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C Tpat Audit Checklist for Compliance Department


Shipment documents security audit record.

Shipment vehicle tracking analysis record register.

Tempering / Broken/ Damage bolt seal record.

Unannounced patrol duty roster.

Building inspection/ Reaper record.

Factory key holder key issue/ return record.

Monthly key inventory record.

Security incident report record.

Internal audit report.

Contractor/supplier agreement.

C-TPAT Policy.

Factory profile.

All factory licenses.

C-TPAT related various office order, notice, poster and committee.

Factory security diagrammatic lay-out plan.

Shipment loading CC-record and still picture.

Monthly commercial document check record.

Parcel mail checking record register.

Periodic key rotational record register.

C Tpat Audit Checklist For Security Department:

Visitor in out register

Visitor in out register packing section.

Vehicle in out register.

Conveyance driver in out register.

Shipment vehicle 7 point inspection record.

Shipment loading record register.

Bolt seal affixing record register.

Control point report record register.

Local loading record register.

Local unloading record register.

Manual seal affixing record register.

Finished carton tally record register.

Security guard ABC duty roster.

Security guard daily duty roster.

Security guard post patrol duty roster.

Enclosure checking record register.

Perimeter inspection and repair record.

CC-TV camera monitoring record register.

Violation report record of security alarm system.

Factory key control and responsible person record register.

Internal key issue and deposited record register.

Security incident report record register.

Warless set frequency channel change record.

Un-loading register.

Local loading register.

Security guard ABC duty registers.

Security guard daily duty registers.

Security patrol duty register.

Factory Enclosure checking register.

Perimeter inspection & repair register.

Security equipment checking record register.

Key control record register.

Internal key issue & deposit register.

Security guard threat awareness training register.

CCTV Monitoring record.

Violation report record of security alarm.

Security incident report record.

Security incident report file.

Wireless set frequency channel change register.

Mail/parcel in/out record register.

Building inspection registers.

Security alarm testing record registers.

Internal key holder register.

Intrusion alarm testing record register.

Monthly security awareness training register.

Unannounced patrol duty record register.

Monthly key Inventory record register.

Escort visitors in/out register.

C Tpat Audit Checklist For Store Department

Advanced information of shipment vehicle.

Shipment finished carton check record register.

Visitor in out register ware house.

Shipment status/ export carton stock register.

Shipment delivery challan.

Bolt seal stock and issue record register.

Bolt seal requisition book.

Additional bolt seal issue & return record register.

Incoming goods in/out register.

Incoming goods vehicle in/out and inspection record.

Incoming vehicle control point report record.

Incoming goods inventory record.

C&F Challan, invoice, bill of leading & inventory report.

C Tpat Audit Checklist for HR Department

ID card stock & issue register.

ID card individual issue and return record register.

ID card collection voucher file.

ID card missing & damaged record register.

Missing ID card inquiry record.

Temporary ID card issue & return record.

ID card in active record.

Service skill test and background check.

Resign employee check list.

C Tpat Audit Checklist For Welfare & Council Ling Department

New employee orientation registers for C-TPAT.

Security threat awareness registers for employee.

Cargo management training record register.

Product integrity training record register.

Goods tempering awareness record register.

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