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Color Coding
● Fixed for the next build, can be removed from the list once verified on the specified build
● Supposedly fixed for next build (needs testing - mark fixed once verified)
● Tweaked for better behaviour
● Needs reproduction steps
● Won’t fix (for the time being)
● Not a bug

General Issues
● [b11] Hovering over the Loadout on the Weekly screen crashes the game. [A]
● [b11] Camera panning on 60 FPS seems to be very snappy (not gradual). If this
was implemented, it might have been implemented incorrectly.
● [b11] Mutation buttons pop-in awkwardly on 60 FPS. (mutbutton alarms might be
affected twice by stacking with the button object time scale fix?).
● [b11] Page 15 of the credits skips to the next page too early, where it scrolls from
Valve to COOL BIG MONEY BIZNIZ INC. (Does not seem to be FPS related). The
Special Thanks page before it lasts a lot longer than other pages, which may be
● [b10] Game sometimes crashes when entering a level. [A]
○ Similar crash, but referencing Ammo chests (May also be fixed in b10). [A]
● [b10] The corner unlock splat’s (UnlockPopup) delay before appearing(?) and
disappearing seems to still pass twice as fast on 60 FPS.
○ [b12] The corner unlock splat no longer appears at all.
● [b10] The re-coded menu buttons don’t pop-in one-by-one like legacy menus. [A]
○ [b12] The re-coded menu buttons still appear all at once instead of
● [b9] Rockets accelerate twice as fast on 60 FPS (Rocket, JockRocket,
○ Probably fixed, but hard to tell cause they accelerate so fast already.
● [b12] When using 60 FPS, each level on a seeded run seems to have an equal
chance at 2 different layouts. Both layouts are different from the 30 FPS layout.
● Enemies rarely get stuck in walls, and other objects probably do too.
○ GMS2 seems to add the instance’s speed to its position right after the
solid collision event plays, unlike GMS1 collision. Doing x -= hspeed; y -=
vspeed; at the end of all Wall/InvisiWall collision events should fix that. [A]
○ If the above is implemented, it may be worth undoing the earlier Player fix.
● [b11] The DELETE DATA screen is slightly visually broken. [A]
● [b12] The in-game leaderboards for the daily and weekly never load.
● [b12] The WEEKLY button isn’t grayed out when the weekly is inactive.
● [b12] During level gen, weapon chests set the seed, increment
GameCont.wepdrops, and then set the seed to GameCont.levseed in their Player
collision event, although they don’t open. This results in very long tunnels or
frozen level generation, which is difficult to debug. (See: WeaponChest,
GoldChest, BigWeaponChest, BigCursedChest, GiantWeaponChest,
● When pressing the ‘QUIT’ button on the daily or weekly has the potential of no
entry data being sent to Allowing people to do the daily multiple
times if they are lucky. It is inconsistent.
● Setting the FPS over 60 through NuclearThrone.ini causes slow motion. [A]
● [MacOS] Mouse Crosshair goes out of bounds and makes you unable to shoot.
Only happens in game or in the character selection screen. Not the main menu.
Replication Steps
● The safespawn wall can trap enemies/props/chests. (SpawnWall object) [A]
● Pickup-related objects can get stuck on their last frame of shine on 60 FPS. [A]
● The portal can spawn if an enemy is killed while a Raven is in flight. [A]
● The portal can spawn jarringly early while Big Dog is exploding if something is
killed right before/after he starts exploding.
● Necromancer repeatedly tried to revive an explosion decal (invisible Dog
Guardian (size > 2) corpse?) [A]
● 1-frame guns like miniguns make the screen really blurry on 60 FPS (Appears to
be due to screenshifting rather than screenshake, 2nd argument of weapon_post)
● Frog’s gas (right-click) cannot trigger Throne/Captain(?)
● Frog has some bugged gas-release audio code, but that might be intentional.
● Enemy Horror seemingly can’t be spawned in Pizza Sewers. (Skip big rad canister
in Sewers -> big rad canister in Pizza Sewers -> Horror spawns in Scrapyards)
● The 3-1 weapon chest repeats the Pizza Sewers weapon chest.
