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Long-term Resin Bond Strength to

Zirconia Ceramic
Stefan M. Wegnera/Matthias Kern^

Purpose: The airr of this in vitro study was to evaluate the iong-term bond strength of adhesive bonding
systems to yttrium-oxide-partiaily-stabiiized zirconia ceramic (YPSZ).
Materials and Methods: Piexiglas tubes fdled with resin composite ware bonded to industrially manufac-
tured zirconia ceramic disks (96% ZrO2 stabiiized by 4% VïOa). After air abrading the ceramic and ultra-
sonic cleansing, groups of 15 samples were bonded in an aiignment apparatus using 7 different bonding
methods. Subgroups of S bonded sampies were tested for tensiie strength foiiowing storage in distiiied
water at 37^C either for 3 days or 2 years. In addition, the 2-year samples were thermccycled 37,500
times. The statistical anaiyses were conducted with the Kruskai-Wallis test followed by muitipie pair-wise
comparison of the groups using the Wilcoxon rank sum test
Results: A moderate to relatively high initial bond strength was achieved by air abrasion alone, the addi-
tional use of a siiane, or acryiizing the YPSZ surface in combination with a conventional bis-GMA resin
oomposite. However, these methods failed spontaneously over storage time. The use of the bis-GMA resin
oomposite after tribochemicai siiica coating of YPSZ and the use of a poiyacid-modified resin composite
after air abrasion of VPSZ resuited in a high initiai bond strength which decreased significantly over stor-
age time, A durable resin bond strength to YPSZ was achieved only after air abrasion of YPSZ and using
one of two resin composites containing a speciai phosphate monomer.
Conclusion: A durable bond strength to YPSZ was achieved oniy by using resin composites containing a
special adhesive monomer.
J Adhesive Dent 2000:2:139-147. Submitted for publication:05.08.99: accepted for pubiication: 14.01.00.

Inrial,recent years, a new high-strength ceramic mate-

yttrium-oxide-partiaiiy-stabiiized zirconia
impiant abutments,^5 ail-ceramic crowns and
bridges,^'iS'^s and various aii-ceramic core and post
(YPSZ) ceramic, has been introduced in restorative systems,^'' for which a first 5-year follow-up study
dentistry. This ceramic has optimized physical prop- shows successful clinicai results.^'^ Considering the
erties'''^^ and exhibits much higher fracturai advantages of this new material, now truly esthetic,
strength and toughness than aiumina ceramic.i^'^s metal-free, stabie restorations are available for
Clinical applications of YPSZ inciude implants,^'^ restorations in prosthetic dentistry.
Although bonding with resin to YPSZ ceramic
would be advantageous for many clinical appiioa-
^ Assistant PrD^ssor, Department of Prosthodontics. Propaedeutics, tions, only very limited information on this is con-
and Dentai Materiais. School of Dentistry, Christian-Aibrechts Uni- tained in the literature. In a recent iaboratory
versity, Kiel, Germany.
study,^3 the resin bond strength to YPSZ was evaiu-
Professor and Chairman. Department of Prosthodontics, Pro- ated after 1 week water storage, and an acceptable
paedeutics, and Dentai Materiais, Schooi of Dentistry, Christian-AI-
brechts University, Kiel, Germany. resin bond strength to siianized YPSZ ceramic was
found. Based on these results, the authors con-
cluded that with air abrasion and silanization, a
Reprint requests: Dr. Stefan M. Wegner. Department of Prosthodon-good and hydrolyticaiiy stabie bond to YPSZ ce-
tics, Propaedeutics, and Dentai Materiais, School of Dentistry. Chris- ramic can be obtained. In another in vitro study,
tian-Aibrechts University, Arnoid-Heiler-Str. 16. D-24105 Kiel, several methods of bonding to YPSZ ceramic have
Germany. Fax: +49-431-597-2860, e-mail:

Vol 2, No 2, 2000 139


Table 1 List of materials used

System Component Batch No Manufacturer

Clearfil F2 Base paste 0233 Kuraray, Osaka, Japan

Catalyst paste 0133
Dyract Cem Base powder 9510181 DeTrey/Dentsply,
Cataiyst liquid 9510133 Konstanz, Germany
Atrbiock 9505111
Kevioc Kevioc Primer 28 Heraeus Kuizer,
Kevioc Bond 23 Wehrheim, Germany
Panavia Base povjder PN I l l s Kuraray, Osaka, Japan
Catalyst liquid 2220
Oxyguard 0541
Panavia 21 Base paste 0208 Kurgray Osaka, Japan
Catalyst paste 0180
Oxyguard i i 0118
Rocatec Roca tec Pre 0055 Espe, Seefeld, Germany
Rocatec Plus 0176
Espe-Sii 0063
Twiniook Estiseal LC 56 Heraeus Kuizer,
Base paste 42 Wehrheim, Germany
Catalyst paste 42

aiso been tested,^^ After water storage of up to 150 samples were air abraded with 110-pm AI2O3 at 2,5
days with thermocyciing, some bonding methods bars pressure (13 s) at a distance of 10 mm and
faiied completeiy, while others showed only a de- then ultrasonically cleaned in isopropanol for 3
creased or even an unchanged bond strength. How- min.
ever, the siianization of YPSZ ceramic resulted in a Seven different bonding systems were used. The
resin bond which faiied during water storage of 150 materiais utilized and their characteristics are
days. This result questions the conclusion men- listed in Table 1, In group T, a dual-curing conven-
tioned above, which was based on only 1 week of t i o n a l bis-GMA l u t i n g composite (Adhesive
water storage. To the knowiedge of the authors, Bond/Twinlook) was applied directly to the air-
however, there are no longer-term data currently abraded ceramic surface. In group ST, the ceramic
available on the durability ofthe resin bond to YPSZ surface was silanized (Espe-Si!, 3-methacryloy-
ceramic exceeding 150 days of water storage. loxypropyi trimethoxysiiane in isopropanol) prior to
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaiu- the application o f t h e conventional bis-GMA com-
ate the long-term bond durabiiity to YPSZ ceramic posite. In group RT, the ceramic surface was tribo-
with a storage time of two years and to investigate chemically silica coated (Rocatec system) prior to
the bond failure modes by SEM characterization. the application of the silane (Espe-Sii] and the bis-
GMA composite, in group KT, an acrylonitrile iayer
was fused to the ceramic surface (Kevioc oven
MATERIALS AND METHODS method] prior to the application of the bis-GMA
composite. In group P, a chemicaliy cured resin
composite modified with phosphate monomer {10-
Industrially manufactured yttrium-oxide-partially-
methacryloyloxydecyi dihydrogenphosphate, MDP)
stabilized zirconia ceramic disks (94,9% ZrO2Stabi-
(Panavia EX) was appiied directly to the air-abraded
iized by 5 , 1 % Y2O3, BCE Special Ceramics,
ceramic surface. In group P21, another chemically
Karlsruhe, Germany) with a diameter of 7.0 mm and
cured resin composite modified with MDP (Panavia
a thickness of 3,4 mm were used for this study. Ail

