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“somos semillas de cambio”
001 1 de 4
Área: Idioma Extranjero Asignatura: INGLÉS A: N: J.V.:
Grado: NOVENO Fecha: Periodo: TERCERO
Referentes conceptuales: NIVELACIÓN DE INGLES

Complete the next sentences using Have to / Has to for obligation

• +__________________________________________________________________________
• -__________________________________________________________________________
• ?__________________________________________________________________________
• +_________________________________________________________________________
• -_________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the next sentences using THE TAG QUESTIONS

1) He is your uncle, ______________ ?
2) You were not in hospital, __________________?
3. Your father always cooks, _________________ ?
4. His sister was a good student, _______________ ?
5. You can speak English, ____________________ ?
6. Jim should not play a lot of football, __________________ ___?
7. You played football too, ____________________ ?
8. Let’s drink some tea, _____________________ ?
9. My father worked very hard, __________________ ?
10. Your friend lives in Liverpool, _____________________ ?
11. Mary did not live in London, ______________________ ?
12. You haven’t got a dog, _____________________ ?
13. She’ll like spiders, ___________________ ?
14. The teacher is nice, ________________________ ?
15. The goalkeeper would be good, ______________________ ?

3. Complete the next sentences with used to

1) What music ___________________________ to like when you were a child?
2) I______________________________ listen to music when I was a child.
3) We ___________________________ to the cinema at weekends.
4) They __________________________ in the country, but now they live in the city
5) I ___________________________ the cake you made me last week.
6) _________________________ have long hair when you were younger?
7) She ________________________ very tall when she was in school.
8) I________________________ to bed very late on Fridays and Saturdays.
9) Robert __________________________ in a band.
10) I ________________________ (swim) a lot when I was younger.
11) John ___________________________ (not eat) vegetables, but now he eats them.
12) ______________________________ (they / have) a sports car?
13) That building _________________________ (be) a cinema, but it's closed down.
14) We __________________________ (not like) maths lessons - our teacher was horrible!
15) Where __________________________ (you / go) to school?
16) You ___________________________ (live) next door to me.
17) I ____________________________ (not enjoy) studying, but I do now.
5. Reading activity: Read and translate it.
Long ago, people didn’t even have houses, so building a toilet was the last thing on their minds.
The roamed the forest, hunting animals… gathering berries… and squatting behind a tree. Then they
learned to farm the land and made themselves homes to live in.

Some built a toilet in the yard. But it was only a hole in the ground. When the hole filled up, they
simply covered it mud and dug another. This worked fine… until they ran out of space.

The ancient Romans had a much better idea – public toilets. They placed a long stone slabs with
holes over a deep trench. Then they decorated the toilet room with marble and mosaics.
Going to the toilet became a great way to meet people. Romans sat in a row, chatting about politics
and plays. Below them, water flowed through the trench and washed everything away.

At Roman banquets, rich guests didn’t even have to leave the room. They simply asked a slave to
bring in a silver pot and filled it there and then. In later times, people were shier about these things.
Lords and ladies preferred to go alone, using fancy, cushioned toilet boxes, often hidden behind a
These were a lot more comfortable – though someone then had to empty them.

B. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE?

1. People used the forest like toilets ____
2. Some people did a hole as a toilet in home ____
3. When people didn’t have space, they built a toilet with silver ____
4. The ancient Romans did public toilet ____
5. People use the toilet in the meeting or parties between the people ____
3. Do the next crossword and write the Spanish meaning.

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