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;4ecorJing to Coca! fegliM. t!

ill smalf-roUJaoll of'FiJll was onCli tlill Mmll ofnot just onll, 6ut tlirlill wizardS.
'l1ie tlirlle 'rvllrll 6rot!illrs, ana IiatfBrown up in t!ill -r-ilIJ:ln1l tOfJetlier, unaer t!ill tuulage oftlieirfat!illr, lii=efJa
retireawi2,ar.fofsome smatrrenown. J{o singCe onll oftlirm in!illritra1I1l0ugii oftlieirfat!illr's maeil:a( s~ifIto
rratly ma~ tlillirway in t!ill worfifofmaeica(acad'rmia, 6ut tlillir skiffwas Slit!more tlian rnougli to imprllss
in tlirir lium6fe SUff(Jund"ings, antilI'I'IIntua{[y rad oft!ill tlirrr 6rot!illrs tumll.f to crafting magil: items as a
way of ma~ng liis way in t!ill worUi.

'l1ie rUirst 6rotlirr. !'r'an. quciaC12r.f in crafting simpCe magie wandS. wliil:1i lir mad'il antisoUf6y t!ill
seorr. 'l1ie mwrife 6rotlirr, Irvinr. qucial''l2rain eraftillfJ pUWllrJu(magil: star'llS. wliid !ill soUfto tlir
oaasWrulCtraflrCling aJ;'rnturrr. He aw not sefImany stat'rs. 6ut seCling lI'I'rn onr a )'IIafwa.! IlnollfJli for liim
to ma~ liis lir;ng. 'l1ie )'ounBrst 6rot!illr, 1=. spllcia&r.fin erafting magil: oros. antitMugli!ill aw not slifI
many to passrrs6)'. aftrr Sll'flflra!)'IIars lir 6110an grtting rrqursts ana commissionsfrom far-off citirs, wliil:1i feft
liim a6Ce to ma~ liis Crving.

'l1ie tlirrr 6rot!illrs Iiaif afivays 61111n competitil'11, anatliis Iiatf onlj 611rn r:wur6atll.f6y t!illir competing
6usinrssrs. Onr aay it was aecitfr.ftfiat tlilly sfiouUsettCe tlill maturoncr aruffor alfofWM was tlill greatrst
wizarain 'Fift. 'l1iey artllnninratfiat t/iiry wouUllIacli 6ral1e t!ill .freaar.f'Lfgll'lvoo.fforllst. wliidi flly two or
tlirrr .fays' Mr from t!ill town. aruftliat t!ill first one to ma~ it to t!ill !iIIart oftlir forllst an.f return witli a
Ofass oft!ill crystaCwatllrfrom tlie m)'stil: porufat tlill 'rvooJ"s' CIInurwouUl 611 tlie llictor.

'l1ie 6rot!illrs mad'r tlieirway to tlieforrst. arufsettfeaaown for a 6,;,f {ulll:li togetlier 611forr parting
ways.for tliey wouUracli II1ltrr tlir forrst from a aiffrrrnt point aiOng its circumfllrrncr. 'lfliife tliey au. tliey
tat1i!aoft!ill triaCalieatf. ana Iiow tliry pfllnnrato onfCome it arufaemonstrate tlieirmrglit.

"'Witli my warufs. • t!ill rUrr 6rotlirr suw 6rtwllen 6ius, 1 wiff6r a6Ce to cast as many sprfIs as I nera


"'YourwanJ"s may 6e many, 6ut my staffis grrat. I wiff onlj nerd"a liantfJuC of£.Ura SplitIs iJ tliey comr
from tliis staff. rrtonea tlie mwtfCe 6rot!illr. lioUfing t!ill Bnark.fpircr ofwooatn'umpfiantlj in liis fiantf.

'l1ie )'Oungest 6rotlier simplj slioo{liis lillatf. saying O~ty oro may not giHI mr any £.Ura sprtls to cast. 6ut
tfrosr I ao cast wifI 6e morr powrrJuCfor its uu.•

'lVlirn tlie sun rraclie.fliioli noon, lIacli 6rotlier set out into t!illforrst, IIquippliawitli liis manil: itrms of
e/ioU;r arufwary oftlie forrst's aangrrs.

'11ie eUirst 6rotlier. !'r'an, mad'e Booaprogrrss tlirougli t!ill wood's. aruf maar sliort worltoftlie B06tins ana
orcs tfiat trilla to stop liim. <By tlir timr lie nrarratlie lieart oftlie forrst. 1io'li!eVllr. !ill was neany out ofqutrs.
anafuuCliatftofatr6ac~on liis wanas. Just wlirn tM efllltlir of tlie woo.f eamll into siglit. lir IIncountrrea 01111
oft!ill towrring, IInraglla, ana tliorny trrants lvliicligil'r tlie 'Etfgewooaforest its rulmr. (J'fllparra. !ill arew onr
ofliis aor-rns ofwand's anaCn'llCea it at tlie erraturr. Celting wosr a ofareanr IInrrBY. a missilil ofpurr
forCli 6aluring into tlie Cfllaturr's 6a1{ 'l1ie "eant awn'l lI'I'IIn flincli. 6ut simplj continur.fon lowardS its
targrt. Il'an 6fa.rte.f it again. surr lfiat anot!illr sucli spe.tI'rvouUf ao t!ill I",,~ 6ut tlill "eant awn't /I1.'rn srllm
to nOlia it on its moorusli wwarJ"s tlie lieJ"g'-mae', 'FinafIy. IWJn IiOO 1W elioic, 6ut to 11m, a6aMoningliis

'11U miJi:I'U 6rotlier, Irvin,. also maJ"e liis way to tlie center of tli, forest. v;p:ndIngliis prepar,a sp'fIs on
J",aCing witli a tri6e ofonoffs wliose camp Iiaif 6eell oliliis route. 'Wliell lie arriv,d". lie. too. was eonjrolluJ"6y
one oftlieforest & wooJ"eli. 6woO-crauJ"ouarJ""sans. aM Iiaif only liis lru.ny staffto aepend"011. J{oUfing it
6efore liim. lie caffeaUpoll its miglit. anJ" it rrwarJea liim ~vitli a powerfulsp,a: a 6rill:sant wliite column of
fire 6urst tlirougli tlie foliage a60'0r tlie monster. ~vreatliillg it ill.fWmrs liot enouoli to meti fead". '11U mollstrr
slirW~d". 6ut couUf 1I0t witfisrand"tliis 6IMt as its compallion Iiaif witlisrooatlie magiJ; missifu. aM it
CfUm6fea to asli.

conftItntCy. Irvin' stroJ"e fonvarl only to filla liimself confronted"6y )'et allotlieroftliefearsome
tree-/lUn. J{e fef,'/IUa liis staffat tlie creature. aM once again calTeJ"out tlie magu; worJ"s wliid wour.I summon
up tlie powrr storeJ" ~vitliill. '11U staff. 1i00wn''/Ir. auf 1I0t responl its arcane sigiCs remaining unfit. aM nofire
poureafortli: it J""uf 1Wt lian: tlie p(J'fjier uft to 6rinO a(J'fjili a1Wtlier 6IMt offire r~ 6eJore. Witliout any
spefIs. Irvine wasforcea to retreat out oftlie forest.

'11U youngest 6Mlier. Isaac. IiOO un~1IO'WinnCy cliosen a patli wliu;1i wouUfta~ liim tlirouOIi tlie territory
ofa oang offearsome forest trofIs. 'l1iey swannealiim in oreal num6e1'S, aetennineJ"to punisli liim for
trespassino 011 tlieir territory. aruftliell eat liim for supper. J{e was nam>1i!Cy a6fe to aefeat tliem. elianneCi1l{J
liis spefIs tlirougli tlie or6 lie IiaJ" 6rouglit 1Vitli liim forjwt tliat purpose. usillfJ it to maenify arufenlianee tlie
spefIs for oreatrreffeet. CO'WrJ" 6y tliis oreat J""lSpwy ofmagu;. tlie trofIs were (J'f'/lrco/IU, tM sunlifwsfUeinn
6aci..illto tlilir caw to gum at liim sufIenCy as lie passel

'li/lien Isaac arrn'/lJ"at tlieforest's liean. lie. [j~ liis 6rotliers 6efore liim. lIIas accostrJ"6y tlie oreat oa~tn
ouarJ""sans. llieir tfwrny 6rallclies staineaaari.. rea lIIitli tlie 61iJoJ"ofpast ~Jictims. <Because liis or6 Iiatf
magnifieJ" liis spefIs 6efore. lie IiaJ" 1I0t nerJ"eJ" to use as many oftliem. alia ~jias stifIa6fe to fiBlit. unfeasliillfJ
liis arcalle energles tlirougli tlie or6. and" using it as a.focus. intensifyino tlie force oftlie speffs arufaflinvinn
tliem to pierce tlie mants' rouOIi. 6ar{IiUfes. 'l1ie 6attCe was imense. 6ut 6riej aM6efore lOng Isaac Iiaif
06taineaa smafIl-ia[ of tlie poMs crystalwater, alia lIIas I'll liis way lO1lJll.

