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Night before:

- Start hung curd preparation with 500ml of curd
- Soak rajma beans in water


- garlic – 15 cloves, finely chopped

- onions
o 1 sliced
o 2 finely chopped
- capsicums – 2 long cuts
- tomatoes – 3 finely chopped
- boiled corn from 1 cob
- tomato puree – 2 tablespoons
- pressure cook rajma so that it is well cooked (mash consistency)
- coriander leaves, chopped
- mint leaves, chopped
- one green chili, chopped
- shred cheese and keep it in refrigerator (optional)

Mint Fajita Rice:

- oil in pan. Add ½ of the garlic, the sliced onions, corn, and long cut capsicums, a
spoon of chili flakes then add the uncooked rice and fry for a few minutes. Then
add water and salt and let the rice cook to fried rice consistency. Add chopped
mint leaves at the end.

Refried beans:
- oil in a pan
- add remaining finely chopped garlic
- add one finely chopped onion
- add chili flakes
- add 2 finely chopped tomatoes, mash them when cooking
- 1 tablespoon tomato puree
- Add coarsely mashed rajma
- Kashmiri chili powder (optional)
- Water
- Cook till the water drains (mostly) and the desired consistency is reached

Sour cream (keep in refrigerator after preparation):

- hung curd (from 500ml of curd)
- lemon juice (1/2 lemon – adjust to taste based on how sour the curd is)
- salt
- pepper powder 
- Cut a ripe avocado into slices and mash using a fork, add juice from ½ lemon
and set aside.
- Crush ½ finely chopped onion along with chopped coriander leaves and cut
green chilies in a mortar and pestle (well mashed). Add this to avocado.

Salsa (keep in refrigerator after preparation)

- 1 Tomato
- ½ onion
- chili flakes
- coriander
- salt
- 1 table spoon tomato puree 
- Mix the above items. Mash the tomatoes using the back of a spatula so that it
releases juices.

Bowl (place layer by layer from bottom):

- Mint fajita rice
- Refried beans
- Sour cream (one dollop)
- Guacamole
- Salsa
- Shredded cheese
- Crushed Nachos

Updated 9/7/21 1:25 pm.

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