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Technical Writing

Final Research Paper

Intelligent Compossible Business

Author: Suryansh Shukla

IIIT Vadodara
December 2021








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\textsc{\LARGE Technical Writing}\\[0.2cm]

\textsc{\large HS201}\\[1cm]

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{ \huge \bfseries Final Research Paper}\\[1cm]

\HRule \\[1cm]

{ \huge Intelligent Composible Business}\\[1cm]

\HRule \\[2cm]


Suryansh Shukla\\[0.1cm]

\textsc{\ 20205187}\\[0.1cm]

\textsc{\ IIIT Vadodara}\\[2cm]

\textsc{\ December 2021}





Due to the rapid growth of new technologies, the Business Intelligence

(BI) market is growing and forcing companies to accept their

contributions to customer needs. The adoption of the Business

Intelligence program has become one of the most important innovations in

technology and organization in the modern organization that promotes the

dissemination of information, as well as the basis for business

decision-making processes. Since the integrated and applied BI method is

very different from organizations, it is important to deal with BI

documents in accordance with the BI application and its application, BI

designers, and permitting features in BI projects. In addition, we will

also discuss how technical skills such as user access, data quality and

integration of BI with other systems in the company, and organizational

capabilities such as flexibility and risk management support, are

essential for BI success, no matter how successful BI is. of the

decision area. Finally, this paper will also discuss how the concept of

BI is structured in a school of thought. We expect the results to result

in the value and input of companies planning to use the BI application

in their organization.





The current date correction settings are very confusing and evolving

continuously. Organizations, in both the public and private sectors, are

under tremendous pressure to provide information to senior management

about changing conditions and innovation. To do so, it requires the

organization to make strategic, operational and strategic decisions;

however, they are complex and are quickly taken away. Basic leadership

requires a lot of detail, knowledge, and experience. One should consider

this data as the basic leadership needed and as soon as possible, with

time and continuous preparation it is expected that it will eventually

become modern (Turban et al, 2010). Moreover, the business life cycle

today has become shorter. From now on, in order to win a profitable

competitive organization, there must be quick and fair decisions. The

decision maker really needs good data, in order to make the right

decision at the right time and place (Farjami, 2015).

The concept of BI existed in the 1950s and grew from a technology called

decision support. Decision support is still used by many companies to

come up with solutions that can help them gain competitive advantage

over their competitors.

BI has grown stronger in recent years mainly due to increased data

collection and better technologies with greater storage capacity. Thanks

to technological advances, a company can use BI to store large amounts

of data at a cheaper cost. Companies are able to access large amounts of

data via smartphone, online records, social media activities and more.

BI can filter this data to find patterns and styles (Raisin Ghani,


For any organization regardless of its size, business operations include

the control of a wide range of data from both internal and external

business conditions; All of this data identified with internal

operations, advertising, clients, suppliers, economic assets, etc.

decision-making process (Mihaelia and Rozalia, 2012).



In this paper, we will use the second data from previous Business

Intelligence book reviews with multiple articles and secondary data

collection sources. The paper concludes with a review of Business

Intelligence books. Business Intelligence focuses on collecting,

organizing and translating information from the relevant department to

make an effective decision under uncertainty to achieve the

organisation's goal. In the discussion session, we will try to integrate

Business Intelligence Aspect with Thematic School of Thought under the

theme of uncertainty, knowledge and game theory that is closely related

to decision making. In addition, we will show how Business Intelligence

is related or built in the School of Thought.



\textbf{1. Business Intelligence}

There is another problem with a lot of definitions; they tend to change

over time, because the way they think changes. This is the case for

Business Intelligence for example. Initially, a software business

affiliated with BI, BI was often understood as confidential information,

rather than national or open information. Even after many years, BI is

still used by engineers and programmers (Solberg Søilen, 2015).

Business Intelligence is seen as a component that collects, transforms,

and presents structured information from a variety of sources that

reduces the time required to obtain important business data and enables

its efficient use in management decision-making (Den Hamer, 2004),

allowing for a flexible, knowledgeable business experience. , testing,

and clarifying the requirements for management options (Nofal and Yusof,

2013). As pointed out by Tyson (1986), BI focuses on collecting,

processing and presenting information relating to customers,

competitors, business sectors, technologies, and products. Pirttimäki

(2007) presents BI as a process that integrates a series of tasks,

driven by specific data requirements for decision makers and for the

purpose of achieving competitive advantage.

