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A Survey Paper on Classification of Fruits

Dr. Roshani Raut Ms Sakshi Pawar Mr Devanshu Dagonkar Mr Shubham Bhosale Mr Rishabh Nabar

Professor, Department of Department of Department of Department of

Department of Information Information Information Information Information
Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology,
Pimpri Chinchwad College Pimpri Chinchwad Pimpri Chinchwad Pimpri Chinchwad Pimpri Chinchwad
of Engineering, Savitribai College of Engineering, College of Engineering, College of Engineering, College of Engineering,
Phule University Pune, Savitribai Phule Savitribai Phule Savitribai Phule Savitribai Phule
India University Pune, India University Pune, India University Pune, India University Pune, India

roshani.raut@pccoepune.or pawarsakshi2703@gma daggaonkard1998@gm

g m m

Department of Information Technology,

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule University,
Pune, India

Abstract- This paper demonstrates the method for classification of fruit and grade(accuracy).Diseases in fruits and plants are the main
reasons for the agricultural loss. This work focuses on developing a user-friendly tool which recognizes the level of the disease and
grades them accordingly. This model uses convolution neural networks for the classification, which is again retrained using transfer
learning technique. Identification and classification of diseases of fruits are done through various algorithms. The main focus of our
work is obtaining the analysis of different fruit disease detection techniques and also provides an overview of these techniques. A
research on detection of disease and fruit grading is useful for agriculture and farmers. By identifying the type of disease in fruits and
also grading of fruit based on its quality. For detection of disease required different features of fruit and classifiers classified these
features. For fruit grading segment the image after segmentation calculates the infected and healthy portion of fruit and grading based
on percentage of infection on fruit.Some extraction methods like Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), Histogram of Oriented
Gradient (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are discussed with the common features of fruits like color, size, shape and texture.
Machine learning algorithms like K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and
Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) are also discussed. Process, advantages, disadvantages, challenges occurring in fruit
classification and grading is discussed in this paper, which can give direction to researchers.

Keywords- CNN classifier, Fruit detection, feature extraction, disease detection, fruit


India is an agricultural country and Indian farmers select a wide range of fruit and vegetable crops. The cultivation of crops can be
improved by technological support. India is the agricultural land, India produces 44.04 million tons of fruit and it is a second largest
producer of fruits. India contributes 10% in world fruit production. India is the world's largest producer of many fresh fruits and
vegetables, milk, major species, jute, millet and castor oil seeds. India is the world's second largest producer of wheat and rice. India is
world’s second or third largest producer of several dry fruits, agriculture based textile raw materials, roots and tuber crops, pulses,
farmed fish, eggs, coconut, sugarcane and numerous vegetables Indian farmers grow a variety of fruits that are apple, banana, citrus,
grape, mango, guava, papaya, and watermelon .So fruits play a very important role for farmers and also for agriculture.In India, crop
yield is declined due to the post-recognition of diseases in fruits/vegetables by the farmers.Due to advancement in vision based
computing capabilities and as algorithms can understand images and videos, systems can be prepared now which understand what we
are looking at and what actions we need to perform . Many machine vision algorithms are available for agricultural applications too
These algorithms are used frequently for speed, economic benefits and proper inspection, measurement and evaluation tasks. For
acquiring a variety of information from the farms, such as fruit and vegetable detection, estimation of fruit size and weight, fruit and
vegetable identification, leaf area and yield estimation, plants, classification and grading, computer vision algorithms are often used
for it, autonomous Selective sprayers used and much more . Among the above, fruit classification and fruit grading is one of the most
important and difficult tasks as in the supermarket the cashiers need to know the different categories of a fruit element to determine its
price . related with image processing for agriculture. Fruit industry contributes around 20% of the country's development. Neural
Network techniques are very popular and useful for image classification and identification of fruits respectively. This work is done
based on the color, size, and shape of the fruit.Machine classification and grading can be carried out automatically if some standard
rules for grading criteria are made. Automatic sorting systems that can perform fast, save time and reduce manual labor can be used
because it has a higher priority because of the ever-growing need for high-quality fruit.

The primary objective of this work is to develop a fruit quality monitoring system using fruit image analysis. Helping the user identify
the difference between good and bad fruits. Being cost effective by recognizing the real problem in the yield of diseased fruits.
Supporting farmers by preventing them to bear any major financial losses. Also the objective of this work is to develop a fruit quality
monitoring system using fruit image analysis by color image processing. According to the brightness value of the image pixels, the
fruit characteristic parameters are picked up from the images.


