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C.R weaken notes /AWA ARGUMENT notes.

CR weaken is the condensed version of AWA argument.

The author presents an argument in which the “naïve” author derives an ill-reasoned/hasty
conclusion based on inadequate premises/unsubstantiated/unwarranted assumptions/half-truths.
In most cases, the author either looks at the facts superficially without digging deeper into the
details or fails to provide other side of the truth.

The author will INVARIABLY present ONLY ONE HALF OF THE PICTURE and he will assume the rest.

PREMISE (cannot question the given facts but question the inadequacy of the given facts)
(Implicit wrong Assumption)


As far as AWA is concerned

- Find three primary flaws in author’s argument and elaborate it in each body paragraph.
- Also mention various factors author should have considered before reaching a conclusion.
- Your job is to provide other side of the picture and the questions that come with it.

Our job is to attack the connection between the premise and the conclusion.

Some CRs on GMAT/GRE may involve the following template:

Crisis - Goal / strategy / counter strategy and in CR weaken/paradox,
the author will have definitely missed a crucial piece of information that goes against the
thrust/crux of the argument.

Your job is to find out the factors/info that cast doubts on the conclusion.

For example, if the author cites a study or stat or survey, there may be some factors which the study
may not have factored in. The answer must always come from outside but it should be always
connected to the premise we are to attack.
The collateral thinking is paramount to solving CR.

Words such as survey, polls, reported crime, average, interviews, complaints, etc should not be
taken always at face value.

Below are the most glaring mistakes the author makes:

1. Wrong attribution:

Author’s conclusion: Fact 1 LEADS TO Fact 2 (though both facts are irrefutable)
Author’s claim: Only F1 must have led to F2.

Yoga Trainer: Sarah joined the yoga classes and after her sessions spanning over 4 weeks, Sarah said
she felt happier than she was a month ago.
Author’s conclusion: Yoga > Happiness.

Fact 1: Sarah took yoga classes

Fact 2: She felt happier after a month.

Hence, Yoga > Sarah’s happiness.

Think of other legitimate possibilities behind her happiness: The yoga trainer was attractive; she fell
in love with the yoga trainer; she made friends with others; she had been playing tennis which lead
to her happiness gradually; Sarah’s sister joined the yoga class but she didn’t express greater degree
of happiness, etc

In short, don’t attack the facts but attack the connection between the facts and the conclusion or
attack his assumption.


1.a.Attack the prediction

1.a Sarah scored 333, 111 and has 9.2 CGPA. The current batch of students who pursue AI in
HARVARD University has an average score of 330, 110 and 8.5.
Clearly, Sarah will also get into Harvard in AI.

2. Misleading stats / Half truth – Numbers don’t lie but it doesn’t say the entire truth either.

Words such as reported crimes, survey conducted, interviews taken, average, percentage vs
numbers may be misleading.

Not always do stats show the whole truth. Either the author is dumb enough to think there is no
other side of the picture or he deliberately looks the other way, reaching a premature conclusion.

Fact 1: 1200 villages in 23/34 districts in TN still practise discrimination based on caste and skin color
(indisputable fact)
Hence, most people in TN are racist and regressive.

Author’s naïve assumption: At least 80% of the Tamilians reside in 23 districts. Hence all are racists.
Your counter: There are overall 12000 villages in 23 districts or last year the number stood at 2400

You are presenting the DENOMINATOR and the author goes for cover.

Hence, Tamils are not racists rather progressive.

2.a. Misleading Survey

India most dangerous country for women with sexual violence rife - global poll

The survey covered hundreds of women across many Indian states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,
Delhi, West Bengal, and Haryana. Moreover, further studies reveal that the number of rape cases
has increased exponentially from 200 cases per day to 333 cases.
Most respondents claimed they feel scared to walk alone at night.

Questions to be asked:

What is the credibility of 550 experts?

