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Choose the correct word.

1. I can’t do this test. It’s too / enough difficult!

2. She wants to buy this dress, but she hasn’t got too / enough money.
3. You need another computer. This one isn’t fast too / enough.
4. My little brother
other can’t lift this bag because it’s too / enough heavy.
5. Nobody can solve the problem because it is too / enough complicated.
6. My family will move to a new house because this one isn’t big too / enough.
7. My brother failed his exam because he was wa too / enough lazy.
8. It’s too / enough dangerous to climb up this tree.
9. I don’t like the weather in winter. It isn’t warm too / enough.
10. My friends don’t want to walk home because it’s too / enough far.

Complete the sentences with too or enough.


1. Can I open the window? It’s ______

2. Please can you turn up the CD player? It isn’t loud ________.
3. My ladder isn’t long _________.
_______. I can’t reach the top shelf.
4. Can you read that again, Jane? This reading isn’t good ________.
5. My bag is ________ _ small. I can’t fit all these books in it.
6. Can you speak up, please? Your voice is _______ soft.
7. Today’s homework is _______ easy. My five-year-old
five sister can do it!
8. Could you all stop talking, please? It’s not quiet ________.
9. Can I switch the heating
ating on? It’s _________ cold.cold
10. This computer is old and slow. It’s not fast ___________.

Change two sentences into one,, then match the sentences to the picture.

 I’m very tired. I can’t drive. I’m too tired to drive.

 The weather isn’t good. We can’t ’t go out. The weather isn’t good enough to go out.

1. Helen
en is very ill. She can’t work. ________________________________________
2. The man isn’t strong. He can’t lift the heavy weight.
weight. _________________________________
3. Tom is scared. He can’t sleep.. ________________________________________
4. The coffee is hot. I can’t drink it.. ________________________________________
5. The car is expensive. The man has little money._______________________________

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