BI is a framework that converts information into data and later

education, thereby enhancing the company's basic decision-making process

(Singh and Samalia, 2014). BI is seen as a framework that collects,

transforms and displays systematic information from a variety of

sources. BI is a system and response that helps decision makers

understand the economic status of a company (Nofal et al., 2013).

BI is referred to as a set of numerical models and experimental

processes used to extract data and important information from crude

information in order to apply the basic confusing leadership preparation

(Vercellis, 2013). Similarly, Wixom and Watson (2010, p.14) state that

―Business intelligence (BI) is a broad field of technology,

applications, and processes for collecting, storing, accessing, and

analyzing data to help its users make better decisions.‖ We can improve

the pieces of the information provided by BI applications --- mainly

through data mining processes, by imitating and modeling the real world

under the "system thinking" approach, developing forecasts, and adding a

higher understanding of the business continuity of any organization.

(Raisinghani, 2004).

BI assists administrators by breaking down information from a variety of

resources into better leadership at both strategic and strategic levels,

so that it can be used in the normal way, standard data framework

frameworks, yet class planning and implementation; new tools are needed

for business analysis (Rasoul and Mohammad, 2016).


\textbf{2. Data, Information, and Knowledge}

In the context of BI, we often see the word data, information, and

information that may confuse us in its use and meaning. Carlo, (2009)

divides their definition.

\textbf{Data}: It refers to the systematic coding of one main business

and activities involving two or more key businesses Carlo (2009). BI is

popular with companies mainly because of data analysis of any kind and a

strategic plan is developed. Data is generally classified into three

categories --- structured data, compact data, and random data.

Structured data is information that is static, data can be a collection

of website types, and a detailed address that can be easily read by

computers as the data is already standard.

Informal data is information that can be easily read by computers, which

can be text, text, video tapes, websites, and images (Jermol et al.

2003), or any other type of information that can be clearly organized or

organized into rows and columns. Information is often used in Company

data available in various locations and locations in the form of

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, automated marketing

programs and communication forums.

\emph{\textbf{Information}}: It refers to the result of extracting and

processing data operations, and it seems logical to those who access it

on a particular domain.

\emph{\textbf{Knowledge}}: We are built on the information that is used

to make decisions and develop consistent actions. Therefore, we can say

that knowledge contains information that works in a particular domain,

and is enhanced by the knowledge and ability of decision makers to deal

with and solve complex problems.

\textbf{3. Business Intelligence Architectures}

Carlo (2009) uses the following pyramid to describe how a business

intelligence system is structured.

\emph{\textbf{Data sources}}: Sources usually contain application data,

but may also include informal data, such as emails, and data obtained

from external providers.

\emph{\textbf{Data warehouse/Data mart}}: Data repositories are used to

integrate different types of data in a central location using a process

known as extract, transform and load (ETL) and to match these results

across all systems allowed. Data marts are usually small warehouses that

focus on the information of a single department, rather than collecting

data across a company. They limit the complexity of the website and are

cheaper to use than full storage.

\emph{\textbf{Data exploration}}: Data exploration is a passive BI

analysis consisting of query and reporting systems, as well as

statistical method.

\emph{\textbf{Data mining}}: Data mining is an active BI method for the

purpose of obtaining information and information from data.

\emph{\textbf{Optimization}:} The development model allows us to

determine the best solution for a set of other actions, usually broad

and sometimes endless.

\emph{\textbf{Decisions}:} When business intelligence is acquired and

adopted, decision-making is concerned with decision makers, who may use

informal and informal information available to synchronize and modify

the recommendations and conclusions reached using mathematical models.


\textbf{4. Business Intelligence Capabilities}

One key point that appears in the research is that the BI used in an

organization should be appropriate for decision-making, which in turn

contributes to the success of the BI (Clark, Jones \& Armstrong, 2007).

However, many experts have found that this success will still be

achieved by many organizations (Hostmann, Herschel, \& Rayner, 2007).

BI's core strengths enable organizations to improve both its

adaptability to change and its implementation (Watson \& Wixom, 2007).

