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“Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the
bold.” There are lots of poor people that are extremely talented and
many rich people with relatively little genius at all. We tend to think
that more money comes along with being more educated, more
talented, or adding more value to society. The truth about money is
quite different.

“The poor and middle class work for money,” Rich Dad would say.
“The rich make money. The more real you think money is, the harder
you will work for it. If you can grasp the idea that money is not real,
you will grow richer faster.”

The foundational basis for creating wealth changes over time: “Land
was wealth 300 years ago. So the person who owned the land
owned the wealth. Later, wealth was in factories and production, and
America rose to dominance. The industrialist owned the wealth.
Today, wealth is in information. And the person who has the most
timely information owns the wealth.”

Making money is a talent in and of itself. And it’s one that can be
learned just like any other skill. However, most people don’t take the
time to learn financial skills. It scares them, it bores them, or they
just hope if they work hard and save what they can, with a little luck
their money situation will work itself out.


“Few people realize that luck is created, just as money is. And if you
want to be luckier and create money instead of working hard, then
your financial intelligence is important.” The world is always handing
you opportunities of a lifetime, every day of your life, but all too often
we fail to see them. Here’s how the author suggests we take
advantage of them:

 Financial intelligence is simply having more options. If the

opportunities aren’t coming your way, what else can you do to
improve your financial position?
 I constantly encourage people to invest more in their financial
education than in stocks, real estate, or other markets. The smarter
you are, the better chance you have of beating the odds.
 So why bother developing your financial IQ? Because if you do, you
will prosper greatly. And if you don’t, this period of time will be a
frightening one. It will be a time of watching some people move
boldly forward.
 It is what you know that is your greatest wealth. It is what you do not
know that is your greatest risk.
 The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained
well, it can create enormous wealth…

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