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2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

Daejeon Convention Center

October 9-14, 2016, Daejeon, Korea

A Robust Adaptive Control of Mecanum Wheel Mobile Robot:

Simulation and Experimental Validation
Veer Alakshendra, Shital S. Chiddarwar

As the mobile robots are exposed to dynamic

Abstract— Omnidirectional mobile robots with four

Mecanum wheels are used in various homes, military, nuclear environment, non linearities associated with it are bound to
power plant, industrial, hospital and space applications. A lot alter the desired trajectory. Hence, a non linear controller is
of research has been done using three universal wheels but necessary to minimize the tracking error. Out of various non
trajectory control for four Mecanum wheeled mobile robot linear control methods such as sliding mode control, H 
(FMWMR) in presence of uncertainties still needs attention.
control, artificial intelligence techniques etc., sliding mode
Thus, to obtain smooth motion of mobile robots, with
chattering free control input, in presence of uncertainties and control has gained popularity owing to advantages such as
external force disturbances, a robust and adaptive control is insensitivity to disturbances [4] and [5]. Inspired by the past
necessary. In view of these aspects, this paper extends the use of researchers, sliding mode control (SMC) method is selected
adaptive sliding mode controller for trajectory tracking of in this work to control the FMWMR subjected to
FMWMR. The effectiveness of proposed controller is verified uncertainties and friction. Although, sliding mode control is
using two case problems. Simulation results are presented for robust against uncertainties but its implementation becomes
the verification of proposed controller for FMWMR. Further, difficult when the bounds of uncertainties keeps changing.
experiments are conducted using position and orientation Moreover, it has a major disadvantage of increased chattering
sensor to show the performance of the controller in real world due to use of switching function during the sliding phase.
environment. Simulation and experimental results revealed Hence, to counter these disadvantages adaptive control law
that FMWMR is capable of tracking any type of trajectories. has been implemented [6] and [7].
I. INTRODUCTION The main goal of our work is to make the FMWMR to
In recent years, the study of mobile robots subjected to track the reference trajectory in presence of uncertainties and
non linear disturbances has gained popularity. Mobile robots external force disturbances. The major contributions,
are classified as conventional wheeled mobile robots and comparison with previous works and organization of this
omnidirectional wheel mobile robots. Owing to advantages paper are summarized below:
such as better maneuverability, ability to turn in any direction 1) In the previous work a generalized dynamic equation
without reorientation, and capability to move in confined in world coordinate frame taking kinematic equations into
spaces, omnidirectional wheeled mobile robot has become a consideration was not derived which has been done in our
major interest for research. Among various types of paper (Section II). Moreover, we have not simplified the
omnidirectional robots, four wheeled omnidirectional mobile obtained second order nonlinear equation by using
robot (FMWMR) is one of them, which is a holonomic linearization methods.
system that has three degrees of freedom in a horizontal plane
[1]. 2) The previous researchers have derived adaptive sliding
mode control law for either a single input single output
The kinematic and dynamic modeling of an (SISO) system such as inverted pendulum or on a
omnidirectional wheeled mobile robot has been investigated conventional mobile robots, whereas in our work we have
by many researchers. [2] proposed a practical opproach to derived it for a FMWMR (Section III)
model an omnidirectional robot. The dynamics of a FMWMR
is well presented in [3]. As these mobile robots can be 3) Further as our mobile robot has three degrees of
extensively used for transporting and carrying materials in freedom, we have shown two trajectories in which the
hospitals, nuclear power plants, and industries, it is inevitable angular displacement is kept constant in first trajectory
to derive the dynamic equation where linear and angular whereas in the second it is changing with time (Section IV).
velocities are the output states. In order to do the same, we 4) At last, most of the earlier work based on SMC has
have used Newton Euler method to derive a generalised been reported based on simulation results whereas we have
equation of motion in world coordinate frame. attempted the proposed algorithm on a real robot using
position and orientation sensors (Section VI).
Conclusions drawn from this study are presented in
*Research supported by Visvesvarya National Institute of Technology, Section VI.
Nagpur-440010, India
Veer Alakshendra is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, II. KINEMATIC AND DYNAMIC MODELING OF FMWMR
Visvesvarya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur-440014, India
(phone: +91 8446985971; A four wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot has four
Shital S. Chiddarwar is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mecanum wheels in which peripheral rollers are inclined at a
Visvesvarya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur-440014, India (e-