● Rarely, pizza sewer entrance can rarely not spawn in 2-1 due to the entire floor
being the alternate tileset.
● Picking up crowns from the pedestal will skip a mutation seed, including
Patience’s set if it’s taken on entering the vault (Might be a bug that people like).
● Rad canisters get replaced by the 3-1 YV car about half the time, and rarely by the
jungle ice flower, making them not spawn at all.
● Rad canisters can rarely spawn on the same tile as another prop. [A] (seed is
117238671 in u99r2b1) [B]
● Rad canisters spawned on 7-3 by Open Mind are placed randomly. [Bad], [Good]
● The Hide HUD option also disables the Low HP and Low Ammo sound cues.
● Pausing on the frame that a boss intro plays creates buttons over the intro. [A]
● Can’t select Skeleton’s stats using left or right, only mouse. [A]
● Rebel’s Personal Guard ultra can spawn allies on the ending cutscene.
● Dead server props can spawn outside of the level [A] (NTT 9944 Seed: 56965003)
● Objects can rarely appear clipped and jittery when their x/y ends in 0.5. [A] [B]
● The circles of light drawn on dark levels are offset by (+1, +1) (system-specific?)
[Normal] [Fixed]
● The re-coded menus seem to start with the first button selected, instead of
having nothing selected by default.
● TopDecals/TopPots can get instantly destroyed around the spawn. (Could be
important for the Scrapyards car decal?) [A]
● Horror’s beam doesn’t deal damage to closed proto statues.
● “Best Run” area displays HQ3 if it ends with the Throne I cutscene.
● The Mac version crashes when referencing self. [A]

NTT Specific Issues

● Re-adjust speed based on old/new friction in friction_set so that setting friction
after speed isn’t dangerous
● instance_place always returns noone (was fixed in 9941, but broke again) [A]
● instance_find always returns 0 (was fixed in 9941, but broke again) [A]
● Custom areas get this error sometimes [A]
● “I'm getting this error whenever a horror bullet hits a customhitme” [A]
● “from blowing up a car (there are indeed customenemies)” [A]
● “I did a co-op game in the beta with both clients on the same computer and
replays enabled” [A]
● Strange hard-crash related to shaders:
● Using array_insert on arrays that contain arrays at index 0 causes a hard crash [A]
● While loop with just a decrement operator is broken: var i = 5; while(i--) trace(i); [A]
● Problems with draw_set_projection()? [A], [B], [C]
○ This breaks the mouse’s position, wtf: [D]
○ draw_set_projection(1) doesn’t seem to subtract the screen coordinates
● Referencing a variable that doesn’t exist in BackCont, Messenger produces an
error [A] [B] [C] (“name” in x, variable_instance_get/set/exists, instances_matching,
● A desync occurs if you store a golden weapon on a custom character in single
player and then use that character in an online session. (Local players see the
golden weapon, non-local players see the character’s normal starting weapon)
● Errors can softlock the game by preventing player input:
○ Prevents the use of chat: [A]
○ Prevents the use of chat and pausing: [B]
● Strange num==string comparison [A]
○ If this is intentional, typeof could be a useful addition
● When you load/reload a mod, each script definition (#define scriptname) takes up
memory that never gets freed (until you quit the game).
● Globally unique keys in LWOs take up memory that only frees at the main menu:
○ [A] Takes up a little permanent memory.
○ [B] Causes a constant permanent uptick in memory.
● Custom sprites animate based on room_speed, which breaks timescale a little
○ An instance with a custom sprite, image_speed=0.4, and room_speed=15
will animate at 0.8 speed, and 0.2 speed if room_speed=60.
○ Using a base game sprite always animates at 0.4 speed.
● gravity doesn’t get internally adjusted by current_time_scale.