140 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry


2 1 EX) was applied directly to the air-abraded ce- inhomogeneity of variances between groups, and
ramic surface. In group D, a chemicaily cured poly- the data were found to be non-normaliy
acid-modified resin composite (Dyract Cem) was distributed.19
used directly on the air-abraded ceramic surface. The fractured interfaces on the YPSZ samples
Plexiglas tubes (inner diameter 3.3 mm) were were examined under a light microscope at 30X
fiiled with self-curing resin composite Clearfil F2. magnification to calcuiate the debonded area as-
After 8 min, these tubes were bonded with the cho- signed to adhesive and cohesive failure modes.
sen resin to the YPSZ samples using an alignment Representative sampies were examined using a
apparatus. The alignment apparatus consists of scanning electron microscope (Phiilips XL30,
parallel guides, the tube holder, a siiicone pad, and Einthoven, Netherlands) with an acceieration voit-
an added weight of 750 g. The apparatus ensured age of 15 keV and a working distance of 10 mm,
that the tube axis was perpendicular to the sample after sputtering using a goid-alloy conductive layer
surface. The bonding method has been described of approximateiy 30 nm.
in detaii previously.^^
Excess resin was removed from the bonding mar-
gin using cotton pellets, and an oxygen-blocking gel RESULTS
was applied (Airblock, DeTrey, with Twinlook and
Dyract Cem; Oxyguard, Kuraray, with Panavia and The tensile bond strength vaiues are summarized in
Panavia 21). After 7 min, ail sampies were light Fig 1 for all seven bonding groups and the two stor-
cured from two sides, 180 degrees apart, for 30 s age conditions. Statistically significant differences
with a dental curing light (Heliomat, Vivadent, between the bonding groups are shown in Tabie 2,
Schaan, Lichtenstein), then further cured in a while the statisticaiiy significant differences be-
xenon strobe light-curing unit (Dentacolor XS, Her- tween the storage times are shown in Table 3.
aeus-Kulzer, Wehrheim, Germany) for an additional The bond strength of the bis-GMA resin compos-
90 s. Samples employing the chemically cured resin ite to air-abraded or air-abraded and siianized YPSZ
were also subjected to the light-curing step, as this (groups T, ST) was initiaiiy relatively low with means
applies some heat to the samples. In this manner, of 14.2 MPa and 13.9 MPa, respectiveiy. During the
all samples were subjected to similar curing condi- 2-year storage time with 37,500 thermal cycles, ail
tions. samples of these two groups debonded sponta-
Each bonding group with a total of 16 samples neously.
was divided into two subgroups (each with eight Tribochemical silica coating of the air-abraded
samples] with the foiiowing storage times and ther- ceramic (group RT) increased the bond strength of
mal cycles (TC) between 5°C and 55°C: 3 days with bis-GMA resin composite significantly to 29.0 MPa,
nc TC, and 2 years with 37,500 TC. Sampies were However, the bond strength decreased significantly
stored in distilled water at 37"C, duringthe storage time to 15.8 MPa.
The tensile bond strength test was performed at Acrylizing the air-abraded ceramic (group KT) re-
a crosshead speed of 2 mm per min in a tensiie suited in an initially higher bond strength (mean
tester (Zwick, Ulm, Germany) using a speciai test 37,9 MPa) than did silica coating. However, during
configuration, which provides a moment-free axial the 2-year storage time with 37,500 thermal cycles,
force application. A coilet held the tube while an all samples of group KT debonded spontaneously.
alignment jig allowed self-centering of the sample. The use cf phosphate-modified bis-GMA resin
The jig was attached to the load cell and crosshead composite with air-abraded ceramic (groups P and
by upper and lower chains, allowing the whole sys- P21) resulted in the highest bond strength values to
tem to self-align. YPSZ after 3 days (means: 49,7 and 46.0 for P and
P21, resp.) and 2 years (means: 39,8 and 44,2 for
Statistical analyses of the test results were con-
P and P21, resp.). Aithough the bond strength of
ducted with the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by mul-
groups P and P21 decreased siightly over 2 years,
tiple pair-wise comparisons of the means using the
this decrease was not statistically significant. Fur-
Wilcoxon rank sum test for independent sampies.i^
ther, there was no statistically significant difference
Significance ievels were adjusted with the Bonfer-
between the bond strength of groups P and P21.
roni-Holm correction for multiple testing.^ Nonpara-
metric statisticai test procedures were used for Using the chemically cured poiyacid-modified
group comparisons, because Bartiett's test showed composite on air-abraded ceramic (group D), a rela-

Vol2,No2, 2000 141


Fig 1 Mean bond strength

values of the test bonding
systems and the two stor-
age conditions ( X / l " 3 days
no thermal cycling; X/2 = 2
years with 37,500 thermal

Table 2 Statistically significant differences between bonding groups

at te5ted storage times


3 days 2 years
lOTCj (37,500 TC¡

T-ST N,S, fJ,S.