● “Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases Using Complete Local Binary Patterns” Author: Shiv Ram Dubey,
Anand Singh Jalal, 2012 Third International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology. Diseases in fruit
cause devastating problems in economic losses and production in the agricultural industry worldwide. The image processing
based proposed approach is composed of the following main steps, in the first step K-Means clustering technique is used for
the image segmentation, in the second step some state of the art features are extracted from the segmented image, and finally
images are classified into one of the classes by using a Multi-class Support Vector Machine. The classification accuracy for
the proposed solution is achieved up to 93%.

● “Identification of Artificially Ripened Fruits using Machine Learning“ Author: Harshad Vaviya , Ajay Kumar Yadav,
Vijaykumar Vishwakarma, Nasim Shah, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Science & Technology (ICAST) 2019 .
Ripening of fruit is a natural process. Ethylene is responsible for the ripening process which is produced naturally in fruit.
But dealers and sellers often use chemicals like CaC2 (Calcium carbide) to quicken this process so their product will enter the
market early and they can maximize profit. Fruits are kept in storage with chemicals. The proposed system gets an image of
fruit under the test and compares it with the features of naturally ripened fruit and artificially ripened fruit and gives the
output with the probability.

● “Fruit Recognition and Grade of Disease Detection using Inception V3 Model” Author: Nikhitha M, Roopa Sri S, Uma
Maheswari B, 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA).In
India, crop yield is declined due to the post-recognition of diseases in fruits/vegetables by the farmers. Farmers face great
economic loss worldwide. Diseases in fruits and plants are the main reasons for the agricultural loss. Knowing the health
status of fruits/vegetables helps farmers to improve their productivity. This motivates us to design and develop a tool to help
farmers detect the diseases in the early stage itself. This work focuses on developing a
user-friendly tool which recognizes the level of the
disease and grades them accordingly. Inception model uses convolutional neural networks for the classification, which is
again retrained using transfer learning technique. The proposed system also grades the fruit based on the percentage of
infection. The system is developed in the Tensor flow platform. For the proposed work banana, apple and cherry fruits have
been considered.
● “Assessment of Fruit using Digital Image Processing,” Author: K. Raut, V. Bora, International journal of Science technology
& Engineering, 2016. In recent years automatic vision based technology has become more powerful and more efficient to
many areas including agricultural fields and food industry. An automatic vision based system for sorting and grading of fruit
like cherry and strawberry based on their maturity level discussed here. The most common property to measure quality of any
fruit is its appearance which includes colour, shape, size and surface conditions. The analysis of colour is especially an
important consideration when determining the efficiency of fruit. This study used an inexpensive method to predict cherry
and strawberry color parameters by combining image processing and artificial neural network (ANN) technique. The
automatic vision based technology consisted of a CCD camera for image acquisition, MATLAB software for image analysis
and ANN for modeling.

● “Classification of selected apple fruit varieties using naive bayes”Author:Dr Miriti, Evans, 2016 University of
NairobiManual”, Sorting of apple fruit varieties results in high cost, subjectivity, tediousness and inconsistency associated
with human beings. A means for distinguishing apple varieties is needed and therefore, some reliable technique is needed to
discriminate varieties rapidly and non-destructively. The main objective of this research was to investigate the applicability
and performance of Naive Bayes algorithm in classification of apple fruit varieties. The software methodology involved
image acquisition, pre-processing and segmentation, analysis and classification of apple varieties. The Apple classification
system prototype was built using the MATLAB R2015 development platform environment. The results showed that the
averaged values of the estimated accuracy, sensitivity, precision and specificity were 91%, 77%, 100% and 80% respectively.
Through previous research works, the literature review identified MLP-Neural (Unay et al., 2006), fuzzy logic (Kavdir et al.,
2003), principal components analysis (Bin et al., 2007) and neural networks (Ohali et al., 2011) as other technique which
have been used previously to classify apple varieties. Benchmarking the performance of Naive Bayes technique against
Principal Components Analysis, Fuzzy Logic and MLP-Neural classification technique showed that the Naive Bayes
techniques performance was consistent with that of Principal Components Analysis, Fuzzy Logic and MLP-Neural with 91%,
90%, 89%, and 83% respectively in terms of accuracy. This study indicated that Naive Bayes has good potential for
identification of apples varieties nondestructively and accurately. Keywords: Apple fruit, Sorting and Grading of Agricultural
products, Image processing techniques, Naive Bayes Technique, Pattern Recognition, Classification.

Classifier is used for classifying images based on their features.
There are many classifiers available. Naive Bayes Classifier, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Forest Tree Classifier.

