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Lesson 1: Body Parts of Animals Focus Points 1. Describe the animals in the surroundings 2. Identity the body parts of animals and theit functions 3. Classify animals according to body parts and use the body parts of some anj pe Oe body parts function? may Like hu i ody pal mans, all animals have body P' crow how tl Do they have the same body parts? Do you INQUIRY LAB Body Parts of Animals | Your teacher will read the story of “Noah’s Ark” to the class. Challenge You will answer the following questions after the a. What are the animals mentioned in the story? reading: b. How do we classify them? Write your answers to the questions in your science notebook. Body Parts of Animals Animals have different body parts. Each part has a specific function. A carabao has a head, body, and limbs or legs. It has a pair of horns that protects it from other animals. It has four strong legs to support it when it carries a heavy load or pulls a loaded cart. = Figure 4.2. A carabeo Achicken hasa comb, Male chickens have bigger combs to attract the female chickens. The chicken’s strong curved beak is used for picking grains for food. Its claws are used to scratch the ground for food and Brains. Its feathers cover its body to protect it from the weather. Figure 4.3, A chicken Fish have fins and tail to be able to swim. Some fish have scales, while others have slimy skin to protect them from enemies. They have gills which they use for breathing. Figure 4.4. A fish The frog also has a head, body, and legs. It has two pairs of legs. The forelegs or front legs are short and narrow. The hind legs are long, stout, and strong to help the frog leap high and far. Its toes are webbed so it can swim. Figure 4.5. A frog Body Parts of Animals for Movement (Locomotion) Animals can move on their own, This ability is known as locomotion. Animals have body parts to help them move. Here are some animals and the body parts they use for locomotion: Animals That Walk, Run, Gallop, Jump, and Hop ‘An ant walks using its six legs, while a spider walks using its eight legs. A kangaroo leaps using its two long and strong hind legs, and a cat jumps using its four legs. Horses and ostriches can run fast because of their long and slender legs. Figure 4.6. A horse galloping move very Animals with shorter legs turtles slowly, Examples of these animals are and crocodiles, Animals That Craw! Animals that do not have legs crawl. They move with the help of their muscles. Examples are snakes and worms. ‘A snake uses Its abdominal scutes for belly. A worm crawling. It usually slides on Its caus oy using its flexible muscles that lengthen and shorten so it can push and pull itself through. Animals That Fly Insects, birds, and bats can fly. They use [Py their wings to fly. Most insects have legs and two pairs of wings. Muscles inside the middle section of an insect’s body enable the wings to move upand down. A bat’s body is suited for flying. It is hard for a bi a at t hanging upside down. ene Saat SM ak Animals that fly Usually perch on the branches of the trees and high structures. usually make their nests on trees, on top of high rocks, or on high elf, a Figure 4.10. A bird and a bat Animals That Swim Animals that live in water can swim, Fish use fins and tails for swimming. Clams ‘Swit by clapping their bivalves. Squids and octopuses use their tentacles to swim. They aa water as they swim. Figure 4.11. Fish, clam, squid, and octopus. v rts That pod Pai Enable Animals to Stay j the place where an anima 'y In Their Habitat Hives is food and al Every animal has body paren habitat. This is also where an animal gets its fat enable it to occupy i i py its habitat. ost animals that have legs live on tang ar animals that live onland are . nial: Different kinds Of anim, al " peer, lion, boar, and ma in the forest. Birds can fh Called terrestrial als live on land, vr kinds of insects live } Test, and stay ees: " yon some animals live in th avery dry place where rain ¢, paw ‘omes onl twice a year. Camels, spiny lizard foleoee 3 us jiders, and scorpions are examples of e desert. a, desert st ete fh anil we Oe eels them re’ have special a parts that em to stay in the desert, Figure 4.12. Animals found in the desert: camel, Other animals live on lands Covered with i i a ema ai and snow. Polar bears, for example, ive a i and wander over floating sheets of ice, They are completely covered with a very thick an of white fur that blends with the color of snow. Even their paws have fur. Their white Coat kee, s their body heat from escaping. Seals can live in very cold places, too. . oe mao Figure 4.13. Polar bears wandering over floating