'11U 6rotlirrs are n(J'fji IOI1fJ aeaa, and"tliere is 1W way to ~1UJW forcertaill iftlie slol)' is mil. <But ifyou
n'erfinayourself ill tM l>i1lage of'Fift. ao )'OurselfafallOr aM stop 6y tlie (})'Psy's'1(!st tavern. arufasi..tlie
6ari!,p to tefI)'Ou tlie story fnfsinJ" Iii, sign in tlie wiM(J'fji, tlie one tliat SiJys :

I.aae thll Hagnijiellntll

Gr~at~3t Wiz;z;8rd~ in all fif~, and /b\ak~r of
6randll Orb. oj powllr

Magic orbs iIIl' cool. I'm quite certain I don't knowwhy: after all, they're basically just really big
marbles, and while some people may hold fond childhood memories of marbles, and that might
explain a love of magic orbs, I'm not one of those people and I still think they're
awesome. To be perfectly honest, they're probably my favoritewizarding
accessory, and they're not even the kind of acressoryyou shoot magical
blasts out of (well...typically).

\Vizards of the Codst certainly seems to have gotten the message, as

they made orbsa major part of wizardry in 4th edition. I think that this
was a very smart move on their part, because, well, orbs are fun, and
being able to have and use orbs is fun too. I suspect that, in previous
editions (specifically 3.5/OGL) of the game, orbs were "reserved" for
especially powerful items, because there aren't very many of them, and
they all seem to beartifact-Ievel items. While there's certainly
something to be said for limiting certain items that you want to be
special, and making sure that they aren't super available at low levels
(for example, rodsand staves tend not to go below a certain price point),
you'll hurt the item just as much (or maybe more so) by being too
restrictive, and preventing anyone from getting access. After all, I don't
know about you, but most of the DMs I know don't hand out artifacts
like they were candy on Hallov,ieen.

As always, when I see a hole in the tapestry of things that one can do
with this game, I am overromewith a powl"rful urge to fill it in, and, to mix
metaphors, paint my own little picture of what should be in that space. It
should corneas no surprise then, that, when it really came to my attention
that the 3.5/Pathfinder system doesn't reallygive access to magical orbs, I
decided to do something about it.

Ofcourse, like all magic items (with the notable exception of wondrous
items), orbs would need some sort of theme, or mechanical effect, which would
tie them together and make them into a true group, with something in common
to identify them besides theiTshape. Aftera lot of thought about what kind of
item the game could support, as well as what sorts of things orbs tend to do in
other fantasy media, I detennined there was really only one solution: orbs would
be a class of items which served as enhancers to spells the wielder cast.

In other fantasy media, II1iIgic items like orbs, rods, and staves often serve as
focuses in spells, and the caster casts his spells through the item, which acts as a
sort of magical prism or II1iIgnifying glass, enhancing the spell in some way. Of
course, in 3.'j/Pathfinder staves and wands are more like instant spells (just add
caster!), and this seemed like an excellent way to II1iIke orbs stand out and have
their own identity, while also bringing that rich lore of casting spells through
focuses into the game. I'm very happy with the final result, and J hope that you
are, as well. ..... .. c.. __

-)t~ 1&:ggs, Jfeaaof®esign

Activation: Most orbs have abilities that do
Orbs not require activation, or else their activation is a
free action made as pdrt of casting a spell. In the
Magical orbs serve as a focus or a lens for
case of oms with special abilities which have
spellcasters, who pdSS the magical energies of
another kind ofactivation, the orb's description
their spells through the orb, which modifies the
will state what kind ofaction is required.
spell, making it more pov.'erful. The exact nature
of this modification varies from orb to orb,
In order foran orb to be used, the orb must
depending on its enchantment. Though anyone
be held. Unless otherwise specified in the orb's
can technically use an orb, you must beable to
entry, it requires one hand to hold (or other
cast spells to do so, limiting the range of people
appendage, at your GM's discretion). TIlls hand
who can benefit from these items.
cannot hold objects or be used for other things,
but counts as a free hand for the purposes of spells
Physical Description: Most orbs dI"e
with somatic components. No matter how many
perfectly spherical, and about 4-8 inches in
orbs a character has in his hands, he is only
diameter. Some oms have a more irregular shape,
considered to be holding one at any given time,
or are much larger or smaller than ,",'erage, and a
and must spend a move action to switch which orb
handful of orbs aren't properly orbsat all, but
is considered "active," and thus is able to be used
something else altogether, such as a skull or a
and grant benefits.
special stone. Many orbs are made of glass, but
orbs can be made of virtually any substance.
Forabilities which refer to the wielder
An orb's hardness and hit points are primarily a
casting a spell, the wielder must actually be
function of its magical power, and so even glass
casting the spell himself in order to use the ability.
orbs tend to be fairly hard to destroy. Unless the
Spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and
orb's entry indicates to the contrary, an orb has an
items which cast spells (including scrolls, staves,
AC of 12, hardness 10, and 25 hit points.
and wands) do not count as casting a spell for this
-------------.4"l1Ri"~ " Q t ? - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sidebar. Orbs and Spell-like Abilities In the end, we detennined that the best
Determining whether or not to allow orbs to solution would be to disallow the use of spell-like
modify spell-like abilities is one of the more abilities with orbs, but provide an optional feat
difficult decisions we had to make in the creation which would allow PCs or NPCs with spell-like
of this book. On the one hand, there are plenty of abilities who want to use them in conjunction
times when it would feel awkward for a spell-like with magical orbs to do so. As always, be sure to
ability not to be included, such as a rogue with the consult your GM before making use of this
major magic or minor magic rogue talent, or the optional feat.
racial spell-like abilities ofa tiefling or drow, and it
would certainly seem odd for a creature likea balor Channel Spell-like Ability
to be unable to benefit from the item, just because You can channel your spell-like abilities through
of the way his spells are cast. 'Nhat's more, there orbs.
have been spellcasting classes in the past who cast Prerequisite: Must know at least one spell-like
all their spells as spell-like abilities, and there likely ability
will be again. Benefit: Three times per day, when using one of
your spell-like abilities, you may treat it as though
That said, the precedents for such things are it werea spell instead of a spell-like ability for the
pretty clear: spell-like abilities aren't spells. They purposes ofany orb you are wielding.
use different metamagic feats, and they can't be Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
modified by metamagic rods, the closest real Each time you do so, you mayuse this ability an

equivalent to orbs in the existing core rules. additional three times per day.
purpose, and CdflllOt be uSl'd in conjunction with d% Type Element Benefit
orbs. 01 10 Black Acid Darkness 2fday
n-20 Blue Electricity
Special Qualities: Roll a d%. A 01-30 Ventriloquism 2/day
indicates that the orb constantly sheds light likea 21-30 Brass Fire Suggestion 3/day
torch. A 31-<15 indicates that something (a pattern, Creotefoodond
etching. aura, or similar) on the orb gives a due to 31.4° Bronze Electricity
water )fday
its function. A 46-100 indicates no special 1 1.50 Copper Acid Stone shopt' [fday
qualities. Daylight [fday
51-60 Gold Fire
61-7 0 G~" Acid Entangle 2/dJy
DH.A<,Or'\ S( "-I F OH.U Rod Fire Pyrotechnics 2/day
Aura strong evocation; CL 13th 81-90 Silver Cold Feather fall 3fday
Slot nOlle; Price 59,500 gP; Weight 3 Ibs. 91-100 While Cold Guslofwind l/day
This orb is nJdd/." ofamber, .Jnd hdS oJ Additionally, three times per day, when
drdgon·s scdl/."emb/."dded in its cenler. Good casting a spell that deals damage, you may choose
dragons will occdsiolldlly dondle one of their to change the type ofdamage the spell deals to the
scales for thecrearion ofsuch orbs, but evil type associated with the orb. Thisadds the
dragons aredlways incensed by such orbs, and appropriate descriptor to the spell (for eXdmple, if
gleeful/yeXdcl revengedgainSl those who bear d red dragon scaledrdgon sc,lIe orb is used to cast
them. lightning bolt, the CdSler maychOQS(' to make the
spell deal fire damage instead ofe/ectricily
Each dragon scale orb is tied toa specific element, damdge. /fhe or she does, Ihe spell gains the fire
determined by the kind ofdragon whose scale is descriptor).
embedded in the orb, as indicated on the table
below. Each dragon SCdle orb also grants the use of FiIldlly, once per day, as long as you are
a spell-like ability, determined by the type of holding the orb, when you cast a spell that deals
dragon, also indicated on the table. energy damage of the orb's type, each creature
damaged by the spell must succeed on a DC 22

Sidebar: Incorporating Orbs into Your ~=~ hO

This book was created with the intent that began. Becauseorbs are their own set of magic
orbs should be able to fit more or less seamlessly items, rather than wondrous items, we recom-
into existing campaigns, without too much effort mend giving them their own feat, Craft Orb,
on the part of GMs or players to make them fit in. shown below.
They do not require any special rules, and seem
like the sort of thing that might very well have Craft Orb (Item Creation)
been there all along, and simply not attracted You are able to craft magical orbs.
attention. Oms should be generally available Prerequisite: Caster level7lh
alongside other magic items, such as rods, staves, Benefit: You can create any orb whose
and wands, and should not be exceptionally more prerequisites you meet. Crafting an orb takes I day
difficult to find than other magic items of their gp for each 1,000 gp in its price. Tocreate an orb, you
cost. must use up raw materials equal to 1/2 its base
As written, all orbs require the feat Craft price. The skill used in creating a magic orb is
Wondrous Item to create. TIlls was a purposeful either Spellcraft or Craft (Jewelry), but it
decision to allow orbs to better fit into existing otherwise functions the same as crafting a
games, without punishing characters for not wondrous item.
taking feats which didn't exist when the game

