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Topic: 6 Slope stability

1 563409120033 นายธนวัตน์ จันทร์แก้ว

2 563409120027 นายกิตติพิชญ์ จันทองโชติ
3 563409120042 นายวันอัสรี ย ์ โซะสุ มา
4 563409120036 นายบดินทร อินแพง

Presented Results:

The report must include the followings:

1. types of slope failure (Translational slide, Rotational failure, Flow slide)

2. Causes of slope failure (Gravity, Seepage, Earthquake, Erosion, Geological features,

Construction activities, Rapid drawdown)

3. Stability of Infinite slope (pore water pressure is zero, stability with seepage)

4. Tension crack

5. Stability of finite slope

1.1 Mass Procedure-Slopes in Homogeneous clay (=0) , Taylor chart (1937),

Michalowski chart (2002)
1.2 Mass Procedure-Slopes in Homogeneous soil (c,), Taylor chart (1937),
Michalowski chart (2002)

6. Stability of Infinite slope

1.1 Ordinary method of slices (Fellenius, 1927)
1.2 Bishop’s Simplified method of slice for Steady-State Seepage (Bishop, 1955)
a) Michalowski chart (2002)
7. Calculation follow below

1). Use Bishop’s simplified method to estimate the factors of safety of the slope
shown in Figure. Assume the soil above the phreatic surface to be saturated. Consider
with no tension crack in two cases: Case 1—Effective stress analysis, Case 2— Total
stress analysis.

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Taylor’s stability chart (After Taylor, 1937)

Das, B.M. (2009), Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 7th edition, C L Engineering.

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Michalowski’s stability chart

Michalowski, R. L. (2002). “Stability Charts for Uniform Slopes” Journal of Geotechnical

and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 4, 351–355.

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Michalowski’s solution for steady-state seepage condition

Michalowski, R. L. (2002). “Stability Charts for Uniform Slopes” Journal of Geotechnical

and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 4, 351–355.

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Presentation with MS. Power Point (Electronic file)

The Presentation must be submitted to MS Team on 26 January 2022 before 16.30 hr.

Online classroom presentations are available between 31 January 2022 and 13 February 2022
(only one group can be accepted per day**).

**An appointment is required for all students who wish to make a presentation.

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