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Should the Covid-19 vaccine be mandatory. Write at least 250 words.

Over the past months, COVID – 19 has inflicted catastrophic damage on societies
and economies, and exposed weaknesses in health systems worldwide. While the pandemic
continues to unfold across the globe and infections are yet to reach a peak in certain
regions, some countries are gradually starting to prepare for the easing of social and
economic restrictions, and to plan for recovery. Amidst deliberations on priority areas for
rebuilding, much attention has been paid to the need to strengthen domestic health care,
and such proposals will certainly be high on the agenda for many governments. The crisis,
however, has also shone a spotlight on the shortcomings of the global health system. A
resilient and sustainable recovery calls for health system improvements had been created.
For instance, Covid-19 vaccine had been created in various country. In line with this, I totally
agree that Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory.

One of the reasons why Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory is because the
vaccine is safe and effective. We cannot deny that there are community concerns about the
safety of the vaccines. However, there are studies and research proved that is safe and
effective to the citizens. There are several rumours spreading that these vaccines are the
cause for their loved one’s death. However, this cannot be blamed on the vaccines.
Scientists and doctors had advised the citizens to take the vaccine as it 100% safe. This
vaccine will cause some side effects to the people but it will not cause death. Some of the
side effects are fever, nauseous and lethargic. Government had advised the people to take
the vaccine in order for us to reach herd community. As a result, we will be safe to this virus
and we could lead our normal life again. Hence, Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory as it
safe and effective for all.

Not only that but Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory because it is the best
alternatives to apply during this pandemic. If vaccine is not mandatory for all, there will be a
small percentage of people who refused to take and they start to spread fake news about
this vaccine in order to encourage people not to take this vaccine. This negative vibe will
spread and it will affect the government’s effort in achieving the herd community. From the
other perspective, if vaccine is mandatory for all, the citizens will play an effort by registering
themselves, attend during the vaccine appointment and be more aware of the outbreak
situation. This will ease government’s burden as everyone is more aware of the dangers of
this virus if vaccine is not taken. The citizens will encourage and remind one another to take
the vaccine. Sooner or later, the whole citizens in Malaysia will be vaccinated and we will be
protected from this virus. Without the rules for mandatory vaccine and teamwork from the

citizens, it will hard to reach herd community. As the saying goes, united we stand, divided
we fall. Thus, Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory for all as it the best alternative.

In conclusion, Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory for all as it is safe, effective

and it is the best alternative during this pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed
inadequacies in health system worldwide. As countries plan for recovery, attention should be
paid not only t the strengthening of health systems at the national level, but also at the global
level through investing in global public goods for health. International solidarity and
multilateral support are needed to forge a stronger global health system. They are a vital part
of the crisis recovery process to build a future resilient against epidemics, pandemics and
other health challenges in a globalized world.

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