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Democracy is a system of government in which people participate in their governance.

in which participate in democractic matters:
· votting inelections
· finding out about pollitical issues
· discussing issues
· paying taxes
· attending political meetings
Rule of law
Rule of law means that the decision of political leaders and civil servants must be based on
law ndnot on their wishes or desire.
Ministries are special government departments.The following are some of the
· ministry of health
· ministry of general education
· ministry of defence
· ministry of home affairs
· ministry of foreign affairs
· ministry of land
The ministry of defence i the ministry that protects our countryfrom external attacks
such as :
· bomb explosios from other countries e.t.c
The world
There are seven continents of the world and these are:
· Asia
· Africa
· Europe
· North America
· South America
· Antarctica
· Astralia
Asia is a home to many people.The most populated country in Asia is likely to be
china.These are some countries found in Asia:
· China
· India e.t.c
Physical features of the world
There are many physical features of the world such as :
· Deserts
· Mountains and Hills
· Swamps
· Rivers
· Lakes
· Oceans
· Seas
There are two types of deserts.Namely :Cold Deserts and Hot Deserts
Deserts are places where nothing else but sand is found.Some deserts are cold and some
are very hot.
mountaind are very tall landscapes that are above the sea level.There are many mountains
in the world such as Mt.kilimanjaro,Mt. everest e.t.c.
The tallest mountain in the world is mt.everest and isfound in northern Asia.The tallest
mountain in Africa is Mt.kilimanjaro and is found in Southern Africa.It is found in the
country of Tanzania.there are still many features of the world to be discovered by
scientists and future generations.
Rivers and lakes
There are many lakes and rivers found in the whole entire world.Some of the rivers are
:The nile river,The river amazon and so much more.
The nile river
The nile river,Arabic BAhr,Al-NTl or NAhr ANil, the longest river in the world,called the
father of African rivers.It rises south of the equater and flows northward through the
northeast Africa to drain into the mediteranian sea.It has a lenghth of about 4,132 miles
(6,650 kilometres) and drains an area estimated at 1,293,000square miles(3,349,000
square kilometres).It's basin includes parts of Tanzania,Burundi,Rwanda,The democratic
republic of congo,kenya,Uganda,South sudan,Ethopia,Sudan and the cultivated part of
Egypt.It's most distant source is the kagera river in burundi.
The nile is formed by three principle streams;the blue nile and the atbara,which flow from
the highlands of ethopia,and the white nile,the headstreams of which flow into lakes
victoria and albert.
The name nile is derived from the greek neilos,which probably originated from the semitic
root nahal meaning a valley or river valley and hence, by an extension of the meaning a
river-unlike other great rivers known to them -flowed from the southnorthward and was in
flood at the warmest time of the year was an unsolved mystry to the ancient egyptians and
greeks.The ancient egyptians called the river Ar or Aur (coptic:laro),"black",in illusion to
the colour of the sendiments carried out by the river when it is in flood.Nile mud is black
enough to have given the land it self it's oldest name,Kem or kemi,which also means "black"
and signifies darkness.Poet homer (7th century BCE),Aigyptis is the name of the
nile(masculine) as well as the country of egypt(famine)through which it flows.The nile in
egypt and sudan is now called Al-NTl,Al-Bahr and Bahr Al-NTl or NAhr Al-NTl.

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