978-1-5090-3762-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 5606

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constant slope angle (  ). In this case   45 , hence the 0
0 r/ 2 a 0 r/ 2 a 
wheel moves freely at an angle 45 with the driven motion. 0    
J1  R r/ 2 b , J 2  R r/ 2  b ,
A. FMWMR kinematics 0 0 1 0 0 1 
   
Fig. 1 shows the schematic of a FMWMR. Let
0 r/ 2  a 0 r/ 2  a
O q , O r , and O wi ( i  1, 2 ,3, 4 ) are world frame, mobile robot    
moving frame and wheel coordinate frame respectively. If J 3  R r/ 2  b , J 4  R r/ 2 b  . Using
Pwi   x wi y wi  wi  is the position vector of wheel in O wi , then 0 0 1  0 0 1 
   
y w1
(3) and Jacobian matrices for each wheel, inverse kinematics
x w1
model of the mobile robot is obtained as [8]
yw2 O w1  1  45

 1 
2b  x r   1 1 1 1  

  R    2 
Ow2 xw2 z xr
 
y r  1 1 1 1 (4)
 4    
   45
  r  1 / a  b 1/ a  b 1/ a  b 1 / a  b   3 
4 
2 Or yw4 xw4
y w3
where i ( i  1, 2 ,3, 4 ) is the angular velocity of each wheel.
 4   45

xw3 Further, velocity vector in world coordinate frame O q is


 3
 45
 2a given as Pq  x q  y q 
  R ( ) Pr , where
xq  cos(  )  sin(  ) 0
Figure 1. Schematic of FMWMR  
R ( )  sin(  ) cos(  ) 0 is the rotation matrix of
velocity vector is given as  
 0 0 1 
 x wi  0 ri sin(  i ) 0   ix 
     (1) moving frame O r with respect to frame O q .
Pwi  y wi  R i  ri cos(  i ) 0  ir
    
 wi   0 0 1   iz 
B. FMWMR dynamics
where  ix ,  ir , and  iz are wheel angular
velocity around the For the dynamic modeling of the FMWMR it is assumed
hub, angular velocity of roller and wheel angular velocity that coordinate frame O r lies on the center of gravity of the
about the contact point, R i is the wheel radius and ri is the robot(Fig. 2) . F y1

roller radius. Using transformation robot velocity vector in yr

frame O r is written as Fy2
F x1
F ex 2b
 x r   1 0 d ix   x wi  
      Fx 2 z xr

Pr  y r  0 1 d iy y (2)
     wi  
 r   0 0 1   wi  Or Fy4
where d ix and d iy are translational distance between O r and Fx 4
O wi in x and y direction respectively. Substituting (1) in (2)
Pr  J i q i (3) Fx3 2a
where J i  R 3 3
is the Jacobian matrix of i wheel and is Oq
0 ri sin(  i ) d ix 
  Figure 2. Force diagram of FMWMR
obtained as J i  Ri  ri cos(  i ) d iy and q i   ix  ir  iz  .
 
 0 0 1 
According to Newton's second law, dynamic equation in
coordinate frame O r is written as
Remark 1: J i   ri R i sin(  i )  0   i  0 . Hence, there is no
singularity present in Mecanum wheels. M Sq  Fq (5)

Remark 2: Rank( J i )=3, therefore each wheel has three M 0   xq   F q x 

degrees of freedom (DOF).       (6)
 0 M   yq   F q y 
Considering all wheels to be identical, kinematic parameters
for each wheel can be written as where M is the mass of the mobile robot, S q and F q are the
R i  R , ri  r , d 1 x  a , d 1 y  b , position and force vector respectively in O q .Let
d 2 x   a , d 2 y  b , d 3 x   a , d 3 y   b , d 4 x  a , d 4 y   b . Thus,  cos(  )  sin(  ) 
R r ( )    is the transformation matrix,

 sin(  ) cos(  ) 


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such that S q  q R r ( ) S r and Fq  R r ( ) Fr . Thus (5) , can be b1    x sin( 2 ), b 2   y sin( 2 ) , b3  2 cos ( )(  x   y ) ,
q 2

modified as b4   2 Fex sin(  ) cos(  ) , b5  2 Fex cos(  ) sin( ) ,

M  R r ( ) Sr  R r ( ) S r  R r ( ) Fr (7)
q q q
a1 1  a1 3  (sin(  )  cos(  )),
M 0   xr  y r   F xr    x x r    Fex cos(  )  a1 2  a1 4  (sin(  )  cos(  )) ,
      (8) 2M
0 M   yr  x r   F yr    y y r   Fex sin(  ) 
b1 1  b1 3  (sin(  )  cos(  )),
where S r and Fr are the position and force vector