Snakesandearthwormsmakeholesunderthe sheeis.of ice ground andlive there. Ants also make colonies underground. x Other animals that live in underground burrows and dens are the foxes, wolves, skunks, and coyotes. On the desert, burrowing animals may live underground during the hot day and come out for food at night. % SSA - Have sil a i aioe Animals that have gills and fins live in water. Figure 4.14, Ants making colonies Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. . underground Aquatic animals may be marine or sea animals and freshwater animals. Milkfish and clams are examples of freshwater animals. Salmon and stingray are examples of marine or sea animals. «. habitat. You also see coral reefs in the aquatic haPit reef is a place where many sea animals wast angelfish, to many different kinds of fish like parrotfis™ clownfish, and lionfish. Figure 4.15. Coral reer ter because of their special body Parts, in watel hey have both gills and SPECialzgg nd on ta 'A frog's skin is always wet , 'd muddy land. Some other exampi, Some animals can live both on land and i Some animals can live both in water a structures like the skin of frogs that help them bre moist. Most of these animals live in shallow water a” are toads and salamanders. Figure 4.16. A salamander ‘and a crocodile Crocodiles can also live in water and on land. They have nostrils that can close underwater. Their eyes also allow them to see clearly underwater. Body Parts for Protection Against Other Animals Figure 4.17. A toad blending Figure 4.18. Aleaf-imitating its color with its environment mantis Animals have to protect themselves against their enemies or predators in order to survive. | 128 some animals hide when i th them look like a part of their sus Sense that camouflage. undings Animals with long legs got jn their enemies by running oY gs fast as they can, Sy: Carabaos and goats us, orns. some snakes use their fi attack their enemies, Sauige squirt black fluid so they cannot be inks geen, SKUNKS Spray foul-smeling liquid at their enemies, Porcupinas "iaure 4.19. Goats have homs have spines to fight their enemies, ‘o fight their enemies ie 's a danger coming, Their colors make ey cannot be seen, This ability is called @ their Figure 4.20. Aporcupine with coal of needle-ike quils sody Parts of Animals Used for Getting Food Many animals spend en used for eating. The kind of mouth ae, time searching for food. Generally, the mouth is weeataniltheiemethors ante among animals. It depends on the kind of food peaks of Birds Am Birds have different types of beaks. Many (Wa birds have beaks which are flat and wide to catch Figure 4.21, A shorebird and a toucan insects while flying. Some birds have strong and hook-like beaks which they use to make holes in trees for food and nests. Some use them to pick up grains. Still, other birds have sharp and “hooked-beaks” to catch and kill their prey. Flat Teeth of Some Animals Horses and carabaos have flat teeth at the back of their mouths. Figure 4.22. Ahorse's fat They use their flat teeth for cutting, crushing, and chewing grass. teeth Strong Jaws and Pointed Teeth of Some Animals Lions and tigers have sharp, pointed teeth at the sides of their mouth. These animals use their pointed teeth to grasp and tear their prey to pieces. Figure 4.23. Alion's sharp, pointed teeth EEE Long and Big Teeth of Some Animals ; ing 5 A mouse’s front teeth never stoP on from it Bnaws on hard things to keep its Meeth C2 Browing too long. A mouse’s strong t nibble even things made of metal. icrel's mouse Figure 425 A Other animals have big teeth. The SGU ciayre 424 teeth wih big teeth gnaw on nuts. The rabbit's big teet Fy ic fon . help them nibble thorny grass. Mouth Parts of Some insects Some flowers produce sweet watery nt Insects, like bees, have long thin tongues whi they use to get the nectar, Bees put this long tongue down into the flowers to sip the ee Then, they roll up their tongues after getting the grasshopper Nectar from the flowers. ike blades of a saw. Their mouths, The mouth parts of the grasshopper look like use to tear leaves into small pig, Supported by strong jaws called mandibles which they easily, d prol The mouth part of butterfly is a long sucking tube called P nectar from flowers. re a6A Figure 427.4. boscis. It is used to sip Long Tongue of Some Animals “ ie mosquitoes, Frogs use their long sticky tongue to catch food such a and mosq nat Giraffes can get the leaves of trees with the use of ne en Aaeend poles. off and eat them. The long-tongued bats use their tongue to obtain fom flowers, WHAT TO DO using habitat or bog A 'Y Part: i belong to the group, °° basis, cross out (x) the animal that does not 