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Name: Clarke James B.

Montero Date: September 20, 2021

Grade/Strand: 11 – (TVL)-HE Teacher: Ms. Irene Biscocho


1. Before reading the text, what do you think is the content of the journal article?

Before reading the text, I find it quite obvious what will be the content of the journal article,
though after reading it, there are more contents of it than I thought it would be. So, before
reading this, and after the teacher announced to us to read this article and answer questions as an
asynchronous activity, I first thought that the contents are going to be the history itself, what are
the origins, the meaning of the prayer, and how it is made.

2. What have you learned after reading the text? Make a summary-analysis about the
article read.
What I learned after reading this article is that I learned more about what are the events happened
during the early days of filipino religions. I have learned what is the history of our mountains or
places in our country and how this prayer was used throughout our timeline.

Summary-Analysis of the article read

The purpose of this summary-analysis was to determine and share what have learned about the
article that is read. The article is solely focused on what is the history of the Mt. Banahaw
prayer, what are their beliefs and how is it used by people in the early times. And by the fact that
this hasn’t been tackled nowadays. It is important for us readers to read and understand what is
about this article, to have more knowledge about the religions and beliefs of the Filipinos of the
early times. In “The Mt. Banahaw Prayer: Amang Makapangyarihan (Obusan, 1989),” Journalist
Teresita Obusan tells us at first what are the places that took place, and it said that mountains are
mostly considered as places of worship.
The first paragraph of the article tells us and repeating it that the mountains are often being used
as a worshiping place and also where God dwells as it said on the first sentence of it. So as a
result, the Mt. Banahaw in Quezon province is one such mountain where people from all walks
of life come to the mountain to pray and also make pilgrimages. They also talked about other
places like Dolores, Quezon on kinabuhayan. It is said that Many claim that there is a special
ambience about Kinabuhayan. And as they tell, as a result it formed gigantic trees, the clear
running waters that tumble down huge boulders and even a hazy mist that now and then covers
the place. Combine all of these comes with a prayerful attitude of many pilgrims who visit from
many places of Luzon to pray at the Yapak. But what is Yapak and Kinabuhayan also? The
Yapak is a footlike imprint on a stone found in a pool of water, which is the spring of the stream
that flows through Kinabuhayan, The name Kinabuhayan, which means resurrection. Then It is
the belief of many that the Yapak is Christ's footprint which He left when He ascended to

Now Ms. Terisita Obusan also talked about the Samahan ng Tatlong Persona Solo Dios. So what
is this? So the Samahan ng tatlong persona was found by a man named Agapito Ellustre but he
was later known as Arnang nlustrisimo. He is man who was a part of the puluhan rebel in
Limutan, Cebu. But shortly after being apart of that rebel, he later became and change from
being a rebel to being a man of peace, preaching in many places in Luzon. Then she said that
Agapito Ellustre came to posses powers also, similar to those of a shaman. So after that Agapito
founded the Samahan ng Tatlong Persona Solo Dios, where he used them as help to win the
Philippine independence from the Americans by means of prayer. Thinking of it, from my
understanding, Ms. Terisita said that this Is really important by the fact that this thing helped
Former President Manuel L. Quezon by discovering the aid of a new religious sect organized to
obtain independence through prayer. This sect was known as Pambansang Kapatiran Panalangin
Ukol sa Kalayaan ng Bayan, Inc. or in English, the National Prayer for Freedom for the Country.
Moreover, the study shows that when viewed today against the events of the February revolution
when. Ms. Terisita said that the Prayer played a major role, and the belief of the Tatlong Persona
in the power of prayer takes on a new meaning. So the tatlong persona is really important back
then, But how do they pray though?

Here the study of Ms. Terisita, the article tells us at first; The posture of prayer is similar to that
of most Asian countries. It is a half-sitting, half-kneeling position on the floor. So since they are
in that kind of position, they devoid of any furniture, the fact that there is no need for the usual
kneelers or chairs. Furthermore adding a banner in the form of a Filipino flag. And if we imagine
it. The triangular portion is a representation of the Trinity, while at the bottom part are the
pictures of twenty-five national heroes. But besides that, let us talk about more about their
prayers. Their prayers are also said before and after meals. The final prayer of the day is sung at
the dormitory of the priestesses and sacristans. This prayer is sung hauntingly beautiful, often a
deep experience for those
who hear it for the first time. Thus the prayer by the community is based on their belief that
again. This kinds of prayer can help bring peace to the country. One such prayer which is said
twice daily is the prayer Amang
Makapangyarihan. Therefore The opening prayer is intoned by the highest ranking priestess
while the others follow with a series of prayers recited from memory. The prayers is mostly in
Tagalog, but some prayers are in Latin origin. Right after that, the Prayer is ended with a
movement of hand and fingers over the forehead, mouth and breast. Similar to the sign of the
cross if we imagine it. After doing the ritual, the members go to their elders along with the
ranked members of the community to ask for their blessing. With their heads inclined
respectfully toward the person of rank, they say, "Bendisyonan po.” Or in english (Please bless
me.) But Ms. Teresita also said that the study of this prayer reveals many answers to questions
often asked about Filipino folk beliefs. "Who is their gods? "What are the attributes of these
beings?" "How do they relate to these supernatural beings?" "What is the content of their
"How is the content of their prayers related to their culture?"
But let us look at the prayer and analyze it.


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