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Overkill Solutions to Class 10 CBSE Math Board

Exam 2021
green leaf
December 2021

“Don’t let anyone tell you what to do, not even CBSE.”

This document contains a compilation of solutions to 20 of the 40 problems in
the Class 10 math board exam 2021 using extremely and unnecessarily overkill

This project was inspired by this.

Unfortunately, the remaining problems were immune to creative, out of the

box solutions. Congratulations, CBSE.

Question 2
4.57 is a/an:

(a) integer
(b) rational number
(c) natural number
(d) irrational number

Define the sequence a0 = 4 and
an = an−1 + ,n ≥ 1
Observe that this gives the sequence 4, 4.57, 4.5757, · · · . We shall show that the
limit of this sequence converges to a rational number.
1 1 1
lim an = lim 4 + 57 + + ··· +
n→∞ n→∞ 100 1002 100n

57(100n − 1) 453 · 100n − 57 453
= lim 4 + n
= lim =
n→∞ 99(100 ) n→∞ 99 · 100n 99
which is rational.

Question 3
The line represented by 4x − 3y = 9 intersects the y-axis at:

(a) (0, −3)

(b) ( 49 , 0)
(c) (−3, 0)
(d) (0, 94 )

Choose two vectors p⃗ = ⟨3, 1⟩, ⃗q = ⟨6, 5⟩ that lie on the line 4x − 3y = 9.
The vector form of this line is given by p⃗+k(⃗ p −⃗q) = ⟨3(1−k), 1−4k⟩. The vector
⃗t on this line which lies on the y axis will also be perpendicular to a vector lying
on the x axis, say, ⃗r = ⟨1, 0⟩. Since ⃗t·⃗r = 0, we get that 3(1−k) = 0 =⇒ k = 1.
This gives ⃗t = ⟨0, −3⟩, this giving us the point (0, −3).

Question 4
The point on the x-axis equidistant from the points P (5, 0) and Q(−1, 0) is:

(a) (2, 0)
(b) (−2, 0)
(c) (3, 0)
(d) (2, 2)

Let P⃗ = ⟨5, 0⟩, Q
⃗ = ⟨−1, 0⟩.
Let the desired point on the x axis be k, 0.
Let R⃗ = ⟨k, 0⟩, and let ⃗u = P⃗ − R
⃗ and ⃗v = Q
⃗ − R.
⃗ We require |u| = |v| =⇒
⟨5 − k, 0⟩ and ⟨−1 − k, 0⟩ have the same magnitude. This is only possible if
| − 1 − k| = |5 − k| =⇒ 5 − k = ±(−1 − k). Since 5 − k ̸= −1 − k, we get that
5 − k = k + 1 =⇒ k = 2.

So the desired point is (2, 0).

Question 6

3 cosec2 θ−sec2 θ
Given that cos θ = 2 , the value of cosec2 θ+sec2 θ is:

(a) −1
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) − 12

Observe that sec2 θ, cosec2 θ > 0, thus sec2 θ − cosec2 θ ̸= ±(sec2 θ + cosec2 θ),
which means the answer cannot be 1, −1.
Next, note that sec2 θ + cosec

θ > 0.
Now observe that cos θ = 2 =⇒ cos θ > sin θ =⇒ cos1 θ < sin1 θ =⇒
cosec2 θ − sec2 θ > 0.

Thus, the answer must be positive, which eliminates 2 , and leaves 12 .

Question 7
The area swept by 7cm long minute hand of a clock in 10 minutes is:

(a) 77 cm2
(b) 12 56 cm2
(c) 7 12 cm2
(d) 25 23 cm2

Observe that 10 minutes of the minute hand sweeps one-sixth the area of the
entire circle with radius r = 7cm. This amounts to the area of a sector of a
circle with angle of sector π3 .
Taking a small sector of the circle with angle dθ, we can approximate its area
as the area of a triangle with 21 r2 sin dθ using the area of a triangle formula
2 ab sin θ. We can also use the approximation sin dθ ≈ dθ as dθ is very small.
Thus we simply need to compute
r2 π 49 · π
Z 3 1 2 π1 2
r dθ = r = = = 25.6cm2
0 2 32 6 6

Question 9
Two positive numbers have their HCF as 12 and their product as 6336. The
number of pairs possible for the numbers is:

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 1

We present the following lemma, without proof.

