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BTEC‐ 909A‐ 18 Credits L T P ht Ext

3 3 0 0 40 60

Course Objectives Rも GRЪ

This course deals with knowledge of fundamentals, architecture and concepts for better
understanding ofintrOduction oFBig Data

Course Out∞ mes

Atthe end ofthis co¨ c students will delnonstate thc abnity tO:

l Undcrsland tho Evolutlon and bastcs oで Blg Data

2 Undcrstand the A"llltccturc ofHadoop with its■ lc syslcm and its PrOgrarnlning
3 Explaln alc Advallccd and"ctt theO,IInd llletho“
4 DescHbo■ c challcllgcs in handlillg strcalnillg da● ,un the real world

Unit l‐ Evolution tL IlltroducuOn tO Big dnta:Bcst Practiccs for Big data Analrics,
Big data chanctcrlstlcs,Validatlllg― The Prclmotion ofthc Value of Big Data,Big Data Use
Cascs,Chr"teHstlcs of Big Data Applicatlons,Pc"cption and Quantlicatloll of Valuc,
Undcrstallding Big Data Storagc

Unit 2‐ A Cenera1 0Ve面 ew of High Performance Architecture:HDFS,Map

Reducc and YARN― Map R“ ¨ c Progm― ng Modcl Big Data Ovcrvlew Attysis ofdata at
Rcst‐ Hadoop analytlcs Limitatlons oFcxお dllg dis輛 butlng systcnls,Hadoop Approach,HadooP
Archt∝ ●rc,Disulbutcd fllc systcln:HDFSand CPFS,htcmals ofHadoop ⅣR cnglne,Hadoop
cluster componenに ,Hadoop Ecosystem,Evalua6on cnlcia For dlsCibutcd Map Rcducc
nIII“ mcs,Entcrl isc‐ gradc Hadoop Dcploymont Had00p Lnplcmontatlon

Unit 3‐ Adv● nced Analytical Theory and Methods:OvcrvLw oF Ch● enng― (

means,Usc Cases,Ove口 iew ofthe Meth颯 Deten wullg thc Nunlbcr oF Clustcls,Clustcm13
ClasslrlcatiOn,Segmcntation,Lillcar rcgrcsslon,ML ScarcL Indcxng and lndexing Techniques,
Crcatc mvcrtcd■ ndcx using JAQL,Data Explorcr Bl“ dling Hadoop job:Application,
Diagnostlcs,Reasolls to Ch∞ se alld Caumos,classincation:Dccisioll Trecs,Overview of a
D∝ ision Trce,Thc Ccncral AlgOdthm― Dccision Trcc AlgOllthms,Evaluatlng a Dccision Trcc

U■ it 4‐ Real time analytics:Introduclon to strmms computlllg,Challengcy‖ milations of

convclllonal SystcIIIS,SOlvlng a rcal dlllo analytlcs problem uslng convcndonal systcm,
Challcng■ to bc solVcd・ scalability,thread pooling,ctc,UndCrslanding thc challcngcs ln
handling strcaming data from thc"al world and how to addrcss thosc using strcaln computing,
Bcncrlts oF strcam compllting ln 3ig Data world,Rcaltlmc Analytlcs PlatFom (RTAP),Rcal
Timc Scntllncnt Analysis

\ :閻 :脱 :痴 Jwcs h血 Ⅲ 0^Had00p“ StreanD8 Data・ け Chns Eaton,

Paul Zlkopoulos,Wilcy Publlcaticll1 2015
2 Big Da● Analttcs:Tumng Big Dalainto Big Money By Fran J OhlhosL McCnW Hl12012
3 Emics ofBig Dala:Balancing RIsk and lnnoVation By Kord Davis,2011
4 Big Dala.Big Analytics:Emerging Business lnlenigmcc and Analytic Trcnds,By MiChacI Minclli,
Mthcに Chambors,AInbiga DhiraJ,Wlby Publicalion 2013

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