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Akshay Wuppuluri



09 November 2021

Grouping 4 assignment
Verse 46: Enough is Enough!

When the Great Integrity spread and became a part of our lives

There was freedom and happiness as horses would gallop in fields.

However, when we lost this Great Integrity in us,

People would turn on each other and start wars.

Our greed and our excessive need for everything

Shows us that there is no greater catastrophe.

Enough is enough for people that know that there is a limit to things

Verse 48: All is done without doing

Getting a diploma only needs you to store useless information in your brain,

But getting and understanding the Great Integrity means that you must

Abandon these pieces of information.

The more useless information we release,


The less compelled we feel to take these useless actions as well.

Until we have done everything without actually taking these actions.

When our ego gets in the way of the way we do things

We do lots of things yet no goals or actions are completed.

Verse 52: Returning to our Origins

Everything is connected through one common origin called the Mother of the Universe.

In older times we were all part of this origin and just as we considered her children

We are all considered to be part of one another.

This was when we were all connected through the Great Integrity

And connected not like we were with the origin.

Our species had separated from our Mother thousands of years

By declaring independence. Now is the time to reunite with her.

After this we will not suffer from the miseries that we invented and got.

Block everything that could make us want to go back so that we don’t ever feel deprived.

If we go back to this we will never be at peace or full.

How do we believe in the Great Integrity?


Our suggestions only increase for only the smallest matters.

Our strength only increases when holding back.

Our views and perceptions only change when we share and tell others our opinions.

This is the way that we will be in harmony with our origin

And celebrate the Great Integrity on a higher level.

Verse 54: The whole is in each part

Everything that is deeply planted will be hard to uproot.

Everything that is embraced does not want to escape this.

In order for these philosophies to survive we needed to cultivate them

Ever since we had lost our tuition to help guide our life.

You will be genuine when you pursue these things yourself.

Your family will grow and get better if you pursue these things for them.

These things will last a long time if you pursue them for your community.

This will spread and be taught if you pursue them in your country.

This will become universal if you help the world pursue them.

This lets you know others by knowing what you yourself did.

This lets you know your family by what you did for them.

This lets you know the world by what you did as a citizen of this planet.

This is known because

We know that each part makes up a whole and the whole is within each part.

Verse 58: Alternatives

People tend to be more productive when the government is more gentle and kind

But when a government is tyrannical and controls everything people tend to rebel.

But the real question we must ask is, how long can we keep doing this?

How long can bad things be good things to others?

How long will these hypocrites last?

People that pretend to be good and virtuous are actually deceitful.

People that pretend to be interested in god and are religious are actually evil.

We are starting to believe things that are not true and this continues to grow everyday.

We must be firm and straightforward but cause no harm.

We must be sharp and wise but not hurt or cut anyone.

We must be ready to transform but not force others to do so.

Show people that they are ignorant but do not blind them by overdoing it.

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