- - - - - - - - - - , - ......,---------~
Table I-I: Orbs Wtll save or become panicked.
Orb of Alacrity 8,000 SE ReqUirements Craft Wondrous Item,
Orb of Subdual 8.000 SP Elemental SpellAPG,feor: Cost 1.9.750 gp
Orb of Refraction 11.,000 BP
Orb of Burdens 11.,380 BP I)UFlISrS OIW
Orb of Invisibility 17,000 gp Aura strong abjuration: CL 13th
Orb ofThralls 17,000 SP Slot none: Price 4°,000 gp: Weight 1lb.
Orb of Blasting 18,000 gp DESCRIPTION
Orb of Sickness 1.0,000 SP
This orb is m<Jde oftrans/ucelll cryst..,1 and
Orb of Fear 1.4,000 SP vibrates slightly in the hands ofa spelJc.asler.
Orb of Piercing Spells 3°,000 SP
Orb of Purification 3°,000 gp The wielder of this orb gains a ->-5 bonus on
Orb of Spell Power p,ooo gp Spellcraft checks, and the DC to identify spells
Orb of Unnatural Strength p,ooo SP cast by the wielder is increased by ->-5.
Orb of the Damned 31,000 SP Additionally, once per day, when targeted by a
Orb of Rage }8,400 SP spell he successfully identifies, the wielder may
Duelist's Orb 4°,000 BP attempt counter that spell as a free action by
Orb of Divination 11.,000 Sp succeeding on a caster lC'<"C1 check (DC 11 ->- spell's
Orb of Abjuration 15,000 gp caster level).
Orb of Conjuration 45,000 Sp CONSTRUCTION
Orb of Evocation 15,000 SP Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, dispel
Orb of l1Iusion 45,000 SP magic: Cost 1.0,000 gp
Orb of Transmutation 45,000 BP
Orb of Necromancy 4 8 ,000 gp I ENS OF SPFlI I)ISTORTIOr.;
Orb of Acid 5°,000 gp Aura moderate transmutation: CL zth
Orb of Electricity 5°,000 SP Slot none: Price 65,000 gp: Weight 1.lbs.
Orb of Enchantment 50 ,000 gp DESCRIPTION
Orb of Flames 50,000 SP This orb is m.1de of exceptionally pure
Orb of Frost 50,000 BP cl)'5toll, .and features a number of lenses of
Orb of Alignments s8,Boo gp differenl shapes and curves on the inside.
Dragon Scale Orb 59,500 gp
Lens of Spell Distorlion As long as you are holding the orb,
65.000 SP
whenever you cast a spell that has an Mea of
Orb of Elemental Acid 65,000 SE effect (such as a cone, line, or radius), you llliIy
Orb of Elemental Fire 65,000 SP choose to have some part of that area not be
Orb of Elemental Ice 65.000 SP affected by the spell. This area is in the fonn of a
Orb of Elemental Lightning 65. 000 BP number of five-foot squares equal to ,/2 the level
Orb of Empowered Spell Mastery n ooo gp of the spell (rounded down, minimum I). The
Orb of Kings 75,000 gp squares need not be contiguous, but precise
Orb of Counterspells 80,000 SP control ofa spell's ared is not possible, and the
Summoning Stone 8J,663 SP orb cannot be used to make the spell ignore an
Orb of Memory 85,000 SP area slllilller than a 5-foot square.
Orb of Swirling Color 85. 000 gp
Miser's Orb 100,000 SP Additionally, the orb can be used to focus
Orb of Maximi:£ed Spell Mastery 11.>,500 SP the effects ofa spell more intensely on a target.
Orb of Widened Spell Mastery 11.>,500 SP TIuee times per day, as a free action while casting
Orb ofScgments lJ3,sOO gp a spell that has an area ofeffect, and which allows
Orb of Shadows 180,000 IW a saving throw, you llliIy choose to alter the spell
to target a single individual instead. If you do, The orb's wielder must decide what amount in gp
only that tilJ'8t't is affected, and the spell has no to ignore at the time of casting and if he chooses
effed on the rest of its normal all''d. By focusing to ignore only a portion of the material value he
the spell in this way, it becomes more difficult to must provide the remaining portion.
resist, and the saving throw IX of the spell CONSfRUCT10N
increases by u. Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, major
CONSfRUCT10N creation; Cost 50,000 gp
Requirements (rar, Wondrous Item, Spell
Focus (any), Spellcraft 10 ranks; (ost ]2,500 gp ORIIOI >\IIJlJRATION
Aura strong abjuration; CL 17th
MISFR S URII Slot none; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 1511Js.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th DESCRIPTION
Slot none; Price 100,000 gp; Weight lIb. This orb is I1ldde o{pureaddmantine, and
D£SCRIPTION glows with .I {dint white light. It h<Js<J hardness of
This orb seems to be made upof.In 20, .Ind 120 hit poillls.
.Imalg.Im.Ition o{ coins melted h.Iph.Izardly
together. As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
Des of all abjuration spells the wielder casts are
This orb allows the wielder to ignore up to increased by +l. Additionally, the wielder may
5,000 gp worth of spell components eaeb day. spontaneously sacrifice prepared spells or unused
spell slots in order to cast certain abjuration OKII OF AU{ Kin
spells, in the Silme way that a cleric can Aura moderate transmutation; CL 6th
spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. The spell Slot none; Price 8,000 BP; Weight 1 lb.
received is based on the level of the sacrificed DESCRIPTION
spell, as indicated below: This orb is shocking pink and feels slightly
"1St-level spell: Alarm el,lstic:, though it doesn't bounce or stretch.
"2nd-level spell: Protection from ,lrrows
"yd-level spell: Protection from ene~y The wielder of this orb gains a +1O-foot
"4th-level spell: Lesserglobeof bonus to his movement speed. Additionally three
iIIVU Iner,l biIitY times per day the wielder may cast a spell that has
"5th-level spell: Bre,lk enchantment a casting time of one full round as a standard
"6th-level spell: Ami-life shell action, instead ofits nonnal casting time.
"7th-level spell: 8.:Jnishmell/
"8th-level spell: Mind bl,lnk
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, haste;
"9th-level spell: Prism,ltic sphere
Cost 4,000 gp
Thewielder need not know the spell, or
even have it on hisor her spell list, in order to
cast it with the orb in this way. However, he must Aura moderate divination: CL 71h
provide anyrostly material components or Slot none; Price 58,800 gp; Weight 4 Ibs.
focuses the spell requires. DESCRIPTION
This orb isa d.Jrk blue, and has a number of
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, alarm, poillls of light which glimmer on its surfact',
anti-magicfield, oonishmenc break
making it look likeol st,wy night sky.
enchan/ment , lesser globe ofinvulnerability ,
As long as you hold the orb, spells you cast
mind blank, prismatic sphf're, protection from
are more potent against creatures whose
arrows, protection from energy; Cost H,')OO gp alignment opposes yours. 'Nhenever you cast a
spell, ifit allows a saving throw, the target takes a
OKROFA(ID -} penalty to his Silve for each aspect of his
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th alignment which is opposed to yours (for
Slot none; Price 50,000 BP; Weight Sibs. t'Xdmple. ifol chaotic good wizard uses the orb on
DESCRIPTJON a lawful evil sorcerer, the sorcerer WQuld lakeol-2
This orb is made of limestone, and is penalty to his save, but ifa CholOlic neurrdl druid
completely immune to the effects ofacid and uses lheorbon the same sorcerer, he WQuld only
other corrosive substdnces. suffer,) -I penol/ty).

As long as the orb is held, the saving throw Additionally, as long as you are holding the
DCs ofall spells with the acid descriptor the orb, you may cast detect chaos, delecl evil, delect
wielder casts are increased by +l. Additionally, good, and detecl law as spell-like abilities at will.
three times per day, as a free action while casting CON~TRU(,ION
a spell that deals acid damage, the wielder IIldy Requirements Crdft Wondrous [tern, detect
cause the acid to produce noxious fumes, chaos> detITt evil ,detect good, detec/law,
sickening the target. If the spell sUITessfullydeals Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil or Lawful Good or
acid damage to the target, the target is sickened
Lawful Evil alignment; Cost 29,400 gp
for a number of rounds equal to the spell's level
(no Silve).