1 yey cat, crocodile, frog, turtle earthworm, octopus, sau, quid, starfi cat, dog, frog, goat ainsh crocodile, dolphin, shark, whale anteater, hedgehog, Porcupine, skunk p. Fill the chart with bod: ‘ movement, habitat, anda. sf Srimal according to the food they eat, body Animal Lo Gases: +Food Movement Habitat Covering 1. Eagle | 2. Chicken | T | 3. Frog | 4. Carabao | 5. Fish | Animals have different body parts. The body parts of animals are used to protect themselves for survival. All animals need food in order to live. They use their mouth for eating. The kind of mouth differs among animals. It depends on the kind of food they eat and their method of getting food. Lesson = a pena pa } classif¥ing Groups OE At ag als Focus Points 4, Classify animals into two big 2. Differentiate Vertebrates fro ged ; M inverteby 3, Identify the five classes ct Of Vertebral tes you will observe that Many animal als named and classified. The anj in the 209, in a sanctuary, or in an ocean park are nimals in th ut es Let us classify animals Using body p, i" Places are few examples of animals on Earth. arts as basis, INQUIRY LaB Grouping Animals Your teacher will show pj i W picti turtle, carabao, fish, and bing nos Of @ shake, starfish, turkey, ant, lion, mosquito, Challenge 1, Study the characteristics f i i " their body structure. Of the animals in the pictures. Classify them based on Write the nai i ; aay ase weonte the animals in the proper column in the chart below. You y three columns based on your classification. Animals with Backbone | _Animals without Backbone Scientists have classified animals into two big groups. They are invertebrates and vertebrates. Animals without backbones are called invertebrates. GL | . Their backbone jg d es. scp, vertebrat' cart ‘Sey inal ‘es the SP! e—in oceans; rivers, forests, Mountg Ek Animals with b re called ackbones a “ertebral or spinal column. This bone MOUS i They can be found just about everywne' the desert. - rive Classes of Vertebrates hibians, reptiles, birds ue " M or There are five groups of vertebrates: tn en br while mammals arg OM Tammals. The fish are the simplest of the eh complex. Fish __ They are the largest group of vertebrates. They aed ean2ny sizes and shapes. The body parts of fish are Sul for life in water. The bodies of most fishes are covered wit Scales. They reproduce by laying eggs. Fish can breathe in Water because they have gills. Gills take in oxygen from Water so that the fish can live. A fish is a cold-blooded animal. This means that its body temperature changes and adapts to the temperature of its habitat. Amphibians Amphibians can live on land and in water. As they grow, their gills disappear and lungs take their place. They take in oxygen in two ways: either through the lungs or through the skin. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are the most common amphibians. Amphibians have different body covering or skin. Frogs have smooth and moist skin. Toads have bumpy and dry skin. Salamanders have thin and moist skin. These amphibians live in creeks, ponds, and lakes. Reptiles There are many species of reptiles. Some examples of reptiles are crocodiles, alligators, turtles, tortoises, lizards, and snakes. i. aes Figure 4.31. Crocodle 2 DUUY ¥" = FBLC IS cOvereg y ike fish and amphibians, gcc “ith scale, cool them live on land, SON ES are cold.ty a": ony plates. ts skin is dry and any Or © live in water gay ooded animals, All reptiles have lungs. reptiles can move at various Speed, and others in the desert. gesetts and in warm, wet tropical rain fa They reste” their eggs on land. They live in hot, dry or Fowl aids all fowls are warm-blooded ani ani emperature does Rot change in any Kindo Their body jes are covered with feathers Which ke Weather. Their ney reproduce by laying eggs. ep them warm. All birds have a pair of win, pot fy. They also have two legs for se OUEN Some birds do c 8S for walkin ot hy. They 20 have two 8. Some common at ich, duck, and Pigeon, als Mamm: are th the largest living bird Mammals are the bodies are covered with her manly Tree among the groups of vertebrates. Their ir * 'ney have mammary gl; t te milk which they use to feed their young, They are warm-blooded anielend that secrete mi Mammals reproduce b Y giving birth te with their mother’s milk. TI : ° A shled live young animals. Young mammals are fed rabao, goat, of mammals. bat, horse, whale, and humans are examples ant Figure 4.33. Dolphin, carabao, and bats TSE what are animals ya, have seen many a." 1 Inverte! mai 7 ani backbones: re Most of these anima, without Bact emselves 25 500” 25 th A take car BS invertebrates live ang i : rol hatched fr in different ways: so