1. Naive Bayes Classifier

Bayes classifier is a simple probabilistic classifier. It is based on applying Bayes' theorem (from Bayesian statistics).Bayes theorem
is basically a strong independence assumption theorem. In [9] used Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Naive Bayes classifier in which
probabilities obtained from the estimates of the probability mass function using training data.

2. k-Nearest neighbour classifier (k-NN)

k-NN is a statistical classifier. k-NN calculates distance metric for samples and classifies based on this distance. It assigns data to
the most represented category within its closest k neighbours [8].In which mostly Euclidean distance is used for distances calculation
between the features values of the test input with training fruits. In k-NN algorithm will find out the ‘K’ shortest distance for the input
fruit and then after assign the input fruit to their respective class based on ‘K’ values are

3. Support Vector Machines (SVM)

SVM is used as a classifier. SVM was proposed for only 2-class problems, but for multi-class problems we can extend SVM using
near-against-one or one against-all strategies [13]. SVM is also used for decision making. It works on two stages. First is the off-line
process, where training is performed with the set of cells requiring to be sprayed and not to be sprayed and also the decision function
is computed. Second is the on-line process, where decision making is performed for each new incoming cell, based on the decision
function computed in the off-line process. Another one uses Multi-class Support Vector Machine (MSVM) as a set of binary Support
Vector Machines (SVMs) for the training and classification [2].
4. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Artificial neural networks are inspired by the concept of the biological neurons system; it is a most popular method in which it gives
top accuracy 99% for date fruit [8].In which two dataset available one for training and another for testing. Train the dataset first after
that compares it with the testing dataset.
Neural Network (NN) was used for detection of disease for apple fruit and classifies for two apple disease [1] in this paper they
used mean squared error condition for training the dataset. In this paper [14] identified normal and infected apple fruits by two layer
feed forward network with sigmoid function for neurons. Network is trained with the scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation

5. Decision Tree Classifier

Decision tree classifier as name suggested is structure like a tree in which first of all source is split into subset based on its attribute
values [22].In which leaves represent class labels and branches represent conjunctions of features that lead to those classes. This
process splits the data until no further splitting is possible or all has the same value of target variable. Many decision trees consist of
random forest tree classifiers and outputs the category based on classes output by particular trees. Each tree gives a classification, and
we say the tree "votes" for that class [9]. The forest chooses the classification having the most votes (over all the trees in the forest).

Classifier Merits Demerits

Naive 1. Naive Bayes classifier is required only for a 1. It can’t learn interaction between different
Bayes small amount of training data for features because its dependency exists among
classification. variables.

k-NN 1. Simple implementation. 1. Sensitiveness to noisy or irrelevant data.

2. Classes don’t have to be linearly separable. 2. Testing procedure is time consuming because of
calculation of distance to all known instances.

SVM 1. SVM is well suited to work with high 1. Selection of kernel function and kernel
dimensional data. parameters for mapping original data into higher
2. Classification accuracy is more as dimensional data is difficult.
compared to other conventional classification 2. Learning process can be time consuming.
3. SVM is robust enough, even when training
samples have some distortion.

ANN 1. Robust and user friendliness and can 1. Scalability problem.

handle noisy data. 2. Require large number training samples.
2. Well suited to analyze complex problems. 3. Requires more processing time

Decision 1. Easy to interpret for small-sized trees. 1. Decision trees have been observed to overfit for
Tree 2. Accuracy is comparable to other some dataset with noisy classification and
classification techniques for many simple regression.
data sets.
Summary of fruit classification and grading methods
External properties of fruits like color, size, shape, texture and different defects are very important attributes of fruits for
classification and grading. Nowadays due to advancement in machine vision and availability of low cost hardware and software,
manual work of fruit classification and grading has been replaced with automated machine vision systems. Another reason for
non-destructive automation can be its ability to produce accurate, rapid, objective and efficient results over manual work. This paper
reviews the basic process flow of fruit classification and grading. Feature extraction methods for color, size, shape and texture are
explained with SURF, HOG and LBP features. Finally some machine learning approaches like KNN, SVM, ANN and CNN are briefly
discussed. Though some challenges are still needed to overcome, machine vision will prove to be the future for non-destructive fruit
classification and grading. In the future, we can work on image classification for local fruits and vegetables. We can also prepare
algorithms and machines for fruits and vegetable grading. It can also be used for plants/ leaves/ flowers identification and
classification. A system can be developed which will identify plants/leaf/flower and provide information regarding it. We can also
work on some more features for grading and classification, which can identify types of disease and/or texture structure of fruits. All
these are future directions. One can work on these and prepare prototype models, which can be used in industries. One can even
develop mobile applications for the same based on above methods and farmers or general public can use it for identification,
classification and grading of horticultural products

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