ReqUIrements Cralt Wondrous Item, Aura strong evocation; CL 13th

Elemental Spell (acid)APG; Cost 25,000 gp Slot none; Price 18,000 BP; Weight I lb.
DESCRIPTION As long as this orb is held, its wielder is
This orb isa transparent green color, with treated as though his carrying capacity were 50
grooves Cdrved inroeither side for the user's lbs. higher than it actually is for the purposes of
hands roslide inro, which magicallyalways fir the encumbrance and movement speed. Additionally,
userSllugly, regardless of his or her size. three times per day, whenever the orb's wielder
casts a spell that deals damage (including ability
Once per day, the user may sacrifice a score damage) to a single target, he may
number of prepared spells or unused spell slors in temporarily burden that creature. A creature
order to unleash his combined magical energy in burdened in this Wily is treated as though its
a blast of pure force. In order to use this ability, carrying capacity were 50 Ibs.less than it actually
the orb's wielder must discharge the energies of is. This effect lasts for one hour.
the sacrificed spells into the orb, a process which
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, bun's
takes one round per spell sacrificed, and provokes
attacks of opportunity. Once the wielder spends a strength, roy ofenfeeblement; Cost 6,6<)0 gp
round without charging the orb, hecannot
charge it further until he has released the stored OIOUH (Ol'\j lJ RATION
energy; the charge lasts for one minute, and if the Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th
charge is not used in this time then the energy Slot none; Price 45,000 gp; Weight sibs.
dissipates hannlessly. Releasing the blast isa DESCRIPTION
standard action, and is treated as a line attack 5 This orb is I17dde arwood, and though ir
feet wide by 100 feet long, which deals an amount formsa more-or-Iess perfect sphere, it is dear
of force damage based on the total number of that it has not been carved, but is in fdct is a
spell levels sacrificed, as indicated on the table solid mdSS of root-like growth which took thdt
below. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Shdpe on its own.
number of spell levels sacrificed) halves the
damage. As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
Des of all conjuration spells the wielder casts are
Spell Levels Sacrificed Damage
increased by +I. Additionally, the wielder may
1-3 4d4 spontaneously sacrifice prepared spells or
4- 6 6d, unused spell slots in order to CdSt certain
7-9 &I, conjuration spells, in the sameWilY that a cleric
10-15 ",d6 can spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. The
16-1.0 '2d6 spell received is based on the leyel of the
21-25 14d6 sacrificed spell, as indicated below:
26'30 ,6d6 "1St-level spell: Cure light wounds
)1 40 ,&18 "2nd-level spell: Web
1 -50 wd8 "Jrd-level spell: Stinking cloud

' 2Odl0 "4th-level spell: Minorcrearion
"5th-level spell: Wdll ofslolle
CONSTRUCTION "6th-level spell: Add fog
Requirements Arc,me Srrike, Craft Wondrous ".,rh-level spell: Teleport, greafer
Item, mogic missile; Cost 9,000 gp "8th-level spell: Planar binding, greater
"9th-level spell: Summon monster IX
Aura faint transmutation; CL )rd Thewielder need not know the spell, or
Slot none; Price 12,J80 gP; Weight 1 lb. even have it on his or her spell list, in order to
DESCRIPTION cast it with the orb in this way. However, he must
This orb is m.1de ofiron and is emblazed provide any costly material components or
with rhe image ofan anvil and a feather. focuses the spell requires.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, aciJfog, Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, soul
greater planar binding> greater teleport, mage bind or trap the soul; Cost 18,500 gp
armor, minor creation, stinking c:loud,
summon monster IX, wall ofstone. web; Cost
.u.,Soo gp Aura strong divination; CL 17th
Slot none: Price 42,000 gp: Weight sIbs.
This orb is nJdde ofpolished silver, alld any
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th refleaiOlls ill theorbappt'dr normal, and are not
Slot none: Price 80,000 gp; Weight sIbs. distorted by the orb's shape.
This orb isa dull, lusterless bldck, and does As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
not shine org/edm in any light. DCs of all divination spells the wielder casts are
increased by +l. Additionally, the wielder may
As long as the orb is held, you gain a +2 spontaneously sacrifice prepared spells or unused
bonus to all caster level checks made to counter spell slots in order to cast certain divination
or dispel spells or other magical effects with spells, in the same way that a cleric can
dispel magic and similar spells. Additionally, spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. The spell
three times per day, when you successfully received is based on the level of the sacrificed
counter a spell, you may retain the spell used to spell, as indicated below:
counter it, as though you had not expended it. "lSt-level spell: Identify
CONSTRUCTION "2nd-level spell: Detect thoughts
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dispel "Jfd-level spell: Tongues
magic, mage's lucubration Improved "4th-level spell: $crying
Counterspell; Cost 40,000 gp "5th-level spell: Telepilthic bond
"6th-level spell: Find the pdth
ORliOFTI1F IlA:vlNfD "7th-levelspell: Arcane sight, gredter
Aura slTong necromancy; CL 17th "8th-level spell: DiS('('tfl location
Slot none: Price 3],000 gp: Weight 61bs. "9th-level spell: Foresight
This orb is jet black dnd perfectly smooth. It Thewielder need not know the spell, or
hasa fdim autd of reddish-purple light, which even have it on hisor her spell list, in order to
flwtSdnd ripples around the orb as though it cast it with the orb in this way. However, he must
","'Creon fire. provide any costly material components or
focuses the spell requires.
As long as you are holding the orb, you may CONSTRlICfION
make your death spells utterly destroy the Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, anolyze
target's soul, preventing resurrection. 1his isa woomer, detect thoughts> discern location,
free action made as part of casting the spell, and foresight, greoter arcane sight, identify,
reduces the spell's save DC, if any, by -4. 1his scryin9, tongues, telepi1thic bond; Cost 21,000
ability can only beapplied to spells with the gp
death descriptor. If the target is slain as a result
of the spell, his or her soul is destroyed utterly,
preventing resurrection ofany kind. The body
may still be animated with spells like animate Aura moderate evocation: CL 9th
dead, or similar. A wish or miracle spell can Slot none: Price so,ooo gp: Weight 8 Ibs.
restore the lost soul, at which point the target DESCRIPTION
can be returned to life normally.
This orb is rTldde of copper, and as Ions as it As long as the orb is held your caster level is
is held, arcs of eJectrical ene~y race "KroSS its treated as 1. higher than it actually is for the
SUrfdce, thouSh they do not hdrm its wielder. purposes of level-dependent effects of spells you
cast which have the fire descriptor, including
As long as the orb is held, the saving throw checks to overcome spell resistance, level-
DCs of aU speUs with the electricity descriptor dependent dalllilge, etc. Additionally, whenever
that the wielder casts are increased by +I. you cast a spell that deals damage, you may
Additionally, three times per day, as a free action choose to have that spell deal fire dalllilge instead
while casting a spell that deals electricity damage, of its nonnal dalllilge type. This causes the spell
the wielder may cause the lightning to paralyze to gain the fire descriptor, but spells modified in
the target. As long as the spell deals at least 1 point this way do not have their caster level improved
of electricity damage to the target, he is stunned by the orb of e/ementdl fire.
for I round (no save). CON:"RUCTION
CONSTRUCTION ReqUIrements Cralt Wondrous hem,
ReqUlrements Craft Wondrous Item, Elemental Spell (fire)"PC. Heighten Spell; Cost
Elemental Spell (electricity)"PC; Cost 25,000 gp }2,5OO gp


Aura strong evocation; CL 11th Aura strong evocation: CL lith
Slot none; Price 65,000 gp: Weight 1. l!>s. Slot none: Price 65,000 gp; Weight 2 Ibs.
This orb is a spheriml emerald, rouShly
eisht inches in di"meter. It Slows briShl1y from
the inside, "nd SlinSS when touched.

As long as the orb is held your caster level is

treated as 1. higher than it actuaUy is for the
purposes oflevel-dependent effects of spells you
cast which have the acid descriptor, including
checks to overcome spell resistance, level-
dependent dalllilge, etc. Additionally, whenever
you cast a spell that deals dalllilge, you may
choose to have that spell deal acid damage
instead of its nonnal damage type. This causes
the spell to gain the acid descriptor, but spells
modified in this waydo not have their caster level
improved by the orb of elemental add.
ReqUIrements trait Wondrous [tern,
Elemental Spell (acid)APG, Heighten Spell; Cost
)2,500 gp


Aura strong evocation; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 65.000 gp: Weight 2 l!>s.
This orb is a sphericdl ruby; rouShlyeiShl
inches in diameter. Jt Slows briShtly from the .....Oc.. __
inside, ilnd is warm to the touch.
This orb iSil sphericill Silpphire, roughly ORR OF fMPOWFRl1> SI'! I J MAS! I R'
eight inches in diilmeter. It glows brightly from Aura strong transmutation; Cll3th
the inside, i1nd is cold to the touch.
Slot none; Price V,OOO gp; Weigh! 10 Ibs.
As long as the orb is held your caster level is
This compilet orb is milde ofpure
t:reiIted as l higher than it aClually is for the
dddmdntine, dnd hds h<Jrdne5S JO <Jnd 110 hit
purposes of leYel-dependent effects of spells you
points. Arcs of<Jl'C<Jne ene'1lY occ<Jsiooolly eropt
casl which ~ the cold descriptor, including
from it and run <!Cross irs surf<Jce, criJCkling
checks tOOYercome spell resislance, level-
dependent, elc. Additiol1il.Uy, whenever
you cast a spell thaI deals damage, you may
1his orb allows its wielder to ITIOI"e easily
choose to ~ lhat spell deal cold damage apply the Empower SpeU feat 10 spells he casts,
instNd of its normal type. This causes
but the exact effect depends on whether the
the spell to gain lhe cold descriptor, but spells
~ielder prepiI.Il'S speUs, or caslS them sponlan~
modified in this "'7t'f do not have their caSler leom ously. Additionally, as long as the orb bas been in
imp~ by the orb of element.!1 ice.
thev.ielder's possession for al leiI.Sl14 hours, he
CONSTltUCllON is treated as knO'l'oing the Empower Spell
ReqUIrements ltilil woTldrous Item,
metamagic feat, and may make use of that fUI as
Elemental Spell (jet')""';;, Heighten Spell; Cost lbough be had taken it, as long as the orb
",, remains ~ithin his possession.

