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Classification of

This project demonstrates the method for the detection of fruit disease and
grade(accuracy). Diseases in fruits and plants are the main reasons for the

Fruits and
agricultural loss. This work focuses on developing a user-friendly tool that
recognizes the level of the disease and grades them accordingly. This model uses
convolution neural networks (CNN) for the classification, which is again retrained

Detection of
using the transfer learning technique. Identification and classification of diseases of
fruits are done through various algorithms. The main focus of our work is
obtaining the analysis of different fruit disease detection techniques and also

Disease using
provides an overview of these techniques. Research on the detection of disease and
fruit grading is useful for agriculture and farmers. By identifying the type of disease
in fruits and also grading of fruit based on its quality. For detection of disease

required different features of fruit and classifiers classified these features. For the
fruit grading segment, the image after segmentation calculates the infected and
healthy portion of fruit and grading based on the percentage of infection on fruit.
The classification accuracy for the proposed solution is achieved up to 98%.

This model involves stages as follows firstly data collection which will serve as input to the machine. Then secondly RGB to Grayscale
conversion of the image will take place. This step is needed as an RGB Image consists of 3 layers R,G,B. It’s a 3 dimensional matrix, where the
grayscale image is of only 2 dimensions, and the values range between 0–255 (8-bit unsigned integers). Therefore, some algorithms can only
be applied on 2-D image rather than 3-D, hence we convert an RGB image into a grayscale image, for instance, Black and White conversion of
an image, convolution of an image, etc. Thus the algorithm can process faster, and can involve more complex operations. The next step is
Image Segmentation wherein the digital image is partitioned into multiple segments also called as Pixels or Image Objects. This helps simplify
the image into something meaningful and easier to analyze. Following this the next step is Feature Extraction where the initial set of the raw
data is divided and reduced to more manageable groups. It helps to get the best feature from those big data sets by selecting and combining
variables into features, thus, effectively reducing the amount of data. This helps to reduce the amount of redundant data from the data set
with extracting relevant data.
The next step is the Convolutional Neural Network Classifier. It takes an input image, processes
it, and classifies it. This step also has sub-layers Convolution Layer this is the first layer to extract
features from an input image. Convolution preserves the relationship between pixels by learning
image features using small squares of input data. It is a mathematical operation that takes two
inputs such as an image matrix and a filter or kernel. It also involves Padding where the picture is
padded with the zero(0) so that it fits, Non-Linearity (ReLU) which has the purpose to introduce
non-linearity in ConvNet. Since the real-world data would want ConvNet to learn would be non-
negative linear values. The next layer in CNN is the Pooling Layer which helps reduce the number
of parameters when the images are too large. Spatial pooling is also called subsampling or
downsampling which reduces the dimensionality of each map but retains important
information. There are various types of pooling Max pooling takes the largest element from the
rectified feature map. Taking the largest element could also take the average pooling. The Sum of
all elements in the feature map is called sum pooling. The further layer in CNN is the Fully
Connected Layer or Flatten Layer wherein the matrix is flattened into a vector and fed in a neural
network. The feature map matrix will be converted as a vector (x1, x2, x3, …). With the fully
connected layers, we combined these features together to create a model. And the last step in this
model is the final output which is extracted after following all the above stages.

We have applied a convolutional neural network on the fruits dataset in order to find the better classification performance of the network. For
determining the overall classification accuracies, we have taken cases where we applied different combinations of hidden layers (convolution and
pool) for 10 epochs and calculated the accuracies on the test and training set. The accuracies were obtained using the TensorFlow library in python.
The highest classification accuracy on the test images was found (Conv1, pool1, Conv2, pool2 with dropout)to be 98%. This shows the greatest
performance of the network on the test set which consecutively occurred at 7 up to 10 epochs. Training the CNN by various combinations of hidden
layers and increasing the number of epochs resulted in the highest test accuracy than the training accuracy. The losses for different epochs for
different combinations of convolution and pool. Different responses were found in different combinations. The loss curve responded in a downward
direction at the start. The loss was the most for the early epochs and gradually decreased up to 10 epochs. The loss soothed approximately at 0.0793
from 8 epochs up to 10 epochs. Following are the output figures for Training and Testing which classify Good Fruit from Rotten Fruit and Grade the
fruits for diseases. This dataset contains 9747 images The dataset contains the following Training set size: 7840 images. Test set size: 1907 images .

PROJECT BY Department of
This project provides an efficient and accessible technique to detect fruit disease
Mr. Rishabh Nabar Information
using a web application. This system uses the ordinary web app with a dataset to
Ms. Sakshi Pawar Technology,
capture fruit and detect. Fruit disease detection strategy would likewise elevate
Mr. Devanshu Dagonkar Pimpri Chinchwad
Indian Farmers to do smart cultivating which sets aside the opportunity to time
Mr. Shubham Bhosale College of Engineering,
choices which additionally spare time and lessen the loss of fruit because of
diseases. This research can be extended to increase the accuracy using soft Savitribai Phule
computing techniques and validate with more samples. This feature is very useful University Pune, India
Dr. Roshani Raut
for the farmers and useful for different purposes. 2020-2021

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