respectively in O r . F xr and F yr are total forces in x and b1 2  b1 4  (sin(  )  cos(  )), and
y direction respectively.  x and  y are linear friction 
c 1 1   c1 2   c1 3  c 1 4  ( a  b ).
coefficients in x and y direction respectively. F ex is the 2Iq
external force disturbance acting at an angle  with
yr direction at a distance h from upper edge of the mobile
robot . Further Euler equation is written as The objective here, is to develop a control law in presence
of external force and matched and unmatched uncertainties,
I q      z   Fex cos(  ) a  Fex sin( )( b  h ) (9) such that the robot can track the desired trajectory. Moreover,
where I q is the moment of inertia of the robot about its c.g , it should be noted that the trajectory to be followed by the
robot is available beforehand due to known arena. In such
 is the moment about the c.g and  z is the linear coefficient
scenario, utilization of robust adaptive controller, is more
of friction in z direction. The driving F d i is generated by the appropriate due to its reliability and efficiency to handle
DC motor attached to each wheel which is given as [9] uncertainties and disturbances. The localization approach
F d i ( i  1, 2 ,3, 4 )   u i   ri i (10) may not be feasible in such cases due to high computational
overhead, dependency on the sensors and confined
 
where u i is the input voltage at each motor, and are DC workspace.
motor coefficients obtained from manufacturer's catalogue.
A. Sliding mode control law
Utilizing (10) F xr , F yr and  can be written as
Let x d ( t )  R  [ x q d  d ] is the desired trajectory,
y qd
F xr  (  Fd 1  Fd 2  Fd 3  Fd 4 ) (11)
2 e ( t )  x d ( t )  x ( t ) is the trajectory error, and
1  ( t )  [ 1 ( t )  2 ( t )  3 ( t ) ] is the sliding surface. The
F yr  ( Fd 1  Fd 2  Fd 3  Fd 4 ) (12)
2 important condition for first order sliding mode control is that
a b (1  ( t )  0 and  ( t ) ( t )  0 . To reduce the computation load
  ( Fd 1  Fd 2  Fd 3  Fd 4 )  ( Fd 1  Fd 2  Fd 3  Fd 4 )
2 2 3)
during real-time implementation, conventional sliding surface
Using (8) to (13) the dynamic equations for the FMWMR is selected [10]
n 1
can be represented in the form  d 
x( t )  f ( x )  g ( x ) u ( t )   ( t , u ( t ))  (t )    c  e (t )  (15)
(14)  dt 
where x(t )  xq  yq  T
 , where  c is a positive constant and n  2 being order of
system. Differentiating (15) yields
u ( t )  u 1 u3  ,
u2  ( t )   c e ( t )  e( t ) (16)
 (1 / 2 M )( a 1 y q  a 2 y q  2  y x q  a 3 x q  a 4  a 5  4  x q ) 
  Using (14) , (16) is written as
f ( x )   (1 / 2 M )( b1 x q  b 2 x q  2  x y q  b3 y q  b 4  b5  4  y q ) 
 (  1 / 2 I q )( c1  c 2  c 3  c 4 )   ( t )   c ( x d ( t )  x ( t ))  ( xd ( t ) 
  (17)
 f ( x)  g ( x ). u ( t )   ( t , u ( t )) )
 a11 a12 a13 a14 
  According to ideal sliding surface condition trajectory error
, g ( x )  b1 1 b1 2 b1 3 b1 4 and  ( t , u ( t )) consists of
  e (t ) converge to zero as  ( t )  0 .Hence, reaching phase
 c 1 1 c1 2 c1 3 c 1 4  control law is obtained as
matched and unmatched uncertainties satisfying the u r ( t )  g ( x ) (  c ( x d  x )  xd  f ( x )  ( ( t , u ( t )))
condition  ( t , u ( t ))   ( t , u ( t )) max . The variables mentioned The control law mentioned in (18) is unable to converge the
in f ( x ) and g ( x ) are described below:- error in real environment when the uncertainties are present.
Hence, to make the system robust against these
a1   x sin( 2 ), a 2    y sin( 2 ), a 3  2 cos ( )(  x   y ) ,
uncertainties, switching function is incorporated for the
a 4  2 Fex sin(  ) sin(  ) , a 5  2 Fex cos(  ) cos(  ) , sliding phase and the sliding phase control is defined as
u sw ( t )  g ( x ) ( G .sign ( ( t )))


