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Spatial variables dominate design process since they

structure the way people function in a space,

experience and other social factors that affect
occupant's work processing In a work environment.
Spatial organizational factors are planned such that
their influence on human factors help in achieving
qualities of spatial variables. However, the spatial
variables identified here are based on the observations
from post occupancy analysis. These had significant
impact on spatial performance. They can vary based
on organizational structure and work type.

The framework derived in 7.1.2 forms the

methodology and basis to evaluate and design a
space such that it results in high spatial performance,
where optimization of space, communication flow/
pattern, encouraging face to face interactions forms
the driving force for performance through planning.

The factors of framework can also generate multiple

layouts through generative design by forming
parameters. The common factors identified would
form clauses to understand the impact of spatial
organization on human factors. Multiple layouts
can be generated with confluence of spatial
variables and technical variables as parameters and
performance as the evaluating criteria. However,
thisjust forms one facet in the approach of generative
design. But there can be various such parameters
identified to holistically evaluate and generate layouts.

Spatial Organization Circulation Connectivity- Spat" I Qualities

Accessibility- planning.
Employee Engagement

VIsual (Co-presence
- Visual Connectivity
- Accessibility by

Organizational values
. - Spatial density
>- Employee engagement
(work environments) movement. . - Employee experience
Job Autonomy - Autonomy through - Contextual orientation.
Orientation - Spatial orientation and - Ambience- color
configurations. movement. psychology

Proximity Integration of nature

Spat' IOrgalIization iroulation Connxtivity; Spat" lQual Ies

Work Modes, Typology Proximity Outside nside

ofwclrkspaces. - Active-Passive ' connection

Proportion of shared interactions. ; - Spread of daylight.

spaces v/s "l” spaces. - Strength of , - Interior temperature
Adjacency preference technological control

Occupancy capacity connectivity - Acoustic levels

Distance zones
Ergonomic standards

- Mobility HVAc,Lightning,server
- Territoriality ‘ services.

Spatial vanabies ale influenced by multiple social lactors while technical

variables have theoretical standardized basis as
measures These are categorized under Iactolx olspalial planning, which can be
used as pmarireleis based on work types

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