T-KT " N.S.
T-R **
ST-RT " ..
ST-KT n M,S,
ST-P tt t»

ST - P21 »* •*

ST-D «*


RT-P ••

RT - P21 *«

RT-D N.S, **

KT-P *
KT-P21 N.S. **

KT-D N.S. **

P-P21 N.S. N,S,

P-D **
P21-D ** **

Global KRUSKAL.WALLIS rest followed by pairwise comparison using tlie WILCOXON test modified by BON-
- • psO.Ol

142 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry


Table 3 Statistically significant differences between the bond

strength at different storage times within the same bonding group

3 days vs 2 years

P N,S,
P21 N,S,

GloCial KRUSKAL-WALLIS test followed by comoarison usmg tlie WILCOXOM test modified By BON-
• D50.05;N.S.: p> 0.05,
" p s 0.01.



70% -

60% -
• adhesive
Ö cohesive
40% -


20% - —

10% -






Fig 2 Mean percentages of areas assigned to the failure modes obsewed in the seven bonding groups after different storage

tively high bond strength to YPSZ was noted after 3 hesive for the groups P and P21, However, after the
days, but it decreased statisticaily significantiy over 2-year storage period with thermocycling, the failure
2 years of storage with 37,500 thermai cycles to mode was mixed for samples of group RT, where a
merely 3.1 MPa, mean of 80% of the bonding area failed adhesively.
The distribution of two types of failure modes for Figures 3 to 6 show representative SEM pho-
all samples is shown in Fig 2. After 2 years of stor- tographs of the fracture interfaces after the tensile
age with thermocyciing, the failure mode was purely test following 3 days or 2 years storage time with
adhesive for all samples in the bonding groups T, 37,500 thermai cycles.
ST, KT, and D. The failure mode was exciusively co-

Vol 2, No 2, 2000

Fig 3 SEM photograph of air-abraded YPSZ disk (onginai Fig 4a Sample of group RT after 3 days' water storage show-
magnification lOOOX, white bar = 20 Mm). ing a mixed faiiure mode (SEM photograph, original magnifi-
cation 75X, white bar = 200 um).

Fig 4b Sampie of group RT after 3 days' watei stotage show- Fig 4c Sample of group RT after 2 years/37,500 thermal cy-
ing a mainly adhosiveiy debonded area of the specimen with cies, sdhesiveiy debonded area of the specimen (SEM photo-
remains of the resin composite (SEM photograph, original graph, originai magnification lOOOX, white bar = 20 pm).
magnification lOOOX, white bar = 20 um).

Fig 5a Sair.iîic of group KT after 3 d¿ys '.víilür storage show- Fig 5b Sample of group KT after 2 yesrs/37,500 thermai cy-
ing a totally cohesive failure mode. Note that the ceramic sur- cles demonstrating a change in failure mode during storage
face is covered with a relatively smooth acryi coating from totaiiy cohesive (compare Fig 5a) to totaiiy adhesive
indicating a faiiure between the bonding interface (SEM pho- (SEM photograph, original magnification lOOOX, white bar =
tograph, original magnifioation lOOOX, white bar = 20 ) 20 Mm).

144 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Fig 6a Sampie or grojp w:. 2 years/37,5C0 thermal Fig 6b Sair,pie Ù1 group P21 af;ei 2 je«.^, j,,üOi.' t,-.crmal
cycles sliovjing cohesive failure of the resin composite (SEM cycies at high magnification showing biank squares indicating
photograph, original magnification 75X, white bar = 200 ym). torn filler particies of the resin composite (SEM photograph,
original magnification lOOOX, white bar - 20 pm).