● Custom golden weapons aren’t storable [A]
● Instances made by instance_copy don’t have collision until their bounding box
changes (like until they move, their mask_index changes, etc.) [A]
● instance_copy copies an instance’s depth from the previous frame [A]
● A desync occurs during a replay when returning to the character select menu [A]
● Horror’s rad attraction breaks on awkward timescales (Player.horrornorad can tick
to a negative value, making rad attraction break after using the beam once)
● Vans can deal damage after stopping on awkward timescales (^ Van.drivespeed)
● instance_delete doesn’t call the on_cleanup event for CustomSlash.
● The projectile_hit-related scripts don’t set image_index to 0 for CustomEnemy.
● Using -1 as the index argument for point_seen_ext() seems to include non-active
players in the check, unlike point_seen(x, y, -1) which only searches active players.
● ClusterNade and Flare don’t pass creator to the projectiles they create.
● LastBall doesn’t pass creator to the projectiles it creates (it doesn’t pass team
either, but that one is probably intentional be careful)
● Sentry guns don’t set the creator of their bullets to the Player that created it.
● MaggotSpawn never sets hitid, causing an error if you try to trace it
● ToxicBolts don’t pass their hitid to the Player’s lasthit.
● Sounds replaced by sound_replace break sound_play_music/sound_play_ambient.
● The weapons Wrench, Screwdriver, Golden Screwdriver, and Guitar all play their
firing sound in a way that does not support sound_assign().
● Playing a sound that doesn’t exist (like -1) using sound_play_pitch() or
sound_play_pitchvol() permanently changes the pitch/volume of sndSwapPistol
(index 0)
● script_get_name(0) returns undefined, can’t use it to get the first script’s name.
● Exposing these variables would fix most instance_change related bugginess:
(bugginess caused by instance variable sandboxing mixed with the fact that
instances are referred to by their old object index for the rest of the frame)
○ Raven : targetx, targety
○ RavenFly : wepseed, my_health
○ BigMaggotBurrow : (All of BigMaggot’s variables)
○ LilHunterFly : (All of LilHunter’s variables)
● player_fire_ext sets FireCont’s speed to 0 after firing, meaning this doesn’t work:
with(player_fire_ext(...)){ other.hspeed += hspeed; other.vspeed += vspeed; }
● draw_text_nt(x, y, “@Text”) offsets the text even though it removes no characters.
(only seen on fa_center/fa_right) [A]
● Selecting a custom character’s main weapon on the loadout doesn’t play
sndMenuRevolver (switching from their golden weapon to the main weapon).
● HUD weapon/mutation on-hover text blinks at >1 timescale. [A]
● HUD mutation on-hover text is blocked by player ¾’s HUD [A]
● HUD mutation on-hover text isn’t set to gray after the name [A]
● Higher values for Y.V.’s Throne Butt seem to give less reload, like skill_set(5, 5).
● Players dying set Crown’s persistent to false even if other co-op players exist.
(Makes your Crown disappear for the rest of the run until you visit a vault)
● RogueBomb references other when creating explosions, which causes some
confusion when using event_perform(ev_alarm, 0).
● CrownGuardian can’t deal contact damage because its Player collision code is
copy-pasted from Guardian. (meleedamage is 0 by default, so NTT-only bug)
● During replays, non-synced api isn’t based on the client you’re currently
spectating [A]
○ Reported as a bug because things like HUD and prompts are based on
who you’re spectating.
○ player_find_local_nonsync, player_is_local_nonsync, mouse_x_nonsync,
mouse_y_nonsync, button_check_nonsync, button_pressed_nonsync,
button_released_nonsync, (and others?)
● The character select screen has 2 GameCont objects. *existed since before
GMS2 and hasn’t broken anything, so it’s only a very minor bug if too messy to fix.
● (Request)
○ A macro for the current mod’s type, like mod_current but for type.
○ .area mod events for music, ambience, and boss music, as trying to play
music or ambience like base game requires intercepting MusCont alarms.
○ Area constants
○ Make telekinesis attract all Pickup objects (instead of specifically
AmmoPickup,HPPickup,WepPickup,Rad,BigRad). This would make it easier
to create custom pickups, and fixes RoguePickup not getting attracted.
○ crown_get_pick() / crown_set_pick() for the current starting crown.
○ Mod-editable multipliers for the pickup drop chance and weapon drop
chance. Could be neat to make them per-enemy variables.