For any two integers m, n, the following fact holds:
m n
gcd , = 1.
gcd(m, n) gcd(m, n)

We first prime factorise 6336 as 26 · 32 · 11. Let S be the set of all pairs
satisfying the problem condition. We are required to evaluate |S|. For any pair
a b
m = (a, b) in S, let T be the set containing all the pairs n = ( 12 , 12 ). Observe
that there is a bijection between S and T , thus it is sufficient to find |T |. We
make the following observations: for any pair (p, q) ∈ T , pq = 44 = 22 · 11
1. For any pair (p, q) ∈ T , pq = 44 = 22 · 11
2. gcd(p, q) = 1
a b
The second point holds since gcd( gcd(a,b) , gcd(a,b) ) = 1 = gcd(p, q) by the

Now, the computation of |T | is simple. The only possible pairs in T can be

(4, 11), (1, 44), which gives us 2 = |T | = |S|.

Question 10
The pair of equations y = 2 and y = −3 has

(a) one solution

(b) two solutions
(c) infinitely many solutions
(d) no solutions

Assume that y = 2, y = −3 has a solution p. Thus p = 2, p = −3.
By the transitive property of integers, this means that 2 = −3. Now consider
the arithmetic progressions, 2, 6, 10, 14 · · · and −3, 1, 5, 9, · · · . Both have com-
mon difference 4. The first sequence can have only one prime, as all the terms
except the first are bigger than 2, and also divisible by 2, making them com-
posite. If 2 = −3, the first and second sequences are the same, as they are both
arithmetic progressions with first term 2 = −3 and common difference 4.
Thus, even the second sequence must have only one prime.
This contradicts Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions.

Thus, the pair y = 2, y = −3 has no solution.

Question 11
In the figure given below, what value of x will make P Q||AB?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

We employ Barycentric Coordinates.
Let P = (p, 0, 1 − p), Q = (0, q, 1 − q). Let the equation of the line P Q be
ux + vy + wz = 0. Plugging in the coordinates of P, Q gives us the family
{up + (1 − p)w = 0, vq + (1 − q)w = 0} which when solved, gives us the equation
of the line
p−1 q−1
ℓ= x+ y+z =0
p q
We know the equation of the line AB to be z = 0. Let D = AB ∩ P Q. Since we
are given P Q||AB, we know that the solution to the system D ∈ AB, D ∈ P Q

should not exist, thus x + y + z = 0. Plugging z = 0 in ℓ, we observe that
p−q q−1
p x + q y = 0, whereas x + y + z = 0 =⇒ x + y = 0. This gives us
p = q−1
q =⇒ p = q. This tells us, by the areal definition of barycentric
coordinates, that
CP CQ x+3 x
= =⇒ = =⇒ x = 2.
AC BC 4x + 22 4x + 4

Question 12

3 √1 ,
Given that sin α = 2 and tan β = 3
then the value of cos(α − β) is:

(a) 2
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) √1

First consider a right triangle ABC with
√ hypotenuse AC = 2 and ∠ACB = α.
We first notice that BC = 1, AC = 3 Choose
√ a point D on the same side of
AC as B such that ∠ACD = β, and CD = 3. Let CD and AB intersect at I.

Observe that by Pythagoras, DA = 1. Thus, we note that ABC ∼ = CAD.

Let ∠ACD = θ1 , and ∠DCB = θ2 = α − β.
Since ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, observe that ∠ABD = θ1 and ∠CDB =
θ1 . Now by angle sum property on △DCB we get that
2θ1 + θ2 + 90◦ = 180◦ =⇒ 2θ1 + θ2 = 90◦
Now extend AD and BC to intersect at P , and let P I intersect AC at F . By
symmetry, P AC is isosceles, and F is the midpoint of AC. Since F C = 1 and
∠ACB = α, we have P F C ∼ = ABC =⇒ P C = 2. Similarly P A = 2. Thus
P AC is equilateral, thus ∠ACB = 60◦ = θ1 +θ2 . But we also had 2θ1 +θ2 = 90◦ ,
implying θ1 = θ2 = 30◦ = α − β.