Many researchers say that the failure to accept a BI in an organization

is due to a lack of qualifications between the BI of an organization and

its features and objectives. An organization that has made progress

through its BI has tried to ensure that its BI is strong in business

intentions and much research on BI success focuses on the alignment

between BI and business objectives (McMurchy, 2008). However, little is

known about the role that BI skills play in achieving this goal.

However, the fact that there is a research group that focuses on BI

skills, remains very quiet on the side of BI skills in achieving the

important similarities between the BI and the decision areas where it is

used. However, many BI examples of overcoming adversity demonstrate the

importance of using BI with essential skills and the right objectives

for improving BI (Schlegel \& Sood, 2007).

\emph{Data Quality:}

BI relies heavily on numerical and / or structured data, which can be

measured on a numerical scale and analyzed with mathematical methods and

computer equipment (Isik et al. 2013, p.14). Ponniah (2001) argued that

data quality is the most important factor leading to BI success.

Similarly, Kimball et al. (2008) also argue that data quality is a very

important factor, and add that big data from many different sources of

big business can be combined into a coherent body to provide a clear

view of its business and, therefore, meaningful information. they can be

delivered at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way to

help individuals, departments, divisions or even larger units to

facilitate improved decision-making.

Data quality refers to consistent and compact data. Weak data integrity

is due to poor data management processes, poor data storage processes,

and errors in the process of moving from one system to another. If the

information we collect is not accurate or consistent, organizations may

not be able to meet the expectations of their customers or comply with

new information-based policies.

\textbf{Integration with other systems:}

Since the BI system is a new organizational system, integration between

the BI system and other systems in the organization is another important

function behind BI success. Integration work involves the interaction

between different systems and their use or data together, physically or

functionally, so that each system can create and deliver value to an

organization (White, 2005). Additionally, in an organization that uses

data from multiple sources and integrates data into multiple information

systems, the performance of integration will be directly affected by the

quality of communication between these systems (Oyku, 2012).

\textbf{User access}

BI tools according to Oyku et al. (2012) have different abilities and

achieve different goals so that one size does not fit into all BIs.

Whether an organization chooses to use one BI suite or the best

applications, it is important to match the capabilities of the tools and

the types of users. While some organizations limit user access by

customizing / authenticating and accessing controls, others prefer to

allow full access to all types of users through a web-based approach. It

is important for organizations to achieve the required balance to allow

BI users access to information to match the types of decisions they make

using BI.



In order to reap the competitive advantages offered by the BI,

organizations must carefully consider the choice of basic technologies

to support the BI and conform to strict business process rules and

regulations as flexibility is one of the key to successful BI

organization organization (Oyku et al. 2012).

\textbf{Risk Management Support}

Risk management is one of the most important factors in BI, as it

assists in decision-making, where conditions are often uncertain, for

example, when all aspects are known (Harding, 2003). Risk management is

important for organizations operating in high-risk areas, and, it is

critical to organizational success (Davenport, 2006). However, risks and

volatility exist in the decisions of each business, and organizations

can use BI to limit risk and resolve better options. The impact of BI on

decision-making power affects its success.

\textbf{5. Enabling factors in business intelligence projects}

Other factors such as technology, statistics and human resources that

Carlo (2009) mentioned are more important than others in the success of

a BI project.


Key elements that allow the development of BI systems in complex

organization and business hardware technology and software. This pattern

empowered the use of advanced processes required for the application of

instructional learning strategies and development models, which keep

processing times within a reasonable distance. Additionally, it allows

the use of best classroom visualization techniques, including real-time

animation. Another important feature is found in the strong increase in

the limit of large storage, and at low cost, allowing any organization

to store terabytes of information in order to analyze business

information. In addition, system networks, such as Extranets or

Intranets, play an important role in the distribution within data and

learning organizations separated by BI. Finally, the easy integration of

hardware and software acquired by various providers, or grown within an

organization, is another factor influencing the distribution of tool

data analysis.

Mathematical modelling and analytical methods play an important role in

the development of knowledge and information derived from accessible

data within multiple organizations. The mere presentation of the data in

terms of timely and flexible ideas, plays a key role in assisting the

decision-making process, but nevertheless, it represents an

insignificant support. Therefore, it is important to use highly

developed learning and development models to achieve effective types of

decision-making support.