ORR Of fl f \11 '1 \1 111,11 r'I'I, If the wielder CilSlS spells spontaneously,
Aura strong e\"OCalion; Cllllh then as long as he is holding the orb, he may
Slot none; Price 65,000 gp; Weighll Ibs. apply the Empower Spdl metamagic feat 10
Df.SCRJI'TION spdls that he Ci!.SlS without increasing the
Thisorb iu spheric.!1 diJmom:I, roughly casting time of ~ spells. The spells SliD take
eight inches in diilmefer. It glows brightly from up a speU slot 1'0\10 Ieo.'els higher tha.n normal.
the inside, and tingles slightly"'hen touched.
Alternatively, if you hold the 0Ib whiJ~ you
As long as the orb is held your caSler le\'l'I. is are preparing your spells for the &y, you can
treil.ted as 1. higher than il aet1.IiI.lly is fOt the apply the Empower SpeU mel.unagic feal to lhose
purposes of leo.'el-dependenl effects of spells you spells more easily than normal. When
cast which h.n'e the electricity descriptor, fiIlpoY<'ering a speU in this way, it only lakes up a
including checks 10 O\'eI'OOme spell resiSlil.IlCC, slot one ~I higher than normal, instead of lhe
level-dependent, etc. Additionally, normal two levels higher. Only ()Il(' person can
whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you 001efi1 from this effect at anygWen tim~, and if
may choose to have thaI spell deal electricity the orb is not held when thespeU is cast, the
d.unage inslead of its normal damage type. spell will not be empowered, though it ",ill SliD
causes the spell to gain the electricity descriptor, lake up a slol one leYel higher than normal.
but spells modified in this way do not have their CONSTRurnON
caster level improved by the orb of elementill Requirements Craft Wondrous hem.
lightning. Empower Spell; COSI 36,500 gp
ReqUIrements lratl Wondrous hem, ORR OF [f',j( HMH\1ff',jT
Elemental Spell (eleclricilyt PG • Heighten Spell; Aura strong enchantmenl; CL 171h
COSI J1,SOO gp Slot none; Price 50,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Thisorb is nlddeofgold, ,md is engr,lI'ed spontaneously cast curl." or inflict spells. The spell
wilh iI C<lpti"<lling pilffern ofwhorls <lnd other rt'C'I."ived is based on the level of the sacrifiCl."d
designs. spell, as indicated below:
'lSt-IE"\Id spell: Milgic missile
As long as theorb is held, the saving throw ':md-~I spell: Gust of wind
Des ofall enchantmftlt spells the wielder caSlS ·jrd-Ievd spell: Fi~b.J1I
arr increased by +1. Additionally, the widder may ·4fh-I.....-d spell: Fi~ shield
spontaneously sacrificr, prepared spells or unused ·y:h-Ievd spell: Fl.Jmestrike
speD slots in ordr"T to cast C't%lin enchamment ·6t:h-I~ spell: Clwin lightning
spells, in tM 5amewiIY that a dericcan ..,rh-I I spell: Prisffidtic spray
spontaneously cast ~ aT inflict spdls. 1M spell ·8th-I -d spell Pour ray
J"K'Cived is ~ OD the le\~ of the sacrifi~ ·l)lh-l~-d spell: Meftorswarm
speD, as indkat~ be1aw::
·l5t-I~~ speD: Chdrm person The wieMer need nO( know the spdl, or
'IDd-le\ti spdl: Hideous Iilughter ~ ~ it on his 01" Mr spell list, in order to
'yd-I~~I spell: Hold pet'SOII cdS! it""ith the orb in this way. ~......, he must
·4th-leveI. spell: Ch.Jrm monster provide any rostly IIWterial components or
·sth-I~~I spell: F......blemind focuses the spell n:quires.
·6th-level spell: Geaslquest CONSTRUCTION
7lh-IE'\~1 spell: lrl5dnity Requirements Cr.lft Wondrous Item. chain
'8th-level spell: Irresistible ddnce lightning ,jireoo!l ,jire shield. gusl of wind ,
'~h-Ievel spell: Domin.Jle mOllster magic missile, meteor swarm. polar roy,
prismatic roy. wall offorc/!.; Cost H,5°O gp
Thewielder need not know the spell, or
even have it on hisor her spell list, in order to
cast it with the orb in this way. H~r, he must
provide any costly material components or Aura moderaft:" enchantment; CI. 7th
focuses the spell requiTes. Sial none: Price 11,000 sp: WeiRht 3 100.
Requirements Craft \Vondrous Item, charm This orb is a dilrk, ,Jngrr rrd, 'illd bliKk
monster, chomr person. dominotl> mansur, mists can be seen 10 swirl about inside 'he globe.
ff!f'b1emind. geos/qUe5t . hideous lought!'r, hold
l1tn-e times per day, when you cast a spell
person. insanity. irresistibl!' donee; Cost
~ith the fl."il1" descriptor, if the t~ £ails its
250000 gp saving throw, it suffers an additional penalty on
all attack and damage rollseqlld1to 1/z the I.....-d
ORROII\O( \TIO' of the spell (rounded down. minimum 1), for the
Aur.. Slrong evocatKm; CL 17th dUJ'iltion of the spell'seffect. If the spell does not
Slot none: Price 1}000 gp; Weight 4 Ibs. allow a Si!Ving throw, this ability has no effect..
This orb is m.JdeofgldSS. but inside iSii 0011 Requirements Craft \Vondrous hem, crushing
of criKkling eneIXYo which occasiortillly IL:ires up despair ,foor; gp
in bursrsofbright light.
As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th
OCs ofaU !'VOCation spells the wielder casts are
Slot none; Price 50,000 BP; Weight 5 [00.
increased by +1. Additionally, the wielder may
spollfalleDusly sacrifice prepared spells or ullused
ThIS orb IS m.:tde 01 pure, 61.lck obS]dliln,
spell slots in order to cast certain evocafiOll
.lnd glows fdinlly wilh,] reddish-ordllge hue.
spells, in the same way that a dericcan
As long as the orb is held, the saving throw This orb is made ofg/a5S, and appears to be
Des of all spells with the fire descriptor that the filled with a thick mist, which swirls Jnd eddies,
wielder casts are increased by +I. Additionally, forming shapes which hint at figures and objects
three times per day, as a free action while casting within.
a spell that deals fire damage, the wielder may
increase the potency of the fire that spell As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
produces. If the spell successfully deals fire Des of all illusion spells the wielder casts are
damage to the target, that target catches fire (no increased by +l. Additionally, the wielder may
save), taking Id6 points ofdamage per two levels spontaneously sacrifice prepared spells or unused
of the spell each round (rounded down, spell slots in order to cast certain illusion spells,
minimum 1). Total submersion in water ora in the same way that a cleric can spontaneously
similar substance, oranyeffect which can dispel cast cure or inflict spells. The spell received is
magical flames, will dispel these flames. based on the level of the sacrificed spell, as
Otherwise, they persist for three rounds before indicated below:
going out. "1St-level spell: Disguise self
CONSTRUCTION "znd-Ievel spell: Invisibility
ReqUirements Cralt Wondrous Item, "Jrd-Ievel spell: Displacemenl
Elemental Spell (fire)"P<:;; Cost zs,ooo gp "4th-level spell: Phillltasmill killer
"5th-level spell: MirageJl'Cdnil
ORH OF nmSl "6th-level spell: Shadow walk
"-,th-Ievel spell: Project image
Aura moderale evocation; CL 9th
"8th-level spell: S<:illlillating pattern
Slot none; Price 50,000 BP; Weight Sibs.
"9th-level spell: ShJdes
This orb is I7J</de ofpure, dear ice, and is Thewielder need not know the spell, or
quite cold to the touch. No malter how hOlthe even h.we it on hisor her spell list, in order to
orb's surroundings, it never melts, and JlwJys cast it with the orb in this way. However, he must
remains J perfect sphere. provide any costly material components or
focuses the spell requires.
As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
Des ofall spells with the cold descriptor that the Requirements Craft: Wondrous Item, disguise
wielder casts are increased by +I. Additionally,
self, displacemenl , invisibility, mirage arcana,
three times per day, as a free action while casting
phantasmal killer, project image, scintillating
a spell that deals cold damage, the wielder may
cause the cold to numb the target, slowing his pallern, shades, shadow walk; Cost :u,soo gp
movements. If the spell successfully deals cold
damage to the target, that target is also slowed, as
ORII OF Il'\\ISlilIlln
the spell slaw, for one minute. lbis ability affects
Aura moderate illusion: CL 7th
creatures that are normaI.Iy immune to being
slowed, unless they arealso immune to cold Slot nOlle: Price 17,000 gP; Weight 3 Ibs.
damage. Dealing to points of fire damage to the
target ends this effect. This orb is m.lde ofg/a5S, dnd is perfectly
dear, making it difficultlosee.
ReqUirements Craft Wondrous Item,
As long as it is held, you gain a +5
Elemental Spell (ice)APG; Cost Z5,000 gp
enhancement bonus on all Stealth checks.
Additionally, once per day, when you cast a spell
which makes one or more creatures invisible
Aura strong illusion; CL 17th (such as invisibility), you may choose to enhance
Slot none: Price 45,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs. that invisibility, allowing the creature to bypass
D&RIPTION senses nonnally not bypassed by invisibility. A
creature made invisible in this way is made remains within his possession.
invisible as nonnal, except that he or she also
cannot be detected by the scent special quality, or If the wielder casts spells spontaneously,
by bLindsight, tremorsense, or similar abilities. then as long as he is holding the orb, he may
Invisibility purge, see invisibilily, true sight, and apply the Maximize Spell metamagic feat to
similar effects still pierce the invisibility. TIris spells that he casts without increasing the
enhanced invisibility lasts for the duration of the casting time of those spells. The spells still take
spell creating the invisibility effect. up a spell slot three 1l'Vl"ls higher than nonna!'
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greuter Alternatively, if you hold the orb while you
invisibility; Cost 8,500 gp are preparing your spells for the day, you can
apply the Maximize Spell metamagic feat to
ORIIOF KIM.S those spells more easily than nonna!. When
Aura moderate enchantment; CI. 7th maximizing a spell in this Wily, it only takes upa
slot two levels higher than nonna!, instead of the
Slot none: Price 75,000 gp: Weight I lb.
nonnal three 1l'Vl"1s higher. Only one person can
benefit from this effect at any given time, and if
This orb is mdde ofpure gold, dnd is
the orb is not held when the spell iscast, the
encrusted with rubies.
spell will not be maximized, though it will still
take up a slot two levels higher than nonna!'
The wielder of this orb receives a +6 bonus
onall Charisma-based skill checks. Additionally,
once per day, when the orb's wielder casts a spell Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
of the charm subschool, he may target one Maximize Spell; Cost 60,750 gp
additional creature provided that creature would
be a valid target for the spell. ORII OF MF\HHn
CON;,TRUCTION Aura moderate transmutation: CI. 13th
ReqUlrcments U'<ilt VVoh(lrous HCm, (Idyll's Slot none: Price 85,000 gp: Weight lib,
splendor or skill oflhe peacockAl'G, churm DESCRIPTJON
monster; Cost 37,500 gp This orb is comprised ofc1edrcrysl<l1 eXdct/y
five inches in di<lmeter, filled with d pale silvery
Aura strong transmutation: CI.13th
Slot none: Price 11.1,500 gp; Weight 50 Ibs. As long as it is held the wielder gains a +4
bonus on all concenl:Tation checks. Additionally,
This orb is made ofpureadi/mdntine, ,1Ild once per day, as a swift action, the om's wielder
weighs 50 lbs, despite being only nine inches in may instantly prepare any spell he cast in the last
diameter. It has h<lrdness 20, and 120 hit points. 1.4 hours. The spell must actually have been cast
It hums faintly with power, <lnd tingles ro the during this period. The prepared spell is stored
rouch. mentally just as though he had prepared it
nonnally. If the spell in question requires
This orb all0W5 its wielder to more easily material components, the wielder must still
apply the Maximize Spell feat to spells he casts, provide them.
but the exact effect depends on whether the
wielder prepares spells, or casts them Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage's
spontaneously. Additionally, as long as the om lucubration; Cost 41.,500 gp
has been in the wielder's possession for at least
1.4 hours, he is treated as knowing the Maximi1.e ORII OF NH ROMAN( l
Spell metamagic feat, and may make use of that Aura strong necromancy; CI.17th
feat as though he had taken it, as long as the orb Slot none; Price 48,000 KP; Weight 4 lbs.
DESCRIPTION "5th-level spell: S/<lY living
This orbilppears to be a human skull, "6th-level spell: Eyebile
though it is ffidde of pure ebony. Whenever the "71h-level spell: Control ullde<ld
wielder casts a necrolThlncy spell, I he eye sockets "8th-level spell: Horrid wilting
oflheskul/lighf up with an eerie blue light. "9th-level spell: Enet'llydmin