Hence, cos(α − β) = cos 30◦ = 3
2 .

Question 14
The decimal expansion of the rational number 250 will terminate after:

(a) one decimal place

(b) two decimal places
(c) three decimal places
(d) four decimal places

We will show a stronger result, i.e. the decimal expansion of 2mp·5n , gcd(p, 10) =
1 will terminate after max(m, n) places.
It is sufficient to show that 2m · 5n | 10max(m,n) , and 2m · 5n ̸| 10k for any
k < max(m, n).
This is trivial because 2m | 10m | 10max(m,n) , and 5n | 10n | 10max(m,n) .

For the second part, we shall first assume m = max(m, n). Notice that 2m ̸|
10m−1 , thus proving our claim. The same goes if max(m, n) = n.

This gives us the answer to the original question as max(1, 3) = 3.

Question 15
The pair of lines represented by the linear equations 3x + 2y = 7 and 4x + 8y −
11 = 0 are:

(a) perpendicular
(b) parallel
(c) intersecting
(d) coincident

We compute the vector forms of the lines to be ⟨k + 1, 2 − k⟩, ⟨k + 1, 7−4k8 ⟩
respectively. We see that their dot product is not zero, nor are they the same
Thus they must be intersecting lines.

Question 16
In an equilateral triangle with length of side p, the length of the altitude is:

(a) 2 p

(b) 4 p

3 2
(c) 2 p

3 2
(d) 4 p

√ √
We first show that the answer cannot be 23 p2 or 43 p2 .
We proceed by showing a stronger result that the answer cannot be of the form
rp2 where r is any positive real.

Suppose, for the sake of contradiction that the length of the altitude was rp2 .
Let the equilateral triangle be ABC, pick an altitude, say AD. In triangle
ADC, we have that AC is the hypotenuse. We know that in a right triangle,
the hypotenuse is the longest side. So we must have p > rp2 for an arbitrary p.
This is equivalent to 1 > rp =⇒ p1 > r. Choose p > 1r to get a contradiction.
Thus, the answer cannot be of the form rp2 .

Now we show that the answer is not 43 p.

Suppose the contrary, that the answer was 43 p. We use the same configuration
of △ABC as above. In triangle ADC, we have ∠C = π3 . We shall use the fact
that sin x is increasing in the interval [0, π2 ], directly implying that AD > CD.

However, by Pythagoras, AD2 + CD2 = AC 2 . Since AD = 43 p we obtain
√ r
3 2 2 2 3 2 3
CD < p =⇒ AD + CD = AC < 2 · p =⇒ AC < p <p
4 16 8
which is a contradiction, as AC = p.

Thus, the answer must be 2 p.

Question 20
In the given figure, ∠ABC and ∠ACB are complementary to each other, and
AD ⊥ BC. Then,

(a) BD · CD = BC 2
(b) AB · BC = BC 2
(c) BD · CD = AD2
(d) AB · AC = AD2

Let E be the reflection of A over BC. Observe that ABCE is cyclic, and let
the circumcircle be ω. By definition of E, DE = AD.

Now notice that Powω (D) = BD · CD = AD · ED = AD2 which gives us our
required answer.

Alternatively, we may use geometric inequalities to disprove the remaining op-

BD < BC, CD < BC, thus BD · CD < BC 2 , contradicting option (a).
AB < BC since BC is the hypotenuse, contradicting option (b).
Finally, AB > AD, AC > AD =⇒ AB · AC > AD2 , contradicting option (d).

Question 21
If one of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial (k − 1)x2 + kx2 + 1 = 0 is −3,
then the value of k is:
(a) 3
(b) − 43
(c) 3
(d) − 23

Let f (x) = (k − 1)x2 + kx + 1.
Suppose k < 0.
We have f (−3) < −9 + 1 = −8 < 0, a contradiction. Thus k ≥ 0.
Now suppose k < 1. Applying the quadratic formula gives x = 2 =
{−k + 1, −1} > −3, a contradiction.

Thus, k > 1, giving us our required answer of 34 .

