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Proposal for Academic Master’s Degree Thesis of

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
学号 姓名 Mobile Phone
F1020090214 VADIM +7 912 444 45 45
Student Number Name
专业 所在学院
Major College

课程学分 Whether to meet YES
Course credits
credits requirements

未完成的课程 Marketing Management (December 2021)

及预计完成时间 System Performance Evaluation Method (December 2021)
Unfinished Business Analysis (December 2021)
Estimated time of
courses and
论文题目 Implementation and operation of information systems in business
Title of thesis
The experience of working as an analyst gave an understanding of the importance of
Sources of thesis
implementing information system at any enterprise.
Information systems and analytics
Thesis category

导师对所选课题的基本要求 Supervisor’s requirements for the selected topic

Information systems (IS) importance has increased dramatically, and most businesses have been prompted to
introduce it to keep their competitive edge. Collect relevant information, analyze domestic and foreign literature,
write papers and require originality.

1. 本报告 A4 纸双面打印 , 研究生院、学院各一份 , 导师、学生自留底稿。 Double-side printed in A4

pages, two copies, one for the School of Graduates, the other for the college.

一、选题依据(综述报告)Survey for the selected topic (ovreview)
(与选题有关的国内外研究综述,阐述研究目的和实际意义,列出主要阅读参考文献,不少于 20 篇)
(A ovreview of the latest research situation, research objectives and significance, list of major references, no less
than 20 papers)

Running a successful business calls for proper management of financial and organizational data and statistics with
quality information systems. Almost every company has experienced a drastically slowed workflow because of
data problems related to reliability and accuracy. It’s true that there is no substitute for right information at the
right time in the business world.

This prompted the development of systems that can be used to make the information accurate, readily available,
and easily accessible. With the effectiveness of information systems, an organization can have better decision-
making, better planning, and ultimately better results.

How do Information Systems Influence Modern Business?

In today’s continuously changing and fast moving world, where customers’ requirements and preferences are
always evolving, the only businesses that can hope to remain competitive and continue to function at the
performance levels that can match their customers’ expectations are those that are going to embrace innovation. In
the recent past, any business success has been pegged on the information technology quality that the business has
employed and the capability to correctly use such information.

Information systems (IS) importance has increased dramatically, and most businesses have been prompted to
introduce it to keep their competitive edge. Today, nobody can envisage a business without an effective
information system. Introduction of an information system to a business can bring numerous benefits and assist in
the way the business handles its external and internal processes that a business encounters daily and decision
making for the future. Some of the benefits of an information system include:

New Products and Services

Any company looking to improve and secure the future has to establish a broader perspective with the use of a
well-designed and coordinated information system. The IS makes it easier to analyze independent processes such
as information to produce valuable products or services and organized work activities. Therefore, an IS can give a
company the competitive advantage by analyzing how a company creates, produce, and sell their products or
services. This means that the focus will be put on the main goal ahead.

Information Storage
Every organization needs records of its activities to find the cause of problems and proper solutions. Information
systems come in handy when it comes to storing operational data, communication records, documents, and
revision histories. Manual data storage will cost the company lots of time, especially when it comes to searching
二、选题的研究目标、研究内容、所要解决的主要问题及可能的创新点 Research objectives, content,
major issues and possible innovative points for the selected topic

Research objectives:

- To find out what types of IS exist nowadays

- To describe each type of IS and show the difference between them
- To explain, what IS is the most suitable for which companies, in which cases
- To describe different methods of applying IS in organizations
- To calculate the cost of implementation
- To represent IS implementation benefits in terms of cases from real business
- To make a conclusion

Research content:

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1. Title page

1.2. Table of contents
1.3. Introduction
1.4. Background of the study
1.5. Objectives of the study

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1. Definition of information systems

2.2. Types of information systems

2.3. What are the features of different IS

2.4. What companies implement what IS

2.5. Methods of using IS

Chapter 3 Research methodology

3.1. Research of enterprises using open sources

3.2. Application of personal work experience in particular enterprises
3.3. Experiment. Project for the implementation of IS in various enterprises