As long as the orb is held, the saving throw Thewielder need not know the spell, or
Des ofaU necromancy spells the wielder casts even have it on hisor her spell list, in order to
are increased by +l. Additionally, the wielder cast it with the orb in this Wily. However, he must
may spontaneously sacrifice prepdred spells or provide anyrostly material components or
unused spell slots in order to cast certain focuses the spell requires.
necromancy spells, in the same way that a cleric CON~"RUcrION

can spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. The Requirements Craft Wondrous Ilem, bestow
spell received is based on the level of the curse, blight. blindness/deafness, cofltrol
sacrificed spell, as indicated below: undead, energy drain, eyebite, horrid wilting.
"lSt-level spell: Rdyof enfeeblement ray ofenfeeblement, vampiric louch; Cost
"2nd-level spell: B1indllessldeilfness 2.4,000 gp
"Jfd-level spell: Vampiric touch
"4th-level spell: Bestowcurse OKR OF I'IF:K( IN(, SI'F11 S
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none: Price 30,000 gP; Weight I lb.
This orb is ffidde offfidrb/e, inl<lid wilh gold,
ilnd is I'('ry stni1l1, only ilooUt three inches ilCroSS.

As long as the orb is held, you gain a +I

enhancement bonus on caster level checks made
to overcome spell resistance. Additionally, three
times per day, asa standard action, you may
sacrifice a prepdred spell (or unused spell slot, if
you area spontaneous spellcaster) to lower the
spell resistance ofa single target within 60 feet.
That target's spell resistance, if any, is reduced by
twice the level. of the sacrificed spell. This effect
lasts for one minute.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Grealer
Spell Penetr<ltion, Spell Penelralion; Cost
15. 000 gp

OKll OF l'liRIFI( >\T!OI'\

Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 30,000 gp; Weight I lb.
This orb is tni1de of red qU<lrtz, <lnd glows
with <l filint golden light, ilS though wrNthed in a

_ec.. __ As long as you are holding the orb, three

times per day, asa free action, you may make a
spell deal purifying damage as well as its normal damage roll (or anyother rolls, sum as to
damage type. TIlls does not affect any resistance determine which color ofa prismatic spray hits
or immunity to the original dil.Illilge type, but will the target), roll once and apply the result to both
cause the damage to also be purifying, which targets.
means that it will only dil.Illilge creatures of evil CONSfRUCTION
alignment. Additionally, you may apply Requirements Crart Wondrous Item, Weapon
purification feats to spells altered in this way. For Focus (ray); Cost 6,000 gp
more infonnation on purifying damage and
purification feats, see A Necromancer's Grimoire: ORII OF SH,MFNTS
The Book of Purifying FI;Jmes.
Aura strong universal; CL l7Ih
Slot none; Price 13},5OO gp; Weight I lb.
ReqUIrements Craft Wondrous Item,
Purifying Spell""; Cost 15,000 gp This orb is made ofbr;JSS, and appe;Jrs 10 be
assembled OUI of numerous imerlocking pie<:es.
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd The wielder of this orb may reduce the
Slot none; Price 38,100 gp; Weight 1 lb. number ofsegments required to complete a
DESCRIPTION segmented spell by I segment. The orb can only
This orb, cut from deep red stone, is marred reduce the number of required segments by 1, no
by a number ofpits and deep faults thaI color ils matter how many rounds arespent casting the
surf.Ke. spell and no more than one orb of segments can
reduce the number of segments required to
The wielder of this orb may cast spells while complete a spell, regardless of the number of
in a barbarian rage or while under the effects of casters involved. Additionallywhenever the
the rage spell. Additionally, the wielder may rage wielder of this orb casts a segmented spell, he may
(as the barbarian class feature) for 5 rounds per instead choose to increase the number of
day, or, if the character already has the rage class segments required to cast the spell byone. Ifhe
feature, he may rage for an additional 5 rounds does so, the saving throw DC of the spell is
each day. treated as though it were 2 higher. For more
information on segmented spells, see Advanced
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, rage; Arcdnd, Volume I.
Cost 19,200 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, wish:
Cost 66,750 gp
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 11.,000 gp; Weight 2 Ibs.
Aura strong illusion: CL l7Ih
Slot none; Price 180,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This orb is dedr, and comains a rich and
compleK prism in iu cemer, which CdUses lighl
passing through it to sparkle in d brilliam This orb is midnight black and shines with
rainbow. an exception;Jllusler.

