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10 October 2021 13:20

Important Terminology:

Basic Terms:
1. Manufacturing - 制造
2. Produce - 生产(produce)
3. Loading | utilisation rate -负荷率
4. Outsource - 交外办理
5. Total capacity - 产能: (within the company + outsourced)
6. Production quantity -产量, 产量数量 = 产能 X 负荷率 (day, month, year) + outsourced: (based on utilisation rate of capacity and
7. profit margin -利润率
8. Constraint- 瓶颈
9. Utilisation rate - 产量使用率 |利用率 :(% of total capacity used)
10. Downtime - 停产时间
11. Maintenance - 维修
12. Regular Maintenance - 定期维修
13. Preventive maintenance - 预防性的维修
14. Increase production - 增产
15. Total - 总额
16. Audit - 核准

Manufacturing process -
Key terms:
After receive (inventory overview) and put-away
1. Inventory - 库存
MTO/ MTS 2. Available Inventory - 可达到库存
3. WIP - 制造中
Work order come in e.g. 10 qty of Cars
4. Prototype - 原型 : Early example of new
To manufacture, you need the resource (资源) and item (物件)/material: 原料 / components (零件) product
Items need item structure (BOM) 5. Finished goods - 制成品 : Final result of
Then you need to produce/ assemble. All this is determine by your work definitions and operations, e.g. manufacturing process
6. BOM - 物料清单 : List of components that are
required to manufacure, produce the item.
Step 1: Assemble battery to shell require one technician E.g. for mala, BOM would be butter, spices,
Step 2: Assemble mother board + technician salt, sugar, MSG, etc.
step 3: Assemble camera + technician 7. Resource -资源
step 4: Assemble microphone, usb, screen + technician
8. Item - 物件
S5: assemble LCD+ technician
S6: Testing, QC + technican 9. Material - 材料
10. Component - 零件
Steps are your routing, each step is a work center/ operations.
11. Cost e.g. inventory cost, material cost - 物
All this is under the smartphone work area. 件成本
12. Assembly - 装配
Ship (inventory)
13. Assembly Order - 装配订单
14. Assembly line - 装配线 : type of production
line that produce assembly parts and
Detailed manufacturing process-
components. At each step, parts or
1. Kitting - Take different products & pair them together to form 1 SKU
components are added, bringing the product
2. Fabrication - Make new product by combining different parts, normally talk about metal. e.g. car
frame, steel strucutre. closer to being fully assembled.
3. Milling - 碾磨 : Process of using spinning cutter to shape material like metal 15. Production - 生产
4. Machining - Remove material using a process & special form. 16. Production Order - 生产订单
5. Stamping or pressing - Shape material using a press & special form 17. Production line - 生产线 : Manufacturing
6. Molding - form liquid shape into specific shape using a hollow/ mold
configuration that features series of
7. Casting: Process liquid metal into shape
processing steps. At each step, item moves
8. Exytuding: Shape material by squeezing it through a specially shaped hole
9. Joining - Connect 2 piece of material by welding or fastening them together. closer to become finished goods
18. Routing - 工艺路线 : Sequence of
operations to make something
19. Work Center, station, cell -工作中心 :Place
where operation is performed by resource,
machine, etc.
20. Work area - 工作范围 work area is a specific
region in the manufacturing plant where you
execute production activities. The work area

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execute production activities. The work area
is a physical, geographical, or logical grouping
of work centers.
21. Just in time - 准时制生产 : Strategy that
companies use to order just enough materials
only when needed.
22. Make to Order - 面向订单生产 : Make-to-
order pertains to the process of having orders
generated through actual consumer demand
and then producing that order for the
individual customer that ordered it
23. Make to Stock - 面向库存生产 : Make-to-
stock involves producing or manufacturing
goods based on anticipated consumer
24. Lead time - 提前期 : Time required to
complete a step/ process on manufacturing
25. QC-ed : 良品
26. Fail QC: 负品

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