ety, 006% 28 aay igure 4.35. Figure 4:34- kinds of insects ssh stich animals with six legs. The, Insects are the largest group of invertebrates. roe lt food. Most of them hag! their legs in moving around and capturing and holdout from one place to anothe,,* Or tWo Pairs of wings which they also use in moving?) a nara Some insects live on the bodies of other animals. He Teter. Some kinds of buttertgg world. Many insects are found on land, and others de in the bodies of plants, anddiametes ins, Some . Ind dragonflies live at the top of mountail 1 in colonies. Honeybee, im . the! Social insects live together in groups and work togethe! ri CP Say, social insects. They make combs from wax which come from their bodies. Combs are homes of honeybees. The bees make tiny chambers or rooms where they store their food called honey. The bees make honey out of the nectar they get from flowers. In a bee comb, we usually find three types of bees: the queen, the workers, and the male bees called drones, The queen bee lays her eggs in|ittle chambers Or rooms in a comb. The worker bees take care of her and the grubs or larvae that hatch from the eggs. The worker bees’ work is to gather nectar for the colony. The male bees or drones have the sole work of mating with the queen. This is one of the many ways of maintaining balance in the insect world. Lesson 3: Importance of Animal: Handling Them Is and the Proper Ways of Focus Points 1, State the importance of animals to humans 2. : Identify harmful and dangerous animals and practice safety measures against them Describe proper ways of, handling of animals Some animals have been the companions and helpers of people since the beginning of time. Figure 4.37. Dog guarding the house INQUIRY LAB Importance of Animals Choose an interesting animal that you have read about. Challenge Write a paragraph that tells some fascinating facts about the animal you chose. Why do you consider the animal you chose important? ins Hume on Earth. Here are some Benefi ve to its That Animals Gi ving thins Animals are very important to the other li which animals can help us: Animals are sources of food. x, pork barbecue, beef steaks, an ‘ Can you imagine living without litson Man mne from chickens, pigs, andes boiled eggs? Where do you get al these food! IT other birds. The eggs that we eat come from chickens, ducks, barbecue Figure 4.38, Roasted chicken, eggs, and pork The milk that we drink every morning comes from carabaos, cows, Or goats. The native cheese or kesong Puti, fresh milk, butter, and other dairy Products also come from them. Crabs, shrimps, clams, oysters, and squid are ( =e also sources of food. 2 a Figure 4.39. Kesong puti Figure 4.40, Mik Animals are sources of useful things. Animals give us clothing and leather goods. Wool comes from sheep. Silk comes from silkworm. Fur coats come from furry animals. Leather comes from the skin of some animals like snakes and crocodiles. Figure 4.41. Asilk cloth and a leather bag v . animals give Us Medicine, go" gh oll Is extracted for Medicinal py pnown t0 cure MANY diseases, "Poses, is Figure 4.42, Medicines Ani "mals help us in our work, Even wi * animals Ze ™modern farming machinery, people still use Used to ploy a8 Of burden, Cows and carabaos are stil farm broduets field. Carabaos are used to pull carts with 1 transportation, 7°52 and kartela are still useful means of In other Countri Used to tran tries, camels, elephants, and donkeys are a 4 'sPort people and cargo. igure 444. Camels carrying people and cargo caring for Animals How do we take care of anj mals? Let proper Ways to take care of them, me Study the provide the needs of your pets, A pet is an animal friend that lives with you. Do not forget to give the care it needs. Feed and bathe it regularly. _ provide a proper shelter for your pet. Consult a veterinarian Figure 4.45. Adog eating its food when it gets sick. protect the habitats of animals. One way of caring for animals is by protecting their habitats. Avoid disturbing the habitats of animals in parks where they are sheltered. Respect hunting laws for certain kinds of animals. People should also protect the habitats of animals from pollution. (ee ear. There are o, Protect endangered animals. ve beginning to disapP hay, 1 jat al Endangered animals are those th: ales should be protectey » aed to their habitats, "Thy, Of their king left on Earth. turtles a" Endangered animals like the green $€3 “Og ret . Fan i animals, when found, should be taken cP" their needs. Let US Proter, t Let us provide our pets and other animals tats. Let us protect endangered animals. § habit Mule tene Pinel Ui) people? a Figure 4.46, A sea turtle and whales. ; gerous