\emph{Human resources}

The human resources of an organization are built on the skills of those

who work within its boundaries, either individually or collectively. If

staff are competent with information that can access information and

translate it in a practical way, they will have a significant impact on

the quality of the decision-making process. The organization should

emphasize the personal skills of its knowledge staff to find creative

solutions and create an effective system when using advanced BI systems.

Every company can have access to equally available analytical tools, but

if a company wants to be more competitive than its competitors, it must

make use of human resources that are endowed with great mental capacity

and are willing to embrace decision-making changes.



Jack (1971) argues that knowledge is regarded as an old-fashioned

ecollectic ‖ action, a type of property in which private compensation

should result in less supply than excess supply in the market. According

to Richard et al. (1983), knowledge plays two important roles where the

first role refers to the physical condition of the world that can

reflect the quality of the goods one thinks of achieving. Another role

of knowledge is about potential competitors including their number,

interests, and potential information indicating the level of competition

one should expect to meet.

Understanding that competing markets facilitate effective production and

distribution of resources in an international manner, without the full

exchange of information between economic agents (Radner). Alternatively,

the idea may be emphasized that economic agents come to the market with

a variety of information that is not publicly available, or at least at

great cost only. Communication information means the preconceived notion

of something, whether that certainty is possible or not. Similarly,

Paul, (1981) states that if each trader has access to confidential

information, or where traders can obtain information on costs, traders'

strategies may be significantly different from where all the information

is available. is public. It is possible, for example, for a trader to

obtain information from the trading principles he or she provides or,

more generally, for any awareness he or she makes about the conduct of

other traders. Prices vary directly from basic qualifications. Higher

prices show better quality.

Another theory from the School of thought under the theme of Game

Theory, decision-making theory is the basic framework that Radner (2011)

expands to legitimize group theory. Decision theory refers to decision

making under uncertainty. The root of the problem is that many players

with a common advantage make choices under uncertainty with only partial

knowledge, so the extension seems natural. Moreover, according to

Radner, the organization is divided into people is defined as a person with more than one decision-
maker, where different decision-makers are responsible for the diversity of decisions and make
those decisions based on different knowledge, and where the outcome in the organization depends
jointly on several and other

Stochastic decisions. natural variables. Similarly, the concept of BI is

to make effective decisions in an organization, only data or information

from one or two departments is not sufficient to achieve a decision

victory, but combined data or information from all related departments

is very important. gather enough information to make the right decision.

Based on the theory presented in the School of Thought and Literature

Review, we see that the BI is based on ideas from the School of Themes

under the theme of game theory and knowledge and uncertainty. Basically,

the concept of BI is about extracting information or confidential

information within an organization by using mathematical models and

methodology to analyze and use that information to make a decision that

is less uncertain. In doing so, the organization must invest a budget in

the data collection process, data conversion and the presentation of

rational data or information to the relevant departments to make the

right decision (Rajnoha et al., 2016). Therefore, this will confirm the

concept of the school of thought that there are different decisions that

refer to different knowledge to make the right decision and to get

different information, the organization has to pay huge costs.


Although the concept of BI has only recently emerged in the last few

decades, it has now become a major concern for businesses regardless of

their size considering whether they should invest in the program or not

to meet customer needs and requirements. Today, BI establishes a real

business value for data assets and provides significant improvements in

identifying and exploiting business opportunities. Many international

companies have adopted the BI program, but some of them have failed to

improve the system. Aspects of organization and organization such as

strategies, human strength, leadership, culture, quality management and

company strategic direction greatly affect the implementation and

integration of the BI system. Understanding skills both in technology

and management is an important achievement in adopting a BI system in a






Davenport, T. H. (2006). Competing on analytics. \emph{Harvard Business


Rasoul, D. G., and Mohammad, H. (2016). A model of measuring the direct

and impact of business intelligence on organizational agility with

partial Mediatory role of Empowerment: Tehran construction Engineering

Organization (TCEO) and EKTA organization \emph{Social

and Behavioural Sciences,} Vol. 230, pp. 413-421.

Business Intelligence: \url{}




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