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Chapter 3


The researcher utilized the animal manure (P1), vermi (P2) and commercial fertilizer (P3).
Three plots will be utilized for each fertilizer. Garbage bags was also used for mulching. Waters
prayers were also utilized for water supply and as well as tools for cultivating the land.


The study was conducted from December 2021 to January 2022. The experiment was
performed by randomized block design consisted of three factors; organic fertilizer (animal
manure), compost fertilizer (vermi) and commercial fertilizer.

Each lettuce plant was treated with a fertilizer assigned to each plot. Variables observed were
plant height, leaf numbers, leaf green level, leaf index, fresh root weight, dry root weight, root
volume, and root length.

Experimental Procedures

The plants were planted first in small plastic bags to sprout. Later on, it was transferred to
three plots for observations. The first plot (P1) was treated with organic fertilizer the second
plot (P2) was treated with vermi compost and the third plot (P3) was treated by commercial

Sampling Procedure

The fertilizers were mixed thoroughly with the soil for better result. The same amount of
fertilizers of each kind were put in each plot. As for its

Data to be Gathered

Plant height

This variable is observed as many as 12 times by three days interval and the results
vary. The P1 assembly using organic fertilizer performed better result when compared
with P2 at the last observation. This may be due to that the content of vermicompost is
rich in NKP (nitrogen 2-3%, potassium 1.85-2.25% and phosphorus 1.55-2.25%),
micronutrients, beneficial soil microbes and also contain 'plant growth hormones &
enzymes'. It is scientifically proving as 'miracle growth promoter & also plant protector'
from pests and diseases. (Sinha, 2009)

Leaf quantity
The assembly treatment affects strongly to the leaf quantity variable. Leaf number
means on the last observation show that the P2 assembly is 27.38 leaves greater than
P1 having 22.90 leaves. The difference between P1 and P2 is on the use of vermi
compost which causes the organic material sources on the P2 treatment are greater.

Yield components

Yield variables comprise plant fresh and dry weights, fresh and dry root weights
perform similar yield with growth variables.

Sinha, R. (2009). Earthworms Vermicompost: A Powerful Crop Nutrient over the

Conventional Compost & Protective Soil Conditioner against the Destructive Chemical Fertilizers
for Food Safety and Security. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental

Webster, Katie, A., 2005. Vermicompost Increases Yield of Cherries for Three
Years after a Single Application, EcoResearch, South Australia,

White, S., 1997. A Vermi-adventure in India. J. of Worm Digest, 15 (1): 27-30

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