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This story tells of a teenager who had sat in university benches. He has a quiet male friend,

handshome, white, and tall. The man named is Hilman. As time went on the two of them knew

each other and became close friends until one day there arose the seeds of love Putri for Hilman.

But he did not dare to express it.

One day they plan to go to the park. She and Hilman walked in the park, then an unexpected

event approacthed them. Putri almost gothit by a motorcycle but was saved by Hilman. However

Hilman, unfortunately was hit by a motorcycle.

Putri was so panicked that she had not yet been able to reveal that she loved Hilman, her best

friend. Soon he called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Instantly Hilman’s parents came.

Putri is very close to Hilman’s parents.

But unfortunately Hilman has now been called by God. Hilman deadt makes Putri more quiet.

She still does not belive in the accident that caused his best friend to die. Morever, she has not yet

expressed his feelings.

Now Putri has turned into a quiet, indifferent, cold and othes. He did not want to do things

related to Hilman because he wanted to get up and did not wsnt to be dissolved in conditions like

this. He was devastated by the departure of Hilman.

Even one year after the death of Hilman the daughter remains the same and hasn’t changed.

However, the happy news is that now Putri has learned that Hilman has also loved him and is

afraid to express it for fear of ruining their friendship.

Currently she is liking a friend. But apparently his friend already has a partner. She did not want

to be dissolved for a long time, she undo his intention to meet with his new friend. Even though

it feels like it’s broken but it’s still tough. She will always try to be patient and sincere about the

departure of his best friend.

Dririzzing rain began to hit a beautiful woman dressedblack was walking alone in gang 7

His lonely right hand carryng a small package for his boyfriend. Without realizing there were two men
had been watching him because she felt followed by the women in black dark dress and looked back,
put there was no one there

When she looked forward she saw twogroun men standing in front of him with a a scary look without
any small talk they dragged the women to banana plantation garden at the end of the alley loudly but
the two men continued to beat could not be rejected beautiful women it was tainted then killed with
aheinous mutilated body

He has a hansome face with an ideal an tall posture that looks restless and disappointed because until
now the article has not yet come even though it his brith day he is really disappointed he is really
waithing for his girlfriend to come saying happy brith day

The thing is he named andika went to his girlfriend house ayu lestari

‘’yesterday Ayu permission to your house last night’’ said her mother Ayu ‘’but from yesterday Ayu did
not come to Andi’s house’’ answer Andi

Mother and father ayu have reported this incident to the police but it has not yet produced result and
and Andi is very worried about Ayu’s condition

Up to five days Andi passed through a banana plantion he smelled unpleasant odor. After tracking the
origin of theunplesant aroma. Andi was very surprised he saw the corpse of a women in a drak, blacjk
dress with a gift in his hand an on top the gift there is a letter Andi read the from the letter that it was
Ayu. Andi very sad

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