○ Increase the FPS cap to 240 to match 240hz monitors.
○ Macro arguments, for example:
#macro chance(a, b) random(b) < a
#macro scr_cool(a, b, c) mod_script_call(“mod”, “cool”, “scr_cool” a, b, c)
○ The command completion helper for /gml obscures the chat, which can be
inconvenient if you want to use traced info in your command. Maybe add
an exception for /gml that makes it go away once you start typing? [A]
○ Change how FireCont works so it doesn’t error or bug out with a large
amount of custom weapons.
■ To fix most errors, give FireCont all Player variables.
■ To fix custom burst weapons that use wait, and other weapons that
reference the FireCont past the initial shot, maybe create a new
FireCont for each unique creator, which destroys itself when the
creator no longer exists.
○ Fix Crown Vaults always returning to subarea 2, even if the proto statue
was on a non-2 subarea:
■ In ProtoStatue’s destroy event, before it sets the area to 100 add
if(area is not secret){ GameCont.lastarea = GameCont.area;
GameCont.lastsubarea = GameCont.subarea }
■ In CrownPickup’s destroy event set GameCont.subarea =
GameCont.lastsubarea instead of 2.
○ Custom Areas:
■ Callbacks area_background_color / area_shadow_color would be
nice for supporting the existing area_get_ scripts
■ Make Bones automatically set its sprite_index & image_index like
Floor/Wall/Detail/Debris, and call area_sprite for custom areas.
○ Offset draw_text_nt() @#(sprBanditIdle) using the width of the space
character instead of the “A” character (only affects fntChat/fntBigName)
○ Expose LoadoutCrown’s variables and LoadoutWep’s variables
○ Make array_sort_sub() sort strings, like the normal array_sort() does
○ Fix mod files with more than X tokens having weird compile errors? (Are
arrays used to store anything when compiling the mod? Maybe it’s the
32,000 size limit)
○ Starting a run with a custom crown (“/ccrown”) doesn’t call its crown_take
or game_start scripts.
○ Setting on_cleanup in CustomX objects to an index doesn’t automatically
make them a script reference like the other on_ variables do.
○ array_clear() seems to be array_find_index().
○ view_pan_factor[1] or above has no effect, all cameras use
view_pan_factor[0] [A]
○ Error with race_skin_avail in co-op when swapping between skins. [A], [B]
○ string_width() / string_height() don’t seem to take line breaks into account.
[A], [B]
○ weapon_get_list() doesn’t pass an argument0 to the weapon_area(wep)
○ Weps drawn on the loadout don’t pass an argument0 to
○ Refreshing the Menu creates a new Loadout without destroying the old
○ The “Default” cursor draws below the mod list, chat, timer, the NTT banner,
○ Custom sounds return 0 for sound_exists() & “<undefined>” for

Requires Confirmation / More Info

● Weapon chests + Radiation canisters opened by portals at the end of a level will
have the chance to upgrade to Big Wep chest + Rad can for the next level.
○ A weapon chest was probably skipped at some point before, because the
chance for a big chest doesn’t reset until a big chest is opened. The rad
canister makes less sense, but maybe they had Open Mind and didn’t
realize a canister was still on the level?
● “Despite having vsync enabled i still got a bit of a screen tearing on the top of the
monitor. Not really annoying but is there. Its a 60hz 2k monitor if it helps.”
● Game sometimes crashes while exiting it, “frequency varies device to device” [A]
● Report of the game running “sluggish” on 60 FPS. Restarting the game fixed this,
but tabbing out and back in made it run sluggish again. (If reproducible, see if it
persists with other fullscreen options)
● Some people report having worse performance on the beta build. “Game is so
well-optimized that some CPUs do not interpret the game as a game, causing
in-game lag due to underclocking.”
○ Rads are very laggy for some people, may be related to underclocking. [A]
(Likely a coincidence that offscreen rads blinked out when the van

● When a save file gets corrupted, the game could make a copy of it before
generating a new one so that people can potentially fix it, or at least have a
record of their unlocks to edit the new file with.
