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Field conditions
- stan allen

The transcripts of field conditions are written by stan Allen. In which he explained the different field
conditions and the patterns followed by them like the geometric and algebraic combinations. field
condition is nothing but a pattern of space or elements which are diverse unified with the pattern by
respecting the identity of each. the whole internal relation between the elements defines the character of
the field as a whole. there will be local connections intervals, repetitions between the elements of the
field. In classical architecture, we can see that all the individual elements are arranged in geometric
proportions as a whole. the relationship between individual elements, the symmetry or formal sequence
of organisation of the whole. individual elements are arranged in a hierarchical order by extensive
geometric relationships.

Spain, Cordoba, The Great Mosque as it appeared in 987 (A.H. 377), Plan
The great mosque of cordoba, Spain, constructed over eight centuries, the walls, supported on columns
and pierced by arches, defining a covered space of equal dimensions to open court, the arched walls
operate in counterpoint to the framed vistas across the grain of the space. the column is located at the
intersection of the two vectors forming a highly charged field. this generates parallax effects to the
visitors. the contrasting principles of a combination of algebraic working with numerical units and
geometric, working with figures organised the whole mosque in the same pattern every time it been
extended. the mosque continues to be itself in face of all these interventions is a tribute to its integrity.

The Building is the City: Le Corbusier’s Unbuilt Hospital in Venice

Source: research gate

In le Corbusier’s Venice hospital the employed a syntax of repeated self -same parts. The basic program
of the hospital is a care unit that repeated and the rotating placement of the blocks establishes
connections and pathways from ward to ward. as in the mosque at Cordoba, the overall form is an
elaboration of conditions established locally.

One of the goals of the field is to define the relationship between the figure and the ground. If we see the
figure as a demarcated object that is constantly ascending or descending within a field, then it might be
possible to imagine that the field is more closely allied with the figure. In architecture, Allen's field
conditions are meant to support a mode of composition that can transcend the constraints of classical
form. A complete analysis of the dynamics of field conditions would reveal the complex and dynamic
behaviour of architecture's users.

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