DISCUSSION iier study in which the combination of siiane and a

bis-GMA resin composite was suggested to achieve
As the resuits of this study have shown, it was not a proper bond to YPSZ,23 However, this study inves-
possibie to achieve a stabie, iong-term bond using a tigated the influence of water storage for a period
conventional bis-GMA resin composite. Groups T not exceeding 1 week and inciuded an additional
and ST showed mid-range bond strengths initially, storage period of 24 h in boiiing water,
and group KT high initial bond strengths. However, Acrylizstion of the YPSZ surfaces did enhance
the samples of all three groups debonded during the bond strength of the conventionai bis-GMA
long-term storage, indicating an unstabie physicai resin composite, but it, too, did not prove to be sta-
and chemicai bond o f t h e conventional bis-GMA bie over the 2 years' storage with 37,500 thermai
resin composite to YPSZ ceramic. It is possibie that, cycies. This mirrors results with acrylized nickel-
although air abrading the YPSZ ceramic produces a chromium alioy,^ The breakdown in bond strength
certain roughness, it creates only limited or even no of group KT after 2 years of storage was associated
undercuts compared to air-abraded metal. This may with the change in fracture mode from cohesive
be the explanation for the differences of reported within the acrylonitriie layer to compieteiy adhesive
bond strengths to dental alloys, where the bond at the ceramic surface. This indicates that the bond
strength decreased over time, but remained at a of the acryionitrile layer to YPSZ is dissolved by
level of severai MPa.iO'i^.i? However, these results long-term water ingress.
are simiiar to those of previous studies on bonding Unlike groups T, ST, and KT, where the samples
to glass-infiltrated alumina ceramic and pure alu- debonded spontaneousiy over storage time, the tri-
mina ceramic, which also found unstable bonds of bochemical silica coating of samples in group RT re-
bis-GMA resin composite to air-abraded alumina ce- suited in a significant increase in the initiai bond
ra m ic.^i strength ofthe conventionai bis-GMA resin compos-
Further, as already shown in a previous study,^^ ite to YPSZ ceramic. Nevertheless, the resin bond
silane improved neither the durability nor the stabii- strength decreased statisticaiiy significantly to 15,8
ity of the bond to YPSZ ceramic. This indicates that MPa over 2 years of storage time. This is in contrast
silane cannot bond to YPSZ due to the missing sii- to the high and durable resin bond strength ob-
ica phase of this oxide ceramic, in conventional tained to tribochemically silica-coated glass-infil-
dental ceramics, it is thought that silane bonding is trated alumina ceramic, which was 50 MPa after
mediated t h r o u g h the silica at the ceramic 150 days of water storage with thermocycling,ii
surface,^1 These results differ from those of an ear- However, compared to another study over 150 days

Voi 2, No 2, 2000 145

Wean er/Kern

of water storage,^^ the iong-term water storage over CONCLUSION

2 years did not cause any further decrease in bond
strength to siiica-coated and siianized YPSZ ce- This study implicates that only the use of bonding
ramic. systems which contain the adhesive monomer MDP
In contrast to the conventional bis-GMA resin results in acceptably high-strength, stable bonds to
composite, the bond strengths of the MDP-contain- air-abraded YPSZ. Siiane, siiica coating, acrylization
ing resin composites (group P and P21) were statis- in combination with a conventionai bis-GMA resin,
ticaiiy significantly higher, due to this active and the modified resin Dyract Cem did not result in
monomer. Although a slight decrease in bond a durable resin bond to YPSZ.
strength over the 2-year storage period was ob-
served, it was not statistically significant. Since a
compieteiy cohesive failure mode was found for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
both the 3-day and 2-year samples, this decrease in
bond strength is related to the degradation of the The authors wish to thank Espe {Seefeld, Germany). Hcracus Kulzcr
resin itseif, which has been shown previously in (Wehrheiin, Germany), Dciitsply/DeTrey (Konstanz, Germany), and
Kuraray (Osaka, Japan) for providing materials and equipment.
other resins.2o As already shown for glass-infiltrated
aiumina ceramic,"'•^i the resuits of this study
demonstrate that MDP promotes a water-resistant
chemicai bond to YPSZ ceramic. The phosphate
ester group of the monomer is reported to bond di-
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1, Identifying the Problem
26, Vanagida H, Kawamoto K, Miyayama M, Chemistry of Ceram-
2, Impressions for Study Casts
ics, Chichester; Wiley, 1996:225-228,247-249,
3, Master Casts
4, Selecting Maxillary Anterior Teeth
5, Recording the Maxiilomandibular Relationship
and Arranging the Maxillary Anterior Teeth
6, Arranging the Mandibular Anterior Teeth and All
of the Posterior Teeth
7, Clinical Evaluation of cheTeeth in Wax
8, Processing Acr/lic Resin
9, Adjustment and Insertion of the Dentures
10, Relining a Complete Denture
11, Immediate Dentures
12, Implant Overdenture
Appendix I, The Complete Denture;
A Step-by-Step Summary
Appendix II, Living with Your Complete Dentures

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