As long as you are holding the orb, you gain

TIuee times per day, the wielder of this orb
a +1 enhancement bonus on all ray attacks you may cast any spell he knows without having
make. Additionally once per day, while you are prepared it ahead of time and without consuming
holding the orb, as a free action while casting a any spell slots. Spells cast this way are only 50%
spell that has a single target, you may use the om real and are thus half (')0%) as strong as the real
to duplicate the spell, allowing it to hit an thing, though creatures who believe the spell to
additional target. If the spell requires an attack or be real are affected by them at full strength. Any
creature that interacts with the spell canmakea
can make a Will save to recognize its true nature. DESCRIPTION
This orb is made from a single large black
Spells that dl'ill damage have nonnaleffects pearl and hums slightly in the hands ofa spel/-
unless the affected creature succl'l'ds on a Will C<lster.
save (DC equal to the spell's IX). E'..lch
disbelieving CJl'iIture takes only half (50%) As a free action, three times per day, the
damage from the attack. If the disbelil'Vl'd attack wielder may tap the orb's power to gain a +I bonus
has a special effect other than damage, that effect to the save DCs ofany spells he casts for one
is only 50% likely to occur. Regardless of the round. Alternatively, all three charges can be
result of the save to disbelieve, an affected expended to recharge a magic staff, restoring one
creature is also allowed anysave that the spell charge per use.
being simulated allows. Additionally, these spells CONSTRUCTION
always offer spell resistance even if they would Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, limiled
nonnaliy not. wish; Cost 16,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, shades: ORR OF SlIBI)lI,\1
Cost 90,000 gp Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp; Weight I lb.
Aura moderate necromancy: CL 7th This orb is rTl,Jde ofa rolf, supple wood,
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp (mindfire), 22,000 which bends and flexes slightly when pressure is
gp (cackle fever), 22,000 gp (filth fever), 26.000 applied to it.
gp (blinding sickness), 30,000 gp (slimy doom):
Weighl 3 Ibs. As long as you hold the orb, wheneveryou
DESCRIPTION cast a spell that dl'ills damage, you may choose to
This orb isa pille, putrid shade ofgreen, and make that damage nonlethal damage, instead of
is ,Jlways d,Jmp to the rouch. whatever the normal damage type is. TIlls isa
free action that is part ofcasting the spell. For
TItree times per day, as long as you are more information on nonlethal damage, see the
holding the orb, you may cause spells you cast to Pathfinder Ro/epl<lying Game Core Rulebook.
also inflict a disease upon your target. This can CONSTRUCTION
only be applied to spells which allow a saving ReqUIrements Cralt Wondrous [tern, MerCIful
throw to resist their effects, and the target SpeIIAPG: Cost 4,000 gp
automatically becomes infected with the disease
ifhe or she fails that saving throw. The exact ORROI S\\IRIIM,(OIOK
nature of thedi5l'ilse is detennined when the orb Aura strong illusion; CL 15th
is created, and cannot later be changed. Infecting Slot none; Price 85,000 Sp; Weight I lb.
spells in this way makes them more cumbersome DESCRIPTION
and less precise, and the save DC of such spells is This orb is IThlde ofc1earglilS$ and cont<lins
reduced by 2. m,lny brightly colored v,Jpors.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, TItree times perday, when this orb's wielder
conwgion: (OSI10,000 gp (mindfire), ll,ooo gp successfully casts a spell, he may have the orb
(cackle fever), lJ,ooo gp (filth fever), 13,000 gp shine brightly, casting a colorful pattern in a 20-
(blinding sickness), 15,000 gp (slimy doom) foot radius around the caster. All creatures within
the radius other than the caster must succl'l'd on a
DC 18 Will save or be fascinated for one round.
Creatures which are immune to mind-affecting
Aura faint transmutation; CL 13th
effects, or that are sightless, are unaffected.
Slot none; Price 32,000 j!;p; Weij!;ht I lb.
Additionally, once per day, asa standard action ORII OF TRANSMUTATION
that provokes attacks of opportunity, the orb's Aura strong transmutation; CL l-,rh
wielder maychoose to release the orb's power ina Slot none; Price 45.000 gp; Weight 4lbs.
single concentrated burst; this ability functions DESCRIPTION
identically to the sdlllillating p.lftern spell, This orb is I7J<lde of a fine wire mesh, which
except that it does not offer a saving throw. is hard as steel. In the middle of the orb floats a
Following such a display the orb ceases to smaller sphereofliquid quicksilver, which
function for 2f hours. writhes and dances in rune wifh magical currents
CONSTRUCTION inside the orb.
Requirements Craft Wondrous hem, rainbOw
pattern. scinrilating pattern; Cost 41..500 gp As long as the orb is held, the saving throw
DCs of all transmutation spells the wielder casts
ORII OF THRAII!'i are increased by +l. Additionally, the wielder may
Aura mooerate enchantment; CL 9th spontaneously sacrifice prepared spells or
Slot none; Price 17,000 gp; Weight 2lbs. unused spell slots in order to cast certain
DESCRIPTION transmutation spells, in the same Wily that a
This orb is made ofamethyst, and is bQund cleric can spontaneously cast cure or inflict
by two rings ofgold. spells. The spell received is based on the level of
the sacrificed spell, as indicated below:
As long as the orb is held, you gain a +4 'lSt-level spell: Fe<lther fall
bonus on opposed Charisma checks made to '2nd-level spell: Alter self
control a channed or dominated creature. ·Jrd-level spell: Fly
Additionally, once per day, asa full-round action, '4th-level spell: SlOnesh<lpe
you may take direct control of the body of one of '5th-level spell: Righfeous might
the creatures you Me dominating with dominate '6th-level spell: Flesh IOsrone
person or a similar spell or effect. This functions '-,rh-Ievel spell: (omrol weather
as the spell m<lgic jar, with a few key differences. '8th-level spell: Polymorph <1nyobjeet
First, the target's spirit does not leave its body, '9th-level spell: Sh<1pechange
but is merely suppressed whileyou are in
control. You may telepathically communicate Thewielder need not know the spell, or
with the target while you are controlling its body even have it on his or her spell list, in order to
in this way. Secondly, the effect immediately ends cast it with the orb in this way. However, he must
if you are ever more than JOO feet from your provide any rosily material components or
body, or if your body ever loses contact with the focuses the spell requires.
orb of thralls. Ending the effect in this way does CON~IRUCTION
not put you at risk ofdeath. While in the target's Requirements Cr<1ft Wondrous Item, alter
body, your body remains inert and unaware, but self, control weather ,featherfall.flesh to
does not fall lifeless, and will continue to hold stone ,flY, polymorph any object, shapechange,
the orb. If you attempt to perfonn any actions stone shape, telekinesis; Cost 1.2,')00 gp
that would allow the dominated creature a new
save 10 resist the action if you ordered him to ORII OF LJNr\ATl'RAI STREN(,TH
perform them, he is still allowed a new save,
Aura mooerate trallsmut<1tion; CL-,rh
albeit at a -4 penalty. He may only make this save
Slot none; Price }1.,000 Sp; Weight 5 Ibs.
once per use of this ability, and if he succeeds,
you are forced back into your own body.
This orb is made ofpurestone, polished
into<1 perfee! sphere.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
dominate person, magic jar; Cost 8.500 gp As long as the orb is held, whenever you cast
a spell of the polymorph subschool, you lIldy
choose to ha~ the spell's target (including
yourself, if you are the spell's target) gain 01"'4
enhancemem bonus to his Strength score for the
duration of the polymorph effecl. Additionally,
once per day, asa slandard action, you may sacri-
fice a prepared spell of the polymorph subschool.
Ifyou do, you maygranl a single target within 60
feel an enhancement bonus 10 his Strenglh score
equaJto twice the level of the sacrificed spell.
1his bonus lasts forone minut~, after which the
targer isexhausted for 10 minutes and then
fatigued for one hour.
Requirem~nts Craft Wondrous [tern, bulfs
s(~ng(h; Cos-I 16,000 gp

()N.HOr"IIll~llJ""I[1 \1'''1IN.'
Aur<a strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot none; Price Ul,SOO sp; W~ight 6 [bs.
This oro is OO'I'ered in 01 numberofil'T'l'BuUr
bumps dnd gl'OO\ti, which CO\'t'T its ..a.mdnulIf"
S(JndCe. II hds h.Jrdness.:o, 0100 lJO hit points. held ....hen the spdl is cast, the spdl ....;n not ~
wid~, though it will still lake up a slot two
1his orb allows its wiel<kr 10 Il'IOI'e Nsily levels higher th.m normal
apply the WKien Spell fNt to spells h~ casts, but
the ~ rffect depends on ....hether the wielder
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Widen
~ spells, or casts them spontaneously.
Spell; Cost 60,750 gp
Additionally, as long as theorb has been in the
widder's possession for at lNSl: 14 hours., h~ is
O'eiIted as knowing the WKien Spell metamagic
fNt, and may make u~of that feal as though he Aura strong conjuration; Cl f71h
had taken iI, as long as the orb re:mains ...ithin his Slol none; Price 8}.663 sp; Weighl llbs.