● Make Rogue’s blast armor explosions delete enemy grenades instead of calling
their destroy event, so that Loop 3+ is less punishing for Rogue.
● Leaving HQ now consistently returns to the area/subarea you entered HQ on +1,
but for meta/WR consistency some players request that either:
○ Leaving HQ adds +1 difficulty. (Easier/safer to implement)
○ Leaving HQ returns to the area/subarea you entered HQ on.
● The cake could appear on NT’s anniversary.
● Pause game audio when the game is paused (not for boss intros), so looping
sounds don’t persist (Salamanders, Throne’s beam, etc.) and long sounds aren’t
separated from their visual (Throne, IDPD/Van portals, Laser Crystals, etc.)
○ Where it deactivates all objects:
○ Where it reactivates all objects:

Confirmed Fixed
● [b10] Adjusting Screenshake crashed the game. [A]
● [b10] Menu buttons still pop-in twice as fast on 60 FPS. (Should be fixed by giving
alarm time scale support to the button object)
● [b10] The character selection screen has no ambience (Turns out it uses
MusCont alarm0 for the character selection screen too).
● [b10] BigPortals still rapidly flip left and right when the player is in them.
● [b10] The pause screen and game over screen’s buttons are rotated more than
they should be, and no longer fit their shadows.
● [b10] The new Loadout closing splat is visible for a frame when first entering the
character selection screen.
● [b9] (Suggestion) Implement the unused Loadout closing splat. [A] [B]
● [b9] The player occasionally gets stuck on walls. Needs testing whether it is 60
FPS related or not. (Current provided fail-safe is to break the walls) [A] [Possible
● [b9] Big Dog doesn’t set a weapon seed because he spawns through the
BecomeScrapBoss prop.
● [b9] Stream key is turned off when the game starts. This is annoying if you want
to use the stream key consistently.
● [b9] Horror’s beam doesn’t block projectiles from an Enemy Horror’s beam (Likely
broken by the co-op beam crossing effect?).
● [b9] Blood Slashes don’t play the Player’s hurt sound when it damages them.
● [b9] Crown of Hatred doesn’t play the Player’s hurt sound for ammo chests.
● [b9] Weapon swapping sounds still play in the credits/HQ3 after sitting on the
throne. (The addition of swapping during level transitions/boss intros likely
causes this)
● [b9] Hovering over the re-coded menu buttons on the main menu and settings
menus doesn’t play the on-hover sound.
● [b9] The re-coded menu buttons on the main menu and settings menus stay
selected when not hovered over, unlike before.
● [b9] Newlines in tips are visually broken (#). [A] [B]
● [b9] The unlock splat (UnlockPopup) appears and disappears twice as fast on 60
● [b9] Frog on the stats screen does not unlock properly (Should be ??? until a run
is played with them).
● [b9] The game’s intro splashes pass twice as fast on 60 FPS. (Don’t Exit While
Saving, Made in GameMaker: Studio, Vlambeer Logo, etc.)
● [b9] The total time stat ticks up twice as fast on 60 FPS (may happen with
per-character time too, hard to tell).
● [b9] Snow in Frozen City falls twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b9] Bubbles in Oasis rise twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b9] Flak cannon projectiles hitting walls have a number of their shrapnel
projectiles get stuck in the wall on 60 FPS.
● [b9] Portals rapidly flip left and right when the player is in them (very noticeable
on BigPortals and 60 FPS). It probably shouldn’t face the player while it’s closing.
● [b9] Pausing can be used to bypass i-frames. [A]
● [b9] Entering HQ in transitional areas will return to subarea 1 of the next area,
while entering HQ in main areas will return to subarea 3 of that area (Could be
intentional, just seems inconsistent I guess).
● [b9] Area music doesn’t play half of the time (In Desert, the main menu theme
plays when normal music doesn’t), boss music never plays, and the “After
Bloodshed” track never plays. If area music doesn't play, the ambience doesn’t
change either.
