explanation of Assertion medium NH, group acts as the acid andaline
iv) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and loses a proton. thus
Reason is the correct explanation of As a result, a-amino acids exist as anion
Assertion. migrate towards anode under the inf and
Or of an electric field. However, at som
Glucose does not form the hydrogen intermediate value of pH, the concentrat
bisulphite addition product because it has of cationic form and anionic form will
become equal and hence there is no net
cyclic structure in which-CHO group is
not free to react. Therefore, Assertion is migration of o amino acid under the
correct but Reason is incorrect. influence of an electric field.
59. ) Assertion and Reason both are correct but 60. ) Adenine and guanine are two purine base
present in DNA. Structure as follows:
Reason is not the correct explanation of
Assertion. NH2
Allnaturally occurring c-amino acids except H
gycine are optically active because their
a-carbon atom is asymmetric.
(a) Assertion and Reason both are correct and H HN
Reason is the correct explanation of Adenine Guanine
Assertion (i) DNA molecule has regular internucleotide
in Amino acids are soluble in polar solvents linkage and the sequence of different
like H.O, NaOH and HCl and insoluble in nulceotides as far as ascertained and
non-polar solvents like benzene, ether etc. completely irregular.
Assertion and Reason both are correct but (ii) Backbone of DNA is made up of alternate
Reason is not the correct explanation of sugar and phosphate groups, joined
Assertion. together in regular 3" 5' phosphate di-ester
iv) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. linkages.
At isoelectric point, proteins molecules iv) Cytosine has been replaced in some
behave as Zwitter ions. organisms, is commonly found in DNA.
Or 5-methylcytosine and
5-hydroxymethylcytosine is found insteadof
Both Assertion and Reason are correct but
cytosine in the T even phases.
Reason is not the correct explanation of
In acidic medium-COOH group acts as There are three sequence of nucleotides in
the base and accepts a proton. As a result, messenger RNA makes a codon for an
O-amino acids exist as cations in acidic amino acid.

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