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University of Calcutta (IISWBM)


Instructions to the examinees: Provide following information in the cover page of

the answer sheet. There should be page numbers in the answer sheets.

Examination: MHRM 4th Semester 2020


Paper Number:

University Roll number of the student:

University Registration number of the student:

Date and time of submission:

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University of Calcutta (IISWBM)

Paper 404: HR and Knowledge Management

Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 80

Answer any 4 (four) questions out of the following and submit the same within the
stipulated time.

1. a) In modern organizations, knowledge is based on competencies. Do you agree? Explain

your answer.
b) Enumerate with an example how knowledge can be a source of competitive advantage.
c) Illustrate with an example how companies and organizations may be considered to be
producers of knowledge product in modern society. (5+5+10=20)

2. a) Compare and contrast Knowledge Management with Information Management and,

state the ways in which Knowledge Management can add value to an organization.
b) Elucidate the concept of Organizational learning as propounded by Peter Senge, and
explain the following characteristics that are unique to learning organizations.
i) Personal Mastery ii) Shared Vision (8+12 =20)

3. a) “We should be opposed to the manipulation of individuals for organizational purposes,

but a degree of social uniformity enables organizations to work better.” Validate the
statement. State in this context the implications of Knowledge in creating a sound
organizational structure.
b) Examine how organizational structures facilitate Knowledge Management through
Communities of Practice. (COP)
c) Is the emergence of Knowledge Management a strategic requirement only for Knowledge
Intensive industries? Explain.
d) As an experienced HR Manager, of a large multinational corporation, what steps would
you initiate in creating a Knowledge sharing culture? (6+5+4+5=20)

4. a. What is DIKW hierarchy?

b. Mention at least two salient characteristics of each of DIKW. (4+16)

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University of Calcutta (IISWBM)

5. a. Mention some of the main reasons for success of Knowledge Management initiatives in
an organization.

b. What do you think in the role of HR department in this context? (10 + 10)

6. a. Critically discuss the five basic components of the KM framework of any organization.
Illustrate your answer with case examples from Indian and foreign organizations.

b. Mention the three layers of knowledge management architecture. (16+4)

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