This orb is actually an irregu/droval, though
If the wielder casts spells spontaneously, it is still smoothed. It is m.u1eorSlone, though
then as longas h~ is holding lhe orb, h~ may m(l:St 5uch orbsareCOilted in d thin l.I,.erof moss.
apply the Widen Spell met:amagk feat to spells
that he casts without increasing the casting lime As long as the summoning stone is held, all
of those spells. The spells still take up a spell slot spells you cast of the sununoning sub5chool are
three levels higher thdn normal. autoIIlilticaily affecled as though by the
rnetamagic feat Extend Spell. Additionally, once
Altem.iIIively, if you hold the orb whiI~ you per day, as a full-round action that provokes
Me preparing your spells for the <lay, you can attacks ofopportunity, youlnayatternpt to
apply the Widen Spellilieramagic feat to those sununona creature using the stone. This
spells more easily than nOITllilL When widening a functions as the spell summon monster IX in all
spell in this way, it only takes up a slot two levels Wilys except for the creature summoned, which is
higher than nOITllilI, instead of the nonna! tnree determined at random. Roll a d% and consult the
levels higher. Only one person can benefit from table on the next page to seew!lat creature
this effecl at any given time, and if the orb is not appears.
d% SUlIltllOlll.'d Crt.'alure possess may also be able to find a oollecroror
01- 0 5 Sed Serpent someone else towhom they can sell theartifact,
06-00 Purple Wurm again purely at GM discretion. Thevalue entry
ll-15 Copper Drdgon (adult) should also be used as a rough guideline for price
16-::'0 Gr~n Dr<lgon (adult)
in these cirrumstances, as well.
21 30 Froghemoth FH or son s
3'-40 Blue Dragon (adull)
Aura strong necromancy; CL 10th
1 1-5 0 Bronze Dragon (adult)
SlolllOne; We.ighillb.; Value 1.l5,ooogp
51-60 Crag Linnorm DESCRIPTION
61-70 Red Dragon (adult)
Thisom is 01 poi/e, ShosdySrel'n, .md dppears
]1-80 Siln.·r Dragon (adult)
to be fiJ/ed with 01 luminous mist which swirls dnd
8.-85 Gold Dragon (adull)
chums, dS thouSh in d8OnY.
!!6-<)0 PhOl'nix
91 95 BI<lck Dragon (olncicnr) According to legend, this orb was Ihe
06-'00 Br,ISS Dragon ( creation of Kemtac, an ancienl god of the dead,
who would judge the souls of 1M deoceased and
Requi~m~ntsCraft Wondrous Item, Extend determine theiTplace in the afterlife. 1he orb was
Spe{1. summon mansttl' IX; Cost 4,,8)2. gp a gift to particu1uty d~t priests of Kemtac, who
used it totrap umrorthysouls to be brought
before their god for judgment. 1he orb can be
Minor Ar~~si- _ used as the focus for spells ....hich trap souls, such
as !lap the soul and soul bind, and can store any
A nwn~ of the orbs presented in this book number of souls, aiming it to be used
an' minor artifacts. Like other minor .mihcts, inde.fini.tely for such purposes.
~ orbs an' very pc$~m.11. and should be
included in a game only at eM's discretion. ~ Additionally, the orb ailoYo'S you 10 expend
artifacts may or may tlO( be unique, but an' the souls captured in this "'"irf in order to imprO'..e
generally considered outside of the abilities of ~ spells. F.ach time you cast a spell, as a ftft
most mortals to CTNte. For mo~ informiltion on action that is part of casting the spell, you may
artifacts, Sl"e the P"lhfinder RoIepld}ins Cdme choose to expend one of the souls in the f)~ of
Cort" RuJebook. souls in order to apply a rnetamagic feal you know
to the spell being cast, withoul taking up a
Value: In addition to the information higher-I~ spell slot or increasing the spell's
typically P~1ded for artifacts, the .utif~ orbs casting time. The soul to be sacrificed musl
listed ~ ha\'e an entry rilled "value,- This does belong to a creature whose CR was alleast five
not rn&Ul thai the orbs can be bought or sold al times the spellll"\~ adjustment oflhl' meta magic
market, or that players should ever feel entitled to feat you areapplying (foreumple, .I CR 9
purc~one.!bat said, some GMs ~ywish for credwre's soul could be used wdpply Exlend
a rough idea of the value of a given artifucr, either SpeJ/, .IS .In extended spell tdkes Upd spell slot one
to gauge its relative power, or else 10 determine level rusher thdnthe spell normally would, and so
how much treasure it should replace if hedoes requires d soul CR 5 or hisher; but would be
choose to hand it OUI to his players. The value insufficienr wdpply Quicken Spell, as quickened
entry is designed 10 provide that son of esti~te. spells ldke Upd spell slot four levels hisher I.han
normal, and so would requirea soul ofilt least CR
At your GM's discrelion, you may be able to 10.)
buy an anifacr under rare circumstanres, if you
are able to find an NPC who has one and is Finally, once per day, you mayuse the eye of
willing to part with it for a price. Players who souls to trap the soul ofa recently slain creature.
aren't particularly attached toan artifact they To use this ability, you must be within 15 feet of
the target, and it must have been dead no more Whileyou hold the orb, you are constantly
than I round per hit dice it possessed while alive. affected as though by the spell sancwJry (DC
This functions as the spell roul bind, except that 22), with the following notable exceptions: only
the soul is always trapped within the eye ofrouls demons areaffected (other creatures can attack
itself. you nonnally), and the effect does not end if you
DESTRUCTION makea hostile action, but, if you makea hostile
An eye oj souls can be destroye<i II a true action against a demon, that specific demon
resurrection spell is cast on it while it has at becomes immune to the effect for 1.4 hours.
least 40 HD worth of souls in it. The souls
trapped wilhin the eye al this time are destroyed The orb also grants you the ability to
uuerly, and cannot be recovered by any means summon and banish demons. Summoning a
shy of wish or miracle. demon is a full-round action which provokes
attacks of opportunity, and which you can use
three times per day. The type of demon
URIl OF DF:1I.10N (OM!\1 \NI)
summoned depends on the result ofa Spellcraft
Aura strong enchantment; CL zoth check you make as part of the action, as indicated
Slot none; Weight I lb.; Value 200.000 8P on the table below. The demon stays for 2
D1:'SCRIPTJQN minutes, and serves you loyally for the duration
This orbJppears to be made ofa rust-red of the effect, as though summoned by the spell
stone, Jnd OC('Jsiona/ly pulses or throbs, as summon mOllster I.
though it were alive.
Spellcraft DC Demon
The orb ofdemon command is a powerful JO-u Dretch
magical orb which allows the user to impose his 12-17 Quasit
will on demons of all types. Several of them have
been created throughout the milennia by the
lords of the nine hells. They are difficult to craft,
22-23 "'' ' "
Shadow Demon
21 27 Succubus
hO'o'<~r, requiring the still-beating heart of a
28- 29 Nabasu
powerful demon prince, and the exdct process is Vrock
known only to a handfull of high-ranking devils.
30 -31
31-37 Hezrou
38 -4 1 Glabrt'Zll
Though the orb allows the wielder to
4 2 -45 Nalfeshnee
command demons, the wrath demons feel
towards devils is usually strong enough to 46'49 Marilith
overcome this effect, so the devils tend to ensure 50-59 Halor
that these orbs find their way into the hands of 60-64 Balor lord
mortals and others who will abuse the orb's 6,. Unique demon prince
power, enslaving as many demons as possible.
Even though they cannot use the orbs directly, the
Finally, the orb also allows you to banish
lords of the nine hells still takea keen interest in
demons as a spell-like ability three times per day.
these orbs, and have been known to intervene
This functions as the spell bdnishment, except
whenever they do not approve ofan orb's current
only creatures of the demon subtype are affected,
and the banished creature is unable to leave its
home plane until a year and a day has passed (a
As long as you are holding the orb, all
wish or miracle spell can remove this time
creatures of the demon subtype suffer a -4 penalty
on all saving throws made against spells you cast.
Additionally, you gain a +6 bonus on opposed An orb oj demon command can be destroycil
Charisma checks made to force a channed or
with a s~ial command word, known only 10 a
dominated demon to obey your commands.
handful of powerful devil lords.
ORII 01 rill I\IH 11\11\1,1 Little is known of Il'ShaOOsh. except
Aura strong universal; CL 20th whispered legends of the time in which he
Slot none; Weight lib.; Value 350,000 SP walked the earth. long ago. It is said that his
DI'.SCRIPTION name means "plague oflocusts,~ and that he
Thisorbolppeolrs to bed humblesphere of SWl'p1 across the land with an army of undead,
glolSS with no disrerning (eMutes until held byol bringing death and destruction loall in his wake.
spelkaster, when the orb deepens to ol midnight
black. Though ll'Shabosh is long dead. his skull
continues to exert a dark influence on the land
The history of the orboftheolrchmol~isol serving asa patenl magical orb for speUcasters'
long and jealously guarded one. and it has passed inclined to raise dark armies. As long as you hold
from one master wizard to the next throughout £he slrull. when~ryou cast a spell which creates
£he ages. somerimes pe.u:efully, but often by ~ an undead creature, that creature has the
or lrNchery, stolen by mages greedy for its po'M"r. maximum possible hit points. AdditionaUy. as
For this rl'dSOn, wise wielders of the orb do not long as you are ~ more rhan 5 feet &om the
advertise lhat lhey ha\~ it in their possession, and sl"U1l at anytime. you are able to mainrain
it spends much of its time lUcieN aw;ry in £he control m'B more undead creatures [han nonnal
recrsses of a ....Uard·s study, or under the dose through spells Iil:e anitniJfededd. and can control
scrutiny of hoping 10 unlock its a numberofhit dice of undead equal to four
mysteries and disooYer the seem of its creation. times }'OW" caster 1eo.'eI.. rather than two times.
This only affects undedd connoUed through
This orb grants its wieldergainsol +1 tuck spells. nor through abilities ~ the Command
bonus toAC, an<tek rolls., and saving throws. Undead feat.
Secondly, the wielder's speUs calU'lOl be countered
by any, and can only be dispelled by Finally, creatures slain by spells you cast
tniJ~:S disjunction and equaUypo...erful spells or
(whetherthespdl reduces them too hit painrs
abilities. FmaUy, up to three rimes per day, the or bas a death effect) must succeed on a Will Sil'o~
wieklet" may choose to h.r.~ iI speD he casts ~ (IX: 15 + your Charisma modifier) or immediately
any spdlll?:SistaJ1Cl?: the target may possess. This rise as a zombie under your control. Undead
choice must be made at the rime of casting. created in this .....a ydo nor count against the
beroreany rolls to 0"0'l?:K0rnt' speD resistance, and numbel- of HD of undead you can conlrol. but
does nor a110w the spell to bypass the speD ~ creature IIId}' makr a new Will save e&eh day,
immunityspecial quality (see the POIfMinder With a success indicating lhat it breaks free of
lkstiaryfor more infonnation), yuurconlrol and, most: ~!y, attacks 'iOU,
An orb oj the orchmoge s endiintment Coln be According to legend, the skull ofil'Shobosh can
permimently negolled by giving the orb spell only be destroyed by [he weapon of the warrior
resistance JO or higher. who slew the demon. Unfortunately, details of
this hero have been all but [OSI to the misls of
IHI \1\1'11 1)1 II "II \ll{l\ll time.
Aura strong universal; CL 10th
Slot none; Weight lib.; Value 150,000 8P
This unique "orb" is dctudlly Iheskull of the
demon I/'Shabosh. II is m,lde ofbone, but
bldckened, as ifby fire. The skull bedrs" p.1irof
curved, ram-like horns, .:md all offhe teeth as
sharp, ra~or fangs,
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