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Name: Ella Marie P.

Mostrales                               Course/Year: BSED-2 FILIPINO


How did intellectual revolution change society?

As we look around the society, we can see how far we've come; there are regulations
for every circumstance, as well as gender and development awareness. Technologies and
social media have evolved into a source of knowledge as well as a means of connecting
individuals all over the world.
Intellectual revolution is the period where paradigm shifts occurred, where scientific
beliefs that have been widely embraced and accepted by the people were challenged and
opposed. It will transform societies through developing our critical-thinking, evaluation,
innovations, and creating appropriate rules for equal opportunity. Since intellectual
revolutions serve as the main catalysts of change, they drive the community towards
change. Intellectual revolutions also help raise awareness in a large group of people. The
greater number of people are willing to make a change, the faster the change would happen.
The intellectual revolution was a power to determine the essentials of a person. Its
growth process is never-ending in order to meet society's needs. It is regarded as a stepping
stone in which the collaboration of great minds resulted in world peace and progress, and
these revolutions have influenced people's daily lives today. Because of the new technology
invented, complicated tasks can be completed more easily, humans can perform their tasks
with less effort, establishing relationships around the world is possible and our life became
better than before. Moreover, these intellectual revolutions make our society
progressive,convenient, and modernized today.
Activity 4
         As a student, my role in nation building is to share my knowledge to other people who
did not have the same privilege as mine when it comes to the access of education. I am aware
that there are individuals like me who wanted to achieve their goals in life but did not have
the opportunity to achieve it and I believe that sharing my knowledge with them can make a
difference. Today, I am currently taking a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
because I want to help and guide other people in their way towards their own success and
when the time comes that I am able to called myself an educator, I will do my best to provide
and teach learners the quality of education they need. I believe that through education,
everything will become possible.
As a youth on the quest of discovering who we are and who we are meant to be, the
role of nation building has been firmly placed in our hands. It is a well-known fact that the
youth of any country is a great asset. We are indeed the future of the country and represent it
at every level. Our role in nation-building is more important than you might think. Our
National Hero and normal people look at us like we are the nation’s hope. They believe in our
capabilities and so we owe it to ourselves too. They believe that the intelligence and work of
the youth will take the country on the pathway of success and consider us as the building
blocks of a country. Today, they might see us or treat us like a normal citizen, a follower, a
youth who needed to be disciplined but, in the future, we can also become leaders. We have
the ability to learn and adapt to change in the environment. We are willing to learn from our
mistakes and we have goals to achieve.  As a youth, I should be responsible enough with my
own actions and decisions. I should participate in programs or seminars that will help me
shape my personality, mindset and perspective in a good way and will surely help me in the
future. I should be aware with the issues and happenings in my country. I should be political
and socially aware. I should exercise my rights, especially my right to vote and I must be a
good role model for other people.
 We always blame other people for our own misery, we blame the government for the
state the country is in. While our leaders are responsible for much of the mess – and also
the good things – we are in, it is ultimately up to each of us to make a difference and help
build our nation. As much as we wanted change, we should start the change in ourselves
first. Tt is the right of each person to express his/her opinions, these opinions must be made
responsibly and constructively.  As a filipinino citizen, I should be responsible and careful in
giving my opinions especially with the issues of our country. I must get rid of my crab
mentality and other unpleasant mindset. I must speak not only of my courage, integrity and
loyalty to democracy, but my compassion for our fellow men. I must stand in the frontline of
true service and have to endure great sacrifices to help the needy, the sick, the poor and the
hopeless, and the victims of injustice. It will not be easy, but if we work together, we can help
build a new safe and better nation. As a Filipino citizen, I should have love for my country
and faith in my fellow Filipino people. I believe that if we are proud to be a Filipino, we can
get out of our comfort zones and try to maximize our potentials to make our nation a better
place to live in. All of us can succeed, individually or collectively, in varying fields but it’s up
to us to make it happen. We can also rebuild our nation by believing that there is hope for
each one of us. We should be reminded that our country is a place that we considered as
home so let’s be united to make this country feels like home.
As a whole, our role in nation-building is essential. To make our nation better in all
aspects, we should be united. We should believe in the power and capabilities of the youth.
We should possess hope, love, respect, humanity and unity. If an individual can make a
difference, what more can a one hundred nine million Filipinos can do.

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