Chapter 4 Results analysis

4.1. Efficiency analysis of IS implementation

4.2. The most effective IS
4.3. Implementation cost
4.4. Specialists and departments operating IS

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1. The effect of IS implementation, general conclusion

5.2. Possible obstacles within implementation and operation
5.3. Ways of the topic's future development

Major issues

- To find out what organizations use what IS

- To find the relationship between operational results and the IS functioning
- To determine factors which will represent implementation effectiveness

Possible Innovative Points:

- This work should prove the effectiveness of IS implementation and, in addition, represent a gap
between companies using modern IS and companies without this possibilities.
- This research will demonstrate innovative methods of analysis big data and application its results
within making serious management decisions.

三、研究方法(预期思路或技术路线)及可行性分析 Research methodologies (expected experiments or

technology road-map) and feasibility analyses

Research methodologies

- Consideration of modern science journals, articles, researches, dissertations and books on the topic
- Research of enterprises from open sources
- Application of personal work experience in particular enterprises
- Experiment. Project for the implementation of IS in various enterprises


Feasibility study

The topic I have chosen is actual, that is why there are many articles, sites and works exist in open source.
Moreover, I have my own experience working as an analyst in different companies. This should be enough to
cope with this work.

四、研究基础与条件 Research foundation and conditions of research

For 2 years I have been working in large enterprises, firstly as an economist and then as an analytic. Since then I
have made many reports, predictions, and analytical forecasts. During my job, I understood the importance of
nicely working information systems, since it opens doors to a wider spectrum of opportunities.

五、研究进度及具体时间安排(包括起讫日期、主要研究内容和预期结果) Research schedule and

specific timetable (including starting and ending date, major research content and expected results)

Phase 1 September 2021-October 2021

- Choosing topic and structure

- Writing the proposal of thesis paper

Phase 2 November 2021-December 2021

- Review the related literatures

- Data collection

Phase 3 January 2021-March 2021

- Data Analysis

- Analyze the collected data

Phase 4 April 2021- closing date

- Finishing the thesis

- Finish and submit a first draft to my supervisor

- Seek feedback from supervisor

- Work on my supervisor’s corrections and suggestions

- Re-draft the paper

- Finish the paper and submit the final work

导师对开题报告的意见 Supervisor’s opinion of the proposal

Agree to start the topic

签名 Signature: 日期 Date: 年 Year 月 Month 日


开题答辩情况 Record of Thesis Proposal Presentation
Time of thesis proposal
Location of thesis proposal presentation

专 姓 名 职 称 工 作 单 位 本人签名
家 Name Academic title Affiliation Signature



题 参 加 人 数:专家 人;研究生 人。

告 Number of attendees: ________ Experts; ________ postgraduate students.

家 专家组审查结果 : ( 同意 人; 不同意 人)

意 Expert group review result: ________ people who agree; ________ people who disagree

专家组组长签名 日期: 年 月 日
t Signature of group chief: Date:




Evaluation Form for Proposal of Academic Master’s Degree Thesis of Nanjing University of Posts and

学号 姓名 VADIM 专业 MBA

Student F1020090214 Name Major


论文题目 Implementation of information systems at enterprises



考核内容 说明 考核成绩

Evaluation items Illustrations Evaluation

论文选题与文献阅读 Theoretically meaningful or practically value for selected
Topic selection and literature
topic; reading amount of literature, comprehensive analytic
ability, proficiency of knowledge about the international
development of academic subject
研究目标、内容及创新性 要解决的关键理论和技术问题及创新点。
Research objectives, content Research objectives are clear and research content is
and innovation reasonable. Research work is sufficient. It proposes key
theories and technical issues to solve and innovative points.
研究方法与可行性 Technology road-map is clear. Research methodologies and
Research methodologies and
measures are reasonable. It argues the feasibility studies from
feasibility analyses
research fundamentals, research conditions, evaluation
measures, etc.
修改建议(考核成绩里有 C 或 D 的必须填写) Amendment advice (compulsory if any “C” or “D” in

evaluation scores):

考核组成员签字 Signature of evaluation group members:

组长 Chief of group: 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day

学院意见 Opinions of College:

签字(盖章)Signature(Sealed): 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day



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