Question 25
If n is any natural number, then 12n cannot end with the digit:

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 0

It is sufficient to find all possible remainders 12n ≡ 2n (mod 10), n ∈ N.
Since the order of 2 modulo 5 is 5, there must be at least 4 different residues
of 2n modulo 10, since 5 | 10. Furthermore, none of these residues can be odd,
since gcd(2, 10) = 2. This leaves only 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

Now observe that since 2 is a primitive root of 5, 2n ≡ 0 (mod 5) cannot have
a solution, thus implying that 2n ≡ 0 (mod 10) has no solution, which gives us
our required answer.

Question 31
The value of θ for which 2 sin 2θ = 1 is:
(a) 15◦
(b) 30◦
(c) 45◦
(d) 60◦

We have
e2iθ − e−2iθ 1
sin 2θ = = =⇒ e2iθ − e−2iθ = i
2i 2
Let e2iθ = x.
We write the previous result as x2 − ix + 1 = 0. √
By the quadratic formula, e2iθ = x = 2i ± 23 . We observe that √ |x| = 1,
and arg(x) = tan−1 ( √13 ) = π6 . Combining them, we see that | x| = 1 and
√ π
arg( x) = 12 . Thus, we get
√ π π π
x = eiθ = cos + i sin = cos θ + i sin θ =⇒ θ = = 15◦
12 12 12

Question 36
The ratio in which the point P (−4, 6) divides the line segment joining the points
A(−6, 10) and B(3, −8) is:
(a) 2:5
(b) 7:2
(c) 2:7
(d) 5:2

[OAP ]
We proceed by computing the value of [OBP ] .

0 0 1

−6 10 1
AP [OAP ] −4 6 1 2
= = =
BP [OBP ] 0 0 1
−4 6 1
3 −8 1

Question 38
The decimal expansion of 162 :

(a) is terminating
(b) is non-terminating and non-recurring
(c) is non-terminating and recurring
(d) does not exist

Suppose the decimal expansion of 162 was terminating.
Let there be t digits after the decimal point in the decimal expansion. We would
have 10k · 162 ∈ Z =⇒ 162 | 10k =⇒ 3 | 10k , a contradiction. Thus it cannot
be terminating.

Now suppose it was non-terminating and non-recurring. For a contradiction,

it suffices to show that there exists k, t satisfying 10t · (10k − 1) · 162 ∈ Z i.e.
162 | 10 − 1 for some k.
By Eulers theorem, there for divisor d of 162 which is co-prime to 10, we can
find k such that d | 10k − 1. Taking the LCM of all these k over every divisor
of 162 that is co-prime to 10, we find a good enough k. And simply choose t
sufficiently large such that any divisor of 162 that is not co-prime to 10 will
divide 10t .

This shows that 162 cannot be non-recurring, and thus, must be non-terminating
and non-recurring.

Question 40
A father is three times as old as his son. In 12 years time, he will be twice as
old as his son. The sum of the present ages of the father and the son is:

(a) 36 years
(b) 48 years
(c) 60 years
(d) 42 years

We are are required to solve the system of equations

3x − y = 0

2x − y = −12

We will proceed to use Cramer’s rule for two variables. Define the matrices
3 2
−1 −1
3 2
Mx =
0 −12
0 −12
My =
−1 −1
det Mx det My
Cramer’s Rule tells us that x = det M , y = det M . Thus,

det Mx + det My −12 − 36

x+y = = = 48
det M −1

Questions 41-45 (Case Study)

A car moves on a highway. The path it traces is given below:

Question 41
What is the shape of the curve EF G?

(a) Parabola
(b) Ellipse
(c) Straight Line
(d) Circle

Question 44
The number of zeroes of the polynomial representing the whole curve is:

(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1

We will show that at most one of the above two questions can be a correct
question, thus implying that the question paper setter must be fired.

The expected answer for the first question is (a) Parabola, and the expected
answer for the second question is (a) 4. However, if the curve EF G was a
Parabola, then the whole curve cannot represent a quartic, as that would imply
the parabola EF G shares infinitely many points with the quartic. Two differ-
ent polynomials P (x), Q(x) cannot share infinitely many points, as that would
mean the polynomial Q(x) − P (x) has infinitely many roots, which means it is
the zero polynomial, giving Q(x) = P (x).

This contradicts the fact that CBSE is good, and hence we conclude that the
question paper setter must be fired.


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