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I never thought that by just simply calling me such names by my classmates
and by how they make fun of me before would define what bullying is. And I
believe that each and every one of us has already experienced being bullied
for once in our life and for some, it causes them to be traumatized. So what
does bullying means? Bullying is said to be either a physical or verbal
aggression that is repeated again and again over a period of time and makes
an impact on person’s physical, mental and emotional aspect. Being a victim
of bullying makes you lose your confident, self worth and self esteem as a
person and start to be a loner.

Why does one person being bullied? This happens because you have
something that others don’t; your appearance is different from theirs, you
have more achievement compared to theirs, and many reasons that you
yourself do not even aware of. They begin to bully you the moment you
caught their attention. I myself have experienced being bullied before and
up until now due to the reason of me being fat, having flat nose, having a
brow skin and many others. Upon hearing this and that from others, I felt
being outcasted so I spend my time in crying and always wanted to be all
alone because I really got affected. And sometimes, this makes me think of
why’s and how’s of my appearance, like is it my fault of being chubby? Is it
may fault havig flat nose? I really don’t get their point on why they make fun
of me. I kept all of this to myself and my family doesn’t even aware what I
am going through before. With this experince of mine, I have many thoughts
on mind and starting to embrace more of my flaws. As days goes on, I have
come to ignore those who bully me trying to build my confidence through
them. I promise to myself that I won’t be affected anymore.

It is really hard to deal with bullying, and it has come to the point that it is
now a part of our society but when you have the confident, determination
and positive outlook in life, it will never affect you anymore. Instead, use
this as your stepping stone on how to be more productive in life, to become
the best version of your self. Embrace your flaws and love yourself and
ignore those who always make fun of you. So let us spread the awareness of
anti-bullying to educate people not to do such, and let us encourage and
help them to build their confident, self worth and self esteem despite of their
imperfections. Because when you have experienced such trauma as bullying,
you may feel a need to use the knowledge and understanding you have
gained to help others who are being bullied. Let’s start within ourselves as
we spread to others the essence of anti-bullying.

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