● [b9] Becoming Skeleton doesn’t reset the mutation seed counter so that you can
repeat what Melting’s mutations were. (Not necessarily a bug, although Leo
believes it’s important for Skeleton’s balance - see the bottom of this document)
● [b9] After a minute on the main menu, the Campfire ambience starts playing
instead of the portal ambience [A, changes at 24 seconds]
● [b9] Menu buttons still pop-in twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b9] The Credits screen still passes twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b8] The Credits screen appears to pass twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Possible fix for objects with friction travelling slightly farther on 60 FPS. [A]
● [b8] Distance-based audio has no fall-off and doesn’t sound quite right (set
audio_falloff_set_model(audio_falloff_exponent_distance) when the game starts).
● [b8] Only the GAME settings menu has a header on the pause screen.
● [b8] The DAILY and WEEKLY buttons tick their countdown twice as fast on 60
● [b8] The main menu’s second music track plays before the first one ends on 60
FPS. (There may be other music bugs if MusCont doesn’t support timescale)
● [b8] The intro screen where “NUCLEAR THRONE” is spelled letter by letter is
practically instant on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Game crashes when entering the character loadout menu. [A]
● [b8] Game crashes if “swap” is pressed on the Daily’s character selection screen.
● [b8] Game crashes when clicking the DAILY button to look at the leaderboards. [A]
● [b8] Game crashes when clicking the CO-OP button. [A]
● [b8] Enemy shells seem to start disappearing too early on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Flare projectiles have too many Flames in their trail on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Thrown weapons appear to spin at half speed on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Screenshake seems to dissipate twice as fast on 60 FPS.
● [b8] The Proto Statue’s lights disappear when it reaches max charge on 60 FPS.
● [b8] Rad canisters and chests can get stuck on their last frame of shine on 60
● [b8] DiscTrail, DiscDisappear, EatRad, and ThrowHit animate twice as fast on 60
● [b8] Menu buttons pop-in twice as fast on 60 FPS (Main Menu, Pause, Game Over,
Character Selection, etc.).
● [b7?] Looped sounds seem slightly broken:
○ Several sounds keep playing if they were playing whilst exiting the level:
■ Horror’s Beam
■ Lightning and Flame Cannons (FlameBall/LightningBall)
■ Eyes’ Telekinesis
○ Some sounds loop forever if you kill the enemy while they’re playing it(?)
■ Infinite Salamander Growls. (Doesn't persist to the next level)
■ The Throne’s walking sounds?
● [b6] The player sits slightly off-center on the IDPD HQ cutscene’s TV [A]
● [b6] Chicken appears to have two TVs occasionally, and sometimes it’s broken
[A], [B]
● [b6] Clicking the death screen’s Retry button crashes the game [A]
● [b6] Unable to cycle through the different leaderboard categories [A]
● [b6] Dark levels appear lit a frame after pausing. [A]
● [b6] The weekly displays the A-skin map icon if it uses a skin that you have
locked. [A]
● [b5] The “runs” stat increases for characters who become Frog by starting with
the Golden Frog Pistol (Kind of confusing, because it doesn’t seem to affect any
of the original character’s other stats).
● [b5] The DAILY button opens hardmode, and pressing the HARD button does
nothing. (Unknown if WEEKLY button is bugged, cannot check until the weekend)
● [b5] Going to Y.V.’s Crib now causes the Time Machine bug. (Skip an entire loop
under certain conditions.) [A]
● [b4] The Throne speech is used for Captain wins, instead of the Captain speech.
● [b4] Crystal’s Juggernaut shield always visually walks east, because when
drawing the legs it checks the shield’s hspeed instead of its creator’s hspeed.
● [b4] The blood streaks from Melting’s corpse explosions only move east, instead
of away from the Player [A]
● [b4] The sprThroneFlameEnd sprite doesn’t play when you initially shoot the
throne, the flames just instantly disappear [Quick fix, place in NothingInactive
destroy event]
● [b4] Pillars have a weird offset shadow [A] (spr_shadow_y of -3 looks good)
● [b4] Cancelled line breaks “\#” still display the “\” [A]
● [b4] Ultra bolts have an unnecessary check for i-frames. Has weird side effects:
● [b4] Certain enemy projectiles ignore Euphoria’s slowdown effect. (JockRocket,
PopoRocket, PopoSlug, PopoPlasmaBall, EFlakBullet, TrapFire)
● [b4] If a boss is killed on the same frame they play their music, their music can
continue playing until the end of the level.
