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How was the UK healthcare industry got affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?

Do you think is it fair to make the vaccine mandatory for everyone?


Which country has the best healthcare system in the world? The country that treats all patients
equally is none other than the United Kingdom. Critics agree that the United Kingdom has the
best healthcare system in the world. But what would happen if the best health care in the world
faced the worst situation? An unwanted situation where the best health care system has to deal
with more than its capabilities? Did they overcome the odd situation?

In December 2019, the world faced one of the biggest challenges. An outbreak named COVID-
19 started to take place. At that time, there was no solution to the outbreak. Nobody knows how
to defeat it or sustain it. But the number of cases of COVID-19 was growing each day, with a
heavy death toll. The whole world was in a panic. Nobody had the cure for the disease. Every
hospital in the world has had COVID patients who have exceeded their upper limit. The country
that had the best healthcare system at that time also was at its highest limit. On January 31, 2021,
the first case of COVID was confirmed in the UK. Since that day, the number has been steadily
increasing. March 5, was the day when the first death took place from COVID. After that,
everything was a massacre. The whole healthcare system fell off. Thousands of people were
dying every day, and tens of thousands were seeking admission to hospitals. Every hospital was
at its limit. After the mass breakout of COVID, the UK government imposed a lockdown to
control the damage. During the first wave of COVID, the need for medication was at its peak.
The UK health care system tried to maintain equality for all patients, but rich people had a better
engagement with health care during the COVID pandemic. After a year full of lockdowns, the
vaccine for COVID was invented, and people started to get their vaccine. When the COVID
vaccine was available for the mass population, a question was raised: if everyone needed the
vaccine, A study shows that people who have a high immune system are immune to COVID. But
they can still carry the virus with them as the virus travels through the air. It may not affect them,
but it can affect others with a low immune system. So the government makes the COVID
vaccine mandatory for every one of them. There were some protests here and there. A percentage
of people did not want to take the vaccine. But the government makes sure that everyone gets the
vaccine. After the vaccine period, the best healthcare systems started to regain their position as
the best healthcare systems in the world.

It was a testing time for the UK healthcare system during the COVID-19 situation, but they gave
their 100% to minimize the damage from this pandemic. Healthcare was the front line of defense
for the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. The healthcare system made sure everyone was
vaccinated and maintained the rules during the pandemic. With their help and determination, the
UK is back on its feet again. 

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