Animals Safety Measures Against Harmful and Dan , ‘mful. Harmful animals may attack ng i : re har! : Some animals are useful to man; others ar fe with animals. Kill people. Therefore, people need to learn to be sa Dangerous Animals Crocodiles, Lions, Bears, and Tigers They attack and kill people. When they are hungry, they hunt other animals for food. They have to be placed in a safe cage to avoid accidental escape which may cause injury to people. Avoid getting near = eae them when visiting a z00, Figure 4.47. Alion Sharks and Other Fishes White sharks may sometimes attack swimmers. They may attack and eat people who are nearby, especially when they smell blood or mistake them for sea turtles, which are their common prey. Other dangerous fish include stingrays and stonefish which have poisonous spines that can injure or kill. Figure 4.49, A shark scorpions, and Some Insects aH call sn2KES 27e poisonous, but not snakes that are Poisonous ‘S (ne? to kill a human, Dangerous woul rave veniom that can kill EES 5M With Venom and Sting | ions and some Spider | pio! = Ts, seeNiplack widow spider, have jk jnous sting that paralyzes thei, 5 0 bao at —_* Figure 4.50. A scorpion Figure 4.51.Acobra ye , , 7 hen SE Pitten bya snake, ask someone to tie a bandage around the bitten of the body and Bo to the hospital for immediate treatment. (al gormful ‘Animals nd Cats With Rabies oes > ites from unvaccinated dogs and cats ies is an infectious disease that aff rs system. Rabies can be transfe nel h the bite of an infected dog or cat, howe bite straight to the brain. To ay jor the veterinarian for anti-rabies er one is bitten by a dog, can cause rabies. ects the central fred to humans The rabies travels oid this, take your vaccination. When Wash the wound ‘thoroughly sot bring the victim to a doctor with $0aP and water. Then, immediately. Figure 4.52. A dog can cause rabies Rats Black and brown ratscarry the Cee ee eae like bubonic plague, food poisoning, and typhus. Rats al damage crops and other food products. Figure 4.53. Rats carry germs Harmful Insects The favorite food of termites is wood. They eat the wood : parts of houses and buildings and even furniture. a ot our woolen clothes and furs. Cockroaches eat our foo jane clothes. Ants are some of the most ‘roublesome meee sioue 488 Acocwoneh Earth, They damage many of our things and food, too. gure 4.54, 143 ous diseases in human beings, various ech mites, Can enter ; use Insects 2 sucl - ty ways. some insects lich mites CAUSE SCabje, 0 skin rvitatio® causing B&"™S, too, soot skin and cause 1 4 ae problem. Insects AY roaches, Mes, Moston these insects are ants, and fleas. Figure 4.55. A mosquito Some species of mosquito causes sick! ‘mosquitoes known to us: the Culex, Aedes, a ; m The Culex mosquito is the most common tYPE CT filarial worms that cause encephalitis, a rare brain I"! The Aedes mosqui its yellow fever in some 7 quito transmits yellot The like the Philippines, this mosquito transmits dengue faves Mosquito transmits protozoan that causes malarial fever. ness to people. There are three ‘Ypes, d Anopheles. osquito. | mation. countries. In tropical County bite of a female Anophe, It is believed to trang, hs Exercise Caution When Handling Animals Figure 4.58. A dog being Figure 4.56. A dog with its puppies ‘Figure 4.57. Honeybees | b vaccinated by a veterinarian Never provoke carabaos, horses, goats, and other tame animals. These animals may harm or hurt you when they are disturbed or when they become frightened. Cats and dogs must never be disturbed when sleeping or eating. Do not touch or get their young while they are nursing them. Never disturb bees and wasps in their nests. They will run after you and they will sting you. Have your pets been vaccinated against rabies? Figure 4.59. A cockroach, fy, and bug EEE rid of flies, bedbugs, and co Pr y of flies, , ck : i ected reson Toaches. Destroy their breeding places by spraying uv Figure 4.60. A screen _—* : Screened door Figure 4.61, Repairing openings in the house Keep your place clean. Place a sere i een over 7 ii fom mosquitoes and other harmful insects, your doors and windows to protect yo ir all openi i a bis Keep aur bea can enter your house, Use materials which they cannot Ch a fard free from garb: froin er als which can be used by vate ac neste Enhaee: Keep house corners free fr WHAT TO DO Match the animal to its corresponding benefit. Write the correct letter in the blank provided. 1. horse a. medicine 2. dolphin b. used for recreational activity 3. chicken c. gives clothing . sheep d. used as means of transportation 4. 5. cow e. gives meat and eggs

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