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where G is the switching gain. Hence, total control input 1 3
1 ~2
V   (t )  (t )  
a i (24)
u t ( t )  u r ( t )  u sw ( t ) 2 i 1 2i
g ( x ) (  c ( x d  x )  xd  f ( x )  ( ( t , u ( t ))
1 (20) First time derivative of Lyapunov function is obtained as
 g ( x ) ( G . sign ( ( t )))
1 ~ 
V   ( t )  ( t ) 
 a  i aˆ  i (25)
Due to use of sign function, as the value of G increases, i 1 i
chattering increases considerably, therefore boundary layer Since,  ( t )   aˆ p sat ( ( t ))   ( t , u ( t ))
technique [10] is implemented where sign function is ~
and a i ( i  1, 2 ,3 )  aˆ  i  a i , (25) yields
replaced by saturation function to eliminate the chattering
and (20) becomes V   ( t ) (  a p sat ( ( t ))   ( t , u ( t )))

u t ( t )  u r ( t )  u sw ( t )
   (26)
~    ( t ) sat ( ( t ) )  aˆ  i

g ( x ) (  c ( x d  x )  xd  f ( x )  ( ( t , u ( t )) (21) a
 i
 i i
i 
 g ( x ) ( G . sat ( ( t )))
1 i 1
 

 sign ( i ),  i    0 3
 aˆ  i 
 The second term  a  i    ( t ) i sat ( ( t ) i )   in (26)
where sat ( i )   i , and  is a small  i 
 , i  i 1
 
 
tends to zero for t  0 . Moreover,  ( t ) sat ( ( t ))   ( t ) and
positive constant. However, it should be noted that use of
saturation function may increase the control input.  ( t )  ( t , u ( t ))   ( t )  ( t , u ( t )) , (26) is finally obtained as
B. Adaptive control law 3

V     i ( t ) sat ( i ( t )) a  i   ( t , u ( t ))  (27)
The control law in (21) removes the chattering of the i 1

system as saturation function is used. However, system may

 ( t ) sat ( ( t ))   ( t )  0 always and a  i which depends
face critical control when the mobile robot has to take a
sharp turn, do backward movement or dynamics of the robot upon aˆ  i , ensures that a  i   ( t , u ( t )) . Therefore proper
and uncertainties are varying. To control a robot in such selection of design parameters satisfies the Lyapunov
scenario, tuning the value of switching gain is a tedious job.
Hence, in this work the controller is made adaptive by criterion i.e V  0.
defining an adaptive law as
 aˆ
0 0 
  To demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed controller,
aˆ    0 aˆ p 2 0 
simulations are performed for two different trajectories using
 
0 0 aˆ p 3  Matlab/Simulink 2015a. Parameter values of FMWMR are
  (22) selected as: M  6 kg, R  0 . 05 m, a  0 . 11 m, b  0 . 18 m,
 1 ( t ) sat ( 1 ( t )) 0 0  2
  I  0 . 0945 m ,   0 . 087 N/V and   11 . 4 kg/s.
  2 ( t ) sat ( 2 ( t ))
0 0
 
 0 0  3 ( t ) sat ( 3 ( t ))  A. Trajectory I
where â  estimates the value of switching gain G and  is To prove the performance of proposed controller, desired
trajectory is selected
a small positive constant. Now the total control input uT for 0 . 3 cos( t ) 0 . 9 sin( t ) cos( t )
an adaptive robust controller can be modified as as x  ,y  ,   0 . The bounded
1  sin ( t ) 1  sin ( t )
2 2

u t ( t )  u r ( t )  u sw ( t )
uncertainties used in the simulation is taken as
g ( x ) (  c ( x d  x )  xd  f ( x )  ( ( t , u ( t ))
(23)  0 . 5  20 s  t  26 s
 g ( x ) ( aˆ p .sat ( ( t )))
1 
 ( t , u ( t ))   0 . 9 sin( t )  t  50 s . Range of  c is selected
 0
The stability of the proposed adaptive robust controller is 
guaranteed only if it satisfies by Lyapunov Theory [10]. For such that error e ( t )  0 . Higher value of  c minimizes the
this aspect, following procedure is adopted:
error but increases the control input. Hence, optimal value of
Theorem: The trajectory error for FMWMR converges
 c is calculated by pattern search optimization method and
asymptotically to zero if control input is designed as in (23),
provided the control design parameters  c ,  and  (small is obtained as 22.7. In order to keep the sliding surface
positive constants) are chosen appropriately. proper selection of  is necessary. Increasing the value of
 brings the sliding function to zero. Accordingly, the value
Proof: Let a~ i ( i  1, 2 ,3 )  aˆ  i  a i is the estimated error
calculated as per optimization technique is obtained as 4.7.
where a p i is the nominal value of â p i . Lyapunov function  is taken as 0.1.
is selected as Fig. 3 shows simulation results for the desired trajectory.
As can be seen from Fig. 3(a), the proposed controller is


