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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty
Senior High School
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Aquino, Keannu S.
Moyano, Neeya Dain S.
Padrid, Chister Lloyd G.
Pascan, Mencel M.,
Puzon, Reggie Mae G.
Ramires, Mark Joshua V.
Sarmiento, Mayumi C.
Simora, Karla Mae T.
Soriano, Joshua Aaron S.
Sotto, Jeanine J.
Suratos, Kayne Ghie M.
Vinluan, Emil John B.
Visperas, Vrandon Boyz R.



MAY 2021


This chapter contains Background of the Study, Statement of the

Problem and Hypothesis, Conceptual Framework, Significance of the

Study, Scope and Delimitation, and Definition of Terms.

Background of the Study

Insufficient sleep is a syndrome that occurs when you regularly fail

to get enough sleep at night. It is a result of choices you make that push

your bedtime later than when your body expects you to fall asleep. You are

normally unaware that you need more sleep than you are getting. Some

common examples are staying up to finish a movie, using your phone in

bed, and reading a book that keeps you from getting sleep.

According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders,

insufficient sleep is defined as a curtailed sleep pattern that has persisted

for at least three months for most days of the week, along with complaints

of sleepiness during the day. Further, a resolution of sleepiness complaints

is shown to follow an extension of total sleep time. Frequently occurring

episodes of insufficient sleep are associated with the experience of

unfavorable mental and physical well-being. Sleep insufficiency is

sometimes confused with insomnia, but the opportunity to sleep differs in

the two disorders (with insomnia sufferers typically being unable to sleep

despite having opportunities to do so).

The American National Sleep Foundation found that by the 12th

grade, 75% of students reported sleep durations of less than eight hours

per night. Poor physical and academic performance as well as drowsiness

behind the wheel have been attributed to inadequate sleep. Irritability and

impulsive behavior can lead to stressed professional and personal

relationships as well as stunted social development. As these young adults

are becoming active in their community, the effect of sleep deprivation is

directly influencing their lives (Owens, J. 2014).

Studies evaluating the effects of sleep on academic performance

focuses primarily on teens, adolescents, and undergraduate students. Few

studies have explored sleep habits in populations of students who are

pursuing health care degrees. Those studies that have found sleep

complaints were usual in medical students and poor sleep patterns were

related with changes in academic performance.

As years passed, sleep insufficiency of students became

commonplace. In this generation, students are likely to sleep late because

of activities, requirements, or even reviews. With this perspective, their

academic performance is highly affected by their lack of rest. Study shows

that lack of sleep will have you poor in concentration and with impaired

short-term memory. This in turn will have your reason for staying up late

to be nullified.
Moreover, a chronic lack of sleep has also been linked to weight

gain. A study by Spiegel et al. (2004) found that restricting sleep in 12

healthy men for two days, from 10 to 4 hours, resulted in a reduction in

leptin (a hormone involved in feeling 'full' after eating) and elevations in

ghrelin (hormone involved in stimulating feelings of hunger). These

hormonal changes were also accompanied by self-reported increases in

appetite and hunger, particularly for high calorie foods. Alongside this,

simply being awake longer and at odd times may, for example, give us

more opportunity to eat and limit our ability and motivation to exercise

Therefore, it was reasonable to conduct the study to gather

information about the problem and be able to find solutions that can solve

it. The study must elaborate the impact of sleep insufficiency to the

academic performance of Grade 12 STEM students at PHINMA-University

of Pangasinan.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explain the impact of sleep insufficiency to the

academic performance of Grade 12 STEM students of PHINMA- University

of Pangasinan A.Y. 2020-2021.

Explicitly, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age; and

b. Sex?
2. How many hours of sleep do the respondents get in a day?

3. What is the academic performance of the respondents?

4. Is there a significant impact of sleep insufficiency to the academic

performance of Grade 12 STEM students of PHINMA - University of

Pangasinan A.Y. 2020-2021?

Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis is generated by the researchers and was

tested in the study:

H0. There is no significant impact of sleep insufficiency to academic

performance of Grade 12 STEM students at PHINMA University of

Pangasinan A.Y 2020-2021.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic performance

of Grade 12 STEM

students of PHINMA

Sleep Insufficiency University of


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 is the research paradigm of the present study showing the

relationship between the variables involved. The independent variable is

the Sleep insufficiency, and the dependent variable is the Academic

performance of Grade 12 STEM students of PHINMA University of

Pangasinan. Therefore, it has been interpreted that sleep insufficiency has

a significant effect on the academic performance of Grade 12 STEM

students of PHINMA University of Pangasinan.

Significance of the Study

The objective of this study is to let people know about the Impacts

of Sleep insufficiency to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM

Students of PHINMA University of Pangasinan. It is beneficial to the

following people:

Students. The research will open the eyes of the students that some of

their habits like staying late at night will affect their academic performance

in a bad way. In this case, they will be knowledgeable on how they avoid

these habits.

Parents. It will give them awareness about the negative impacts of sleep

insufficiency among their child’s academic performance, so that they may

be able to keep their child from sleep loss and to give their child a limit

from staying late at night.

Teachers. It will give extra information on what system to use to instruct

understudies about the outstanding impacts of sleep insufficiency to

students’ academic performances, problem solving methodology and

decision making.

Health Specialists. This study will help medical incline specialists by

giving knowledge why students suffer from sleep insufficiency and they

will be able to give the best advice to their patients.

Community. They will be aware about what they are going through and

they will know the negative impacts of their condition to their health.

Future Researchers. The findings in this study serve as the excellent

source of relevant and useful information.

Scope and Delimitations

In the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021, a group of

researchers will conduct a study that mainly focuses on the Impacts of

Sleep Insufficiency to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM

students at PHINMA University of Pangasinan. The researchers will

provide a variety of tools and resources for gathering the necessary

information needed for the research. Moreover, the findings of this analysis

would support teachers, pupils and individuals in the broader online

school environment.
The respondents for this study will be limited to the 200 students

of Grade 12 - STEM students who are currently enrolled at PHINMA-

University of Pangasinan for the school year 2020-2021. The main purpose

is to identify the impact of sleep insufficiency to the academic performance

of grade 12 students and provide solutions for the problem. The research

will be done on the virtual learning environment of PHINMA-University of


The primary goal of this study is to identify the impacts of sleep

insufficiency to the students of PHINMA University of Pangasinan and to

provide solutions and remedies to the problem.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study are defined operationally to

give the reader a direct and better understanding on how these terms are


Adolescence - is the period of transition between childhood and

adulthood. It includes some big changes—to the body, and to the way a

young person relates to the world.

Chronic - (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long


Disease - a definite pathological process having a characteristic set of

signs and symptoms.

Inflammation - refers to your body’s process of fighting against things

that harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal

itself. When something damages your cells, your body releases chemicals

that trigger a response from your immune system.

Insufficiency - inability to perform properly an allotted function; called

also incompetence.

Impact - a forceful coming together of two things.

Psoriasis – A skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin

covered with silvery scales.

Risk - exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous


Sleep - A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which

the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so

that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external


Sleep deprivation - is a general term to describe a state caused by

inadequate quantity or quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary

sleeplessness and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

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