● [b4] Add a check in TechnoMancer’s destroy event for if(my_health <= 0) so they
don’t instantly activate other TechnoMancers and create random pickups on the
floor. (Loop Labs level gen randomly spawns and destroys a bunch of
● [b4] Skeleton’s Blood Gamble requires you to have enough rads to fire an ultra
weapon, even though it doesn’t consume any rads.
● [b4] Unable to turn off gamepad mode without a controller.
● [b4] Hyper Crystal can have “ghost” orbitals that slide around and deal contact
damage at a different place from which they appear.
● [b4] Throne 2’s arena can have invisible walls over floors if they were adjacent to
another wall tile. ([A] -> [B], The left quarter wall sticks around and blocks players
that can’t see it at all)
● [b4] Plant’s snare can push enemies into walls and out of the level [A]
● [b4] YV’s Crib can skip transitional areas like Sewers, Crystal Caves, Campfire,
● [b4] Fire traps have strange Player-stopping collision (Traps set solid to true,
why?) [A]
● [b4] Flame Shells don’t deal an extra 1 damage at point-blank range.
● [b4] If you have Crown of Destiny and level up in a Crown Vault, taking a crown
removes the mutation point even if you take Crown of Destiny again. [A]
● [b4] When the player gets revived as Melting into Skeleton he keeps the bad side
effect of the crown of Destiny, but not the extra mutation.
● [b4] If Alt+Esc is used after clicking QUIT from the main menu, the mouse cursor
will be bound to the window position even after the game closes. Does not occur
on U99r1.
● [b4] Portals can rarely spawn outside of the level if an enemy dies out of the level.
● [b4] Vans don’t deal contact damage to the Player [A]
● [b4] Going into windowed mode seems to break resolution and mouse control
until fullscreen is reenabled. [A]
● [b4] Dying during a Gator or JungleAssassin’s firing delay causes this error: [A]
● [b4] Ravens can get stuck in a wall if pushed the frame before they take flight (Set
their speed to 0 when they change into a RavenFly) [A]
● [b4] The total time stat should increase constantly [A] (remove the extra checks
for tot_time, keep them for ctot_time)
● [b4] The timer appears on the level up / pause screen even if you have it disabled.
● [b4] The gamepad confirmation text goes off the screen. [A]
● [b4] Rogue’s B-skin unlock splat is a black screen. (BUnlockScreen’s depth should
be -10000)
● [b4] Vans appear above the IDPD they release.
● [b4] Corpses often appear above rads
● [b4] Weapons/pickups appear above player projectiles
● [b4] VenuzCarpet and FloorMiddle appear between Scorch/ScorchTop [A], [B]
● [b4] Snare appears below CampfireOff [A]
● [b4] Yung Cuz (Crib) seems to have their spr_to and spr_from sprites backwards.
○ [b4] (Also a request) Make their image_xscale face the nearest Player
when they animate their look-at-player sprites so they aren’t just looking
● [b3] The version tag on the pause menu overlaps the timer. [A]
● [b3] Laser hitscan seems to stop before colliding with an enemy, instead of after,
so the laser doesn’t damage the enemy [A]
● [b3] The timer appears below skill/crown buttons on the level up screen. [A]
● [b3] Pausing and unpausing causes the drawing order of portal spirals to break?
(Due to decimal depth no longer being supported in GMS2?) [A]
● [b3] Opening hardmode and then going back to the menu to view the daily
leaderboard shows H1 instead of L1 for everyone’s area.
● [b3] Some campfire characters are missing from the scene despite being
● [b3] Big Dog’s campfire character doesn’t seem to have a shadow
● [b3] CampfireOff appears above corpses. [A]
● [b3] Plasma impacts always knock enemies east.
● [b3] Turrets can die during their mask-less spawn due to Player alarm10.