How many Indian women were included in the survey of atleast 60 crore population?
How many countries were included in the survey?
What was the record before?
Where is the previous track record of these surveys?
Was the survey exhaustive?
Were the experts biased?
What are the questions asked?

550 experts’ OPINIONS are hardly concrete enough to draw such overarching conclusions.

3. Illogical comparisons or incorrect parallel reasoning.

You can only compare two similar things.

One cannot compare the success of ODD-EVEN rule in TOKYO with that of DELHI.

One cannot compare the record of SACHIN and KOHLI. Kohli would definitely surpass Sachin in terms
of centuries. Yet it’s not logical to compare two different eras as conditions/rules/temper/pitch
conditions/bowlers/ might not have been same across two generations.

4. Good on paper but impractical to execute – (Author wouldn’t have considered the practical
If we increase the fine of traffic rule defaulters exorbitantly, people will start to obey the traffic
rules, thereby decreasing the number of accidents occur across the city.

If we install CCTVs in nooks and corners of India, most perpetrators will think twice before
committing any crime. To garner funds for the installation, Govt has decided to levy “safety-tax” on
its citizens who have been demanding the government for a stricter policy to curtail/eradicate
crimes in the society.

Counter: Author hasn’t talked about the willingness of people to comply with the rules. The public
may oppose the ban citing that reasons for accidents may not be solely due to traffic violations
rather other factors such as abysmal roads, lack of street- lights at night, drunken driving, narrow
roads, etc

5. Jumping to conclusions before going through the entire process.

Ayurvedic vs Allopathic medicine

6. Predicting the future based on the past record:

Since the GDP of India has risen over the last three years gradually, the gdp will continue to rise in the
fourth year too.

Your counter: There may be some new factors that may stanch/limit the gdp.

7. Narrow sample – Broad generalization – One girl cheated me. Hence every girl is a cheat.

Guidebook Writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built
before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built
afterward. Clearly carpenters working on hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care,
and effort than carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer’s argument?

A. The quality of original carpentry in hotels is generally far superior to the quality of original
carpentry in other structures, such as houses and stores.
B. Hotels built since 1930 can generally accommodate more guests than those built before 1930.
C. The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not significantly different in
quality from the materials available to carpenters working after 1930.
D. The better the quality of original carpentry in a building, the less likely that building is to fall into
disuse and be demolished.
E. The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined significantly since 1930.

8.Reverse the equation: Y caused X – not X caused Y

I attended all 10 classes. So teacher termed me as SINCERE and gave a silk chocolate.
I wanted that silk chocolate. So I attended all the classes.

9.Find the Preceding factor (not awa)

Author’s claim : X caused Y

Your counter: W > Y ( preceding factor)

Eversince Modi came, our economy has been in crisis.

Counter: War between Iran and America has put the global economy in a spot of bother and Modi
became the PM right after.

10. A > B> C (A alone could have caused C or B > A > C or A > A1>C (sea otter > red tide) (not awa)
11.Collateral unintended damage : (awa)

Exercising 3 hours early in the morning will make you mentally sharper. Exercising for 3 hours can
also lead to other unforeseen unhealthy consequences which may eventually make you less mentally

11.a.The proposed solution will reach the goal, but it may have long term side effects which
eventually compromise the overall goal. (awa)

Allopathic medicine may cure diseases much faster than ayurvedic medicine but ayurvedic medicine
addresses the root cause whereas allopathic med may just address the symptoms.

12. Lack of previous Track record: (awa)

In AWA, if the author gives a novel/new proposal/strategy,

ask if the author has given any track record of the proposal.
However, if he gives a track record, questioning that Success of Demonetization in Venezuela cannot
be compared to the success of Demonetization in India.


Students gave a good review about Ram’s teaching on Google. The students who gave review had
scored 320. Hence Ram is a good teacher.
Good teaching > good score > good review.
I got a good score and that’s why in hindsight I say they were good. So the success is colouring your

Author’s claim: X and Y is expected to result in Z but think of a spoiler that affects that connection
between XY and Z.

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