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capable of tracking the desired trajectory in a more efficient control energy calculated using 2-norm method. The rise in
way as compared to PID controller. Fig. 3(b) shows control input voltage between 20 s to 26 s is because of
chattering free control input voltage at each wheel with uncertainties. The time history of estimated adaptive gain
U C . E  664 . 49 651 . 54 664 . 49 651 . 54  Nm which is the

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: Simulation results for trajectory I showing trajectory, control input voltage and estimated gain.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: Simulation results for trajectory II showing trajectory, control input voltage and estimated gain.

TABLE I. Tracking performance comparison (Trajectory I)

Controller ISE (m) IAE (m) ITAE (m)

Proposed 6 3 .64 2 . 1 e  2
9 .7 7 . 11 2 e  1
0 . 28 0 . 33 0 . 13 

PID 3 . 9 1 . 4 2 .7 
88 71 64 
100 104 .1 97 . 08 

Figure 5: Tracking error norm during experiment (Trajectory I)

Kinect position

Location of video recording camera

Kinect position

Figure 6: Overlay of several snapshots while performing trajectory I Figure 7: Image processing through Kinect for trajectory I

Drift due to
high torque

Figure 8: Overlay of several snapshots while performing trajectory II Figure 9: Image processing through Kinect for trajectory II

Arduino Mega FWOMR

xd error Adaptive ADK
yd  sliding mode
 control u
 algorithm
 error
Matlab 2015a arduino support package

 IMU sensor

xq ,yq Kinect

Matlab 2015a kinect support package

Figure 10: Desired position and orientation.
Figure 11: Block diagram for real time implementation.

â  is shown in Fig. 3(c), which shows that the gain is state

B. Trajectory II
dependent. Hence, the gain value can be tuned To check the capability of the controller to track the angular
trajectory, the desired x q d , y q d , and  are selected as shown


Authorized licensed use limited to: Singapore University of Technology & Design. Downloaded on December 16,2021 at 05:13:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
in Fig. 10. For the simulations uncertainty is selected as integral absolute error (IAE), and integral time weighted
 0 . 5  50 s  t  53 s error (ITAE) for trajectory I has been presented in Table I
 which proves the superiority of the adaptive robust
 ( t , u ( t ))   0 . 1 sin( t )  t  80 s
controller over PID controller. Results obtained shows that

 0 while tracking the trajectory there is an error due to drift
Design parameters for proposed controller is based on which is associated with high torque requirement during the
criterion as discussed in section A. The values calculated turns. Another reasons for error in real time implementation
from pattern search optimization method are 30.6, 7.8, 0.5 can be related to delay in position and orientation data
for  c ,  and  respectively. The simulation results for the transfer and slippage of rollers mounted on the periphery of
the wheels.
desired trajectory is presented in Fig. 4. It is evident from
Fig. 4(a) that compared to PID controller the proposed
controller is efficient enough to track the trajectory even
when the angular displacement of FMWMR is non zero. In this paper, we have proposed a robust adaptive
Moreover, the control input voltage at each wheel is shown controller for a FMWMR in presence of external disturbance
in Fig. 4(b) and has calculated control energy, and uncertainties which allows the robot to track any
complicated trajectory. First, equation of motion is derived.
U C . E  1435 1435 1413 1413  Nm. The high value of

Then we have derived an adaptive sliding mode control law

control energy is associated with sharp turns of FMWMR for the robot. Later, the asymptotic stability of the proposed
and introduction of uncertainties at various intervals. Finally control law is satisfied by Lyapunov stability theorem. The
state dependent adaptive gain variation with respect to time derived control law is implemented for two different types of
can be seen in Fig. 4(c). trajectories which proved that the controller is able to track
the desired trajectory with minimum error and less
V. EXPERIMENTS chattering of control input voltage. Further, for real time
For validation of simulation results, the control implementation of the present work experiments are
algorithm with dynamics has been implemented on performed using Kinect and IMU as position and orientation
FMWMR. Fig. 11 shows the block diagram for real time sensor respectively and it was found that despite of error due
implementation of the proposed controller on the robot. The to drift while turning, slippage and delay in sensor data
obtained control input voltage command is sent to the transfer, FMWMR is able to track the desired trajectory.
mobile robot using Arduino MEGA ADK. To send the
signals to the Arduino board, PWM and digital output block, VII. REFERENCES
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