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Verb Study: Structures 1

1) These are verbs after which we cannot use an indirect object. Write examples:
to describe Describe it to us, please. (NOT Describe us it.)
to explain Please explain your idea to her. (NOT Explain her your idea.)
to introduce __________________________________________________
to propose __________________________________________________
to repeat __________________________________________________
to recommend __________________________________________________
to request __________________________________________________
to suggest __________________________________________________

2) Used to + the infinitive without “to” (imperfetto)

To be + used to + the gerund (“ing” form) (essere abituato)
To be + supposed to + the infinitive without “to” (essere tunuto a…)
I used to jog in the park every morning.
I was used to doing a lot of physical training/exercise.
Now I am supposed to go swimming twice a week.

3) S + would rather + the infinitive without “to” (vorrei piuttosto…)

S + would rather + S + past tense (vorrei piuttosto che…)
I would rather have coffee than tea.
I would rather we had coffee instead of tea.
I’d rather we didn’t have tea. I would rather have coffee.

4) The past participle and the “ing” form as adjectives:

to amaze amazed amazing (strabilitato/strabiliante)
to annoy annoyed annoying
to bore bored boring
to confuse confused confusing
to disappoint disappointed disappointing
to embarrass embarrassed embarrassing
to exhaust exhausted exhausting
to frustrate frustrated frustrating
to inspire inspired inspiring
to interest interested interesting
to relax relaxed relaxing
to stimulate stimulated stimulating
to terrify terrified terrifying

Science amazes me. I am amazed by it. Science is amazing.
Gossip annoyed them. They were annoyed by it. Gossip was annoying.

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