● [b3] Wrong fonts used for loadout selection and credits, possibly others.
● [b3] The map’s loop colors are broken past loop 6. (Reported to always be red
beyond this point)
● [b2] Throne 2 sometimes ceases to attack, softlocking the game. (GMS2 / Switch
port bug). (Seemingly this happens when the multi-directional star beam comes
out: [A])
● [b2] IDPD explosions are supposed to deal 8 damage per hit, but instead deal 4.
● [b2] Horror's beam sound doesn't stop playing until you release the button or the
portal opens.
● [b2] Enemies that give 0 kills, like revived freaks, count towards total kills in stats
(overall and per-character).
● [b2] Blood Hammer can hurt the player even if it touches an enemy, due to
● [b2] Friendly hitme objects like allies, saplings, other co-op players can block your
lasers. [A]
● [b2] Turrets do not spawn in the Labs. (caused by an NTT 9941 change)
● [b2] Walls break irregularly when pausing on tile break. [A]
● [b2] The “HARD”/”DAILY”/”WEEKLY” text at the campfire versus the
loading/pause screen is very slightly offset [A]
● [b2] Melting's explo splats appear above corpses, rads, and shadows. [A]
● [b2] Frozen City’s “Breath” effect appears below the Player, making it barely
● [b2] Using seed.txt adds a [SEEDED] tag to Dailies/Weeklies (doesn’t affect the
● [b2] The crown pedestal appears above projectiles, drops, corpses, snare, etc.
● [b2] Bones decals sometimes appear above lower Bones decals. [A]
● [b2] Gamma Guts is inconsistent with enemies like Rats due to how GameMaker
prioritizes collision events.
● [b2] Vans appear below debris when coming to a stop. [A]
● [b2] NothingPipes appear above Plant’s snare.
● [b2] Corpses randomly vibrate [A]
● [b2] The player can instantly fire on the next level if they were shooting a
bullet/melee weapon while in a level-ending portal.
● [b2] Feeding the IceFlower sets the Player’s hitbox angle to their direction.
● [b2] Non-grunts can spawn from pre-loop Lil Hunter’s IDPD portals if he dies
before they open.
● [b2] Double weapon drops with Crown of Guns still give 2 of the same weapon
(20 seconds in the clip) [A]
● [b2] Saplings play their spawn animation twice. (Technically they don’t play their
spawn animation once because they instantly take damage)
● [b2] sprMutant2GoSit and sprSaplingDead both have a broken frame. [A]
● [b2] The continue button on the game over unlock screen appears below the
splat, and also appears gray instead of white. [A]
● [b2] Loading screen time counts towards a character’s total time in stats.
● [b2] Health bar blinks after sitting on the throne.
● [b2] Big Dog doesn’t unlock on April 1st.
● [b2] Campfire characters can appear above lower campfire characters. [A]
● [b2] Cursed Laser Crystals can ghost telefrag: Teleport next to a wall, move into
the wall, hurt the player, and then get put back where they were.
● [b2] (Gamepad) Rogue’s portal strike points right for a frame, instead of
perpendicular to the player. Feels slightly confusing and could kill players trying
to use it quickly. [A]
● [b2] Crown of Luck can set headless Chicken’s HP to 1 if they’re at 0 maxhealth.
(Probably not worth fixing, cause it’s a neat synergy that only helps the player)
● [b?] On gamepad, holding the confirm/A button when clicking
NORMAL/DAILY/etc. instantly starts a run. Have to quickly release the button to
stay at the campfire.
○ In the beta the Random character’s button starts highlighted, but in
non-beta it isn’t highlighted until you select it, which might be related.

● Leo’s plea concerning Skeleton balance:
○ Skeleton doesn't get melting mutations now, same for redemption. He
doesn't get 2 ultras after redemption, neither even extra mut now.
Hammerhead leftover effect doesn't work anymore. If you could change
his mutations choices to the same seed that would make him at least
somewhat viable, for now, he is banished to the shadow realm with these
changes. #skeleboydeserveslove #onlyskeletonplayerintheworld

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