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Some people have dreams of going to a country because they want to work or just

tourism. Likewise, with me, I have a country that I want to visit, namely Japan. Why japan?
Because in my opinion Japan has a unique culture and technological development. Like one of
them, Japan is developing a robot to help the lives of its people, but still does not eliminate the
value of Japanese culture at all, even the culture is united with the robot.

If you want to start talks, with unknown Japanese people can say "Gomen'nasai" in the
English like "sorry" and after that, you can continue the trial as usual. If you want to talk with
Japanese people, you can start by introducing yourself by telling them about your background:
the place of birth, where you get education, extra-curricular activities, work experience, etc. You
can talk about your work, your future vision and your culture. Ask about Japanese culture. Japan
is so homogeneous that Japanese people are very interested in foreign culture. They also like
teaching foreigners about Japanese culture. The Japanese communication style reflects the value
placed on maintaining harmony. The Japanese are non-confrontational and will rarely directly
decline requests. Instead, they will reply, “It is inconvenient,” or “It is under consideration.”
They do not criticize, insult, put people on the spot or do anything that might cause
embarrassment and thus loss of face. When presenting disagreeable facts, they will do so
indirectly, making it necessary to read between the lines. Japanese people tend to shy away from
overt displays of emotion, and rarely smile or frown with their mouths because the Japanese
culture tends to emphasize conformity, humbleness and emotional suppression, traits that are
thought to promote better relationships. There are two Japanese cultural attire, namely
"Kimono" and "Yukata". Yukata functions as clothing, meanwhile, Kimono is a traditional and
formal fabric. Japanese wear Yukata at summer festivals. However, they wear Kimono at
important and formal events. The Yukata is worn without using a shirt, while the kimono uses a
shirt. Even so, in today's era for formal activities do not always wear a kimono for some who
also use suits with the usual black color. For the punctuality of Japanese people can be said to be
very sensitive if they have made an appointment for example, then they will come 5-10 minutes
before the promised time because they think it would be very impolite to make a promise to wait.

The basic similarity of Japanese people and Indonesian people are in working hard and
wanting to help people abroad, while the differences from Japanese and Indonesian people are in
enthusiasm and motivation. Japanese people if they are desperate, it will be difficult to get back
up differently from the Indonesian people.

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